An Omaha Bee "Want" Ad WiU Hel You Sell That Suit. drPflfl ftr 0f4 urla.'.-.t. - - '1 1 . 1 r . - - . . A is still good for a lo't of wear but which you have grown tired of. You'd be surprised to learn how many people watch - v --V TV lleWll me viotning ana rurs classification for bargains in up-to-date, serviceable wearing apparel. BEE WANTS PEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES ' lAfKHK . Mr. P-mma. aga II, d.e.l "thureHer p. m. Thera ar left t maum her lo-s hr hutwn4, Alfred; ta t,u. ra. a-u ana John. eerl earvlr ae eptenilieF l ll. . a. rn., rrorn ll-arer Heater Inn. ml fn"'i. 10 perra Heart rhunh at a. m. mirmiwi tuny wepmi-ner remierr. r.rtHI.Ne.-Mr m7T1 Hn.T ember II, eg-xt It h'i Mil. la iur W r "r auenena, lieorg 14. ; man fan naughter. Mr.. Ellen T. ttoai.uer r Atlanta. Oamrg n4 Mlaa t'aihena j'arrina r f'tnana. 1'tivai. funeral earvli be hia at V,re.t lawn chap.l aiartiraier. pteanber ja a . p. rn. irini aiariuenr la charge. r FUNERAL DIRECTORS. F.J. STACK & CO., fit aha'. nne)r(.king raianM.hmant. j uilo! A M Ii U LA N CE Vo.f Thlrig-tnlra and Famem "ilEAFE Y (STHEAFEYT t'nil.rfekarg am F.inb.lmere I'eone 114 ? Offira HI, Farnan. LARKIN BROTHERS Hulse & Riepen, t, Funeral Mwiiff. . lilt CumJae- ' PERSONAL. ? INK SALVATION Army Industrial ho ma ..uleit. your al'1 rloihlng. furnllore, maga r Wa 'llt. Wi .letrttnji Pfcon ! l!t anl our saagon mill rail. Call ail Inep.i-t our saw bum. JUI-IIIt-1114 Inn!., all-! I'll W J. Nul.AN ,a flKHIHKI) TMAITli K Of MKDI I INT, I'lliiMK IlKalliKNCK WK, Sb T 1 llli.NK liVVU Pt AT UliJli l.l, kinl. nf y work, ailk. lamp a tda ailk umlirnanr. "'nil WI, 3:1101(4 rflrririlv npanad and kavl.-Klnan-fdl tli'rm.nla. ninalla aat.a. JA. ill. V 1 mT.N KIl r I'V :r k. rmwVlinVW.. t ATTRACTIONS, O00000000000 000000000000 c o o o o c o o o o o o o o o f ," AIAl.m:RT PAUiSU HAXVn . iuiw on rv rr ive , rjin rr 'h'n., nnda iiavt P'tiiday, 2tih. 1'u.n. f 0 r I n h e a-1'l a rnrn-fi-d ifi0", ilurk or rhiikiMi, .nol-fintah Wii- k'l. Ii juh y hum and hun ilir.! nf nlK'T K'""l ihlnu. Jluaii-, deml'iir 1'id aiina 1nr all. Tnk. I'ark Wl rrt to 3?d Ava. anil WrUlit, and wnlU Ian lilmka aaal to AQih and llanrrnft (H'rlaht), Kv.ryliody la cordially Initiiil. CM.MB TON TO H T M r. I N'l TOUR riUKM. 1 1. U.M.' HAI.i.(''N'!. IM'I'.UIIll HAIX8, MnVLil.TlltH ak for rnlaloiiua. Oliba Nov'Hy Co., IM Karnmn St . tlmrha. Nh. LOST ANO FOUND I.nT lilliar.t rawnr.l. I.rrrjro Hoalnn Ttull, whlf rremrnt on back of nai'K 1 ! whlia broat una Hrlp on r, r-w lull. tall HA. 1718 C 7!5 80. ft I .if.- Hani Ijii, paraila uiy, ellhar In !- t -n or Ii i far. Ho tonlalna n ' I'lnna, i-itlalo.up, ramra, aic. i-maao V 1- : i !iit V-2:lfl. imnilia lti'e. h "ll.'UK'it nf iravriinir h- Thuraday aft- rrro'in bi-lwrpn JOIH and Hi and "t. Murv Ave ple.;fw tall Jtckaon 4J0S; ra- v aril. Lost liunih of ki-ya on Frnain, b twran Hnh and fih lrtt; flndor plaaaa yitiiirn. I). T. Hwalni. Harnay airtft. J.ADYH amali pnrac. rnntalnlnK ohirka and ourrem-y. on Flornc. car Wadnaaday. Jtaward. Call Mlaa lirnwn. KE. Z47. LOST Hora-rlmmad npuctai-laa, on Far Bam car or near Karnam .ehoot; 13 ward, fall ,IA. n5J. Jiiht Snl. Oerman pollc. dug. Ra- ward, ( all Walnut 11.117. toHT Oray and tan femalo airedala In Calh.ilral dlalrlft. WA. B7I. Rrward. J.OT Alrnlal dot, tac 13. Reward. Trl. HA. H01I. EDUCATIONAL rAT SCIIOOI NIOHT SCHOOL. Complat couraaa In accountancy, tna ehlna bookkreitln. eomplomatry, abort hand and typtwrltlnc: railroad and wlral.aa tala.rapby, civil aarvk-a and all Knallih and . comraarclal brancbaa. Wrlta, rail or phon Jaokaon ltil tpr lar.a llluatratad catalog. Addraaa ., BOYI.ES CttLt.EOE. v. Boylaa Blrt.. Omaha, Nab. ,L SvANTKfj Man, lad If. and boy. to laarn barliar trade; bla demand! wage while liarnlng: atrlotly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodga Rt. Trl-Clty Barliar -Collage. Hay or evening aaaiilnn.. ritVOHAK BURINK8S COLLEOE. VTaad Plrtg.. ltrt and Farnam. AT. T411 FilB National Amonmtnle Sc hool announi-e thoir opening Oi t. , 19!J. Come In and ea tia. In 1 4 N. I"tri St., dmaha, for oatalojr ' VAN SAN't rKTHOoi, OF ni.'SIXKS8. P. K. Cot. Nineteenth rtnd Oougla.. DO. atO. ANN 111 K. liLAHUOV.'. vjlrn anil plana. 401 g.tb.cb Bill. JA. HIL MULCH KAKbhJK COU.EOB. till 8. 14th. Writ for catalog. MALE HELP WANTED. aMKHI.'AN .IA. 4S25. KMriA)VMENT AOHNCT. 3uJ (lo. lllb. St. Ji il ICK M AituNH, flrat cla.a mn. 1 Jo pfl hour. Write, wire or raport for wnrfc. Em pira Cenaiructioa Company, 91 1 N. t'Urk m , Cbirago, III, l'l.TAU, planing null., aaah and door fa. tori.a and cabinet .hop oa th la oifle QOiiat naad m.n. If you rttlre 10 )it in (ha waai w will print your I'oeiiloii Wanted' edertlmeni wyh- ut rbarga. Addreae The 1'tmoermaR, I4 HpaMtn. HUlg , I'.irll.n l. ur. rUAXTI HKBa, flrat claa mrn. Il ID l'r hour Write, wir or r.purt fur woik I. mpire tonal rurjian Company, III N. viar 01., vnua.A f " f-, (iS 1 ml Ritall Furniture lalaamaa Wanted al 0r, I'lifa opiiorlunitr H'aia Furniture Co, H a aa Jodg. i. luoli l.u.h.lm-najanteit r.ll V jt. 111." IM t tilil l:. MKKr mi:tl Va'ollKMtN 'II.AMIhllM m al I. i HER ii n. . ' lie . Ho f I u l-EB IIH. FKK IIH. l l-H IIH. TV. la all neat aen.tru. lion woik 4lkaur working ., Ivuui tuna Saturday afteriioua. ttundara and oi.en ahr,p ura. ,, Ulaur trouble. III. lift- rai. of wagea l"f foreman, ov.r I. monihs ill r rimi'ilml mm. Aply I'l.l; M llf.HK . p'irat tilaaa nun. iili.u aliiiu. II U1 pr rinur. Wriia, wira or r.porl tot " r.inpua i onmruciiua I'uiiipan, 111 Ka.( iiuaota. AI.I.HMb.N Mak. limia nuin.v: llh.r.l fM,u,.i"ii paid aalaam.a calling an drug .i-iiina mrrii uriutia prnnuct aa ilU . " . I J,iin -li. la. NAf,KrMAH- tit ' ballap'Xlaaa tl oll phraliJaiia ana daaliaia, liiinril.iK par. iu, ii iaiii wiira. rfUTft a.a. a ''".'!'"" H"? ,21' l'hllair.,Ma, I'a. ooo 6000600b 0000000 000 00 3 5 KVftnAI, nan lo d.monairat and laka anlara fur th. Kainblrr Knillrd Mwaatvr Cnai for man. Bold aarlu.ivaly thrnu.h Kaddan a lillinir. Raal opportumiy Nation. ally advarliad Apply Mr. Loflf, Konlnnalla riotal. 0000 000 0000 000 000000000 00 ; 0IIEKT MKTAT. WonKERi - Wani.d at Om, Fmplojar. Ffa Kmploymmi rvr, 111 HI. .lluK aMnln. parlor, Hnu ahlnar wanUuV 1 warn a ''! man 10 ka anlnlne par. un. .onu ouainaa tor riant man: ln and praaaina la eonn.itlon. Writ. W. II. Iirnan. Fldura, la. WANTKIl H,inn.n In aril auto (rouble licit!.; nmkn from I'. to II. prr day. I , 11. Ir.Jiibl., Jr., 4oU JJudge HI., WA. Waiitttl J.lni-mn and gruuiiduii-ii;. atftady wk. Ktinniiigaoii F.ngliiitarlng i'a., Of'tehe, Wll.l, pay boy'a tuition through buetnpas rollaga (or doing about an hour', worn. ( all AT. 7774. YOl.NO man with anri. nmat ' aipffifnca lo ht.p la market. Apply Oolfax Meat Market. 14th and Amea Ave. Yol'NU MAN 4TT5i)f I.Awl Kvanlng downtown aeulona, Unlraralty of ilmaha. Hi-a aain lary, 1027 Omaha Nat. flk. Hid. FEMALE HELP WANTED. AHKlbTANT llri-ng ahorthund teacher. Ulva edut-iitloii, uga and telephone. perlanra urinecreeeary. J-'nr Intarvleiy rlio Moxy.22, Omaha Ilea. 0 000 00 0 0 O O 6 6 ' OOO OOO 00 000 0 0 WANTED KXPERfrNfED POWER MA , CHINE OPKKATORS on lailica apmna and dreaaea. Apply Employment Iiept. M. K SMITH & CO., 10th and Oougla.. O00O0000O0OO000000000 0O0O EXI-KfllKNCEU wh.1 to girl In modern home with every convenience for general houeework; two children, good wagea and good home. Mr. C. E, Child. II A. 1277. EXPERIENCED waitraa. wanted. La Rue Citfe, 21th A Amea Ave. FOK aborthand, typewriting, bookkeeping etc., attend the American College of ilualnaaa. 1913 Farnam, Poaltlon. guar. anleed; all our gradaatea are In po altlon.. call at. 7774 or writ ror catalog. MAID for general hnuaework, no waihlbg lln. Arthur rJnilth, HA. Ii. RKMAHI.E young woman aa maid for gan ernl houaework. Muat be good cook. leaannt room with hnth. HA. 001 , WANTEli Experienced white maid for general houaework; wngae, liz; laundreaa eriiolcyod. HA. alia. - WANTED Hehool girl to aaalnt 'with houaework. Will pay wagea. Phon 11 L. 304 Council Hluffa. WANTED An experienced cook, whl'n. Mra. Barton Millard, 121 No. 31th St. Harney 0047. WANTED at Onc An experienced cook. Mra N, B. Vpilik. HA. 2924. WOMEN Several to demorntrgto and take ordera for . the Rambler Knitted ftweeter Coat for mrn; aold excluelvely through Fadden A Wttner. Apply Mr. Lneff, Fontenell hotel. WHITE Kit! for general houaework. Oood wagea. Walnut ?4II. Y11CNO lady to teach ahorthand. ttfdce experience preferred. Permanent Ut ,, n n,l ..l,i,.llnn Urdl Box W-J27, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Poaltlon aa maid in family, ith elillclren going weat or louth for winter. Referencea. Adilreaa Y-2010, Omaha Bee. NEAT colored girl, exp., wante laundry work: underatanda electric machine. Call WE. S6h7. COMPETENT nun. with ovar (wo yaare1 training dealrea poaltlon aaalatlng doctor In or out of nrrice. Call J A. .111I6. LAUNDRY work by til day. WE. 1711. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FL'KMTl'MK Al'CTlli.N All bail week. II A We hater I'OWU AUCTION HOIJHE gOI.AIt baa burner, 116; deboard, 117; bulfvt. 111: ihlna eatnaet. 111. WE 213. rltri'RIiiEnATOR, gaa a(ave. Iieila com plete rocking ehalra. HA. 7110 ANT Igl K paring eel for aal. J Al 144. I'AK bevel giaaa, china Cab, W E, 4 JI j" llTl: (Vilental lug. Ij;, M on IIA. 4.5L OAK IiAVE.VI'oRT. CALL WA. 4J. BAlif b.d. ."i.tib.a re. k WK. "7lr tlAU W076 tOMP aaaaawaaaaaaaaaa j 'a mt Ad Early for Tomorrow's Sunday Omaha Bee "Wmf Ad. Ate pi. J Until j t O CUck Twoi.M HOUSEHOLD GOODS. WIIKRaJ OI'M Al CTI.i.V tlO U'M CiiME I111W. Oatnaig i; nut aliuw i ! (i'a th. .1 Hiaaa.a or all in gAda have an a " t "li. In faliirilu. a .u'lluil mm hat tu ' lulled rteou. frtjiii (be folluttina aMre.e. 'il. Nur'n SI'I .1, J iuh.igaiit.nla tfitin "maha tan a Niorag to, jol lun.-r Court. I.I Nuiih Iain Ate, I J ruuth 4111 01, 14.I gpanter hi, north euutft, a.t, all parte uf tiuiatta iwniribut 10 mage aieplii.un a, Ilia big duwnlnwn aile I inn h'lti.a 1.1 nin.lia l.uajtAI'lriilAVK, AT. IJ4I. Hul a, ; II. lilt;, lain; llbiary lalna. I, davanporl, III, dark wad oak, Ireth ar aaaia and luahiana. Unrld m.k g,Kd drru furnllur. or for atudenta' ruoiil. M4' Pogany rork.r, II III II A Klli birgalna In all kimle uaad m.' bln Hani and fepair all In a He., liu.n 7 to p. m. Hint-hi Hewing Hii ne Kichan.a III. I.n.norih J A. nil I'al A H A l'll,MJH I'll l.alhera ra- nnvat.d and mad 111, td new fealh proof lli-kitir ltl ClIMilWiy i A J fc.XI'lJ(T HWiug riiei Itfhe rHiiiiia MH M.l.n Kill and Harney. L10. 1171 -J GOOD THINGS TO EAT. 0000 00 opoo 0000 oooooodo boo 0 Wainohl'o KaUair O tr t.llivill o immi Jf llll I KAVEN'WORTIl Saturday Specials IlAIMII A.M HOVtr COFIt'EK iCAkH. THACII CAKi: FflEMI AI'PI.K CAKE HlKMl mi; IT CAKK W epeelalia oil French Pa.trlee, For llnlala and ftaatauralita. 0000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 HPItATEO AM'LEH. rente par buehrl for good atock. II IV for beak Jonathan. Hipe, awiat grapaa. I canta per lb. (,'ontlnueua aale. Hrlng rontalnara. J. J. MMITM FAHM. 3 mllrg north of Florence, on brli-k paved toad. KE, 4)1!. J'. I. O000OO0OO00O00OO000O0000O I'KAIIH Canning and winter, any uuan- uty. tin. Uedford avenue. WA. J 1.-1. 'all Hllger. UHAWiiil! i CENTS I,R. tlRAl'ES! 4(01 Redmond Avenue. Call KE. Sill. FOR SAI.B llarre) pure red Malaga grap juice in. a w in. umana Ilea. LA HI IE Conturd grupea o lb. 10-lb. lota or over. R. H. Oall, 10 A I.. Call MA. I7. WINE CONCDKII (IRAPKS FOR HALS HY l,B. liEI.IVEHEfl. KE. 4721. Ci.neittd grap.a. Call K E. HON noon A eve CliNCOItD rholea grapaa. Call KE. IW. 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1121 VICTolt. Ill to; 1210 Hranewu k, Itili: 1110 Columbia. i. : liiu umeraoii, I I 60; 11711 I'athe. 129 60. Many other bargalna. Khlae. Phonograph Co., 14U4 Imdae. your uaad plana on a new piayer Balance .. low a. 110 par monlrj A. IIOHI'E CO., 1611 liougia. TWO lloehm flule. nnd pli-coloa. 1021 Park Ave. apt. 16. (all HA. Zlfil. ' MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MOVINd picture HA. exi. machine, with film.. RADIO SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING In Rarllo .uppliee. Mall ordera aollclted, Omaha Sporting Good. Co., 101 Harney at -- - - im PARK Ave. 7 rooma. 170. Uaraga, CLOTHING AND FUFS IIP extra. Frank Carey. 621 Pork Av. CADET ault, coat, trouaera. cap, medium n A DTUrMTO uno P1TM1 aire, BARGAIN, Call WE. 1731. APARTMENTS FOR KENT For Hal-f)nuln Palaley ahawl. HA. IBM. iTlHaEB cape, tan, medium. Call WE, 2807. 1 WINTER IS COMINO. ARMY ahoea. 12 10. 701 No lth APAItTMENTfl. ',' ' STORE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O TYI'KWKITfcltO V O AND O & All make. bought and aold O O rented and repaired. Sola agenta O O for th. CORONA. Oat our price. O O before you buy. Every machine O O guaranteed. O 0 CENTRAL TTFEWHTTEK EXC. O O J A. 4120. 1111 Farnam. 0 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE BUY. .ell aafe. m.k. feak.. aho I caaea. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., .. re. corner 11th and Douglae. JA, 724. (illl typewriter bargalna, 17.10 and 1 1 Office Supply Co., 1404 DodKe. LIVESTOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. FOR aale, Duroc Jereey sow, weighing about 300 pounds; will .ell reaaonable. Telephone Co. Hluffa 6013. HAY HO PER TON A. W. Wagner. 101 No. 11!. Call Ja. 1142. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. NICE whit dueka and young 12 and i. Jarkaon Poultry Farm. 621 N, 33d 8t, OKNL'INE German, rollers, 15 each. KE. 6S10. S1LVERTONB roller canarlea. AT. 0451. ANUOR A kittens, 1701 S. 16th AT. 073. "YELLOW canarlea. 4211 N. 24lh. WANTED TO BORROW. Loan wanted, 126,100, 6 or 7 years. per rent. Ample high grade security. Y-2W2, Omaha Ilea. WANT TO BUY DUSKS. DEHK8. DEHKS. New deaka, uatd deaka bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1101 Farnam. AT. 14. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (li.'NKHAl- merriiandiaa for aale, cloelng out atnek of dry goods, cloaks, notlona and fixturea; .how case., cash carrier, mlrrora, computing acalea; oil tank; '. P. lighting aystem and all other fisturea. (leo. U Hulklry A Co., Periy, la. Hoi El,: For aale, my leas and furul.h Inga modern hotel of 137 rooma. well aa labli.hed and pailiig buatneaa. For further partlculara a.ldrt-va the owner, EDWARD F, (JOt'DARD, ,. II Nor Ik Id kite!, Portland, Or. rlAkEUY .ad cafe 7otai laTlowa-of I uaai only bakarv and Lading eafa. du. lug good bueinree. gvtita f.tuntMln, lobat- ou and eohfacimnary m euhe.ciuin. ti.d rea.oa for aalling. Addraaa Y-Jl. Oroa a , ,. S'E'.; FCr l.iuS. a. Iiin.,i N-0 in i aun iiulii.ta l et -iur Hen ' I Al N 1 1 It Y bu n... Iur a:, i a.ap K laaeit al . ut writ T,, i. I'4i. Sek , ImhTi'H wani.-l, tiluntrv, l-iarl., f, : a.i. .h..e a, .4'.., rawsM, g.alla A4 divae .j;I. ittoa!. loe ! UAHIllH ab.b ..r "an., a.T i 4 l--.. I't. .!. n, A.r,iee t' r Aa'.4a,. Mtuatd. I A ini( art b.. H... . ei 4'.e ll. . V ! t (kt He Al a) 4eitA Ikk aa-a ! .a... . Hi. A 4.. I'Mitfet Ilea, .-4 l Iki I .-. . a a il a. i. a al el ai.a. a..... a I V, t 11 I li'M I4t t"4'ii'an aa,.f ( 4 . n b nil V Ii a at r ft f. n, l-i t a . I'eaar a i . - ai.a w a 4.4 t -a , KOOMINO HOUI-S I A ! . MAHv4 I !,., a- ,n.ia ',. i, W 4 imm- ew. a ,.. Ill i j I i-it I 4 .a , a- ai-a I : a t -.a t . I a t a.- - aaa KOOM OR Hit NT. la, ,i a.a-a t. a -a a. -f a I aa I - -r .-i ,1 Mf . . -i- . ua.! Sia.f a.ii, i tat at1 a a a aa a aii al " i.- ., , . a aa. mi4 i4 a. ,a, 4 ls.,a aa,l t. t lilt. ROOMS FOR RENT lllllll V Ilk III AVi:, t.l fl-Nl. . I.ia. riHiin, pr4ni haw hna; atiit. rr t g.aiie 11,. n oe eovii le en,pl.,,., ilar.aa II A UI4 FAKNAw r llln-Hl. i, fold " "" r A UN A M AT II I II, lintel ll.n.h.a. Mpe,-ial raf.a to parmaiieni go-.ta. e'l.HN rioa wtia pur. bain; aario, rum. tollable, ibeeiful; pr.ue reaexnati,.. I.l ar k. Il.ti.l Hamilton. A I', 4ll. ImI ili.Ak ar jiiij .Ni.a fioal rtet.ti. .unT aula fur t uf 1, running liul and fu'rf water 1 alt a bani. I fiont rma ; pri. bail,, ul' lor a''ii-o .Near Far. rar JI A. J.U KliillTl.uN'lll T. ill NllFuiul.hed alaili,g 101,111, alli.le anil douhla; reaa H'ENl KIl HT .lillr' "7Mlahed n.oiin fur Iteoitla aliiplolreil; rot, 4 hi nt. e.l-.'l I.araae. K. l4, il'i;Ni i:i( lljf I'legaant front "rooiii!" pillule fainUi". WK. Iu4 ''I'VYKNTIr.TII. 41.' I riainia 7n lovely new huitie, reainable MA, 9 f 3. Ft'K.NIMIMi rit'tina, t an at tutomlate num ber nf gin.; I; lo . up. II A tin ATTII ACTIVE room In liund-a, private ratniiy. mr leo'iiren. wa i."I 1 Vt IMV-NIM II, liiu H Luvoly rur 1 itii mm, 11 a, iihj ri'UTV hi:i ..Mi nr . 121 N ro.,01 vitn or without uaa of kit. h.n, WA I. II I.AH'III eat rnorn, nli-ely furm-h'd, autta' til fur two, noma prlvlle,.. KK. Ill I. T K I ,. WA. ISil Uonma; Imndea lionie. " rnoioa; rtioitern, HA tlll. g'rkAM heated room J A. :l. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WE. 1171, or WE nanf. Two modern front room., ftinipietn for nouaekcvpuig; i-Iolh. - cioaei ami pantry. - I KCHMHIIKIl r.. 1,11, a (or light li.,.n, k. e kien. Ing for lu employed penple. MA H04 Mi'illEKN IIOUUk'kEKI'INII ItOOMg. 114 H, J let Ave. Call II A. 1711. 1707 IkiIkie, ainglo houaekeeping; mod arn; everything (unil.lie.l. II in, NINETEENTH HI.. 1T.17 No Mre llgbt null.eff eeplng rooine. Weh. 00J. TWENTf-TIIIRI) rlf., Ill N. I and room aptriinen'a. No rh'Mren. I PARK AVE, 1024 Two-room aparlmeat. BOARD AND ROOM. ID.lS LINCOLN IlLVI), board and room In modern honir. (ienlli'inan. WA. 27NI, TEL. WE. I'ir.l Hoard and room; gentle man or rouitlo worklnx; prefer Swatllah NICEI.V fiiriil.heil room, home cooking gent. .fd. I'rtv. family. AT. 2t. TEL. WE. !- llooiii and board fur two alrlclly modern home. MIAMI, HT., iM Nbe furnl.litd rooma, with or without board. HOUSES FOR RENT 21 lliUHiE UT.. 7-rooma. atrlitly mod- I arn; egc.llent condition: one-cer garage, 1 170 per month F1KE A PRICE JA. 2411 kl City N.t I A I.AItllE l-room houao at 2'th and DotiKlaM. A vary deairabl jilace for high clime rimminif noii.a. III OKIIK r JONK3 CO.. HKAI.TOKS, AT. :. , 222 Kiellne Hid FURNISHED HOUSES. FLRNIHIlEri f.-room praqllflnlly new modern home for rent to dutt. only, Owner de.lrea to reaerva ono room. Hf. required. Owner not homo during day, Adilreaa Box W-22K, Omaha Ilea. Location on 419 N. 23th ft. Available Octnebr 1 FoK RENT 6-room modern i.-oUnge: well furnlahed, 2ol Templeton St. Call be tween 4 and 1:30. 3 roonie, No. G Kinirnhorough, 2531 Dodge Bt., r,5.U0 60.00. rooma. No. 19 Kin?. borough, 2631 Dodge St.. 60 00-K5.00. 4 ronma. No. 6 Flo I.e., 20th and Capitol Ave.. l0.00-f,7.60. 4'i rooma, No. 24 Mt. Vernon, 624 Ho. Hat Ht IH6.00. 6 room, No. 20 Pllwood, 49th A v., and Dodge, 170.00. 5 rooms, No. 4 Potter, 33d and Farnam bie., flO.OO. 6 rooms. No. 11 Mildred, 4911 Dodg M., 1100.00. 6 rooms. No. 11 Elwood, 49th Ave, and Dodge, 1115.00. rETF.RS TRUST CO., Where Omaha Rente. , 17th and Farnam. AT. 0544. RENT REDUCED TURNER COURT. We have Juat one morn of our exclualve home-like ftpurtmenta available. 3 rooma with 6-room accommodations; well ar ranged; latest built-in conveniences: at tractive decorations and fixturea; choice location, opposite park and boulevard; close to car lino and garage. O. M. IIAUSER. Mgr. Harney 7140. .1101 Dodge. I OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. Thirty-four apartment hulldlnga, 6I apartments, reinforced concrete, atao- lutely fireproof. Ifvrphy bed or bed room apartmenta. Call ua, and wa will laka you out. DRAKE RENTAL, AUNNCT. Fireproof Apartmenta. .IA. 2H06. AT. 1701. Corner 17th and Howard atraeto. Oct our list of vacant apartments and houses. We handle a larger verlety of rental propertlea than any other agency la the oltv. sea PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "WHERE OMAHA RENTS. AT. 644. 17th and Farnam Sta. FARNAM NT.. 1907 6-room heated apart nient, completely modern; aiuiablo for offlme, etudioi, dental or itresainaklng rooms, etc; fnr tenants wishing home adjoining. T. F. Hall. AT. 74"H. Tlil-1 FRANC KM. 4-rooma and bath, eeparata furnaces, main floor, walking distance-. 40. lull i,'VH"l Ave. P. K BUCK CO . JA. SCI1 THE CHIOlio, 2-th Ave. and Marry St., neily decurntetl 4-roiim apt. with 6 ronm accuiiiniodntloiia; alsu l-room apt. Phone JA Hil TNVo and Ibre-.roniii ai.aititi ., wttk heal. Apblv Mr 'I linmas, ll.t. Noitli l.ili Si. mint floor. leTIl hT., fee b l-rin. f at. In uud le- pair; ell iii.lrn, ex. beat l'.'1 l-l IIAKP HHIfl, !ll h.-ele Hblg AT. .721. TIIK FU'liy.VilNE. Ill Ku. N.wiy dei-'traHd a't of 3, 1, Ml. i 4 ar, a I'" tma Phur J . H'J, I o ; a ATI VI'-l 4 r.t-.n.a. il.'e hi; luv r-nl. I o tl I'. Mi.iit.ia, Ibl i t hi, us., kt j r, I ait l 7-rm apt. , inmlara It 4. 4141. ; q I FURNISHED APARTMENTS, la 6; '4 I IVii .r, o, a raOlohl. oi ly furaianad. gaa. I alii b'-.i ait phmia ail laid fur. I !,.. UK a,':; mx tl.l.M II hi i 14 i, S 1 . , aad Ihiaa Acy-;y Mia. tli mil II,.. I f v .i. i. i- I a t I. - it i t.a.,,1, H t. Ill V It'. e ri ix I.. mi MUSjNKSS I KOI'fcKTV-KKNf , al-,.. a ,t ii ) M i lifkl ..... . .., ,1 , I V i.k f i ".t nn-ii'-a ,' r j. r I -.a l . Al I lU Jt lit ia ) a -e. . . a l l i ..i. ai - r.. i a- a. ' a m a-., . 4 a - I i . . a VVASriOKKNT I..- ! b a... .. V, .4,' a I'.ltti a- a --.,a a I , ia , If a V . laa.a a a a a.-a ,il 1. ,aai a ef aaaat.aa-. a aa .,i . m i .. -UU ,K4.X. u tut MOVING ANI1 STORAGE tll'l.t liY afiniAUK T I4S til, IIOVIMI- PACK I Nil rjt.rt Atll. NUII'I'INI. Ilou.aboid iltmoe and I' anaa. ll-.l.i. - I Rate. Tbia w-k lo I. UK . ,M,i pA, Jill'.il'l 1141-11 ll.i-r, JA (.ailUAli'. fain, oa packing. ia... a4 1 miii a l onna'ta i.kea br Job or f t . , e , niotia Van A Ntvrage Co, J. 4JJI, At. I i a. iirweaman A liin. aaoera. 1 M"ig l-aekn.g aioraael' " I I1....I..M k'... . It . r- . l S, 111), gi. I'lione l 1. gill. HKH1MI OMAHA VAN A g Tl H Alii:"" I .,111 ., i, I raieiiwnrlli at' 1 .11. IIH I 4i Uir... ino.ina. eluraga alitiiiiiug EONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES Wll.l, buy ftrai or aet-und ar ini.ijai'ia ,n fiin or city piup.rt), for kin. ill Omaha Net I CHATTEL LOANS DO Yof NEED A I.ITTI.B 1HEADT CABII otaiao3IH.0ll,Oi,i.altg or sir mhrr amount loaned al leas than rale. Y.iu will -live a lot nf time, wnn'-y and tni-tiuveiileiii if )ou inveatigia our pun. No red tape, no pubiiiiiy, va-y tiaymi-nta, tnnfideiiiiui. Tuny )m. In ,uainea. 'OMAHA LOAN C'MPANT, SOI Kerba. h Ink. Tel. JA, tm rioiiibaeat Cor, lith and Doug, bis. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE t III II.D and fmane at I p.r oent l K. HIIOHToK, Creator of i'lra.ant Home. II.Arthur Hldg, JA. IIH. WF, h.v. rash uu band lo loan en Omaha realtlencc. E. If. I.OUOEB, INC., 2SR..jlneHldg, Farm Loans WXz?, we. tarn re nch... Klnka Investment Co, ml om. Nat l Ha. HTHAtUIIT r. loans. It, per cent, A MOM CI RANT CO., f.!L,,,h' Ajthur lijdg. AT. MJ V. li. M ITH EN payaoaf" for LIBERT? BONJH slC'lty Nat2HnkHldg. llO'l I'O 110.000 loana inatle promptly. V. O. WKAD and I). M. BOWMAN. no s. vhh He WU,I',!L 0,6, FIRST morigag loana mad. prompt ly on Omaha real eatate. Shopen A I'o, Meal- L'."l- J 42" I3 Keelln Uldg. OMAHA IloV ES EAST NEH. FARMS OKEKKE REAL ESTATE CO.. l'.Tt Om. Nat. Ilk. Bldg. Jackaon 1711. JAIlVIN BKO-l , Ml" Omaha Nat JJIdg. OM IMP. I Rl IrKR If, NO OKI, AT, BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. A( ( OKIII AN PLKVriSC.. ACCOHDION. aide, knife, box pleating, covered buttona, all atylea; hemstitching, buttonhole.. Write Ideal Button A P eat Ing Co., 301 Brown Block, Omaba, Neb, leiapiiona ja. mi. Neb. Pleating Hematic hln. Covered llulton. 10 Farnam, second floor. JA. 6H70. IIIKOPIIACTOIIS. DR. OEMAR, 300 Paxti.n Blrlg. Hra. 11 to J. J to 0. Te At. 2.113. Wa. 1.337. DRKPSMAKIN'. DREHKM AKI.Vil, alteration and all kind. or sewing. , . Mra. J. C. Miller, Call WE. S711. DKiaTIhTls. DENTAL X-IIAYH. 64 each. 13 a full aet, 111 Securltlee Bldg,, 1Kb and Farnam. DANIINO Af'AIIF.MIKS. KEEP'S. Htll FARNAM. BALLHO'JM. nnd fancy dancing correctly laucnt, claafl or .private lessons. CHIL DREN'S CLASSES starting Sept. 10, 10 a. M, a7ii. PKIN71NG. EDDY Printing Co. 212 8. 11 St. DO. 1147 KODAK HMNIIIM;. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. The Enelgo Co.. 1607 Howard Rt I'ATKNT ATTORNEYS. W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney. 1712 Dodge, room zn. Also Washington, D. I help Inventor, sell their patenta. DRENSMAKINO. SUITS dreaai.. fura rellned. remodeled: acarfa, rhnkera made: rea. prices. HA. 604 Fl BRIERS. VERY stunning fur coals, ahawl collar, hell sleeves, 4il; other conts plain and erimmc'l: also nilnlc capes at a sacrifice. vrs, McNnmara. 30 Wellington Inn. 7T1 T T 7") O reniodpleil. , rellneit. cleaned UXVO Kneeter Alaska Fur Co., 103 Ft. DO. 72S3. TTTJC expert repairing, remodeling, UIi -leaning. at loweat-ln-the-city prlcea. Ooldsteln Fur Co. Over Frys. JA1132. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg.. JA, 2061; night, KB. 1111. Independent Detective Bureau, 104 Nevllll Blk. AT. 6501 ; night, WA. 4040; KE. 0466 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence aecured In all caaea. AT. 1131. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. DIAMONDS, We pay the beat orice. with privilege buy hack at small profit, OROSH JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 403 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 1049.. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaea made over In new tlcke at half price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking. Old bed tlcki washed. 1907 Cuming. JA. 2417. GARAGES balit, any style and alxe, 100 up. concrete work. Mlcklin LuniDer a Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 666K. RESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A MoConnelt Drug atoras. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o (1 O a a o USED CARS THAT CAN BE USED J SATURDAY SPEC! AIJ4 OLDS EIC.IIT OLDS NX I.K.V I N'll'I'l N IIAIIY oVI.ltl.ANI WILLY IIUADSTER. ItEK TRI CK I II E llol.ET . 4.'o no MO llll . t. 'Hi (I 00 4'l0 en , 125, e i'l.S l.-Ciniplelely letiawnj, ie-iaiiili-4 MpJ In g.l.rnnleeil con .Ihmiii. V wiiii, IfFful iii 1 v i.r. ; . , . . , it : 'i b.j I II :IIAt. TI HM" ? NEHRASKA OLDS.MOliILK C0.MPANY o o rt o At it: Huaaid at Ut. 1 1 o o o o fi o o a s o o i r a o 9 o o o e o o o I arn etna U V .r.y Uwi.r Ce. 1 a-aa J ; ,; " ,1 Hi i.WI. Ikhli . d ii a I !. a I II I .1 ill IM i r. iaiii'v I ill, nKk i.l Aaiv .' a In . f f. t 1 1 1. i a n I 1 l . ae.a.a I.. a ai i:r i II laraaaa IICVCI . H a .' i i a i at MorOKCYCl M I . a I i a 1 .-,.4 l- I 4 ta-a at abi b Dak ii a- a, ' 4 a a, ge- I .a ' . Bt, a.aa, If I'll tb-aa AUT0M0BILFS FOR SALE la lli;i lAIM.ti u.iil rare, aaeh or lima; ruftta fiod. r and other mudna. II bland new liint. al a diacuuott Fold I bodire. a ead tie4 , IHiLDglhoM AI'Trt AIK CO, . Open .vaolnga JAIUI. nil llern.jit. Al fo rap. 1011. . oteibauLbg, ...uline 1 sin.. I ..1, g hi. .old , hanged, al.u orr. baui.'l aad repaired. THE M'N IT At'TO lirPAIM Phon AT. 4l III! Isarii. lilt pnrd loa.trurk iba..;a, iitiituf luni plelely otaik.olrd, guud (ilea, IITI, f. K. PAIIJ40.V Ml if OR ro, !'lh .ii,Ai".. Ai. KE. II7I buMls bargaia. la to.4 to(d., ytvmvi ery al a-w I old. at rAFFItEY Mofon CO., Th Haady Ford karvlr gialln. lllb and Jacks bta. HO. I. II KOHD rued.ter, p.rleei cwaiiiiion, I::.; new tlrea all aiound owner le.vlng (nan. imi.t aeil at once. It.rg iin ext randinary. Coll llauah. Do i'f at I p m I'fiED Ford pan. al half price. Part, fei all aiandard in.Ua rare. Neb. Aula I'.il., Hi' Harnar en COLORADO LANDS. Id dl Irrigated farm In llreelcy, aua.i 1,,-ai i1t.trn-i, lo eichanga for modern h.itel or Nilrerka land Tbia firm I. 'bar; hi.; ri.n-nr bg Incumbrani e. J, W. .11. IM.I. Colo NEBRASKA LANDS LAND AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Thur., Sept. 28, 2 P. M. r.i acree Improved In llainlltun county, N-brarka. Two miles from Moruuetta and nine milea from Cmtral City. 76 acres under plow, balance the very l,..t nf pas ture For full liifi.rniailnn, addrr.a Ne. I.i.rka Really Auction Co. Central Clly, Ni.bra.ka, Your Farm or Ianch Turned tjulrkly Into Cash. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO, Central Clly Neb. Informallon Free, MISSOURI LANDS (IM KAT IIAKtlAINS 16 down, l monthly buye 40 acroa, good fruit and poultry land, rteor town, southern Missouri. Price only 2';J. Addre.g Box 211, Springfield, jwn. OREAT bargalna. 16 down, 16 monthly, bliya 40 acrea gimd fruit and poultry land, hear town, aoulliern Mtaaourl. Price only 1210. Addreaa llos 12. Kprlmtf leld. Mo. WASHINGTON LANDS. IRRIOATED land In central Washington reauy tor arttiemeni; excellent .on; r.a smiabl prlcea; en.y terms to .ettl.r.. Write if. W. Ilea ugh. Mgr., Neppel, Waab Ington. WANTED REAL ESTATE T' huy or fH Ottiihi Hal PXnt( a FOWLER & M'DONALD Real Estate and Insurance. Member. Multlpl. Liattng Ex. Ite.ltora List your home liuy your horn, BINDER & OTIS, Reel Estate. Loam, Rental. JA, 1611. Charles W. Young & Son Real Palate, Rental., Insurance, KOI City Nat. bk. AT. till. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE 4 Sella. Rents. Insure. 360 I'etcra Trust Bldg. JA. OC33. ooob risfjNus COMB TO t'S. WE SELL THEM. HOMB REALTY CO. AT. 1111. GRUENIG Realty Co. List witb us for quick results. 1411 Fl r Nafl Bk. BAg JA. 1111, WANTED from owner. I rwim bungalow north of Ames. 1750 to 11,000 down; not 5.2,r.O. Call JA. 32H1. LIST you homes for snle with us. Wa have th citatomera. rinis inmoi- MENT CO., Realtor. WE hnv cash buyer for -room house, Immediate Inspection, Frank C. Beat Co., 602 Serurltlea Bldg. AT. 6136. LIST your property with W, Farnam Smith Co.. 1120 Fafflain St Wlllard C Slabaugh, Realtor. JA. 2161. ro SELL gee Olbver A MorelL AT. 1183, Western Real Estate Co. JA. 1(07 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS OWNER-BUILDER leaving city, sale equity 13.150, one fine Inelda finished new 7-room, modern ot a big loss. Big Investment for somebody with money. Price 17,860. Worth 19,600. Call HA, 04H6, STORE building at 2C21 Slicrmnn Ave. 14,000, .rental I'll 2 per year. JA. 1294. ACREAGE FOR SALE 4U, acrea containing 7-room house, gft- raae. chicken hr)une and other outbuild ings; cloae-ln on boulevard; all kind, of fruit trees. For price call JA, 3007. VACANT PROPERTY. Ql) of Ralston lota and acreage tracts Q4UC now going on. Special terms and price, made. 1200 up; email payment down, balance easy termt Se or phone Stewart, Ralston 10-W. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lots In Kdgewood; very aaay term AT-lantle 3640. DUNDEE lot. r,(lxl26. on 64th Rt.. near Farnnm; choice location; owner will con alder offer. C. A. Orlmrnel. JA. 1616. CENTRAL PROPERTY WKLVE-RooM house; lot 66x122. 1910 Caaa St. AT. 16113. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY For Colored-$450 Cash Rvi,-rnmn h--. rtrwly pulntnil ; rood m-'tioy maker, bic plac-t for th mono-; avt-tl trt, flout tn. Sa ua acxin, for thla la roftil. Pn M.Aoo. 'Vner S7lh an-1 liulittim A v Birkett & Co., Realtors :,0 Pelera Truit H!ilB J A . 031. $7,000 On the Florence Hld. Seven large rnoma. oak finished, hoi water All In fine ab-pe. (Iirga lor two i-aie. Il.lila ca-h I lumli nicely 1'Hi.nii Mr. weyerm.a, ki; ; or i..ri .e t.,,11 i p in i AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS ,a,l -111 S,a la'h St Palmer Co. Moves In'Taaaing buiina-a iiiili!-, aa o like i. a -r ill." ap- a S.-w a 4 1 J k" i Int. W. I Pa'in-f in Meal alata i al.iia. i.oiil l-i .a. .a. .a .im I. iaiioaa a iui tier I r In il.lilllti I bate a I n uf ! ..lo la bona.. I, ae, I rnoi rag a- at III' In l. i a-.. I u !. lat aa ! K M l ai.a . it lii.i.l gi V, at NVw Honu-M'v..", !.: I It kaai e I I. A f 4 . 1 1 ! i ar 1 I . il u an . va a tin Ilil il.ahtS gf -l-.i l bal "sa'-albV I ' aa I I" aa. I " li C'.i.S IX ! AT . - aa -4 la b Mi- I 4ana. 1 1 -ai. la-. in t,,lai a ! . . Ik Ii iH a a 4 a. - ' iUUTH SltiK I KOrHKrV $ I' . . ... . ,,. a , a AM(S"(;iiANT CO., REALTORS I b..!iat l- I ta-a, . a al-a.i4 .a- .4 i.. tlllav ta all SqUTHSipE PROPERTY. COLONIAL III Ml U.OW FIELD I 1. 1 H Ur.utifui living room with fireplsc. and inaiilia, duur In auk room, star ih-f buuta-aid, lar.a dining loom, kid lieu with buill in iu and be bt.l room; two splendid bedroome with latga tliMeta. belli lumn betwekn, II..I gimiter .awed i..k fluora .Oil finish. Ila.a. went haa maid a room, tutlai, a.parate laundrv ht tual ruume b.aat front bt wiih shrubbery and !' 'I ha pil. a la ar.uieiy W. FAIINAM SMITH CO., It.allura. S; Firnalii JA. -H HA Hl fivw rooiii buitaalow. on blw k frmit I ii.i. .n (., ti l bniHh Hd. Inuuii :nt Mining WEST SIDE PROPERTY, West Farnam Home Id rnoin-3, ft ii1ronni M1 ui I trail h nit 2nd flmir; I rtKitm llo-.r. I roinrii (tniohrtl on " In ir lntKv irtoiin.U itb flits ihiif Iri-M, IUkl.iS fwt, 'J Ni rupi-it nvrr tttfii tut eiia ,..r.. but luu-t M W !' fiulil in vMif an rltv. only Iih 1 f W la t Kitf timii rar lr Arrui Hh wur ulM.Jin l ahow tuu Uita T"p4jrl. K-t t our offUa. George & Co., Ilsallora, Allanll". 1014, 00O0O0OO00000000OC00000OO Leavenworth Heights llav on mora .rootn tiungalow In Leavenworth llitghta: 11.400. enry lerma. Call me lodny anil let ma. show you how the hou.e la ronalrurl'd. WA, 2112. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $1,000 Down New fiva rooms all mpd.rn oak floors. Paved atrret, one block to rar. Lot 64x li.'. onlv 14 Tr.". GLOVER & M0RELL AT 2121 7H2-714 K feline Bldg. Cathedral District Home 2Sf. California, I rooma, alrlctly modern. All ouk finiah Owner leaving ill;. Will sarrlfic for 17.600. Gallagher & Nelson, 662 l'etere Trust Blilg, JA. 3l New Ilmnca Your Terms AT. 49,'.l. Grove-Hibbard Co.f 121 Sund.r- and Bldg. HOUSE and I Iota on good bualneaa cor nir. 4K74 Military Av. 6-KM. mod. Clalrinolit lioiiia. WA. 1 4 66. BENSON PROPERTY HUBURHAN HOME SNAP. "SUNRISE VIEW" Beautiful five-room brick veneered bunga low, east front, modern with heat, light, water and bath. Two acrea of ground, aloiMng allghtly to the west. Largo chick en houa and other nutbullillnga. Thla plar I about one-half mil from th .Omaha city limits, located on th high est pleM of ground In Keystone Park addition. A splendid vlaw of Benaort and entire country weeU Only thre block, to paved .treat, owner leaving city. Priced low nt 19,100. If you ara Intnrrated In a suburban horn., do not fall to look this up. JihoiiavVAMIZft iseie aaaricn.on. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. aniii:iii:l: IHInlnl Iiii.,!Ii::.i lull ll'I'Xllllllill'IIH I On account of thn mechanical i craft amployai having ton T on a itrilse, the ! Colorado and Southern j Ry. Go. e - will employ in the .hop., 'm roundhouse, and car depart- . ji ment at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne, men .uitable for .uch aervice. Board and lodging free under ample pro- m i tection. Ideal climate and " working condition. Free m . transportation; time and one- - half paid after 8 hour, and I for Sunday, and legal holi- dayg. ; I Write or wire Z f H. W. RIDGWAY, I ? Supt. Motive Power, I Denver, Colo. I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I II .. .ii i mi 1 1 til ii 1 1 1 1 1 i i in-,, i WANTED ! Missouri Pacific at St. Louii, Kantai City, Little Rock, Omaha and ether Important points! Round lloui and Mackiai.t-Kermen, Machiniiti, lloilrmkri, Car lasp.clori, at. Standard .i aad otkia gendilian. .1. Apply 21? South Hth St. OmaK. Nat. V ! - - -"-I - . '' The Rock Island Lines Is Nor Will Mel Settle Willi the Striking Shopcrafls: Th ltten rr,i.i),r hrfUffur, ht4fir will rt,t thg ," ' " U tfc.m and mn hnd hi. iHr i I tm t .t d- i l si r.ew Thar re nuwtVr ef i (a. mi ,, f1r yi'AlIM; Machinists, Boilermakers and C:r Men Aprtf N., III Lall.a, a.iU..,, taeen ik ,4 Ca4 Aieaaj. DUNDEE PROPERTY. BRICK HOMES $i3,noo Trila )a iirai ii. ally hri k (uiteplal; l Urn f'Mirn., (tl la'h. fUrpU- . ml atrial fmiah, araa n.l Uthr. H-Hr.-,M iliatn-l $15,500 Hrn4 nir, ti-rtHni tdai-tt. fcrt k Hiiub In l.ii'li ooii i 0tr t iin. rni.rt irrf iiai'iiraud ihrMmhiul; fi r!a, hut watr hai, M lth mn Ur $10,500 Hi la la end eluim. I rumii., very eomplaia. practically new: eon faiii, breabr..! room. Ilia bath. (ir-.l n e. I, mil. In fealmea; f-car garag., bunt and euiia well flnl.hed. $18,000 Pre a has been re. lin ed uo Ibis bib I- aud with tile roof on .1-1 Avenue, near Dodg.; .even inom. hut wale, heat, lile bath; garage Hoing In h aold, will liipsldiT e-iv ri ..t'lia ble nfl.r. $18,500 Vry roinil'l''1 liri(l al aiuin I rmi tun rui.Ki. alir,i,iiir fur h, utltt roii I , VHiinr imi; lot. Ifcit.B; rr rtaif nit lufMtiun trnta afitiiK"! (J lover & Spain, Realtorf .1 A !r.u III in City Net'! A REAL HOME. Six rooms, S yeaie old, In excellent rondl. linn, flreylaie. bullel, lurge bullel a pan try: seal frmit; paved aireel If 000 will handle Ready to rnnv Inln. AT 1601 ai-hhiga, At 7411 d.y., a., for Mr, tare., Hijit Hl ltr STREET. (I room, l-ij.iry bungalow; A 1 rnndlllnn Oak flooia and finish: built In (.alur... lilt deep lot. Eve 1 all WA 0112. J. L. IIIATT COMPANY First Nat, Hank Hlif. AT H. DONT PASS Til I UY. -rm. mod, 2 sty frame, steeping pore, gar., oak finish. i Hi": term. CIIAS, E UELMAN AT. 1360. 723 Pater. Trul Bldg K H BENNEIt C'Tr MOVED To 404 Ke.line lllrtar. Call ua. DO 4". FLORNCEPRJ)PFTY NETHAWAY aaii. and trade, FtE. 1404 MJSCELLANEOUSPROPjJRTY. "We Build to Please" Tempi McFay4en Co.. 1101 F.rnam IM. iTaSTIN(1s"a"heYDEN. Henllors. WANTED Boilermaker MachinitU Blackimiths Apply lit Floor Burlington Bldg. Tenth and Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb, Office Open Sunday Morning ug llilllll1l lli'l. I H'liil lrnlliiililllillllllllllli:IM I MEN j WANTED For Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. For permanent Jobs at ratei prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Board as follows: Per Hour Machinist! 70s Blacksmith. 70a Sheet Metal Worker..... 70c Boilermaker. 70o Panenger Car Men 70c Freight Car Men 63c Helper., All,, 47s Mechanics and helpers are allowed time and one-half for time worked in excess of eight hours per day. Apply at Division Superin tendent's Office, 15th and Webster Sts., Omaha, Neb. Ill.ilii...ti'llllil'l.iltili,ill..;il,r,ltilllaal 1 1 i i i i i i i in, Frisco j Lines a Saint Louis : San Francisco Railway want Boilermakers Machinists Blac smiths Foremen rprnunicnt positions. For interview call al Room 701, FonUnetl) Motel. ll I I 4 I I I I I I I . a?