The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1922, Page 12, Image 12

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Up-to-Bate News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans
Darkness Stops
Mallorv and
Browne Match
Former .National I it IV-Holder
Civrg .'rex-tit Wimimii
('hitiii Sr-trie Court
Ftrr.t Hill.
Scj I 22 I'taj injt in
the tut attrr i
rirnr ! a- )f,
Mill Mary K Bit'vme of Lt. An
gelel, 1'iriiur natinn,il woman's I n
nn ctuiiipinn, brought the lift't
progrini ( (lie tsii fit tournament
to a C')liflur n today by giv
ing Mr. Mull !! Mullcry of New
York, tilt prrrnt tpicrtl il the t'otlttt,
the tnosl severe rt hr lu had
since lining to Suunr I.riig'rn at
l"arknci ended tl.r match after
each had won a mi, Mi Browne
taking the tint. 7 5. tthdc Mrs, Ma
lory wan viitunoili iti the tri'Iid by
the time n'otr. The ( i.,k iniMti.
hnwrtrr, fed in Hiring with a P'til
Of 8J fioilit li) h!l
I'rior to the lliowiir-M.,!!'iry con
tct, which will br resumed tumor
row, three turn' m.itclit were play
ed and the wrst lelt thr coir's ic
Itniui in two mif of ihrrc : t'irtii.
Three more imiiIisw wv l.n'nl-tl
for tomorrow, the final day ( t fir
tourney, and li"ti!d the f.'i'l rapture
two of tli ni, the tier kin (id nt in the
series would h;ppr upon the'i or"
of the worrm' iiuicli M:, I': ivwic
nd Mr. M..l!ury v. ill have (ho ;
linn of rt Mliililik' thr or
atartimf the tu.itrh anew.
Robert and Howard Kiriry, were
the victor for the wet, the for:urr
outeadying Wstsrn M. Wslbuin
of New Vmk. o-J, 4 l, 4 it, tV.i, ft-l,
while his brother won over Francis
T. lfuntrr ff Ktw York, who was
substituted for K. Norri Williaiins
of Boston, h-4, It X -6, , t
WiUam T. Tildrn, l'hil.idi-lpliia.
ud Vincent Kieh.-Ti1 of Yonkers,
New York, laved the ratt from a
rout ty winning from William M.
Johnston and Willis K. Havi ,,( .San
rrancisco. tv'. .16, (t S, 2 0, 11-7.
M Mohone
at Springfield
F-ringi'itld, 111.. Sfpt. 21 'Top"
i.ers, !riving Suni.rdo, set a new
tecord for the Illinois Mate fair track
at the Great Western meet today.
The pacer covered the !ist;tnce 'in
:001-4, clipping a 1-4 of a si cond
off the record set in 1897 in the race
won by Mar I'ointer.
Sir Roch experienced bard racing
luck and continued bretkinv. ave
the free-for-all race to Hal Mahone.
The best time, 2:03 1-4, was made by
Hal Mahone in the last heat.
Henry Thomas of Aurora, owner
and driver of Ponywrod, and C.
M, Shelton of Springfield, driver of
Bernicft Todd, were fined $200 each
and suspendrd with their horses for
.10 days for failing to trv to win in
the final heat of the 2:17 pace.
i tt tro. pur 13 oon.
:nron Worthy iT.iwl), flrvl llnlly
wooil HIM.i (flill'lu. -rnn.!: Will Slur
(Marvin). tMr.l. llfnt t'aip:
Priefor-nll par. m. It.fiMC.
Hill lhon (ChM'.l, fir-t r Sir lioch
'OfHnV tem'A- Johnii'n ijulrk, third.
But lm! S:i.
t il Irnt. purn II.O'H)
Hlity rr mhrratnii . (Mi'll), rimt;
nn Fn'tor (ltn. h, rrnn.l ; r.ltitnln
ICurenn (Knn). Ihlnt Ilu.t time: !:l1li.
?:17 parp. nurin fl Ptl).
Summy lForpt tRnrni), flr.t: ll.-rnlrft
Tn1t IShilnn), urcn-rt; I'cn 11 y woufl
(Thnm.i, third Ilest l:iw:
8:30 H-ymr-olit trnt, im 1i"l
T. Ptnm (Fot). flrnt: Fll noMn
T3lnrk (Oorrcin, rrrnod: l-h' (Powell),
third. Iltiit tlmf: S : 1 0. .
Sir Thomas Lipton
to Arrive Here Soon
Omaha !!' I.fanHt
New York, 6ept. 22. When Sir
Thomas Lipton arrives here tomor
row or Sunday aboard the Baltic, it
U believed neo of this first acts will
be to issue a new challenge for the
America's rup. He is to be the Ktiest
of John Mc. E. Bowman at the Da
vis cup dinner at the Westchcstct
Biltmore Country club Sunday.
Woodmen of World Team
to Play Soldier Club
The Woodmen of the World base
ball team, which recently returned
from an extensive tour through four
states, has accepted the challenge is
sued by the undefeated California
soldier team which has recently been
transferred to Fort Omaha, to tdav
I series of the best two out of three
games for a purse.
Two games of the series will be
played t Fort Omaha, Sunday, the
;irst giine starting at 2 15 o'clock.
I. :
.. h,. .l ..Mlll .:
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You muse vo'o
IVorW's 5(?nes Contenders
I'l.tver and Club.
Fmil Mi'tisel, Giants
Ken Williaus, Iirowns...
Uoh Mfiisfl, Yankees....
.. W
Carson Uighee, I'irates
Uighee . .
K. Meusel
Williams .
li. Meusel
TIIKKK is a lot of strength in
the left field department of the
different world'i series contend
ers. The two Meusel boys and Ken
Williams of the Drowns each possess
a terrifiic wallop. Emil (Irish) Meu
sel is the cleanup man of the Giants;
Williams occupies a similar on the
St. Louis Americans, while "Long"
Bob Meusel occupies fifth place in
the Yankee batting order. All three
of these men are noted for their abili-
! ty as long-distance wallopers and
have won distinguished service merits
in the runs hatted in column.
I Should the Giants and Yankess
!s-!(iiin meet m the 1922 baseball clas
sic, it would be the first time that
two brothers played the same position
n rival world's series contenders.
The two Meusel boys opposed each
other in 1921, but Bob then was a
rightficldcr. The two Johnston boys
were pitted against each other in the
1920 ludian-Dodeer series but Wheel-
I er was a first baseman and Jimmy a
third baseman.
Ken Williams' remarkable home
run campaign this year and superior
hase-running ability would give St.
Louis an edge in left field should the
Browns meet the Giants. On the
other hand, another all-Manhattan
world's series would find the two
New York teams fairly evenly
matched in left field. Perhaps Kmil
would be given a shade over Bob.
Williams has been the most ter
lific walloper of the season. Not
only is he close to 40 home runs at
the time of writing, but h" also has
a goodly supply of doubles and
triples. Next to Sisler "Ken" is the
hct base runner on the. Browns, and
had filched 33 bases up to the time
our averages were closed.
Williams supposedly is weak on
ground balls, and at times he has had
a reputation of not being a particular
bra.ny player. This eason untpies
tionahly lias been Kenneth's Krrytest,
not only as a batsman but as a fielder.
He is a sure catch, and it is interest
iriir to. note that in almost the same
number of games he has accepted 9o
more total chance than limil Meu
sel. Kenneth ha overcome much of hi
weaknet on ground balls, and fiat
the best rm in the St. Lom out
.irtd. Mettsel w;i the tutting iMf
of the tii.itit-Yankee irrifi of lat
I) ear, and uutbatted u'l thr p!.iyrr
jho t Kik pirt in tbe ten. wuh the
ece pliofl ot turiift nt tyur.
i 'irisn ri'Ji.ctcil lf h" im t.'.e i';t
lru fur n aveifcr ff 345, hit 0
h i iii- 'a liix two iUnlilr, t tr.idr
! . lid 4 h iin.l. ' lrih' a'to f .c Kir -.1
i I hne , i s-i;iri .iitvn in i .utie
1 rjiurUrs ttl f'ni'l Miii.'l bi
ji.k urn lnt.n If r N.'i,
jwi'vu J HI Mit tttiH the p'ntlft, h
:-t ( I tt 4t fit if iht
' r.iit ii'ii "l t )( tut ht
' ("i t'Jiiif If in 1 2t n I fin
, !' '." i4.i !' .. t welt at tht mi
. !!.: ) tn;'. 1 'ft'
i S.kft'nt t4.ii h h n
' . t t r .-u y in ,- ..
t I fit !- liHlt, 4 l l
I' fnr.i wot'4
i , tl '.If I : t, v n,
4 It, ,! t. l tii; I "
) i in!c't (. r VfiG. 4at, Mu
ht i I ttt-l I "I I t tl Jt. lt
tt.,ii-' ft 4 Mr h" 'f t K v i tf ,
4" ' tt ! ' t ( I I I I
' 1 (' . l' 4 .v 4 '
I ( ' 'It tt" t
s. in K i . i .
,..i.J i
'- ' y ',
. j y
' ' ' '
no Fo' Bns.
ARou(J ' A-BuSTiio
P.O. A. E. T.C.
241 14 4 257
320 15 II J55
170 16 8 194
2')0 21 14 325
Polo Grounds supposedly is one of
the hardest to play in baseball, Bob
Meusel actually it playing letter
than he used to play right field. As
for an arm, Meusel has the best wing
in baseball. His arm is so powerful
that few opposing runners will even
take a chance on it.
Like Kuth, Bob Meusel got off to
a poor batting start after his long
suspension. The pitchers were in
mtdscason form, when these two or
phans of Judge Landis' wrath were
reinstated, and it took them aome
time to get their eyes on the ball.
Bob isn't hitting quite as hard as he
did a year ago, nor is he getting as
many long bits, but he still is well
advanced in the .300 class, and had
hit 13 homers up to the time our
average were closed.
Bob's batting was rather a dis
appointment in the last Yankee-Giant
scries, as he bit only .200, though be
lost one triple through his failure to
touch first base. Like brother Emil
he fielded 1000.
Buffalo County
Race Results
Kearney, Neb., Sept. 22. (Spe
cialsAbout 8,000 took in the races
on getway day at the Buffalo county
Golden Fred of the Midway Stock
farm won the 2:22 pace in three
straight heat. Bud Archadle took
the 2:17 trot from Ivan Echo, but
the race went four licits and the
winner was crowded at every stage
of the race.
Letta, ridden by Lyons, won the
six furlongs running race with Arbor
Day second and Kesett Link third:
time, 1:15.
The race result follow:
?:U par, t'uritt SfiO :
O .l.lm Kr.t. h. , Mlrtwy Hto. k
MtiH'lt 'trn (t'hn.llr 1 1 I
11.11 Z'd.i. b. m., vrrn I ivntna, l.k. I'll y (innta) I i I
JUrhB t'.'rh. h. , I.. O. .tahmtuii
Nun h I'lttt (Juhnatunl 1 I 4
tt!!ifi Vtn, b. m , l.w i:hti.niti.
fslt I'K ...i ( t
Illt.r tl.- hi. I. I' II !hrv.
iuntil llluflt isiim-l ill
Tun. ! Us, 1 II si. LIT.
I It trnt, I'um 1 1 - a
llu.l Ar.'hdal, B ( . W.
I'.inn, it I.ak I'ltr tl'.n-
tt I . .. till
I.4K K. li... k f , I:. K II irti
Kulirrt'iR (lliiill! till
l Wall, k m . ti l.. l
stihli m ti'kamlltrl ... Ill I !', 1 111,, I Itv,. I II.
Pesek, Stecher and
Caddock Logical Foes
for Charlie Hanson
Ti gui'ie Vt Meti.ll ant ihe dUi!H nut tie IIaiuoh put r'.i if j
it. V n I t It rl in Nt !;r i .k h r .UV r tM ') Mn SUm( ! til lis ;
,.i...' ti . I'i.i ti ! , it rr t. t v I in I ' i'a
fftm sa f tt t it Ifluina.l lh Ul'l, (if ttiitin.ig I hi. I .i't
vne it.'M and ftte iii'tl t. . Hit .'.) in at . . b-nh tflH (
tfrtt itt ttatt .! ti. ;! pi. rh
u it t'th with XI, i. . t Ut ti'iiHg
Tt. .1.'. at .,1 it,, b ,t.ta( WiaBan'CHl u.t .lai
U4 w f ht rum titfit
Iha futtif tfit4ia. In llt-l.ilt,
htatiar tad moi ,4fHd. i
rJ4 tl lhttU.
! I fl U'l !?( Ift'i '
i It ! 1.1 41 I !
A Spade Flush
, i
UKC Pay Pav
IKj 0J
UflDt OPtrt rAtJ'
AM'D Llr. "TO.
liolhrnbtira;, S (otanl, .
I.) on, fl 1'rmlrr, i,
ork. til H'ward, O.
ranilirlcJk-r, MJ Orlraail, t.
tdford. l AratiaJiiN., II.
hniind.ih sf; Atlanllc, I), I
Adam. 3'); Wymora, . '
(i. All. H. II. Prt,
Wlrr, K. Ixilll. IS7 f.'l7 147 MS -4I!
iol.b. Drtn.ll ISI !tt 7 Wl .mi
Knriikrr. t'lr.and. . . .110 lt H5 ll .7
llrllmann, IIH 4M Ml K.I ,X!H
lllllrr, l'hllurtflplila...UJ 6U7 3 In-
U. All. R. II. Fr.
ir.irn.lijr. HI. IxitiU ... 1 1 M la 4 .HII7
Tlrrney, I'ltl .l.iirnli .114 410 A.I 11(1 .HIM
IJItthrO. ritlllnir(ll ..t Ml 111 Wl ..Wl
.rlm.n, Chl..M IM ' IM '
Miller, ( hlllMHi IIP 4Ji 1W MS
Georges Battles
Siki Tonight
Paries, Sept. 22. Paris is eagerly
looking forward to the Carpentier
Siki fight, for the heavyweight
championship of Europe Sunday
night not onl ybecausc of its im
portance as a sporting event, but be
cause it will be the first time in three,
years that France's hero of the ring
has fought in the capital. The betting
generally favors Carpentier, a num
ber of experts believing the battle
unequal. Carpentier does not share
the latter view nor docs Manager
Deschamps. France's champion has
been in retirement for a month in his
training tamp, set up at Gucrche Sur
Aubois. Here, be is undergoing the
same intensive training that has pre
ceded all his other big fights.
The Sengalese fighter, on the other
hand, has not left Paris but he has
changed training quarters from the
center of the city to Luna Park,
where he has both quiet and air.
Here he is undergoing training quite
as intensive as that of Carpentier.
Siki's objective, it is said, is to hardtn
himself with the aim of staying in the
ring through eight rounds. If he can
do this he expects to win.
Harold Smith Wins
Decision Over Taylor
Chicago, Sept. 22 In the greatest
fight betwern bantamweight in the
vicinity of Chicago this easou Har
old Smith, lid-pound hlol of the
lock vards, wmi the popular decision
over ftud Taylor of l'erre Haute in
the main event of the boxing thow at
Fatt Chirmjtt last night,
A Irfthand vint ta the jaw, tthieh
nut Tatlor to the mat in the ninth
tcuind, v.. t'u- main fvtor in award,
ing the drcisiiin n lb toik ardt
rueif ij i ii I IiIKii-iiiih iK.m
i- 'f ! t i,!u il
t ',-
American League.
Brown Defeat Athletic.
St l.ouit, Sept. 22. Aided by rr
ror n I poor tch:ng, St. Lou dc
f4trd Pliilailt l hi.i. II to 5. but ad
valued no rloirr to the pennant
New Yoik drujU'l CltnUnd. A
rrtult the 'mathriitatirall po ni
hility" of the local taking the bunt
ing virtually te.itrd to tvni be
"poMibllity, its the Brown remain
line and a lull game btliiud the
George Sisler, who w selected
Thiirtday the league' moi val
uable pUyer, wa baik in the lineup,
after hi enforced vacation because
of an injured right khouhhr, but not
only one hit in five tr.
'I he total found Hasty ami Schil
ling for IS afttii. and the vititoit
hit Kl ip hard tat time.
In the seioiitl mtiiiig Hauser and
Miller clouted iiicrivc home run.
fauer' diopping iiu the right lield
tlatids ami Millrr into the lett fit Id
si!. No one wa on bate.
Hatty was removed after the tixtli
v. hen the Brov.n tan up five tallies
aiKr the Athletic bad tied it up in
their half.
With Sitter b.nk on the initial
cushion, Fiank F.llrrbe appeared at
his old poM ut third. The crowd
continued around the 2,000 mark.
The iire.
rim.AUixriiiA I fcT. l.orix
All A I AH It II A,
M ilan. (
a u 4 1 if tt i a
3ti) Kll.rti'. Ik I I 0 S
1 tl Malar. Ill lit
4 1 W llama. II a J
4 J t I I 'mi. i f 41
J J 1 OH' Una lb III
i It I J I ..llii'i. i- a 1
j 0 S ! 'l.rhar, aa 4 1(1
I 0 II I Kuli, P ISO
o a iii
3 I I HI T'Hala 1111:7 11
0 I) 0
1 I t ij
1 0 0
Wa,kr, If
Haunar, 111
Slllltr. if
'"li'Wiiy ra
H- m ar, 2 b
ill I'll., lb
Haaty, p
H'lllX, V
Tolala il I 14 IU
anatta'l for Maaty in aavaniti.
)iltrd far krhitline In nln'.li.
kcora t'jY Inninxa;
1'hllad.ilplila t'lfl "''I I
Ht. Lou. nun 3'iJ tin II
Humnnry Iitina; llnnay, V.'.ilkar, llau-a-r.
iltllar. I'ykoa, Tonln, KIUiiix, Hlnlit,
William. 1.1), Jvuixll lit, MrVnliiia. lift.
h-r. Knlli Kruira: llalluway. Iiykia li),
hi.r, Kulp. Tvi'i-li;;. hlta: l- ili rl.,
Wiikar, Kolp, SIcManua, Wilih, 11k ur.
Hi'ina run: llatiai'r, Miller, Hinlau Liin-a:
Wllllama. J' Oliill 12). Hu. i IfP ra . ilil
lr, Jai'ihaon. IsouM" playa: tirrlt'T la
Mi-Manua In Klalar, Mi'Manua In tU'rhtf
In Malar. Irfft oi,' I'lillail'.lphi.i. i;
hi. I.nula, II.L'a on hullai lift M y.
1; ofr Mi hllllntf. J; off Knlp. 2 H'rin k
out: lly Knlp. I. Illia: )lf Maaiy. ID In
II; off H'.hllllnf, I In 2 l'"l hM:
liruaity. l.naina pltrhar: llaaiy. t'mplrra:
Nallln anil Dlnaen. Tim; 1:42.
Tlrr Unit Itrtl hut.
riatrolt, K"Pl. 82 Tlmaly hllilne by
rnl.b and Kulhirglll "lial'lad Iiolrult to
win frrm Huanm. I In I. Th liairnlt
manatt'-r had n pi-rfnt tiny at hat, but
taaa churuail with two errura. H'-ura:
D'JKTtlN. DKTIllllT.
All.H.riA. AU.If.oA. i 1 2 tiilllua, lh I 12 0
I 2 2 tlUnli. a, :b
4 111 ilt'iilih, if
Hurna, lb
I'rall, 2b
i 0
4 11 HKtad, rf
O'lt'rka. 3b 4
I 4 Vaai h, If
0 ft F'alll, rf
I li.tahiiw.2b
1 1 1 K!riii"y.ra
0 4 W diill. tl
0 2l I'llli-ltf.p
hu'l, r
F (uaun.p
Karr, p
TulHla IT, 10 24 17 Totula 301127)7
Bioro by liiiilnk'a:
Iloatnn HO "'it 010 J
Jjtlrult , 110 000 il-6
Hummiiry lluti! Meiioaky (I), lllue (2),
O'Kuurku, Flu(, c'utahaw, WooilnH.
Errura: Cul.b (2). Twn-haaa hlta: I'll
letti Cohli. Htiilaii huaa: Itlanry, Hairl
flcaa: Junra 12). Vaaih, HlKtmy. ImulilK
play: Kiirr In 1'ratt to llurna. I.i'ft on
bna(n: Dnirott, S; lioainn, li. linn' a on
l.ullti: IMf Ki'ianiiiili, i, utt 1'llli.tta, I. Hlta:
tiff iM-muion. in In 1; off K:irr. I In I.
Wild pili'hm: hVrtoiami. I'llliltn. lia
Inn pltrhur: sviauaon. I'mplna: Owen
and Evana. Time : 1 43.
Ynnka llrnt Indiana.
Clovoland. hept. 22. Tho Ynlii had
no troulilo In Jientllitf two llidlnn rouklo
Dltthi'l'a. to 3. dr.plle tlio fait that rauli
ef them fanned Kulh onie. Kutli, how
ever, mad two doubli'a and drov in two
run. r, liatilnn In iho ninth, add
ed another Mni'h hit to hi already ions
AU.II O A All It. O A.
VVHI. rf J 0 2 ni.lamle'n, lf 4 1 0 0
M MU'n. if 0 0 0 01 vVamby. aa 4 0 I
lJIl'M,3b 4 10 5 Summa, If
Ruth, rt 2 2 Uitlarilni-r, ,HI
Plpp. lb I 2 11 1 1 11 Hn i ll. 2li
Muel. lf 4 2 0 "IM Nulty, I f
Mi'hanK, c 4 2 2 liM'Ina. lb
4 2
4. I
3 2
3 0
2 0
It 3
0 11
1 6
Ward, 2I 2 14 t.l.Seall, 8
Srott, t 114 4: t C.Mfill, c
Buah. D 6 2 2 0 K' I)
2 111
0 1 1
1 Winn, p 10 10
Totala 3 1 3 27 U tHtaphen'n 1 o o
iS'i.aker 110 0
aKvtina 0 " 0
Total "i IS7 17
tBalled for i:.lwarda In vanih.
(Hatted for Mi Inula In ninth,
altnn for Hpenker In nlnlh.
H. ore by Innms:
Nw York " "I i'2S 3
Cleveland - ""l i
Buimnary nun: win, Ft in It. ripp, Men
ial il), Hchana. .Ward. C on. Iinah,
arwall t3). Oarnn'r. Krror: Watnbjr 13),
Mi-Nnltr. Iwii'l'i hit: Ituth ill, Mel-
a!, tlliah Ihna-htiae hlta: II. .Mewrll,
Humina. Sloien te: Meunel Naeriti.
hit: M-uae. .V' -Mlllatl. Ooulile plaia:
H"olt. Ward and I'lpp, J. wull, l' Inma.
Waiiiliy and Milnnla. Left on .m-w
York. II: llevelan.l. 7 lla.aa in lial.:
(iff Hualt. I. off :llald. t, off V ,lin, I.
Mil.; tiff Kdsrd. in 7 liniiine: rrr
Winn. T in 3 llinina Hit l y I'lti h.. ball:
lly lid ward iWat.M J"lUi'.l mil: 1'r
lui.h, I: l.y 1.1... da. I. by Wion, I.
1j.Ii illihr rmpl-ai Mild,
brati l. t unnully and t lull Tltnt I S3.
White Hot Ileal a.tialur.
rkii aa a..t ; . ..-it.i.-tta' h.!
hlta. .ff .4.h.r l.da ''! daf il I
infill. I Iii 4
W Al'siilTiS' ' Cllti ,tlii
A It It ' A ll.inl'vt, i( 4 J I I
,te-. I t all I , I iki...a 111
Itfnn. iu t I .' i I '.'!-. ;'i i I I
111, - , l .. '.. I!. Ill I
11 .11 If I I I tl ...I , I 111
ti.u... .f ) 4 r,a 'I i J
t , . . I t ; li . hi ik i I I
I'., a 4 I t t a a, ia, 111
l'l ) I V I II ,, a . 1 I
.. .., I I ' .i i pi
k..a Ik I ' -
tt, had, a I t i" T .i 4 I 1 1 ! H
T i. lilt'
tn.M .t l I . . i a ta a.emk
Wt.t ' '" 'I
, a ., . m 'H.
......' bi- li ." k- . i'
I . l.t"f in ' -. M.-"t
ill t .-.. H - ' !' ' ' I V .
V .. li I'll II i 4 " t .
Iii a ... i - a i t a . a
I -o . . ,t . . I a .
I .a . 1,4 . . i . ' 1
a.... . .(. . . a . I
. .,i. ,,. t II . t i II I' 'i ,
si l!, I I i.J a i - . I .'.. '
. . . I - l.l I s .. . I . . t
tf , i . I it . ' ll t i j 4
i '. ... i .; i i ... i - i
M i a l -
V , IIs
i.a.a a .1 all-
I'tis t p.'iif !i "ii;ht,
Vi i.i " 1 1 ti li,n.
t ,l. I '! ' p t "i ! i I
It, .... I .1 , i I ... a !
XaHanal League
! .MI lUia-alM MUI
l'hu4iHia. ixifi I'km.l'iiiiii an4
i i'Iiiii.i U i-i4 a tt'itiu: liltr ludav,
tit i !. I.tini lh Ural. 1 la I, In II
iit.nii.aa ' I'MlHra Ik Mtund, I
ta I a. mk - 1
lltl.'Ailii ! fllll. tlKI.I'IIU
AM II O A All II A rf S "'tl I... a I I
M il I .r.
I H.i f Ik
I T.i y. a
Ut. til, la
' 'it, lu
! fna ail. tl
I Millar, If
j A, I a tii. IU
, K. .11.
I r
i;al..r. tl
II. miiia,
I-, If
! I...U.. Ik
l ara an, :
. Itiiia,
l a
l t
i :
i i
1 II
I fh. , p
I al.t,rt'va4i
'il amttk,
44 I : li iMnkan
i,lh h i kali
lit. ii. I fi.r Hint in iik
rluii'd f.'r mih in a'
t'hl. . i 1 ! t
l'hllaitl.hia . I 10 Of I
nummary Kiina: Knttm hr. OrattUiam.
llunii-. Klllariaiil. Miliar, Adnma. uT.r., Wtlalilal' n. taii, W lllalii III,
1 Ktrni. Tvrry. Ailam. W'rtf htatcn.
fan haaa hn, oriin.a l). Millar,
I Walker. Tlttaa-ha.a hit tirati'ham
Hi. ma run- Wrgktaiiin ninian Imi:
'Ir.nthaiH. Willi. n,. Hujlil. II i ia.
W'rlalilaliiii. It.. .t ; T.-rly. Adatiia. irltna.
Ti'try and tlrlmaa ct t t'hli aa.
'i. I hl a l. Ii hl. I llaar un l'(f
f t tt aj. I. ff Olitvi. ; fit II. Hiinih, I
lli. t rr lima i In .ntiinaa, off rui.nh,
1 lt I liiiilnia. Wild I'ltih. Jtin III.
Miniih, l,iii' fillihrr' "lulih l inpirra.
Minna and Hrnirii Tltnt: J 01
B.-uttf a-ruinl sani:
HiAii i rim.Ai'tt iiiia
ah ll n A i All II t A
Adam. Hi I I I I'Wrliir I I I
I' Wrlih
Htlr. rf I I ) a IU"i, it If
ilre'ain 3h 4 Wl'lia'. rf I
V. I'll , rf
tlOi'xa, rf
0, Winter, a
a'f'etk'on, 2b
t I ee If
l. lie. III
alfirta'loa, p
l ialkir, rf
llrira lh 1 I
Krs aid. fill
t'lial an. If 4 I 2
Kl h-r, aa I
'irrry. a ill
It'iflnell, fill
1 llaillhi ill. 0
fiali-irr.. p 3 0 A
alta.l.r 10
'Tot. I 34 7 17 II
T'.l '.I. 11 I 14 I,
aliened for llnrtn-ll In nlnlh.
tltiitted for naborne In ninth
ultatlrd fur rliKielon In fourth.
'hel) l"t 001
I'llilnd'iiphla K'l 11 010 S
ISilininHry Hun: fliat t2), Orlmra,
FltuKiriild. Bitr Sfnghtalone, William.
I.eb'iiii veail. I'li klmon '71, Lea, Leaila
(ll. Wrlker. Krrora: Adam Hi, tlilm-a.
Two-beaa hit "I'lnie. Mr pp. Thr
ha.a lilt' Callaaham, Adam Home
run: Lai'e HaerlfHe lilt: HKII.
tvtrtera Hloleit ha: Vl tteera Id. Walker,
Wriehl.tone. 'Irnin-a. Iioubie pUya:
ratklii.on, Wrlahtalooa rd l.elle. Lr't
on Peer: fhliaKo. t,; fhlle'lelphla.
tHe on halla: nff Hitiglion. I: off
lii-borne, 7, off Winter, t. Mtruik out:
liy Hlntfteton, 5: hv riahorn. 7; hv Wlnl
r. I lilt: tiff Minaleion, I In 4 Inntnaa:
off Wlnteta, I in fi lunlnea. Wild t.ltih:
Kln!.lon Wlnnltir pltrher: Wlnt"-.
I'mplrra: Hentell and M iran. Time: 1:4.
Divide Ilouh'e-Header.
Itoeton. Ceid. Itflalon end rin'ln
n a 1 1 iloaed Ihelr final rle by itlvldme;
a double header. Ho. ton wlnnlna (he flrei
Jm. 7 io I, nd I'lnrtnnail th eecnnd,
to 0. Ititine waa eierl.-d from the ec
ond aunia f'-r vlrorou of a called
ir'kn In the elithth tunlnic.
Heura flrat lama: '
pa ll Pert, lb
I' Powell, rf 4 0 I 0
Jlurn. rf
jmnran, If
poueh, tf
Kon.' ri.2b
Plnelll, Hi
iViwh, p
jlH Harper
I) K.,f. lb 221
OH tulae, rf 112 0
lifto.rr. If 10 10
4 t'li hiirv. If I 40
I'lloe. kel, Jb 4 2 2 0
t'l'nry. lb 4 10
1 I
I 2
0 4
0 I
0 A
B Kord aa 4 2 0 2
JtrvVell, o 4 12
O H Na'ara p 202
To'alo 31 I24 1n Tolala 31 127 I
Hat led for Cou'h In nlnlh.
Cincinnati "00 000 0f.2 I
Iloatun 2J HI Oli 7
Hummnry Runa: Tiulirt, A Ilnrpr,
Kopf, t rulae, I'.mer, lioeikel (2), Henry,
fr'ord, lorrora: Fonae":i. llararave. l'lnelll,
llohna 2 ) Two-baao hit: Kurd. Henry, A.
Harper, tiunean. Three-btao hit: Kord.
Hlolin hie": lloerkel. facrlflee hlla: Bo
r, M'-Nflfniira. play: Coiir-h to
ilohtte to liaubert. Left on haaea: rinrn
rati. I; llo.ton. ft. ltaae on liall.: tiff
Coueh, 3: off Mi'Natnara. I. Htrurk rut:
If- I'oueh, 1: bv MfN.'itnara, 1. I'mi Irea:
.Mi-r'firrV k and Hart. Time: 123.
SVori. ae -o.'id Kame:
AH H. O A. . AH II. O A.
llurna, rf 5 1 2 0 Powell" (14 111
Dutllert.lh t 0 10 l h'opf. 3b 4 0 3
liunean. If 4 1 t U'Crulae. rf 2 0 2 0
liotmh. rf 3 0 3 fl'Ctir'ltrv. If 2 2 3 0
Konneea.ilh 2 0 2 V, lloerkel, 3b 4 0 0 J
H'rRraveo 4 0 4 llHenrv, lb 4 0 14 1
Plnelll, 3b J 1 1 lltlalla'r, 4 0 1 4
Ilohne, 4 1 2 41 ( ' Nell, c 3 0 3 0
Klm'rk, 0 0 0 0, Vatihewe.p 2 0 0 1
Mnrkle, p 2 0 2 Ky.VUon 10 0 0
1 lira xt on, p 0 0 0 1
Total 32 4 27 11
Tottl 30 3 17 17
tUsttted for Matthew In enroll.
Cincinnati in.i too ion
Boatun 000 000 000 (I
Summary Run: Hurna. Tlouah, Font
pa. Hararave. Plnelll, llohna. Krrora: Pl
nelll, Chrlatcnbuty, Hoeekl, (lallaaher,
u'Nell, Home run: liurn. Htolen bae:
lt'dine, Markle. Saerlflca hit: Fonaera.
Imulile pluya: tlallairher, Kopf and Henry:
Kouf. Henry, Cnllaither and Kopf; llnhne
and liaubert. I,eft on bnac; i'lneltinnl, 6;
J:nHton, N. liaia ton bail: Off Markle. ft;
off Matthew, 4. H'riiek out. Hv Markle,
6; by Hraxton, I. lilt; off Matthew, 4
I" Innlnaa; off !lrafnn, 0 In 1 Innlnr.
111! by pllilieil ball: lly Matthew
(HoUMh) Lonltlk plteher: Matthew. Cnt-
pira: Hart and Mci'nnnlrk. Time: if.
(Haul Increaar Intl.
New York. Kept 82 The New York
National !n Inereaied thai lead to
fi-ur and one-hnlf game, defeattn I'lllt
liurtrh In the Inat rum of the e.'b tt. I
to 7. Manager Mrtiraw uid Id play,
era U of thint piti-hera.
The Oianta won (he game off Adam In
the ninth In tiuijr when, with nut out,
Filarh wna Mt by a Hi lied ball and
Muel walked. Hnth artveneed on a wild
t'll.'h and Kri.'-ll arora.l on YoutlR In
field hit. i:lly fnlliiived with anuihar
etntfl. to eiaht. ai'orlna Meuael
i'liiatinriih .it off la a co. it Lad whe fa
th riraiea ."tei fn run on .1 )i,imi'l lltll Mi the r.utrlh tan n oil five hit...
i.a.e on ball and two l.rura, but S.w
York kept pHi(li iny .ml kli.nkrd
.it Motnann la thu flfm, aiollng Inl.a
NliW YOHkf
Alt II O.A
till I 14 I
M -: . II i 4 i J i
llai.. I
I ilr.'h. It.
rrla. li ::u
M......I if
V.'iiu, rf
k.i... lb
l. -!, . f
ii ' pf ,
i:. .t,ir i
. I ti.rnaa p
till p
If a I. p a
J a... p
I" I H
I i
" I
I .-ta-..ii
1 1 i. to
I Inn.i.i pi
, I, .'I
Moi.a f
I limi p
i 1.4 l
1 1
1 !
i i
t ii e- p a
..a a
, p 4
Y ,t.'t
ri. a a ' a
t I 41 II
k.n '
l-i w
i in :t
I Put
' ' ' t 1 . i ,nt
..... . i V I-,a a i 1 1
' Hi
., I.. i I
1 1 I
I i I
.-i.t !-'., I- I II. t--'t
I ... 1 '..,- !at,
-. ! .. I . , I. , -.. k.'. . It. . , , t
it., mi 1 a. . . 1 . . ... 1 ,
I 11 u , , , , , f , t -( .
a - . I t e t ...i . t ... '
11- , ll 1 it ... " .H
a. "- -- I I-.CI-. t Pi.-
, ,, ..'i M ,- 1 a . I ! 1 I ..-I
. I. ill ...,. d I ,
Pit- I . . In i 1 a ti w .
.. 1 ii-. f 1 1 . ... I -i
1 ... ,. .: I , .-. - .-.... .1
' a 1 1 I - 1 w ..1
M l.1HV I I It. I I
tt . Pel WIN. I-"
. n al -ti mil eta
. 1 l al .ivaa
kl il .'
, , . a 1 4 .
, , aii I .' .i")
,,71 ,144 .14 .4
, . al . . .)
. III) .41 .IM l
I. Jiwpll ...
Ml. kill
I l VI n
keat I lly
liklabama) I ll
llBtar , - . . .
Ilea Miilne , , ,
I r ' Hrull.
W hua, I; Ti'.- I
likialiiini't Cut al il Joaeph -ali. pla.
l Tkmeday.
fio ubei .lt.luled
Tndat'a f.anira.
Iluffalm al Iteatar
Tu, at nklahunia i lly,
hi Jua. nil at U I. bi'i
Smut I ity at f Mointt (
Ml o VI. I I.VI.I K.
. I.. Prl. HI low,
, 7 T .a"4 .'i .WW
.. l .ll .IU no
, , . al ..S-.S s
.. at it .fll .Ml ."
, . , -.7 in .Ml Ji:1 .
II 1 .a ,4i l1
. . VI tl ,:r.l "l '
. I a JU7 .all
Vew VerW .
I'lll.l.urk .
at. latul .
I ItielniiMll
I aan . . .
Ilrmikltk .
eelerdi'e Itr.ulta
Smw York. I: pHiei.tiiah 1,
ll.ulon 1 . t ii'lenatl 2
I'llli-nSO, 7-1; 1'l.t'ailelpliia,
Kt . liUK, 7, tro..kln. 4
Tiide 'a l.ainea.
Chliaci at ll.i-i'in
pittei'uiali al lirookiin.
HI. Lorn el Y"(k
l lm itinati al Philadelphia
( I
A Ml. Kit IV I KVI
U . I..
e il
Stew Voefc
Mt lawila . .
Ilrlrolf , . ,
f ltlrea.1 . .
( lef lend .
tt a- llltirtoa
Uoalna . . .
. Kl
. ati
. "I
. 1
. a
. A
HI Irfiui. II ! I'hllad'll hi,
liettoli. (. Il' t'i n. ?
N'ew Yerk, 9: Cl-vend. S
I'hliaso, : Wuehllicton. 4
Ti tlu)' (illlll.
Wa.hlna'on at i hli-K"
Philadelphia al Ht l.ouia
New York at Cbieluu-I.
lluaUin at Iietrolt.
IV. I.. Pel
Mt. p'Hil PO .rsl Mll'ailkee
tlnne'lla 1 1 '' ' -uilat ilia
ha. Illf 'i 1 .Si" Tnledn
lodi in ll Si 14 ..1! 'olnml il
W, I.
(l 77
14 HI
ft PI
Vralrrdat' Heaiitf.'eapolla. I ' ; colum! i:. 7.
Ht. Paul. ; Toledo. 4
Kaneae City, : I 'iilleillle. 7.
Indlanepoli Mltwiok" to I'
Hunday pn" of duiil'le. hinder
Today' fiame.
Toledo nt Ht. Paul.
fil'imtii at lllnoeapol'
Indlanannll ft Milwaukee.
Loulavill at City.
tntr pllelie': Adinna L'ltiplrra: K:em and
Quiyley. Time: 2 0S.
(ante Tniunee Doilerr.
Hro.iklyn, H'pl f; - HI. l.ouia pound, d
thr.-o Hrooklyn plt'Jira for a 7 to 4
vl'fory, evnlnir up the .-re of four
kMiri'-a. but winiina th tear. 'ti'a aerlr by
14 anniea to rieore:
All II O.A I
If ft A.
Hlade, If
Oifileon, 2b
Hi-ilth, rf
H'omly. lb
fo tt, ti
H um, rf
T'rer, t
C'loooa. c
0 poetm, a
I T t.'flth.rf
01 Wheal, If
ill ! '. y ra, t t
0 H'andf. lb
4 Hlt-h. 3li
01 I'l-brry, f
41 ICulintt. e
1 1
2 n
1 2
0 I
4 I
4 2
1 0
' Va nee, it
31 11 27 12! lamnu:.A.p
li e i nr. p
ill (Irlffl'h
1 n
Total 31 9 27 9
Patied for Vnme In foifth.
xl:at:ed for lieeatur in riinih.
yt I.oi. a o'i I 110 0107
in;iikl; n : 1 ' :"l filiO 4
Kumnmry ('.una: lll;..l.', Ilottomly. To
pon i-r (Si. St' bull, t'li'..:. iu. Pf' lf' .', Sir
er (2i, Hh'iit 121. hi I.( I I'f'f
fer. Topoe-r, ill" II C'l. H 'hi.ta'idt. H.
criffllh. Home run. Hot lonily. H-ierlfii eat
Hlade, Pf-ffer, Hi binanill. Ilnul lo Play:
(neon to J"h:iton to Hrlinrii.i't. Left on
bv-: Ht. 1. oii.i, 8; Hroo'thn. 6. Haaea
on'.a: (iif Van'e 2. i'rurk out: Hy
V'ern .1. ti ! IKeatur, 2: hv I f. f.'i r, 4.
Hlla: Kf Value, II In 4; off Mumaux. 3
In 1 (mn out In nltthl; "ff Dv-atur. 4
In 4. .Hit by pitched bell: Hy Vfeffnr!
(High). LoHlnir pitcher: Vi.iice. Cinjdrear
Klkler and Weal.-rvcll. Time: l:4,r..
It's Time
sg sg fPT
K all logs
$20 To $50
OMART dfcsprs are turninjr their attention to
O clothcH for fall and invnri;.bly when they vv
ours they are converts to the new .style features.
There's quite a number of fashion innovations
this weapon so come in and nee for yourself.
2-Pants Suits
Tuxedo Suit $35 (lalrrJinc Coats $13 r.(l up
lint lle.v Ji4uitii for
Stetson Schohlc Mallory
Wichita Takes .
Final Contest
of Tulsa Series
Wichita. Kan., Sept. 2.-VichiU
tot)k the la-t game id the rrie liei
todty'lif'tii Tut-, 8 to 3. Score;
W It'll IT
Alt II " A !
t It It A
tt lllnl. .... 4 114 Hii'i'h i f
1 1, p.. i, . h I 1 I I Hi if 'i i If
liatiatf 30 a WaVurn .b
Ian. i tt ; I e i:,o(l
H'li.'l lb I 111 I !
M.iHoan lb I II Hulter 111
ll'liland II I I Matey .r
Wine . I I St lo.i I lk
hua.rl p 4 pallar p
At'l'l' )ll .. . .
I Tolala It II II a
Tuli.i A IIIH:
tit. tied for l'..i la ninth,
k. vi bf Ilium.
Tu. , m ei " i
tt p una loo no ii;-
flilliimary, Ituna: tlHIiipnla, Thampx. t
131, llrtllin. I II' ll'iai-r i, ll M
)!,., I. krl.ata Kiruia Mi'itnlil Tli-.n.l
-in, k'oert. 'fie.. t,i."
PH.: Iinli. lUl.y. Mil'iii.-ll t..hl'i.'l'
I'.'iaer. Iloln. ion III fflll l ...
Th.' Itauinati Ketro d i un. W . i.t
la, 5. Tul.i, 1 Ml i in I. uu; H hell'ii . ,
1. 1 t'i-.rtl 4 H.i.ea ''ti i.eila liff 1
4, off lluafcell, 4 lfl on ba.r. W . 1. I
11 Tulaa I Wild pHib IC il-.. 1 1. l'i
pit filtltk and li'lill.lil' . Tl .
1 II.
Thunderclap Wins
Potomac Handicap
t ilmiili He l.aar.1 Hire.
Acquedtn t I'ace Track, New Vnrk.
Sept. 22 'I hiindertl.iti, carrving tl
aii'.liil g init'('st of 133 pnunt!. tti ulr
a ellOW i.f his field III wmi ing the
I'ntnmsf handicap, v.hirh feattitt !
the prt.gram bete today. It was a rr
markablf pt i for'nam r and p-.
I.iin at one of the hot handicap
l:orrs in the country.
Warcr $a,nm to
$)fi00 That Yanks
Win World Series
fllntlllll Ilea Irnied Wire.
New York, Sept. 22. The first
later bit in Wall strut cinlt
on the approaching world's series,
as-tuning that the Yankee and
the Giants will lie the participants, placed today by V. L. Dar
rc 11 f.- Co. of 44 Broad street. The
firm wagered for clients $6,'KHI
to $S'"X) that the Yanks would
win the serie.
Darrcll V (io. announce that
they have $6,0(10 more to be wa
gered on the Giants at the anic
Add a little salt to g isoline bi
you cican your clothes with it.
cacv 'w
Cudt.Ptabxfy Uo lncToySl
Suits Me
For Your
A Popular
Fall Novelty
$47 50
ttfllllHOUn MilS
U the . rv , ' ' t
ft. I.
.1 n i
h I at
t '
ly'ia 1,
i i
,tt i -rtittiil tit I' !,
I'ftak 4 ' J ' I 'l
ffly Tl It llf'l I t.l fl.t M t?'l
I1 'il It in t 'in t ' ' t it .. ,.,( '
f a h
I! tht'4 H !l i.t U - it
V "t I r ! k !.', tl n ' tr.i .-'I, 4
4 Kti.-tt t . t ' 4l ' '
1 II 0 ,
I I t I I 1 ', , .'I .1. Mt . Is f
I . .. . i i to v ! t, 4 I
' a ti4i ..I a 4 ' 1 I M
i- 'S Uttt: u at1 t v 1
tm .ii.) a I i." v a t it
"..''. m ! 4 i, ; ' t
'tt f ,'' g lt i Istl I '
t. t i I a t J'tttk i'l I I
i I I '' n ii I li l! '
s. a 1 t '
. t ' t 4- t 1.1 l'i . V
. t . 1 1 t; 4- k'o.Ki. t rat
V lit. . , ,.f l I . ... . If l.'l I
ti L" - i . - 1 wt. " -i
, i , -I.' '.. vi :
i iv. Hen, ,.h I i it- ' i y-
" l . . . . t it . . 4:11 .... I 41
I : . I
( t'
Illl tAkS4M vtMll t
i-a s t I t
(..-,.. ...
... a . .
a, 4 4 apt al ta
I . t t . t ' I I. ' t.
t4 li
. It 1 tt t "-'
i . a I -m a. t - .
44,1 lltt .