OMAHA HUE: SATfMUY. Sl THIUKI! 23. 'Thai's r h My Home' IUUH tUNT L it u u'hrr me... iv-riip tf bum tl'MM PmI 4ir hi fftfti., str fts iWivrwiiitMl .'Ut Im III ' ii tV. IIU t r t t i C ir4 T h r i niiit nulia ('" liun m iR.t tttiHiU lkt Id w( vttig on ttWeil SO .MIUPFN PROFITS tta(ivh thit ttn tt tt pfui viit tti rullr i4vMiailfl mnJtiU lhtl l 1 If, et tt Out yu r iUn mt ,iliul rttinvuy mlrtl ii4ftftlr ( the rat nf ,f Apiium, .i-h Itjt fttriti. . a , T1IE OMAHA BEE; SATl'RPAY. sKrTKMI'.ER J THE GUMPS Stm?.5oJ?S 'Twas Just Before the Battle, Mother Dear Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith I CLtnin; Price. R.dur.d 1 1 fCT Vn KTCLL OH v.z feul tiMimt kT"iHl X f wwft M Vn lM,HCww,.ns N I'll Wuih Munj a n DRESHER DROS. l ,t c. w. unci h .. cP m::5. r 'T.. tLJ "ivk nv- -0U W YUlt.K Ci" Ml rft.vifK u It a. t, . . . . IB HWMP THt C Hi C. VIS'S - VA.MT Yii i ' " . 1 I ' "" ' " I v.v -rVA 1 iHrH- irV&u Ar5 "" SStvv lira 9 L AJ kS-: -6 fiz? T I E HINGING UP 1 LL LT WE. ALU KEAOV ; "O 'AJL. TC CHINA, j HOPE i NOTHING HAPPKNij TO PREvrKr . III If... Hailblrdx' Sehcliom. l irt IJt'.Ic riinti-r, 'Join Saiin !( r. Ingot. ' . i -find -Innovate n, Mclorly Man, Vm.-c .M.nk. I Ii.rtf -i;.rrr.sUiic ill U 1 hi- -i', Mani.n Lewis. I I'lJiirtlt-Uoii Jdsv, 15. A. Jonrs, ' Lilccn. ! l-iit'i-K,!! Illackw.'ll, Marry Ru.l- !.: IU- Uflrh. .Si:ih--C(ltii.ll. Money, I.rni'ive. Seventh Franklin, Madrono, Dain ty I.ariy. SchaeferBig Favorite Over Willie Hoppe New York Sept. 22. NVillU- Hn))r lltu reconsidered liis decision! to quit competitive Lilliaids and has -:U' red the world's championship tc :!.-rament in New ork, which will l played at Hotel I'ennsylvatiia, Novcitiher 13 to 21. I'oppe is now undergoing vigorous DUtdoor training and the supposed t'luch :' ar-hr-tis that partially crippled hi stroke arm last winter hr.s t; Hut dcsiiite Iloppe's invirovcd rdiysic;:! conditions Jake .Sch.'d r v. ill he a top-heavy favorite t; n lam his till.'. Grand Circuit Results c..!iinii'i., i. H.'M. s:. .IM . ic.. thr' heiili'. iiuriit;, 11.000: H. I'uifti:.-, ill., by l-.M H. Ky (Valenilne) t 1 ' G.nni.y th Orat, ro. ft., by in- cn-ut ' 1 Km I., it. (MorrtKON) ...3 5 2 li.iv,.n uirtH ti blr, Ml. b. ilil- l.ry) 3 Prlii. .'.I . jrr. m. (l in y) 5 4 i Time: :i..'i. S:a'.. 2 17 trot, ibivf) 'lls. pur. 11,000: Clwp Say, ti. u Ltird lwey i ltn,l nrv ) ..1 2 1 I'.-t.r il Tell. ih. g., by l'eter O'linni.n (Kov S 1 5 A'l.vihc Slir. It. k. (rlekeron) 3 4 -iiibro lillloii. br. 11. (W.-rrlll ..ll 4 3 Tli- (Irpot I.ullnat.T, rh. h. (Un) 4 6 6 Tri,niMlcf, Ktiawme, llcaulilul lUby, 1.r on.'.nln. Rose. Axworthy ami Kmlle HlB I;M't''t Tlm: 2.n'i, 2:07 Vci . 2:09. Kn for-all finer, tliruB heali, purse, t.:ltl: M.iixuret PHIon. b. m., by Plllun Vxworlhv (Whits) ' 1 1 Juli n liumv. b. K. d'osl ' Hi.fT ('., h p. ' r.mklnvk . . 1 3 tlr Time: 'J.tH ;:"1 .2:''2. ' "7 (ml, lhri', ln't. pur. IKOOO: M,'lrer ih,- ilrent, b. h. by (..(it ih- ilrtnil I a Kmit Walls, l. Ii. (Melionalrt 4 1 MKirl l.lili, lik. . (Thomal) .1 1 J (ii'mlliM, 11. ill, br. m. (Hhiti Wil.l Wiki. It. c I lllckiT..ii 1 7 Tii ,. anil Miaa kluu T.idJ i ie i:l,it. Tlma: S:H. 2:04. I.OCW. VM- l tKIIKK.MtiST. S.S.S. Fills Out Hollow Cheeks, Thin Limbs! a ac t '" ar kuikf Junfil itp - f '" W 1,(1 I ( . . h .). !. V t ,. -. ih ,. Ut T 4 !:. I Ii II a a iviMirw nt It ..r t.i It.u mm I. lKl .il I W. , Mi . ... ,1 t.& ) aval I, ' , t I I. Oi.l v ,ii J, ,. .I.M I . a... I . . . rii k. av ) '". uu . i fe.,a f...-. aMai a.i .'a k.1 a 1 .. it i.a ihj a,a ajki ia ft.. ti f a"---"- i la aa J - ') - . ... I (...if". V a., -'.- a - a at a- m, a, I . .,.!, va, l'il" ,.i,, ikfcfc-a a Il . ' ' a a'-"c ' pf aaav k m aal 1 a i a !' a a la) W FATHER , I bOOO Omaha Bee's DAILY PEERLESS FORM CHART OMAHA NE3., Stpt. 22 Fall Faallval. WEATHER, TRACK, Faal. Prai.dmj JuJ(a, J. T. Ireland. Star'ar, Arthur McKvlfht. Rac!n( Sacratary, Ckaa. L. Vt mkli. 30(j FIRST RACE) Fiva (urlanga. Puraa f3O0. Clalmlnf. Index Iloria anil Oonir W,iL1 AOJiTMaT Bork K iC." C-ov-, I 1 09 4" 0lt Urn Grrrr'-af 14 iM'f'IIM? (04H Tnurh T'sht 4 (JonaalllZ Mlfj Hilarliy 4 S. Y. 8 )10 2571 HomM 4 N-tlhn"e) tn My Rirtha C 5 (Collirn)l09 1045 Jim rarmcr 5 R. G ffinl 112 ( 2 1 ft t 7 At nt 1 minut; ntt t:M: iimt. :!M, :4 2-S. 1:02 t-H: 1! mutiifla aM 'pk $ 20 atrniaht, 21.40 place. 19 tn nhow. Grtinlaf 20 pl. 14 40 'w. Houah 2 SO h"W. Srt rocd Won ilrivtne. Swond and third aamt. V'nnr rh. m. S Cvllndrra. Optional. T's'nrr. O. W. Grovn. Mny Pork rarrd In rily Imnrovrd trrm rnd ahow'n "rood prd from th -rt jujt latt-d to win. Brn Jrrnlaf fin:hd alouily with 1 halatrd runh. Th and Tirh yfrldrd arcopd place in thr final jump after racing cloae up n l!-.e atr. J'm Parmer threw hl rider ahortly after the atrrt. ',f)5 SECOND RACE; Five furionfs. Two-year-oJda and up. Puree $100. '"d Hor and Ownitf -ni'"iilttl Politer (Ma'tby) "051 Melody MWn (M"'rict) CA'B)MlFnonr' poy IWIinnn) SMS Th. C-ib H fAlccndrrt r"ldred Booti. (Palmer) 2057 Kitty M. (O'Ncilll At lioat 1 minute: off 2-t "WtTstr. 109 112 lit 113 19 109 time. Pn'nr linkll .fr.i.-ht H4.20 nlaca. (3 how. M'nour) tl.iO thov. Srt, "oert W"n aMv. Heeond and tnira onvini. Winner rh. f. 4, b Heno-S'illrie. Trniner K. Bechlelheimer. Little pointer hnd 'he 'need of her onroU on, held ,iy throughout and won caiily. Melody man r'oecd with a rmh in thi final aixteenth. Mieuri Boy was a oontendrr from Ihe etnrt. The Cub II rtopned. 3i"IAA THIRD RACEi Six furlonge. Puree WOO. Three-year-olds and up. JUOO cMmne. . Index Knrjeand Owner wy- "nosiTpon Jna (C. G-ovea) 1'2 1 H0H2 Vimhrlv 8 Slillreanl I02 4 11052 Sen Water 9 R. Soicer) 112 ft 3053 I.ady Voltrome 4 llnd. S.)10B 2 At poet 1 minute; off .1:20: time. Jote i" "0 atralrht, 2 40 p'"ee. no ehow bettlnir K'mherly $2.40 nlace. Start, eood. Won eaaed up. Second and th'nl d-Mnr. Wi-ier eh. r. . Bllot-Micaela. Trainer C. E. Oroee. Overweii-ht. Sea Water 5. Scratches Melody Man, Bill Head Full Auain Jncnuelia, Don Joie racrd under otit rentra'nt all the way and outdated hn field Kimberly easllv dined of Sea Wnter for second place. ei-i7FO,JRTH RACE: Six furionae. Puree J30O. Three-year-olds and up. JVV' r'a-mire. Index Horne and Owner K0S2 VelveV (A. Paly) - 104 f Mf. Will o' th Wisn 4 We) 107 ft 015 "rown Pick S (S. Stitee) 107 7 .1052 B. A. Joee 10 (J. Hall) "107 8 3061 Marlon Lewis (I.andonllOl S 30S7 Aprle Blmsom 4 (Dout.) 99 2 3054 Fern Ta-af ft (J. Fmxs) 99 6 2592 Wise Judge 4 (T O'S'r 8)112 At nost Vt minute: off :50 time, S 1 OA aM i.hl IS On nlsea. Prown M.20 show. Start eood Won easily. Second and 'hird drlvini. Winner ch. m. ft Tranval-Fair Ailene. Trainer J. MeCool. Overweieht Kernleaf 3, B. A. Jones (. Wise Judye 2, Brown P'ck 2. Velvet was away on hrr toes and 'howlni teen speed, easily asiumed a lonit lead and was never menaced. Will 'O the Wisn finished stronor under hnrd ridlnit. Brown Pick wr,s in eloso quarters and when he found clear sall'ns; finished faat. B. A. Jones tired after runnlne; well for flve-eiuhths. Apple Blossom stopped. 3068- 1 FIFTH RACE: Six lurlonf e. Puree Index Horse and Owner JOSi Bill Blackweil (Groves) H" I0SS Cart Roberta (Sterrett) 1 1 I0S5 Kirtie'e Cub 7 (Borland) II lOH Mar. villa 4 (P. Howe) lit ilAe W.lierina t (J. Fouls) III J0 New Model (Gaertner) 1 12 1. ... 1 j . nfC 4,10: time. Plaekwell 24.0 straight. $7.40 place. I 20 show. Roberta D.26 place, show Kristies 12 40 shi.w. Siart ool. Won dnvint. Second and thud same. Winner eh . . hy (ilailwin-Nune Vellin" Trainer C. K. tirove.. Scratches. John hVohn. Funny Joe. lano.att.n. Fashion C.lrl, lllack T..f. Ben Allen. Hill Slaekwell ahowed In front at onee and restsilnsi repealed challenge lssted under elever ridir. Carl RoheHs was under restraint fur half thea, elosed last umlee tho whip. Kirs'les Cub raced head and head with the pace, maker lor half way hut tired in Ihe drive. Mville bexae, slowly. 3069-9' IIXTH RACE I One ealle. Puree wt tl' - ' """ ' itr a,n,l Owner 'leialWrt'Rw IWatkVrl in""l ll I' I , Hay tV.lS. U 4 'I I'M' 8' ! ' ,,',ril,.,y 41 W Oa-.n HI IJI 2' I'M' ' l.,,"a ira 4 ttl'.ne.lM.; 4' 4 I' 4' M r. At ft w..r..l.!. 4 J fro. !I2V I 1 V t ! ! ' ...j k.. Its eiraieht. M 4 place. It ' ' H. ... I.' (t ' 4 I"S 4H.I.4 aaee m he piarlwlsl. dha.ia. Water l .eiftee A . ..r O.etwe ahis K.tlw y-ra'.hee Hrat.M. PeeetS Hu s4 tae wi-si et r .r""- ' . li.s , Maisal I, I Ik attj -Wave.. U J.efllat ttf Ul k-AKVtrH ACtr pw 4 .4. It a4 tt4.Wik twt.n' 4 Wl tall 1 I .., la V.a II Ik kietl lit M, I e '" 1 . W.. Ii I 14. I B4.I II l 1,4 ' Ittl kl !. '' ' At r-. H aite rt lis !., eJ s l siek. I' ,a,w It 14 - ' - ik .e a a 4. !'.' I l't Met !... ' ' ' Je4 h e eJ...-.- ' , iui a.,it kiase a eke stt-4 te.k4 i - Elk Dowlina Lmeu I'dlval Oinr WC ARE. JOT A COOO A BON' OH OOF VvAT- I'LL CO CALL ON DlNTt Aj ME I WOULD 11 ffiEQJC- f! Kacc Chart A ' ' ?,r-Fi!l; J"f ky 0l' 8l' "l I I" H fry 4S.R0-I 4( 4t 4' 2 Hmmr 12 09-1 2 'J St K. Hamai 90-1 5 51 4 MrHridV .0-l a' m J. Carroll l.0-I ( f Pale IK 00-1 Ixitlrii'rr Curvin 22.00-1 J i f Rlr. Fin. Jockey Oily St' H J l' Scaville 4.40-1 4 2 .1. Pa-roll 2.S0-1 ' ' Marino 2.50-1 i tS 41 Hnm 6 00-1 lit ft ft4 Porty 10 00-1 6 ( Pnrhum 9.00-1 :49, 1 01 1-5. (2 mutuela naid ?S:4 - il 00 11 how. Melody 1 4.00 nlacr. 2.H0 S'r. Pin. Jockey Orln Ht V 31 ! I1 l5 Plaiiithtcr 2' 23 ?.' P. Hiirn SO-I 2.R0-1 7.00-1 .00-l 4 4 S3 ft Spleer 2 'f 4 4 Pority :2I 1-5, -A ft-5. 1 :14 12 mutuels tmiil 11! Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St s 1 ? "t'YV 4 5 1 5 ft 1 Sineleton 2.50-1 Slauithter 0.00-1 2s r,H 31, JiJ Pority 4.00-1 2' 2i 5l t Rlchardron 11.00-1 ft 8 'J 5" .1. Carroll 17.00-1 8t 35 4k m Morn 17.00-1 5" K 7J TV Mrrino 17 00-1 7" 71 R 8 TitMett 4 00-1 :24 2-5, 1:14 2 mutuels paid Vel- snoV. Will T "" "luce. M il" how. 130?. Four-year-olde and up. (.Uimlnf . TifSt r.jFlnJ ock ey jOJs Sfe I2.30V, 1.50-1 1 40-1 7 00-1 10 00-1 u 00-1 1" 1' is l Slauehter S 3' t 4 t ft K. Hamrs Pority Marino 3 6' Kicharditon Barham :24. :1ft t-5. 1:1:13-1 12 mutuels paid mre.yer. aa up. viaisami. "r'sirTr!!.. jsat ods? St'e in I I i I . ae i II a. II -l Mfft Ufi J4 hvf rH w. -fww V l ' n I II I' 1 n t t I F 1 1' J ... Oit it e i i 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 it 4 1 p" J I I .H1, lltV M P. a ii'ii- i i 'H it M a es i t e ... it -4 s4 is 4 dn la ... " " i 'as i. a,e ssl id lets tts-4 asi -1 as. a." tae e tut -4 fe..4 tu s- e f as ' . ! h t . ' ' P e It A . . e I tie i.t v e t ' h i.ti .. ---r. r-ju SIC JICC9 AND MAGGIE IN FUI4. PACE OP COLORS IN THE SUN OA Y BEE HELLO -Jl; AttOUT DlNTV- COIN' TO CHINA AN' I'M sOlN'wiTH HM I'M ONNA CALLOH.HIM wow Cepytiskt by Isll Faslare Sstva. lea f) " 7 "2 3 J k-Sar-Hcn Entries Klrst Itace Five Vuil"i)i. Purae lloo. Thi.e-Tvur-olila and I'p: No. Hurae. Wl. Hronslon , llu UK I lest Little i'olnter 112 lull tinotis , 1U ,7 Win JuitI HO ;i'i4H lll.l (.'mil , II' 3'l lllK'it II.'. 1112. 1 T.1111 Seunitera 116 3oH Hocluae 115 Kerond r e, five furloniis, purse, U 00: No Horse. Wt. 3iHI My li..ilh C 112 Whirlpool 112 Mlniil. Mack 107 Tilbilny 112 3042 lnriovation 112 Inilisiiola llii if 1. 1 2' S7 frame I'p llu 3UC0 Jne Nugent 30(1 Melody Man 115 Third Hare. Blx Furlonxi. Purse IJ09. Throe-Yiar-ulils anil Hp. e'laliniug. No Hurae. Wt. 101,3 Harrlakane 110 ami Lady rralrni 112 1IK7 Marlon Li win 112 lull Ilea (ireenleaf U6 1070 Cloriiul 115 30tb Tom Roach 115 :iuh3 Hutk Nail 115 S(i7 Villi U the Wisp 11 j Fourth Knee. 8lx Furlunis. Puiee 1100. Three- Year-olde and Lp. (Jlaiiiiinii: No. Horee. Wt. 1067 Apple liioMiim 107 tiu7 11. A. Joins 110 30i .Martha dray 112 Jfilt l.ndy Kllei 112 lues Mildred lluone 112 1H66 Hon Jose 115 Sunt! Klaeh (I eieol 115 1061 Cleopatra Hoy t 115 Fifth Haie. Five and One-llalf Kur- lonys. I'urs.i 1500. Throe-Vear-Ulile and Hp. I'lalmlOK: No. Hurae. W't. (3049) lleaa Web h 102 Iu7il Kd I.e Van 105 (3041 ) I'ni.i 107 3ilt Hill Jllfiekv. ell Ill 306H Nrtv .M01KI 112 3056 Harry KmUler 116 Sixth Bare. One Mile. Purse 1300. Three- Yuar-Olila and Up: No. Horse. Wt. ,112 ..112 ..116 .115 .115 .115 .115 31102 4fiil 3o Florentine Lcnluve Hay Atkins . Pr. Mack II 3070 3ii..O I'offleld (31156) Money 30S8 HI at-It Top . Seventh Huce. Mine and One-Sixteenth. I'urso MOO. Clainilns: No. . Horse. W't. 3041 Fashion Girl 90 (3002) lialllly I-auy 109 (3in:l) liay of Wiath 110 3063 N. K. Heal 112 2610 Franklin in 3060 Madrono 112 Wottther clear: track fast. Rifle Shoot. r,.n l'..rr.r f Sent 7.1. f'ant. William Ashurst, U. S. Marine corps, won the .N. K. A. rapid lire maun with a possible of 150 plus 49 over ihe 200, Ihe 300 and 500-yard ranges. tohn W. Mession, civilian, Dobhs erry, N. Y., landed first in the 200 yard N. K. A. special offhand rifle event with a score of 95 out of a possible 100. Oh Boy Free B'loons TomoiTOW SATURDAY September 23 Wt will give with evtuy jHirt' tf Flii'ii Mardr. Lamp en. of theso V AiinIuj) Valve l.a.looni. When itiflnte.l Huso lial'tmnn art 2'1 iiichi's lung and 6 i'u ht in ilumit tt r. Ymir home uiidt'ubtfvlly nctU n limp or twi, mi I thOst ytiUIllfttiT 'f voiiltt will be ileligUe,! i'K ot if these Xi.'i b'looiis. Come Early ". m i m am. rm 2 . a-jvjr IP J Bftlloons Drawn for The VCLL-'fOO'LL. have: Tocioro the: hospital Ab HE VOI TArsE.r-4, THitRC. FlTIlcll War Wins Clash With Lawyer Over Fee Girl Who SottiVd Alienation Suit for $3,000 UetiU At torney Who Sought $300 Lien. Marie I'melie ft eat! y, French war bride, who was recently divorced from F. L. fteady, 22, student at Nebraska Medical college, and who received $5,000 as settlement in a suit for alienation of affections brought against II. Ready, county attorney at llartiugton. Nil)., her former father-in-law, is now threatening to bring suit against C. E. Walsh, her attorney, to collect ?iJ0 tees which she alleges he collected and is not entitled to keep. Her threats were made in District Judge ftedick's court yesterday after the judge had cancelled a lien for $300 held against the girl by Walsh. The hearing was on a motion of Walsh's that he is entitled to $650 for acting as her counsel in the suit against Ready. In his or;il decision Judge ftedick stated that Walsh was not entitled o ihe $350 fees he had already received from the girl. According tolhe court, A. C. Muiiger, who was the first at torney for the girl and who was awarded a fee of $750 several months ago, completed the larger part of the work connected with the suit. It was Munger, Kedick stated, who made the agreement between the parties and caused the contracts to be signed. If I were to permit the granting of this additional $300." said the judge, "I would, in my judgment, be lending assistance in an attempt to defraud." Mrs. Ready stated vestcrday she would possibly bring suit for the $350 in municipal court Monday morning. Used Cars Sell Fast. The Dort Ilaynes used car sale is proving a huge success, only 15 cars being lelt out of Wl offered. I he cars are all rebuilt and guaranteed. Says ye prophet: "Jlon't argue with your wife kiss her." SsW-- Avcid Disapp 'ntmcnt W Nebraska 1 I I UkPk Tuiioo 1 ' 1 - ' -v 1 l.S . ll . rl v Omaha Bee by McManu (tjpnht lJ!i) r LL HAE TO 0 TO Chip, At NslThl OUT Sweetheart to Stand hy W oman Held ua Forger F.tnniji I'liler, 27, brought back from Kansas City to answer charge ol obtaining signatures to checks un der false pretenses while employed by Ihe Orchard-Wilhelm company, was bound over to the district court from police court yesterday under $1,500 bond. Dewey Ttoutman, her sweetheart, during the last two years, was with her in court. He declared he would stand by her. Street Hejigars Are Given Term on Hread and Wratcr William Bell and Thomas Harris were fetitenced to the county jail for 15 days each on a bread and water diet yesterday by Judge Wappicll. They were arrested while "panhand ling" in front of the Athletic club. While naming the sentence the judge declared'begging was a profitable oc cupation on Omaha streets. i Marriage Licenses. The following couplea have been Issued Uceiihoa to wed: Anton Slmelk, 25, Omaha, and Marl Mitaeek, 21, Omaha. Alfred ,'. Scales. SI, Iowa City, le, nnil Sue II. Murchle. 31, North Platta. Nek Kdward K. Hllon, 23, Grand Inland, Neb., and Christine Jensen, la, Omaha. Samuel p'. Shaw. 60. Denver, Colo., and Lola Williams. 10, Omulia. Arthur o. Peterson, 36. Omaha, and lva V, An-her. :I6, Aurora, Neb. Conrad trim Toma, 33, Persia. Ia., and Mlmilo Sillery, 21. Shomsbura:, Nob. Klvln Halimy. ;7, Omaha, and Emma Halsey, 36, Omaha. Max Tlmnilns, 23. Omaha, and Haiel M. Snyder, 27, Omaha. Homer S. tianey. 34, Omaha, and Cecelia I. Travis. 20. Omaha. Births and Deaths. Mirths. Georgo and Gertruilo Jacobson, Omaha, flrl. Wenelev and Alice Hli kes, 624S South Twenty-second street, buy. Howard and Mary Ingram, hospital. Kirl. Tony and I.ouIfo Broderlck, Fifteenth anil P streets, Kant Omaha, boy. Harry and (liaie Moaner, 2239 North EiKliteinth sireet, boy. Tony and Mary Juckeon, 1C25 Grant street, buy, John and Surah Cutsdlner, hospital, hoy. Vlrxil and Klorsiue I'rlee, hospital, boy. Carl and Violet Uostx, 3220 Saratuga street, uirl. John and Lucille Munti, hospital, girl. Oscar and Mary Knutson, hospital, Rlrl. I'er and Mary Slyvestrl, lionpltal. ajlrl. .lunn anil Bus, (Uirmiin, hosiutal, girl. William ami Gay Wilson, hospital, girt, Harvey ami Katelle bridges, hospital, boy. Peulha. Kille A Putter. 4, hospllal. Fred Paul, 3ti, hospllal. P 1 iSS Telephone la :ffiA iJl Your Snday PllfT Ad fenVJW W t 1 NOW! M.rt.. Ta fS&sfe Zjjm '-- 0V'r LO. rrA: --rltzrz Ok, Ihe farmer in the drll, ub, Ihe former ill the drill lie wtute a Imle want ad 'haul the farm he had to eell, He bad a lot of applb ants nd bai gained very well Menu. ho, the merry-o, the farmer In the , Hell I iiiiiii:iiiiii.iiiiiiiisi.iiiiiiiiiiiiii!i1ii!iiii;i!i.i:iiit::iiii!iiiiK;iPi. i.iitiiiiiiii ini MEN! We want you to know that our Fall line of woolen. is here now. waitintr your selection. You'll find that we have purchased the very best of the American and foi eign woolens. There are nome mighty fine new patterns that are bound to please you very much. THE PRICES ARE STILL THE SAME, BUT WOOLENS ARE ADVANCING IN COST DAILY. Buys a Famous Dundee All Wool Made-to-Measure Suit And you are positively guar anteed by having your suit made here that it will always look and fit right until the very end. MEN, you can't equal what we offer at double the price elsewhere. Better make your selection today while the lines are complete. PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Northwest Corner 15th We Are Tailors iiiiiiiiiiiH;iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiii?!iiini!iniuiiiiiiiiiiii I Krmvc to, m LiUllDINGtMA ASbOCIATION HIS AND MSflhlT i. Vl IN 0MANA Just a Second ij ( and Harney Street Not Agents 5& Ut tW Si wL in Wl lHi -' 'f' f Its' -4 I P 1 .k j ,,j i',, I tt I,. 4 it. w k ( ' 1 ' (! viil k I l t 4 14J M t t ' V' '4 .11 4.. ! t m trrsrzi'.-Xa.vtssse