The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 28, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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rui aw 111 t I'll.. I Ml IMIM l.'iTl'll!H! 1 !
;t buimd. I mi u'hfr cui
Miss Connell Names
Wedding Attendants
VI-- Josi-.hin I'iKinoll who I to
W4 to tieor- I'Herscn on Kulur
tiay ha cliwn Mis Kv-lyn Clark
ui her cnly auen.krit. Tha groom's
brother, liarold Petersen, will serves
tntt man, ltefor In weinonjr Miss
Khmur Connell will injr. and Ml
Fvelyo Vora will Uy i ! wmMIi.k
march, MilitK) by Mis lla hr Ji.r.
dan. violinist.
Mis Connell ! ten widtjy enter,
tallied. Ou Kuturdiiy hr mith-r, Mrs.
J.'lla T. Connell. hod 13 guest to
illn with hr it her home, and In the
.-vnlng the rty motored to Ash.
Und fr a ek-en.1 hons party (
tha horns of Mrs. C. It. I.irU
On Monday evening tho M!e
lUchel Jor.tun nd Hawl Zmbo ifiive
a slioser for the hrl'l to Iw, and on
Tuily Mr EdRur Krnst, end Mm.
I'mil Imvl wer hostesses at dinner,
Wednesday Miss Kafherlna Itrynuld
were entertained at dinner, when the
Kiisst wer the Mlsse IVarl Kllng
111, Kvilyn Clarke, O orso I'etersen,
Harold reternon, llllbort Tetenwn ami
J'redi-rick With.
On Kriday Mr. Walter Petersen
mother of the groom will rive a re.
, huarsut dinner. The young couple
'plan to live in Pallas, Tex.
j .MiAdiimJordiin.
i Mr. and Mr. Alfrd Jordan an
jnounc the nvirrliiKS of their daughter,
Cwllla, to Herbert M'' Adorn fi-it-m-
ter 10 In Council Itluffs. The young
rouplo are now living at tlio homo of
the Lrlde'a pnrents,
fur Hr'de-to llr.
Miaa Grctchen lies niii-rla'iifd In
formally at trousseau tea, Wednes
day at hrr home In Council Muffs.
That evening Mine Jles and Mr.
I'etori were honor ant-Ma at a d lu
ll T g'vi-n at the Country club by
'ranc. Galma und Wiilliu.e Hhep
herd. For Mr. l!lltr
Mr. Hurry Byrno entertained at
luncheon at the Athletic flub Wed
nesday In honor of hor winter Mr.
Itobcrt Miller of New Vork, who !
at present the guest t'f Mm. IJarton
Millard. Cover were laid for the
l.fesdurnes Alliin TuUey, IxuU Clnrk,
Wynne Megcath, Jlnrry Kt-lley. Rona
fowle, IJen Vood, Yalo Holland,
I'hnrlii McLotiKhlln, Mylon SUn'llvh,
Jllldii Hamnitr, Wllnon Au'tln, Clyile
Iloeder, and the Mleea Hilda llnm
jiicr, and CUidj t'etcra.
That evt-nlntr Mr. and Mre. Walter
Koberta had a their Ruente, the
Alesara. and MoK.liimm John Itedck,
Charle Met2, Eilward Cre'hton, Al
lan Tukey, L'vjigetou Ka'r banks of
Ch'caco, Vr. and Mr. Clyde Koeder,
Air. George Ited rk, and Mensr. Ro
Towle, Lou Clarke and Denlee llarka
low at the Country club.
. Honoring M m Hamilton.
Was El nor Burkley, who In to be
a. br'tleorn: 1 In the woilJ ng of M
MAron'Iton, and George Hamil
ton of Washington, D. C, entertained
at dinner this evening at the Country
The gueet l'et w'll lncludo Mr. and
Wra. Charles Hnm lton. jr., and the
M esc Nann e and Mary Em ly Ham
ilton of Wah'ngton, Hplon'Hussle anil
Mfsnrs. Herbert Connell, Porter Al
lan, Edward Crofftot, Fred Ham'lton,
Floyd 8m th, Jack Peacoi k and Hurry
and Robtrt Buiklty.- :
Kappa I'ai Delia.
Knppa 1'sl Delta aororlty of the
University of Omaha will entertain at
a progressive dinner thla evenlnir foi
their rusheug. The hostesses will be
the Misse Betty Sowell, Georgia
Street and Dolores Partsch. A feature
will be arranged at each home by
way of entertainment. Miss Kather
ine Reynolds will entertain the
sorority at a rose luncheon at her
home In behalf of the alumnae
Pledging will follow. Thirtyflvo
guests will be present.
S'sters of Mercy.
The following have made reserva
tions for the S'sters of Mercy card
party to be given on Saturday: Mes
dames T. J. Dwyer, M. R. Murphy.
J. F. Kenncbeck, T. Mlckel and M xf
May Murphy.
Pioneer Omahan a Visitor.
Mrs. Mary Chapman, for many
years a resident of Omaha, and who
now makes her homo in Sioux City
with her .daughter, Mrs. R. A. Mc-
Farland, Is now In thia city visiting I
More Than 30,000,000 Bottle of Tanlac Sold
in Less Than Eight Year. Merit Alone Has
Confirmed It in the Favor of the People of
North America. Foreign Countries
Clamor for It.
Most proprietary nu'tlkines are oM by the dozt-n or by
the grow: nonie arc bought by the trade in .quantities from
ttn to twenty trroj: a wry few are sold by the carload, and
then to only the larirt jobber, covering extensive terri
tories. The fact, therefore, that wores of jobbers have a
demand uffkU-nt to justify them in ordering not one car.
load, but from two to three carload of Tanlac at a time
make Tanlac'a pre-eminence in the field of medicine all
the more noteworthy.
I .
OrJers front teUSIers fKnt t to
!; si. ate not tiH--ioR-tn and ft?
if i ef tt ..i.r' r'..l ltt
lt TssUe l from ti it fiw U t
l Sliijr Ihr.r h-HO-1 dllUI.-!
l.iiU hv r Oi tr
Vi s'ifMt iM imi 4 i.-r lha
j.i )h t..tiU Ivd !.! It
)u st.ud tu ,i. tot 1 t..e -l
tuUM lrJ. It 1 ).- m And k-
'4. a k-l ttMhlHine, !'(.
wl IM t ailed tt.. t'4U, Ml
0m t v. a t lfi inii l
!.( ir is Iks
v,.mkn U.4 l if Kt Mi l
t. l'i.Ha It ft t . !
l .t I I nf
Uf, I tit l k I l
k,.iMt iit f, ! -n l k m
l'k t
k, lkit, '
FPI.I,, ! l iUlS
k.i Wi V.I k' 1 if lk-l
kaM Ks-t r ' '
Mother of Four and Noted
Nebraska Short Story
Writer in Omaha
The woman who m:x atorloa wtth "You ran alwa f.nd tune fur the
(longhnui la in Omaha. Ha i!r-l I thing you want to do," la )ir Mf,
AMrth ut Uatwoud, ,Vb , U she. J And so aha writes whila the pie Uka
prlbly the f.,rrnt thort
writer rtetd tig In the uir, a m'lvt
aa the town rotnr fn tn, and as
(nai aa the aun wh h h.n down
upon It. It la Qu t f ke hr that It la
h-r huslMiiid'a wb ch
htr hr. Charlea 8. Aldrh h being
utm if the tankera attending the
Photo Copyrlshted by Cstchtl) Btudio.
slate convention now In aession In
Omaha, for though the name of Mrs. la known wherever the
Ann r con rruiuzlne goes, her husband
iind four :h.ldren ore dearer to her
thun stern ed.tor and th accep
tunres thereof.
"Mow can you do It?" ask her
friends, who know of the devotion to
her fnm'ty nnd hc-r record 'of a story
a month for the American.
her son, IX Chapman, and Mrs. Chp
man. Although she is nearly 'JO years
old, Mrs. Chanman made the trip by
automobile. Three of her grandchil
dren, Klizatx-th, Robert and Joe, ac
companied her.
Card Party.
The women, of 8t. Margaret Murys
parlch will (rive a curd party Frhluy
evening" nt the parish school. Re
freHhments will bo served and tables
will be set for bridge and high Ave.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Dear Miss Fairfnx: 1. Please tell
me If a 16-year-old girl Is too youn
to go with boys 16 years old. My
mother and father object to thla go-Ing-with-the-boys
business. Also whut
Is the first thing a boy notices about
a girl? What is a good way to get
rid of blackheads without Injuring1 the
slcln? BliOWM EYKS.
Fifteen Is rather young for -a girl
to go out with boys steadily. I have
made the distinction In my column
uny numb-r of times, and I think
most parents recognize it, that there
Is no harm in an occasional party or
dance, even for 15-year-olds. There Is
to be a story In next Sunday's Bee as
to what is the first thing a boy notices
when he me-ts a girl. Watch for it.
To cure blackheads, mix two grains
of sulphate of zinc or copper in one
ii'nt of distilled water or rose water,
"Id six ounces of pure soft water.
Press out the blnVkheads with the fln
it r tips, produce reaction In the skin
by use of a rough towel, then apply
the lotion with a soft cloth or brush.
One dram of fluid potash and one
ounce of oil of sweet almond may be
used In place of zinc or copper If pre-
fllil ittheas li vind ftlly wlt
I ".t 1 1. I.e., short ir t l.ilh. di
ur, stix'wi hs, ttut.1
l"l'm. f uulltra i.f tifNttU. ViHi!i
l..m, tt.t t )t. li-), k-M if Stil
l!w !. si I snd i-l lrll.
l- . !. ll l.lM fwillkcS fc.H
l-t l'ltvli! lt f it .t!S' IMll
r kt kn siii.ti rtid
tk w d .(ii 4 inii..i,i .. I r
1..I..I l- ! H S-.4 kj'l-l ..k k lk
vf r.1-'-!.
4.1 I .(! Iv t tJa f tii'.M'
kj, i!i-f. tis Mm M
.S ,!., lll.M-1 't Ml,l,vl M
t 4 a c
Iff 1
I ??', ' '. i
; '
I. - ....;",' i ,
it Uhy la I yara old. aiy lea
ner, her only g rt, la 14. and the in
beiweener ara I and II. The thre
Uiys are eom ng into tti r uwn In the
new Aldilrh horn g(n lip It
f;jinwml for th baermrnt tihry can't
f.ll down ar.y farther, Mra AMrh
a ghed cm(irublyl la belmt e.(U id
for them, and douuileM many a plot
n etacily of Ulerary nature, will
or f rate there.
"Ion't tell ma motion pMure rom
panle steal plots." Bold Mrs. Aldrtrb
who hit Junt dd lit th Clarem
lirteker Cumimny of Ia Anavle th
nghia on her rerwnt atory, "l-at
N'ght When Tv Klaawl TUmh
"All they antd wo an InrUent
In th atory and I would never have
known. Lad they you abend and
usn1 It," Mrs. Aldrlcn deilarrd. The
rompi'ny telegraplmd t') New York
(or Mra. Aldrlfh'a address then to
Imr at Klinwood and finally she re
plied to them regarding, "Last Night
When You Kld lilanrb Thomp
son" "I must ask my editor to atop us
ing auch long tiije for my atoilea It
1 have to telegruph about them, com
rnetited Mr. Atdihli with the light
humor so churjctenstlc of her pc-h
and wrttdiR.
Mrs. AMiiih wo an honor guest
at the Onsiha Wonwn'a Press club
luncheon at Th Rrandela Weilntsdey
noon. Hhe has attended the various
sth'IuI function nrrnnged ' fur th j
bunkers wives, ana tins ien eieci
lug plumbing and electrical fixtures
for th new hoiute, and has dropped
In to a movl or two. Hh doe4
thing easily and with a kindly out
look, wasting no minute of priceless
time In thinking or saying she la
busy, or In fretting about the things
In Ufa we would Ilk to change and
can't. Hhe haa never been to New
York. Hhe finds the material for her
stories tn the life and people about
her. fche loves Klmwood and the
people there, among whom she has
lived since coming from Iowa J3
years ugo.
Truly we aro mauler of circum
stance. Or a Shakespeare better
said It many a year iiko:
"The fault, dear Brtitun, Is rot In our
Cut In ourselves; that we are under
lings." Bankers' Wives Widely
Mi. H. K. Clarke was hostess at a
tea at her homevTuesday afternoon
for the wives of the out-of-towit bank
ers who are attending the conven
tion here. Presiding at tho tea tablo
were the Mesdames A. I. Reed, Fred
Davis, John L. Kennedy and Milton
Jiarlow. Assisting through the roomil
were the Mesdamea M. T. Cameron,
Henry Eastman, Osgood Eastman,
Fred Clarke, T. I,. Davis. Ford Hovey,
Frank Hoyd, and Mrs. J. R. Cain Jr.
who heads the reception committee.
land the members of her committee.
Over two hundred guests were pres
ent. Prior to the tea, tho visiting
women were taken for a two hotirs
drive through tUe city, and there was
a dance at the Rlaokstone that eve
lng. Wednesday 160 covers were laid
for luncheon at the Elaekstono for tho
women. Wednesday was the closing
day of the conference. Many of them
are leaving for New York Thursday
to attend tho national, convention
Style hliow and Dance.
Tho .Sisterhood of Temple Israel will
hold a style show and informal dance
at tho Rlackstone October 7, Mrs. I.
Ziegler Is chairman of the affair. The
society will hold its first meeting of
tho season October 9.
Mrs. Oscar Goodman anfl daughter,
Miss Gladys, returnwl Saturday from
a six weeks' trip to Boston, New York
and New Jersey, .
Mr. acid Mrs. Ilalph Van t'ant of
Gladstone, III., arrived Wednesday
nnd are the guests of Mr. Van Bant'a
mother, Mrs, W. B. Van fiant. 1
Gwyer Yates will leave Wednesday
fvenlng for New York City where he
will attend the National Hankers Con
vention. Ha will remuln a month.
Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Coulter left a
few days ago for Hunt-, Anna, Cal.,
where they ar to muk their home.
Santa Anna is ntar Los Angeles.
Mis MiMn d Wtiston is planning to
fnt east stKiut October 7 to h bridea
mald at the weildlnn of Miss Mary
1'runrr of Kokomo, lnd. Miss Weston
will be gen stout three e-k,
Misa llajct Nichols. Mr.- I.ueleii
ll.niifh, Mrs. Tlalr Younif snd Mrs,
Clifford Calkin were among ih
ki.lfers who went to l,iii..ln livhty
f.-r the t iwntn nf ths l.lninln Coun
try club,
Mr, and Mi. Hurry U htrmt if
Cltkaa r eicll nekl rl fur
a t with Mr, and Mis. J,tlin 1.
Ksrinrdy. Ihsy ii well knuwit her,
ta they hav Iwn gut! In r.imr
Mis.. i liaiU J, M nun cf Clili
rri TitursUy l.i tn.t h.r hrihr,
"I t.rmtii. '.d M s. Ircniaik.
Ilr- and Mrs J
Nw.ii, li, ssn. .on.
". ii u-ii.twr 3?,
k. i .tl
It Vn k.
it tiiia -f a '
I H'n k,wil )
Juit On Application
ml th Main VanliS
ivi,.t .. . tu I
A hrnt y toy o.ti. .,
Ifll)t"ht Is !. 1VM I t It. i.i.
! f k.i s v'. M
t llAI'Tf.H XXVI!.
The rtrthdsy aks.
It Hilly W'o.t.hurk Lnhdrfy.
Pin. ,o Mas t l.euty enter, h l-k"1.
of all Lis prrnts, his btrllidiy r;ike
the most. Ills grandmother mnd tile
rake herself and Lrought It to him all
th wny from th ether and of farmer
Creen pa,ur, her alio LvoL
There was no, douH that It wis a
wondt-iful lake. Ttie top of It, In
aitNtd of lieNig stuck thkk ltb witl
tiuta, was covered with clover Mus
eums, Th Insld of It, Instead of
Lidding raisins and cltruit and aucn
u.jintlen. hid h.n of tut nip and nih.
Uige and wliol pea. Hilly U'uod.
rhuk could tll just l-y sniffing at
th enk tliil It m dnlktou. And
tveri'lody ! thut cam anywhere
lear It tho ighl the iiu.
'.i-tthem''' lilllya fjther coughed,,
aa aon aa he saw this fine p remit I
I-t' cut the lake now and we'll all
enjoy a, taste of II"
Aa he spoke, Mrs. iMxlchuck reach- j
d f"r a knife. And Grandma Wood
chuck, who hadn't gone home, re
in irked tint she hoped they wouldn't
111 tk two (lies u! Ill M(
you to-morrow" Jisinrg RkUt toll hhs.
to dissppoinUid In the fikc. Ilut she
didn't really uivan that. Hits knew
It was Kood. And she had llnfii-rtd
for a while In th hope of having a
slice of It he it If.
Well, the whole family was sur
prised whsn Billy Wootk-huck bognn
to howl.
"Tills is my take," he declared, "t
don't want It cut now. When It's
cut I Intend to cut It myself."
"Very well," said Sir. 'Woodchuek.
And to his wife he said, "Give Billy
the knife."
Xiut Billy Woodchuck wouldn't take
the knife.
"I don't want to cut fiiy cako here
at home," ho Murted.
"Well, I never:" cried his mother.
"Don't you want us all to have a
wee Mt of this lovely cake"
"No, I don't," ha answered.
Mr. Woodchuck cried out that It
wns all nonsenso, and that he would
cut the cake himself. He wa wild
to taste It.
But Cirandma Woodchuck spoke up
nnd said that she had made the cako
for Billy, snd that she thought he
ought to be allowed to do with It as
he pleased.
Well, Mr. and Mrs. Woodchuck
couldn't say much after that remark.
Even when Hilly picked up his cake
and started out of doors with It, they
did not stoplhlm. And his rather,
especially, looked very anxious. Real
Main Floor t
ml r.7
L laVa
1 1
rr --S
Mon who like tho bt it but who itu nut taic
t itiu'at in k hirt 4 will wrlcotm tliiA
nle of tu.ttrtiu.-4 UU-t Wash,
imj iImh nut dim h tilor or iil apin-ar-iirifi
ai1 tlnv ut'nr Ktlrr than nny rloth
w know i.f tluit fint nhirt ant rn.olo of,
Th itttrrii4 ttiul col.iiiiiK'i arc Wautifttl
an nnr U may ratifiil. TIh-m
Mrt4 wi'iT i.i m I t 3.1 , mi l wt i.M u
huM pittirijidt yuur tnr' rr-iuir-nirht.
Ni."i 1 It t j?.
ly, it w. Imky U'T Ihiiy that Ms
$ii!lii..ihr w is llivm
Hilly li4 "t Cita 1f from home
hii he tint Jimmy Jtobhlt,
Iam:' trini Hlly, hst I v
yit. A lirthdiy
-vn, u, wi-u:1 Jm.ti.y k-ki-l.iim-
' Are iu in io tst It now?
It lly Wmtdi hurk nndilni.
I 111 Kutnir IO hl'lil hrtllltd III" frnie
klld (Ml It bil III) . ir," tip rrpl rd.
J m my I t went with lutn and
t lil li IM tis-ly. lis lioml, wimv
hoisr, tu bavs a pl of that rl.a
furs it W is nil t mm.
A I lor li lly hid rnlMi.d liiif i-f II,
t i-k of ij.xir.. ! I -v. r his f.i .
"W hut'a t ha iimierr' Jimroy Itnl
tit kr,. "Ar jou III?"
No;" If illy loll It'ni. "It's iit that.
I'm wi.rill uIm.ui ih: rV, I don't
know whut to do with the r"l of If."
"Why don't oil jtiva i!i- to
virjf friend llwt ruim-a Ihla wuyT'
Jlmiiiy HaMijt siisK''sti-d.
Whatr crlsd II lly W oisti hui-k,
"fl: away my l.'rihd iy -k that my
eniwlma tiwle for ine? I i-uuMn't do
."Thn., Jimmy mild, "why
doifi you adl sl'cta of tha rak?"
And thst was a plan that Billy
Wo"irhui'k I'ked.
Til an It," he dwMed. "I II sw 11 ths
rest of my rake for let roe ! Vor
ten nt'ple seeds a slice V
"111 take two slca and III puy
yoti tomorrow," Jimmy luitoi toil
h'm. And In stout two seconds mora
hi. waa nitinchlnir b'rthdiy rnke.
Wh'ls he was enjoylnir the treat
B lly Woodchutk uddrity Jumped up
and ran off towards the woods. And
S.M111 J mmy knt-ar why his friend had
l. ft him. fr B'lly'a mother and Aunt
Tolly Woodchuck came trollinv t.y.
They stopped when Jimmy Babbit
kM.ka to them.
."Dorv't you want to buy sotna f'ne"he asked. "It's only ten apple.
si.-e.le for a si rs."
They each bouifht a slice, which
they tiers n to est on the spot.
"I don't rnll th's very Rood cake."
Aunt Tolly Woodrhurk remarked to
In r friend, Mrs. Woodchurk. "It's not
so good aa that your mother mnkes.
In fact, I call this cake a mlbty poor
If Hilly Woodi -buck had only st ljed
awuy unt'l the two ladles I- fl, tvtiy
thilifr would have turned out pleasant
ly. But be supposed, of course, thai
they had gone on about their busi
ness. He came wadill'ns back, sny'nu
to j:miy fbibb't, "How do you 1 ko
my cuke?" And then, too lute, he kiw
h's mother and Aunt I'olly.
They saw h'm at the same time
and heard h'tn, too. And Mrs. Wood
chuck was angry with everyone. Khe
caught her son by the ear and awked
him what he meant by lett nff a rnb
bit. M'll his slice of birthday cako. With
out wa'tlnif for an answer from h'm,
Mrs. Woodchuck told Aunt Polly that
If she thouKht that enke was a m'ehty
poor one she was no Judge of good
Poor Aunt I'olly Wood.ihurfc! Hhe
d'dn't know what to say. Phe opened
her mouth, but no words would come
out of it.
"You may as well close your
mouth." Mrs. Woodchuck informed
her. "You needn't think you aro go
Ins to have any more of this birth
day cake that my mother madn. I'm
going to take tho rest of it home,
where it will be enjoyed by my hus
b;tnd and myself."
Mr. Woodchuck said, afterward,
that tho whole affair turned out bet
ter than he had dared hope.
Hallway Mail Service.
B. P. of the Railway Mail Sen-ice
will meet Friday at 2:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. J." C. Blanchard, 119
Turner court, 3100 Dodge.
Friends of Muslr.
' Friends of Musio will meet at the
home of Mrs. E. W. Nash October 2.",
when Mrs". B. T. Crofoot wll give a
My Marriage
AJ.Ie Csrritus'i N fk.. at .
"Kcvelations tf a Wife"
lt(tngkl IO)
Who I This Mrancs Man, Nmllli?
If Ali n Iialiv had lnrnt ID fwd
h'tn, ill In' koiiiH "rt of viiiiioi,ul L
It4).li( oiil!.uiil by Ids roliii l.-le li
imr.tiK "f th" bm""l I'l-m, nnd bis Im-
.. . i k' j.. l .l(l"fl of l,!l,illl. lie
mii-l i rii s Kii.illy.
"Voil iti-v.l of a t!i.i.-iiid divlls"
Tho rtiihtiVH liui.t ti'.ni Hni (h's
Vlu'0 lll n If It Imd bwri f. -ii-.d
llu.'iifcli tlum by Hiptihuri.uii prfs
sure. "Vi"i M'liwii "f a li) )i.U
scum of tie si t. In il.irr Mnnd lli'-iu
and Mimlie wlrii a linn ikt me, a
man slnis jmi are not fit to
w!c. Is biu n'iiK, dy.ns '
"A million purdi.ns, my aood man,"
Mr, Ii .ko's was Infur.itt.nuly
.tUini..iiK. "I hiii rms. Mny I olf'-r
)-oi it Igrtr?" a swIftneKS ktroualy contrast
ing io h.s lunsuld iiitltutis of a m nuts
before, lie Toed to Kniltll and With
one baud difily put air'aur In th
man's in'iiiili while w.ih th other hs
held a I fc-ht to ths end of the clear. I
found myself tensely watch. ns; Hm'th
to see wli.u h i re'u-tlon would be. H.s
fury m-sliwt us, his contempt for us
were so patently st war with the most
po'Kuunl cravlni; a smokir rati havs,
thnt curlos'ty un to his action sent my
mental tliermoitieUr up danaerously
near the huiM'nz iHilnt.
Allen Drake ".Movrs.
That Km' th's f.rst Impulsit was to
reject the c gnr snd strike the Hidd
from Mr. lmike'e hand wa jta'nty
evident us his fa.-n contorted with
rage and h IuiikoI h's bound body
forward, stra'n'nx at the bonds
conf.iiiiik: li s bands. Then, a If acting
upon some driving Impulse !eyond
bin own volition, his teth clenched
upon the cigar, and ha Inhaled and
puffed until it had rauyht the flam
wh'ch Allen Drake held to It.
My ey-s w.-nt to AWn Drake's fact
and I saw upon It u kat'sfled trium
phant look such as a scientist m'ght
wear W'ho Imd just concluded some
doubtfll expcr.'inerit necessary to the
solution of tho problem ho had in
hand. And 1 realized that buck of his
languid po'se. h's lijnorlnsr of Km'th,
and h's flaunt'ng of the cigar had lain
a d st'in-t puniCNO. Ho bnd needed Just
th's look Into Kni'th's mental processes
nn-1 ho hu.l cut h's way to them with
the sureties of a surgeon' scalpel.
For a few minutes there was
sihnco in the room. Smith's eyes
were half closed, nnd ho was patent
ly trlvir:gr himself up to tho rapture
of tho elxar. Allen lirake's eyes
never l ft the faie of the other man.
The real of us divided our curious
watchful gliinies K-twten the bril
liant government agent and tho man
whom lie was slowly Impaling.
"Your Highness."
As a tiny ah began to show upon
the eii.K of the cigar, Allen Drake
stepped forward nguln.
"Permit me," lie said In the same
ironically courteous tone he had
used before, and he deftly slipped the
cigar from between Kmith's lips,
knocked the ash off, then stood for
a second or two which seemed as
many hours looking at the round,
brown object which meant to Smith
the difference between comfort and
lltlj's lips curled back over his
"Ah-h? The third degree, I per
ceiv!" he. snarled.
"Oh, no, nothing so crude," ho
drawled. "You shall have this back
again presently.' But as we wish
Just a trifle of c-onversution with you,
and your hands, unfortunately, must
wm m
I ihn fur ui l s' t ,Mir ,UI,
I lltlrllil In H.iitllifc'- lll' lil.
jour hu n '-. th- l '"
i.itiriiil i in ihii ! ;ou."
I Imd Ihoushl II. blah ulidUi-
tulrs Mr. PmW Imd uiiii4
!hut part Kt Hie any, musim lel
flit with wbli h l.s " uutululag
Bmldi. But I bad Wiilihln Mr.
tak Uly, and I w I'U air
; narrow slialitly as lm Us llm r.rst
lllie, My !)' flrW to I'M.llh'B f.w,
'and Iher 1 ssw lit atnaiaia' tiuih
that Albti Hrnk bad airtuk hum.
' it win but a liny fcpiu whu h
, m-iiI his fsriul inux lrs, Hit In ll
ws rsvralsd a part of lb mystery
of ih msn iiftin"! Hndih.
ft.m wl,.-i ero ihe lfm
the raaliil which converted
throius into Junk hraps, pnm In
to Mandoier. thn man l-f-'i It bnd
otctipird an xalud pise.
Be Wuiit Ads bili'U l-illi
For Infant!.
Invalid A
The Original Food-Drink for All ..
Quick tunchst Home.OmVf fountains.
Tablet forms. Nourishiaa-Neeooaiaa.
MTAat4 ImjUtiorti tod Subttitulet
(98b Safe
J)ytexflX Milk
T Rak4. JWl
leave it to theldfMiesto.
picklCelloggs CornHalceo-
they are never tough orlea&ery f
Put a bowl of KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes nd t bow!
of imitations ia front of any youngster! Then tea
KELLOGG'S disappear! Try the experiment yourself I
It's great to know tha difference in corn flake tha
difference between the genuine and the "juat-aa-goods"
I Kellogg's have a wonderful flavor that would
win your favor by itself but when you know that
Kellogg all-the-time crispness! Well they juat mak
you glad! Kellogg'a are never tough or leathery c
hard to eat!
Kellope'a will snao-uo kiddie aptve
i .
finrst Jrney 8 ilk 8airtJ, Hsavirit Eroultlolh Silk ShJrU,
(.nalctft Importcit jcurail Silk ShlrU
lyr SI ii.;ar!.nriit hdi Irfi Je!iiji J wtlh r'V"' ?
silk sMrl (., hut kits. r scan- ami Mfc-h, anj elirkp
itkt e lo I'tt'nirarila in uhrii fi.P they not kar. l
ihia tat will l foun I c.;i!jf h depeii.UbU ilK
!os, jurfi't! ti!oret In new i4li.rti.
Wa want )iu l earful! iuii-n the ih'rt. T!
i!k i (rvtn i -H we!) kmn l ulrrw Hollt A .inif, ?iT I'd, SHraiiief.l,.-, i linn'i Jmr.ortl
"l a i.l b fouritt t tbU a!r. M,
keme.h. r, w .Jen .f ht ie,s-j hit,
H(tff frot 1 1 l i IT
All la
Your Tares Arc Our Tra
-II.-S." I
N. Hihts"
k N.w t-spMl CUisSft, n9 up.
ll..r Si, l'k ss Utk
"iris tk,4 Ktl!Uf$ fnt
b-t wt'r f.tss
KtLLOGC'i I" mm
v. w I ansar
tites something wonderful! And, out
word for it lethe littlest have their
fill just like Caddy must have hist
You'll never know how delicious
corn flakes can be until yon eat
KELLOGG'S! You will know th
KELLOGG package because it is RED
and GREEN! Look f of it I
t4 KELLOCC'S BRAIf. eskt aa ktmAUf
Main Floor
I . i if I. . to . i I t
! ki. h-1 !' k.tiwl
'.u4 k ' l J
! . r r- lf Jl
. . i H f Iks I kii.-
ut (f-l J -, . .. t4 f j
I-. . I1. i'.tk k. s i-r i r i
kt' s-.-t .- I u.. .- I i
. ' ks e tt ..!
kk 11 : , . .. . W ,l ;
! U (."- I twl lu k ytt.t.A t f j I hi
k - -' h ,t a 1 1 it
i i W' . "
. ' k''4 i-t
k f i-.. . i
I r s Mf d- .t
, rfc.