THE OMAHA HKK: MONDAY. SKPTEMHKR 25. 1922 The Farmer's Wife M.KV ANN I.IUV. Macaroni l.ofl, c UMU, l't r. toft bread tru'ltbe, V thi, l' I. ealt, S tutter. I medium ei4 .iUn, 4 a half pepper. 1 r, 1iacamnl. Ileal Id Milk. Mi the Iret (if the lir1llit egcepl the macaroni Mini Hur the hot milk over. hlir on m vary uw fun until - the iheeaa la inrllrj. Add niacaroni aunt babe until ! Q Uklfig dial). Vm Ismt-i lb, vral uncooked, Hi. anil poik, both chopped fin, 1 c. rolled cracker, S egca well tjeafen. 1 I. augur, J I. alt, I t. pep per. Alike Into loaf and hake 3 holla. Ml' ruUt . " Wnllrn ilrrawa limy he washed autv reefully tf tha proper rare la taken. Kirst brush garment well, especially Itianl ha a. am where tha duet ta likely tu accumulate. Murk aoiM pot a with whit thread. Itun beiat lug threwde Jiit Irialdw folded ed.e of plaita. Avoid change of tempera ture tu a villi ahrinklnic Wah anil rlnaa In warm water unit then dry In warm tint a I pUce, Make- a, aoup noliitliin by dieolviti any pure auup In eoft water. H.Ufi gar munla with tha hind hut ihi nut rtih on tha board. Jhi nut ruh eiwip on tha -unni-t ta II nutta tha flla-re. 'ewiuerie n..t twlet tha water out. Much allil .inurni should he run IhrotiKh twu watere ami rinard twice. Hung sklrtg on hanger hy tha wulat taind and dreaeee and wnlst on hang- ( ara. I'rena tha gurment on tha K rone; aide while atill dni. using ruavy preaalng cloth over tha Wiad, fx nt ma too but an Iron an It atlffene tha wool. Of tha 14 orlttlno) calf rlub m-m-l In one Iowa county, ahnwa a ra cant aurvff.' flaht nra now f.irmlnB and fiva ara ralalnr urlirii1 rut tin, dua, thf'y any, to tha aUrt thy got In rlub work a fw yr an. Hua oak a. wa know, rram arnrna now I ni narnarrjrii aiovr from a aprnut. W han you An yuur Imah ba aura to knoir Tou'va lot Hi roou all out. Trade Review ' By H. .. Ill KM III. n''nt davalupnitnia hav aupportai) Ilia b"llf thai an asti -nalim nf tha bual naa Imiiruvamnl wuulil fallow th ad jiiaiiiiant nr alatmriit ol prtra,:tat iit tttr trovllra. Tli rhark to atpaiiainn t jiarlanred iluniitf lha aummar partly rr-rli-til natuial riilaoi. bm flrikia hud li.o'Jgbt a d'almd attiark In aulna baaln lln and lh ramutai or Ifaaanlna of tha dlaturbamaa Waa raarntlal to a ra aumptlon of Kanarul pruarraa. With a niura atalil lniiairlMl altuatiuii now pta vailint. rarovrry ha ouiia Maailily at i. oat pointa ihira operation hav haan appraclulily rurtallad, and tlia aiivant-tnc ai.aaon land to atlinulata f:tivlti In ilif. I, rnl iunrtia. Alihouuh rat rli'tlun of fua U),plaa anil ilrawliark In trans portation atlll liltidr production ami ij'. Irlbutlon. th ri-alralnl ara vrailually illnilnlahlnf nd rarord of both output and traffi niovamant ar mor favor atl. That th volum of currant trad larta In th anvr(ata I vld-nrad by various atatiaitral haromatara, nd lh raduetlon In lha rommanlal mortality aa ravralad bv th Inaoivanc-y rturna, la aignlflcant or tha alronr f undaiiifntal rondliloh. Korian polltiral want bav tnflurni'ad all aparulaiiv maikat, but hva had llttlo arret In othar i-hannal. nd thar aaafTia raaaon to aipart, with labor dirtlrlultlaa laratly aattlad, a con tliiuunco of lh trinid toward batter hual n.. Th qulikaiilns; nf ilnnand whwh usually develop at till at-aaon I ba kfirnlnf , u apiitfar. ta. Ua'laa branches, and aoiu Intariat now find, after a pro lintfd period of csutlon huyllia'. that or dara muat b placed miora fciiuently tv meat th Inrriaainj r"iUlreinanla. Whll th faninten'inc of a conaorvaltv polli-y ilisi'loat' dlapnalUon to avoid unwhol' aomo axceanra. th rart that forward con tract ui'a bdiiH entered Into inorw freely Uamonatratea that ronf idem la not lack Ink, and some commitments of maKnltud have either been effected or ara cou teniplatod. Kxport Kxrra Reduced. Th Autfuft foreiKn trnd return Is aued from Washington this weak occa sioned considerable comment because of tho further reduction disclosed In thia riallon'a excess of merchandiso exports. Krom about l54.OOn.ODO In .July. last month's export surplus declined to 111, OuO.OOd and thua reaihrd tha smallest amount of any month since Keptember. lull. Whll til August export" rhanKeri but Utile the analeKBt of 1102 nou.OuO belnir IJ.uOii.uOD leas than that of July. Imports roe 120. 000. due to a valuo nf odo.Ooo. The latter aln no doubt re flects lh Influence of tha new tariff UKlslKtlon. a rush of somla Into thin coun try occurring n advance of the enact ment of the Ihj'rcaiijd Import duties. The previous hlith mark In Imports this ynr ivna established in June, at about 2I0. and It la necessary to go tmrk to Inn autumn of 1920 to filul a monthly tulal surpaslntr the August fivues. Iluildlnc I-ermlts Ijirre. Oonslderable fluctuation hss occurred this year In the value of buildlns; per mttH isaued at leadlnic centera. but the lolola of l;l have been regularly ex reeded. Deplte the fact that three few ar cltle maile return tho Auiruat per mits for new construction Involved un estimated expenditure larger by about 7 per cent than that of July and surpassed the flfrurea of August of Isst year by practically 31 per cent. The record for Greater Neig York I featured by a de crease of more than 20 per cent from th aggregate of year ago, but this reduc tion Is much more than offset by guiiii m other points, tho permits at outside renter having a vnlua fully 0 per cent greater than th amount reported for Au gust, I9JI. Many of the cities of large population dlsclo sizable Increase, in cluding iialtimore, lioHton. Chicago, fin. cinnntl. Cleveland. letrolt. Milwaukee, l'hlladelphia. Mt. I.ouls and San Francisco, and teas than 111 cities ahow loaaoa of 100. oo or more. Among tha latter ara Minneapolis. Pittsburgh and Heattle. whll lh decreaa at Nw lork city approxi niale i,ooo,00. hlerl Trade Recovery. A a exrected, th current week brought a further xteuslon of the im Vrovemcnt In the Iron ami teel Indu try. With a leaaening nf the drawbacks ariatftg from th c.iai mining and railroad labor troubles, broductlou of bi iron and ateel la recovering anil m.tnv of the Meat ) furnaoea that had aupndd operailona I because of deficiency of fuel aupply have I ataried up again Tha gain hae bean gen eral, all diatrlct making more favorable reparta. and afeel mill r now running, aa a whole,, at about a per tent ral. A a encouraging feature has appeared In lb placing of Important rl ontera and lh leading Itiiereat although, re.-ently an. beunt'tng aa ad-an.'" ef II effiHtiv -I. bar I, la at (reaeat dv.-l.lin c-nira-la for ih fust hall of l;i at lo per ton While da.-IIM hill arcurra.t In certain gr.l ef pit iron. IH matn price Iren-I I eonitnuee ni-ward aa.i quotaiioas la ni.uii Inaianeee ie pprtab!y gbete the lvia rf a yr ago. aJwe la tetlilea, With Ika n-gie.a of the eeaaua Ik pe.e4 qoleeaiag ef dni44 dvlp la leaiil Ha, ami Ik vuilewa 1 , nowregiog- t'wnairHvtive frve atari ln,.fe Inflate. e as Uwr trobi ar anetifve.l a4 lrift eteifcM )leiiiai4 ai ta-egk voa' laeiaiaaie lo aigker price pravaii lkistliMUI the l4 i'niplatal te e-aKaieet lo im-l kai ef Ike in ef pce4-i. ii I I t ,ar e t.i enaig-a ,e i a. f m n ! a ! era e" ....n.f a, j i-a e-ia wkaa neaia : leplte It !( -"I" ie ! leg yi4 eore .aie r r.o. i mtl ia4a a4 ia, ll.. 'ev el Ik iua.i4 Saw ( 4 " 4 ' t lag 4 l4 i-l I "! k.e ik "' " i !4 l.lCnl .. e!- .; i4 ik kin 4li e. a4 1 as i a at,l g a ws I wt MMea. J - eliki. a4' - a ' J...-.J i-n week, 4,ie "4 ! - -.! Iaal, '4 I i a. raM, aaee4 -e ta-ae '-- a. iMiaa iWHlel a i , ji. -ik . ! a - i t .. . k-1 a. a. , Culls BRINGING UP t I Iij rvT.htf cr: a wclu moO'x wm. tr: , ill! ; r WW c, , -f.T to a,!, ;.i'fVw ' ?j " To rl'JL 1 x'. . iliil v,-., The Business Thin VIVr-k'i Outlook in dinmmr, Finaiiif, Apriiullure anil Imliiatry Hasnl on (lurrrut I)c('loiitienU. f enrtahled rhe4r N. Price. Publishing lerp . I l-srhang riae. e I era. Iiurlrtk tha week tin- aniuliillva niiiiket follnwiNl traillllon In thrlr ra sione to the cahlaa t'iwl from Kiirop alxiul tha altuatlun In th tinir mat. When tha new atiKifati-d war atiK-kg aiV cotton went ilnwn, while wheat want up. Whrn tha rporta were leag niiiiiiiiiiK the movement of price wna revaracil. Hut with their r--tItlon paopla huv laH'ome ha aenaltiva to tha alnrmlat runmra and, evan If tha wumt hould hnppen ami Kniflnml hn-anie InvoNed In a war with Turkay. "It I now doubtful whether l.ualneag In the I'nltail riiitcg would be much allocked or diaturhed, There ara but few man In Kuropa, and fewer In America, whoan opinion with rKrd to the Turku European problem la worth much, It hi vexed atittaauit-n for centuricg and will prob ably continue to trouble them for a Ionic time to conic. Muat Amorlcuna doubt the llkllhood of war because) they believe tho world la utterly tired of bloodahed and will adjuat it qunr rela by compromiae, at Icuat until an other kenenttlon ha a come to the flu lit inn age. rirmnee of Market. Accepting lh generalisation a we turn to th bualnea record of lh week, on la truck by th unanimity with which flrni nea In th commodity market Is re ported. Her are soma of th headings thst appear over th various market re port published In th New York Journul of Commerce of Heptember SI: "lead Klrm," 'Tin Kirm," Heavy Cop. per Kxporta," H rap Iron Moarlng I P ward," Kerro-Blllcon Advance." Pip In dpeclal Umand." "Iron at til a Ton In lilrmlnghsm,'' "Oinned Tomntoe Htrong." "Mill 'td Higher," "Fruit Higher." "Sugar (Headier," "Kalsina Kxclled," "Canned Tninatoea Htrong." "Keroaene Higher." "Iwmaml for Hllk Urowlng," "t otton Yarn Firm," "Worsted Varna Tending I'p." "Wide Hheetlng Trad Orowa Broader." "Hemp Advances," "llur laie Advsnred Sharply," ".S'w Carpet Higher." In each case apeclal res amis ar given for th upward tendency, but what many regard aa Ita underlying baaia la revealed In tho subhead printed over fhe report of the druo.l niarket. They resd aa follows: "High Protectionist Iok for Era of prosperity." "Many Merchant y It la Impossible now to Avoid Kvll Kfrects of Jnflalion." (onflilruce In Prices. Thes two tatements explain th con fidence In higher prices to which I hav previously alluded as o general In th east. It la due to the expectation of what It vaguely called Inflation and is In fact a reflection of the high wages now being paid end the high linpoit duties Imposed l-i th tsrlff bill Just pssacd. Opinion differ as to whether th country will b benefited ty having Its cost of living again increased, but there 1 no doubt thBt rising price crest a feeling of pros perity which stimulates activity and spec tiii'tlon for a tlm, even though It be Illusory. It Is with thla feeling that the buslnrs men must now reckon, for h who base hi calculation entirely on fc-cta and take no account of feeling I likely to go as far ssrray a those who Ignnr th facts and ahaps their course entirely with reference to the prevailing sentiment. Farmer In Ond Kliupe. Hut It Is certain that th fiirmora do not as yet ahure, in the tllu.ilon uf pros perity, present or prospective, to which the rest of the country seem to bo sur rendering" itself. If It la to become ni tlon-wiile better markets for their pro ducts, especially wheat and cotton, must develop or bo provider). Should these staples recom permanently worth sub stantially more than they are now selling for there is but little doubt that the Summary of Bank Clearings (Bradstreets) in thousands. Business failures Federal Reserve raiio Security Prices, New York Exchange: 20 Industrial 20 Ksilroads 40Iio"hds Commodity Price Wheat, September delivery, Chicago corn, nrpitmoer ociuvery, unicago ....... Beef, gd. dressed tecrs. Chicago .T Pork, ribs, September delivery, Chicago . , Sugar, refined. New York Coffee. Kio No. T. New York. Cotton, middling. New York ............. Print cloths. New York Wool, domestic average, New York Silk, No. 1 Sinshiu. New York Rubber, crude, plantation, New York ...... Hides, packers. No. 1, New York Iron, No. 2, Philadelphia Steel bllleta, Pittsburgh Asked. Chicago Grain Hy II AUI.FS I). MKIIU IX Omaha Hea I-cwacd Mire, Chlcaito, Hcpl. S4. A limir a po litical conditions abroad remain Urn doinliinllnif influence In the wheat market, trailer generally look for prlcra lo fluctuate erratically within a relatively wide range1. . Thrra la sufficient m the world a ittiation aaiile front the talk ti keep the market Itu.ra or Iraa unset tled, and apparantly the l-llef la growing not only fti thia country but alto abroad that in materUI fe iraalnn bi low II filf tha Wceintwr In I hiceiin la ptobrtMc. iMIIlllg th Heat )k WW-k l'l Inarkel will ! under lha max. "mm prTseui i.f lha apiuiil whe.t luuva mailt on U ih awl. i f tha luteina tmpal I'na and it ta durum thia iwrit that th k-wl 1'ibea .11 prolaablv e w lineterd. a fording: lh t. ervel Ithoubl ll p'taa lie larld arog id II pr Vuhl I -a the ec.i r delivery th fencer Will I url fir pre. a fvf th fcu'a; if In gia.n, la"d n lha fviieral wjdla'a, lkMtli It -aaratmaif k lei i of tea . total t4 nia-n.-l.ii iw g-ueia, Masllii IUsmh. l la'll ' C"''' hnlltM FATHER Beg Barometer oiitinilem of the Industrial diatrlct would I tecum genersi, em mr toe i, pmipi of lha agricultural regions I'ei that they have been overlooked in the pi ii mad for reviving business and no gieil Increa.a In their purvhaailig Power l to b peeled lhale prcli. anient I nur m" rloug rt'imeeile problem and aome radical ef fort lo o!te ll tny b tried, i-tn uf ihem I ogied by lb iory of a '! farioer who abandoned hi crop l,e.u he rould make mor than H would nt by taking in lob of a railway abopmao aim had struck If everyone who I so aitisrien rouio thua apply lh lesson of 'Tut Yourself In Hi Place." It might be a good thing for th country aa a whole Twa f ommsdltle rbaep. Tbr ar. hovr. only two com mnditie that ar ulstaniiily cheap (in la sugar, which la nearly a cent below th pne which It wee telling 14 week go, and mor than 30 rant a pound un der the war top. TH recent dee line I charged to th high duty lmpoed In th McCunibar till, but with price peering the coat of productlna refiners and die triliutwra ar expected lo buy more freely Boon. At under 1 cent coet and freight for Cuban raw sugar la vary near the coal uf production. Kuhh-r ahow a llttl mor reailency nn fresh rumor that the Kngliah atsd liul' h producers will get together lo limit production. Trils lime the movement I being led by three Americans, l'avld at, Figart, Waiter ll. Mshoney and F.dgar II, liavia, who proooae the organization of an liiternational Plantation Itubber Co. wltn a capital uf fifty million pound tlerllng. kecurlly Market Unlet. Aalde from lh "up and downs' at. tributbl to th new from ICuropw ther hve been few development lu th e runty market that call for comment. 1 he general feeling I that If the ex pected business boom come ther will b lee money with which lo carry atork and bonds. Many good judge ar there fore diapoaed to believe that bond ar high enough and that a further advance In stocka i not to b expected except IncreHaed earning may Juatify It ja the taaa of particular corporations, Aa many railroad ar now handling more traftio than ever before In their Malory the railroad stocka aa a class bav bean -well bought. President Harding's veto of the bonus bill and his admirable alateinent of hia reeenne for dlsapproviair It hava given much satisfaction. Following the senate's refusal lo overrid the veto there was an Improvement In lh prlc of Liberty bond and It i reported ihat rSecratary Mellon will shortly undertake some etenalv r rundlng operation involving a large laau of 10-ear bonda on a 4 per cent basis. Outlook Knrouraalng. Th shortage of coal will no doubt be felt more or lens acutely during the whi ter but the railroad and the coal con trol commissioners appointed In many elates are win king hard and Intelligently to put the fuel where It will ba moat needed. Ford ha decided to reopen his Detroit shops and It does not seem prob able tha difficulties In the wsy of doing business will b mor than nor. in ally numeruu or unsurmounlabl. The outlook may therefor b regarded a normally encouraging. The foreign complication hav taken the speculative "tang" out of the aimoa pliere but It may return when rn po litical temperature and humidity in Eu rope ere reduced. Certainly the week haa proved that price ar not easily de presaed even by new that would b acutely depressing If there wer any com mercial or financial distension. In Germany money Is said to b tight despite the Infinite quantity of paper marks outstanding. Tha Kelchsbank ha therefore announced that for th present even billion mark a day will he printed ami Isaued. The prospect defies th Imagination and It Is Strang that marks continue In be salable r even cent a hundred In New York. The other foreign exchanges have been surprisingly steady and their steadiness has engendered some cynicism an lo the reported disaf fection between France and England. The federal reeerve Statement shows a reserve ratio unchanged at 7H.3 per cent, ami a decrease of 10,000.000 In the goal held. This decrease Is doubtless due lo the persistent effort that la being made to forco urold, In the shape of gold cer tificates, Into circulation, the purpose be ing to avert Inflation hy reducing the gold in the possession of the hanks. The other changes are not significant. Condition. Knd of End of last week, previous week. Last year. 17,4113,174 ,678.690 I6.5l,387 r. 302 33 419 78.8 78.8 8.7 98.S7 110. 70 70.211 lll 88.67 78.75 1.& 02.12 72.12 t 1.04 I .984 64 .t .hi lS2f. 18.75 15.00 8.75 0.55 7.70 .0625 .0850 .0560 .lOiV .10 4, .01 .2180 .2180 .20i!0 .06 a, .0514 .05 T-a .717 .7175 .4102 7 70 7.40 4.85 .14", .14S -18 .22 .21 .11 81.84 88.1 1 30.84 40 00 18.00 29.00 f 1.0 i pea crop, making foreign financial con ditiona th umleilving factor In th mar ket th aain aa It baa been fur over two tear. Cora Haa Miiay Friend. Corn has more friend than any other rial it. and the advance iaat week to II. a hla'he! price since early in June waa not a auipnae to the bulla. While lh Bpecu latlve trade ia nol Urge triors la an ex-i-elient riaee of buying holed on sharp hreake woh ptntit laking on billgea. tentl it.g lo bold value withta relatively aar tea bnnta. . Cador no rondttioa caa lha turn rrop ae I arrv over Ibis yrr reo.e soiwhsfa near e milling the i 91 euo.ou bueheia on hen I un Sotenibar I laal )ar, he laigeal eu-.iv in bi-ioil abort and h!gr In S.ptvnilHir t have reduced lbif Inter, lie loierlaUv ae.l 11 la !4 lo 1 moderate. 1'eiiveiie a.i far lh a Ik.-Vik kav !- I Hi IX bitehe'a Caaa kecPtra r, enwvli-g ' la l,..o Iks c.eioliv s ll m p.-aa-k, 4 ir. i-e,r.g ii'i,, , uci ! t i Waak . fioftn la IH t ell,.! aii. Nr Ik w. !.m keciaia. t II. t!, ''! fct leif-ea i lira la' oil luaiaa., Sew I n imiiiit I'.iii III , l .ill 4.1 . i.l aa4 i III ll' : " im th a .k in laaeliia .iti.e,, . a... in . ... 1 . - I 1-1 ui m a al Im III I Iks laai il Liwieg l Ik rsosia fs lb- a4 ia, a i ll a.u it 'k , , I '! ,S l ll- tu , -..-. a a 4 in 111 I " 1 t 4 ...i . t .i '- , W - i i .. I - , k -- ... ' - . f i ! ! . ..I . ll . ! I . It :i i 4 l m .l III , .1' l I III HlCi! lit II Hi ... ,, -l H! . I 'I III " I'll I I I ' I I - 11 .14 I . 4 I- J In iii ..a Ml 1 11 i 1 1 . ' I" HI - I I II It' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , . t'( I . 1 I I I- III ,11 II ( . .4 1 1 m i i ll H ' ll I 1 1 111 ' t I ! ! iMae.- WnlnM ... ?.. amut ci'r .... l.oja.oua I j Tolal. t. t,41J.t:4. I lll.CI.IM KimhI Itiil x Hijilit-r llrsdsireei's Food Index number, baaed on the wholeeale price per pound of II Nrllcle UBrd for f'MMl, I f I ?. I untpMrlltg will. II IX laal week and till fur the ...k litia arnlenilMr 21. lajl Thia I week'a number ahow a gain of tl P" Ht 40n.IIIO.IIUr.. l,t Alt kllbll 4tMllr1 "klj( 5 .v..,rl coniparttil ifh ! wk. aa ftidoH 1 r r-.ira-l : Klour, hrat, r-4 : hat. tirti'i; I'Tn mtm. barty ty fiuiit, rcrn f our, ahtnl fH, laril. tiuttrr, id ., rot-t'tri-a6i vll, gf, tif-a-Vf. lift, h'a, lv: laiiiitaa, Mv; i-ijti'n i milk, vp'irte( fil Ik, brown Ii tnf , "u, O iiintr ; hhfn. I tff Iron, flrjia ; rr whfli, li1, l'f'liejtJlhU; tmr whiWi, oii I'liifum.; ( . mu, Pltlaburfij, tok; nll ni'nr. p)fr 1 tmfrmm mmti Psirk Rltll' allarsi a srf . r, b-ir,.( pf.t.ifwii. rxaina, j.runn, h bi eer':!:..1 l;":?',r!.' i nicag.i. II UPDIKE 1 ii SERVICE e!k!b! lt JIU ASO MAGCIt ! rUlt rAcr or cotottt t ihi uhda mi CUT rsOTHlN I ot wow- NO'eur wr. c tnrr.o OMeT4iN, no tt ut (c) It.i ar laf b fTut Srnici. Inc. Financial N r.W VOICK TI M KM. Omaha He I eased Hire. New York, Hcpt, it Tha coin ) of luat week 'a marketa did nut Indl- j lata cfiicaylng view of tha econonile fJtJli'H 1 4l rOf' V(('t ttllt I ll . ,tmiAtratitltim nf fM t.t -..r-t hu.1 tha favorable movement of value earlier In th eeiiaon. and that tha fu ; tura trend of thing had not yet clear i ly unfolded Itavif. Kuay money, an unpiecexlenled g.ild iieaerva In the I'dIIshJ fttafea, abun- tdiint aupiilli-i) of Invealment cnpltal, i lubof troubld PltlrJ Without th ftt ""i pvm mm, which .ppr- h' naive mlnda had pictured, largo rail WE specialize in the careful handling of orders for grain and provisions for future delivery in all important markets We Are Members of the Following Markets: Omaha Grain Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade and all of these offices are connected with Omaha and Chicago by PRIVATE WIRES, insuring PROMPT and EFFICIENT service. WE SOLICIT YOUR General Drawn for The iriT,rrn. IT u- ill) T?r rt; i way traffic? already moving, with the certainty of a much larger movement later all of theaa fiuia ara more plainly In vlit.-nce ludiiy than they vera w hen tha eda-k nun ki t, the bond market and tha foreign nchnim market were advainliig enthusui tlcally. Iiaveeae) by Falur. Hut preileely s in mrkel looked monin ahead In Ihelr moieineni of laal aprleg, aud unniier noiabiy In lb r markahl irengih on lh Miock F.ichange In what aeimed lo be lh crisis of the trlka o Ihey ai peeeanrily governed by lh longer view of lliioga when ai elite hav fulfilled tb yeari rllr f.namil prediction. If. then, th market Bow hesitate. If Ihey hell In the absence uf tangible ln dhatlon of further baaia i hangea, If Ihey aie "neiilv lo uoeipeel.d incident uf a dialuiiilng aorl nd If, neterihe'eae, one day deilin la aulckly cancelled br lh uesl day recovery, lh In.r-nre la plain enough Ihat financial judgment ba not yl been abl lo gt a aur lw ef lb probable coulee ef event In lb Beit few nionih a a general wy, If mar ne eam For We the "A Reliable Consignment House Office at OMAHA, NEB. Omaha Bre by McManui U rkl UISI belief It p..allle ta the .. undoes nf lh pre., ot Aroerlean flnanciel end industrial poaiiton: but ihat more light I desired en a.i. H iiueaiina aa Kurope' polltbal cnlioverales. th effect ef lh new r. funding oi.erallon for our own inalul. tog wr oongaiiona, and lb rnura of do iiieati trade wag n, price. 4 all Moeef Adtanee. The decline on lha Himk l i. tail week wae as, r ttied alleroalely by Wall Mlreel lu delllil oter the a. pa of auluin buaioeas recovery shd In th advsnc la lha Hio. k Fx. bang call money late, flora which a poaeiUle snlieeyu-nt rise la lb general nioney niaiket waa Inferred. If regarded aa on t liming Intiueneee, tb twa roneideiaii wie lie oi.ililenl Willi one n.ii Ii. r l had been taken fur granted an along Ihat If a revival In lrde Were to o. cur. and ea.eclallr If II were acimi, panted by riaing pri' of nun. module ami gieny Inneaaed accumula tion of iner. ban. Ine for future delivery. Ihe money market would Inevitably be affected. Flintier, n a'lual lightening of money wojld, In om degree, un.lnul.t edlr, revere th upward movement la both aloeka and Iwnda ....... Hut it had alao been aeaumed that ir sin h ihaeouent Inrras In bualneae ac. Uvity did B"t occur then Ike eurflu el the Convenience of the Trade Are Operating Offices at following Points: Omaha, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Hastings, Neb. Holdrege, Neb. PATRONAGE n 4.:liKl it.Jll taaourraa ' !. k( ka ifii a all ia ial bMft llltiHt. V MM I a !' tllllM- wt iiinaiv r ai.. It tha mul ..i ii ( iiin, au.h 1 1 l lh nn lnaik'1 ui4 nnwiil IIIIIIIH'I IB tm lllll "r kuia miii aua ii'aiiilil a.uiitaa ll IKaial.m a.malMI 1 1 1 I "ial III kaaanxaa In iaa a . a ntHl mral a.tl4 ka Iwaq HI .4 k.lh la iaB)oiHiii Had anil l l.ia.lla k ! VIVrkly Failurtu Mua.naaa f.llui.a fur Ik alii ..i.i,.i..r ll millibar III lilM unaaira k.lh lit laal r.. Ill la lha Ilka lai-ak ' nil. lit la II la lai aa4 ) la UK. Sioux City, la'. Des Moines, Ia. Hamburg, Ia. Geneva, Neb. mi- AV ' il IIU CmtlUa PKlfle fit W all Wraiag mmW tt'Jts; W lleleBIal VC- Ueseel weaaakia JfiiLCeU U ta tka tiepHa, FrmNwYrk 7aj. 30 anaf 'i a. 30, t23 Fare VV $250 Up Mia rassrvatlu V aow U Full leloeaudoa W I boat tMesssiaip ( ,VYAVtj gewia vrvwaen a c wVleVJw mr 1 R H Uwenhv Cea. fWjU ljlr i Aa.,. Pieagi lMlJ Pepl., tNo. J tJcsihora Hi red Phew i J rVaadcueb 1JJ 4 , . . - - h . i , a I a.. sea t ..,. i ,-..!-. ' a- i . . . - . 4a- e I .. ia , el ' , . a.a- ... ... taat Ik . k ' . a a " w-a . a . n., . , kc ...... t i -a i , - - ,e r t a ' . ke a - ,. e.B:'l , va ift4e -e a ,., -. i ...lug la ', el ea - ,ee Ik ie-fcw ft ' . i.. ' a ... '. a - " , ,a ei ''"' e, ...... a a . . m,i a ii-'1 - 4 u a- .n - ,l, t.i- e ka ' I. ea ..- . - -' . a..,.-k .1 F -'4 ia wia a-- . w a . II ! I I III I - -, ( I : 1 1 -. I II ' ' i II ,.l it .- i ) I 1 1 . il . ti tlx. I I . . a - va -a 4 t -