TJIK OMAHA BKK: TLFDAY, SKPTKMIIR 28. 1922. New York Giants Clinch National League Pennant for Tenth Time 10 Cardinals Lose to McGraw Men j in 10 Innings! timrge Kelly' Hitting I-irge. j ly etorii.!e fur (.otliam j Tram .1 to 1 Victory. j .V Yolk, He pi, NVw rk rhn.ha.1 !) lot h National league championship I) or when th lilanta rh-feaud Ht. I.nuig In it 10 Inning tunic, to 4. II was the eighth thamplunshtp in In Nt'W York under Meflraw'a leader liii alma 1'jiiI ami murk th first tunc since 1913 that a National )ugii tluthiplim lina rrpestte.1. Ueorg Kelly' hitting wa largely responsible for New Vcirk'a victory. I In tlil the cire In tha sixth Inning with hiitiia run with Ymmir on hane, while 111 single In the 10th after Young hud Irnnn Intentionally imwril, rtrova In Krlsch with Ilia winning run. rr. Lei la i nbw tark A H HO A f AH II O A la I If 4 1 I 4 I a .1 mltn rf t I ilM.h. )h 11 :t I I J Kl. It 2b rt ii. i. r iii l I m.u.-i, ir M... It, lie 4 i Y.iur.g, if . h.illi.rf I I I K !! . In J.avan, 11 ' Stengel, t f t' mnni, e 3 1 a I l' ham, i t I'f'lf.l.p I t I 4 n.ler. a M W'lan.p ToU If I I 31 10 (Kerlenn rK Smith Kliif. it Ufa, p i i i i i t 1 IV I I I 4 0 I 1 Tnl.ll II II 10 3 iii, cut when winning run ernrea. altattril fur M"juii.n In nlnih. lr Cunningham la ninth. Score by Innltige; . Uula J....J1" 0l 11 04 yw V'irk 000 iiii ou I 11 Nummary -lluna: ' Hied.., J. Hmllh, Kin. k,, Krlai-h (J). Yung lii, Holly. Krur: Kelly. TKH-bau hue; Han rmrt. Young, Thrx-lm. hli: rfortialiy, l rl. h. hai rlfl. - : li.itlonily, afeuael, f.avan. Hume lun: Kelly, luuttla play.-. Tunimft la KMer to Kelly, Krleeh lo Ji.nrr.ift u Kelly. I .eft nn baaeer Now Yurk, ; HI. I.iu, I, llaaea nn hall.: Off Jl.tjiimiiii. I; i.ff Ryan. I; ofr Vl-fttr, 4 lllta; off Mcquillan, In : ff liysn, a In 1. Winning ilU'ttr: Ryan iniplrea: t!glr and Klein, Time: I :i,0. "Black Leopard" Has Fight Style Like Dempsey's The physical makeup of Kutlllilg -ikl, iniKiiiTor il Carpentier, has l-eil likened to that of the leopard. - J it action his great liiuncled play fun- Cnu'iHnKly under a dark xkln; he la tretnely fant of fiKit and in wont to make ftrnit ltuipa when evading; t!' tiuixhea of an opponent. This ' f' ini ih atrlkiiiK contract to the grace ful t'arpentler, whose foot movement li that of the Aeathetlc (lancer. Slkl la typical of the brlKadea of jiicked Heneyaleae aoldlerg brought to the weHtern front during the worl.1 v-nr. Ktalwa.rt. poaaeHMed of great atreiiKth and endurance, and an lrre alntllle foe wheu excited, he rrouche nml bundli'N tufther his inaaxive niua-c'l-d alinuMcrs) much after the faahlon 'f .lack DempHfj;. ' . A broad grill, exuDnlUK the perfect teeth su typical of the negroid, lights tip hla face aa lie goea Into Antic com l ai. At times thla grin narrow until it becomes somewhat of a leer, per haps intended to frighten nn adver sary. In all of his ring engagements In France, Slkl has been mjccessful. But in none prior to his bout with Car rentier did he display any terrific punching power. Carpentler's man ager, Francois Deseamps, who la credited as beina; a shrewd judge of lighting ability, bid asserted tliat Slkl vag such a poor lighter that he would not permit Carpentier to meet him. The success of the Senegalese pros Hibly will start talk of a match be tween' him r.nd Harry Wills, Ameri can negro heavyweight who is being groomed as a prospect for a cham pionship bout with Dempsey. Slkl Is the third "foreigner" to gain pugilistic fame during the present rear. First canie Luis Angel Firpo, an Argentinian giant. In New York and New Jersey he met only what Is termed in sporting parlance "trial horses," but his superiority in these bouts was so marked that leading fistic experts predicted for him a great fdlure In the realm of the squared circle, 'i'hey declared Firpo needed nnly careful tutoring in the finer points of the game of hit, stop und get away to place him among the first nnd foremost. Omaha Gun Club Team Loses Match The Omaha Outi club team lost special mutch li the t'llumlnia shoot eta at Columbus. Neb., yesterday by 1 blue rocks. ' The i olumbua guns atr4 DM xint, while oinutu got The score fallow a tcviiitratttlit shot t toil tnisetsi: t ulumba. tlmaba V i ti ! I. UM , . .! K,n.l- . . , ...Ai Th Hia It . K tiiltivtaa H a m at ak 111. I. 1.1 I ltu.1.1 ,. i Mtte . '115 f Na-Ul . t M l !. I Vi.ilu.s .. I Isait'l II HI ,9k ak-l M. a-In. at.i WTTHTOE PUG , m k 1 1 :i a uui,4 t-! t t lo h. u t lit lis c.U-f4 K uu wtiiiM ttwa lMttea Uir i! iu JhHH f HulitU Jlivtiii. i tm h.M !' I'letty, -I i.H.lel j) t l,,i,v lu tlt'VM uf t' li (Ifrtl tiU';tx..n i. W -W le4 a. I ui tJj K tinevn a, ..v-ll , I, s t --... i.t ! at t . fit a ij'nft W-Ilj Wt t ,;i .t..t i- t .. aiit I l I . en sl ) Va ll.u i EDDIE'S FRIENDS ' OH iMOiMMER Yft m look a hat Mrrr.. kjA vock? ( EDPIte S wew humored ThoMrs XZZHkIW: SSJVt f wow!1. y Acuus! y hjMS1 tOMt 0v OH WOV! J 7" ) M. (M A fouft Jp fib 2Sfaer r Orliaha Suggested by Evans as Site of New Title Links y IIAHI.KS It 1IH K) KV .NN. 4K. We have had muny men In the past who have contributed much In time, money and enthusiasm for the devel opment of golf, hut here la an oppor tunity for someone to give ihe game something In this. country that would forever link his name with the aport and give untold aid to umuteur play- eres who strive for the championship title. The United Plates is so big and so many boys are now taking up golf that the gamu 'needs a championship course located somewhere In the cen tral part of the country I should say in Detroit, Chicago, St. loula or Oma ha would he ideal. This course, de signed to offer the most nearly per fect test of golf that architects could build, could he In this country what the famous old St, Andrews course is In Scot la nd. If smh a course were created it would serve several important pur poses and would be self supporting. The national amateur championship could be held over It each year, and perhaps the open championships as well. In addition, sectional champion ships niaght bo decided over the same course, but at least the great course would be the home of the annual na tional amateur. Many Are Kept Away. As things are now, there are many fine young amateur golfers who can attend the championship only every other year. This is so because of the rule that puts the championship In the east one year and In the west the uext. On the face of it. this looks to Pennant Dope New York, Sept. 25. Needing on more victory in clinch the Ameri can league championship, the New York Yankees cannot settle the is sue with the St. I.ouln Browns be fore Thursday, when they play the Ked Sox at liostoii. The Yankees have four mure games on their schedule, three with Huston and one with Washington. The Hi nun have three game to play with Ihe Chicago While Sox, beginning r'rldiiy, and defeat in any one of them would eliiiilnnle the St. l-ouit. club I rum Ihe race, een if the Vankees lost all of their remain ing game. Western League Mogul to Meet tt TuUa Soon j lmpey. Chicago, 21Prr.lrnt Tear- ' lrlat"olI, the Prooklyn pro ne v of the Wraiet'n l.ngue tonight ' iwtf, also I ungluig fur Mikl'a arv- laailr.l a cull fr the Manual fall niel lilt if the club owner to b held In Tula. OkU., I1M KridM.v. The serlea llv.-,ii Tulwi, winner f III" Weatern I hk ue i.niiiaiil, aiul Ihe w Inner of the I Hixie aeriea I., ine. n Mululr mid Koit ' 'urth, will be ni ringed at thnt time, j BRINGING UP I SeVY.O'MTT' VC CrU-'.HT I TO H eVW.14 "ThC CH'4 . I t,"S.rr3(e 4,es.r S NvC. KIM tt. f..Mrllt CAMr'i .r NsrC Kit OVER 1HUS.?.' The be the most equable solution of the problem of where to hold each year's championship, as It distributes the meetings between east and west. On analysis, however, the theory does not hold. Ijist year, when the meeting waa In St. Louis, some 300 golfer showed up for the qualifying rounds. This year only 170 were present at Boston. It can be een that when the cham pionships are held In the east a great many western player are "frozen out," In' a way, since they cannot af ford to travel ao far. There are many In the east, also, who do not coma west, but a a whole there are many more in the west who cannot go to th east. The Pacific coast was rep resented by only one player at Bos tonBob Hunter of Lob Angeles. Bar I'p to Ihe Poor. ' JI BUOUKl lioi oe require., mac a. boy'in his teens or his early twenties bo rich and a, good golfer, too, for participation in' the championship. I think every player should rightfully have his chance at the title, and that he should be given, also, every op portunity which those In oontrol of the game can bring about to make it easier for him to attend the cham pionships. The finest solution for thin is the middle-western championship course. If this were somewhere in the Mis aissippl or the Missouri valley, the game would be assured of the great est possible number of contestants at the championships and the whole country would be represented each yea. Tex Rickard After Siki-Wais Battle Omaha Bee laaed Wire. New York, Sept. 24. When Tex Rickard had finished reading tonight about the Sikl-Carpentler batt4e in Paris, be immediately started nego tiation to bring the Senegalese bat tler to the United States. Rickard announced that his two representa tives will leave tomorrow for Paris with Instructions to bring Slkl to New York. Rickard believes tlnU ikl is a fit opponent for Jack Dempsey, llu plans to arrange a bout with either "Kid" Norfolk or Harry Wills, the topnotcher of the black battlers. If he show up well against either of these two Rickard w.ll begin negotia tions for battle between 8ikl and Icea. I in nil announced tonight that Im hud cable-l an offer of tU0,t(W to tu me.t iUrry Wdla on tKv tuber 12. Coluuibua u.iy. If Hikl ran nut armnga to f.ght at aiu h an enrly tnl, lria-oll aald, Ihe offer liulila gnsl fur Miy lit, FATHER: ... KegaalavM ivt: cor k 0VYf. WlIM IAV e C I I'HK CAT ,' f t.,l 1113 1 s 1 1.4. A :Y.-.'.,v I n Big Thrill in Pinochle Indians Close Season at Home With Champs Oklahoma City, Okl., Sept. 25. Oklahoma City and Tulsa closed the Western league enson here today with a 3D Inning game, which Tulsa won, 3 to 2. Score: TCI. I okla. nrr. Ail ir.O.A l .AH II O A. B'nneit, If 4 1: 0,1'llt, if 4 12 8 Thaon, 3b 4 II 0 li. Moure, rf & 1 4 ImvIb, rf 3 0 S O'Tate. 3b 4 0 3 l.umb, cf 4 0 li l!KHIr, 2b 4 1 t Lallvlt,lb 4 2 10 IT M'Dan'l, 1 li I Oil Dali an, 3b 3 1 i 4 lilliR'fll, If 4 0 3 M'filna, as 3 0 1 lWlniile, as 4 I 1 Wltte. c 4 2 6 1IDy. o 4 14 il'I.a'iln, p 4 V 0 oiAlion, p 2 0 0 IzWhlta Totals 31 ISO l Totals 37 I 30 17 enattd for Allen In 10th. Tutm onn on urn J 3 Oklahoma City 100 0'10 100 0 3 Summary Ruin: Bennett, I.ellvelt (31, Moore, Kelber. Krrors: Fellier I2. Two. , ,,. Hnumn. Day. Sacrlflr hits: I'svi, Hauman. M-uinni. stoi.n ba: i.e li v el t. Kaaea on halla: (Iff McLaughlin, 1 Struck oiu: lly Allen, 4: by McLaughlin. 7. Iiouhls pIhj: I.amb to I.ellvell. Left on baeea: Tu'ea. 6; Oklahoma. City, . f'awieii balla: Hay, 2. Umpires: Ormaby ami Holmca. Time: 1:15. SocccrSttdii5s W . I,. Pet. . .... I 0 I.INM) 1 II 1.IMMI 1 0 MlflO 0 1 .0IM1 0 1 .000 0 1 .(HM) I 'Hleiloniaiia Townnenda tiliaranlen Furniture (IniHlia hpurta Uohemiana flames Next Hundnr. Omaha Spurts agnliiHt Caleilonlana, Mil ler park. Boheniians again! Italians, Athletic park. Guarantee Furniture agalnat Tuvrrueiids, Fontenelle. Football Facts Worth Knowing The Best Grid Play to Use By SOL Q. What is a goal from field? A. A goal from the field is made by kicking the hall from the field of play either by a drnpkick or a place kick over the crossbar of the oppo nents' goal. A goal cannot he scored by a kickoff. Rule fi. Section 7. Q. How many points does a goal from field .count? A. Three points. Rule 5. Q. It a defensive player catches a forward pass on his 1-yard line, then steps luick over his own goal line and is thrown by u opponent, what is tho decision? ' A. It In a safely, the Impetus that rarried the hall over the goal line wan given by it player defending his goal. Rule 6. Section III. Q. May a player making a for ward pass recover hi own pass! fore the ball strike the ground'.' A. lie may. Nothing In Ihe rule thai forbid him doing so. Rule 17, Set linn 7. y. If the qunrtertwtcki-r i removed front 'the niiiit can the man sulmti- tutiung fur bint give the a:tmiU? V If Ihe itirlrrha k k avrs the game, lit Incoming attbslilule hi)' gtv lite algnal. Rule 3, Seel Inn l-atem Offte F- I vMrt Alt' Mr. MiCW V. i;amcj M Cevtstt; f 4,1.110 C Mi --J a r AM . TA.M ; 9L v.H l i 1 vxt--u: W at i Graney Weakens and Boosters Lose to Sioux Trm Muinrs, a., lrpt, ?i Muna grr Jack Ortttify of tka l'I rluh, who piti he, for Ito Mollies tln. Iiurlml fin Ml fa an Inning but wuakem-d In th seventh and eighth and flea Moines loot to Nnu 411 V,' II to ?. Koettgrr and Yun hit hme runs. .or: lOfX CUT 1K atnlSKn Allllii A Hit OA Ita'llun.a I 1 lianin.rf i t Hr. :i, til t IWtMllb 4 I '("! 3D alt fi i'a.ur,tr 411" ' MiJti i h'.hio lb 4 I II I ;i.. ,.i,r,.f I Tui.a 111 i 4 I J I ; Milirk rf 4 11 a,n-.rf t I I nii.n iing.u lias .Nuriun.aa j lliwllfar.p I 4 11 titan? P 4 71 u It Ti Totals 41 II II li Taial Minora by inmusa Sl.iur CH o i 4."- ll ln Manias 0 0 Sot I "iimmarir IHin: llmO.y (?i r tarari1 l.. li. Mam. k ill, aiianaung III. yu". ttual'sai. I'haahr. Tuna rra: 'Miera ihaaltrn, Mannar, Ituma runat Itnatiaar, Vnna. Two-pa.a hit: fju-ty, Hi. Kfim aerlfir: Ifaia Miulen a: Meititngnay 3I, Malllik. lian.ii lfl na haaea; Sioul ''H, II; I'aa Mmtiea, 1, Slru. It nul ; Br llrahav. I; br H"tia-T I. Kaaa en halla- rr Uranay, ; nif ll"ll-t. j. w l in pii-h".; (iranay, luviiaar. l'iid llli shans lin Kamail tuna- shhh Chi , 111 Ilea vtfiin.a. S Imuliin pua. nrtnn to Chaahrn; I'haaln In Kaniiar tn l'he.bri, I iiiuhra: Aielet.,in mn4 l.a la. Tiiua; 1 $, Hint of Scandal About Ruth Baby Branded Absurd Cleveland. O,, Bpt. 25, Fellow member of th New Tork Amrtran league baseball club ai frankly ptix lel by tha claim of George Herman "nab" Uuth and hi wife that Dm--othy, tha yeur and a half old rhild now with Mr. Hulli In New Torlt. is their own child. Not even the swatsmith' intimate among hi fel low players on the Yankee) team sus pected he waa a father, and when Air. and Mrs. Iluth first brought the baby lo the Polo grounds one day four or j five weeks ago the linprrssion wa i gained that Dorothy had been adopt-1 ed by the couple. Although they would not be quoted, several of the Yank exprersed the view today that Jlabe, to satisfy Mrs. Kulh's whim, has backed up hi wlfi In her assertion that tho child was her own and not adopted, and lack ing details of Mrs. Until' statement made wild slabs at the date and place in replying to Interrogations as to when and where Dorothy was born to Mrs. Iluth. This, some of the play ore point out, would account for the wide variance between Mrs. Itnth'i assertion that the baby was born June 7, 1921, at Presbyterian, hospital, New York, and her husband' dec laration that Mrs. Ruth bore Dor othy to him at St. Vincent hospital February 2 of that year. Col. Huston, part owner of the Yanks, today expressed the opinion that ihe little girl was adopted by the Ruths and that the rumor of Ruth's having had an affair with an other woman and brought the child into his own home Is absurd. Ruth himself said this report was "too ridiculous to be dignified by com ment." Harry L. Weber, New Tork theatrl- cal manager, who handled Ruth's first vaudeville tour, vlslted'the Yankees' hotel here today. He said Ruth told hlni about the baby more than a year ago. He said that after four months In an incubator following its prema ture birth the baby was taken to Baltimore and was cared for by rela tives of Ruth until about six weeks ago. METZGER. With the ball in jour possession, first down, midfield, one or two yards from a side line, most good teams run a play oitt of bounds for obvious reas ons. When in possession of tho ball along the ulde line, the defense does iiot need to guard that flank. It there fore masses itself to meet attack to ward the lone sido of the field with out In any way weakening Its rush line. In fact, its rush lino is strengthened liecause its liack may more quickly back it up, they hav ing no duties to perform In guarding fur forward passe to that side of the field which is the boundary. Teams figure and rightly that It N better to rush out-of lioiind with the ball and then move Into the field of play IS yards than to attempt a run through ihe line or to the wide side, Tho defensu Is too stroller and losses result. Only nualnat much j yeakrr tramn may gains b nmd In ' ilu-s illrrcllunn. The Iwller plait la I to km j.iur down an I get out into .tit Tel.) i,f i.v where ynu mav at. i t- k at all i-cii.n rr, JICO. AND M4U.IK IN I VVL rAGt Q IOIOHS IS 1HC 5 CAD AY MC AM. OiNTV t CtWlMltV CCNNlv, know that t.,Ms:i ILL ( i i - i i " t I V iV r t ( BaseBaQResvilts WtaniiK ltur. IfTKa W. I.. M.HIalM ,,, l4 M .all .ail .ait Tnlaat a m s4 .Ma aa 4 ts aa .MS a M k it Ha HnffnlnM ,,,, torn I Mr blakhama I Mf a tl .as 4I jkia a a .an Ail M II ,4it .M a im .an .i Ji lilNj4l4aiJM ia4aat'a alia. Yulaa, oklahnnia !, I Sl I'll), II, lirf Main. ! Omar aania iia4 a part of Daub la. haaSats MunSar. Tala's immt MulfaUtaa al tana. Tula at Oklahoma t'ltf, hi J.....h a Wuh'ia Siaua'or at ( Mont i .riti. i r..i r, W. I- fel. Whl. ikitf imL , ., aa a .an ... a aa M ,n .mil l-Kl.karia 01. law la at at JIM JIM Ml Ait .43 ,1 Jill Ml Ml .M .4 Inelnnali 4 AM 4 airman 1 II Al Mrahl 14 H .41 I'hllatfalpkl AS 1 J",t Hantaan M ! - jut I laalamlay'a ttamlla. Via Vnrlt, I; at Ij.uia 4 I'lneinnall, 10; Plili.d.lphla, N oihara a'he'tuiea. lorfar'a frsanaa. r.nemnatl St I'Mladelptlla. Mrnnaiyn at No sthara erh.duled Midir IMaarllnss, W. K New lark 4 1) ni IMila an al Itelnaii im 11 I hleaaa II 14 Pet. Win, Ixa. .tit .at ,H4 JM Jt .11 J.IS' Jlta Jill Jkl I Ine4na4 1 1 .407 .14 ,SS Waatllngte l .44 Hoama At t .11 , laalrJa'a Kinalta. V gamaa aeha4ula4. Taalai'a Caaaas. No games acheHuleH. .411 .31 AMI UK AS AseK ITIlN. W. I.. Fel.' l. ral IM M M Mllw'ken Mlnaeiia S 31 AAA iMla'llla Han. ntf S 12 Jk4) Toted Indian lla 14 1 MA ( niunikoa Yeaterrlaa'a Result. Kanaaa City, II: Toledo, I. rul. I; Indianapolis, 0 Ko oihvia scheduled. Today's fiemee. Toleiln ai Kanaaa I'lty t'oiuinbua at Milwaukee. Indlanapolla at Hi, Tiul. No othera acheUuled. w. I., rn. I 1 ,Kl 14 .ei I J4 SO tl .sit World's Series Contenders RIGHT FIELDERS. By FREDERICK 0. LIEB. . Fielding lleh Russell Piraiea Ha lie Ruth, Yankees Rosa Young, niants John Tobin, Prowns Ratting A.B. R. Russell 155 . 88 Tobln 644 110 Young 407 91 Ruth .324 75 B AUK RUTH, th "Big Bam" of Interesting character among the world's series comparison. Ruth still can f-ock hard at times, and though he will get a lot of attention should the Ynk again get into the world' aeries, he will notl be the outstanding figure to the extent that he was last year. z e ' It Is a matter of fact that Ruth never has done much world's series hit ting, and in the past he has been more famous as a world' erie pitcher than a slugger. In ift15 erlc(, he was used only once, and then as a. pinch hitter, when he failed to come through. In 191 rerie between the Red Sox and Brooklyn, he won a sensational 14-Innlng pitchers' battle by a score of 2 to 1, defeating Sherry Smith. But the "Babe" failed to get a hit in fiv attempts. In the 1918 series Ruth shifted be-, iween tne pitcner s nox ana leri neici and, though he won two games, he made only one hit, a triple off Tyler, which won one of the games. It, therefore, may be seen that Ruth had made only one world's series hit in three series prior to 1021. Though Ruth led the Yankees at bat in the 1921 series with an aver age of .313 for six games, it must be admitted that his play was disap pointing. He made only six hits, Ave singles and a homer, and the Giants' slabsters struck him out eight time. Ruth's hitting hag been far below his form of 1920 and 3921, while his fielding has fallen off still more. Last year the Babe had developed into a mighty sweet fielder, but this season he has slowed up perceptibly In tho field and, though he still makes an occasional good catch and throw, on the whole his defensive play is above par. , On their form this season we , should prefer Pep Young of the tiiants as a right fielder, though Young ' hasn't played his game of 1921. Young has made a lot of er rors this season, but he cover far more territory than the Babe, and , has a better knack for going after ball hit over hla head. Ruth can come in much better for a short fly than go out for a long one. Though Young haa been a cousin tent .300 hitter ever since ha ha. played National league ball, he la weak against left hander and haa a tendency to hit at bad ball. Young 1 the leading base runner , of the world a aerie right field ponai- ( bilitlea, and perhapa th moal depend- M'la In a critical alitiatlun. ! In the I jJI wui I.I a aenea Vnung hit )7I Rtiamaf the Yankem, and played; pel feci ball In right felJ, 1 1 Drawn for The f'!ianaw A VvCLU' I i,v mm Reds Pound Two Phillies for 10-3 Win FhlMelphU. P. ty Cincinnati pounrtad two I'hlUdelphla hurlera for an May in to t victory In Ih Srtond llm, of ,n. i,, loayj Fpp rtly turned In til JS.I vie lory ef th leiwn for th Heds niti.4Pri.rHia ciKciNNitf AH II PI AM H P 4 Vna'na aa 4 Harp, ik inlaa.ef 4 4 4 niirna rr I I 4 U.gbatl, Ik) 4 1 iMineaa. If Its Hou.h. . f i t a One... a. t a I t : fark on, lb 4 1 l, If 4 I Italia. Ih I liar rare till) I I I'malll, ll t H..hna. aa Hltey, p 110 3 reiere. n a h.B.n I lateaen t (I Smliti. I .11. alma t I at I 4 0 0 1 II Tota o 44MH I a Toiaia II l:ti;l kPlaiiact for llehan In 4'li iltali.4 for ! Smuh In I'll. Scara by Innlnga. 1'inrlnnail ,, ; 4" til rhllaalhi lit 00 tlo - 1 I lummirr Runa: Wapp Petara, Walker, Hurna, lauharl t3. Ruah, foneaca ill. Margrave, i-inaiti, onna. rrrora. iiapp. urna. Hargiat. linhna. 1'i Im. h". relara. Ittiu.h, llaigrata lluma run; , tiauhert. ainlan haaea: I'aralneim, Rurna. I Imubla plaia: Parklnaon to Wright. fnna 'to l.eelte; t unaera to riohna to iianliart. ' l eft an baaea: I'lnFlnnali, ; PbllaUelphia, II n.aea an halia: off Hrlian. I; off ll. Smith, t. aimr nut; Tie Mrhan, S; b 'I, Sn.lih. I: by Hna, I 111'.: nff Rehaii, I in 4 Inninga, off Sinltli, I In a Inning.. , Mm h) ,irhe.1 ball; Hi Pehan, Itiaey. M pil.h: ll. Sin Hli t' ball: I'eteia. Ua'i.f pltehar: Mahan. I mperee : .lo- l ornurV an4 vlii'giey. Time: 1 ll. Curtis Aft-prs nuiltlinp Train of New .Malrrial Curtis, Ntb., fpt. 15. For the 1922 football eon at Nrbrka School of Agriculture here, th prospect I for an Inexperienced team with plenty of weight nd fair ped. Only on of th player on List year's team Is in school this year. The 122 hedule follows: Repiember 21. Aggie at Hnlynke, Coin ; (Vlober 1. Hainall at Curtla; O'tuber 11, , coniil at foaad; Oetoher SO. f'ambrlrlga 1 at Turtle; October 17. Mc'ook al He Ifook: Nortmber 1, MmOen at t'uriie; No- vrmhtr II. Again at flothenuuig; .Novem- nar 24, HoltVego at Curtla. Records. 0. PO. 43 82 8g 168 127 232 127 19 Total Donbl Chs. riys.Pct. A. I .967 i .;i i .934 .932 Records. H. 5 IkS 15S 108 2B. 9 82 27 it 3B. H R.T.B. ii 12 111 8.K. B.B.Pct. 7 3 .304 16 .340 18 18 .324 2 2 .818 8 10 5 11 23 7 223 29 21 the Yankees, naturally is the moat right field w will take up in our Purse of $150,000 1 8 Laid Before Siki to Meet Harry Wills New Tork, Sept. 25. An offer of $160,000, Irrespective of decision, for a 16-round contest with Harry AVills, negro heavyweight, was cabled last night to Battling SikI by the match maker for the Ebbetts-McKeever Ex hibition company, operator of Eb betts field, urooklyn. The offer suggested October 12 as the date for bout, with the Idea that SikI is now in good physical condl and could reach this country in a week's time. Walter Schmidt to Boss Pirates? ilodusio. Cal., Sept. 25. Walter Schmidt of Modesto, catching fur the Pittsburgh National loague club, will manage the Pirate next season, he has Informed friends here. According to a letter from Schmidt, Manager McKechnie will become business man ager of the Pittsburgh club. Schmidt intimated that hi contract would cull for In the neighborhood of $25,000. Schmlde rejoined the Pirate two months ago after coming to term with the club management. trntry Pitt lie Gootl Hall ' . . , Ulltl Italtllllore W III Now Hitt. Conn.. Sept, 25. Kx- cellent pitching by I'.emley guv the Kaltlmore Internationals Ilia fust of Ih three gain set lea with New Haven. Ktaiern league pennant win. nera, her thl afteriioam fur the liiluur teitgu championship (f I h east, Y! at or fill I In I. Omaha Bee by McManut (CttrxM lira - KNOW ALU Trtt S i 0 S 9 IS.) 2J U 174 16 13 221 in jr . Bl m mm Creigton Opens Grid Season Here Saturday llliie nml Vtliile Coarh T Koiiiitling Tram Into (!on Jit ion for (rHinr Willi l'ukol4 Vllf jan. bttiM iHi4 nr-r.ii rrlrfnr II la Vkaal, ranne ( il al Palle filf. i ana Aiim al irafce. 44am. at lllea I lan iHMhenbaeg al itHaa ( Ity I'Hlleetua) al 4larM, I4n4ln al Irmminl lamlvrldan al Arapnlin. lanral al HlrMemflel Haallnaa n4 MIMen Una la) I lie al awnatH. Hrke llaate at lentp fate Tekamak at Mlaauiirl allea. I auutrna at Alllnaea, Supeetae al lawk. nnlnretar (aallea Haknla Maalefa al f'reagtilna rnrta alia. UMith Hlk agatnal Alrnnnl al AHilatl rark. I'araona al f.rlnell. KalainaJiM, at trlnell. Itelnll al laeHnlb Sarmnt al ItaOroM. Ink aeeal nl liel'ann. H healon nl llllmala Healara. trnnkllri al llnllee. Miehtana Aggie al Inllana. ny k u.rifw r.Nr:R. King Fnnlbalt will deal King TVi e hull another kn-nkont walh.p tlila weekend lmn ih plgakln rhaar of nrly very high choo In Nebraska , got Into action. Several Nebraaka eleven craektd open Ihe grid season last week, and thl number wilt be greatly Increased a th week fly peat. Ten high school game ar ached tiled for th tat next Friday. Many nior "prep" eleven, no doubt will play, and by th first of October eiery high ehool In CoriihiiskeT' Und la expected te hav taated of gridiron battle. Creiglilon Day Satnrrtay. Tb lid will l pried riff th aewtiou in Onutha next Saturday when th Crelghton unlverslly play Ita first game of the yanr against th Dakota Wealeyan. Little I known of th Dakota Ianni s strength, but ' Judging1 from Ihe yarn coming from the Wealeyan knowledge foundry, Crelghton ahotild not experience a whole lot of trouble . In defeating the Dakota gridater. Coach "Mac" "Baldrig J rapidly rounding another strong team Into shape and by Saturday expect to have a machine ready for action that will sweep th Dnkotan before it in rapid ordr. Crelghton will b minus th aer vices of "Tip" Iong, quarterback, but thei absence of this sterling' little player Isn't worrying the Ttlu and White conch, who I grooming a trio of signal barker for duty on the field this season. May Meet Alumni. Coach Patton of South High plan to send his leather kicker against the Alumni at Athletic park next Sat urday. This game, should it be play ed, will give the Parker mentor a line on hi eandldste and be a Mb help in selecting th men who will go against Fremont at Athletic park, October 6. The Fremont eleven opens the sea son st Fremont Friday in a game with Lincoln. Report from Lincoln Bay that the capital city school will be represented by another strong team this season and expects to take Fre mont into camp as a celebration of the opening of the 1922 football tea son. McKechnie to Remain as Pirates' Manager Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 25. Presi dent Barney Dreyfus of the Pittsburgh Nationals declared today that Walter Schmidt, star catcher, will not man age the Pirates next season. It is expected that Manager Mc Kechnie will sign a contract for 1923 some time this week. Wins Semi-Pro Title Cincinnati, Sept. 24. Beaver FallB semi pro team won the championship of the National baseball federation by beating Price Hill, Cincinnati, 7 tr 1, in the first game of a double-header nt Kedlond Field today. PootBaltFacts WorthKnowing fit Si JHetzfrv rait h tin vut 4j-)rnt tin unA maul would try f.r t-!l t"l. Whin b a.. I am iHiiie u h alt him l,tm vnul4 tiiniiiiR. Un'l it i.t exjettiy to nuka th try (,.r iwal? A Nn. Only (lUjrr to mfik rii-4-lfttit ( fdiitMtn .r th nim mini i.ti hI h ftt.kl Wjr rrffr. Hul. i.l. eWrttow J, W A iunit (( ul...J nlut.K ih 11 nra kiiil v ttitht iv rt!rr of ir.t t1hr aitt It -(t tii f tH'tirfla thn .Rij ha ci mvl it. .:Maf h utmn th tmiin lu i"U:h it In f J - 1 " t hi w. iwh ImII t rfM f- VtMat It ut taf IkiUHila Hiilaaa aa esautia t Ut k l4aH Mlt rMIHC mi . ' mnm mt ataawltk. HmU It, aritai I ! v It-f f iti-iiia.,. k-'tiM h t- r lit tlx ta) l j: r'lttfiiaj f.JI 4 ha tiiiftti) Itlt 4I t wilfc . ' ttm s Iff itt-a tfit initi tutt h f .m t h t-a i nn " i -t I, ikuititj tbiwfci th rr mIJ mK I Kt tllfta anal MMt) fhar till a4ja tlii !). 4 ' 4' -: l"i - l..4-t hi Bht N lu t-' 9 m . v't far - tone H Ik ..' N . mmm ( ktt Im flf f ' !. J ftutl I ft. ik, y ' - ' m k 1 - im, h --. t. i -m It - n t tm , ' 1 ' ' - tv ( t ltM4) h to tfaV. lk tmweh'' kwl . MnhtI. tK4 JltTus, I W, l 4 Suits to Order $35 and up ''" ... " ...-... 1 ..,.4 . ta4 a .i i. It ,,4 .., . " " ... I , "' ' -t rf a.-' 1 MicCirthr-Wilsen lUibgkl ta l- I I. t n. tt a4 llllaai jin. i - tn. - a . .... in ! t ' 1 . . . . t '"f.v- xi:-"" f i