The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 25, 1922, HOME EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Schoolmaster of
Gretna Jailed on
) riinrfrn nf A lino
- W V wa (l.
E. L Witte AllfCfJ to Have
Beaten Son of Oil Employe
With Huhbrr
I Orrtiin, get.l. .4 (Kiwotal t A
i-riminni rcniuiiii mil lwtn preferred
KSlnirt li U Vtt, superintendent
nf th Gretna, x hixil, who la affiia. d
rf using a rullr turn to whip an II
)rar-l'l boy.
Th aharirea were flM by Art Wat-
m. father fit th boy,
"Hurk- Wit n. tha boy, la a pu
pit In tha fourth Kra1e. Ila beutma
ncavrd In an alternation with two
othar puhlla on tha groumla,
TO chnatlaa tha Watann Ind fur hit
part In tha Unlit Superintendent Wltta
I acruserl (,f whipping tha bt.l with
tha ruhher h'. ao severely that Ura
Wilia formed on hla body.
When the Watson lad returned to
hla noma after tha whipping hla father
started strnlnhtforth for tha school
liouaa. AVItta la said to hnva seen hla
apnroarh, however, and to have locked
himself In brfura tha enraged parent's
Then Watson decided to prefer
charges against Witt. Sheriff Htsch
r of Harpy county placed Witt un-
lar arreat Friday, taking him from
V' claaa In tha Gretna school and re-
triuvlnf him to Jail.
; Art Watann, tha father, la employed
,at Oretna by tha Standard Oil com
Elizabeth and
f rlma Donna Soprano and Scotch
Tenor In Recital
Felix Finds a Way
Cartoon Comedy
Itiiilto Symphony Player
' Harry Ilrader, Director
Ilungnriun Fantatte
Julius K. Johnson
at the Organ
And Other Future World
Utaa.iv. Me4ara Draau
TVam.i Meigkan. Laatrics Jay,
Laa. WiUea, Juli Fay, Cea.
Fawtl. Sylvia A.htoa, ate.
Valaa. t ttraaiaM aa tl-,fia
Cli) I'lfHi ta.i a4 Ma.HUa.
tur ami 1 1 at. a
aaa.4l Slta .frra
A-atf T.'fcaie lkaaaa
AM'tao Asr bt)iita
-. I m ala
vai itotMA
M lau laa ta OtM osaias
im iwa i.atiae
A singula
of IXU
la .ff
singularly Intereating mittur
ravuganM add burlrt(iM
at tha I'myrty thia
week l y IUvr Marlon, whi la outdi
in hi tu rtir4 s a htvtsh pr
ituicr. Tha atiwtatuilar fetura tf
"Tim Mn rum tihow" turrit tha ue tf
tha adjrtiva "grg eoua," employed
ty tha rae ant, with tha further
rrri)iiriiMUtlon that, beautiful htid
ertimio aa several of Ita cne and
netting are, th.-y ara not u aa
Hun tha rya or dull tha i-ne f au-
prec-iutlun i f llsht and rolor. In thia
if Kuril, an apprbl ia nwd to tho.a
who ara Interested In moilern method
of staca Uiihtinc and setting, fur
i-r;il nf the fun-! t illiiJof rffert am
upvroirlite1y implnyed by Marlon.
Uorilnii Jli-nnett wsa rhoe.n by the
Hunduy night patrnna aa the mnr nf
tha comiHtny. Ilia harttona Voire, tha
beat of any kind heard hire ao far
title, eennoii, a advuiiUgpou!y dla
plnyed In aeveral tmlliiita and In one
really pretentloua rwltutlve, wherein
ha exhlhlta tonal beautlea and exceb
Itnca of tchnliUfl not often encoun
tered In auch nilea aa hla. Mr. Hen
nott dreervea coiiRnitulatlona Iho for
i-Urlty df enutirlutlon, ahowlnv aa
ha doea that a amger limy n-tiiird
tempo and tuna aa well and atlll nlv
fHih ayllubla lla perfect and proper
value, Thut Voire la dcelgm-d for
bt-tter unci than mera ballad altiflng.
McM.mua and McNulty ara a pair
of "nut" rnrnedtnni, who do their etuff
In workmanlike way, glvlnir junt
enough of it to get tha dealred liniKh
and not enourh to aurfrlt anybody.
And their burlaiiia work la real
comedy, Mnry Iee, a pretty girl,
charms with her d.inclng. Youth,
henuty and graca In mra combination
aupiMirt her In her claim to attention.
And there ara a lot of other thing
about tha ahow to commend, and
which should he well known to tho
community befora the end of tho
week, If It gets even half the attention
It deserves.
Ous Edward and his comnnny of
talented singera and dancers rnptlvnt
ed two In rue audiences at ths Or-
pheum yesterday. This 15th annunl
rvuo of the popular composer and
rroditrer Is without doubt tho boat
entertainment he has brought this
way. t'hHter Fredericks, Pacific
const dancing stnr, won much favor.
Alice Furneiis is a bright little sinit-
tr, who contributes greatly to the suc
cess of the oct, Margie Rooney, Helen
Itarinln Mat. TharUy IWt Beat 1.IK.
bKATH NOW N HAI.K Tiur. and Net.
SOe, lie. ft. SOe. . SI M-
Where Is the
Today, Tuesday,' Wednesday
Matinee Dally
Roger Imh&f
In the BogtiUh Rente
"Say It With
With Ruth Budd
riurr Twins; Hayaluke Druthers;
Iiabby Dnrry; Hilbur and Lyke;
Dick Lancaster; Florence Talbot;
May Meyers; Daisy Harris and
Daily Matinees 2oc and 50c.
Evenings Sic, 50c, 75c, and 1 1.
3 Days
A Ta al La aed A4aata.a T.U
M 1ea BlaaSiaf Raatia
Coattanc Tlmde
C....., US'
ILvtiJ. llsl J.itiii a and Mary lUy
! tiiikl with i-oiiaiitrral'la lum.r.
Mr. Kdri! I imnrmn n atiUfyliiir
hi audleflca with ti numbeia.
Added iil given to tha Kdward
rrvlea this week y T'Wrt Hiutih, whu
nimpa from hla imn H Into tha tint,
"Wi-iderfiil Vou," and "It'a Mml
th Oa.'li In tha UUrty Hell," are
t o n w a, ng hua written by Mr.
RdHfi'de and rendered by hlnieelf. A
rornrany of attractive young woiue.i,
lavuh'y ront.d, apiMr In asetitl
ai-enea. Tht revua juat una gnt!
thing ffier another and will "Nttk
'em In." at the Orpheum thia week.
Maudy, iii I'Mward'a Hmitrh liiiml
t .Miil iir.ilura aniirara In hla i,t act
aiNtll proteja, sppears irt nis nwil ct
aim wt.rea it cib nil. ma ranniii"n
or . ii.a of Hurry Lauder's amiga ts
ieverly done. I.h yd Nevada and
roiiiiniiv oiien with an a-t of mirth
and myatery. Ikiille Kane and Jy
Httiiiiii won aeveral encores wlih
their nmiiaing dialoirue, "Tha Mid
night Hons."
Tom Hmlih la su eccentric dnncer
with n Oflrlnnl style, and his comb
c.i full stilt evokes much merriment.
Tha loth Howell due offer an artlattc
act on trancxa and rings. Aesop s
Fahlea, Topics of tha lo. and I'ath
New nrn offi red us screen fxnlures In
coi nictinn wit., another carnival of
mirth and melody.
Miss Ituth Iludd sings, dancea and
risks her pretty nek and form In
soma hnlrrslslng aerial stunts In the
huhert show that opened yesterday
at tha Ilrandel to run twice dally
till Wednesday night. Hhs ts a de
light whenever she appears during
ths show.
Itoger Imbof and Hobby Harry ar
a pair or comeuians wno gept ins
audiences nf yesterday In a state of
continuous hilarity. May Meyers
and Palsy Harris, assisted by ths
large and comely chorus, sung "Jni
lug tha AltihalK't" and thera were
other pleasing offerings by ths girls
llayutnke Iiros. from Japan do
some really rcnmrKaile tumiiiing
stunts. It Is one of ths best acta of
this kind ever seen here. Lawrence
Sullivan sings Irish melodies.
Extra scats wore placed on tha
mnln floor to take care of yesterday's
Mile. Tthea and company offer an un
usual dancing exhibition aa the head'
liner nt the World this week. Fred
die Clinton and Miss Angle Cappell
rresent "The Little Wop," in which
Miss Cnppell sings character songs
nnd opera selections. Willlnm Lock
hart and Walter Lnddle embellish
their eccentric acrobatic and tumbling
exhibition with comedy patter. How
mnn I'.rothers, blackface clowns, pro
vlda a clever line of funny dialog,
I'.llly Bouncer and several supermini
erarles prenent an amusing acrobatic
riovelty on a spring mattress, which
Is billed as a bouncing contest.
The offering that delights the
hearts of the feminine World fans is
the showing of the Hertberg Style
Review with 18 local models display
ing gowns and wraps of the fall and
winter season. Among the gowns
shown ore several that have been on
display at the Boardwalk Fashion Re
view at Atlantic City, Fifth Avenue
Fashion Promenade at New York
city and Marigold Garden Show at
Chicago. During the fashion display,
which is given with various beautiful
picturesque stage settings, the Aleva
Duo obliged with catchy topical
songs. ,
The vaudeville bill Is augmented
by the showing of the full-length
photoplay, "The Wall Flower," star
ring Colleen Moore.
The bill provided by Manager Le
doux at the Empress starts with "The
Village Band," composed of a half
dozen young men musicians as the
headliner. Besides playing a number
of entertaining selections as a band,
they do some good singing and
Fancy stunts and surprising tricks
is the offering of Beagy and Clauss,
experts on roller skates. Anderson
and flolnes, blackface comedians,
sing, dance and present a humorous
line of comedy putter in "The Lime
Kiln Club." Kramer and Johnson, a
man and a maid, received great ap
plause for their chatter, dancing and
singing. Sutton's Star Empress or
chestra and Jane Davis on the pipe
organ please the patrons.
"Chivalrous Charley," a melodro
vn&tlc comedy Btarrlng Eugene
O'Brien, is the feature of the movie
program, which Includes Mutt nnd
Jeff, a Mack Sennett screen comedy,
' Dabbling in Art," and the regular
number of the Fox Weekly Review.
Distributor of Autocar
Returns From Vacation
W. M. Clement, distributor of the
Autocar truck, has returned from a
vacation at the Electrolytic copper
mine, of which he is secretary and
director. The mine Is In the Medt
cine Bow mountains, Wyoming.
He and hla family made the entire
trip by automobile without trouble
until ths car struck a hidden stump
In a forest on night, breaking a
rear motor support casting. The
family spent the rest of the night
sleeping In the ear under on blanket
and nearly freezing.
"Stunr Flyer Takes Off
for Flight to (lliit'ugti
El Paso. Tex., rVpt. !4 A. I.. Wil
son, former "tunt" flyer of Ie An
felea. who arrived here Katurday
lilKht, "look off" from the Fort lllins
flyiB field at I Ja this morniig, en
rout to Cblcagn.
Mr. Wilwm taut that ha expected, to
take a week In t'hUarfit, a ha waa not
rylois fur a rectird trip, but WM Im
ply tiuta.itj a trip t-r plca.ur.
II aa.d h ha I nil loula mapped
nut Slid fiHlld Rut nay wh.r h might
Uii-t tuf.i.M.
CtketwHlU CWtt VAWMVtaU
M.twa t. I I II ,.r, k l . It
IStH Annual Song Kvua
tkua a Idaataa IM.aalll a4 C
"A KH'fcf AIM Or rOUTM"
lUawtn Me4aa, ilitaatiiee mt like
Ih. Ie. aint-l-M. mt ! lull, laaa
llterlr, lu4 lollea la late ollh !
tafiMlH. aa aiwiflil, rU-mH
maa. a mt Ike at eieliwel
SruelMwa. Tto'it tf4 kni Mniaa
rml. aail fha ! f Hm'inaef'a
T-Mluhl Ihee f.tkve la the
rftolr raaar Hr4illr ikiawH la !
tha tiM tort abera ae a m aivlwi! aa
him. aaulu ltat la Ihe ae.l wava
aa4 lhair mm. riaaa aval a la he aa.
ferv4. IN. taaMMl fae HaM.aibar'a aal
lallaa at lala alalrawal aaa iM-la lha
' lii-aiaa Ml Ba n llallaa laa l.ailil
(.(lta.u,. (,ri n,t,m,h la, Irealm'nl
tar a hi era ruugfc. III. aaralluHlu
hr-.n.SI a xaafrMlaa ttiera waa la aa a
bat aa lhal taraali, aa Ike falkre.
Dr. iireiarrlra ailUr. aa IniHirrtiala
nerrlnse a -id nnanr4 ta arrant far lar
aaar la a Ml allue. Atlrr a
tr ailaalr af aHinf tk.ra eaaie Ik
tartlina aaauuaramrai thai l.raahr hail
JaM aar-a raa ami ar aa aalamaklle aaa
The fxlli-alna Sar, .1111 araarakeil kr
rlrf .! tka -aeraia aiiaailna la aklrk
he f.'NM! kerarlt. H-erMtrr rnarnlr4 la
dr. ItrtHlM-rtrk nlaa 1t arau krr la
irlbMia. "ta will ntarrt aa liaafinarv
area aal Ikare aaS M him 41 aulrtlt aal
I lira lata aa a nUn," the ukiatrlaa
Mf-ai'a pareata appro, M k trlu aa
arraMartr ta rara krr euuik. Hrfiir .Ii
Irft ah laid hr aiulhrr Hi Mrr,i at ike
imm Ira ifcllrt. hul Hr. airuitnn aaa aal
114. (in lha train ke flnl srrat imffl
rare with tba wt-rhl anlalil I aKaf lt a.
ar rnaar aiariuig ail
Each thinking that the other had
the priority, Loth itood up with
tvrvoui laugh. She taw that the
gallant wai the tall youth who had
crtmiicd past her in the corridor,
Hit fare vanifhrd from her sight
at he Lent again to pirk up hrr ma
gazine and hit hat. Then hit lare
came up again like a tun dawning
acrom the horiron; hit ryrt heat
upon hrr like long beam. There
wat a kind of pathos in them, but
alio a errat bright'iCM. which, like
the tun, he poured upon million
nlike. Hut Mem did not know this.
She fell warmed and hratrd, and
the bloomed a trifle at a roue doei
when the tun gildt it. Meanwhile,
with great calm and at much of a
how at he could make without a
fccnte of intrusion, the young man
tolemiily offered Mem hit own hat
and laid her magazine on hit head.
Then hoth of thrm laughed at he
corrected the automatic mistake of
hit niun'!c. He blushed hotly, for
he wat not used to cuch blunder.
Mem found an amazing map
net ism in hi smile and in hit
ryrt. She did not know that that
s.nle tmile of his wat making a mil
lionaire of him. He wat telling it
by the foot, thousands of feet of
it. Hit smile wat broad enough to
circumrcribe the world and hit
eyct had enough torrow for all the
He did not take advantage of the
opportunity for further converta
tion, but bowed again and turned
hack to the waiting Robina, leaving
Mem in a kind of abrupt shadow,
at if the tun had gone tinder a
cloud. Robina was evidently not
used to being kept waiting. She
had had little practice. She resented
the slight with such quick wrath
that Mem could hear her protesting
sarcasm, a rather disappointing re
"Don't hurry on my account,
Tom." So hit name wat Tom! All
that grandeur and grace, and only
Tom for a titlel
Robina's voice wat not magnetic.
But then, she wat not telling her
Mem was in such a flutter that
she dropped her purse, the coin!
popping about like cranberries.
Robina saw the catastrophe, but she
had seen women drop things on
purpose when men were near, and
she held Tom't arm so that he
could neither fee the disaster nor
lend his aid again.
As Mem knelt and plucked up a
penny here, a quarter there, two
young girls assailed Robina's pris
oner with shameless idolatry. Mie
paused, kneeling, and listened. One
of them rattled on:
"Oh, Mr. Holby, we knew you
the minute we laid eyes on you.
You're our fave-rite of all the screen
A Talk To Mothers
Not Frivolous,
But Thoughtful Mother.
Eacb winter season brings coughs,
colds, catarrh, pneumonia, "flu ".and
tuberculosis. Loving mothers dread
the onslaught of
these diseases.
Thoughtful motiien
often provide again!
tha danger of cold, and
rough.. Such moth tin
,.pend I... inoney an
hava fawar hour ol
nxiotr and .iMplrar
niril. w.trhina at th
balrnda of a loved on.
Soma mothara. fnl-
parienead. da know how to provid in ad
rano for tha euld. and couch, that are bound
Har I almpla ( war practirad
trr orar 3co.uu0 ruothmdunna th put twlra
Iran. a. a araat aolutn of u-rumonr provaa.
lot Witar than th flnt enld or ram .pall, th
mar ap a full pint of ham aiada eoojrh and
enld nintlf-ina-aaini oh. of th pur ta
aaa kUnfho-LaiMM, aiiird with koma mail
uaa ayraa or boo,. Coat aaa thaa 11.00
Manlha-LiBl wpura-eontaUM ao hb
roforni. opiuni ar narrott dnMr,-hal It a
irn In lnf.nU without harm, Childran and
klalu Uk iu aaheiou. S.rar and lu rnarva-aailrauK-kaeuaaln.tnppinaekland
tfikr th dansarou eumnltration. mi nv
Thar I. aothuta anai aa aura, as pmvi a
iUantoU "THourliirui liixh". Rat
Fmara Mantka-laloB todal and aria lha
aaat aaa) auk 'Haal al k
Mak and auaj". Hn4 t cat fr tami-av
Vba laaabwrw rVaaaat C. Dra.Oj.
Not a Laxalive
NuU U a lubricant tt a
meilirio er Uti a
cannot grip),
Vka j om ar tvattlpateJ,
ut Hur,lt f atur a
lubrleatiaf liqmj ia r
dafrtl ta the wl la krvp
tka (o4 waat soft ar4
atb(. Itavlwra traafiik
wjl kue
M a lib
I hla saliiral
luKrtttat a 4
tha rrpUrew
tt Try
s I
for SALE
ta a4 ..)
Itirt, god
Oh dr.rf if we
11414 whi auingrait amino iiii ua
ikii got nu iiitugi4iia wiui "ii,
have you
Tha t-llirr girl Im-U in jealously: a . t a a i !
-ii courie nc nant nat nu
think he i, a frrak in a muhuin
Hut couldn't you, wouldn't t'U trod
u one apirre. I'll give you the
i.tir. if jou'll Icniine a kii.uI."
loin Mat iiiiliinntably polite, and,
bridr, it w bad bunu to nuh
an adttiiirr. He wat actually about
ti write their addiri.rt in hit nulr
bonk, when the comlm tor's long Ur
call, "Al aboardt" gave Kolnna an
eacu.e to drag liwu away from the
One of the girU guuiird, "He
got away, darn ill"
The tdhcr, in an ep'Npy of agi
tation, w ailed: "Say, looky! That
lady under the veil it Koluii.t Trrlr!
(ice! and we didn't rcco'nue hrrl"
Thut the l.rrrkt were alto .trick
ru with i panic nf reverence when
the god. niiif down to rarth.
Hut Mem did not know or wor
ship thrcte god. She only a
ague imprrii'tion of what warj giing
on at the tnatrhrd at the la.l of
hrr available coint and ran to the
Short Stories
Four Novels
Eleven Other
Qrcat Features
ALL in
1 i A L
jm a . mmmw
J train. The portrr hJ already put
lip b'a lilt! bog itcp,
, Thr Uiti ui .ii) prtty uut mrnt
,s pnvittniii, but hrr ( rtiet li
H.iwrl in rer vivm iraiirnon
if wh4t it wi'iitd mrsut to
Ul't thri in that town.
She was i-autiiig hard with (right
i u. hcu .he jiiW i 1 1 L brr I'Uir. and
Ih nam wat rmer v from tU re-
iirr.nnrf walk- ol the tt'x brtote the
ralm rnoih la rxamn hrr
magajinct, f her hratt fairly simnirred with
(lit the cover of one pf them wat ,im; f j,fr rnrountrr with him.
a huge hrJd of Robina Ircle. all;.,. ,f , had knotked the
' ...i ....t. ... ...-.t;Kiu
. - .
lu.iintu nuiitn, Krmrmnrr rati
never nraru tit nrr or tern nrr pit
ture, bciaiie her tilmn were grrl
"(citure tprnalt," tio rtprntive for
the village.
In the body of the magazine wat
a long arinle about hrr. and an
other about Tom Holby,
This wat not to amazing a coin
cided! r at it r rented lo Mem. for
both Robina 1'erle and Tom Holby
had prrot agrntt who would have
been rhagrtnrd if any motion pic
ture periodical had appeared with
out tunic blazon of tlirir employers.
Mem tt.irnl longe.t at the variout
piiturr. 1 1 Tom lli'lby. She found
bim in all nianurr of cotuuut and
atlili tic arhirvrinrtitt, and the read
(hr thapiody on him first.
Having nrver teen a moving pic
lure of anybody, the had never teen
hit, She bud fever eeit a .till pic
ture of him. eithrr. because he wat
not at yet important enough to be
A Novel of a
ER father was
Her unsympathetic mother did her more harm than good.
So, at sixteen Lilla Vance has found out for herself more than
most married women know. Over many rough places, she works
out her own life in her own way. For older girls for some men,
married and unmarried for all mothers and fathers a story to
weigh most carefully is Robert Herrick's new novel just starting.
The Vitamin Craze
Vitamins clamor from advertisements in re
putable newspapers bellow from subway adver
tising cards shriek from sky signs on Broadway.
Yet a bit of bread and milk, half an orange, car
rots or tomatoes will give you all the vitamins
you want. Read about this astounding hoax in
"Doctors and Drug - Mongers" by Paul H. De
Kruif, Ph. D. late of the Rockefeller Institute
now running in Hearst's International.
Robbing the U. S. Censor
It's a strange trick in the combination against
liberal thought that forces a U. S. Senator to go
to Ford's paid agents to see a U. S. Government
official report about himself! See Norman Hap
good's "InsideStory of Henry Ford's Jew-Mania"
in October Hearst's International.
The Man who didn't Play Fair
It is easy for a husband to become involved
with another woman. His wife's part is less easy.
Is it braver for a wronged wife to follow the
traditions and destroy her home -or to fight for
her rights and refuse to allow an immoral girl to
tear down what she haa built upT
HEAHST'S INTEU.VAT10NAL is growing in circulation faster than any
other magazine. Interesting as it is instructive; brilliant as it is
beautiful. Have FUN while you read but KNOW something when you
get through. If you read only one magazine, it should be Hearst's
International; if more than one, it should be at the very top of your list.
Worth infinitely more than the .15 cents you pay. Get an October
earst's International
tsrtcil. n4 only h grrrJy;wt a d trc ilt wl row hoy irsted Pfi
laiithcitt tt yvuog g'tl onjihr ji.irtti ii( a guigcuu. hiJiiir, with
1 1.- 1,1. ii. .mi iiyk at tet awitr of ' a tit 1 1 iniin hahy in ln iih. line
fitt uj. Hiiiiif.iiifiit.'il
brjhow iKn.r.n .he wst. Ilerg wrreiuiinn iog, ncie wric ni n im
IM-Dple llllHirtSnt tnl riipir ; Sll IV., many ll mrni r...n..i.i
H4ird at Ihem giiil br;gr4 (r tlirir v rsltby ami H ! thrin intrn.tly
puturrt, while nuguonrt ut'iinrii tiouirtiit1
j Mow ng Iributrt to ihrm. And
had never heard of Ibcin!
v'ow that the taw hun in pimt,
ott King David t he brut to puk
in her li.irn (or brr. She fotgol
for a long wh'tc thai
she wat
a my poor
icunrrtable widow of
ion. lor it came to her in an aval
Cliche of thame that she wat nriiliir
rorctable nor widow.
Hut the wat a fugitive now fum
her pant and from tmh ihoughu,
and the taught up the magame
with a detprratc eagerm-m, a if
thry weic cup f nrpenthe.'
Hr. Kteddon would have tent up
new kind of prayer if he could have
teen hit daughter guzzlmg at the
profane literature that had fallen
into her hand.
The hrat of the magazinct wat de
voted to articles about the famous
film ttart and their families, philoo
phirt, and fads. Men and women,
some of whose (aiet had tlaird at
her from the billboards of t'alverly,
I were pretented hrr in multi. Here
Modern Roman's Search for Freedor:
in October Now on Newsstands
her only friend he died
The World War on Booze
Will Europe be dry by 1950? Twenty-five years
ago most of us laughed at the idea of Amer
ica going dry. Now, our prohibitionists, Frazier
Hunt tells us, plan to make all Europe dry with
in the next thirty years. But the "Wet" interests
of Europe are all ready for a terrific fight. Read
about it in Hearst'a International for October
To Have and Toe Hold
Read about the great catch-as-you-catch-cani
wrestling match between Jason Flop the Mem
phis Choker and Zebulom Harrow the Bone
Breaker. The first of a series of OctavuS Roy
Cohen's famous darky Stories. Only one of eight
short stories in this number. For its Fiction alone,
Hearst's International is worth all you pay.
I Saw Him Crucified
As told by the junior centurion on duty at Mt.
Calvary. A new side to the creator of Sherlock
Holmes. In his more serious mood, he writes of
world famous historical episodes with the vivid in
terest found in his modern detective stories. A nd
next month starts a new novel by H. G. Wells.
wct lic.iuiilnl iisiing mrit nio
fO r4li"llt i altll tl Jil'llg bix t'f cud-
tTa It faal!r4 Taaaarea
Diamond V(ViMiti; Hi it p.
Irost 2Q Yeflr, I)ist,of'rrl
Hick.ville, (1, Sept. M - A brilliant
parkle in a flowrr bed in hrr yard
attracted the attention of Mrt. V. F
(lastrtt. She pulled out of Ihe dirt
;ui.,. -v.. ihoioflit an a broken tiiec
'of gl.i:. It provrd tit be a weddiia
jring with a Tillany imiiiiitiiig.
Inquiry revealed that, while tin
hritie on that l"l being ton
I ktrucird .tl yrart n bv Mr. and
I Mr,, fred I'urkey, Mrt. fiirkry lutl
:brr diiimniid wribling ring.
N'ciglibort identified Mrt. Hansell'i
find a Mrt. I'm key's lot ring. The
ring will be tent to Mrt I'u.kry, wht
a lives at lulvcr City. ( al.. where hi
husband died not long ago,
VVfA-i3L IrL aif-
"Are you trying to drowo yourtelf
Lllla!" . . . He put hb arm around her
wet body . . . Lilla did not repulse him
. . . "I don't want to marry you" .he
aid . . . MI(t a little late for that sort
of talk" Lambert answered sullenly.
Her Own Life h Robert Herrick.
when she was twelve.
In "Smudge"
"A Pair of Kings"
Mat., 10
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Norman I Uroooo, Et.i tor i j.w Y'?
Out Now
October Number