The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    t it k Omaha m:-, swnnnvv, sKPTi-::.ii:r.i: m:.
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Brandeis Special Suit for Boys
Just Enough of the Special
Purchase of
Double Pants
Double Wear
Double Value
it? w
Schaf fner &
ft !;it.,.nf ;ra.H, ;
lllll iHart
Two Pair of Knickers Give Double Wear and Double Value
Hundreds of mothers will testify to the double value
of this wonderful suit. Both trousers are lined through
out. All-wool fabrics in the newest fall patterns and
colorings and nicely tailored. Tweeds, cassimcres and
cheviots, all carefully selected for their wearing quali
ties. And, "Oh, Roy!" the newest of sport models.
The Famous Wilton Suits 14.75
With Special Double Wear Feature
Kach suit with two pairs of knit-kern. Each knickcr
with double neat and double knee. All virgin wool
fabricn. Clever models in sport back effects. Kelt to
match on knickers. A suit of hitrh-grade character
that will ntand the hardest wear and the double seat
and knee featureH mean double wear for each pair of
knickers. Sizes 7 to 18 years.
Juvenile Suits for the Little Fellow
All-Wool Blue Serge Pure Worsted Jersey Cloth
AILWool Tweed
Cleverly styled by the foremont boys' clothing maker.
The newest in Oliver Twists, Halkans, Middies. Ideal
juvenile styles that combine nervice, practicability and
style, ihe most comprehensive selection in Omaha.
p;ro8)'w"- 4.95'M0.75
Money Saving Specials on Boys1 Accessories
II. Wool Sweaters Juvenile nml youths' style, jilain jr brltcd
in c9at or pull-over styles. S-plid colors or combination effects.
Sixes 3 to IS years. Greatly 9 7D ) C QC
underpriced at
Boys' Knicksrs Wool fabrics in Rood mixtures that don't soil
easily. Lined throughout and reinforced for hard wear. n r"
just tne tiling for school. Ntos 0 to 18 year. Special, v cordtirov
Fourth Floor.
Boy.' Blou.e .Standard makes in "tub-proof" fast color per
cales, ful! cut sizes with double yokes. Sizes 8 to 16 Q
yearn. Rejjulur 95c values for OOC
Bojri' Caps New fall shapes for the little fellow or older boy.
All-wool tweeds and suiting in patterns to match the 1 f(
new suits. Special,
Corduroy Kniekar Made of I'roinpton's waterproofed
I M V U '
i I
1 '!
i i
! i
1 1
i !
Sites 6 to 18 years. Special at
2 2.25
For Saturday's
For Quick Selling
These Garments
Are Divided Into
Two, Large Groups
From a large assortment of
styles and prices we feature for
Saturday this group of ' warm
little coats, either fur trimmed
with loose backs or belted
styles with raglan sleeves made
from a rough heather mixture
that is just right for the strenu
ous wear a school girl is apt to
(five her coat. Sizes from 6 to
1 4 years.
Second Floor West
These clever little
VVv frocks Wuve practical
ij knickers underneath,
which does away with
the bother of petticoats,
besides giving a very
smart appearance. Ging
ham checks and plaids
or lustrous black sateen
with bright colored ap
pliques make them prac
tical for school wear.
Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Priced 2.4S to 5.98.
Second Floor West
Girls' Woo!
For School
These are made
of an inusuully
tine quality of
wool Jersey
always so prac
tical for hard
wear because of its comfortable
warmth and the fact that wrin
kles shake out easily. Straight
line models have narrow belts
and are trimmed with wool cm
broidery in contrasting colors.
Attractive fall shades include
brown, henna, navy and black.
Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Second Floor Wed
1 'I''
$40 to $50 Suits
Reduced to
All the newest styles, the
newest Yall fabrics, tailored as
only Hart, Schaffner & Marx
can tailor a fine suit. And a
selection so varied as to enable
us to meet the most exacting
$Om Simdaij Qd
and Tmmdi 4iom Aicmtuuc
Mm Mi mi lmlm. . .
CUioM malt wondttflib mui
yctiWJa&tfiat iwuvLMkuL
-place U OmaJui. M urilLMm
Jntku owufockdiwdtki audit
wtU of-tU. (etwuL
T5othAaki.tatiL fact tttOHIWt
Sale Leather Bags
A large special purchase Is responsible, for
the splendid bag values we are offering in this
sale. Included are bags in newest styles and
most attractive materials.
Lot 1. Real Leather Bags Large size and a
varied assortment; in black and brown; QCA
1.50 and 1.69 value; in fhis sale. VuC
Lot 2. Real Leather Bags In the very new
est shapes and styles swagger bags, Pan
doras, smart strap Panier handle styles. O OT
2.98 to 3.98 values; in this sale, L.LO
Beaded Bags at 5.00
Full size and a beautiful assortment. Shell
or bead covered frames. In attractive color
ings and designs rose, brown, wisteria, blue
shades, black, and iridescent. The bags are
silk lined.
Main Floor East
Semi-conservative or staple effects for men of more mature
years or sedate desires. Absolutely all-wool fabrics, including
manv fine imported cloths and weaves. All the stant-ard of
tailoring that has made Hart Schaffner & Marx famous as
the finest of men s clothing makers.
5n!tc for men nf ronilar riuilrl. Suits for stout men. '
Suits for men tall and slender. Suits for short men.
No matter what your build, we can fit you perfectly
Fourth Floor
It's New Fall Hat Time for Men
OU . mm mm -
$50 to $70 Suits
Reduced to
The finest woolens, the fin
est tailoring that can be pro
duced.' All silk lined. Extreme
two and three button single or
double breasted, plain or sport
models for young men.
Our greatly enlarged HaU Section celebrates its first anniversary
by offering
3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 Hats for
Newest fall blocks in felt hats. Newest of the season's
colorings. A selection so great and varied that you
can find a becoming hat for every face. Guaranteed
qualities. All the newest shades of brown, tan, gray
and also staple black. All sizes. Priced at
New Fall Caps, 1.50
New fall shapes, one piece or eight-quarter tops. Made of hand
some all-wool tweeds and velours. All sizes.
Stetson Hats, 7.Q0
Largest selection of Stetson hats in Omaha,
special at 7.00. All colors and shapes.
See Stetson's
Fourth Floor
Special Offering
20.00 .
Did you ever realize what a
handy coat a gabardine is
these chilly days? It's a prac
tical and sensible dress or rain
coat. It's water-proof and still
can be worn as dress top coat
for all occasions. We have a
splendid garment, belted and
the newest fall style. All sizes.
Fourth Floor
Women Who Wear
Know th immulance of the lints
f th fi-ur In fi'minut brauly. I rt
us hw you tm f th Wvr ion
forets that lb most disvrtmiit'i.c and
admirvil women ar nRif, a hi'
Juit rcil cur m-w (all mo.loU ml
can hw uu m-sulifut ilr am) mv
lru!s ruJ from 2 M ti ;!""
Our Fitting Service
IKSU'rS )( Mtwfs'-tli') wKl.'H I OiS
1 1
Gossard Brassieres
V f 4,t fni tf !( IH'r f Ta
at vf B.ti I M r'' 1
wt ( U i'f " "
, at t4 I San In ar miM. "
;;';;;. 50c u 8.50
J f f ," AWN
Infants' Wear
Infanta' ad Qiildran't HywtiKl Ouliaf KUnntl Clovas
With or without eullsrs: slerpfrs with feft; in ortst
stripes anil plain white; sues I
4 to 12 yrers; siwoisl,
Ufaals' aa4 ChiUraa't Outing Flaaaal Caorn anJ Slaapara
In milium wri(fht plain hita ami aripH; Uu pelti
toats ih liiu t-amhric tops ir In (icrtruiU .Q
st)ls; s.ttt 3 to 10 jer; special, 'WC
ChilJren't Blata Saleen BUatr FUritl top. eU.tic at
knee j joi4 firm quality material,- for .ho
w ar; sues 2 to 1 1 Jr, each,
InfanU' kmi Tnoet - W hit, trnnin4 in pink f Q
l hluri rt h, UviC
Infaali 4 ChiUran's Kail Headvaar- In a !.'; ...' I
tnent In rlt4 rolt it; I -M ani; a I cjimi
t);a trimxe.t i tiiititing fwiof t; i t ! foi h .'
iefi!'j pru
D't lr I t1! t'ri I'UiJ n.i h. ke t
I t tin rnl S'l'i t'Hn fon; with ai. 't...i
.If iitf.H fat siknrtl tar; ti) Ujn.ln
i it i )', sv -
79c. 2.98
fKte lata.' St.lw. i. kiw fM al !
a kwW Ikiaa4iata, - an
.'! an4 t.a.M.i.t MJii .ka . mUIi. a .
A" J f llW .' I
Big Saturday Sale Men's and Young Men's
i ii
! Wrr rr i
. t m
Worth 4.00
to 6.50
SL TIko mvi hUm ;uv in the much
Wvv's J? vvaiitctl liMn style with shawl col-
4 A I A I . . A . I T n 1 I
iar that buttons up closi if tloirctl.
I't. r.. ..II it a I l-.ll 1 I .
i m i'uiuc in an uii' waiut'ti tan snaucs;
Maroon- lu-own, navy blue ami kivcii. In ImhIv
stripes and plain slil colors. Some are mill iiuu,
hut th majority are perfect sweaters. If mM in the
iVKulai daily sales, would Ul I.imi to ;,,"o rach. TIh-v
'k me wi'll made of Rood wool and worsted faced material and will wear well.
- J(b in 4r . , .