THE OMAHA UKK: TL'KSDAY. fKl-l'KMBKK IIU. VJi2. Crcighton Will Give Extrusion .Work hv Radio Serif of 15 I.rtlurr on V riom Subject to He l!rouIrat Thursday t'lafhlon univvrapy announce ' serb-a of I! estenaiun iH-iiira by radio. Thry will be tmadat from tli Ortmha flrnln aschansje every Tnir. iy evening a! I uti'I will run tlnit" weekly until tha cnnipU il'm of the serira. Tli first lecture. "U Uai Inhabited?" by Itav. William f. Uii. H. J. profeeeor of physic and astronomy, will -bo given c tober S. ' Ilev. John M. MrCormlik, 8. J., truirtt of Crelghton. in announcing lit program, ald "t'r yar there haa bean de itianl for a lactur rouraa of thfa character, tut pot until th preaent perfection of tha radio have wa been cffrml (ha means of reaching alarg number of person at a minimum coat. Va hava arrnnicrd a course of 11 leulurce Uum diversified subject by tnmlier f lbs Creighlon faculty, each of which will ! approximately JO minute long. , "With over 6.0'i0 radio receiving eta In Nebraska alone. It will Ixt easy tn estimate tha vast number of par aona wa ran raa-h In thla way. i "Wa also Bra ulauinlhg a rouree) In football coaching, by Malcolm V.ui (frige, Crelshfon ooaih." I.lut of la"rlurrs. , Tha romplrla program of the radio Sxtenslon lerturee la aa follows: ' ii, la Mara inhebllad'' II. William K Kirno. H J . lirofaasor of )ll)eta ailll ealrutietliy. O l'ibr M "I'udiln Hlh, in. Herman (teas fif Van w. a. hull.. A. K, M. Creilil"n rn.direl ahied. " O' lMl'T 1 II llrrn-l. Credit Jlrn. Vrr.llle and CnllM-tlona. ' i-t, rnaiiaio-r Omen Ap.orialti.n ii-"ial Inlurea. I illlilon MrhAxI f i ..miliaria ami finance. . uni.lwr ; "A t-f-t Merniry Tel. roi"." Iv. William K. Hnt, M J. i..v..fvi er "Th" Theyer A Ho'tal Doiti"' i ll-- InadtuMon a l'a t for 1.a alll'ua I'rama,'' llav. KrenclS X. Hellly, a. J . i'air iif KnKllah. . nv,u.'r a 'iirjtinnla Va iai .o.l Iowa t''.il," W. H. Clid. VI. .i .mIiu onuha Trual roniPny, ali" uil l lur.r fralahlon a' bool ut Cora- h nrtl flnHHri-. Kmn r 1 "Talllna fortunea by tha taia" llav. William V. Hia. H J. iwrmlir li "Mli-rn Mf-lu'lna' JIr Mian V.ii W, . hull. A. II, M I. ,mv .hIht : "What l From Tour Iianilai," Kilwaril If. !lrunln(, O. U H. il'itttal anatomy, . .. xiiilvr -Tha Driti of rictlon," J' ! una X. Hrtlly, M. J. , (.. - ni.a.f H "Tha al Hi hoo of Tart"."' Harnian Vua W. Mrhulla, A. 11., M, li )nnUM-r I! "(lur MIIMIn' a TH'ir Vua. Hi lUtlly. lloit anil ruluta, ' tiev. riancla X. ny. a. j. Bring the Family Lancheoo, 4015 nJ 50 Dinaa...50(.60 and 75? MELBA GRILL 203S Famam St., Omaha. roo EUROPE oi a jnadian pacific ner Sail from Montreal or Quebec hJa !; toric and romantic citiaa ia Old French Canada. For two daya down tha picrureeque Sc. Lawrence, then only lour daya cn tha open eea. " Furtkrt mformmliom frmm iacaf ' afaaauaa aaaali ar . It 8. Elonh, Can. Aft. 8. 8. Paaa. Deft., 41 N. Ocubora St., Cnxaao, Phooa: Randolph 3625) .. Cktrbouri Southampton Hamburg ' Lrwrpool Anlwtrp Glasgow flm Your Winltr Vtt Na- Two Canadian tViii Cnu la aa Wttt Indtn and South AmtncM, Ittnmt Nnr York January 20th ami faaraw 20th. 19H. ATHLETES Yea, Do! If you a want Vm to yell Sv "AfUhnv" tn ' tcaJ of "Take him out" lim ber up those tiff jointi and muscles with BAUME. BENGUE tANAUUKliiaVia IUII rl. tannia player. r-."lar, (vtlara shattvat uf am )ut aa lian iiayat anvtlrug ite ami h4 ill gat a luKaot lhaimal IraiuH tVaumt - it ,kiatnaturall kauktMitf aaa iJ anruhwai aiwl out, keep twha handf U raita. TVa laau a C . V . .aa a Condenser an Aid Across Phones Connection Acmm Krcfivcri Iniprovr tfficitury of Detfctori. Muih unnaifaaary myatary aur rounrta tha ua of tha ty paaa cn tnar uaad to Improva tha alflilanry of itftectnra, ronnartH amiind tha tflphnti ri,lr. A roiiitunx-r ronalaia of twit eon ductlnK Hiatal platrg prraaad ili.a to Kathar with an Inmlailnc aubatanr Utwrrn tham. Tha matiil plta will nlluw ..It ctioiia to Knihi-r on llirin, hut lha Inaulutinn will kfft the rln-trona irum croaainK from ono put to lha othar. Thara ara alcrlrona averywhara, Tharafora, In whut mlKht 1 calli-d tha atata of raat, or "wiro" eloctilo praaatira, thera ara a t lit a larga num lr of ali-ctroni praaint on avary. inmir, inciuqinr ma twu aldft of a pontlonafr. Elactrona ara qulta human in not liking to ba crowdfd ton much ii mora aianrona ara than forfait up. on ona aiijt-, m dvnalty of tha lic trotia will, of cuuia.., I Inrrraaa J on that aide, which mwtna mora alaftrlc praure, and thrra will ba a ruah of tha tliotiona off tha other nu-tul aide ror very rapid movemanta back and forth of elautrona, the rondanwr will ihprufora act ui:tly Ilka a atralifht wlra r-onnivtlon, aa there will be a mo tion of tlivtrona Into It on one alda and out of it on the othnr. Bo audi Cond-nw-r will let mirh elortron vl. bratlona paaa through it a.iallv. A good value for a by paaa condtitiacr ia ona or two ona thoiianndtha of a microfarad. Thla condonar la con nected ar-roaa the Mnhuiia rii-lvar. making- It poaaibla for the rapid lao- iron impuiai-a to paaa through thn turnatilo dftpctor (iiikklv hrouKh tho by paaa condna..r tu cround. They would hava much more difficulty In getting through tho trie- hona rewlver at thla rapid rate, due to tha many turna of Ann wira, t which it ia made. SPARKS Tho plibllo radio atatlon whlrh hna bwi catobllMlicd at Houthport, Kuk land, la claimed to bo the luiwat of lie kind in the world. Tr ia ...n Ike a amull eiitetLihrnicnt hall. On tho "platform" a large lecplvlnir aet haa ben lnatalled from which 60 die trii,iitlriK wirea rullalo. Theae are ruapended at well aparad intervale Vom the ceiling ar.d tu the end of each la attached a hat.d phone aiia pended, within easy reach of the aeated patron. AiTang-pnienta are r.iado with certain broadcantlng ata tlona to aend out music between apecl flad houra. Borne practirul polnta may be men tioned in the care of orytal detectora. The first and moat i.npottant is that the cryatal ba kept dean. Flngera are tho worat offt-nderi!. Po not touch the cryatal aurface. A crystal may ho wftahed with alcohol, or even aoap nni? water. The eoap ahould be thor oughly waahed oT. Tli Bteel point or "cat whisker" Nhould alwaya be c.'tan and fairly I'hurp. It must not bo tco sharp, how ovur, aa thla will cnuro it to "burn" off too quickly. There are nine radio inspection dis trict a embracing the United Status, Torto Rico, Hawtill and Alaska. All tula the radio transmitting station in tho United States totaled 20,841 on July 1, but as government land and ship stations are not controlled by the department only 19.S63 station were licensed. Of the total station 15,1104 are ama tcur, 2,773 commercial ships, 1,194 government ships, 575 commercial land, 2S4 government land and 811 special atationa. In the alxteenth century it was cus tomary to put on one side of the blades of table knives the mtisloul notea of the benediction or grace be fore meat, and on the other side the grace after meat. Rheumatism at 60 , graft Haw ftariae fas will faal, iMlher, Wllae year raaaaaallaaa la all yaaa. I -ai , 1, a. ale It. It UI kail tea aa, taal All too Short Grape Season Emoy their Goodness lla tie M kui t..ftd lifi M"Ja u t W III M 1 IKw'l I't it M IV.Ut ("! T i - fv mH K ' Vl.K..." Ii!-l est H Itawatt a ). Eat i 15,000 Veterans of G. A. It. Gather for Encampment Civ il War SoUim AfmMe in Doi .Mtiinca Officcri Orcupy Puljiit of Many Cliurtlics. Ia M.ilnra, 8Pt. IS A It that la lift of that army In blue, which, 10 )ar ago, etratched Itsalf half way in nt th continent mid fought to flnlah the iicatinn of a ration be coining a "Itouae divided ngulnat It self," was repraaanled bare last night tn the wiK-me of IS.OOO veterans of tha (Irsnd Army of the Republic, which opi-ticd pa fiiiih nntlonul an cunipmcnt this iiiornlug. National offlcera of th O. A. R occupied pulplta of many churches htre yesterday. Knota of vanernbl men In faded blu uniform mid wlA faded, old ayea, looking out from undrweath' crbiaten cup of black, flt ram. palgn huta, ar grouped on every downtown street corner. The hotel lobblea ara piping with volet ao thin that their iiKBK'K.ito aiiKKesta the wind whlHtllng through tho trees Perbnp thuy are buck ugulit on the bloody field of AntleLim, or muyhap they are rghtlng onre more, us they have so many tlniia these year, at Gettysburg, ill The. Wilderness, tha "battle ubove the clouds" lit Mission ttiy ridge, ut Hhllo. or t'hlcumnugn. Ill her Thing to t'onaldrr. rerhapa but that la Just by th way. Kor there nre other thltiKa to consider, things of which they ar thinking hard and whlrh, no doubt, will coin olllclally before tha en campment. What, for instnnce, la to come to pasa in that day noL lonK distant now. when the last of fliose men who fought that fight In blue 'J yeurs ai?o, shall nave- wannoreu anoaru Hharon'a rrrift and drifted away to the other shore? There are 100,000 of them left, and they ara jrolng at tho rule of 2,000 a month. Two thousand Into 190,000, SO times; 05 months, g yeurs and they will he gone. "Vet a few days, and Thee, thn nil- r.nldlng sun shall see no more In all Ms course," (juotes Cornriolo Roliert A. Porgrava, Helena, (., who fought with the I20th of that atata. He 1 thinking, and ho in representative of the veterana here, ao that question: "Who, what organization, If there Is any with right Ideals, is going to fill the shoes now so soon to be left standing some morning empty beside the bed; who ia to 'carry on' for the O. A. It. when the O. A, It. Is gone?" urtlon Itcyond Control, But In spite of what the men are thinking, Commander-in-Chief Louis T. Pllcher does not believe the ques tion will bo brought up at tho en campment, at least not yet. "They may be thinking about It." says he, of his comrades, but It is question beyond our control. I do not believe there Is any organization which possibly can full heir to what these men have done or to their Ideals, the ideals for which they went out on the field and fought And which were purified and sublimated in the flame of war." Commander Pllcher doe not gay anything about the soldier bonus he discusses It but does not make any statement as to whether ho or tho O. A. K. approve of it. What the soldlor did for their country is a matter that cannot be paid for "in dollars and cents," he says. Ho doe not believe any expression of the subject will com out of the en campment. The encampment opened officially at 10 o'clock this morning and closes next Thursday night. Its big day la Wednesday. There will be an elec tion of officers and it is said that Judge J. Wr. Willatt of Tama, la is slated for commander-in-chief. Road Conditions (Kurnlahed by the Onialia Auto Hub.) All riKf reported in kuoiI eondltjon, with wnather claar at every point. S. 3. S. Thoroughly Ride the Body f Rheumatism Impurities, Somebody's mother Is suffering te nlghtl The scourge of rheumatism has wracked har body; limping and suffering, bant forward, aha eaaa but the common ground, but har aged heart still belongs to the starsi Ioos any hody' caret 8, fc). S. la one of the araatest hlood-puriflsre known, and It (mips build more blood celts. Its mad Iclnal Inaredlunts are purely vegeta ble. It never disarrange tha stomach. It is. In fact, a splendid totito, a blood maker, a blond anrlcher. It banishes rhauniatlam from Joints, murHee and tha entire body, ft builds firm flesh. It la hat somebody's mntlinr reads t'vrdtrhtt Mother, It you ran not so out In rat a bottle of N. H. H. yourself, SHiraly somebody In your family will. Itomebody, a bottle of H. H, H nowt lt mmahody's mother basin to feid ..jful aaaln tonlsM. Hayt.e, mayl.a lis our inothuri B. B H. Is sold at all dius st.ira, in two sliaa. TI; larger aita ia th mur acenuuilcal is the ryrmrrnTl AAli t J jpVealaaafc- Mitellaiilaim CONCOrU More of them Reporter Fined for Breaking "Blue Law" J. B. Rctle, newspaper reporter of Fiqtia, (., vvm arretted and lined $25 for iccking to interview man on Sundiy, violating that city's Sabbath blue law. 60 Lincoln Women Form G. 0. P. Club Organization for Heal Activ ity Liiuinlicd Temporary Offireri Named. Unci. In 8pt. 36. Buty Lincoln women met at luncheon at the I.lndell hotel .Saturday and formed a republican Woman' club. The chief mcmbarshlp qualification I a wllllngncx to work. This is but the beginning of a greater woman' organization formed for th purpose of distributing literature, dls cussing and boa ring tho curls dis- ciiHNeil, and in the last analysis, get ting out tho vote. Tho women dia- played real old-fashioned enthusiasm. Mrs. Ii, A. K.iMt presided during the luncheon. Miss Clarissa Delano was mmlo temporary chairman and Mr. Charles Unrton, temporary gee., retary, Mrs. John Tongue of Stroma- burg, statu organizing secretary for women, orrcred the lulluwing Bug gestions: Put every woman In your organi zation to work. Appoint committees In every two or three Mocks, whose nuty win pe to line up the republicans in their territory. Appoint remittee to see that eaV1 person in their territory gels the right kind of literature. Appoint essembly committee whose duty will be to assemble women In different part of the city for the purpose of hearing the code discussed by men and women who thoroughly understand it. "Appoint committees to see that all republicans go to the polls." ). H. Kpillinan, candidate for attor ney general called attention to the qualifications of C. If. Itandall which 'make him particularly dosirublo for tho office of governor. Mr. Howell for senator, also was atrongly en dorsed. Mrs. William Berry of Omuhn spoke of organization work in her city. A meeting will be held next Friday to form a permanent organization. Radically Reduced Prices Monday For Only Two Weeks On the Wonderful a on Bu-a A 1 ial I ul Si ii a. XT. X V I ' - ! . 7?u f l-i i with th i turned off! rUs Ik kt!t ttWttJ (fii pJ ih-J 4 uj tn taftl a tls tK f A4 lll ik mtt vtt lissj V l rtllaH ! ta tag. 11 f H f ft. CeS f4 . lf) H .1 l e fctul, l4iM-, ( ( M lJS -IS! If 1 Mtr k. f-4 p INI UtMMi 4 ft-l 4 wft .1 Milton Rogers AND SONS IVCOMPANy liitrdwaro IlousohoJd UUUtius 1515 HARNEY ST, Episcopal .Meet Ends After Much Work Finished Confirmee Dropped OIey' From Marriage Ceremony, Tut Han on Marriage to Divorced. Poltland, Or., Sept. 15. rM.-gnti to th Kplecopatian conference whlrh rtoaad lie aaaalnn her Haturday war lenvlrg tha city In numbera through' out (Sunday and by today, it waa aatl nuiteil, practically all would b gone. A lew visiting churchmen nrM errv Ires brre today. A eondenautlon of tha oik of the convention fiOwat Adopted t:'l,fiM0.tHH! niiunclnl pro gram for next three year. Approved concordat aa step toward unity with Coiiarauallonallsts. Arranged to sponsor world confer ence of fhurchea In (Java greater measure of approval to "spiritual healing." I Unapproved of omlaalon of win In holy communion. Approved optional us of shortened form of th commandment. Voted to drop "oliey" from marriage ceremony. disapproved of marriage of defect ives. Amended canon to warn communi cant against marriage to paraona di vorced otherwise than church permit. Almost completed rtvlslon of prayer hook. I c. lined to Join federal council of churche. Refused to seat women In house of deputies; to license women aa lay reader and to elevate women to dtac onate. Denounced mob violence and certain Secret bodies. Chose New Orlran a 1925 conven tion city. Two More "Panhandlers" on Hread and Water Diet Two more "panhandlers" wero en ten ce.l to Jail for 15 day each on bread nnd water by Judgo Wnpplch in central police court yesterday. Judgo Wapplch this morning stated ho telephoned the county Jail when be sent tho first polr of them there, giving verbal Instructions that they should bn put to work and fed on bread and water. The two men ware eating the same fare as the other prisoner Saturday, the attendanta explaining that the mittimuses from police court laid nothing about the atarvatlon diet. Tho pair sentenced to a similar fata today were William Trimble and W. I). Hmlth, arrested at Twelfth and I'arnam atreeta Saturday night by Officer Aboud. Parents' Problems Should a boy of 14 who wishes to work after school and on Saturday be allowed to do ao? If the work is suitable and not too tiring, and If it leaves the boy time for active piny, he might bo allowed to do as he wishes. Jy "suitable," I meant work that is done in health ful place, that brings the boy in con flict with people and thing that are wholesome and good. HM1BS GAS RANGES This Famous At a Price You Cannot Afford to Overlook! NOW ia tho time to place youi order for one of these remark able Chambers Flrelesa Gas Ranges. The new radically reduced pricea on these famom gas ranges mean a great eav- njr. Our make it to enjoy Prompt Thefte greatly reduced prices are in effect for a nhort period of time only two weeks. You can not afford to mis this exceptional opportunity. Visit this great sale tomorrow. Make selection NOW I Radically Reduced Prices Special Liberal Terms Now For Only Two Weeks My Marriage Problems Add Gamion'g New rbat et "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" icvrrmM ititi Why IK Allen Drake Wish l liar Madgtr Thar d something; about tha hound flgura of tha man Hmlth tha savrct Service owratlvea toofc .bn down to a'ali which tnndn ma fitl a 'hough water bad auddenl I mi pour d Into my veins, He could ("it very h'rt, ahu fling atepa barsuae of th manner til tthii-li Allan had 4lr-td that ha la tied hut every ona of thoae atepa aug. fat-lied soma powtrful malevolent an niaj straining at th !aeh. That tha nr-n with htm were aware of this at tltude I surmlfH from th tight hoi they kept o all her arm. Aa thay dia apiwarid Into lb lower h!l I gav an Involuntary rasping little Intake of th breath, and Lillian put her hun over mine rcaaurlngty. "JIb'b soma tiger rsi, all right," aha whlaxrd whan tha closing of tha II brary door told ti that Hmlth wn safely out of haarlng. "Hut Allen will clip hi claws tonight, I fancy. Jlei th dear boy come now, with your father. Py th way, neither of u said anything to your father about your sdvantura tonight, ao if you kee quiet he'll never know. "Thank you so much, I murmured fervently, for I knew how Intensel tha thought of any danger to ma sf fwcted my lather, Lillian had no tluv to an a war rna even If she had wished for tha mm hud almost reached our corner, and Lillian etepiwd out quick ly Pi front of tham, whU I mora nlowly followed her. "Mr. ( heeler Will Uvr." "Daughter, dear." My father a arm want around me, and I contrast! hi tender, beaming face with Allen Drake' atern, sardonic ona. Patent Iv I waa in lha bad bok of Mr. Disk by my refusal to accept his escort upon my midnight trtp to the hospi tal, and ht meant to show me his displeasure at my action. 'It ought to ba a great aallsfac. Hon to you that you have In all prob. ability saved my Ufa tonight by your speed In getting that drug." In my father' voice there wa distinct pride and my pulse leaped with relief at th now he Implied. "Mr. ChaMer will life!" I cried. Allan Drake' frown deepened. "Dr. I'ettlt Just assured u that he thought he was safe, " my father an awered, and I would have been gome thing other than a woman if I had not nut an extra bit of enthusiasm into my voire aa I answered fervently: "Ol., I inn so glad!" What I lha Reason t "If I may presume to remind you Mr. Drake epnke Icily, addressing no ono In particular, "time ia passing rapidly." "And we don't want Bmtth'a nerve to get too law," Lillian assented de murely, I had a strong suspicion, that H'c.i waa concealing a ainile at Mr. Drako'a childishness. DRESSES New Arrivals Daily at MODERATE PRICES '-JidiusOrkin Range Now special liberal terma possible for everyone a Chambers Kirclems. action U lU'cessMry, "I do not wish to be rapt Phis," Mr, Pr-ike went on, "but don't you think it unwla) tn unnaoeaaary for Mia t.rnnani to be praannl at thl sam lth rmtthr I had Sll X rvuld do to heap front tniiilng ou tain wirtly and atnklig lha ssrdonlo little stml from hla face Thla waa tha way ha Inieni&d to punish lua for my temerity In thwait log hi arroaant will! II knew, mm better, how my pulsaa IhrlUed to an atcUing war. au h as th iiitei vtaw kith fiulth proiulaed to be. I ha J Hoi ked aa hard a b upon th prob lem connected with Hmlth. I an id to myself fiercely, fm gat ting th humility ! had realy felt concerning my solving of the rod which w huj found upon tho man now lou'ij In tiia library. And because of n pet ty maartilina resentment ha would rsprlva ma t swalng tha and of tlii particular lhaptar In Ida and Lil lian's work. lint my training under Lillian hsd taught mn no lesson more valuable than that of keeping my mouth shut, Ho I rloead my llpa tightly and walled for some on to speak. My father's voir Bounded first. -"Yo'i mean, Allan, that It would be dangerous for bar?" h sakigl anxi ously. I'cfor Mr. Drake could answer, Lit- kan b.-oke in abruptly; "What utter rot!" she said rare Iras of th effect of bar rudeness uptni her rollraguo. "Madge haa worked J too hard on this thing to full to see thl angle of it. Of course she's go ing in." Armstrongs Linoleum Jbr Every floor in the House How linoleum makes the floor a part of the room THERE are many things about a linoleum floor that you are sure to like. In linoleum you can get design, and colorings that will contribute to the color scheme you havr in mind.' In addition, a linoleum floor is the easiest of all floors to clean. It never needs refinishing, never splinters. An occasional waxing and polishing keeps it looking new. This modern linoleum properly laid is a permanent floor. Proper laying means cementing the linoleum to a lining of builders' deadening felt which is glued to the bare floor boards. Thijr makes a waterproof floor, free from unsightly cracks. ' Our booklet, "Decorative Linoleum Moors," contains twenty-four color plates, showing Armstrong's Linoleum in the many patterns that you can see at good stores J aspis, carpet inbids, parrjuetry inlaids, inset files, printed designs. This booklet will be sent you on retjueit. Any crmd furniture or department store will give you climates of the con of linoleum floors properly bid in your home. tJod laying a worth the cost became it mean lunger vrar.t Armstrvns'j IJnoLtim Hugs y 1'rif jeirl who live in ipittmr nu or )o hate hotikfi on thi rt Ira'H n.i kh itipirntly J i not wH t tnn.II permanent linuleum r1Hti, Armttttotg' inda-ii ni is !i mK' in the f.xii . l..iJrrtJ u(v' Ihirty ttmtir pit'nni in !uf iims ftom 6 1 9 fft ta V t I,' ! f AleintOOU t I'OMH'I, IlMUIt M IVti" ae. .,-, f .i4t,a ChuAif.i Olit,f 12i6 HejwvrtS fluilding fa m C'CJ ' i "- laeies tsa 2 Pic in (ftui Finite Trinidad, t'ulo., riept, f Two ara .Icj.l tim th irult of a ahisjting near AsU'Ur uild4y. Milra l. I'rutlo, a laaikemith, waa shot and killed ly a nun ao far uiitdentlitl ho in turn ee ahot and kllle.1 by P" "f Ute tensors and rltlna hastily ,'.riMt at Aa-uili.r. Iknh tha dead are Italliins. Th raiiae of the shoot ing Is not tlrfintlely known. Af KMriay.MENT. For Relief from Piles tee4 i .aaret Draaslat tar ef 1-rtaaaM I'lla Saapaallaalaa Ikair uuiklaa aeea I liemafhabl. In the privacy of your hems ISramld I'll. Huppnellarlaa alvs bussed relief from itching, tillBf tit protruding pile, hemorrhoid ana auih rectal troubles. And 11 I s ton. foil to know yuil can call or a-nd to tha nearest drug store and fat a 0 cent bu snyhara In tha '. K. and Canada, Take no subetl. tuts. A alngl boa I often aufhriant. Vou ran have a free trial fa-kas by aandlng name and address tr l'vrsniid Drug Co., (It fyranild lllJg., Marshall, Mich, V ? 1