The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 29, 1922, Image 3

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    nim ftSns M lasemsinill
Community Silverware
French Gray "Primrose" Pattern N
This is n standard pattern ami carried in uur
stocks at nil time. Nothing in its range is quite
m pood as Oneida Community Par Plate Silver
ware. This excellent A-l plate is named Par
Plate because it gives 100 per cent value and
wear. Kach piece is guaranteed for 10 years of
everyday pemce.
26-Piece Mahogany Finished Chest, 8.90
Containing 6 knives, (i forks, 6 tablespoons, teaspoons,
a butter knife and su?nr spoon. Sold regularly for 16.50.
Tcapoon, et of U
teert Spoon, net of nil
Table Spoon, net of nix,
lloulllon Snoonx, net of tlx
I ream Ladle, one In box
lirttf In die, one In box
Sueur Spoon, one In box
flutter knife, one In box
( old Heat torkt
Berry Spoon
Butter Spreader, i. t of tlx
Malad forks, set of alx
Baby Spoon, one In box
Knives and Forks, six of each
I'blld'i Set, knife, fork and ruoon
Basement South
Regular Price. Sale Prlee,
175 .8ft
3.50 1.8ft
3 75 l.ft8
10 .
..' .Sft
50 .2ft
1 35 ,7ft
-'.' 1.15
3.7.-. 2.25
"3 2.08
75 39
2 .ou 1.25
!l i V
II , 1 I i in. . ,,i u u i
III' I ll .1' .t.'ll. l
Low Priceg on Ready-to-Wear Apparel
Light Weight Wraps for Fall Wear
If you are needing a light weight cape, wrap or coat for imme
diate wear, here is your opportunity to secure a splendid value
in these good style garments of silk or wool:
At 4.88
A I 9.88
Knit capes with fringe lot-
:lonis ami all wool eoats in
faiicv plaids and mixtures.
().()() 1o 10.00 values.
Silk lined wraps, novelty eoats,
capes with fringed bottoms,
heavy taffeta mats pood look
ing garments, just right for'
now. 10.00 to H.r0 value?.
Women's All-Wool
Great for biking those fine
fall days. Sizes for women
and misses; marie of effec
tive mixtures and novelty
ejoth. $3 and $G O OQ
values. Kach WOt
All Silk and Satin Bloomers, All Silk and Silk
Flounced Petticoats. 2.50, $3, 3.50 Values.
A very special value is offered in these Wi petti
coats and bloomers; desirable dark shades 1 QQ
to wear with fall frocks and suits. Kach J-t7 V
All Wool Pull Over Sweaters
A great many attractive styles and color combina
tions. So comfortable to wear those dajs when the
weather is a bit uncertain. AVorth i QQ
2.50 to 4.00.
Basement East
Fibre Silk
A largo assortment of plain and
fancy i y leu, MlmmoMc and Jiali
itt models In belted tuxedo or
x)iiover Htyloa villi fringed and
fancy trimmed bottoms. ome
One all wool plain worsteds nnd
novelty tuxedoa. 11 QQ'QQ
to $ value. Kaeh pO0
The Kind That Keeps Them
Coming to The Brandcis Stow
for "More of the Same."
SERVICE! A word that will make you or break you,
That carries a wallop and pack a bouquet;
That's willing: to work with you, eager to take you
Along on the road to the heights of today;
Only demanding a smile and a greeting
Whenever a customer enters the door,
Letting him know you are glad of the meeting
And happy to know that he's come in the store.
SERVICE! A word that the merchant can play with,
A salesman can use in promoting his wares;
One that a seller can quickly make hay with
And lift from his ahoulders a burden of cares;
A word that was coined for the pride of the buyer,
To tickle bis vanity, gladden bin soul ;
To prove that with you he's not taking a flyer,
But planks down his coin as a regular role.
SERVICE! The one thing that brings men together
The one with the gold and the one with the goods;
That clears up the skies and creates sunny weather
And steers the retailer right out of the woods ;
Service a cheery, whole hearted endeavor
To please and to build and to make good the name;
Completing the quality line forever
And keeping thetn coming for "more of the same!"
C. P. McDonald in The Philadelphia Retail Ledger.
Friday Sale of
Fall Undergarments
For Women Who Require Large Sizes.
Comfortable Undergarments for cooler weather of outing flannel
shown In a splendid assortment, featuring extra alzca for Btout
Women's anil Misttes' Outliiff Vlannef Gowns Cut full and long
from splendid outing flannel In white and blue and pink patterns.
Nicely made and sewed to, stay. Kegular sizes, In two groups,
specially priced 99 and 1,49
Extra slies, special, at 1.80
Extra Slie Sateen Bloomers Made of high luster sateen in black
and colors, double stitched and reinforced crotch with elastic
knee and waist. Special 1.29
Etra Size Outing- Flannel IVttleoats Made of good quality mate
rial In light or dark shades. Each 69
Efctre Slie Cotton Taffeta Tettlcoats In attractive patterns, 99t
Extra Stxe Apron Frocks Made of standard percales, Martha'.
Washington styles, rick rack trimmed, large pockets and wide
sashes to tie. One style open front, the other open back. Good
apron frocks for large women at two reasonable prices. Special
for this sale 1,29 and 1.4ft
Basement East
Sale of Domestics and Blankets
Assorted Remnants 5,000 yards of
gingham, cheviot, percale, cretonne
and other similar cotton material in
useful lengths. Specially priced, per
yard 10l2
Mill Remnants of Pajama Checks,
Madras, Long Cloths And other use
ful white wash fabrics. 2,500 yards in
3G-inch width. Specially priced, per
yard 14Vz$
Fancy Outing Flannel Extra heavy
quality in assorted patterns. 27 inches
wide. Special, per yard 1
Silkoline A good quality in floral
patterns and plain shades for drap
eries and comfort coverings. Per
yard 19f
Cretonne A beautiful collection of
attractive patterns in warranted fast
olors. oli inches wide; an unusual
value, yard 32?
Japanese Cotton Crepe In a range of
plain colors. Considered the most
practical of wash fabrics, l'er yard,
at 25?
Mercerized Sateen A complete range
of the wanted plain shades as well as
black and white. 36 inches wide. Our
regular 48c qdality; per yard 39?
Dallas Bleached Sheeting Famous
for its washing and wearing qualities.
81 inches wide; per yard 55?
Basement North
Printed Plisse Crepe Pretty patterns
for underwear, pajamas and night
gowns. 2 to 8-yard lengths. Per
yard 14V2p
Wool Mixed Plaid Blankets As
sorted colors with neatly whipped
edges. A warm winter weight in
double bed size. Pair 5.G9
Wool Navajo Blankets Several good
designs and colorings. A splendid
blanket for the couch in the den or
the auto, at C.50
Heavy Wool Finished Cotton Blankets
In assorted colors with fancy wash
able border. Our regular 2.50 quality
for, per pair 2.19
Hosiery Specials
Children's Cotton Ribbed Hose Hhuk, white nnd cordovan
colors. All sizes, pair 15?
Infants' Cotton Hose In black and brown. Sizes 4 to (i1'?.
Specially priced, per pair 1 5?
Men's Cotton Seamless Socks A good woik sock in gray
or cordovan color. Special, per pair 15?
Basement Arcade
Notions at Special Prices
American Maid fercerfzeil
Crochet Cotton All col
ors, ball 5?
J. k P. Coats' Darning Cot
ton 5 balls for 10?
Elastic Various widths,
black and white; yard 5?
Kotex Sanitary apklns
Regular, price 60c; doz. 49?
Ilaby Rubber Pants Medi
um, small and large sizes 19?
Stlckerei Wash Editing 3
yard bolts, assorted col
ors; bolt 5?
Human Hair ets Cap
shape; dozen 35?
Rick Rack Priced for
clearance, yard 1?
Basement SonfA
Fall Weight Union Suits
Women's Fall Weight Union Snits Well made suits with flat lock
seams. Sleeveless style with band top in ankle length. Sizes 34
to 44. Special 89
Women's (iray Tellnstic Vests and Pants Heavily fleeced gar
ments. 1.19 value. Sizes 34 to 44. Kach 89?
Children's Fleeced I'nion Suits FuU bleached cotton suits in drop
seat style with high neck and long sleeves in ankle length. Sizes
S to 16 years, at 79?
Children's Vests anil Pants Good weight white cotton vests and
pants, warmly fleeced. Sizes 2 to 16 years,. Per garment 50?
Basement Arcade
2,500 Square Yards of
49c Square Yd,
An Inexpensive floor cov
ering that is sanitary and
easily cleaned. Several de
sirable patterns for kitch
ens, bathrooms, pantries
and store rooms. Bring
your measurements with
Coc Door Mats An old
fashioned but most satis
factory door mat. Size
14x24, in a heavy quality.
Kach. 89
Hit and Miss Wash Rugs Pretty, fresh-looking rugs, 27x54
inches. Special,- each OS?
Basement West
American Lady Corsets
All new models, boned throughout with "Mighty Poll
ing" which prolongsthe life of a corset. Types to suit
all figures from the slim young miss to the matron
low and topless models, all elastic or semi-elastic tops,
plain or fancy materials. Not every size in each model,
but a large assortment to select from.
Specially priced
Gossard Front Lacing Corsets Of flesh colored coutil
with medium low top, long skirt and free hip, which
gives added comfort to the wearer. Sizes -fl QQ
21 to CO. Specially priced JL.tO
Venus Bandeaux A large assortment. of plain and fancy
materials .with narrow and wiae backs, short
and long Hues. All sizes 32 to 42. Special
Basement East
Silk Pieces 65c
About 1,000 pieces of
black crepe de chine rem
nants ends left over
from our silk sale of this
week will be offered all
at one price Friday. The
jpieces are various widths
some have the selvage
torn off, others run per
fect. These are all black
and of an exceptionally
. fine quality. The lengths
range from yards to
:)i yard long.
Each 65? regardless of
the amount in piece.
We advise early shopping.
o phone or mail orders ac
Basement Center
Satin Finish Mercerized
Table Damask 72 inches
wide; 3,000 yards; in
beautiful designs; per
yard ' G5?
Satin Finish Table Da
mask 59 .inches wide; in
several good designs;
yard 39?
Heavy Brown Crash
Toweling 19 inches
wide; very absorbsent;
per yard ' 11?
Bed Spreads 1,000 of
them; a mill's clearance
of all seconds; all sizes iu
crochet and satin ; each,
at 1.00 to 4.9S
Basement South
l SI IS Ml
Tit 1 - nr. j
A Great Sale of
Curtains, 95c
A big assortment lace, voile and marquisette
curtains with lace edses or ruffled curtains
with tie-backs to match. Splendid values; spe
cially priced, per pair 93c
Tuscan Panel Curtains An attractive new
style for the living room. Kxtra wide, 'J'u
yards Ions, finished with lK-iueh fringe at tho
Mtom. Kaeh 1.93
Odd Laca Curtains Many can b matched,
-Ms yard loner. Kach G0e
Cretonne Remnants -Floral, bird and striped
design-. i'.iJ inches wide; worth HUo h yard u
,he Ult. Social 19c
Extension Sash Rods -Kxtend to 2 im-hen.
Worth ltk Kach 5c
Ruffled Grenadine Curtains-A sheer dotted
quality, 'J4 yard l-n-;. Huffled tic back to
match. Wotth :U'r n pair. Npeebl
K-r mr $-0O
Merceriied Marquisette Hi inch. idc; phin
and fane? larder; vorth ISk; at per 19c
U. S. Government Sur
plus Sale of Many Well
Made and Useful Ar
ticles Continues Friday
in ourBargainBasement
U. S. Army Blankets Olive drab,
Khaki Cloth Special, per yard
U. S. Army Mosquito Bars -Kach
Arctics Specially priced, pair
U. S, Woolen Socks Special, per pair
Army Pup Tents Socially priced, each
Men's Blue Denim Overalls -Vcr pair,
Men's U. S. Army Jirkins Social,
Men's Corduroy Coats Specially priced
30 Gallon Army Cans Special, each
Army Hammers - Serially priced, each
40 Gallon Army Cans -Social, each
Khaki Suitings -SKvtal, per yard
All Wool Olive Drab Shirts lSeial,
Men's Work Gloves -SjHcial, per pair
U. S. Army Woolen Socks -Per pair
Army Brushei Stu1I' priced, each
59 c
Shoes for Women, Men, Children
Women's Black Kid Strap Slippers
A splendid shoe for all around wear made with
Cuban rubber heel and good leather soles. " QQ
Sizes,: to 8. Pair, l.tO
Women's Low Shoes in New Fall Styles
An assortment of smart styles in patent leather,
black and brown kid. Oxfords and strap pumps in
plain or cut-out effects with baby Louis O QQ
and Cuban heels. Sizes 3 to 7. Pair, Ot7
Men's Everett House Slippers
Made over roomy lasts of black kid with liand-
tunicd leather soles. Sues ( to 11.
Sold elsewhere nt oA'k Pair,
Boys' School Shoes, 2 63
In tla'k or bmn calfskin with aubstantUl
hither and t S. ruhUr he !. isioj 1 , ti.
CUIdrtn'i Shoes, 1 43
liU.-k Kid with amt Up, Mack fun, nirtal,
brown kid, puMtt l-athrr and pai-ut wiih rar
kid Pi button and Uco ih hand
turnt,l i!,s ipihf an I tup lift hrtU. Me 4 S,
MUseV and Children's School Chocs, 2 45
I. are ttl iii l-Vk and brwn e!f.kit ih
br RfU attached. Mm f'i t It and 11' j t i2,
K tittintA KtJt