The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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President Sees
Change in Favor
of Ship Subsidy
Growing Sentiment for Gov
ernment AiJ to Strengthen
Merchant Marine, Com
muuioatiom Indicate
Washington, Sept. 2.' 1'rrsid.nt
iljrdmir i rouviiiiril tlirre has lxti
t marked rhtnKein sriitimcnt rrgard
lug yovrrnniriit mil t the American
nierclisnt marine in section of t fir
country where hostility to turn a
rKi4ii! (sunnily exiud, an tmi .
stratum sihim muin urrUrrri.
Coiiiniunicaiioii rrrrivcd at the
White Home indicate, it was ssid,
tlist the tiropoal now pendmtr in
tonirrr which nuy In- the nriiuiiul
auliii-it of dm u-noii at a November
enion would It "cordwtly ii repted
by section hitherto strongly op
nni'd to suhsitly lrf(Mjtinii,
The change in sentiment ti
aacnlied to a "new rrilintiou" that
the I'nited Sttalei, to maintain III
proper place aiming commercial na
tion ill the world, imi t liave an ade
quate merchant fleet.
No Objection to Changes.
The ii luiiiiistrntion, it wai stali-d
by this jMikeMiian, in not attempting
10 "Jam" any nubsidy legislation
lliro.;HH ruiiKrc", Imt i insisting
that Mci be taken to strengthen the
Anuriian men ham purine. It wa
indicnted that the executive would nol
objret it ciiirrM, In liKUIminif, to
carry out tint cud, hIioum sec lit to
iiiiii .. 1 1 juri s in the ponding bill.
I'lvirtfrs o a shipping board "prop-fKn.-r!a"
in favor oi the adminiitra nh'p ul dy bill were denied
tta'ly in a letter written by I hairnian
l.a'lcr and put into tlic semtte rec
ord by t June of the cont
mrrce coiiiiinttec.
Addressing himself primarily to a
lenolutiiin i iiiijiiny, introduced by
Senator King, democrat, I'tah, and
never aeted uimti, the shipping board
bead tool: oication to reply in de
tail to other rrit ii iniim of the, board'
policies whit h have been voiced from
'.me to tune in various quarters.
Latker Denies Charges.
The shipping hoard, Mr, La.sker
wrote, never spent "one cent" for any
of the improper purpose enumerated
in Senator King' resolution. He
added, however, that member of the
board were unanimous in aup'wrt of
the milmidy hill, and, therefore, when
called tiporhail always availed them-
delve of the opportunity to express
their views before civic bodies and
elewhcre. Sessions of the two com
mitters of the board, which have
been holding hearings in various
port cities, he said, had afforded
many pportunitiw tor an expres
sion of individual views, but he de
nied that the committees had been
partial in taking testimony.
Some charges had been made, Mr.
Lasker continued, that the board was
spending money illegally In the so
licitation of cargoes. To these he
replied that two men, "whos pas
sion it is to establish the American
merchant marine," had been going
about the country soliciting cargoes
and the board had paid tbeir ex
penses "to the extent o( .'several
hundred dollars, hut on a strictly
legal per diem basis." ,
Kx-Oninhtin Named ; Abrupt Breakdown
U. S. Fuel Chief jaf J a pan -Soviet
iiur.iMeet inn Feared
Conrad Sjkmis, Former
lingtoti Official Here, Dis
tributor I'litfrr Art.
Wellington, Sept. 22 President
Harding today signrd thr adminitr.
tinn coal distnliutiuii and anli-proti-teering
and the fact-finding coal com
tuition bill.
i onrad K. Spen. lire preid-nl of
the Chicago, Isurbngton IV tjuiitry
Kailruad ijitiiaiy, today ar-
. u
f LI
Conrad , Bpens.
Bandit Sentenced.
Tom Haley, 62, last of the so
called Snyder farm bandits to be
brought to trial, who was convicted
of receiving stolen property, was
sentenced by Judge E. B. Woodruff
in Council Bluffs yesterday to serve
25 years in prison.
pointed federal fuel distributor tinder
the new coal distribution and anti-
profiteering act.
Mr. Spens resided in Omaha until
about cinht years ago.
lie held the position of general
freight agent fur seven years on the
Burlington railroad.
He left here for Chicago to take
up the duties of assistant freight
trafl'ic officer and later was made a
vire president of the road.
While in Omaha Mr, Spens was
married to Miss Kdna Kecline.
daughter of Mrs. George Kecline of
Council Bluffs.
When firrt married Mr. Spens and
Ms bride moved into the Clarinda
apartment, hut later moved to a
home near Hanscom park.
Congress Adjourns
After Long Secvice
tfoMrj9 d-DOupffl
Offic Adjuitmsnts r 12 for
910.00 or 30 for $28.00
(Conllnnrd From Put On.)
few minutes. Senators had speeches
they simply ha dto get out of their
nystems and although the minute
hand of the venerable senate clock
tugged stubbornly to go on its way,
Mr. Locffler managed finally to force
it back a sufficient space to enable
them to complctce their oratory.
The. Dyer anti-lynclung bill went
into the discard aloud with the sen
ate's unfinished business, the Llberlan
$5,000,000 loan, sponsored by the ad
ministration, also went into the dis
card. Senator Sheppard, Texas, dem
ocrat, had th last word. He got
leave to publish a statement on "the
oueration of orohibition," not with
standing waggish whispers of "when
did it begin to operate?"
President Harding occupied his
room off the senate chamber while the
session was ending, following the cus
tom of being on hand to sign
eleventh hour bills. He shook more
hands than he signed hills.
During the session 295 laws were
enacted, and appropriations totaling
$.1,751,917,629.14 were made; $309,
935,277.51 les than the estimates.
Schoolhouse Burn.
Broken Bow, Neb., Sept. 22 (Spe
cial.) The schoolhouse in District
258, south of Arnold, was completely
destroyed by fire, of unknown origin.
The school will be rebuilt immcdi-iitely.
f iVt(S I Y
rfPrn $
It h w
7 J W
Coats, $r.,00
Suits, nM
In Haaa Brother
Cray Shop you
viow wonderful
showing of the
cleverest creations
in Apparel for
l.arg Women.
This new hyp ca!m
lelttaively U IK
appanl want who t
qmr from 41
to SK,
to $ "o.OO
to $100.00
to $ 05.00
dray Shop
Itii.ttl Ortiutnl for Itiiiiudi.
at I'.vucuulioii (if lolaml of
Snllialifii TItrrutfii tu
Oitttijit .Vrgotijiiiiiit.
Chang ( bun, Msnt'liuria, Spt J 2,
(I!y A. V An abrup breakdown
i. iniinitii lit in the tirKwtii.l.iMH liow
.'(iiitf mi brre brtrteiii Japan, the
Munow oiet grufriiiueiit and the
far r.utrrn republic ( I Siberia. nin
to the Klis.ull lUuiand that Jj','411
iiiineilistrly rvjeuite the noitlurn
l a'f of thr U aud of Sakhalin). Both
ilrb t..tinii , while avtailmx in
trui linn, from their f'vrniiiKMiH,
ai.uouined that thry were prepared
to di part.
Japan' announced policy b.u In en
tu lioli) uoitbrrn Sakhalii'n tiuiil in
deniiniiid for the man sire of OKI Jap
anese at Nikola cv. If in I'.'it. !,tli
(ieleKationt expect 10 recen in. true
lions Saturday which will nettle the
f;,te of the confc retire, which was
called originally to reopen trade re
lations between Japan and the jar
ca-teru retiuiilie.
Adolplt Jolfe, soviet reprrientatlvc
from M.iunw, tai.) that be luj not
yet received final lntnirtion, but
that be wa convinced that the soviet
government would inlain hi iioni
t 'on taken two day auo that Kuia
it unwilling to comlude a trade
agreement with Japan while Japan
ite troop remain in any part of
The Japanese attitude, a rx
tiren-ed by her leading delegate, Mr
Vatiudaira. apprars to be iiually tin
yielding. The Japauene have re
ceived no odiciul instructions from
Tokm but unofficial advice declare
the Japauete cabinet instruct that
the mikado's troops remain in
northern Sakhalirn until the Niko
lan vsk indemnity i paid.
japan contenci tnat loiie was
fully aware of her attitude on this
point before he came to the Chang
chun conference.
Turk Army Seizes
Neutral Zone Town
(f'onllfiiied Knim ' One.)
autec from the allies within 48 hours
that the question of disposition of
Thrace would be settled in favor of
the Turks, a serious question would
arise and it would be impossible to
restrain the forward march of their
army. At the same time, however,
it was slated that the Angora govern
ment would agree to negotiations and
suspend the movement of its troops
provided the European powers fur
nished guarantees as to Thrace,
Ultimatum Expected.
Paris, Sept. 22. The French cabi
net today decided that in view of the
refusal of the British to withdraw
their forces from Chanak on the Asi
atic side of the Dardanelles the ef
forts of the French government
should be directed toward prevent
ing war between Turkey and Great
Britain. Then it was agreed to send
Franklin Boutin to Sritvrna.
Tlat near east situation seemed a
littlcfeiore hopeful, at least from the
viewpoint of preserving allied unity,
Buy a
for at
There is no pet twig around it.
You can do better here than
I elsewhere. Our values are cer
I tain quality high, prices low.
offering standard
Good Prophend machine, in
fine condition, I t ? tZf
We are
Several Good White
at z and Leia
You nr sure to find a ma
chine twrtt that will lult you.
We guarantee every machine.
Come early.
r u. i
.N.' j!..M t,. t t..
u.iuii thr i today ot thr
(.mil rente trtfti l.uid Cursor!
ind J'rriiiirr li.iuare
. IJitiurbiPK ifH)Mi. h,tteifr, con.
tinue to iu,i,r ffuin Cit!iliniip!e
i i taid the Tu'kt are at the
p.unt (f j.iuiiig an ultniiatimi to the
tide, deiiiaii'lintf the tvicuaiou ul
1 brace within 4.4 hour.
Sclianitr Backed.
Kaine, S,pt. 'i-(By A. P)-Tbt
attitude Of I ureign Mmutrr Sclian
tft iii oppotiii uy military ritpcdi
Con to luikry with the nlra oi
apHied!y dctciidlng the freedom uf
i it- trait thereby wis c.ii'hrinej at
a meeting ol the Italian cabinet to
day. Instructions t. maintain the
attitude wire rnt to Count Moris,
Italy's rrpn Matite in J'arit. .
Safety Measure.
Colltlalitil'ople, ipt, .'J. (Ily A.
I' l Srieial Amrr.caii runau a
t ..ii, iniltidiitg the Standard Oil and
the Near l'at Kehrf, are preparing
lor the security of ibeir woiketf 4ir
their removal in the event safely
(UuiauiU, The Standard Oil com.
pany lias ordered the steamer Win
I'liuar, now af Saloniki, to pruned
to Coiiitantinople and stand by in
cae it i neren.ary to remove the
personnel of the company and their
There are about 5J native born
American In Comtantinoptc, and
Irar Admiral llriotol, eoiumainler
of the American naval force, made
plan to insure tbeir safety.
Governor Warm Uanlfri
jf Nrf-tU of Ajrrictillure
Lincoln, Sept. 21 (Special.) In
a greeting sent to the American
liatiker ion, now in conven
ient at New York rity, (iovernor Mc
Kclvie told the banker that there
is now profit in nearly every branch
of farming.
"I think it would be a good thing
to sound a note of warning 16 bank
er," aul the governor in bis greet
ing, "that whereas they were too lib
eral in extending ctcdit in times of
abnormal prosperity there is danger
now that they will be to conserva
tive in rxtmdinK credit that is need
ed for tlid development of the een
tial industries of the country. I hi
applies particularly to agriculture."
Aged Man Kills Self.
Aurora, N'eb., Sept. 22. (Special
I cl: gram.) K. II. Jackson, an aged
resident of (ilitner, committed sui
cide by hanging himself. HI health
is iil to have lieeti the cause. I
Otiav at Smyrna
Cleared of Horde
of W ar Refugees
(IrrH'li Uae Kemovnl ,.
tioiuU AmoriiMit Destroy
rr Sluml Iy Turk I.rml
rr to Confer With Kniul.
Smjrna. Sept, 22 illy A. T.)
'The qtny at Smyrna whidi has
, Inert tbroi. ged with thotiand of
refugees iiue the Turkish entry
and the t.niilak'raiii'ii whiih fo.
I.iwid has been fma"y vtrared. Ail
the refugee ntw have been re
moved to concentration camps.
The deportation to the interior
meanwhile arc Cuiitiuu'iip
The (iierks have succeeded ill re
moving mme of their nationals,
Two ships chartered by them, (King
the Itritish flig. are taking 14J
survivor to Mytilrnr.
Two American verstls for this
use are expected tomorrow.
Lack of Water.
The sulTcriiig has been agittavated
by the giving out of the watrr sup
ply and the American relief baker
ies have been, foid to suspend
operations because of lark of water.!
American il atroyers are hrinx'ng '
several tons of biscuit. Some o the I
bread that was intended for the
trftiircrt has been stolen by
Turkifh irri'Kulars. Several natui
alied American have arrived here
from the interior.
K. A. Morin.m. a young collide
graduate of I'oiiioti.i, Cal., in
charge of the (iree!; orpbanaue, j
resisting all the exort of thr T urks
to deport 4Ji) orphan boys. He de
clare he will accompany them to
the interior if they are removed.
Several members of the Angora
cabinet have arrived for a Council
of war with Mtitinpha Rental l'nsha.
U, S. Destroyers Stand By.
The Amrriratt destrovers Mrl.cMi,
Litchfield, Fdsatl and Lawrence are
standing by in the harbor, Capt. J.
J", Hepburn of I'lnladelphia, (hief
of slalf to Rear Admiral llrislol, has
returned from ( 'onstnntiiioule, re
suming charge of the naval units and
rcrrible Turk," One
of Kauai's Soldiers;
feivf Jit
mm A
I In- 1 1 1 r k : -! i iiiiantr) iiimii in t)iical
of Miiktaidu ketual's soblirry who
captured Niiyrna and are now threat
ciiitii t'oii-it.ititiiiople.
seeking better conditions for the ref-UKi-e
from Krmal.
The American cniistit.ile is preserv
in as a Iti-toric memento tbetneri
can tlag wliieli remained llying above
the shattered "all of the American
owned theater lure hng after the
building had bun virtually demol
ished .md the city itself ieolated.
In front of the charred skeleton of
ibis theater there still .tauds a plac
ard of travic irony, "The I lance of
Ili-Mli," which was the title of the
last production.
Haliy Drownm in Tub.
Seattle, Wah, Sept. 2J. One- ear
old Charles Jlalbark was drowned
here yesterday in a tub of water
which bis mother bad left to scrub
a (loor with, i
Prayer to Virgin
Attacked in .Meet
of Kpiseopalians
OitHiitioii mi New I'mrr Ly
rs Virginian I'navailinit
Slight to Jews Htiniirl
in Another.
Portland, Sej-t. ;.'.--'lie sr. -ion of
the I'pincopal boue id deputies j I
tunht w.i i'liveiu-,1 by ail
bv Ktswall l'sitc of tliaur lUm.
'., np'iii a nroj-osfd new piaer in
the coiiimunir.n service.
"You have inttoduced into this, the
most s:rcd of all our set vices," be
said, "new prayers and new cite.
tnoniaU, ilist.olrful In many of ti..
You to the lle.ed iiiiiu
M.irv. I don't csre what the peopl
of ioton or New Yor. or Md
tva'ikre think. I represent the people
of old Virgin anil know what thry
tli't'k. I pro'rst, sir, against this
'l'be proteit wa unavailing, TI"
whole service ts revised was adoptej.
A change was made In a prajrr
which lead;
"Have merty on all Jcw, Ttuls,
infidel and heretic."
The words of the new prayer' are:
"Have mercy on all who know
Thee not."
In proposing the change Rev, C
L. Mattery of New Yoik, sccrrUiy
of the prayer bor.k .n vision comtnis
ion, stated.
"1 think, a Christians, that we
bould show a spirit of charity of
t'hfislatuity to the Jvwih people
This ptayir is an intuit to them It y
umoviiig it. wi are extending the
hand of (. hti.tijii fellowship to
Man A wiiitinp Deportation
Killed liy Federal Agent
LI l'ao, Tex,, .v-pt. i--I-tank I
liroder, Jt, cilieti of France, await
ing deportation at the international
bridge here, w,is sht and killed yes
terday morning by flail Harmon, an
immigration oificcr.
Waving a riuli, liroder started
at the officer and Mr. A. G. Mul
tin, a matron at the immigiatinn sta
tion, when the T),iri fired, liorder
was arrested August 6 on a charge of
illegally entering the United Mates.
; No Rail Competition
; Attorney Tells Com I
j Lil'cidii, rpt, '.'.--iSptti.l ) -
; Claiining tlut (he It mi IH14M1 and lbs
jl'inon l'anfic railroads cue n.nliing
- for the tights ( f shippei brc4iie bis 1 rimh on traffic. Judge L,
M. rrmbertrm, attorney for Wymor
and Ulue springs indtiilrir. ha ap
pealrj to the Nebtsika tupirme court
from an order of the .Ma' Kailway
commisiion dcninu the rriiuctt of
the iuiltistrie lr runrtnig ttstk
Ibrtwern the two trunk bus,
i reiiibertoii in for in the mpieme
'coiiil tint the tsilioadu retu.e to
bmbl the 1. nut track berame the
jiii n.i tiioknig competition and
lie uli Hi. I'iii lii'ii'nii liss a run 11 on
tee hiniuni from Wymote and the
I'nion r.iiiln from Ulue Sprinn.
Attorneys for the railroad contend
that thuc 1 ni utfirieut buiufs
to jmtifv the iv;rtt.e of a ronneft
1 hi; ti.ak.
It wim mne.tcd thai the matter
miuht I" siliu't' l I v a change of
rales Judge lVni!.i 1 ton says that
tin- shipper he rilirnt send out
l.'ioo can of freight per iat and are
entitled to consideration.
Wreck of Auto Prevents
Progressive Speeches
Arlington, Ni b , Sept. 22 - A rc
;,ct;ofaty au'o previnted three pro.
Hieisive rand. dates for political of
lice from keeping speaking engage-
ttunt ht the Washington county
fair at Arlington this afternoon.
b'rv. James L. Itcebe, progressive
candidate for I'nited .States senator;
Koy M. Ilarrop, seeking election tr
coi'grrs ttiii the Mion! district,
.still Andrew leinplin, candidute lor
county eommisMoiier, while eurotlte
iiom Omaha to Arlington were
v it, kid five mile east of Arlington,
when th'-ir auto ran into an embank
1111 nt f blowing the brak of the rear
Neither of the men were seriously
injured. l!ev. Mr. !rebe and Ilar
rop continuing to Arlington and
Teinpbu n turning to Omaha. The
two candidates arrived at the fair
grounds (c.o late for the speaking
Wintry Coats
for the High School Miss
Lovely models that will satisfy the
young girl's sense of smartness and
satiate her mother's desire that she
should be dressed sensibly.
Duvetynes, normandies and mix
tures in plain tailored styles or in at
tractive fur-trimmed wraps.
Price $25.00
Third rhrar
Delightful "Blue Bird
Hand Made Blouses
Ui.-tinctive Kali style that cumliiiu fine iui
jiorttnl f'tbrit'M with rial hand mailt' lntv ami
pmhiuKU'rie. The charm f the hutul made
hlouM's wen nmir h ixjuNitfly cxpif'tl in
In theni' new tt arrivnl..
I'rli't'jt aif thttriiili!y tcuimniiral.
$5 $7.50 $10 $12.50
Sport Hose of
Silk Und Wool
Come especially bo
you may wear them on
these cool fall days.
Attractive plain or
drocfltitch effects in
plain black, navy, cor
dovan, black and
camel, pilver
Priced $2.85
and tan.
a pair.
Main Floor
Yeull find among the
fascinating new neefftoear
the most charming Peter
Pan collar and cuff sets of
linen with trimmings of real
Irish and filet laces. Priced
$2.50 to $6.00.
1 In white and colors,
embroidered or plain,
from 10 to 50c.
Those with initials
tu'e priced from 25c
to GOc.
Plain white, all pure
linen 'kerchief., 25c
to 7"h
Main Floor
Brushed noolen scarfs
are recent arrivals. IVues,
(ct. broti'iis, grays and
attract ive combinations
color them Priced from
$1.05 to $5.00.
Needle Workers
Model Pieces
InnumtTsl'li KUjrgt
tint! itte nffctftl !'
th many new finished
lU-. now fit KpU
I'ls lmlii'i; I ii n chi'nn,
I'llfrt t. .ie.ikft
fi t, pt-i , J'lllow
t t 4t r i s ,i!ht lu.nt-
ra'ily priidl itiif,!,
t Li s itf in t't u ti Hi
!.:!). in In .; J .i
Saturday a Sale of
All Black Hats
$5 $7.50 $10 $12.50 $15
Fashionable new models of plush, silk velvet
and panne. Large wide brim styles, roll brims.
Off the face effects, colonials, turbans, pokes,
Irregular line dress shapes and small round
The favored trimmings are novelty ostrich,
burnt feathers, fancies, ribbons and ornaments.
A specially prepared event with exceptional
In Every Style
Colored .ilk, hnve ,
pecinlly Interesting new
handle of n dutiiutho
character. The tu
one are $ to $17,,
'I he dollar umbrtll is
luu k d train. A Kfd
one, tn.
Suite asm umbs.lUt, $
mul U.'iii, up t ,l".
Men'. umirtlUl, i2
Childrvn'. winkfsll in
) U.K. 1 mni i. p.
v tl'l
Men's Shirts
and Neckwear
A rrpresenttiv lec
lion of nw fall ahirti
I ii in nuch nwtkera an
Mnnhaltan. K;tfl and
Knury. Th' putterns
rc particularly attrne
lle. '
N.w nrtkwrar present
the trnt of Ktyloa to t
I'I'i-m rmh man' IndU
St ral t.w collar, one
from Manhattan, It i
trifle hither f-r fail
T (, tli As V. I
F !) I W
I lilt . )!