niK OMAHA HKE: Tl'KaSlUY. SITTKMUKR "JG, 1022. Police Puzzled Over Little Gins Disappearances Til, 0, Assisting ('u to rar h for 1 1tii, Taken From Offirr" i'.ar. IVllta Wt-ra piliuled )l"I'l'liiV at tha iii.lUn dl.i'l"r.iin o i( u little girl. . I m n l hut ii Ihnii l"t. vsli... home tiny wti rifUawiriiiK lo .Mil. wh-u aha JnnM-J from ! u lit iigitiii, A John Hpr r walking; down lOWII elt li l I'K'I fltir JtlM'tlt II. lie . linn atro.a, tt little Kill living 'IU f illy at Trtriily nUlli ami t'nlifoiiila llin In. Hie told lillii she m took her to r-'oiirtteiilll hii-I hater , lrwl. whna he animated Jirr In ratrotiimn hniha Whulen. W Imb-li rtllrl miIi n Ma-lli-u Hii-I mi riiirMii y t in wua sent M g t t hem, (lirt Nam lit I "I). At liFHil.tUttrtyr, Ilia 111 Ho yirl told ornrrra (hut lirr nam Was IHiiIii he. Terry, that aha waa ytura eM, but aha didn't know tha addrta of hr hum. tilfltera at arched the t-IJil i unit city tllrectoriea ami lotatetl a Terry family at Ji29 Oillforiiiu, street. Policeman Jlcialer started for the pluca mUh Oio lltle Kilt In an emer gency automobile. When he reached that adrea he h-ft tha fclrl altlliiK I'l Hi machine whlln ha want to the Iioumu to Inquire. la wan told at I tin dor that Ilia girl del not live there. When lie returned to tlie autumn lilla, tha ghl waa gone. Taken by Mail. r.ciater waa linupluaeed. Ilf ques tioned iieighliora, and una woman told nm a. mini In an automobile with two other children 1 1 1 driven up, i.ikeu tha JHllo Kill Into his car, and driven iff. font limine hla investigation, Deia ter iitllei! tha irllirlpiil if thi Wele etiT n -howl where I tin lltle girl prob iihly would have gone to at hool. "yes. Ilium he dlsuppeureil at re fees," tha principal told him. "and I notified her father, Iny Terry, 3u25 California street. Ho mi hi ha auw her sitting in an niitomohlla hut didn't Know It w,uj a police, far, lie took her honi." SOULS for SALE By RUPERT MUCHES. ,ii- ha I l-ni able t.. aff.n.l mily ll.r Uasl of r il.nli.a In bar haa.l.liaaa, an 4 i . . ..f m., ili .in Hut tU iH rt " " r '"'' evi.l.-iu.l f.r tha Impao. t Hi-I In !! I tim 111 I I" 4 li'l n-oitn, 1;,l,l III n1it.up ail.iMrt i t vii tiilltl.t Dl irB.Hli,i, Hi Mill it lit tu.Mrr if i,1im, Ilf t nil,, l.n if j abu Ii it i,hr i.i,,uttiii i I"ii4. (a i.iii .fii-ft ' n ruriiAliir, n uwiffM, lfu.-o i k, i,it. Iwftitr I,, Him In II i f I" f l i iiirih. 'tiiri iui m ii'i'a n-ii llfe1 l Mi A I ii I, lfi,lt' iai,cr. hut eli h'tiilrit l-i lri li i 1 1 I lii I trimfo U1 M I -I ill " H i fuhi lu i!fifi an miiinii -l';i" iIliiI aftii III uii-itihr, itflii .ui to in tl'iAlril lu i llrijll.el h, IH lillii IllMlt A inliN riimi nl.nii ll. iiiil lial li i 4fffll tf i.itlillri Dm .li'i'-.l U i - tn nril"r In lii lit nuiirl fii.i. h autfaili'l hr kd l-i tnM an iir-aji luary mail ami iri i M'Mi l iilif- aail In hi r I iif I ha 1ivi 1 1 il I-hIiI nli .( .1 imliliril In aciirnif ttiv trip ur if halin. 1(0 Ilia lalu i In. l Ik ih gi"nf mli iiuin hr i lialira turvlina a id Ixm Mll l lliiitia oiulliih ili lurr tr Ulio'l) am nf mam nriifv iinna -I,,, .i , ria-l lilt lili-Milv mii itft-r Ituilltip I'lrll nf liiata'lH in a mg) ... cf n. VI' lui a lliananilika. il nlmuiil t rua I ralrf ila lUlkril In. 1 11 the InalKV alij lilc- i ! Iiuiiuifa nt Mr, I .iiii l uiliv, i i . r 4111 l, j uutiiit:, l!ir r f li ti a. i, i In r i')t , '"lier i In c In .w iiiiiiin j mill ! i,im,n ry if fanioua atara, tlioir hair ,! i'. i"l"f. H I ilt ij I. I I iiiln t h Iti t. mat !if I iluwu, their aei iit, tliair liamU and iJ lrili! to tnlc ui a llrtaitu.rt. j f.-at ilniimj In what they thought i 1 ,u'' l'l""''l I"!" j nrtatii poe. tiotiia of tlirm era ,.,!;Miii with to j'iritv 4 tilling, hm if i e, y iintiy Kii-1 all of them aitihliioija l e u i. hiil it it ,i Jiu iluty to ' U ny the tnnrltl am lrnr wealth. ji!..v the y,,iin- u..,i,.i a Inn. I.v tha liuMniU of M. ni n.iilil ii-.t iiiuI.!M.ii.i j ,4Ul). a.tvrrtlaanient. Mem .im..nl4U Siilliintry ui tin.. She i pu, ,rt ninif ,jna.i Tl.ey h.iti-. hmi ami al.irril lit t!ir i'ih.iiik .,., m ,ot Willi furlolia flainea i nn y. II,. n .lie f.Miii.l llut .lie j ,,,iU ,( ,,, y ,,u not alu tvel tha pa v4v ti!l oi.trn tr ut thr tti Jit '" ,.,. The people who wcra relehrateil lie 4 ruhitiil at the wmilo. I ,r) ,y , ami fna ami flgurn I,., in. ...,,i I """ "' h, r ' , tiiuai. if liter eia any truth In her i h-i l.ii.ii . ur iiiiKt'H-u luiin.r man i':iiir faith, la ot aoula, ilatiuieil t'nriliaiuiun p( (4tu who Mat goit t Uit-ll-via, Uu. f.iii, hm with then i..u.oii f the a..ul Mini, r iha i.. via Li.iiiiiis rii.'tore. l.liiuiit revtliiue. uiiil rtifoliloa Ihi-lt'..' . i....i. .!,, 11..1 loihM.iiie ft, alt There waa a l ff iiiiit.stataa forl'ivtu aillv iiHin muU f u tmihmn m ihe Mr.i.ion home h.J 11 , " " li ."-ttity prue, tha wiititt-r to lx aiveii , l r, though l.n Kliia! tlm ( aileaiiraa 4 tM ,,f Miiiint, nut of hunt ; 4 I . ln at ui n il .11I0 llie w". Hiitjii in ruovia atiiilio. Theae of hiiiotry. i 'illy . 1 ul.l.un;. not it lotteiiii; 111 tlutltha l.iinl. up ia.iim io.t Ilia aouliiis iTtlte tniii from all over tha eountiw: a a raiilt of tia r repiu. eur.oaj ' a 1 f .1110 -I .l.pilia vt pinv.luin iwl-a they lulletl fiom llle. i t. a, tiu tutnlly knew heiatlf. ll.r n'l hal'l" perfyiue, hut lie total., tha olia-urr nttiona oftftthtr loot never timint.iiiinl tha r-! inte.l 11 Uft m ilo itoweia to lie hi tltiia. They wara iitile4 aa "M 1 u r t'hr.aii.nt .liMlrma thiit lo IuiDib atut mk Hh them, Ami peifiiine V. ateuirnpher; MtJ Z, ahopntil; a( i tM a, lu allien ulnmliuMon, a : a wiiiv well a w lie.) Mem Ali.a V, Imiiia alii." "4 ao on. j - - 'l l.ev hail tthkej themaelvea out In j tmiUealiifl aplenilor, I1!! Iheiuaelvea I t.t of llaltal. m hef txfclf fW t mi K.t in nn' how I. inl r tt waa afi4 'how ahuiiililv rouinl. lUr fanejr .... , ail, lOUIil not fiiaaw inw iii,i.. Kl.... With l OWII fcliU.l.lfl- Of hlil.t. (f, w Ml,a4 ahu tiiiit to falnV her. if like ona of . II...... K''U a.tmiiir.t tha If the tlil-J up thara wouM I p.ilitMi to a huthrooni r.m4iiuni a j h ft ,hiih,uii annara iwilra pf aalt on !!. trie.) to imanuie heiaelf aitll li'oat Hitla IhU k. -1 . to htixitr 111 their ui.-hrivelina; aklim It ji uiiriiiii; lnm 111.111 v ul tlie pirilir,t t( tlinn were iUiuIIiiik biliiir. iiinanhke, Mrlil count and unruled at the (at hal.iin. Our of thrm rent a uoti'lrriil paiiK lliroiiKli lit r heart. J'nr 1 he firt lime lir felt a ivi-h-onie lor the tuy.trriiiin vixtor ttho.e roitrirri tau-ed lirr mull freny of terror. Fur the firt limp lirr nul vrnriird within hi r, am! her rurim ity to nee that her 1I11I1I umtlil Intik like, and he like ovrrrair.r evrry rthrr fetlinj. Mir had Imped to dir. Now alie wanlrd to Inr to oKr thin injMery tory in iiiiir in. tall iiirnt. She felt tor the first time pride in hrr aiiiainu power. She read every word of the first m.inne. intliulinij the atlvertUr- nients. I hen a white-aproiiril nefrary 111 I lie hope Hi it Mr. Ilolliv ami Mi. Irtie uoiilil , f,,rXH-. Hut Imw Hula they nujat t!u diner, hut tluj ii, i,,,t appear. ( ,,w ( t,,r Uvatltilrat nr. If tiny he rn lurmil to Iki iar ami took k nuW lM n,y enreil! How l p the v i-oml iiia4uir 'I'liiv . ' ,1,,,.), nl puaaomiti ami Khol they alo iltAotnl t., the -iin n irople, ,.,.,. Mn, n,w rli lily rlotheii: rh hly hut it a liioie allihlliiul arlitii-j i,i olheil, mime of them; for tha Kaat ally. Some nt the piiture. wire in ! attlreit hail on tha moat Jowela. n.iot.. ..r laid mi tinted hai k-j s , MHlt,., dllWn at lie p own Kr" U' ad liunv ..I tin lit urrc j,,,,,,,,. !, ami leului-U for the .0 aiii!.i.inu that Mem u It il hard- ( (( U1P whlt illtia furltnu aim IV liroper nr 111 r In look lit tiieilii 1,., i ini.lniilv ilmwn tii, j nether, her ellniwa elumpeil In, her I lunula euil.raelntf eio'li other hka lt,.l,..a In ilia U'ihhI. her liieelc hem! m'i ret , a.iv: nut nu n, .in t n-.! 11 1 itn 1m,u,)1 . uni,,, ,r evea Kenerully autetiin the hum 1 II.iihmih 1 n 1 1 1 .11 1 y oi the ulerepiiikj t ar. i HiUl e It va her iluty to throw the uieurnl t Inn tt not limns' i(lWJ.,H,i xeenl for anim brief ilurt iiimiir l aa If aha atHl atlptno for a 1 1. it n it-11 1 . fhnlilenly aim wna aware of her lleah , In it wav alnmat unknown before. ;itut ' a ' proiound mrrow, she . her duty tuttiti mi .nl.n I' e 1 1 1 f an ahaiiitout t amw4 , .he ftliaiidoiied I'm - It tn thi aiuaintf repoii,ry oi inli- mai ic IteiiiK a orrai ' er iIiihkIi- ! Krom her enrlleat Infancy the flint -tt r, he iiNn told lieru lt if (iy impoaetl umiii her had been -he threw it away it HiiRht tall into ,11(),Miy. Hha luul alwaya leen pull the hand of people it would do K ,OMn her akltta am) up her iKxllee, more harm to. i k,.rpinK heiaelf iiieoimpleuoua. Kyen Here were women of opulent j her louil IntiKliter liroucht flown the heaty in I r e m e 11 tl o ll half., eamlle Hiiufliii' of reproof. with Xiattaral plume, in kir! voliimiuoii. lunutili to roneral a waiter marrhrd IhrniiKli the ear. latnity. I lirre wrre otnern witli ai cryiiiK : "l ir n ail flum li in dinin' mot nothitiif nit at all. Some of caw. l ir acall flniuh dine taw." jthe-c had a perfection of tiKiire of Tlie trek to the dining car wat; which they iihmitted all ihe evi auother new rxperiem e. The tirices ( dence. Some of them rejoiced in were terrifvimr. hut the new di.hrt I iio.tiire'4 a extravaKant a. their vere educational. She clione the icn.Mimien were parsinionmua Komi Forfeitim Ahkrtl in Action in FoWal Court I'ellilona were filed In federal court jeaterilny JiRuitiwt Iamel r'lnkle atlne, alias (,'. I. Konter. Nel lie Acker. U5 81111th Twenty-fourth Ktreet; Mm. 8. J. farroll, 110 Kouth Twenty-alxtli avenue; Coldla Urilton Hud 11. M. Kevan, all of Oinahn, for forfeiture of hoiula given for Flnkle Ktine and tinldin Uritlon, who failed tn appear In court to auawer charjtes of vIoliitliiK the federal nareodo act. One petition stntea that Nellie Acker' and Mm. Carroll fulled to produce r'lnklextine in court after they had put up tl.iiOO bond for hla appear ance. Another complaint chnrire.i that Mr. Kevan failed to produce iuldle Itritton lij court. . The ilrltton woman's bond waa $500. Farm Kxpert to Deliver Lecture on Dry Farming Jliu-ily Campbell, farm expert, who ha liinde a particular study of dry fanning, will deliver a lecture on "Hetter Farming" at 8-tonlKht at the 1 'number of Commerce. This lecture, which will be llluatrated, la free to the public. Mr. f'Hmpbell Is agricul tural mlvlaer for the Southern Pa cific railroad. He formerly wrh con nected with the Wurlincrton. cheapest,, hut they were ipired with the lauc'of novelty, She had never eaten at hO mile, an hour. It was strange to lilt your fork and have it rrach your moiilh a hundred feet away. You might lift your poon from your teacup in one county and have it reach vour lipi in another. There was much landscape between a bnhv stare the cup and the hp. Ihe view out- 1 here were a s'de her dinine room at home had men even more Some of them had rtutchrd a few fun or silks about them jutt barely in time, and looked to startled and so shy that Mem wondered why they had prrmiltrd the pictures to he published at all. She had not vet learnrd that she lierrelf, for all her experience, looked at the world with never changed except from winter to summer. Hut here the world went raring by few portraits of atrreealile, foreign dancers and Americans in barbaric decorations. There was an article about a cubist painter whose mad Aa far back Into her babyhood aa hhe toulil rei-olleet, her toother bail bat hed her with averted gar.e ami kept the towel. nUiut her. Later, when ahe had attained thti dignity of being too big to b neen ami waalied by her own mot her, abe hud la-en In airucted to keep heiaelf concealed even from her own eye. She hud lieen warned that Ood waa every where; Ilia aleepleaa eyea were not even turned away In a bathroom. Khe hud awked her mother once: "Why doea Ood go rountl pet-king at people and doing things you tell in, are not nice? lan't God a good gentleman?" Her mother had been properly ahocked and answered Innocence with horror. Mem had never even won dered for a moment if 'iod had not been slightly mlarepn ied. It had never occurred to her 1. perhaps Ilia poor, halfwitted woinhlpera weru The man her uas uiinleas-1 paintincs made Mcm's head ache. sntly interested in her thoughts. He (" hers was an article about a titled endowing him with their own weak t Not a fellow in bed when it's yellow and red Meeker Granted Permit to Sell Books on Street Kzra, Meeker, venerable tranacontl nental traveler, waa granted a per init by Mayor Dalilman to sell hooka on downtown etreets. Mr. Meeker Is tha author of his travels arroaa the ontlneiit and of his work In estab lishing marker of the old Oregon trail. Beetle to Speak Here. Word hna been received at head quarters of the republican slate cen tral committee that Congressman Heede of Maine will speak In Ne braska October 11-12. He probably will speak hi Lincoln and Omaha, with possibly one of two additional assignments. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham- M ! Washington Hocks aiartetl to the rist mill on tlliulet creek Tuesday but reer did get there, lie had a turn of iii'lle.l ecru In a sack across Ihe back mrnm lN..-e--T III. .w J 'vi L' O- ."e' j a. V s . . WHATS YELLOW AND RED? all hands up! EVERYBODY KNOWS! it's a package YELLOW AND RED that contains food fun CRISP, GOLDEN-BROWN FLAKES of wonderful goodness! YES! Post Toasties THE QUALITY CORN FLAKES and there's nothing like 'em IN THE WHOLE, WIDE WORLD for flavor and charm FOR BREAKFAST AND LUNCH for dinner and supper! WHERE'S THE KIDDIE who can remain in hed WHEN ITS A BOWL-FULL of delicious Pos Toasties AND COLD MILK? with the package on the table FOR THE SECOND BOWL-FULL without delay THE GOLDEN FLAKES COME all ready to cat AND FULL OF ENERGY and nourishment FOR THE GROWING LITTLE BODIES for play and study KEEP THE YELLOW AND RED PACKAGE dlutivs handy AND ALWAYS REMEMBER to say to you r grocer I)ST TOASTIES (i ml get Vost TiHistici IMPROVED CORN I LVKES .) IMS- .. an. I lift S , a t-a.t 11 t i- t t i ..' I .1 in a.ula - I ... . 4 ps a:.i, it,,(.'"l a-l I lit f ' ti f I tv.t.t-l it i ta h '1 i".i" v lit w.aaMil it at t ...'.. I ..! fi tut , , Sl . - I. fll f lit . tlMl n 4 I n i"; il ir- e. l li'itl r, 1 .... I. .- - 4 H I- U M ft. 14 a , I t tli n i a l . . ; ., J !. . I jlUKn.H V -... , , i - . i i . a-- i .- a ' . 1 . . . 4 I fc - ' ft I- . . ! .i a - il I i--i a I . t t . , ;-,, a a tt a .- at , 4 Il k I tf '"4 f . -improved com flakes Mida by Vium Ctl CsuWiy, Inc iitl Creak, Klavhiaan Bmrgess-Nash Company In the Downstairs Store Tuesday Dollar Day Our Downstairs Store is a place where one may al ways buy trustworthy goods for the least money possible, but we go farther than that and set aside certain days as feature days when we sell merchan dise at prices far below their regular value. Our Dollar Day is one of the most important of these. Every item is special, some items are reduced, others are bought especially for this selling-all are exceptional values and priced for this day only. Owing to the lowness of the prices we cannot guar antee thnt this merchandise will last throughout the day, but we assure you that the values are great enough to repay the early shopper. 2 White Dresses $i Dainty Utile baby dresses neat ly made ami trimmed with nar row lace. SUe from Inlutlts' to 2 year. Two drrtset llowiiilalra aivre Soap Combination $1 i: bait Quick Naptha; 1 pkg. Jto)nl lmon Kh aiiM't ; 2 pkks. Wool Klaki-a; bars Wool Soap; 1 bar VAtilty Fair Soap lluraNa-Naab llwniiaUIra Slurs Silk Camisoles Heayy satin ami r repa da china Irimmed with lata and ribbon beading-. While, pink, orchid, black, navy. I'rlced, each.... Harias-aah Itownalalra Star $1 Rompers: Creepers Fins little I'ompera and rteep. era, unusually well mailt', tin- Ished wllli hand i-nihroldeii, aW I medium weight material. Slzt a fjTJ 1 to ti years. Kach Ituatialaira Mura Wool Dress Goods $i 54 Inch all wool storm terse In a full lino of color.. Mill end In from 2 to tSyard lengths. I'rlced a yard Iliirgraft-Naftti IMmmtalra Mar 10 Yards Scrim A plain whlto curtain scrim that makes beautiful plain or ruffled curtains for any room In the bouse. Special, 10 sards Itownataira Stare $1 2 Pajamas: Gowns $1 Gowns and pajamas, with or without feel, made of warm outing flannel. Klzes from In fants' to g years. Two garments ntirg-ma-Naah IHiwnalaira Mura 2 Wash Blouses Just the sort of blouse ohm neeilt ho frequently for wear with full and sweater. In a number of styles. 2 blouses.. Iltirgraa-Naah IHiwnalalrf sure $1 4 Yards White Sateen 1 $1 40 inch white sateen villi highly mercerized finish. Splen- Hid tjimllly for petticoats and bloomen. Unusual at 4 yards naraa-Nali iMwnalaln Star 13 Double Nets Double mesh hair nets jri, tap and fringe styles. Women will take this opportunity to supply future needs. i:j nets $1 llurgf -t-NH.h Ikmtiatalra Mure Sweaters : Dresses A group that Includes sweat ers, dresses, petticoats and other baby garments. Reduced to sell at, 2 garments Itownataira Mare $1 8 Yards Scrim SIMncli scrim, In while and ecru, with lace edge. A curtain material that women have found sirl.lsfartnrv. S vrla Downstairs More 1 22 Yards Val Laces Val laceg and Insertions In a large assortment of patterns. Also some embroidery edging. In 2'i-lnch widths. 22 yards.. Iltlrgma-Naah Itnwiialulri Mar $1 10 Yards Toweling C 1 Bleached crash toweling of a heavy quality that will not leave lint. A finality seldom priced at, 10 yards $1 llur?riis-Naiili llnmiMiiIra Mure 2 Neckwear Sets Iace and oreandv enff ami i. lar sots in very pretty and dainty designs. White and ecru. Are priced for Dollar Day, 2 sets Doanatalra Mara SI S()x90-Inch Sheets L'nbleaclied sheets made with center seam and hemmed ends. Sheets of this standard size are ordinarily priced higlcr than Biirire.ii-Na.h IIiih n.taira S Linoleum Riurs ( hinese pal tern, unfinished border. In one size only, 4 6x4 feet, with burlap back. Spe cial for Dollar Day, each lllirrru-Naah lloHn.lulnl More Feather Pillows ver ff) I A rood 'imli'.y ticking ha? been used lo make these pil! They are well filled ami soil. Dollar Day price, en. Ilurut-H" Nnh I Mm a-.: air H-ore Carpet Sweepers $1 Metal caipet sweepers that make housework much easier. Wa have only a limited num ber, at, each l!ilr-Nli lloanalalr Star 7 Yqrds Flannelette is 27 Itich.-s . h.avy uual- IT "11 This tin tint; ilaunel Mib and of veri It)'. Splendi.I for winter t U weight sleeping garments 7 v.h JLa tltiriri-.-- Nasli )nti.ta'r. S'ora Felt Slippers Sf)les for nu n and women. In many colors, with padded elk or lea! her soles. Women Uea 3 to ; iiirn'n ii to 11, pair $1 llwrgf.. NaH Ihianalaira lur 6 Yards (Jinirham il.' Ini h iIii-k tint hams in plaids and tiiei k.. Many color rombliiatlm-s fiom wbleh to choose a iiIiimiI il-i-ts K .la . $1 (iiiham Dresses Children' a. I h It it ii i , liia.l f ft eoo, ,,, i,, Q 4 pUl.ts a l l plali, ,,!, n ,,.. TfV I t la 14 K'ti-h Ilftf X H'tM s lk.a.iair aia,( 7 Yards Challic X 111' h i o' h'I t l.nllle in in,,; f -av s-'rti ' i-oHiit a!il .Uirfll tie " a't-ns I,. "'t i!l, tin, r,if i,,W I ln cuiiior's Mpet-ial ? )i,t. l,,.. Nwtk - llaimalftir ft 21 Ilaiulkcrchiefs Int lu,l aia Ui whii htf. kertfiirfa tur men. (o y ii,m t 4 Uif ieua fl. a, ,ii kf i, f, K I (of an I ni. ;t tor . ... ti X t ! a- Kimui.) wa "Carter" Cnion Suits SMi. I'.il'na S lit f,if ..!t-r . S !' 1 14' ' -Ml. l - e 2t" I I'l t'itl l-ni'1 r!.. ial X t-.a.- Sa-a l a.' .- Welch's (irapelaile "Tin' jttiuiial Sjuvihr -.M..tin. 23c Jit.- . lit,- --..t.,,-: (. ,1 t.',;, ,1. UI'. f ..,1 t 4 l . ,.U t -( i i . i'-a VI , I, ( -;,r ,v..,, t 1 1 . t ' J i , . , , li,.a. S.afc Si Silk Stockings Pl"Sy U- . . u' i.i, . -i ft f.,' ' '..! If--1. 1 t ff m I ,- at (Na .: s.i I " I .i 1 r ... . wl JL s a .- a - ..a I . -1 a s. Sateen Bloomers Clillilit n a black tnteen bloom ars, exceptionally (Inn for school wear, riitet 6 lo M )esrn. Tueailuy, 3 pain Ilaraaa-Naafi Itawaalfttra Hlara $1 2 Pair Overalls ll" sniped overalls nf hetty ipiullly blue denim. All sites. Limit of 4 pairs to each cus tomer. Triced, 2 palia Iluriaa-aali liftaialalra tra $1 2 Boys' Blouses Itojs' blouses of good quality insilras and rhamhray, plain blue, gray or striped. Sizes t to 13. Very special, 2 for $1 10 Pairs Hose Men's hose of good finality cot ton, In colors of blue, gray, brown or black. Specially priced for Dollar Day, 1 pair ltiirsaa-Nah Itannalaira Mora $1 School Knickers Dark colors end fancy mixtures of heavy weight worsteds, that will withstand tha wear and tear of school days. All sizes. $1 IturrrM-Ntwili Itowmtalni Worm Boys' Sweaters Doys' sweaters of wool and cot ion, In coat style. Heavy weight, mixtures. Assorted col ors. Limit of 3. Kach $1 .iir)trs-(ili ItoHnNtalr fit or 0 2 House Dresses Because there are just 100 of these percale tlcsses In broken sizes, we reserve the rinht to limit the quantity. 2 dresses.. lltmitiitairs More $1 2 Larje Aprons I'oir, 1 1 m- ritiii nfMiun that arfi so ronvonient to slip MM.! ,1.. i .. V inz for Dollar Da v. 2 anrons.. " l.tir5;ci-Nh Ooivnnlalrn Htor 51 Women's Gowns $1 Made nf heavy quality flannel ette in plain white and tn striped effects. AH are trim med wiili fancy braids. Kach.. Hiir-;'.-H,-li Hmti,i'air Mora Sateen Bloomers Women-s knt a atnl ankle li ntih bloomers of fine sateen, uvule with ilonhle elastic cuff. All street shades. 1 pilr lttirffan-Hti littHii.laira Mat-a Si 14 Rolls Tissue Large rolls of crepe lolUt tis sue Hint you will reeognire as much untlt i pt n i d for Udlar liny. Tuesila, M rolls $1 l.MrirNaafc-.ltvwns.Uif t(twt Women's Pump WlllllHll" kill 6.(1,1 l.atullt (ittlLlva. ' - a .-n a ntl'l I ,IM I Sitiittl l4j41 i , . wiilih pr 51 Chililren's Shoes oil lot t.f , -r, ola ' n) f!.n "' ' Ok Ml 4- I ( ,at rf " 1 'r ., si', whii t.,t Ik I M. t s-i'i. ski- t-r b,i X tia,f. a Ptt lKat.tM , aH RihI Arrow liouth . 1 1-, -. t -ui-. I ' ' ts in., k i.t n S - ; IS