The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Relief Workers
for Smyrna Hold
Conference Here
ItVrrnt Massacre Diotiefd
and Plan for Aiding Suf.
fering Projile Outlinrtl
Adicton Spr-ok.
' .irfgency relief fund (or ih
' hi pipu?are in An Minor that
. c4 tt ihr hnd o( the Turk
. iHing t'ratr I rapidly throughout
' rest, a.ronling lf irlrgrann re-
''! at ihr rtk' Kiijk rotitrrence of
.Near F.4t Krhcl worker yotrr
' at the Hold lilac titne,
l)iru'in of the rnt Smyrna
i irr t'gcdifr with an outline rf
-n to h! the luHrrmg people in
'e oVvaatateii arm look up yretrr
Ii ((cniwm'i session.
Prominent, Worker Preterit
Among the promntnt mkrr of
i"ir Near East K.hcf aoris?u.ii who
were preterit at the conirrciice were:
I'arclay Af!iruii, itim; neutral
n-crMaty; Atono V.. Wilson, urnri.l
ficM director; )r, Andrew Mrln ,e
!rui!ir of V'nni?ton. national rep.
rrsrnttme of thr N-ir Fat Relief
asociirn; Dr. W. li. Dniiiihty of
New York c it aUtint f-nm sec
retary, and Mri, Florence Spencer
Duma, chairman o( thr womtn'l
lOTmitirr of the organisation.
M r. Acheson and Mr. WiUii iut
returiinl to America rrcen'.ly from
Both Issue Warning. upon rondiiiom in the
near rat, both men were rTp'i-'Vr
in their ad'tretTa yesterday that un
less the I'mted Stale lend eailv
moral aid toward rutabliihnu nt of
peace hctwceii the Turku and the
Christian nation, that ( onutintiiio
pie will meet the ame f.ite that he
fill Smyrna.
The conference will be continued
throughout today at the RUckstone.
Military Funeral ,
for Red Cross Nurse
David City. Neh.. Sept. U.(Spc.
cial.)-- Fimeral lervicei wire held
here for Mi HcMfe Ka idell cf this
city, who died in a hospital in I'hi
ratro, Miit Randi'll was a Re I Cross
nure mid terved oversea for thfej
year in Hae Moifltrl No. 4V. Hci
eutli w,'.f Hie ta ait injury received
in ;i ambulance wltile in
S' e was a graduate of the David Citv
l-o-p :&l, and was at one time head
r.i.- - J.
A military funeral watield in the
" i! cid st church, Rev. C. . BaVr
i ..-.-'-.;; ti x. The American Legion
v." in charge.
S' is aurvived by her parent, Mr.
; "1 Mr. H. D. Randell, and ix sis-T.e-a
of l.oi Argelci, Cal.; Mrs.
'" Bindewald of Omaha, Mrs. A. J.
of David City. Mrs. Wajter
of I.os Anpi'lfi, Agnes of Cas
' .'yo., anj Nellie, who resides
' e- r rents.
Pastor Who Observes
His 103d Birthday
Hh ' .
I - I -fit '
K,'J?-& fr ytw.
mm mm
':i County Fair I
r in n
. '.sees in iw uqiaruiiems
ll.-'te, N'eb., Sept. Zl
.!.) The Lincoln county fair
not siireessful of recent
fl was well attended. Not-
li'I'ni the dry summer, the
of agricultural products was
i : l:y larse, due to tne prec.rci
i- ve displays for which liberal
ti"';:rs were oi't'ered. The display of
I'or is. rn; ;n, hogs and poultry were
a! o la -j,e. Amusement features
were rar. s by T incoln county owned
hcrscs Kud v ild vett stunts put on
by t'-.e csttlemeti cf the county.
Rm 's from Si:therlsnd. llershcy arid
Xorih Pl.v.ti -furnished the music,
and the Community club of Bigrcll
put on a creditable parade.
Pev. C. C, Ri.e oherved li 10.14
birth by anri.vertirjr ye!irday at
i'i. home ur.'i I;, n.iu-.ittr, Mrs. D.
V. Otis. X"! I'.a-t r.eree utrecf,
Ccutii-.t l;!t:.',.
lie i trie of the oldest persons
lung 111 the I'liitid Suti-s,
When he was hi.rn, Septriiibcr 22,
W), Nrpolfii !on:iprte wss Hill
luing. l ines Mom or was prcji'ient
of the t'luted States, Abraham Lin
coln v as a !0 year-old boy. Cien.
I'rant vr.s tint y.t ho: at"! t'ie citiet
of Oui.iiia aad Council UIul.'s were
not evrTi dreamed of.
Dr. i! 'ce was bnrn in Lnosbur,
Vt. lie eiri'e to Couneil Hluiis in
lfjl and fr,u:i !fd thr First Congre
national tl,iir:li.. l.a'.er he went to
rl (iri-lu-s in O.irw.i, la , and
I','.ia. Kin., M'turn'n to Coun
cil hlui'n ffc:n,? years 5.
He spcrS i. cut of his time in
quiet r.ic'; M!pn. Lis me -,iory is
uooil .ml I'; Kener.'.l health, aside
fr.iiii feeble 'ts. is fiood.
Prof. M. R. f)f.le of the University
France, i r' Vermont, wa "lie of hi hirthdav
ViS'tcrs. i-rot. ugje ana nis wne
and three children are motorinR to
Califortiia and hi; siopued here to
bring the urcetiiip of the universitr
of which Dr. Rice is the oldest living
Last niuht there was a birthday
party for U, Rice, at which his chil
dren and grandchildren and other
relatives were present.
Rosebud Rector Is
New Episcopal Bishop
Norfolk. cb.. Sept. (Special.)
William Rhir Koberti of Dallas. S.
D who va ele'-tcd sufra"an bishop
vent'on rl the Lp'scopal church, re
ceived ) .vs of his election while
conduct rig a fu;:crsl here today. He
sra'ed that the election is a surprise
to him and indicated that he would
accept. K-.v. Mr. Roberts has been
dean of tli; Rcr.cbi'd e.ninlrv during
recent ye; rs. He c; Tie to the Rose
bud country in 1903. and by his
un'qt'C democratic character, he has
dravn an enormous number of
fr:end n oil',' i f:iiths. During the
war he faw service in France with
the eusiiieers, He is cred
ited with knowing every foot of the
Ro.'cbud country, where t!ie ranch
ers and farmers hiive grown to love
Sininir us Speaks at Banquet
of Republicans in Kearney
Kearney. Neb., Sept. 22.--(Speci?l.
'!oh Simmons, republican candidate
for congress from the sixth district,
spoke at a banquet here.. Hah" of the
crowd of 150 were women. Maude
M. Uurcws told cf the state conven
tion, and Mrs. "Frank Vandcrworker
spoke on "Women in Politics." .
Judge A. R. Humphrey of Broken
Bow, republican candidate for the un
expired term of the late Congressman
Moses P. Kinkand, spoke optimist
ically of the outlook for a republican
victory at the polls. Following the
regular program, M. A. Brown and a
number of others discussed pans and
issue for the campaign. Legislative
and county candidates a!.-o spoke.
Avora Woman Is Injured
in Ai'.tomoLile Collision
Nebraska City. Neb.. Sept. 22. 1
(Special ) Mis, St. John of Avoca j
tutfrred a fractured skull in an auto
mobile collision on the O stre-t road
north of Palmyra She wa accom
panied by her son-in-law, R. Harsh
man of Avoca. The Harshman car
coll.ded with a car driven bv George
Peckbam of I'ahryra. Roth cars
were wrecked and the injured occu
pant were taken to Kagte for iredi
csl attention. Other occupants of the
Harshman ear were sdmhtly injured.
Owing to the age of Mrs. St. John
it i feared she cannot recover.
IxttltartNon County Womm
Will IHm-u Politic
Palis City. Nrb., Sept. iStc
nal ) Headquarters whrt K'leh.irJ
son sotiniv iunen of all creeds aid
pa'iT at'ibation may ilicu poUts
i"Mvrilly will be opened m rails i
K it Saturday. Literature givmsC th t
-t ti the ta W4)or ijartie .ll
be eontantly krpt on hand dif gen.
! ii!,.f ;nl'.n. i
North YUu7 i4tTKilif .1
tit Cl.rjt! Arc ittrnt '
Sitb T'Ul. N,b. Sepl - '
i ) -t1!.;' ,Viri(iun IM- ,
suit!' W IM and p..k VKh ! I
-i(y ioiurt-1 mhn tar m
! er tt Hf iU 4 " a -"0
Iwl f mbaitknitut p,,r i
lt.(H ien in S4iH l ime, !
at tS time l the ,,i)f.t ,n. .
,Ul III t U't i i
- -
I linui i until. u
iv!nP' y 'in i"""i 1
Lumbermen's Convention
at Beatrice Well Attended
L'catrice, N'eb., Sept. 2-. (Spe
cial.) About 30 lumber dealers - of
this section of the stale held a meet
ing at the Chamber of Commerce
rooms and discussed business from
every angle. They were guests of
the Rotary club, ami while in the
city were shown p'nees of interest by
W. H. Do Bolt and other lumbermen
of this city.
Welch's Talk No. 10
That hungry feeling
after tho tlance tan be
appeased at WKLCH'S.
Many an automobil
full cf vourjr folk atopa
nt WLLCH'S after the
ilano or theater and a
tlf II c ion "bite-to-eat"
had before bedtime.
It U part of the eve
ning'a enjoyment.
4Augiiiii i4
' i 4
I t I' H ' I T
4 -
ml IK 14.. aw4
.a mr
' IM
Cijjar Specials
t fur lie
I'ach. 4
lUe si:
Boa of 50. 12 SO
lo iia
Box, of SO. 13 99
t for l&e an
Vox of 10, ff7
2 for l(e
fan of 2S, II, tt
lOe ai
lloi of 60. I2.S0
lOe sue
Box of 10. 7
10c site
Boa of (0. $2.80
10c U
Box of 00, 13.99
Cir DimtImiiI-MhuiiIm FUr
Candy Specials
Flavor: Vanilla, ranillo nut,
chocolate, chocolate nut.
I'uund, S2i
Turkish Myle; firantro, lemon,
vanilla, quince and aniita.
Tound, 24c
Maple or vanilla, with nut.
1'ounJ, 42e
2 lb., 33e
Ctriy Sht Mttunina FlMr
Hash (mm.
Too Much Cannot Be Said About These
Newest of Fall Frocks
Ivory Clocks '
$1.95 to $15
Dependable timepieces, each
with American movement. A
variety cf tyl, including 8
day clock. Shell and amber
clock are priced 14.60, $5.50.
BuritM-Naih Mil FlMr
11 l I Jr ll i
r m
New Footwear ,
for Women
Brocaded Satin Pumps
One strap styles tn black and
broMn, hitih or Junior Louli
hla. Priced, a pair
$( 00 4 $10 00
Smart styling' and moderateness of price combine to
make our silk frocks unusually appealing. Faxhloned of
crepe tie chine, canton crepe, crepe back satin and matlease.
And for Immediate wear without a wrnp
Smart Coat Krocks Arc
Priced $17.50" to $95.00
Slender straijjhtline styles with elongated waUtline
are heavily braided and embroKlered in self-tone, with a
daah of color to relieve the sombreness of autumn. Trico
tines and twills in junior's and women's sizes.
Choose a Tailored Suit
of Twill or Tricotine
that you may at all times appear well dressed. The much
lengthened coat gives the slcndemess and length of line
the mode demands of one. There are sizes for junior and
women at a most moderate range of prices.
Priced $17.50 to $95.00
Burfoi-Nuh Rudy-U-Wtar Shop Third Floor
Important Glove Offerings
12-Button Chamoisettes
Special Pair 69c
Most remarkable values! Imported gauntlets and
12-butlon gloves of finest quality chamoiFctte. One and
two-tone effects in beaver, brown, gray and black.
Tin axtet Illustration of thi
Chamoltottt Clovo at 89c
12-Button White '
Suede, $1.95
Thi exceptional pricing be
cause they ere nightly soiled
from stock handling.
New Leather
Gauntlets- $3.50
Of imported mocha and cape
leathers. Backs embroidered
and pique sewn.
BurgeM-Naih Clovs Shop Main Floor
Sale : Vanity Boxes, $2.95
Vanities one seldom finds at such a singularly low
price, and scarcely ever with the opportunity of choosing
from such a number of styles. They are all of popular
leathers in costume shades, and are fitted with powder,
rouge and lipstick boxes, and with large mirror. 'Tis wisest
to make selection early. Leather Guoila Shop Main Floor
Our New Millinery
The Season's Largest Collection
Our millinery de
partment is now
complete with the
choicest hats of the
autumn season. Fall milli
nery has never been more
lovely or more moderate of
Beautiful Velvet Hats, $5.00
In this section, devoted exclusively to hats at the
popular price of $5.00, are hundreds of attractive
styles in velvet. Black and every shade featured for
this autumn seajon. Every hat $5.00.
Fall Hats for Children,
Clever styles for little girls are priced
upwards from $1.95.
BurfeacNath Hat Shop Third Floor
Patent Leather Pumps
One or two trp tyl$
jilr it or trimmed with tilaea
wie. I'rletl, a pair, al
ia 00 ni $10.00
Black KM Pumps
One-atrap pump of blark kid
trimmol with blark oot. lll'h
Louis heel. Priced
Pair, $10.00
Bu f.M-N.ih-Mala Floar
New Fur by
the Yard
A nri-kpiee of your own de
alining! An opportunity to
cure the fur ymt prefer In
the style ynu wish at a vry
(rifling rost, for we will make
all piece with rharire- for only
for cost of material. Heaver,
squirrel, mole and other in
renl and imitation fur. In
width, alro. for uit, ilreM and
eoat trimmings
Trlmmlaft Maia Tlaor
. o ,t o -
Toiletries Vanishing, 39e.
Mavis Cold Cream, 3Bc.
Crrm. t.. Mon, a lemon clean-
Ing eream, 49e. Tooth Pasta, 4Se.
Pepsod.nt Tooth Pasta, 45.
Kolynoi Tooth Pasta, 30c.
Norwich Dantal Cream, 29c,
VanEss Liquid Scalp and Hair
Crowing Massaga, bottle,
Dupont Clrphant Brand Tooth
Bruehas, 60c.
Burfeee-Na.h Mala Flaar
O o
Hair Goods
Bonnia B N.ts, double mesh,
cap or fringe, doi.n, $1.50)
dingle mesh, cap or fringe,
dozen, $1 00.
Gainsborough Nets, double
mesh, cap or fringe, dosen,
$1.50) lingle mesh, doien,
Riti Nets, double mesh, cap or
fringe, dozen, $1.00.
Venida Nets, doublo or single
mesh, cap or fringe, dozen,
Hair Rolls, all color, 35c, 60c,
Ear Puffs, pair, 25c
Bona Hair Pins, amber, brown
or gray, box, 25c.
Children's Round Combs, light
or dark. 25c aud 50c.
Fancy or Plain Barrettes, 2 for
White Kid Curlers, 6 in pack
age, 50c.
Practical Curlers, in three
lengths, 25c, 35c and 80c
Notion Shop Main Floor
Specially Priced Offerings in Our Downstairs Store
Six Hundred U. S. Government Ditty Boxes
To Sell $59
- at 1
They couldn't be duplicated under
three or four times this price.
The handy boxes that the boys use
in the navy.
They're made of hard wood, 13-V
in. long, 9 in. wide and 83,i in. high.
Fitted with an inside tray that lifts
outand an inside cover that fits in
the lid. Perfect dovetailed construc
tion throughout. Two brass hings
and lock and key equipment.
The) boact re tho aurplua of tSe
U. S. government. Made for the boyi
in the navy. That's why they were
obtained at such low price.
On Sale Until Sold
Special Group of New
Dresses $1950
The box ivith a hundred uses,
the use:
Here's a list of a few of
f or radio ua.r.
For lowing article.
For drettanaking sup
plied. For valuable paper
For irs,
For writing malarial
Fr a axedicUe cheat
For hows.aold t.ola.
For small furs.
For a shoe bos.
For dolly' clothes.
For the school boy.
l or the school girl.
For Boy Scouts'
For dainty lingerie.
i er hunter's awppliet.
Far fishermen' tup.
-For tVlll.s) mechanic's
For physician.' of.
Fat dentists' lehor.
For a filing tahinet.
These dresses are of a quality
you would expect to find with
a much higher'pricing, in
fact, we thought them so
wonderful that we were
delighted to secure oven
a small number 100 in
allto sell at $19.50. A
number of styles in
Canton Crepe Charmeuse
Crepe Hack Satin
Poiret Tu ill Tricotine
Many are elaboratly beaded or
embroidered, others are umart in
their simplicity.
Boys' School Shoes
Specially Priced
The kind f h"f who erKe ill brin )oa
back hr for the pit pair. Male of all !id leather;
wide, rotuy pattern. In urn metal and brown r!f.
Shea ta 5. $J,33 tu f J.79
Mr U t 3, $2.43 W S3 IS
.'. t, f2.TtMfJ.4S
Mouse Slippers
Pair sS 67
One strip j!e, wade f "ftt lrlher; hand
tunteit at' I rubber her!. Jendt. Vtearmt
iipper; w'd !it that t m.nt eor'f("rai!e ftf tsred
(eel, 4 !j S,
- S.a a. 4 erne . -eaat. t
Vera Special Saturday
Mannish Fop Coats
s1675 $1950
Tht practical coat frm hkh one gets Jut no end
cf erU f,-r atrert and tMiine wear, are made wf the
new do title fatfd Alrdale clth r tire ttly a gkete.
tn linifr if any It preferred. H-itKh
Klt tJhl n,
. e j. i the '!. 1 (
mi l t I 4 it H
I aifi n l t itw'S I -Sfiv4l
fMt HVt )',
'f i
-4 4- to 46,
liMM S, M4l