The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 24, 1922, SOCIETY WOMAN'S FEATURES, Image 25

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ilU; H.MM lifcK: OMAHA. fcW'lhAlHhU IM. Vr".
3 G
Clubdom I Directs Play
Art Department, 0. W. C,
Opens October 5.
1 lie lirt iiirctii of the art clrturt
I mrnt, Oiruli Woman's club, Hill lie
' l.rlcj Thur.4V. U. 5. at 2;J(J n
tn. in tli V. U'. C. A. Dr. Uowaul
1 1 jin ill om Mill iprak nil Hie I'aition
1'Uy -it OUramnicrjitii " 'I hn will
l follow ri by 4 tounil table discus
ion, Vim) uu will he siven by
Unrolliy MriiilmuKM.
Mr. lli.olr HuIiImi'. rntt of
I'm di'iarlitiriit, invilri ill member
it the Wniiuu'i ctuli ami their frirmtt
(l annul the turrt iiik of the art tit
jarluicnt. Concert Club Annual Meeting,
Tlie City Comrrt 'ut will hold
ft annual luncheon uiii) busincst
inrctinK Monday, l-.IS o'clock, at
tlie I-ontrnelle liotcl. Report of
the p.i't year' work will sm Kivrn,
new nflirrrs elrrtril anj plans (or the
ensuing year oiitlmnl. All member
aie reiirtr'l to be preiint.
Jtctrrvation for the Jinn Inon may
he tiisde wi'h Mr, llriirr liroii'ott
topper, Mr. Arthur Mullen, Mil
l! lie Sorriuon or Mii Kdith May
South Omjhi Womin'i Club.
' Smith Omri'ia W''s club will
open ile season with a mrptiou anil
musical Ttiflay afternoon at the
lioiiix of Mm. D. (".. Kol-h, 4018 South
.'1 wrnty-filtli Mrcf,
The pruiaani will be given by Mr.
Tiillirrt Drown, soprano, accompa-
r ind by Mr. M.iry A'lilr Abbott anil
M i Iwrlyn ore, pianist.
In lb'' ri'iciviiiK line will be Men
iluiiet K. H. I.rinh, Carl Patrick, M.
II. t'o(iriih:irve. Julia I'lilliam and J,
Arthur And' rsoii, officer of tlie
Mu Sigma.
Mil Si?ma Study club will pie?:
Wednesday. 10 . tn.. with Mrs.
I aac Carpenter, .l'i.)5 l.afawttc av
i line, "Knirrooii itr Ills Cniturv,"
will be tin subject ol lite opening
inirtin?, of wh'rh -Nil-.. Kulpli l.
wit is leader, 'J he program will be
Vivrii by Mu. K tew it and Mr. .N,
J', I'Vil.
I-'ollow'!ni( t! c meeting Mr. Car
renter and Mrs, (icorge Thompson
will entertain the dub at luncheon.
Mothers Club.
The niotlirrs club will open the
season with a I o'clock luncheon
Wrdnorl.iv at the home of Mrs, C.
V. Cox, Chicago street. Mr
J I. K. King will assist,
Mrs. J O. iJctwrilcr will review
the Ak-Sar-IIen pageant, "Coronado
in Ouiveraland. Mr. ' j e o r g e
Mickcl will f.ive an outline of thq
program for the mining year.
Columbian Club Card Party.
The Columbian rlub of Sacred
Heart parish will give a card party
Thursday r"iiiiiK at Lyceum hall,
Twenty-second and Locust ulrcet.
The. fiosteMea will be Mcsdatnea V.
iaeohherfrer, H. L, Kennv, I). J,
fiikhef. P. J. Morton, K. R. Hart,
I lUnanahan. I'. J. Kelly, Kathleen
Hart, William Krnna and Susan
Chiiutauqua Circltn,
Dundee Chautailiiua circle will
ooeti the ncaoii with a nocial nieet-
iiK Monday, 2 . m., at the home of
Mr. K. J. Creer. 5(H); liurt utreet.
Any one inti rested in the Chautauqua,
work in invited to attend.
The Tennyson circle contest lunch
eon will be held Saturday, 1 p. m
it the Prettiest Mile club.
Sunshine Club O. E. S.
The Sunshine club of Maple Leaf
chapter, Order of pastern Star, will
have an all day meeti.-f? Wednesday
in the Ked Cross rooms, Maonic
The club will entertain at a danc
ing party Friday evening in the
the shrine rocin of the temple.
League Women Voter.
Mrs. C. 11. Dietrich of Hastings,
director of' the Sixth recoil, Na
I onal .( aiue f Women Voters, is
visitinjr the Colorado, Xew Mexico
and Texas league and will partici
pate in their tlate conventions. She
Mr. Arthur S. Harrington i
directum the 'play, 'The Ho
iiiancrrn," by ftimland, to be frr-
tented by member of the upeecll
rducati'iii department of tlie Omaha
Woman'o club I riday afternoon in
the auditorium of the' I'.tirKrm-Nath
stoie. Trie matinee will be preceded
by a 1 o'clock luncheon in the tra
loom of the store. The affair isopen
to all club wameti and tbeir Inrmlv
Mrs. Harriiiutiiu i a pupil of
Dean Turner of Weileyan tmiver
sity ami ft at present undying dra
matic art under Prof, Mil win PuU.
She wan formerly Mis Verle Dick-
iiiiiii of Lincoln,
Dance number by the Mie
l:oteen and Maxone Pott will be
a feature of the matmee.
Kcservatinn for the luncheon may
he made at the tea room or with
Mm. H. J. Holmes, leader of speech
education department.
will return in time for the third an Nebraska conference, which
meets in Hasting Novembeer 16-17.
Mr. Maude Wood parknationaal
president, will be one of the speak
ers, j
St. Adalbert Bazar.
The St. Adalbert parish bazar will
end Sunday evening with the draw-
it g of the prizes, which are as fol
lows: I'irst prize, $KH); second prize,
electric washer: third prize, clcrtric.
vacuum sweeper: fourth prize, set of
nislies; fifth prize, ton of coal. Danc
ing in the evening; music furnished
by Pluhacek-kozinajzl orchestra.
Gymnas:um Clas.
The gymnasium class of the Cath
olic Daughters of America will open
October 15 at Creighton gymnasium.
Kegistration should be made before
September .10 with Miss Catherine
Carrirk. Denny Kyan will instruct
the clas. Swimming will be a fea
ture of the year's work.
Dorcus Club Officer.
Omaha Dorrirs club has elected
the following officers for the ensuing
year: Mrs. Iv. J. Hatch, president;
Mrs. Ward Smith, vice uresident:
Mrs. Joseph Kellcy, secretary; Mr.
Louis N'el.son, treasurer, and Mrs. A.
If, Allerh'.iligen, publicity.
Dundee Woman's
I Club Observes
i j
i The Dundee Woman' cluu wdl!
celebrate the 'th nin .err y of lit
riii,i!ion at the opening iiirrtmx
Wedne.dy at . p. in at the borne ol
Mr. W. O. perry tat Fauacre..
A vanfeii play, "I'be Meiry Merry
Cuckoo," a Welsh play by Jam I
Marki, will be Ii4tiire ol the rn -lertainiucnt.
The nt will inttude
Me.da met W, '1', John4ji, W, II.
Panting, I red i.arkin, koy Shephard
and KIU A. Wrttcrlitld, who is die
lectmg th plav,
Hereivmg with the presidrtit, Mi.
X, K, Svpe, will be the following
pat prrndciitf : Mcd.iinn V.. A,
lleiitoit, K. K. Hume, ), I), V eiier,
jr., I'. K. PUnn, A. C. Croman, J.
K. Ferguion, li. ('. -lerly, Cluth
Le!ie and V, T, Johnon. Mr.
IleiiMin was tlie fut prrtident of
the rlub.
Automobile will be at the end of
the Dundee ear hue from :MI to 1:45
for the rotivenirinc of iiiemU r who
haven't car.
Delegates to G. A. K. Meet.
Cieorge Crook Woman' prlief
eoip ba elected the following dele
Kate to the national G. A. H, en
campment to be held in He Mount
tin week: Mesdanie Addie HoukIi,
Palmy Terrell, Alleen Hall, Martha
I'.oipiet, Laura Tisdale, Sarah llulf
and Minnie Nicliol,
Mission Study Class.
The inistiou study il.n of the
Omaha Federation of Missionary in-
tietie meet Wednesday, 2 p. in., it
the First Presbyterian church, with
Mrs. Lyda Kobiiiton in charge. The
hsson will be the first chapter in
"Building in India," by 1 liming.
West Side W. C. T. U.
West Side W. C. T. I', ineots
Wednesday, 2 p. m., with Mr. Frank
Hrnsinan, l'M2 South Porty-sixtb
street. Department superintendent
will be chosen and delegates elertrd
to the state convention to be held
in Lincoln next month.
- Fortnightly Musical Club.
The Fortnightly Musical club will
open the season with a mutieal tea
Tuesday afternoon, October 3, at
o'clock at the home of the president,
Mr, George Johnston,
Ak-Sar-Ben Chapter.
Ak-Sar-Ben chapter, O. K. S., wilj
hold a special meeting September 25
at the Masonic temple. Dinner will
be served at 6.
L. O. E. Card Party.
The L. O. E. club will entertain
at a card party Tuesday. 10.15 a. tn.,
in the Flk club room. Bridge and
high five will be played.
West Omaha Culture Club.
The West Omaha Mothers' Cul
ture club will meet Wednesday, 2 p,
in., with Mrs. J. F, McDcrmott, 8.'0
South Twentieth street.
Omaha Woman'
lit Oniah W iitimii
I mil inrct fr luucoroii U cdiicdW, 1
l.' Oil. k, at the Braiiiirit ic ?
1 1. . .1 . . nig .
t.mji.t. Ill l the trrt
i, tlif leta..)!!
H ere will be a inc. til g
t'o4id ol d'tettor Monday,
in,, in the llrsndeis lounge.
.vjDr. Scuddcr
.Speak I'Icrc
of the .'
I ,J0 . i Dr. Id4 Scudder. b.4. oi the
M ii'uii M.ionary Mcdul sihuol in
jel!uie. India, will i.,r4k in Onuht
: nest I n.Uy m thf interest of a fund
rbiR tor the I'nion Chrui ..n mlirur. i. r
nert) for .l.imer Tue.d, r. women and the ho.mi.iU ,l
Bum.- Woman's Club.
Oinslu Uu..n- Woman's
hi,, in the V V, C, A. s'lJiiornim.
Delegal.- wi'l u;ort on the mlionul
i oiiv. ni'O'i of lUtones and 1'folts
sioiial Women h'ld at Chattanooga,
Trim, in July lliit i the dot frg.
li r mretiiig of the sra.on.
The national roinrtijtii t or I'nion
Clm. 1)411 lullrgr in I lie oii.nt it
endeavoring to uie for
the tuppiiit of the.e in.titutiont. Nc
biatkt that of thi auiouiit is $15
! i0 ami $7 Sik j the qiiou of the
! Sctoiid Congre'ioiul I i i ri t. ac
cording to Mis. I Juhiuon, lo
cal ihairiiuii.
Dr. Scuddcr will speak at Central
ll'tih .Ui.h.I Ijiday uiuriimg at H J5
oMoi k. She will al.o addio the
Miideijt. of the N'chratka I'luNeinty
i'tdlrge of Medicine and the Cutter
itv of Omaha dining the moiniiu,
and will tprjk at a luncheon at the
V. W. C, A. t iHxut. In the after
noon the ,:!! speak at th tiome ol
Dr. and Mr. A. F. Jons n.'at a
dinner at the I'nurr.iiy ilub in the
Dr, Scudder will be in Lituohi
SjHikI.i), and Dc Moines on Sunday.
K.piseopsl Woman's Aumhary.
The Wwiiun't ausihaty of the
kin.(.pa chinch, Omaha di.trut,
will mrrt I riday at Tnnity cathe
dral at V 'li a. m. hisbop K, V.
Muvhr will preside at the commu
nion tervice.
Delegate will teport on lie trien
nial meeting and Mr. William Jour
will tell of her trip to Alaska, l iimb
eon will be srrved at noon in the
parish hou!
Woman's Club K. M. S.
Omaha Woman's dub. nil way
mad srrtice. will inert for I o'clock
luncheon and ktntington Wednes
day at tb- home of Mr. John Bit
tinner. 4.1.'l Decatur street. A mini
lirr.lnp day irogram will be given.
Christ t'hihl Society
1 .e I l.lal) St the Chllit Ci M
(ciitrr Willi lit iiiag4ii.e an.
boukt, It ely p.pnUr the C"'l
day with the th.hlrm of ll a'.
Mis Sara Sl.alilry it in PbiU'lr'
thia and eprit to be ay unt I
the rally patt of October smt ng
lious tonal renter and inher points
of (utcrttt in the east and mi'ld't
If iiisshtly (iiaiti.e i an iiida!i"i
of their spirit the l.itihlnmg iluliwdl
put a fuiuii.Ulde football Lam ill
I, rid tint f iih
Democratic Woman's Club.
Douglas County Democratic Wo
man s club will meet .viomlav eve
ning, 8 o clock, in parlor A, ronte
nelle hotel.
Convention of Job's Daughters.
Job's Daughters will hold its sec
ond annual meeting in Omaha at the
Masonic temple October 12-14.
Special Sale of 40-Inch Canton
Crepe, in Black and Brown, $2.95
Value, Sale Price, $2 Per Yard
)A AT 0437
15i7'lX)lJGIA8 ST.
Nebraska mi Iowa
dealers can be of real service to their
customers by buying:
Howard Heaters
and Ranges
Cuts freight prices,
and low costs.
gets quick service
Howard Stove
Furnace Co.
Omahai Industrial Suburb
In case your deaU'r tiors nut have th Howard
atfr fr llownnl Ratis in Uek, iU writ)
ui, riving hi name, an,! w hal he )laiJ
to arrange for him ur'ly jou.
Careless Shampooing
Spoils the Hair
Soap should be used very careful
ly. If you want to keep your hair
looking Its bent. Most aoapa and
prepared nhampoos contain too much
alkali. Thia dries tha Hcalp, make
thn hair brittle, and ruins tt.
The beat thinir for atnady line In
MulHlfled cot'oanut oil nhnmpoo
(which In pure ami Kreimelemi), und
Is better than anything else you can
Two or three teuspnoiifuls of Mul
siflud In a cup or kIuns with n littlu
warm wutt'r la nufflclcnt to cltHnse
tin lmlrand scalp tlioroiighly. Sim
ply moisten the hair with water and
rub It In, It inakr-ii an abumlniice
of rich rreamy laihr, which rlnii
out fanlly, reinovlnit every particle
of duxt, dirt, dainlriiff and fxct
oil. The hair drtrit quickly nd
vcnly, and It leaves th scalp soft,
ami the hair fine and silky, hrndit,
lustrous, fluffy and euv to niunuife.
Vou ran rt Mulsifled coiimnut
nil sliampuo at Any pharmacy, K m
iy client nnd a fmv ounces will
supply evtry miniher of tho fiimiiy
for mouths. li sure your druKKtxt
glvr you .VluUified.
Uf Trtatment f
1 rrrbs, and its at- H
Undsot condition, ar (
qulrklyHifseMMNi. fv
ir ei.rcorne pj um( tsrJ
mminu srtoaaiu kku-UIXJ
tor, cbuinabls at any dru slur.
rHevslInf, UaJer, ulrerat! uint
ratn-lMHtoMt HfkMe-M m
Wler M4IIU lull
i . . i
j rV MWum. Sm ihih um. All
! UN. m umit jA B
t SS k(
M.Ceee.ll ttf C.
lo m4 tWt k 4 m
"Monday" Sale of 500 Remarkable
A "Spot-Cash" Offer to one of New York's best Dressmakers, by
the combined Buying Power of the Orkin Bros. Stores Secured
Several Thousand Ultra-Smart New Fall and Winter Frocks, 500
Dresses is this Store's allotment of this Great Purchase, the Savings
are Enormous, which We, as usual, Share with You.
Dresses That Are Worth In Every Instance
This Sale
See These
in Our
Sure be
Early as
9 A. M.
Afternoon Frocks Street Dresses
Utility Dresses
In the Wanted Autumn Shades of Black,
Brown and Navy
New Autumn
Matelasse Crepe
Jacquard Crepe
Canton Crepe
Fine Trieotines
Pomt Twills
Autumn Styles
Flowing Sleeves
Pleated Panels
Circidar Skirls
Draper Effects
(tfid Mann Other
Models tor Full
and Wintei II car
Even if You had intended buying a Dress of a much higher price, this
is Your opportunity to Save. For here You will find scores of Dresses
you will be proud to wear. In fact you will want several of them.
Models and Sizes For Misses 14 Ut 18; Women 3b
to 44
Iv4 4 h.w lS 4 I
s INe,