The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 03, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Christ ians' Cries
in Smyrna for
Food Met by Lush
Muthrrt Stand Waist-Prrp in
tWatrr Holding II tie Aloft
Wonirn and Oirl
Yiolatcil. Oct. ! Ry A T.)
The (rim of the Christian rrfugne
f ttmtrna tr water anI food ar met
by a Turkish lh," nld Jr. teiher
l.nvK.y of New York, president of
tli Ainrirffi Women's hospital, who
h Jnt returned her after a week'a
survey nf th stricken elty. Pr.
Iir)iy dnluml Hint th world ha
nd l-.-n told tlie real tory of fir
atit tinrror.
"Tlor si still several hundrd
thousand Christians lit Smyrna anil
thf int- rlor, w hose lives are In irll.
f ir tli tim limit t the evacuation
has expired." she said. "Only I'rovb
times know their will be.
The crowd on th uuay or o treat some of tiirm nr pushed into
tht sea, Wmi. . ii stand wuiHt deep m
the w.iter lolling their table aloft
In their anna to mv them from
"Turkish sillier ar systematical
ly rolling I he nun and wrenching
linva fnmi w omen a fine;, i s.
"At night the Turkish soldiers
commit rcri.e against women and
girls. Only when searchlight from
the ihli in th harbor ar turned
(ill thf in i1o thry diit,
"Ther wer more than 100 mothar
liu gsv birth to babies. Horn wrrt
delivered while standing. I attendl
runny. Koine of the Infants died,
within nn hour from exposure hut the
tuulhi'i cluiiK liltlfully to th bodies
Of their little thing."
Dr. I.oveJy Mid tliat a Turkish
soldier, mistaking her fur a Greek
woman, struck her hravlly with th
butt end of a rifle and left a mark
Thin soldier waa about to atrlke her
attain when an American officer In
Wife GftH Divorce Decree
to Be Free to Go to Church
Kuthryn Htelnkamp was awardeit
a divorce from Ky Htrlnkamp by
lllHlrli t Judge dona yesterday on alle
gation of cruelty. She got a decree
of tepurute maintenance a year ago.
They became reconciled later but
again were unable to agree and ahe
aued for divorce.
She testified that her husband and
hit father, Adolph Stelnkamp of Man
)"y. Neb., interfcrred with her coins
to church.
Roy la mild now to be In California.
The queitlon of alimony waa left open
by the court until he returns.
Fall Track Practice
Starts at Husker Camp
Lincoln, Oct 2. Full track practice
began at the University of Nebraska
Monday under the direction of Coach
Henry V. Kchulte. Thla practice !
especially arranged for first year men
to give them ground work In univer
sity grade track taction. The squad
reporting waa ao large that the coach
called In a number of auuaoned track
men to aoslat In the Instruction.
Nothing else
With a good appetite
and a generous help
ing of Heinz Spaghetti
before you nothing
else matters. For
there's the tang and
flavor the appetite
craves and the body
building nutriment the
system demands.
Ready cooked in a de
licious tomato sauce.
fttady cooW, rtady to mrv
"913 771 VI XI AM
sVai-MsakiT lOilli lllfllllllT J
kMMM..- r.l-NH ll
- tea
llM Ilka ru
f Mt 4
M Ml -
- I If
MMa Ptht
I Mm nark
Mk. ( llt(M MN W if
l.t fmnh kVr4 it 11 UWi
Comfort Your Skin
and Fraf rant Talcum
Dancer and Husband Allowed to Enter U. S
After a
New Voik. Oct. 2. Illy A. T.) Ua-
iliua Iiuncan and her exulwrant
young MM't huaband. Merge Yemtenln,
were perniltted to land lit the I'nlted
Klntes tiKlay after th department of
JiiKtlre had detained them 21 houra to
urn whether th dancer, who ar
rived from Mimcow flundity, waa a
ourlcr for the Iluaainn novlet gov
Isadora w In a bad humor tonight
and she didn't reveal much happiness
over finally being: allowed to enter th
'They held me because I rame from
Moscow," sho enld. "What did they
a-k me? Oh, they wanted to know
If I was a classical dancer. I told
them I didn't know, because my danc-
ng la peraonul. They wanted to know
what I looked like when I danced.
How did I know? I never saw myself
Suniecled of Soviet K'nvoy.
It was officially stated that broadly
speaking, the department of Justice
detained the dancer because of her
long reHidcnce In Kussla and gonsip
Hughes Declares
Stand in Near East
Says Government Ha ' Not
Failed in Any Way to Tale
Appropriate Action.
Washington, Oct. 2. Secretary
Hughes declared tonight, in a cable
message to Dr. James Cannon, Jr.,
bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
church, south, who is In Paris, that
the American government, in refer
ence to the near east situation, "has
not failed in any way to make the
sentiment of the American people
understood and to take every appro
priate action."
'The executive," Mr. Hughes add
ed, "has no authority to go beyond
this and there has been no action by
con cress which would Justify this
government in an attempt by armed
forces to pacify the near east or to
engage in acts of war in order
to accomplish the results you desire
with respect to the Inhabitants of
that territory and to determine the
problems which have vexed Europe
for generations."
The message was in reply to one
from Bishop Cannon under date of
September 30, in which he declared
his personal belief that "Christian
America will lnfilst the government
of the United States cooperate and
actively protect Christians in Asia
Minor, not only diplomatically, but if
necessary with army and navy to
secure their result."
Inspector to Probe Closing
of Consulate in England
London, Oct. 2. (By A. P.) Th
situation rising out of the recent
closing of the American consulate at
Newcastle-On-Tyne again Is agitating
the minds of Anglo-American business
men with the arrival in London of
Nelson P. Johnson, American consul
inspector, from Washington.
Mr. Johnson will make a thorough
review of th case and render a de
tailed report to Secretary Hughes,
who will then act on the matter. It
is understood no question of the re
opening of the consulate will be in
volved In Mr. Johnson's Investigation,
which Is to be mad merely with the
Idea of reviewing the facts. The con
sulate property in Newcastle already
bus been placed on th market for
Goat at Grand Island
Given Hootch by Trickster
Orand Island. Neb.. Oct. J. (Spe
cial rWhy Percy, trick goat under
th management of a woman going
under the name of Anna IeKovn,
performed strng antic tranger
than booked at th recent county
fair, and why in on of th final
hor race two cf th animal went
en another speed tear, hs rcntly ,
com to light.
om trickster entertained Tttff
from a bottle Just befor hi act and
two Jockeys, each without th knowl- i
eif of th othr. doped th other'
d. Hut It put a lt ef thfit: Into j
h county fir program which ram
out of a rlar sky a well out ft
4 bottle
!KvYar.lnutrr at Frrment I
I Killed iul,in I War I
i rt.rm -J. hw J.Utns.tna. , flow
f ..... I
Iter iitiiiMrfj mm I irm"nt, I
lUUv lnirt lUK wilehiag
t in th ktwl Jfl IU 'i.i' I
hlHll tt t-tf
1 Kil-t"H immM tai!rl Work
th .S-fiiiHiira lit l H
j Mi't VK..i ! Iml wuH tHt
. r t i "i ti i f ) .1.1,1 .r
; f )i!-n ) U In HIT M f
i4i,.l. h4 K rt t I
i llMttef n4 I 'H tin
j tHvHiNf in
ill II llvJrNl tt
( wMa
... !. f- tmm. tt
k ti-mmmmH - 4 S wMiit
a. a. L T as i ma., Pm ftMi a i tii .
24-Hour Sojourn
that connected her with the soviet
government and because It wua sup
ported thut she might b a courier for
th soviet on her ostensible dancing
tour of this country.
It waa a fretful day for Isadora. She
waa kept an busy and nagged ao
much, she complained, that she didn't
have a bit of nourishment all day ex
cept on cup of ruffe at breakfast,
rtrat, she said. Immigration author!
tie hauled her around th pier and
bothered her with quest lorn about her
luggage. Then she was rushed to El
lis Island with her husband and the
Inquiry consumed most of the after
noon. Her New York lawyer, Nathan 8.
Ooldberger, and her American mana
ger, K. llunok( worked all day in Ig
norance. They complained that no
one would tell them what charge, If
any, had Im-cii filed against th
dancer. They loafed around the Ellis
Island corridors all afternoon, watch
ing the Immigrants, the sparrow on
the lawn tnd the Ktatun of Liberty.
Husband Una (iood Time,
After a long wait Isadora and her
Spillman'g Speaking
Engagements Revised
Speaking dates of 8. O. Hplltman,
republican nominee for attorney gen
eral, have been revised. He will not
speak today at Cheney, Bennett,
Panama, Firth, Hickman and Itoca,
but will fill those engagements later
in the campaign. He will speak at
College View at 8 tonight. The
Walton date scheduled for 8 a. m.
Wednesday har been scratched and
will be filled la r in the campaign.
His engagement tt speak at Dunbar
late Wednesday afternoon and at Ne
braska City Wednesday night, have
been canceled because of the big
Theodor Hoosevelt meeting In
Omaha on that evening.
Handwriting Expert Says
Note in Mineola Case Forged
Mlneola, N, T., Oct. 2. A handwrit
ing expert, called by counsel for Wil
liam M. Creasy of Fort Thomas, Ky.,
now on trial for the murder of his
former sweetheart, Miss Edith Lavoy,
testified that one of the numerous
letters alleged to have been written
by the girl was a forgery.
"Can love be forced?" the letter
asked. "Would you want a wife who
would not love you?"
The case probably will go to the
Jury late tomorrow afternoon.
Republican Candidates
Candidate for U. 8. Senator, and
Candidate for Governor.
Scotia 9:00 a. m.
Greeley 10:45 a. m.
Spalding 1:30 p. m.
Petersburg 3:45 p. m.
Elgin 6:15 p. m.
Albion 8.00 p. m.
Lindsay 9:00 a. m.
Humphrey 10:30 a. m.
Madison 1:00 p. m.
Pierce 3:15 p. m.
Plainview 5:30 p. m.
Creighton 8:00 p. m.
Wausa 9:00 a. m.
Crofton , . .
Coleridge . ,
Laurel . . . .
Wayn . . .
.11:00 a. in.
, .11)0 p. m
. .3:30 p. m.
, ,5:00 p. m,
..8:00 p. m.
Candidate (or Congress.
Newport 9:00 a. m.
Uassett 11:00 a. m.
Long Pin 100 p. m.
Alnsworth 1:00 p, m.
Johnstown, 10 a. m. to 11 . m.
Woodiak. 13 to 2 30 p. m.
Valentine, 4 ID and vning.
Norden ,10:J a. m.
Mprlngvlew ...Non to oo p, m,
Hutte ,,,,.1:04 p. m. and Kvenlng
O. . MMU-MN-, for Altnmey
liensrsl, and
f. V KtMUl t.
Hepublksn Candidal ft Kail ay
f mttmlMtoner,
foiieg iw I ea p m
nCDNt:t)AT, CVT. 4
M jli.m , I 'Hi m
-' 1 U a f
f tlmvr , It 1 a w
t'na-blla 1 p. m
Ktro I r
o.h P
Till f'.tt'AT, " T I
re , . . im m
Hvan,i:a , .... It a IK
N.. .- it in, M I ' f HV
K' ,l-f J H f n
f , 1 w
:m , , r
: 4 .y
M .m.-M4 I P-
Hotuk-PayWhfin Curd
. t 4 V-M
at Ellis Island
smiling young husband; who la I
years her Junior, walked out of the
Inquiry chamber and spread the kihh;
new. Isadora n petulent and hun
gry. The roues she carried were
drooping and dying and her bobbed
henna locks needed brushing. On her
feet wit blzarr Itussian boot am:
htr gown, trimmed with white lamba
wool, was a stunning thing of black
and red and grey stripe over an or
ange bodice.
She had very little to say, but
young Kerge, who look quite like an
American and much less than his L'S
years, was laughing and chatting and
having lots of fun swapping soma of
hi knowledge of Krenrh and Itussian
for American slang.
They sat on the tipper deck of the
Ellis Island ferry Isadora and 8crg
on the way back to Manhattan and
their hotel. Isadora gave one bored
glanc at th famous skyline, softened
by the haze of twilight, and turned
her head. I3ut Merge gave It hi At
tention. He said it was great, the
most beautiful city he had ever seen.
He even threatened to wrlto a poem
about It.
SfiOO "Hell Hole"
in Chicago, Says
Fired Law Enforcer
Chicago, Oct. 2. Kev. J, II. Wil
liamson, recently dismissed as law
enforcer for Chicago, a $10,000 a
year position created by Mayor Wil
llum Hale Thompson, preached Ills
first sermon yesterday since he left
th city hall, and assailed conditions
id the city. He said Chicago Is "rot
ten from 111 center to Its circum
ference." He said there are more than 5,000
"hell holes" operating throughout
Chicago under guise of coffee shops.
"And," he added, "last year Chi
rugo collected only 13,600 out of
SI, 944,444 of forfeited bonds most
of them criminal cases. The crimi
nals are protected; their crime ring
makes them Immune."
Irish Irregular Troops
Show Increased Activity
Dublin, Oct. 2. (By A. P. Irreg
ular troops are showing increased
activity. Small attacks by them have
been reported from vorlou points.
They were repulsed by the regulars
at the barracks at Mulllngar and
Cavan this morning.
In the fighting at Mulllnger two re
publicans are reported to have been
killed. At Cavan more than 70 regu
lars made up the attacking party. The
main gate to the barracks was de
stroyed by the explosion of. a mine
and then the irregulars opened a
heavy fire from three directions on
the nationals. There were no casual
Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo
Will Help You
Never mind how often you have
tried and failed, you can stop burning,
itching Eczema quickly by applying
Zemo furnished by any druggist for
35o. Extra large bottle, $1.00. Heal
ing begins the moment Zemo Is ap
plied. In a short tlmo usually every
trac of Eczema, Totter, Pimples,
Rash, Blackheads, and s.milur skin
diseases will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making
it vigorously healthy, always ' use
Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic
liquid. When othera fail It Is the one
dependable treatment for skin troubles
of all kinds.
Cheaper than it was last year
Th tarn Clean, Hot, Blow.
$1.50 below lut jrw' price
per ton. Immediate delivery.
Be screened t eur yard.
Other Big Fuel Values!
Otnuin Rock Spriagi-Lump,
$13 50; Nut, $12.60; Tetroleum Cr.
bon, $16,00; Cheroket Nut, $U 00
Call ATlantic 7212
I il I W I 1 w , a-lX
J JW.JUI 'Va J t
MTC.OOOAMO WrHte)k.ATr1 rOVUT rXlvM A00l
t?it Fpkw It. Qraat.J FSr. IkuuU IS'.J:
U. S. in Throes of
Political Revolt
Senator Declares
'Industry tflarins I'mlcr
Iiupiisitorial Lav," A. O,
Stanley 'IYlls National
Grain Dealer.
New Oi leans, M :. Ann-rlu Is
in the throes of a "political revolution
that thriMlen the miv life of the
nation," Hcimlur A. O. Mauley of Ken
tuiky dcrliiii'l before thx lirttln Ii-
era' National association today.
rleiintor htmiley trairil wliu t he
termed "the drift towitrd socialistic
litws." iikwiibol govvrnmerit Inteif.-r
rni'ii with buslnes and dnrlnrH the
hour hn iirrived when all lii.lui.iiy
is "literally sl.iggerlng'' under the op
pressliin of Imiulsltiill'il laws.
Kenittor titnnlry said politician
considered It their prlvllrg to tinker
with the f iinilnineiiliils nn wlilih the
biislne nt i in-1 inn It bulldi-d. and
"thut this Is more dniiKeruu than a
quack diH lor tinkering with th hu
man limly."
"And they dill themselves progre.
slve, the men who mistake the netting
for th rising sun. Tiny are trying
the same tilings that were tried and
fulled III European t-ountrlea centur
ies ego."
Instead of government getting out
of business, H. nator Htiiiilev asserted,
the liHiiilsitorliil c la bi-iinr turned
upon th butcher, the Iwker, and
every other Individual In business,
with the destruction of self discipline
and self government.
'Ther ar now pending In con
gress, 20 lulls telling you and me how
to sell grain arid meat iiml potntixs
and other things; asinln measures
by men w ho know nothing of market
ing." He added that there were 60
other bills pending which provided
addltlonnl governmental control.
G. 0. P. Senatorial Body
to Hark Smith W. Diookhart
He Moines, la Oct. 2. B. B. Burn-
qulst, chairman of the slat central
oimnlttce of tho party, announced
yesterday that the resources of the
national senatorial commute of the
republican party will be thrown Into
th light to elect Cl. c'mlth W. Brook
hart to the I'nlted States senate.
Burnquist declared that the two re
publican national committee In Chi
cago "are greatly interested In the
election of Col. Brookhart and ask
the republicans of Iowa to maintain
the republican majority In the United
Mates senate by his election."
Chairman Burnqulst announced
8enator Medlll McCormlck of Illinois,
cnator Thomas Sterling of South
Dukota and Senator Arthur Capper
of Kansas will come Into the state
within the next few weeks to cam
paign1 in Brookhart's favor.
Mining Taxes Postponed
Chicago, Oct, 2. As If not enough
the reopening or mines and the re
sumption of vacated titles to mining
property, President Obregon Saturday
Issued a decree postponing the pay
ment of mining taxes until the first
next year.
Within u few years the ail rail
out from Cairo to Cape will be com
.50 up
Trad Your Old Stov for New.
Howsr 3t, B.twa.a Ittn n IStk
Per Ton
B.. If Oak
Burner JKa, Heater
- f
Western Roads
Ready to Sign
Wage Agreements
M. Jrffrrai of 1'nion Pacific
Successful in Conference
With Trainmen and
Chicago, Oct. 0y A. Pe-Ap
ruitiitrly 49 roads west of th Mis
sissippi river, embiaclng all th prill-
(ipal currier in Ihl section, tonight
- reported ready to sign n agree
ment with th Brother!""! of it
road Trainmen and the Order of Hall
way Conductor, continuing th pre
nt rate of pay and rule with om
eight change fur another year, N-
g ..I i t ions began this morning be
tween a commute of executives head
ed by W, M. Jeffers, general lnun-
wger of th I'nloll Purine, W. (J. Ie,
head of th tiKlninen and L. K. Hhep
pard, leader of th conductor.
Only two main point wer at Is
sue, Mr. I,e .aid, and named the
(tcrtim and rate of pay. Ho wild
Ih discussion today was friendly and
all indication pointed to th fact that
the agreement would b formally
reached Tuesday. Th brotherhood
committees met tonight and It was
understood virtually accepted the
propos.tlnn with th exception of
some slight change In rule, to be
worked out,
Takrn lo I-abor Board.
At present member of th train
men' nnd conductors' organizations
received tlm snd one half psy for
overtime after th eighth hour. Th
roads have attempted to do away with
this punitive overtime and have car
ried th dispute, along with WHg dl-
agreements, to th labor board, The
two organization also hav sought
aid from the board In dispute on
these point. Any agreements
reached, Mr. Lee Mid, will provide
for withdrawal of all auch cases. ,
. Mr. Jeffers, while refusing to dis
cuss the meeting for publication, In
timated that the proposition were
"mutually agreed to" and that new
contracts were assured.
Expert Derision Today.
A decision on the plea of more than
400,000 maintenance of way employes
for Increased rates of puy, recently
argued before the United Htutes rail-
l ilHfefcyJ
The Essentials of a Wardrobe
Expressive of Individuality
The selection of one's fall and winter apparel
is a matter of thoughtful consideration.
So, to those women who are desirous of learning
the whimsical ways of Fashion and who realize
the necessity of a superior knowledge in order to
choose wisely, Thompson, lk-lden & Co. extend
an invitation to view their comprehensive show
ing of tho fall ami winter mode an interpre
tation of the most recent styles.
Outer Apparel Millinery
Furs Fabrics Accessories
ru-l U r Uid by I: K litll, pre
S. drill of fill l-nll.lLltiiO, IS t"' I
TUrwUt . Th Blllioltlu rlllrllt .i
ni4. t th Ubor board tml.iy atier
no ruber h I winknl hII duy on th
No stairiiieiii wi ma. I.) on wlut
the ilc.-.i.'n iniglit im, but It was gen
erslly undnsiisul that Ih majority
of th iHwtid fiv..r increasing th
pirsroi iiiin.inuni nf pay ranging
front Si to SS rent in hour,
Conicted RobLxr
Says Holdup Was Joke
Lincoln, O.I. : THHpeclal I At
torneys for Prli Cameo, Norfolk
insn. wer In uptem court today
asking for a new trial for him. lie
wna ronvli-led of highway robbery,
and hi defense 1 thai t ns all
Jok. II and a friend named Klesner,
ho was acquitted, drank a lltlla
moonshine, and then decided lo test
Ih rourag of a pl named John
Ihilm-, who had tmasted what lie
would do If anybody tried to hold
him up. In th darknes they nil
tlok Carl J. Reed, a brakeman, and
took from Mm money and a watch
Thn attorneys claimed that Judge
Allen, who tried the ra, wrongly
Interpreted the law when h said
ther la no such a thing a a fake
holdup and that a man act must
h taken to Indicate hi Intention.
Th attorney uld tbeir client was
fool all right, but they urged that
that I not an offense punishable by
from three to 15 year In prison.
Mason Wheeler, for th elate, said
that a sense of humor does not ren
der an accused man Immune from
criminal liability, that Judgn Allen, In
plln of what he said, allowed the
Jury to hear ('arrlro'a story and that
the Jury did not believe It. He said
th fact that tho men did not return
the brakeman hi effects was a con
victing clrcuniMlanee. Cnrrlco' at.
(orney challenged this. He said the
men were so badly scared when their
Joke missed fur that they did not
know what to do with the effects.
Son of California Attorney
General Dies in Wreck
Ban Franoleco, Bet. 2. Slgel O.
Webb, son of Attorney General V.
S. Webb of California, was killed and
an unidentified man was Injured,
probably fatally, n an automobile ac
cident here last night. The car was
sldeswiped by another, the driver and
owner of which were unidentified.
Webb fell before a street car and his
body was badly mangled.
Russia Protests
Allied Blockade
of Dardanelles
So i-t Government Charge!
Ship leaded With Good
in V. S. ami Furojie Rout
ed Through Strait.
Moeriiw. Oct. 5. i fly A. I'.r-TI
mm let Kustlan got eminent ha sent
a not to England, franc and Italy
protesting agslnst I be blockade ol
Hie Dardanelles and intUtliig upon
Hi remittal of all restriction In Ih
Ire passage of trading ship through
the st rails.
Categorically "protesting against
thn blorkad fixed by England Willi
out Russia's ktiowlmlg and against
ItiiHslu' Interests," th nol clt.-i
Hi, it thl action was taken whiU
Russia was endeavoring to reestab
lish her own economics, destroyed by
war, nnd Intervention arid after un
successful attempt by the European
countries to re-establish Ih Worlds'
economics through Ih lieno and
Il.igUM conference.
"The Russian government," th
communication continues, "hs placed
order with Europesn coantrle and
America. Th majority of the al
ready r loaded upon ship which
are designed to b sent through th
strait to th Block Sea ports."
Fremont Cafe Man
Accidentally Shot
Fremont, Neb., Oct, 2. (Special
Telegram.) Sam Gamble, proprietor
of a restaurant and rooming house,
waa painfully injured when a yegg,
man' "palm" gun, In th hand of
an employe, was accidentally dis
charged, sending a ,33 bullet through
Gamble's Jaw.
The weapon, used by lawbreakers
and expert gunmen, was found by
an employe In a room recently
vacated by a stranger. Ignorant of
the fact that the pecular looking;
object was, a firearm, the employ
waa trying to determine what the
curious arrangement might be. Ho
unwittingly touched the spring that
released the bullet, wounding Gambia
and throwing the restaurant Into an
uproar. Gamble was taken to th
wher th wounds wer
I dressed. He will recover.
- v
T m eatrt jiiM
Wm nm'm. W 1 m mm