THE OMAHA PEE: MONDAY. SKPTEMDER 25. 1922. THE GUMPS FnS&SKi A MESSAGE FROM A FAR Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith I LlAN? NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. iriht lour rarm or Kancn OWMH IfcAVIKd CITT mi r - $i44 at oi Daedy (wven.euoiei ilrl.ll enedern heme ilh lUf l"l. l lendlj He's a4 ewiulc. bar.; .aui. en fail; edia4 HUH $1 e In $1 ' llca aiid UIM I I i H.oi.ih Is a leal lee , aied le Hie fieii. Fete, Aduut., .la, lu .11 iea Osborne Realty Co. 4tt Pe-eie Trwei MM. f?'"'. Flf i: hixiM new tunes!". Lull! i laelulaa In klleh.n, .il! neil " p.g r"it. (tied lihioiim i(h built tn tub, nan.r had th knHt dan lair. ie half liin'ii to enee ear ed Miner I'eik a. hi. "' th.e .1 e beigaln If eol4 .1 ewe. It. S4 . ill? UTTl! rte-M ytif B'lA W04lt$ m&vaj MS. uia- teu FU I MH est MOV aLU LStT fH tm UM AM oo AX M. Vr-tlH- Vt TV4aV"T SCO tec. a. SAHn ftv.t A4MM7 t tUlUCb AlOVUt CATUtGRAlA MOM Mt. I Must TQVbi.S WITM 11 VJCWJ I "TCL6 WHO ur uu tirw.l CkMt)pA-t FCR. CCNOBtt Hr Net t4lwUS, Mt At MVCH A NOW "WCvCMTr T Ttj k u ilr r ...... u . . l COI.OKADO LANDS. Urt ,rritt trtit in iiriy. r -l kl4U i, to f'' Mtdvr .!) vr S' I f ' UJ Th farrn la v vr M'"t. must MlkVt Htt- t00 CAtCMVlE? A -OvAM.D .aw. . '& MutM WdYlP- vat,, M0 ?U4TV C CrPttttVMMvS "TO lHat FtU-ttCt 8T WAV HwAYt Av0iHV "rVtf.M- V0vVt,it. I KM ltNtrt,(, "W Mt vtt To, CAMmoh rCflt - acn'1 Xo WC hiv;e,t Wkvc CottCN iHt tKICtMVtl)r ROM SOU lAHt, TMt m t- m7 ast i . MISSOURI LANDS (HI Af I HUththir, N t ifr i'Wt flUH BMi (UU'Ur tt1, 'l"' TWO WWtM MONtt It MlOWt 4rf. lrWltN vM NOV. CCXlTttt WASHINGTON' LANDS. .-riabl pili.a, M9 fliwi M KvlfUft. Hii tl V. lu.iiih lar.. N'Vtxi. IS . V , t Vtt TO. CAMKUOH fV'Clit-DCN'l I Ct N , I N ."m 4V Pni mm ii ii i h. . - i iv in j .v;. X CVK.V 'I H ,1 I V - ,m.ww - eta. 'ITUf W I LMAA-fflAU ,v fori Mk U I MHaJoa W Palmer Co. Moves lerreaaiitg liueines. e,iBiP''a ua t. tab. large, iilflce epa.e New edjreee, 411 Kee llna Hide w J Pa'mer Is Heel relate u.i ni !. .a i la la Same telephone eon. h.r AT l If .You Tell the employers of Omaha and out over the State ' Bee "Situation Wanted" Ad. Remember, Omaha Ralston Notes ' mi Clue 111 barn ril ! Thuraila ni at III. hm. nf Mr.. i. I.. Ham. m.adlitf la rallad lu roiial.lar tha rnpnaillon of Inruriiurallnf I ha lut amj in. al.riion ur a Inaril of trualaa.. Mra. J. It, C'ourlnay .nj"r.1 of aararai aaa laai rruin bar ala Ur, Mra. J. II. Ivara vl Hinnar. M. Ii. Ilrunn Waionar and rtulnijh Truuua avani in. wan ana .1 Jiwimil, Man. Mra. Hanrjr Jolinann had aa h.r luaat liar miilir, Mra. Anna Kind. II i. i miu Ii . U' Mna.lx. ahii haa l.aon vlallmi at i ani.rviiia, la . raiumad noma, ar rumpani.d hy hia parxnia. Mr. and Mra. J. I'. Mnaaly, who wilt mak. tbair bum. in iiaiiion. Mr. and Mra. .R N Hunlar and Mr. and Mra. VY. I. Kilml.lnn l.n thla w..M rr an audi trip to Jjunvar and ulhar Colorado polnla. Mra. K J. Hirahl t I.lnrnln. wNn haa aan n.lllnr hr .on, K. N Htralil, ra. Iiimad hnttia laat Maak. Hhm waa ar:'nlrl hr liar aim and Mr. and Mra. P. I. MiCnrmkk. Tha nrvt ragular niaftlnf nf lha Ra! atnn Wnmnn a ciiih will ha hahl octuliar 9. at tha Imma nf Mm. t'hnrUa Martin. A n.w h'inia la In ta arxttvd hy Jack Murray otioalla tha rran1ni'a nf Mr. and Mra. I'flujf, and work alartpit laat weak. Mra, Ii. P. Bulllvan of Laural waa a fueat laat wa-k at tha hunt. tf har ala tar, Mra. J. T. U. Htawart. Mr. and Mra. John lrrion hava mov.d to Omnha. whara lhay will apand tha wm tar. dauahicr, Marrriiarita. haa vona to tha atata umvaralty. Thay hava rant ad thair horna to Hrv. t L. Trainar and family of I'ollrna View. Emll (Irut"!, after aaveral montha apant In roloratlo, returned to Halaton to apand tha wlntar, A bnhy ilautrhtar, thalr flrat born, ar rhad laat wark at tha noma of Mr. and Mm. (harlaa Miiiltti. Papillion Notes. Mra. riuntlna Brarline, 6. died Tuaa day aflar an tllna.a of eavera! montha. Tha funaral waa held Thursday and burial waa In Falrvlaw ramlery. A vary Interaatltia nieatlnir of tha votnan'a club waa hold at tha home of llfl William Maxfirld Werinaailay. Mr. I.lvlnaxton of Omnha ttavo an Intare.L Inir talk on Intarlor dei-oratlon. rapllllon frlanda racelved word of tha daath of tav, J. U, tlraaaniueck, formerly of . i'npllhon, hut who haa r'-atati for tha punt a.veral yaara In Lincoln. Heveral allontlcd tha funarul from ha.'a. Mlaa Krn Arrh'l- waa takau elik with Cotloinvlltla tha early part of tha wei'k and aa bran plHi'erl undrr ijuarantina. A ntlaf.llanfoiia ahowar whi aiven In honor of Mlaa I.oulaa Purltop Saturday by Mlaaaa Alir-a ltnaaard, Maud Carlaon and Martha Kpemiian. Hh4 waa tha recipient cf many beautiful Klfta. Mr. nml Mra. Iloliart Schram and Paul TVrluaaer and familly vlaitrd at th. Jo. J'erluaacr homa near (Iratna flumlay, Mlaa l.oulaa Ourkop of Papllllim and Karl Pyer of Omaha wore married Tues day at tha Kount-'A Memorial church In Omnha. Rv. Hnluly nffrlatlnif. Alice Walara hud tha llnauienta of her flhuw torn Ino.a Inat Friday hy allpplng off a Imnrd ar.d falllntr Mr Mnrv Nolan of Omnha, and Nlch nUa Hl.r of (irciion apant ThurxUy at tha M. H, Hrnwn home. Mr. and Mra. .lullue Chrlatlanaan and llttl.'ann of Kndcra. Neb., are vtaltlnu at Jha homa "( hla . parctita, Mr. and Mra. ohn clirlailaneen. Mr. and Mra. Men Olan of Omaha, apent Sunday at the M H Ilronn home. Mr. and Mia. -IT. D. PoMor.on motored to Centervllie. . IV, Tueadav, wher. thry will vlalt relntlvea aevaral ilnva. BEE WANT AD RATES He per line each day. 1 er I daye. 12o per Una each day. I to I daya. loo par Una each day, I daya or lonier. Tha ahove ratae apply aiclu.lveiy to Rant Ada whltn are commonly termed puhtle wanta," and do not Include d vartlalm or aiploltlnf their buelueaa. TIIK nr.Vt reaervae the rltht to dealt ate what conatltutea a eubl.o want. Want Ad. eccapted at th. toll.wlnf fftceei Talephone AT-lentio tOtl. Call for Want Ad Department. An et perienr.d want ad taker will twelve your ad and a hill will be mailed later. Tha ratea uuoted abe apply to either cbar.e er raah ordara. CLOJUNU HOt'R rOR WANT AD. Cveninf Fdition , It 4. a. m. Mornin. VMItioa P- n- under Cdllleu ..... ra. Helurday. Theae ratee enply to The Punday Bee ea well aa to The Mnrnint end Uvanini Mee. Alt WMkday advartlaenieuia appear In bih morning end ettelaf tulone et tbe one cuet. TIIK OMAHA MOHStNtl HttK. THK KVKKIMt M;lt DEATH FUNERAL NOTICES t I aAl'ai V'B tta'Vl w.d.iw ef I'alri. t'aai a, 14 .a', at h.r rt.1rn a, I l. U Va.n4 an.-, ....'ii o.o.he- na.-.ed I. three UtlKhl.ra l alt,.ilt.e I'u.a, a, Mra I.iu If. I. Mia I1 A as H.n; Owie ...(.is la t .ma . ( ,.ir, D-;a.l ii,t tit islsj.rme rvua, al.ry Teiri..a - ' .a.'a f an (Ke ... 4.u- e M e.l .v p.. tin lug. I 11 IH , lu A.e.a . . k el e m I1..1.1 e Mfa , ,.. . Ar ... a i a -" 'l l.iam 4". . t ' . . . H . t. ai,-4 1 r i a .m, i, H, .--.tug a--. .,-.4 $ . a , e . . 4 sa.l - aa I H . .. 4 p.r , I Via to ti r .tm .a vf S ) l ... l P. I I., . $ ..a ; t aai al id a i. . T .aa lav , f , .. IUI ....... . " , , "" ' " S.s i 1 I I I 'I si i.i.i . j, , I I, - . I 1 I . U 4. W. I s.a. I.I la ... a ti aa. ...mi. .4 . ti. lit 1-.-1 1 e- e i-e a . ! . rf-e. .-l I li.ii l ' 4 ..e J$. fun-. 14 1 i'1- a 1 a.i.e iiit a4 .e e e e'iis f f.ii..,. . M al.r saaaif I -.aa f ! - 4 . ... 4, I 1 - . 1 r a 4n ...I v, .. .a, 11 ei a I I a j 4 .' s, tat ai.aei t.- 1, 1 4 si - - .a. ". 11.. J 1 1 e. a re., s -a ... !,,.. ai.s, ?- -' ""'' knfii.iM..t' 4., .... ... u .,..,-'. a .s,(a. ,aii. . , ..... 11 k. ... , a ('.- I .4 V a a aa,. l. ! 14 I.,. , s..a.ia ,,iaa. a.a.. Si .. .1, ,1 I . a S m.4 -I h - e I H I .. $., aa.a a a 'a, I a . t. a aa i-,aa 4e , a sa l . a ei - ... - ,.' . a unkbal DIKKCTOHl Hulie S. Kirpen.'a. 4I4 I'aae. cnusiiv-Mouuhw fett. ia - a. . 1., a 1 a ... .f i.t . 4 tiaeate.ieiia-.eeee $ ll 1 III . are Looking for a New FUNERAL DlRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Omaha', be.) undertaking aatabliahmenl. AHKiiW f TJTIT A VTnfMKRVICB Thlrty tnlrd and farnam. HEAFEY & HE A FEY Undertaker. nd F.mbalmera Phon. MA. 0I4. Offic. Kit Parn.rj. LARKIN BROTHERS PIINKRAI. MRKCTORH .U HO 4TH BURIAL VAULTS. WoiLKN tx.i.a aoon decay, ileal er Iron aanlta will ruet col and collapae. There fore you ahould tnat.t upon y.ur under taaer an Autamatlo naalln. (on erala Ilunal vault: water oro.if and ever. lailn. Manufurtured only by th. Omaha Concrete Hurlal Vault Co., 1210 N. lOtb ni.. iimana. mapectlon Invited. FLORISTS. I l'P T A PHTHM ih Poualaa. uiju uninuun Phon. at HAY IT WITH FLOWERS PROM II KWg A HWORODA, 1411 FARNAM HTR K ET. JOHN BATH. 1404 Farnam JA. I04. I. HKNnKHRON. HOI Farnam J A. IliT CEMETERIES. VIHIT KORKHT I.AWN. North of City Limit. Office at Cemetery and 720 Rrandeia Theater PERSONAL. TIIK SALVATION Army Induatrlal horn. aoiicita your old riothine. furniture, mail' rlnea. We collect. We dlatrlbute. Thnne In). 4131 and our imn will oell. Call and Inapect our n.w homa. inO-lllJ-1114 I'nilira atreet. ALL klnda of fancy work. atlk tamo hde. allk underwear. Call VA. 7H. HOOKS correctly opened and kept. Finan cial atatementa. Raaaonatla rataa. JA. 11.0. VII.LINK.RT repair wk. ramodellne. We. (KM. . ATTRACTIONS. UOI.IJI, BALLOONS, Rl'HBUR BALLB, NOVELTIKS. A.k for ratalnuue. Olobe Novelty Co., 1204 Kb mom St.. Omaha, Neb. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Hrown bird doir. Haa lot llcenae No. 87. Valued aa pet only. Liberal re ward. Walnut 6707 after a p. m. week daya or between 7 a. m. and 1 p. m. Hun duf. LuST Hunch of krya on Farnam, be tween loth and 80th Street; finder pleaee return. Ii. T. Balm, 5817 Harney atreet. LOST Oray and Ian female aire. In le in Cathedral dlatrlct. WA. 4S7II. Reward. LOST Airedale dug, Tel. 11 A. 1014 tag 33. Reward. LOST Solitaire, diamond rln, gold aet tlne Phono WA. (III. Reward. EDUCATIONAL OA SCHOOL NK1HT SCHOOL Complete couraaa In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wlraleaa telegraphy, civil aervlce and all Kngllab end commercial brancbee Write, cell or phone Jackaon 1544 (or large Illustrated catalog. Addrea. BOYI.K9 COLLEObl. Boy lea Bid... Omaha. Neb. SAXOPHONK players who want to Join cla.a orchestra on dance music; tuition reasonable; private leasona. Frank Henry, 4(4 Arlington Hk. WANTF.D Men, ladlea end boya to learo barber trade; hlg demand: wagea while learning; etrlrtly modern Call or write 1401 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Day or evening aeaslona. DWOHAK BUSINKSS COLLTOE, Wead Bid... Hth and Farnam AT. 741S. THM National Aulnmoblle School annoimce ineir opening Oct. t, if2. come In and see us. in 4 N, $th 8t Omaha, for catalog. VAN 8 A NT SCHOOL OF BUSINKSS. 8 K. Cor. Nineteenth and Douglaa. DO. iiM. A.VNII'l E. OLA scow voice end plane. $01 Ke-harb Hlk JA. MOI.KH I1AKBKR COLl.F.OR. 110 S. Hth. Write lor ratelog. MALE HELP WANTED. AMKItlf AN J V 4lil FMl'LOYMIA'T AUKNCF. 3IU So. lllll St HAKCItV foreman wanted (ur Black Hllla tun, 6flaii population; good Job for right man. Apply tha Fiei.hiuann company, Ul t ni.-ag i HI. IIHICK MAaONli. first claaa men, ll 10 V7 hour. Wriie. eir or repori tor wmk. I'm pite Construction Company, SH N. Oarlt Si . Chi. ago. lu 0 000 O0OO0OOO00 000 00 000000 WANTk.0 CNri-'SIKVcED PiiWKR I Mist; tPKH V lott. vn lad.. a' ae'iiMi eM APv Ktiicl.- rti.i.1 I1. pi. M tl auilil a. en, I k eai iuu..s. MA- O I o : o! ooeooooooooeooooooooooopji I l.A.rt 'it lo. t at . .aa It la i i V 1 1 a w .a af i , . t f e re l'..iii i . i'.m r. $14 i i.r gi , In 4t .( ,,!. .. . a.l w .n... .a, e-.'.e itt Im. k. ..le.,... 4 .. -g III1'"'11 e I "'a Ml a. aa ..-.a,..J T. . .....a . , al a nnH'ie. e. W It a,. i.. ,., ... , - fc fc I'.' " . aaa S iil I-.J .4 1.1 ... I -f K 4 l. .a I f ' a ,.t fca-a a- a mt ia,-.- - i. Mil I a II .1 la ta It , ,.. c I ,1. l . 4 1.1- . a . a , ,. I. .,., 1 . 1 i - . i a - . . -. -a . 1 e.-.i .a a a ., : . . . r 1 4 I Ml 114 H ' f I I 1 . m ... a aaaal . - a , la a. I a.ll a a,,,a. a. ... t uauk .. la h la ' MALE HELPJWANTED, UK bv mn ritiunl opporluntty for lo i-r lhrt II v, wilankt iif In but mt tiulutiy ntry. This i a rt rhanr l tulM up mn inntm. II In pvraon. If tommUmt ur writ. fui HurUigh. Ofn' At., 7C1 Citn Trual Itidir. Th lmnhiB Mf Co,, jioiii orrira. iimihi, Nh. FEMALE HELPJWANTED. K.XrKltlKM'f;l) white iri in modern home with every convatilence for .aneral hou.ework; two children, itood wik". and Ifondjiome Mra c. K. I'lnld. II A. (271, KXrKlilKNVKH wallreaa wanted. 1,4 Hue l afe, lh A Arma Ave. FiH anorihand. lypawriting. bookkeeping etc., attend the American College of liu.lnree. Ifl! Farnam. Poaltlona guar. anteed; all our graduatea ere in pe. aitlona Call AT. 7774 or write for catalog. MAlLt for general hoii.ewoik, no wa.bltig. Mra. Arthur Smlih. II A. tu. RKLIAHI.K young woman aa maid for gen eral houaework. Muat be good cook. I'leaaant mom with hath. HA. t)KI. HC.NUAV achool teacher or a live church worker, mothera plillnary, Junior chil dren. Poaltlon for 1 inoniha; aalary 1110. i inly active Christian worker need apply. State church connection: give telephone. l!o T-2i'.1, Omaha lea. OOOOOOO oooooooooocooooooo WANTKO LXl'ERIBNCKD F.Oa CANDLKRH, OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO, EKJI1TH AND FARNAM. 0 00 OO 000 00000 C 0 00 00000 000 WANTKI Woman to travel; pnfer teach er or young hoelneea woman; no demon atratlng; leaderahlp eaaentlal; aulary $140 and eapenae allowance; advancement to 10 weekly; only one who can travel and la looking for higher Income need apply; give telephone and particular.. But I 20.15. tlmaha Ilea. WANTKI) Refined white woman for gen eral housework Full chance given; no laundry; brat of wagaa. Tel. WA. SJ12 or AT. tl. WANTED Boerlenccd white maid for general houaework; wngea, $12; laundreaa elni.l. y.-.l HA. 21 k. UHITK girl for gvueral houaework. Uood wagea. Walnut 24'JS. WHITK mal.l wanted for general houae work. HA. 752. SITUATIONS WANTED. HOCKKit. fll.'oo'rchalr. I.VcoTli ilira ry table. $11; davenport, $111; dark waxed onk, leath er aeaia and cushlona. World make good office furniture or for atuilenta' room. Ma hogany rocker, $4.1.0 HA. SDH. WANTf:o Poaltlon aa maid in family, with children going weal or aouth for winter. Itcferencea. Addro.a Y-2030, Omnha Mee t:o.llKTKNT nur.o with over two year training ilealrea position aaalsrlng doctor In or out of office. Call .TA. auks. N10AT colored girl, exp., wants laundry work; understanda electrlo machine. Call WK. oksi. nUNDLK washing. WB. fittTH. DAT work. CelVWeb. 61(12. HOXISEHOLD GOODS. Ft'RNITCRK AT AUCTION Thia afternoon and tomorrow night. DOWD'S Al'CTION WHISK. 3-VIKCK parlor act, Columbia grupho phone, gas atove and kitchen cabinet. Call Monday. 2414 Crown Point Ave. EXPERT sewing machine repairing, MICKEL& IMh and Harnev. DO. 17S SOLAR base burner, $26; eMebniard, buffet. $1,1; china cabinet, $!. WK, $17; ! 8.1,1. THon clKctrlo washing machine, $:I0. 2310 South 2''lajre.el. HKFRltJKItATOR. gna atove, bed. com plete, rocking chairs. HA. 710 1 DININU-ROOM table. kltchein rooma for aale. Call HA. 6111J. For SALK Furniture, very good condi tion. J010 Undue. HA. 7244. HANPSoMK hand-carved oak bokkcaaea. Call JA 4,'71, week daya. OAK In vel glass, china cab. WK. 4113. OAK DAVKNPOR T. CALL WA. $;. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. I'KARS I'aninria and winter, lilv, 4Ti'li Btdford avenue. Call Bllg-r. anv ,(iiti. WA. I..J. illtAPF.d! I C:.Ij4 I. It URaPFS! I'el He.luiond Avenu. Call KK a 11. LAHilK C.mfoid tiapea Se 1, ; D-. I..IS .e ee ,; h. tun, 6th end I. atreeta .VI A uie W IN.: Ci i SVi ,Tt 7" i ;"lt ap ih FOR sTaT. K HT I II DKI.IV.'RKI. KK 4.'; nitAI'k.a and atu'ie. Ili:i... p. m:le from Canter. 3 nm.a wa.l foth t l un.i.rd grapaa I a, I KK !-' o-hi. A eve NfuMll I I hl e sjiapea UN K m mo: w 4 . $4.. iiKAI'I $ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ;THAt.i .ue. u.4 ii... to a .... pia.".I i t is M.iavce a. We ea lie aee mania ai a. ii,, .is iiwMgiae 1 . ! Im1 i.l a ... tm .(. I- t . i tl i ... I i !' J H I lit SI KIMl e.,11.1 t ... f t eaia, . ' ill. MISCl.Lt ASkUtS fOH SALIC .... . a . ' ft , V. .: . i , I. ii l'i ant .tin -1 II. at.,.. e ile a, - a 1M1 KAIJIO lUPftJK. 4. I al Mi , 1 ,, .. a- 1 . 4 I I a . ki. la. ni - e n.'t f k S Hear. : irOKK A OfHtt. KQI'II'MKNT, fVa.j;, ill,.., 1 a al V i -1 j l I 1 1 " 1 I 4 B I . ' t 4 1 a, tee a-.. , 1 a.i ,1 ) i..-.i a . a s ea.e .) a-.. . . aa A . i 1.1.,, a. ... , ... a i e till 114 3 ! ' I 4 4 .4 1. I .a-..-. d ' 4,l.li1.J$l.v. I HI. ea 1 a.i. m a. i e .a. aa, i-aala S-.l-. & a. ... . il a ..aa. I.a a.. a aa,.. .a J a 1 .. i your qualifications, experience, etc. through an Omaha Bee "Want" Ads Bring Better Results at Lesser Cost. STORE OFFICE EQUIPMENT i.i. , a alee e,t.. Me bve. I. alleer MA I0. CLOTHINO AND FUiS CAIiF.T ault, coat, troueeta. cap. m.dluia aie. hahuain rail WE. M JHSKrt cape, tan. medium. Call WK ttnj. AHlir ehoea. til. 701 No 141 h LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. HAV 110 lKH TON A. W, Wagnr.o ti. Ill J.114. THRKrl head work hor.'ea, inula colt, tim maininery, t i iiiurre, lien ,.. 7v.HHh.f 11,'wm F(7i it A UK ."mA1I I. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. NICK white dur ka .nd young aeeee, 12 end IJmHOjyJ. arm, K.'l N. J:id Ht (IKNLINt; Herman rollria, 46 each. KM. 6 r. I . KMH.IHII bulldog for eale, II month, old WK. 4( It A h HITS KClft S A 1.1.0. WK 4'll. 'i0 J,v a.ijaiiH.. J..II0J HNoj.UHA'IIH' ALL kind, apring chlrkellM. K K. Cms. ItiiHToN III'LI. pui.a for aula MA 449S. WANTED TO BORROW. UiAN wanted. I2li.000, 6 or 7 yeara. t per rent. Ample high grade aecurlly. T-2012, Omaha Hee. WANT TO BUY riKSKH. IiKKKS HK.HKB. New deeke. uaed deaka bought, gold and traded J C. Heed 1207 Farnam. AT. 4144 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HOTKL: For aale. my lea., and furnlah- Inga modern hotel nf 127 room., well ea- tahllaheil and paying hualne.a. For further partlculora adrire.a Hie owner, KDWAHI) F. aolHiAIlD, 1 North id Street, Portland, Oru, FOR SALB Hotel; easy lerma. Moving Picture theater nt a bargain, B. L. Par- anna, .fohn.on. Neb. FOR SAL!: liarnoa. and ehoa reualr out fit. In good town, good territory. Ad dress T.2'K11, Omaha Hee. DOCTOR wanted, country; practice for sale cheap; act sulck; reason, health. Ad dresa Y-209. Orriaha Bee. HAltHKR shop for Bale; building and lot. Ootd reason for selling. Addresa C. P. Ahrei.di.en, Millard, N l. OUT-OF-'foWN, fnaalo one more building at Ceilnr Creek, Neb. WA. SUM. DRUG atore, will tell on account of alck neas, a money maker. Call WA. 3271. ROOMING HOUSES. A real bit Trial n for lminwlln tn iaiw, 10 rooins, new furni turt, mrlctly modern. WouM ronnlder niHrhin. HA.. 036S. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO Houth nlpcping- roonm with una of kitchen for rnuula cituiloyod. Hoferenc? rofiulifl. Wnikinsr diHtiinrp, HA. 6979. SUWAHD ST.. 29:'a Newly furnished room to couplo enuiloyed or young ladle. Board If desired. . iieaannahle. WB. 7161. jTAliNAlf" AT TSTH HiFsanfori FARNAM AT 16TH, Hotel Hcnahaw. Special ratea to permanent guests. KUItN rms wilt, pur, natn; warm, cora forinbie. cheerful: prlcea reasonable, day ne wk Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. TWO south sleeping rooms with use of kitchen for couple employed. Reference, required. Walking distance, HA. 6870. MiUiKRN rooma. 1 small and 1 largo suit able for 3; dose In: reasonable. 6it South Sixteenth street, apt. 4. 21-TH, ill S. Two furnished rooms, pri vate, modern home, walking distance, gi ntlemen. II A. Ml". LoWil.AS ST., .909 Lovely furnished room, sleum heat; for those who love a nico place to rive. WK8T FA It MA M DISTHICT Pleaaant, souih front room, suitable for two. Only employed nerd apply. WA. 642'i. ATTHACTIVri" room-In" Dundee, ' private family. Itff. required WA 37UJ It KA It room, for colored railroad mnnTll per week. HA 7271. A TT I A i T I V K f u r n lstie.7romu f.,rl a".l v. In ania'l family. Itef. required. Har. dst'f. Nli'LLV furnished auutheast roim.llar! 4"4t. I1ST rt lllj S R. hop,... front Mom, vapor heat, isr line. HA 7.144. 'illKKK uiif.nnlahe.l,g rooma, modem ec-pt heal. 3.i So ;'i,th, j. MI-II.iiii; Dundee hiiii.e ' STKAM kaete.1 loom J A. .'it ' IIOUSEKEF.PING ROOMS. 1 1 'l N OH I i I T VMM I KT II M. .1 y fir. ni.h.d. t l'rt'i. 1 1,4 !n a arlinri.1 . mo-t "i" ei .it tat. Ilea. oi, an,.. s. . rut - an . I.i. Stilt ST - la. (urn. .had r.iwme. f-r hi"iaa-in g II A lit. li-!.:HN' llnl jil'Ktl I I.VH RutiVlg l-l J. 4. a i-.K ( t. Jmt lO'leiial. b-i.i.ep,iig V" - " ' I" " I. It i It:, a,i i 11 . ru'ii in . i ; i. ti e 1 1 1 i i t 1 1 4 tl s a . . ...j, a. ,.. .. K I I'l . - M... .l. ... u.i,. a.w a- HOAKt) AND K00M w a r 4 im h oi i iiiiii, i aMa ai. es eaeil .l e lii. ' ii i aa -i II 4 !. ,e e, i -, . e 4..M ' S I. .1 I ua t , t'.'i III I -i. I.-.I 4 I a. 4 r i.i ) i . a 4 (1 It a f . a t , Miu e ; . .. J - It ST Is 1 1 I . , ell t t . 41 1 " 4 " 4 I ' tt e , , aa at I $- 4ia I I Sal a ... la . or Better Job, HOUSES FOR RENT A LAHOK g.rooin bouse et taili and Imuglaa A very d. suable place tor hlga class ronirung House UlIoltOK t JONa.H CO, RKALTOns. AT 1 It,. M Keellna llldg FURNISHED HOUSES. Kilt IIF.NT My lovely furnished home In Dundee for an montha to one veer. Call WA. "1.47. . 4-llooM, inoilorn borne, completely fur Ill iIhiI, lo small family who can board owner, p. ( lloa Ml. APARTMENTS FOR RENT ItKfiiT IIKDL'CKD TUIINLH COURT. We have Ju.l one more of our exclualve home-like apertmente available, S roorne with 6-rooiu eccfimmudatlona; well ar ranged; lalest bullt-ln conveniences; at tie. live decorattone end fixtures; choice location, oppnaite park end boulevard; .lose lo car line end garage. O. y., Mgr. HarneyJMO tun Dodge. OMAIIA'H LAIKIKST hLNTAI. AUBNl'T Thiriy-four apartment building., sit eiiuttmeiite, reinforced concrete, eteo- lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room epartmrut. Call ua, end we will tak. you out DRAKK RKNTAL AOENCT, Fireproof Apartmenla, JA 2nt. AT $701. Corner 17th end Howard Ptraeta- Oet our list of vacant apartmente end houeee. We handle a larger variety of rental propertlea tban any other agency in ine city, w-e PKTKRH I'RCHT COMPANT, "W1IKRE OMAHA HUNTS." ATL644 l7th and Farnam Ste FARNAM ST.. U()7 6-room heated aparl ntent, completely modern: suitable for offices, stinlloa, dental or dri-asmaklng rooms, ate; for tenants wishing hums adjoining. T. K, Hell. AT. 74U. STKAM heatrd 4 rooms, close-In; low rent, (. P. Mtelililna. lf.10 Chicago St. FOR HKNT S-iiiom utifuriilshed atcam heated Apt. Tel. WA. 2734. a-ROOM flat, modern except heat, $25. i-:n s. inn sr. Tel. ,ia. i i ys. H and 7-room apts, modern. HA. ttvll4. Kkl. OOHl F'uur-roorn apartment, elegant ly furnished; gas, light, heat and phone all paid for. Kvenlnga, WK. 4777 8IXTKKNT1I St., 6l'i N. Two and Ihiee- room anarimnle with heat. A iuly Mra. Thomas, thtid floor. NK'KLV furnihed apartment, 2 or $ rooms WK. 2716. HUNTTiH Inn. A'p. tlthO 240H Dodge St. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT STORKS FOR HKNT MODKRN store room at 04 N. 40th St. for rent reasonable. Apply F. J. De- remple. Omaha Hee, AT 1000. TBI. JA. 4HS4 Fine office space with pri vate office If desired, at very low rental I'hono cans an.wercil and your office callB given beet attention. K.N'TISTS office, beat location In Omaha; share well fiirnlahel fVcepllon room with nocmr. mnne iia. IXK4. GARAGES FOR RENT FOR HKNT (larage. 2010 Hlnney street, Itont $.1. MOVING AND STORAGE FID KL1T Y STO !t A OR Tl7VA N"C(i! ' MOVINU PACK INO 8TORAUK SHIPPING. , Household (loods and Plsnoa Reduced Ratee Thle Week to 1.08 ANHFLKS. SAN HIKoO 1107-11 Howard JA. t:xP. KST1MATK furn. on packing, mov. and storing. Contracts taken by Job or hour. Globe Van A Storage Co.. JA. 43.$. Af 020. droasman Hunt, ownera Moving Pncklng Storage. Gordon Flrejiroof Wurehrmae At V'sn Co. Zl 1 1 1 h St. Phone DO. 0394. IIKK1NS OMAiTa VA XaSTOH AO K. " Dith nml Leavenworth Sta. Do. 4163. Packing, moving, storage, shipping, BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES WILL buy first or aocond moi-iimacs or contrucia on farm or city property. Cor kin. 919 Omaha Nul l CHATTEL LOANS DO Yoif KKED a 1.ITTI.K RKADT CASH ' J.l id I ill) ;i. ioO liClLLAUS or any other amount loaned at lea. than legal rttrt You will saa e 1..1 of time, nu-riey and li.iunventeni e If ou i.ivcst gia our p!'i, No led tape, ho v, easy paimenta. .-mil. .Unnal. Th.rly )e'a l OMAHA LOAN COMPANT, l Karl.a.ti Hike. T l .1 A $: S'iuihwa.1 t'or. 1Mb end Doug ts. LOANS ON REAL KSTATK If K4irt ft i, ) ' Farm Loans f..lii, rail- It", i ...a ii... 1 r.ei II III 1114 h I ! . n i i i . '"' ii. .' !.....,-. i . .. ai f if ; .'S In. .i. : aa" ."at. A I l 111 I . 4. a I i-.-a Ii . .V i $;s ii i$ a leans a-a le (.'.iwciir. I F D l all a . Ii II MO. M1 ln t tit, a v.$ h I. At ei $ met au'ls..e waa ,., a s4 , ! a i-a' ai. .4 ,.. $ (4. nael i ill a .- e i' ' I'HIUt i il 4 f s . ti i I ti vl 4 rimi oil oitn i' tl 4 on. Ii M a 4. . I'M M 4e lllll Si i n a I I. I h I $ in .1. ii Si IU1 41 SHERIFF'S SALE t.arga Warehou and Staraga P.u Ulirtif, H 'avy M il CiMiitt wction "TKrouihouti anj DrnatU Croum-I I in Clote, ti ai rtg ti 1 1 1 d! het tliti J r, I I I I'1- S $ f r'-a h't ... !1 U t'lnaSt ' I 1' Ufa !! i'rv, 4.a. t'n ie 1 .i.u.laU v., (ee i I ' ll ri 4 l ht 1 ..t t 1 -I f I at iii.;,.' an -t ( i $e $, , .f!.er .i I J n. r. . $$ ll l,rf In f..r. f . '' dv.tee, 'e . 1 1 k - it u h.i if. Homa Sating! DartV, liemanl, Nelt, LOANS ON REAt, ESTATE I 1ILTLD and fln.,.ce st par cent U K. SHiiST'iK. Creator of I'l.aaanl Homes. ltAriliur Bldg. JA lilt. STRAIGHT ( war loans. per'ceut AMOS ORAVr CO 0I H Mih. ArthurHidg. AT lift Iii7 lllTIIKM peve moat for LIUFRTT IIONOS $21 City Nat l Hank llldg BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. A(((iiiii;a ri.KATiu.' ACCORDION, aide, knife, bol pleating, covered huttone. all styles; hemstitching, buttonholes Write Idcsl Button Ik Pleat ing Co., 30 Hrown Block, Omaha. Neb Telephone JA. lilt Neb. Pleating "'11;. Una Farnam, second floor. JA. 6670, IIIHlll'RAI TORS. DR. (I KM An, $00 Paalon Dtrlg, Dr.. 1 lo 1. 2 In Te) At ?J0J We llll, DAM IM1 Af AIIF.MIF.H. KKKI'H, IMI FARNAM. PALLRO'IM and fancy dancing correctly taught, class or private lieanns. CHIL. DHI..N H CI.ASHKS smiting Sept. 10, 10 a tl A. . I 0. DRKHH.V1 AKIN'O. 1'RKSSMAKINi:. nlteratlon and all klmla of sewing. Mra. J. C. Allller, Call WK. 6741, DFAT1STS. !'K.TAI, X-RAYS. 10 each. II a full a.L II SecurHlea Bidg.. lih end Farnam. DKTF.I TIV$:s. RFLIAHI.B Iietectlva l'uieau. Railway hi Hide.. JA, 2064; night, KB lull. Independent De'.octlve Bureau, $04 Neville Hlk. AT 6601; nlgbt, WA. 44i; K K. 044$ JAMl;S ALLAN, 312 Neville Hlk. Evidence scoured m all ceeea AT. 1131. 1 TRIO! lti. VKIlV stunning fur co.ita, shawl collar, bell aleeves, (.l; other coata plain and trimmed; also mink apea at a sacrifice. Mrs. Me.Viiniara, tn Wellington Inn. Tt'TTTJQ remodeled, rellned. cleaned. ul'k) Kneeter Alaaka Fur Co.. $0$ 8 IMh Ft DO 72(11. PITIJC expert repairing. remodeling, 1 UJIO .leaning, at loweat-ln-the-cl(y prlcea, Ooldteln Fur Co. Over Frya, J Al 133. K ( 1 ' A K h N I S H IN (i . FILMS DEVKLOi-KI' FRF.fb. The Kr.elan Co.. 1607 Howard St MATTMKSHIvH. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feat bore re novated and made ti, tn new feather- proof ticking. 19(17 Cuming. JA. .OI7. j patknt'attokn FYS.' I J. W. MAHTlNy-pnrent Attorne"yi 1712 I Dodge, room .09. Also Washington, D. I help Inventora sell Ihelr pstrnta. EDDT Printing Co 21$ fi. II St. DO. $147 M ISCF.I.T.An rio I'M A NNlil M KM KNT8. DIAMONDS prlcea with privilege to huv buck at small profit. GROSS JKWKI.RV CO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. Idtll St. T-Icphonejno 604 OART()K bjlit, any style and aire, $10$ up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumber aV Wrecking Co. Tel, WE. 6665. PRK8CRIPTION9 rnrefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug stores. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. L'SKD Foi.1 parts at half price. Parle for nil sinndnrd make care. Neb. Auto Pane, HUH Harney w UKLD CAKB. O. N Honney Motor Co 664 Farnam. H.MlllAIN' llr.'I FORD SKDAN T'.'xeil 1,-no condition, a real bargain. $360. Cull MA. 4 4 after 0 i. in. I'SKII raillHtors, all mnkes, for aale Ore"oiiBh Itsdlator Repair, V0S9 Farnam AUTO l'A lNTINtl ; all work guurunteed. S74 Pint St. Call HA. 6X11. oNK good Maxwell tuurtng for ale, cheap. at r.7. T'ol'H, Celiiiiold unit glesa sale curtulne; tiul. k service. I'fi-iffi r's. pi iR ii ijci-KTl.-'o" " w irnTr;'fr I- olti i rTlTKrrWKIt43llJl';A""TII 111 ;K Ave. 6u lo;.lAHLK cata, ca.h or time, Forda lo-daca and other models, lit brand new Fords et a discount; Ford bodies, nev end used (il'I.DSTltoM AUTO SALES CO, open evening. JA :t 1.111 Harnev St 1920. FORD COUPE n a- lire., t on. I'.Ji i many !r., e. . .-n t i-h Call MA, t-i: fc M ri hair tn ua 1 tfurtls, iruiiityt M ar. hki ymn vo,. BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES II O.I.I.Y IMI 11 .-ii Hi ..! I I.I - II, M till I V ! V 11 1,. r: ... . .. I , .....1 II .le. I II I i I le e N-.HKASKA LANDS LAND AT l'UM.IC AUCTION. Thur.. Hit. 2 1 M. f V eif ( 4. mm m. ta jtili, a l . f e (t l.vutt tier t i nf 1 I !... (I , . 11 ( i '1 I ,.) r , 1,. ,., , , j.j, j WANTED JKAL ESTATE 1 1 1 I W V T 'P H K A I. $ ST AT r. Illlalrl 1 Sella ttetila, Inauref V.e IVirl. Tru.t llldg JA. ! " " (.( H ' 1 ISTIN'IS ' T I'aV Wt7 KI.I. TIIFV) iomh MKAi.rr ro at. mi. im W eTlarn He. I I elate Ca. JA Willeirt 4 S'abeuBh, Rea'ior. J A . Vn S.'l T ee a) Mureli AT $$ T"il.oii Ter act tunali. Peal !".(.. sea FOWLER & M'DONALD Iteel Katate end Inaurenre Menibere Muinpie Listing ri Heeltore Llet or hoiee lu tone HINDER & OTIS, fteel relate lene. Rental. JA III! Charles W. Younp &S"on Real lai.le. ftenigle, Ineureeee. I4i ntr Net. Hk t"". h IT I IT' T I f HfCn. Uet will ! VliV I J I VI ua fur liulrk reauita I 1411 rir.N.rl "I'IL4J.M. ILISf'youe home, for esis with e We ' have the roet-.mera I'ATNK INVHT- MKVTiO., Healter. . LIHT your nionerty with W. Faroes. SmKh Co, tire Farnam St PEAL ESTATE INVESTMEjlT8 itroRhi biiHitliig at J4$r Sherman Ave. $4,nno rintil $ll per yrsrJA. !. Miil'pTir7-n.'liTl'iom.. full let, I'.OO.i brer hiab ai JA 0127 r VACANT PROPERTY Coin t H.lemn loie end eereage trade OUIC now going on. Special larma end prlcee made. I.'OO p: email payment down, balance eaay terma See r phone Stewart, Halaton 10-W MUST aac-lflce my fine lot, tlat Ave end laelsson ft.. In older In settle eelaie. Must have cash. Inquire owner, 106 S.uilt Ust Ave. DUNoiTa, lot. H'il26. on 64i"h 8f , neer Fatni.m; choice location: owner will eon Bldar offer, C. A. (Irlmmel. JA. 141$ WILl7bulld to your ordin on our beeull ful lots In Frigs wood; very gear term AT-lantlc lf,40. CENTRAL PROPERTY TWKI.VK-lH " IM house I ... Si. AT f.H lot 6ll3. 1110 NORTH SIDE PROPERTY (I ROOM, (i.NLV $4.::.0 PAVKII STItErJT, Corner 2Slh Ave. and Saratoga Bt. Call HA 3.14, AT, 4I3S . 4U7 FHSKI.NF, ST. Pour-mi. mod., oak floora and finish. $760 cash. baU monthly Crelgh. (ton Hee AT .lo NLW alx-room Dutch colonial iiouae; oak ; finish, esst front, fine location; priced to sell. KB niflii. KoVnTK PLACK I Sig rooms, pretty yard ; clone to achoola end churches, (iwner. WK, f.7. . $T.000down. .1$ per month buy. gooff , six-room residence KK. 4x75. I 2 FINE luingalnwa, on. new. 5, "((', $6,760. JA. 0327. Hargaina, I K BtiCK a CO oiiv audi eeii bomee WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. ,X I I I. II III I I I I I I I III l 'l"H"; i WANTED I I by i Missouri Pacific ' at St. Louit, Kansa City, . I I.ittU Rock, Omaha and other " " important point.: i m Round House and " Machini.t-Forman, . Machinists, Boilermaker., ? 2 Car Inapector., etc. j Standard wage, and working j condition., . ". Apply 217 South 14th St. ; Omaha, Neb. ; m , m "i'l 'I .1 III I I I . I I I I II II' .' I I I I Ii I I I I I'll III I II I' 4' 4'4iii'l''i ? a On account of the mechanical craft employe, having gone on a strike, the Colorado nd Southern Ry. Go. will ample in the .hep., rounrlhouaee and ear depart ment at Denver, Trinidad and Chryeaae. men .uilable for such service. Beard and lodging free under ample pre letljasi. Ideal tlimale and Meriting tenvtiliaaa. Free reaipurtatiosii linae and half paid alter heurt end fer Sunday, and legal hell. 41. Writ or wira II. W. RIDGWAY, Sopt. Motiva I'ower, n?nvr, CoIa, IIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIMII, rite Reek blind Lines Is Nor Will Kot Settle With the Striking ShopcnKs: Th rnn t"'")4 n herafUr ill reta n tha . i,t,.,i they i, .? I eg ai'4 t the $ua bit. 4 here. aftt i I .1 ... I. re I ai n. .,. there are a titttil. m$aHef if -,ePii ,4 f,,t st' u u u i Filsehinists, Coitermakers end Car Men A,pl( Near. Ill I ell... le Mug, (e.eee ih a.d (a p. led A ... Now I lornoa r:"v, '.'nV.' VZXM Ut Kaelin- nt lg . AT e4S I eve. WA 474 ...a SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY. FoR HAl.r.-l't Davenport i , en eignt lonni hiiu.e. two lie.aae. full reinenl liaa ment, eak fl.mia. e.ely derelel l,-.,iitul wo...w.nkj will ehotr huuaa hv et poiiniiient, l . caah or lira. Ii M n'f. rni.n. Mjl 47er MA, till. Se.fiVTi"'i'v" liMiigeluw, one block from Vihion St., Jt.o Itouih til, Imiuir. HI goring WEST SIDE PROPERTY. N,wW"n.. .r"Te7n.s AT. 4$. Grovejmbardj:o. hThsK and it loie" on good boelnee. ajeW- nee 4.TI Mllliars ihi niiel ulinionl honn WA. $- BENSON PROPERTY ajrilt'llDAS IIOMH SNAI. "SCNHIHr; VIF.W" fl.aullful five rnoin hrlrk veneered bonga. low, east front, modern with heat. Hgnt water and bath. Two .ere. nf an.plng ailghlly t th. weal lrg. cblck. en house and other outbuildings. Tl is pia -e la e''out one-half mile from in. Omaha city limits, located on th. "J.'1' eat Piece pf ground In Keystone Per addition. A splendid view nf Beneoa end entire country wast. OnlF tureaj biorke In peved .ireet Owner leaving city. Priced low at ll.le. If yea are Iniereeied In a suburban home, do not fall lo look thla up. Phone WA. 101$ N'. M.rt.ngew, DUNDEE JPROPERTY K H. MMNNklt CO. MOVKiT'tO 104 Kealioe lllrta Call lie DO. 140.. FLORENCE PROPERTY NKTHA WAT .oTi. And Trad'aa KB I4.( MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY. "We Builcfto Please" Temple McFeyden Co., Itot Farnam St. HAST I N( 1 8 H V. V D F. V. Ree H ore. Th(! C. B. & Q. R. I.. ni made permanent Bjcreement with it. present employes. Have va cancies for a limited number of Machinist Boilermaker Blacksmith Apply Itt Floor Burlington Building, Tenth and Farnam Street., Omaha, Neb. Office open Sunday morning. .iimiiiliil t,iti:i.iirn,ii I'iillil..llej Frisco " Lines Saint Louis- San Francisco Railway 1 m wants ? s ai Boilermakers i m Machinists I Blacksmiths ? Foremen : Permanent positions. ? For interview call at Z Room 701, Fontenelle 1 I Hotel. llll.,Cl. '. . I I I I I I I I I l.!ll.$lltllll I l l l l l I I I I I II I I l I. I ..:ll:! MEN WANTED ' For Chicago. Si. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. For permanent jobs at rate prescribed by tha Unit! Statrs Railroad Labor Hoard as fullows: Per Hen Machinist. 70e Blacksmith. 70e 5Keel Metal Weiheri.,,, T0 Boilermaker 70a P.4seAer Car Me,.,,, 70e f reifhl Car Men $) Helper. All tlaaee...,,, 4)7t Mehnl' anJ hulpfri are !!ne. lime and an half far time worked tn 4v nf sight haul fut Ur. Apl at DivWion Saperla- r.lit.fe tf(-H, and Wrijlrr M., Omaha, Nrh, MllltlllllMIIIim,,n