NIK OMAHA r.KK: Tlil'KSDAV. onoBKU 5, lit: ")()0 Square Miles of Minnoola Is Ex-President Camera Shy f Fannus v -41 I Stock Sale Suits i Kmls in Dismissal Are CMldrei More Observkg Swept by Tirej J'orrtry ) arlmriit 'lirj Four Aclioiu Aaiiict Pcfumlj h 4 MorlfSiiji' Ctufijiaiiy Agflll to Ilt"fo it j Mmii'V Fail. i Thae, the Older Folks? L'p I.o.iii I'hhl and ! olr. 1 fforl to Sit iii5 Srlllrr. It I. puluitt, Mii.ii, l - ,,iiin-t i tm nr-ii ih'a Mom m i-..miiiii. .1 .i ! if colon . I mtink"."! Pt.a ,.4II l..lul . Ml'!.. I l.l tl lfSl.-lill.fc V Kir .nl i.-tl il. tl"l Vv. .iii.ii nip I ti1ll ell hit '-'i ! vr.l ffin ill Hie llii.ttcti"l mm t.. i,li.r. a f auMy, i"l - rfi ,l I- j ill I l.,i,,Mi,ra in lie Ilia- MttlT lfc'n r wr I" ii in4e f "' '"r rviicii'tf, i:in i rt''('il U' tiy. ,h v i.rilnu.a -lr. nihil h, ml. 4- N.irih-rn Mum ..u t t n. fM tl"Ti-1 Hh fnt lit. N..ihii it run ! Itirin. Tti y hv huriir.l Uii'k fith .th i,-h ahlfl f Hi H" " f.n W h W 1. 1. Ill hl f'TllllKlll wna viram tifiiUr h lcoma n vt rill of riMr-i'iil, extending " " !. (.f &0 iiiir fnlM. Tli" fl.iitte" hnve lrrnwl noitltra mi. I h ihirtiiiMn-il ilixiin f"i . ., i f ill Inn " Lite I M Ht. ti vinK Lvi i"'l ("f'liBl (.i.r- IS 14 tlll llM' IIIIJll'H "if ll' "Kilt i , tli" fin-miry ili piii Hii'iil I .. inn Ml t.H.IKlll. Tim C'mtri.l "f lli 1.iii.. Inn I-!! kui-ii m. Umi I" liuihlPK ! il I i t hi Hi" lire Like (i prey, Hi'1 iliinitiinMit it il. All ..ntr the ii.ii. Ik lifclit J huriilii-. In (lie lininea if lh" nlllT. Filmi er Vem kft-l'iHK "II Hinht vlfcil '"" miiMi-n Klilft In lh l'"l. r.ily In f. r. i In tha yuritH, hnin wei hitched to vnttiinia, pHd B'"l ni't I Milimtilr, ready t" move Ht Hi" tlrt . wiiinliiir. To amna tli-H Wiinilii .inn ilurlim tli ilny will to thfin It - win rollff from the wrt-k tt wi.tiliinit inn! wiiIHhr. vin thouKh It nwnnt the hum nf Hiir hwi"-. Wbut th tilllniiim toll will Ik-. mie known. Northrn MlnnfMotii ! (irryintt tonlKht fur l wlnl alitl l" l rain. 4 Two Town Tlirplnil. Ht. I'.iul. Minn.. Ort, 4-Fnl.nt flrnit In the vklnlty of the rent ml lili ilitrlit. f n mini ly wln.l. hnvH rnliml the havy tim lnr hUiiiI iinil me thrlinlnK tho Vil!ti-:e of Crnlral l.aki-K, HrinrilniR to fiifuiiniition rifflvfl liot nliht In th cflU-r- of the tiru forenK-r. Fin alHO hiive hrokfii out in th Ii.i-ito tlmlit'r titaml noiith of (.tnnmltt. ii town of cohxlilrrnliln hIz. ami l Klvinn murh apiuvlieiislim to forestry AllhoUKh tho fire in noine diHlitnie from the town liniilx. the lartte (ini lr mniiitn holder tho community -mill, If the lire Kiilns nny headway, it is hardly likely that a utaiiil rould lrf Hindu to divert the Annie from '.hl central Milineoota villuK. Kiie flghtein are iimklnif their la.t mnnd at the outHkirl of tho vlllag': of (Vnlral l-aken, hut find it difficult to make much headway in their work beoauee of tho Intense heat. I 6 V K j AtlltllUr Tl.e liift Jit. fM. iiiijiii r of Thin l the Ki-iouil ...ln of fulioef I'li'll !lll WIUoii thul i.l lieen lllkell of lillll Mine III" ntil'-d flllil t III- lll'e llotnte. It N ll!i.-. III VN'imldi.Kiori Mil.. Mr. V llri.n vim inoli.rlnt;. The only ollnr Hun one m-i for on hii In i l ir'hdii. A Queer World l'linty of Water for Wa-li Day, I Woman Would Hi Maor"a I'lalfurm DH I.amU Mat-r, llurg lar Uhjii'i't, in Jail. ; Willi ill. H. ii. . I - (ii Hi-nil I'i i -IiIiik nil. I , Jii.lK" Iwind.D. A woiiuiii ii w.ilk.nK iiimIi h wilh I ii man around he lm. In-fore ilay w.m rulii d. ; The woman wn dlaied the win i ner. Ju lne LuihIU, h Ik Ii t omiiilHnloner of liiiHeliull ii ii. I (jeii, I'linlilnif, were the flrxt of the dlKllllKUlHh. d notuM i to take their itit In the home nhoe i K..i I It J.-I f. of 'utlloniil ImwhUIK M l II It it In I i Moii.ihv when i'Mul :o k ule erie H'le illhlii. ht 1 1 ii n 'I I of III iiiiiiii in , The fuict 1 roii!.nny in Ie known In aouthweiern Iowa, nt "llolit rele," nrllnic in intent for the inortKHL-n ri.iiiniiti v, to lme aold hiioxlnilily 35,mil) worth of Pto. k in the comimny to weallhv and InfliH ntlnl rlii.. ii of 'u ond lielllhliorluK t'OUIItlrii l-'ollowlntt- the finnni Ul dimer whli h Inndei) the ui .o n v in the hninl of a receiver, fhnienen w made it d femliiiit In four auila in an attempt to recover money paid him. Dlw J. Haimm of Kvlm. la., wim thu firat to file. Ilia pitHlon allKi-d fraud and iiilnri'iiren-niaiion and aiiked for a JtidKiiirnt of II. inn ii, howen r. dioppid Hio a Hon Nhortlv ufti-rwuidH. (eii'K I. l'tU. wmlihv i ll lien of Atlantic. In., fil'd ult In thu May, r.'.'L'. term. The i-axii Went to lnal Ixt.iie Jiiilne fulllfoil lit Allanlli Thla in I Inn wan the onlv one tiled an tin 'iiilly i-ftee, tli" defendant winning out. The anil filed hy Kdwurd Johiiooti, AuiIiiIhiii. la., who Kind for $:'a."iO, WBK lllxillilO-llI. Slonday I) I'. It ki r dropped hi Ult for IS.')!!". Manv children are trvinu their skill onTheOmaha Hee"B" Puzzle" I'icturc. Several of the lists of "B" words submitted by the youngsters L,. i. i i ,, th.. de jshow an unusual power of observation. Many wise parents are aiding and en- 'TTZ:!x:t courairing their children to compete in the "B" Puzzle Picture Contest, knowing Molneit, V. i; I'lirmii'iiw-n, f . . . . ' . .. J l t ..... mat tne training in onservation tnus onraineu win pnne tM exircniL- .uuc in later years. . , Write to The Omaha Bee today for an enlarged copy of the "B" puzzle picture. It will be sent, to you free of charge. Then get the youngster! to look it over and start picking out the "B" words. Once they are interested, their astonishing persistence and skill will arouse your admiration. Incidentally, the picture will interest YOU as much as the children. Lincoln Merchant Are Swindled l Check Writer Lincoln, Oct. 4. (Hperlal.) .Seven rucceBR(uI ultempU at panning Imirua cheeks have heen reported here. The man In the caHe fcuve. hla name as Serif. J. J. Martlne, and hi atory wan that he wan the advance ttunrd of a triinil of ll5 aokliera who were travel ing over the country to favorably ad vertlMO the army. The checks, run in amounts front t'iti lo Her riulliirm. Minlim, Oii., Oil. 4-ri.nlj- ( water for wnuli day I I lie main plunk in the plal fin m ul Mn, Oraie Slinuen, who ha Imiii nnmlnali'd lor inaor of .Madrat hy one vole over . K. Johiimin, Mia, Shimert Miinoiineed hrr plal foi in In a xpen li of acceplance loility. Two moiiicm were nominated for Ihe cily rouiiril and another for 15-mile I riy retirrr. Too Faithful, Calcxlco, Oil., Oct. I. The fidel ity of a dm? fa credited ly the po- i lice for the urrcat of his fornu r muKtrr, ICola-rt rroasett, on a rhniKe of huiKlary. ! The Riiinuil, named Jerry, had gained conNldcrahle fame an a watch dii(r. C'roMM-tt Kavrt Jerry to I'reil St. Johns, who lived a block away. Phortly afterward a burglar visited the St. Johns' home and took fi from the trnuaera pockets of St. Johns mid his son while they were asleep. The imllcc, knowing Jerry's repu tation for vigilance, arrested Cros sett, his former master as, the only man who could enter the Ht. Johns' Bonne without being; attacked by the dou. They later announced rroaselt'a finner prints corresponded with prints found on articles In tho St. Johns' home. The New York National Kuar'l has 12 aces, each of whom i credited with fiye or more triumphs in nil com bsts during the world war. AO KIITIhKMKNT. AIM KKTlaf.Mr.NT. Happy Mother Tells How Children Were Restored DRESSES New ArrivaU Daily at MODERATE PRICES JidiusOrkin 1512-Dou$las St A Heal Thrill. New Wk, Oct. 4. When I'earl White, movie actress, fnlslied her afternoon's l inemalhriil-maliiiii; yes terday she relumed lo her Forty ninth street apartment to find a genu ine sliiM-k awaiting her. Iliirslars, she (old tho police last niuht, had gotten into the place during the afternoon . . i i i. aun mane aa wnn gems aim jeri!i thi'fe. children valm d at :.1,tH. Bring the Family Luncheon, li9- 45 nJ 50 Dinner . . . 50C-60 75d MELBA GRILL 2038 Farnam St., Omaha I Facts About Child-Birth AS relanst jihTlft kaa a u Uwut f we i XlMl xi a w trm tm m tiM " .4 m mmitti nMtwua aMAiH. fM iw bmiM IM Vmam (? 4., Sktu t, ! M b Jt4 . M k w-K m-m if a Wa.t rM4 fs setSa - U. 4 . " -m aa4 ' ' .. . rt.i4 i' hit aeot. 4l, -' et He (lo-ed His Window. New York, Oct. I.- Ahruham hel iKinan, owner of a Fifth u venue furrier's shop, while working near a window In his establishment today, was struck down by a steel pointed, feather lipped arrow, which Inflict ed a painful flesh wound art inch deep in hH side just ulxiva the heart. The unusual missile caiiiu into the shop obliquely through tho open upper sash of the window and investigation by detectives called by Set'icman after he had yanked the burb from his flesh, failed to disclose Its starting place or the perpetrator of the crime. fellgman returned to work after being treated at Flower hospital. He said he knew of no one who bore him malice, but he closed his window. .'resented In Kuth. Governor Allen O. Ritchie of Mary land, brother. 1'aul, head of St. Marys Industrial school of Haltiisore, snd others were presented to Jlahe Ttuth before the game. Uuth went to school at t. Marys, The presentation w as made by T. II. Jtdry. and a com mittee from naltlmore. The C.iimls were technical home folks for the ftrst game 'met were j early on the field taking a long bet i ting practice, ili-orge Kellv , first j lsii'inii of tin- illiiiils. fish..l a 'couple iiit.t the bli-rti-hei ti il ' light of IIim Ihioofc- . Mcquillan Mlfhil) Hurl j All the plnveis of the two iluu i ; is.tted in giK nunlliloii e epi M ;giillit, the tiiaiit pit. lor, who wt tllglulv hurt .v a bjit.d 1.11 in) iprsclUe jpaierdrtv, u 'ol the ' 'tone j l.r.HM two- ' , l.f and iuli. ibate sUmt ihiih-ikI fioia amnUr ; ilmeiit to tbur I.e-N. and "f i ' tea-lv . in iw ii Ii h. r u n ! lelll.l. bill Hslav. 1 1 ! .- IS.nti .J ! in lt l phi an. I lhl lMt II !H ti Wilut,e4 s. ..mUI .-u.r I. , j t,rl lUUsOkHI, io I jut mad tins. t'i n U j irnul lv. ma i vvn t i i.r Ati- ! f .III t il. Ihe t ..!rn I bj thira Mtn ! fir J a n iir of t i-mv r. I tit nd ' . .l a iiiih t fie !.. hi i li if t.fatnl I r..f It ivv t t e l i,r .e. h i I i i !. la l rpilK valuo of Taiilac as a family -1- medicine is ngafn very forcibly demonstrated in the homo of Mrs. Josephine JJeckret, J 1 2 Bank Ht., liulUmore. After (mtting this splen did tonic to the test with herself and Mrs, Deckret says: "Trinlac hn been such a great blesslm,' to myself and thrfo cliildren that It has won my lifelong prnise. My health had been so wretched for two or three mouths that I was just dragging "around, I could ueilheV eat nor sleep to do much good and had a world of trouble with indigestion. I have just finished my third bottle of T.'uiliu: and em almost a well woman ul ready. "John Frank, aged 6. and Carolina, who is 4, both complained of head aches, pains in the stomach and were very restless at night. They had no appetites, were thin and pale, and took no interest in play or anything elw. "And Joseph l'aul, 2 years old, was In just about the same fix. I could not get him to eat, he was fretful day and night, and was very thin and pale. They have taken about two bottles eai h now, and healthier happier children could not be found, John Frank has gained six pounds, t'srolini eight and little Joseph, is as fut hs a hulterhnll and playful a a. kltieu. I certainly have gsl tensons for praising Tanlac ." How Many Objects Can You Find in This Simple Picture that Begin with "B" ? Here are a few of the words: Dank, boar, ball, beads, badge, batter. Just pick out the words and write them down. We are running the "B" Puzzle Picture to increase the popularity of this paper. It is not a. subscription contest and you do not have to send in a single subscription to win a prize. If the judges award your answer the First Prize you win $20, Second Prize $10, etc. But if you want to win more than this, read the following offer: - v i - - I uni -v- r7tfimll(iliutiuiimtmimii J u f f f f n f ; f f m fTiTrn ? n n n v n Top left: l.illle ( aroliiia I lei Kiel; right, Master John Deckret; bilnw, Mrs. .losephinn lleckret, who declares Tanlac has been a blessing hi home. The experience of the lleckret fam ily is only typical of thousands of others whose statements are on file In tho Tallinn nlllces. Hardly a day passes that does lint bring scores of such messages nf praise from every part of the Cnited Hlates Hint Cana da from families where mother, father, sou aiid daughter have all found health, contentment Mnd the joa of living through simply taking a course of Tanlac. Tanlao is sold by all driiff. gist. Only Visible Objects Count Every object has been drawn plainly ho everybody can recognize it. There are no hidden objects. Every one of them is as plain as the nose on your face. You don't have to turn the picture upside down or sideways. Just look at the picture and name the objects, that's all. An enlarged copy of this picture will be furnished free of charge upon request. The person who sends us the largest and most correct list will be awarded P'irst Prize, Second Prize and so on. This picture will appear frequently in this paper until October 18, when the contest will close. But don't wait to send in your list Get it in early. You Can Win $1,000.00 If the judges award you first prize and you have sent in one bona fide new three-month subscription for the Morning arid Sunday Bee or the Evening and Sunday Bee either in Omaha, Council' Bluffs or any town outside Omaha or Council Bluffs where The. Omaha Bee has carrier de livery service; or one bona-fide new 6-month paid-in-advance subscription by mail you will receive $500 instead of $20, second prize $250, etc. (See second column of figures in prize list.) ( Isn't this a fine offer? It only takes two bona-fitle new subscriptions by carrier or two bona-firle new six-month subscriptions by mail to qualify for the bit? $1,000 award. A new subsuription is one for a person who wa.i not taking The Omaha Bee on September 12, 1922. You do not need to send any money with a subscription tovbe delivered by currier. The carrier boy will attend to the collectinfr. Mail subscriptions must be accompanied by a remittance for $2.50 for each six-month subscription sent in, as all mail subscrip- l1M.;tions are payable in advance, i Send in your subscriptions as goon as y'u tret them, whether your "B" list is ready or not. Kemetuber, the subscriber wants the paper to start right away and might cancel your order unless you turn it in promptly. The Prizes: Winning Answer Will Receive Cash Prizes as Follows: 15 Grand Prizes 1st Prize . . 2d Prize . . 3d Prize . . 4th Prize. . Prize. . Prize. . Prize . . Prize. . Prize. . 10th to 15th Prize . . . 5th Sth 7th Sth 9th Class A Prlrei Given if fiO ' are sent. .$20.00 . 10.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 . 3.00 . 3.00 . 3.00 . 2.00 Class B Class C PriMi Given if 2 bona-fld it bona-fMe ttw 3-month nw 3-month rrfr tub crrfor ub- crtptiont r criptioa r tw bona-fM ona bin-ftf new 6 -month fitw 6-month w ubtcrtp mall lubicrlp- Horn mrm nt Hon if tent In. In. 2.00 $500.00 250.00 125.00 100.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 $1,000.00 500.00 250.00 200.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 Use the Coupon Below to Qualify Your List if You Want to Com pete for the Bigger Prizes r Don't cut CORNS Ik. n't cut t.ii nor cj''...hmii fuol W'ilniriMiV avsis Nut a meihoil it ..t iftiHit and ilon't tt t tin V4te. lb, Sihi.'l'l Zino-)U.I, n .! ..i.vrf , t..p hurii" iitMimlt; I" ir hf ..- t mi. r. 'I iw !ilf . H ! H kt I kin; miin ; llf lfli.ul, ,l.' H'l' I b"- . At uia''i i l . t. DsSchoIls Zino-pads tut P - M It fuas Subscription Blank CARRIER ORDER jT MAIL SUBSCRIPTION Heliver tka Mnrnlnf and 5ua day or Evening and Sunday Hea lo me far three month.. (Specify edition wanted.) F.nrloted $2. 50 fnr mantht ub.rriptinn to Ihe Daily and Sunday Bee. OBSERVE THESE RULES 1. Any woman, boy or girl. wm U not tin employe nf The Omahi He rr a mem ber of an miKiye'g (umily, may submit an auwer. It emt notliiiitr to try. 2. AH aimem muni h niltd by Octubrr H, 1022, ami tent to Thu ()imba He 4. A1J iL fit' nantt t-huuitl be written on one tin of th paner only and num- be- rortriet'Utivdy I, R, elc. Write yrur full ntme and eihlrelj in em-h pawe in v.Dlrr riff ht-h find iornri. 1 not write nubaeriber'i nane or anyth'iif ele on the iani paper wilh itt of word : ue Ke)iart iheet. 4. Only nrda fund in the Webtrr' I nahridirrd Pirtiuiiary v ill be muiitrd. On not ue tilidete word. I'e etther the intuiar or pi urn I, but where fh plural ' the ninirular tu limit b" counted, and vire era. 14 ftol u hyphenat-i or torn pound wordf, or any word formd by the mmbinatton of or more complete Kngltih wi.rd. where earn word in !fe!f i a ieparat( ohert. Whrn an objert rati be roe rectlv failed by two or more namm, any oee ot ui'h iiarnc will tie rutin ted ae a word. Nutf - r.iplanation of third nenlen-e in Itul 4. ho not me a hyphenated word which it farmed of to or tnure pompieie Kn"lth ord. whrte rath word in itself la a -rpiiafe tbjrt in the po-tute. liu it u a rump'-und word whnh m fnrmrd of twn i' noiv enniptrte r.f iih w oral w bere rrh word t" itrif a a aeparata object In thf t ictue. lo tint u aity wrd whuh fa formrd of (o or mure eontpMe r-"n-'Ub, where erh wtrd tn Hrif ia a ftpmat otij -- in the flrturt, .j Wordt ttf lb ata p liitm ran hv ud ukK oik e, rn though ud o d' nfa. dtffut obti-t A.t oi'j ( ran h immtd on if wnf , b'weer, sto pat tt ioe a'lio b- (iA'nfil la initiitttf the aea'd ea h Ut w. l b niunUifii i-l-ly upon m t mf'H UHoire-t witd -uMt at,aptt ihe r(ntitt mtH a a rrre-i w.d nit in th oi'f. 'not ' ( a w 1 hrivrr, ti ia t et y iiu .nia iti u- in m ii ff lok-tu.ttf in a fiat, 7. Ie atiavr havtne the lars.wi of wurdv whoh t-tntilt nau-e je ti A.Ur ijuliiv (luh t" I -i In fnmt ofnJ behind K ta-fvh Utfl DAUME DENGU13 (AaAimtittvi ll h u tttk tlitf Al any (Vug "M.. Kp a ul ItanJt 1W tw it t iifc, N. I Am. A ! M'll. . ,' It.. r CASTORIA In use For Over 30 Tcars ifi4Mi t Culicura Soap -r i a? a - 'iiicnairi) Kmnr Shavin Soap . . I 1 HER 1 v 0M rHINT, 1)0 NOT WRITE NAME AND ADOKKSS 1 N r. O Na N. i Cradil Tai SiiK.ttriptija la i ' 4. Jr... -mmmmmm a-HBBaaMBaa M - in ii mmmmmmmmm my f ! f iu i . I.. .u Ota ( I'tf Mt Whnh rH W M tl 1 h U I !tf CMUtrtV WfdB, Wlil Ue aaliira f'f( p(l W (atdtlaie Hmr tfn4Mf a'- i at-i-tertt. iKe umV ht tn,r vi-r lMr t,i , hi4-hu.d, bur il( fi b ataf'ttd . ' " f riitti jtiOhl uf tie fawiiir -ri t i or m -.e ha h wran tf !.'- tii the ef ol a ( f- ir tfe tt, ad. tha luU a '' b id in a b t bf '?t eht- !' tf i D t'.'f Tbe lob ae i 1 (!. hi m.-H tf tAie tt. a' r fe -i' tew 9a, $ k .-. tt et a e anl t--t ik T e M ba lhi'tM 1'. a refvK'it a4 aii'. aa V ikt w-.-ej f ta a I ( aJ ii rtk a ae 4 osvi't f,db.w. ' ' e4 ateat a e .tti cf wd w fe -ie t be aa "4 a I t'ha rwi a a Ibeteafee a s THE fMUirn BSE