THE OMAHA BF.K: WKDNKSDAl. Str IF.MBKK so. iv'i'i Church School Problems Taken Up by Baptists .Villi CuiifrrriH-e of Omalia Ao.ocutinn, llring Jfrl'l in Fint !Ijitit Church, trt Cloe Wrilnri!uy. ProMrin uf church kIkhjU Iare. !y ocmpird yrMrrd-tr't ciui u( the Omaha BiPti.i ociaf iun'g confnrmr. in Hint i!aptit church. Dr, J. I), Collin of Lincoln i. rurd "Modern I'tojiiam l the i hurih Srltix.l," Mi Hratric Attn iiuuha, "t niniiii((fr tyatcm t Itibl .School Grading;" A. K. I alon, Omaha, "Oriuiiiiation;" ami Krv. Howard Whitcomb, "Evinjrl im," Htt. A. M. Horan nf Wahno, Ncli., Miia the c hit f iprakrr at Iat I'iwht'i irnoinii, A uinvif irrnion "Mi ram of Life," Mm given. Kev. V. K, Overturf, Dr. John Ma.on U'rIU and Dr. Waller I. I -owl of (iraml Inland; and Kev. '1'. i. Keirron of Herman, alo ap-1 1 rami on yrnirruay proKr.nn. The convention clou ton ik lit. Lincoln ytntrrday hy tlirir parent, Bank at Aurora Buys New Wentz Building Aurora, Nrh., Sept. 18. (Spe cial )The Farmer Stair bank of Amoti ha jut completed a deal lor the new bank building which wa built by the W, C. Wentj company and jhe American Stale bank in V), jufct prior ti the failure of boili institution. The consideration is $l7.5iXl and the present hank build ing of the termer State bank. The Went hank building ha been owned by some Cirand Island peo ple connected with the Grand Island Trust company. The buihliiiK i a I.irnc two-slory one and tbe first floor i itplrndidly equipped for li.uiV.inft piirpoMi. It ha tome of i lie finest furniture and equipment in the stale. Jeffmou County W. C. T. U. tu Meet in Kndicott in 1923 Fairbury, Xeb., Sept. 19. The an nual convention of the Jeltrrsoii county W, C. T. U. wa held here Friday. A special invitation wa extended to the school teachers of the county to attend and nearly llXJ responded, Mrs. l)ella Parkinson, a tate or ganizer of University 1'lace, address e the convention. The annual meeting for 1923 will he held at Fndicott. Tecumseh Girls Return. Tecumseh, Neb., Sept. 19. (Spe cial.) The Misses Margaret and Dorothy lloatsman arrived home last evening from spending three months cn a trip to sections of Europe. They visited hngland, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Spain nnd other countries and attended the I'assion play at Oheram mergau. The ladies report a delight ful trip. They will probably attend the Nebraska state university the coming year. New Minister Lauds Retired Aurora Pastor Aurora. b Sent. 1 SnrcULt ! 'I nunc with (ear and irruiM.'nn rt nnertbrlr f ptrach )tu hrir i ihe tent uA ,v Kev. ilharle lj. tlouun, the new Mrtl.ud- i( nmiiktrr htre in h initial cruun in thr i.titpn o luiiit tiicupied by Kev, J. J. M. liwlnrr who n rc cmily f tired by the c"nirrrn,e in Omaha hrt alii of astrrtiuitl C"ll' cenung jhe I'.iblr, The new iiuin.trr Mat greeted bv 1 laine amlirnre eomjxmd id li'rful of Kev, Mr. ISiitkurr. many of them alio frirndi of Kev, Mr. li.inun due to hi bating foiuirrly u Id a pa torie in thi county. 1 he ordinal plan to have Sunday 'i ermon preached by Kev. Mr. Fm hrre, kitperirilrndeiit for t In a divi sion, hat ihatiilotird, I'aiKing kt one tune in hi ternum, Kev, Mr. (joman proitouncei) a upbn. did tribute to lrv. Mr. Huckhrr. He declared that Kev. Mr. Hmkner i a i; and KH'd man md that he ha none a wonderful vwuk in Aurora and uhrrrvir he hat lien stationed. Iturliiiloii Sliop Sirikna Takf I'lriljif Acuiiixt Komi Hr.itriie, Neb, Sept. I')-- Melting at Wymote, Nib., a Huilmgton divi.ion point north of here, 'Jim) ' trikiiiK piiirn last night unani mously adoutrd a resolution never to irturil to the employ of the sy.tei;', unlet it join other lima in the War fit Id agrrenn nt. The term of an agreement with the Hurhngtou non union shopmen previously announced by 1'rrtideiit Hale Hidden were de nounced by Charlr Pirie, Wymore hibor leader. He also denied that any union men had retiirind to the Kock Island shop at Fairbury, Neb., west of here. If no settlement is made v illi the Burlington, Wymore union hop men declared they would go to road listed a fair. lr. P. Signalman Hun Over ly Velocipede SuceuuiLa fjiand Island, Xch Sept. IV. (Special Ttlegraiit.) Khuer 1'. Han sn, an employe of the signal de partment of the Union Pacific, died at a hospital here yesterday as the result of injuries received Saturday near Coad, Nrh. Hu v.a making an inspection trip on a railroad ve locipede when he vim thrown from the vehicle and run over by it. Valentine Has First Killing Frost in Statu .".1 Low Point in Omaha Tratlirr Man Proinirffi Fair Sklea fur Ak-Sar-HVu Pafieant. The first killing f:ot of ihe ira tog m the sU'e ua repotted yester day morning from Valentine v. hrre a drop of .'4 di grer (hiring t tie ninht broughl thr temperature down U Ml t'ulhrrtson. viKich a few dav ago registered It) degree, yesterday re ported JS, Low point in Omaha vtat 55, Fair and warmer weather i pre dutrd for the parade tonight. Light rain were genrral through out eastern and soiithrastern Nebraska. Ktitiavviiy iuti Hrttirueil. William Joseiih, Kearney, Neb. and Anion hrrriu, Lincoln, who were puked up by Omaha police. Monday night alter the hoy nad run away (mm Frrrin' home, at which Joseph hail hern visiting, v.ere returned to I iticoln yesterday by their parent!. lire Want Ad are best business bonstteri. . i L 'i 'mIi'Imi,!;!'ii!i'i! !ni''ii,ill -iHt; 4 L v ,H M il ji:!!1"!',.,':': k iTr7-!i:!'..- .I'1"' ,:,. ' v'it ::i i'l;"-'! W M'.ll'f 'ji'.iil-1 nCii .iilall!' il'lith jll'll.;!!,,!'1 l'ii)i:; ! rii'i ", M .ii'" :"'--'H.:i fTvA Wediesdays Attractive Features New Fall and Winter Suits and Frocks Becoming Versions of the New Mode In Fall Frocks, 25.00 Stocktille Huilding Huriis Stoekvillc, Neb., Sept. I'. (Spe cial. )-r The frame building next north of the Frontier county bank building burned yesterday with a complete loss of l ith building and contents. The building was occupied by Mrs. Lizzie Shriver as a- restaurant and was one of the oldest buildings in the village. The fire began in the kitchen chiin ne yon the second floor, Cowg Near Beatriee Tested. Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 18, (Special.) During the past week Drs. Strom lund, Jerome and Gilfy, veterinarians connected with the bureau of animal industry of the Department of Agri culture, cleaned up Liberty township in tiibcrculolis fests among cattle. Jn all they examined and tested 750 head and found the township 100 per cent clean of the disease. Last year when the tests were made 1 1-2 per cent reacted. TRAVELING BAG SPECIAL S12.75 r L 1 6y Yr t rrllna A Slriule BROWN OR BLACK Wze IS Inelie CONSTRUCTI0K" 1 Heavy cowhide outside. 2 Steel frame. 3 Large sewed-oa corners. 4 Dag la hand-aowed through tho frame, 2-neeille metlioil. C-Strong, goft handle. 6 No edges exposed; bajr eevved on end, 7 Leather lined. daaN bAumuiAi 1 Freling & Steinle im St l ear I LiiM - Iff WB3 tW faninm Here 1A Baby Specialists. "THAT there are Physicians who specialize on Infant ailments you know. All Physicians understand Infant troubles: all Physicians treat them. It is his profession, his duty, to know human ills from the Stork to the Great Beyond. But in serious cases he calls in the Specialist. Why? He knows as every Mother knows, or ought to know, that Baby is just a baby, needing special treat ment, special remedies. Can a Mother be less thoughtful? Can a Mother try to relieve Baby with . I remedy that she would use for herself? Ask yourself; and answer honestly! Always remember that Baby is just a baby. And remembering this you will remember that Fletcher's Castoria is made especially for Infants and Children. Children Cry For Ket ContcnMlSTIuidDranhnij mi 1 -' u V4 :l l - l 11 U49IU : lit ' iii n"i 1Z PtHOBNT. Ac4etbkcpfl'bf;ta . ...i.i.m) UwFood v KcttU- ...... i...a n.tof 1, 1,7, , - ' s I .i..,IMntO I'l l trtCav-'- The False and the True. AdTertUinj by the use of larte tpace, the expenditure of huge lutni of money hTe placed on the market, have put in nur borne, perhape.maoy article that today have been discarded, aa you will readily admit. Do you recall anything that haa more modestly appealed to the public than haa Fletcher 'i CaatorU: modest In all its claim, pleading at all time and truthfully - f r our babies? The big iplurg, the misleading claims may win fur a time, but the honeit truth-telling advenUer la like the old itory of the tortoU that beat the hare. Mothera everywhere, and their daughters, now mothers, ipk fraakly, g!uingly,enthuiattkally in praiae of Iteu-her'i Caatorla. Speak of It lovingly ai a friend that ha brought comfort, cheer and smile U their litt! ne. T them: ta theie true nuther na argument can Induce then tn set aide their battle tf CaatorU, their old ft lend, that thty mtht try even aaether and unknown remedy I r bahtes. Then, w ju!4 YtU thiak vf gulag u YOl'K OWM medkine vhett t and rtlief f r Haby'f truubleaf Can yu a t teparate the fain tn.m the trutf otntii osi? j t-'.'ut tr it .'. iu Mil it o iani i !' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars the Sisrr.iturt of A glance through thin collection will convince you that here are frocks timart cnoujrh for any occanion, yet priced within reason. A numbpr have chosen a lovely shade of chestnut brown Canton to reveal the new lines of the Fall mode. A braided jrirdle at the new low waist line with loose side panels that dip below the hem line suffice to give charm to one model. A rich black in crepe-back satin achieves distinction with a single beaded ornament, the graceful pendant tasel reaching to the hem line. Sizes for Women and Misses. ' New Fall Suits, 39.75 Emphasize Beautiful Fabrics With Fine Tailoring A woman may be certain that she is correc tly and smartly clad when wearing a hanilnome suit from thia (Coup. Silk imbroiilcry and a braver collar Rive richness to a beautiful model in brown velour de laine. A lovely shade of dark blue pan velaine is exquinitely tailored with embroidered arrow heads and a superb (tray fox lends ita becoming aoftneiw to the collar. Others in plain tailored styles feature the knee length jacket. In brief, the whole group represent extraordinary quality at an ordinary price. Second Floor West. Wool Slipover Sweaters' New Fall Styles at J, 95 On a coolish morning, one of these clever sweaters is the most comfortable thing to slip into for school, business or a round on the links. There is' every color you can imagine light and dark, gay or sober in fancy weaves with braided girdles to be tied at the smart low waist line. At this low price, you may want -l ct; A.,J iu cnuone several, oizes o 10 i. Second Floor West 7 WTiNiK 4. Women's Glove Silk Underwear A well-known manufacturer's surplus slock of high grade silk underwear, first quality and irregulars. Vests Bodice tops with ribbon or glove silk straps in flesh color. These come in regular and extra lengths and are reinforced under the arms. All sizes 34 to 42. 2.00 values, each, Bloomers Made of heavy quality of glove silk in light and dark shades, knee and extra length, all reinforced. All sizes, 1.59 2.39 Boys' and Girls' Part Wool Union Suits Long sleeves, ankle length drop seat style in gray and camels hair color. All sizes 4 to 16 years, 1.50 quality, each, Third Floor Center. and 98c Women's Thread Silk Hose 1.25 An unusual value In a Full Fashioned Stocking. Some are silk to the top, some with little garter tops, all full fashioned with double soles and high spliced heels. A few irregulars are included, but the majority are first quality. In Hack, white, brown and aboca ahailes. Regular 2.00 and 2.50 values, per pnir, Kayser's Silk Hose rVif A Pointed Slipper Heels Turs Thread Silk and Chiffon Weight Silk hoe de lue full fathioned, silk from top to toe, in every way a beautiful qual ify. In blai-k, white, brown and show shade. Hrgular .1 f0 and 4 00 qualitiea, rr pair, 2.05 Main Floor North Women's Sheer Linen Handkerchiefs ll .t 1 l.hd and Uh Ar ti.. i at I ar I I!)f l-r,h,tfi w. f fn lrh, l.S"J fount. 5jn art tl ft 4 fc.lUl-. I, tt nif I kaftJ Rt i Ar mb U 9 it "' l1' 1.!.!, Svi k-:t nnt r.ii l.r I Ml .1 Siwrlk. K'.u'"! Cfl I 0 1 !., tt ft, sJVJC Stamped Pieces In Attractive Designs Thai Are Easy to Make l)rf.MT Sk-arf and .1 iirc buffet vt hem atjtfhed for crwhrttng with dainty icltfii to be mtrulJrrl (ft French kn..t and huv daisy atilch. ( h'.k vf St arf or buffet set. If h it J Hl- 69c For Your Fall Hat Drape Veils In Charming Patterns Inipmtrd ilk nifh vU rmbrt'ivWrrd with scroll denial. tr trininting of fhpniltn i H in I'laiu fo. or and runiblnations. Specially piU"'l, cli. 95 c Shin f InitXotih When You Shop at TKe Brandeis Store When you shop in The Brandeis Store you partake of remarkable aids arid conveniences provided for the shopper. You will enjoy the advantages of obtaining the best quality goods at the lowest possible prices. You will be impressed with tho fact that a complete system to bring about the results is in operation. This system is called the "Lookout in the Foretop." Its work is well described in the little pic ture itself, which has come to be known as a Urandeis trademark. As a writer in the New York Commercial put it: "The Lookout in the Foretop" is a picture phrase of splendid beauty. The pilot in his cabin, the engineer below deck, the captain, the mates, passen gers, stevedores,. travelers and crew alike are depend ent on 'The lookout in the foretop.' " Likewise, the buying public is dependent upon the sys tematic operation of the mercantile institution with which they chiefly do business. That's the way the "Lookout in the Foretop" works for the benefit of the store management itself as well as for its customers. It is "ever on the job." As a result, The Brandeis Store has become such a serviceable business institu tion that the general public promptly recognized the truth of the statement recently made by an observing Omahan: ' "To have been in Omaha and not to have visited The Brandeis Store is not to have been in Omaha at all." The bargains described in this and other advertise ments of The Brandeis Store are the result of syste matic effort on our part to render real service to our selves by rendering real service to the public. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. An Invitation to Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors Make The Brandeis Store Your Headquarters Visitors just arriving in town may come to The Bran deis Store immediately and find every comfort. Bundles and Luggage Checked Bundles and hand luggage may be checked, conveniences may be found for washing and "freshening up," so that you may go out into the city feeling well groomed and ready to meet your friends. Your letters to the folk at home may be written here a,nd cards addressed and mailed. is located on the Banking Conveniences The Bank Main Floor West. Rest Rooms You ar invited to iit the new Brt Booms on the Tenth Floor. They have been fitted tip for your comfort and convenience. Dining Rooms There in a magnificrtit dinintf rom and men's grill on the Tenth Fluor, while un the Main Floor is a cafeteria and d fountain diniujr rooms to suit evrry U?e ami poeki tlmok. Mail Facilities traiitfrra hu have nt dul'd n a place of rrsidrncp in Omaha can have trn ir mail ad dressed tn Station 17, which i bnaled t.i th Main Floor West. They may rail f,.r their mad thrn. It a rrgular t'nited SUtcs oUlfi e. Shopping Mad Easy The Transfer fvten rn l.e Um-U to great advantage when time t'outu. The shop, per may make purchase in any department and food will he sent tu the tranfr drk, whre hw mav pty for them all at price. The purchase will n-n l e dc hrrrd In the home town frre of thare, InfermatioM Dk lh? Information lVk on Ihe Ma n Floor U !) ready ! supply av nvrdej tr.f,rm tion. hill 1