THE OMAHA I'.Kl': WKDNKSDAY. SKPTEMBKR J0. 19JJ How to Keep Well t D. W. A. CVANI Qwtiiaat HU ktflM. salt. Um ymaiHM t 4imm, villa to f ky . lr 4 It Km, atll k 4 pwwHlir twkjMl to mar, k.r taa4, Mhm4 ! i m. lnW. th. fcm tU Ml 4imm rMi W m mUimmI A4u.t Ullw la OetHfMi i;t WHERE MATING HELPS. It it ehout time to fall attention gin to an Inherited combination of phyiiral qualities that the mnlir.t I Li.kt say nothiuir ml. tint ttm Davetiport't compendium of inlu ri. I tame lawt riWs not rrftr m, ijU(' whith tcrnt fairly uiirprf-4i. The rvilrni that it it widespread it found in the iti4tiy articles in the ir.rdiial iuurrul. retitiitir oIitiu. tiom, ill written in remit jrsrt, ul w.r itiiii.urr 01 people uhn iiavr writ-, ten in alter fii.liiiB smelt, on lr Miliii 1 1 in thlt column, i The combination t pliytir.l quail-1 tiet referred ti ft; latily broken ! bone., I. hit telerctirs and dealnrtt and tendency of tlir-e qualitiet t lie inherited. While tecoKnitwn of the ronilnti.itinn ( iu, h .,.,. tiinatinn it nrw, the combination it rlf it not new. The iet of catet quoted here from Dr. J. 15. Alexander goet hailc to the Rret-Kriii(1tiitithrr of th e l.oy writ ten .limit, a n 1 tlmt rarrirt the rroiit baik 100 years, In all probability, it wat in the family stork before lint. Who know whether or not trandfather'l ((raiiiiUllirr broke hit It if one or more timet or net? Dr. Alexander taw a hoy 7 1-2 vrart old who had suffered broken lone i many timet, (lit boiirt jiit teemed to break for the fun of break ing and alinont without provocation. On examination the whites of bit ryi bad a rlnna rat. On inquiry, it was found that the boy's mother bad the tame bluish cast to the whites of her eye; had teveral frao. ttiret of bone and w deaf the third quality in the combination. Two of the boy's sisters had bluish fclorotit t, or whitet of flic eye. An aunt had bad seven fractured. Her M'lrrotir were blilith. The boy't Kreat-prandmothcr of the hoy writ had blue sclerotica of the bone, l'retty good proof that the condition tun in families. ' Why the symptom? In that field there it speculation, but no proof. The theory is that the sclerotica are blue because the pit(ment of the iu sidc of the eye thowt through. It doe because the sclera, or the outer while dene layer, does not contain enough lime. The bones break easily became they are deficient in lime. The deafness develops be rntise there it not enough lime in the hones of the ear. 'I he disease runs in families because there is an inher ited inability to take up enough lime and to incorporate it in the bones and in the roats of the eye. Nothing is Rained by feeding lime, because the trouble is due to an in ability to pick up and to hold on to lime, Htid not to a lack of lime in the food. So far as we know, there is no cure. If there is any prevention, it lies in mating. Perhaps we may say that a girl with bluish whites of the eyes should mate with a boy with a yellowish cast to hi eyes; that clear china teeth should mate with yellow-brown teeth; that deafness should mate with ncuteness of hearing, and that a per son whose bones appear to break spontaneously should mate with one who could fall out of a tree without bi.k,fif anything,. except torn- liiendmrM, Probably Bleeding piltt. ifotler t,( it wntri; "Will you p!e.e tell nir wbrther or nut lhi it trt.iut Veterdy, aiirr n tviitution of the buArli, the Um!m npee was i4turtrd with br ght, red 'l dunk a Urge jU4iitity of water lKfor brrakfa.t, ku,i Kertrrtlly h4f a movement nKht after the morning "nil, btti have a icnJrncy to con- ttiptlo, ' What ftuned thit? "I now have a li;ft fain, e Kndmf several iutbrt up the lertuni." RKPI.Y. Tie probability it tlut yo luv bb 'lillij j ili-j, Women who lae n't children, an J who are tomewHt lon.tipstcd, are rry apt to have hemorrhoid. If that it )our trouble it it not trriout. Mort Fruit for Baby, tt. T, M. writes: "I have I 4hy girl 2 yeirs old. She tremt to he in perfect he ill h, but tomellinrt the toe two dayt without a bowel imivriuent, and then, when the doet I ir one, it i v ry ilrj. "Wl at d that mean? " do yon think is the taiise What do ynti advise me to ue her? We Use lutt of milk, ("an that have anything to do with it?" KKl'LY. ("live her more fruit, vegetables, raisin and bran, and lest milk. It it not wie to permit the con stipation, habit to become fixed. Cold and Chills. r. K. II, writes; What in a cold? What it cl..ll KfcPLY. An Infection wh!i a certain 'im or n of a Kioup. Cold get well spun It it well to tiki rare of one' self while tufirring front a cold. An tvidence of net out hink. The eu my le ii!4lJri4, vt tomt other inaction, or entitrmciit. Warm ap li'icationt and nicutal quiet are oi terviie in tuiiunt thutt a chill. Hit Eftglata Warning. II. J. K. wriir: "I am a man of J4. The last ti month I have been very much bothered with Kyet on my eyet. "I'lent tell rn what faue them. ''Have they anything to do with niy ey'iight or it it from poor blood ciicuUtton?" REPLY. Stye are due to eye ttrain. There fore you arc in need of gUittt. Daily Prayer HlMt4 It Itmi mm Ihtt muk.ih th UcrU ait liu.l I't. I. Our gracious Lord, we beienh Thee to so guide and blest us this day, that we may become more like Thy Metted Son, in all the gracious and wonderful perfection of Hi be ing. We earnestly pray that we may potest the mind of I'hritt the mind of perfect humility; that His crott of trlt-deniat and sacrifice may be will ingly assumed and carried at one f f the coveted privileges of the Chris tian life; that we may enjoy the hpirit of Christ, for we have learnrd that human wisdom it not sufficient to equip ut to meet the demands of life and service; that we may pottest the purity of Christ, In whom there was found no fault; that the con fidence of Christ may be ours, the ! fun (nielli which perfect faith en. j Hires; that ti e joy of Clui.t may fill our toy!, the joy of ptrievt peace I nee enm)ed because there eiH between Thy heart and our nothing "to create division or friction, (.rant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may bve at to be f t to rep. re.rni i nv in ar .son at am!)4.4lor ; that wr may ta live at to ! tit Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Buy to the Limit represent Thy dear Son a ambat 4dort; tlut we may be rpistlei known and read of all mm, at tell ing the ttory of a wondniil re demptiun; that the inrluetue vi ovt live may be tuch that tnen nuv rcnisianilv take knowledge of tu that we have been with 1 hri.t Jrmt and hae trained of Hun. Amen. Kt OMtri H auir, l'u'inl, MatiV nuililiii; Authoruril. W il,;.i .!.. Wl tU ttw a te.kta The S'ippu Jill hat tensed a table I of 174 to Ji) ti e hoiue authorised llir IT'iridl IT.nB l'l. VI - I. .-w'f" I!rlh Mhm V .Numrroti. Honolulu, S'l't. illy A P)- ttating that tlunkt " . r I to ruct a oui.umg i a n"i I1..TB uern iri"'i ' escred .S " r frill ot its pai in within the p.t two werk., minimal-Lau! ttui'k and tuiplut. At ing in a violent tbstiK bailee Stuf da j p.i.rd by Ihe tenate. tlic measure whit'll ilrttr.itt'd tesrial buddings. Itiiiul idcd Salt l.tke City, t-Ot Pie I . . I I. t. ... - l! ...u:.i..m I Wtt repriei ioi list t svi uj.i. i ittiuxv ruiiun.ii'i ii'.i-"i. GLOVES CLEANED DRESHER BROS. rUANIM IT I Si.M ATUs e.ut M.a't w tiHm $1.50 tunt Imiu4 pf4. It.e Want Adt ptodme result. Purchase a Schmoller & Mueller Console rodel Phonograph The Biggest Value on the Market y ri ii ifii' i mm jj i , ONLY 1 I Only 1 10.00 in Mahogany or Walnut. This is an Ak-Sar-Ben Special and the price has been made exceptionally low in order to introduce our latest instrument. Jadio Receiving Set Free With Each Instrument The Schmoller & Mueller Console Model Phono graph sella for 110.00 and ia the equal of any $225.00 mCdel on the market. Come in and Bee them and note their beautiful tone, splendid workmanship and beauty of line and appearance. Your old phonograph will be accepted as a substantial part payment and terms to Buit your individual needs will be gladly arranged. MAIL ORDERS FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED Write for Detaik of Terms, etc. Sdunoller&JllaellerPiaitoCo 13H :6-13-Dod4e St. Obuuu No Cost For a 10-Day Tube Simply Mail Coupon Dainty People Now combat that film on teeth linity of the saliva. That is there to neutralise mouth acids, the cause of tooth decay. It multiplies the starch diges tant in the saliva. That it there to digest starch deposits on teeth which may otherwise ferment and form acids. It thus gives manifold effect to Nature's great tooth-protecting agents. The result, the world over, is a fast-coming new dental era. Have you noted how many people now have whiter, prettier teeth? You see them wherever you look. The resson lies in a new cleaning method which mil lions now employ. If you don't know It, you should try it now, Film it dingy Your teeth are coattj with a viscous film. You can feel it now. It chngt to teeth, gttt between the teeth and stays. That film absorbs sums, then it forms dingy coats. Tartar it baud on film. N ordinary tooth pie tan tKtitly combat film. Sj, unJr tkl mtthoUt bttutiful t0i wie Ut cdtn teen than todty. And tooih trouMet, mainly canted by twin, btame almost urn tint I'tlm hoUa foo4 tubturue whtH fttmtntt am! farms aviJ. It Ut the fetJt in (niat witti I he ittih t ue 4ay. Gtrme bree4 by tmUwnt Ui U, Tbty, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. So nothing is more important to teeth than combat ing the film daily. Two ways found Dental science, after long re search, found two film combat ante. One acts to curdle film, one to remove it. and without any harmful scouring. Able authorities proved thrte methods eSccitve. Then dtnutte every where began to a-lvUt thtm. New cartful people of tome fthy nations employ them. Urgtly by utntal a J n.. A new type tooth fatie wit crtattd, bated on modtrn ie tttih. The name t I'tptodtnt. Thete two treat him comUuat were emUd.4 in ie. Not film nlone) But fee todtnt doet Riore tKa I4M iim. It ntuUtMa the :kt Tell your child You want your children to en deavor to avoid the troublet that you tufltrtd. Then tell them of Peptodent, show thtm lit eSKte. Dentists now urge that thilirtti use it from the time the firtt tooth appears. Send the coupon for a 19-Day Tube, Note how Ua the ittih tttl after using. Mark the tb sence of the vitcoue film. Se how tttik while, the ltv tbttt disappear. That t. will be reve'atiati. It w01 iniNi yon that yuti4 yur t n 1 this Mw-dty snethei Cut M the coufoti mw. ( W V I aeauesseaeseeaaeaaMessaset Tt9 tfiW'Dty Dtntifrkm Nrw w4lit4 y 4eti! the ww!4 A3 dvU" ry iavrf tb. 10-Day Tube Free "1 mt rirxir fowran, Pat A eta. Ilt wtaA A., fk w. Mwt i Pi Tu i reweti wj Gimp Money Saving Event JiparaSIeledl SEffl ANKUAL SALE Does More Than Double More Buys More Than It Ever Bought Before Si: m Actual Values Like $5950 $49 50 50 "Wednesday" Buy For Now! Buy For Future Wear! A Omahas Greatest Money-Saving Event