THE OMAHA UEK: TIKSIMV. 'IbMHfcK i'i, ivz'i. Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith U'oetrlgkl 111 i I A Substantial Cut THE GUMPS SVf in coua cnov an SET 'KM UP IN THK OTHER ALLEY N. Y. Curb Bonds In Freight. Kates Announced hv U. P. Ni-w T-riffa .Irtwrrn Omaba and California Rrtlure Shipping Col of Many INViTssitiVt. suhitantial freight reductions in transcontinental carload freight rain have been announced by r. . Hob insert, (fright traffic manager of the In ion Pacific' system. Tht date for the m w to be rome rffriti-e h.n nut yit been de termined, lut nfi'irul here y tariff Hill he jonnf a vwiti a po till!'. Among the reduction made ty thf propoaed rale frrm the aoiiri river point to Pacific roan definitions shown in cents per W pound, are: Pr..IJt Hale Shoe ,... II Canfe, ilmif 1 Iff petroleum and ptrol m prducte ...... I U'i Alai-hinery iifi mi hmee ..... Wheat ( California nil) I W-an ,.,, Corn , , reede Irea-ee gTAtnt ., Agricultural I rn p I inenla s:o ' .J! .; ,: propo.ed Rate I' ins II I II . ,7H, .I .11 .14 v -, Vt It i v urn. tK A MIGHT 6000 Wsr4V Tot, A UCUVi Ne UTlU Ml to Mogt 0w minatjon ru a.i 4.4 ' 'V a. eve---, -tuvw. vnAtTi k JO cr--, rrisy v ' NlWvt, GOT At MUCH CHfcMCt 0 Bt A CONG I U. MAM it wi o -UN 6 tWTAN Cf ZUtO- I COT HCU. UT 0 OtT iOM 0. -WOT 6UN MX fCHIHt Vf & GV !; fon. a, WVHTINfa nut tMtt m NoviMt Mtvx tout. ttrc.vr- com, up fl6H? HHt- NOU'tt MlkHt 7 I! : 1 AteoHt M.RC SINCE, SOU ttT- ITS ltt 60tM( f-Sf-M . ftUX. FACTORS INTO Jk tHOTVlluM- Wmt JyM?w(, 5o Ntct anrti Nov oo 11 V ifONcri Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day t.u oine of the reduction from the Pacific coast to the Miiouii river rc: nil Halt rur! aatman an4 pii-alaO II tn II li ' ppm (iiod Bn..-i, i.3 i :t Fugitive Slmt Iy Officer. Attempt to eiap from a police i emergency ear in which he was be ! ing taken to the police itaiimi ye- ' l.rrfiv anrlf-fl in a i tan.-r.l th.rli i hone for ilarrv Brown. rtW Vnnh I Twrnty-fOnd Mreet. the fuuitive being ihot by C ity Detective f'ranrl. j Brown ha I been arrested after the Vet r.inaiii garage, J hirty-iixth I y ann harium atrit rnurtA 1 ore wa -it r. milling to nieal a er. AT THE THEATERS UR tn apanmf wrMa of Aa-aar-H.n lh. i-rpri-uni haa a how arlmlrahly aui'.n i cna aiiru nr tiu ral raativ ! IiIm. 'I'ha bill la rlrh In alomania. I Harry Carroll, on of (ha rriott popular o( i ar,ii( wri'era. ani aim ona or in. moat pap- i war oc trta vau.i.vuia ataga, la atarrinc In hi hamlanrnrly rnnunrari ra " vuf. "Varl.llra or U22." Two of Ma prin : itlpal a.alatarita ara Tom Iinala anil Paray I rfalan.y. Mlhara ara Krhln Martyn an4 !a rhArua cf am Hr.rilt. (Irla. ava- iiint (ha bl( ao'loly niaht aurtlanr-a ai fliii'h taken lib thla harll'na nfr.rliig. R O. Mlllmuri. of "RtirHl.a" anrl I ethar Hroarlnaf .ur!r..a.a, rnntrlbur.a a i faaturad part f tha ahna., H. la capably aam.d by Jim Kllpalrl'k. It wouM ba idlfflmit fne ih cirphum rlrult lo book r a mora amualiifT funmak.r than til gym iiiaaiir Mian K'unloy. Indlrallona ara ihat tha a'tanilati'-a thla Kelt irlll dupllcan tbat of laat wk. For ia currant rk, rllh matin. f dully. Iha IfHyaty pra.nt Haba Barn at.ln'a "rtroadway Fl.pp'sra" In tiro-part taaiira mirrin inr ii.pyrr la lanipuunnQ Ivlthout rtatralnt. and (ba ronrltidlnc bur j la.iu. la curiion.d "Final' Hopp.ra on Trial." villi tha mata ronaort of tha flap ' par coming In for a barraita or rlritcula. i Vrank Hunt, tramp comedian and SO o'har ' nrltiAlttfe ti ulll inif lh hi, rl.iuiM.n Tha nianairrmcnt d.flar.a that tha aranlr and o.tunt"-. .oulpinrnt "f tha "Broadway "Fl.pp.ra" will m.a.ura up It tha hlah a-H rrt'iuli cni.nta of moat anactlnc thQalar-ut.r. III! Kouth Ilirtlu and Deaths. , Hirtha. Ftank anr Mary Taylor, Hi South Tw.nly-flfth av.nua, boy. Thomaa and Mary Bublrh, 614 South CK'r.nih atraaf, a;lr! . Andr.a- and I'athriin'j Sfhinldt Vouch Klrhtaantn atr..t. flrl. Ftnk and May Franl'.a, li'U Elventh alra.t. boy. William and Gt-rtruda Knydar, hospital, ko. Xaha'-Hanci and T-ul Palermo, 1311 Hnuih Fifth atr.t. girl. Farnlv and Kaih.rina Patea. 711 South flxt.anth atri.t. girl. Jo and Maria Hajny, S90S South Four taanth itraat. girl. f H.rmiit and Threa 51onlc?o, 2104 Plerca at real, bv. Dealiio. Mr. Frnof f. Hulb.rt, 71, 4142 Grant tr.t. Mnry S.llnky, in Clark airaat. T'a'.'ld Aiid.ritnn, 'AO, lioipltal. P.oatlla Uatfon. 3. 1H4 Wlanil atre't. Omaha Grain j Giicago Grain Live Stock Marriage License?. Parker. Omaha, and Louiaa h li. P"l.h. (imaha. mukm w. umoapi. a. i rmana. ana : M.!n K. tuitrhin. Omaba. I HorHco F, Pbarr. 6i. Omalm, and Ksa I,. OirW'Wi. ! Huldn P.ofU, V.K Nela I.. SJnlm, Uli, Onihha. and Iria A. Xc'aon. C'rti.h. ' John T Witt. ov SI, cimaha, and I Julia I.. .W'-l'r.a. ov.T 51. Omaha. I n.torca M. .ion... o.r il. B.mar, N.b.. ! an'i Ad.-t Wood C'ulUhan, over 21. Mora.. ' liiUft. V-'b. Kdward llala, S5, Omaha, and Maraa I'obh, 31, iimshi, Pimples Keep Young Men Down! TWMk Woman. Too. PuaaW How S. 3. 5. Stop Skim EfMaXicaig Poatliatly. rimpla anal akin niptlnna rata prv.-you rr T PuatuK rilark-haad and plmpla on your faco. Vlmptaai produco prajudlco and provotil BroanorlW. I"r Urt ioy bo gold, a. a. a. wiu u l t 4aMag rakkMBMf. Omaha, Sept. 11, !92i Today' grain market were alow and almoat fratureleu. Karly price were aoinewhat higher than Natur day' cloje. but the advance wa not maintained and values dragged lower. Mot of the enon and final price i were around the lowett. There wai a good icd increate in the viiible mpply ita'enietit and thi rountrd aqjtnit price. Front ai reported in ime localitie of the northern pari of the corn belt, but it wa aid to be too light to came damage to the crop. Foreign exchange and alto for eign wheat cable had tower trend, and export buiinei wai said to be ilow. Today' ' wheat receipt were 117 ran, againit 116 car. ift year; corn. 39 cart, againit 26 ran, totaling 18S car, againit 164 car la it year. Total ihipment were 166 car, againit 180 can last year. Caih wheat in the Omaha market fa in fairly good demand, with price around unchanged from Satur day. . Corn moved rather alowly at un changed to Vac lower. Oat and rye told at unchanged prices and barley was quoted nom inally unchanged. WHH4T. No. S dark pa'd: 1 rara. II. t" famut- tyl; 2 rara. 11.01 (amtittyi; I car. (rrnuttyl; I car. li.OI nmofrj ), No. dark hard: I rara. 11.11: t eara, II H: I car. 11.11 iamutt; I rara. (amutty); 1 ear. 11.01: I eara. 11.07 lamgttY); 1 car, II 17 (vary amut- tyi: 1 tar. i,JS. NO. 4 dark hard: t ear, J 01. No. 1 hard wlntar: 1 ear. Ilr: 1 ear. 110); t car, lln. No. hard wlntar: 1 car. (1 1 ear. 11.00: 1 ear, lie; 1 i-ir, lie; I eara. 7e; eara. Ic: l ear. 11.14 ani-dark, amutty); 1 car, 11.00 (amutty); 1 car, 17c (ainutty). No. I hard winter: J rara. 11 1). (77 par eant dark); car. lie fl par cant dark); t car, 7e, (It par cent dark); 1 ear, li.c; t car. 11.00 (amutty); 1 ear, lie; 2-i car. I4e; t ear, lie. (no bill I. No. 4 hard winter; 2 cant. No. I hard winter: I ear. He, (muaty). Sanipla hard wlntar: 1 car, 2o (11 par cant rye); 7 car, lie. isfl. z nnw naro: j ear. ie. No. 8 yellow hard: I eara, 14c. No. 4 yellow hard: 1 car, Uc. No. 1 aprlng: I ear. 11.11 (dark nor.); 1 2-3 eara, 11.14 (dark nor.); 2 eara. 11.07 (nor.): 1 ear, 111 (dark nor ); 1 r, 11.00 (vary amutty). No. 2 aprlng: 1 car, l.ll (dark nor., 14 par cant do-k.). No. 8 aprlng: 1 rgr, 11.00. No. 4 apring: 1 ear, l.o (vary amutty). No. 5 mixed: 1 ear. I3e (durum amut ty); 1 ear. lie (durum, amutty) ; 2-1 car, lie (durum). No, mixed: 7 ear, 11.03. CORN. vo. 2 mhltc: S eara. 54Vie. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 61c (ahlppera KelKlit); 1 ear, 16 'ic; 4 eara. 66'c. No. 8 sallow; 1 car, lUic, OATS. J'o. C whlla: I eara. S414!. ftampte white; 1 ear, H4e; 1 car, jlle (heading), KYB. No. !: 7 ear. I6'a (ahlpparg might). No. : eara 4e. 1 car; Not whaat, SO per cent rje, lie, OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. (Carlota.) vVeek Tear Rneejpta- Today go Ago Wheat 117 111 Corn HI . Cta'a !7 13 Hi I I Shipmenta Wheat 4 136 Porn 47 li4 Oa'a ;0 I Rye II 1 Barley . f 1 PRIMARY RBCETPTS A YD SHIPMENTS, i RUKhcla.) Week Tear Ttec.lpta Todav Ago Ago Wheat " 10,0(10 . i S,I7.I)I'0 Corn l.saiono 1ll,00(i 0I 1,022, 000 a 1,141,000 Phlpmenta Whaat -..1. :. i-orn Ill.onn 141.000 Oata 14.000 ......... F.XPORT Ct.KARANCP.S. (Pu.heia ) Toadc. Taa. Age. Whent and flour 1.0(4.001 1,011,000 Corn date Holiday. CHIC-ACIO Tar'ola Wheat fern Oil S 100 .... MOO ., HKORtPTS). C.ek Teday. At, . .111 ' 11 141.110 Tear Ago 4 :o 19 Carlo' - ... l orn ., taa ... ST. Ctriote h..t M.RrHw F..Tev Ago HI rt 41 Age ii it n KANSAS CMTT RF.CKIPT Week Tday. Ag. 41? J7 II l.('l'l RrCKIPTO TdT. Ago. . . !i , 13 .... 4. TCIIKAr n:-IPTl W" t r.'an- . TM.y, Agt. go M na.apaha . . . , , I1 Nl 4H W . p.a .... , . , .1 llel,4av t MtkP PTITF Mil.ha a Today Aga Tr l" lt.,1 II l4 !,) 4. l" f re. ....... !!! 1 JI4 a It HI a aia . .... m II -' kia .... Iial' 4 ! I HI h. t .y I . Ulliil CM AH 070. i.,'a- . t..' n I.l'l J. ! 1 i , n ,,,,,, ., ... tt 4l i n'a ... ,!. 1 Ha ...i... tl 41 Hamr 4 4.4 By CHARLES D. MICHAELS, Oaaaka Ha l.eaa.g Wleo. Chkagi. Sent. II While grain prices held within relatively narrow limit, the undertone of the mar ket wa eaiy. Thi was due more to lack of speculative interest than any material increate in selling prenure. heat had a range of I 1-8'a,! l-4e and cloaed 3 iJ Hc lower. Corn was off I 4ct 1 -2c and rye a like amount. Oat finished unchanged to 1 8c higher, with Sep (ember l-4c over December at the lam. The greater part of the news on wheat was of a depreaiung charac ter. An im-reae of J,K7I.'0 buah- ei in the visible supply led to selling and a decline, the finish being about the bottom. A good part of the day's buine was in spreading operations, with December bought and May sold here, which narrowed the difference to 4 3 4c at the last against 5 I -8c Saturday. Winnipeg October was bought against sales ol Chicago May to cloie spreads. SUIna In Middlg Waal. V Rama over tha central waat will per mil ih completion of fall plowing and edif.g. Kaport demand generally waa alow, although thara wag aom hualne.a dona dlr-t that waa not reported through in a.aboard. Ltvarpool elnaed itnehaogad Winnipeg rneaaagea eipreeeed tha belief that welpte would Inereaa materially In the near future, Recelpta bar, 143 car with preimuma upenanged. - Italna and cooler weather have (aken (h arap out of tha buying aid of corn. Highaat. prlrea were made ahortly after tha opening and tha loneet (oward the lent. September aeted rather ttgtit at limea. Hulk of tha tre.le wa of a local with Pit trader leaa bulll.b than of lata. Country offerlnga of old eorn to arrive er fair wnn a car anortega re electing aalea for nearby ahlpmant to aomo ettant, Heraipta, m eara witn a iceai houaa tha beat buyer at unchanged premtume. Spiambr oat geted tight and colaed at a premium ever tha le.-amber for the ftrat time thla aceeoii. continued buying of September and aelllng of Itecember to change ovar hedga by oufaide tnat- kata ware tha main fectore. rremlum on .pot vera off aa mueh aa lc, dua to proa peeta of larger arrivale. ftatalpte, 201 eara. September and December rya cloaed at the a. me price with a local eaah houee a good buier of Heptenibvr. while tha ea board aold September and bought May. K port demand at tha a.aboard waa alow. No. 2 on track aold at is over rlepiem ber. Pit Not. Number of hog. In N.braaka on Sep tember I tor fattening, according to the detailed government report la 4,141,01)0, compared with 3,714.000 laat yet Spanlah wheat crop la eetlmated at 12, -010,000 buahela leaa than horn require ment. Cuing to a good carry-over from the old crop and reduced conaumptlnn. due to increaaed uaa of corn. Import will be aomenhat curtailed. Roumanian corn crop ha been dam aged by a hot wave In weatern and nothern eeoflone of Nere South Walea the wheat yield will ba only half a crop, due to lack of aubeoll moleture. Broomhall edllnintf world Import need of wheal at IS4.000.OOO bufhele and mke the aurplue of eiportlng countrlea 774.001.000 buehela, giving North Amwlra 4111.100,000 buehela. wrgentina, r.aa a protpectlve crop and rarry-ovar of 144, 000,000 buahela. Northweatern rarh Intereeta that ob tained about He per buehel In carrying chargaa In oat the lam year evidently overetayed their market. They are eald to ba ahort eonetderabl September, hlch uaa e over Kecamh.r part of the day and cloaed at that premium. They tiava the eaah oata but do not Ilk to ehip them to Chicago thla month for delivery. A H.m.mher here were recently J'.c under Perember there apreed hae not rtorked out prnnianiy. Congeaiion axilla at Buffalo. 1 he Le high elley and I.a'kaftennn roade are not taking grain for the aeaboard for tha prent, aa they ara devoting their faelll tfea to atartlng tha moiemeut of coal. Stockn of all grain at Buffalo ara 7.260.. 010 bu.hela. which la not a heavy aupply a hen all roade ara accenting bueineaa. Financial Reeetptg were Monday aetiiuate ...It. te Same day la.t Same day S k It 1(1 Same day I k ago, 13,7:7 S.ine day year ,. 14,601 Omaha, II, rlll llog. Sbep .. II ' III 7 74! 14 I I ' 4 mi it.tii t4 31.2(1 Cattle Rw.lpie. II SO head. W ..tarn renga tattle (ha big bulk of lha offerlnga Monday end th.te a no eiceae er beer ellbar graa or tor,, (.1. I'dcee held ateady on (be het torn ted, long yearlinge e.lllng readily at 32 10.16. lie. i of the Weil, ratigeta were aleo eteaily and klllerg paid aa hlh ae t II for rrtma beef. i'ua and eara in limited aupply and altw lo lit 26c loner, while a.lde from hl a atork eatila the n,arket for feeera wag aivw and 19 16 lower than le.t week. 4uotatlon on attii Chi. be to prim b.avea, 114.1101016; good In i hull. b.evea. I010.0; fair lu good brevea, I 00010; common la fair beevee, l o ttlli.; cholc lo prime yearlinga. 110 00 014 74; good to choice yearlinge, t.4'ir Iv 10; fair lo good yearlinga, l60t)JK, common tn fair yearlinga. I7.inll. good tn (hole graa b.aiee, SI lluioo: fair to good grew bee v.., sa 3641 7 I"; cnnimon to fair graea beevea, 16 104 26; Meapan I4.76il SO, good lo cholc gra.a h.lfern, II 1 H; to good graee helfera, I4IOI60; good to choice graea toe, 16 004 6 .0; me'i iiiltl lo gwd gra.a cowe, I4 2IU6.00; common te fair gra.a rove. 12.00 4 21; prima heavy fe.iler., 17 ', C i.1, good lo rhoKe feed, rg, 17 lirp 7,76; fulr to good f.edera, II 10(11,!,; common to fair ferdere. H.oeii6; ii,d lo cholc atock.r., 7. ( 7.7; fair to ?iood ai'c-Ueie, 004(7 04, common to etc aioekere, 4.764.oo; .lock heifer.. 14 0191 lo; etoc cow., I J.0oj 4 Ji, eloi k alv.a. 16 00 f) I 10; veal calve., 6.00i 11.00; bulla, .i.e. etc, I' 11$ a. 71. iiKe.r BTKr.its Av. I'r, No. Av 10l I I :r, 67 74 4 I 46 II 14. 1 l. 10 6 STK.KHS AND HFIFFHS 12 I III 27 ' 27 10 2 61 W KPT K TIN CATTI.K NKKRAMK A 37 nr. 1 410 I ;'(, 4'e. 17 4 00 7 f.lrrf 144 7 26 II Mil HI 74 II hfra 4IH 6 41 II hfra 711 I Zi 21 Mra 140 7 26 lloga Hecelpta, 1.100 head. Trading aaa active today, lb early market rul ing alrong to 10c higher with alranaih gain later and bulk of huge moving 10 Vile higher with epote on rn'.aed I,,. ,la end pucklng gr.idea IMi2(.c higher, l.ighl hoga aold largely at II 0f I 011, alih a top pi oe 'tr jHonuim weight butcher., H 601 01. and e'.rong weight butcheta. 7.76I60. Hulk of heavy mined and packing grade at l iil7,f.o With ben Hen at 14.60 Ji . Ik Hulk of all aalce aaa l7l,'loo. HUUS Pr. No. Ay, so K..34I New York Bonds No. II... 1... 20... JI... II.. ' Pr. 41 10 ill 11 00 10 le Sb. No. Av. 27. ,ao 60.. 120 40 62. .241 219 61. .24 ... 77. ,247 i).,2 42. .227 7 01 1 10 7 0 1 71 2, 06 K) 76. .20 73. ,23:; SI. .267 61. .Ill 41. .206 Sb. Pr. .. 10 7 06 NEW YORK TIMES. Omaha riee ae4) Wire). New York, Sept. II. Nothing hap pencil over tlie Sunday holiday from the financial viewpoint except the return to work by the hard coal miner, the preparation of labor to route at the liauglicrty injunction and a good deal of high flown oratory by the fonaptruou labor leader. The ii, junction matter did not in tcreat the financial markets, except a opening very ill alviedly an op purtuiiity for the striking union lo linre a niiiiit. The; formal ending of the bard coal strike wai chiefly interesting because it terminated the formida ble labor (It moiutartions of the pe riod and became, with the move ment of both kind of coal resumed in maximum quantity, the vital lies- lion of motive power to haul and tin tiibute all the freight applying for transportation will son be (airly tilted. We liver Million Share. Sale on lha e'ock enhange ran hayond a million nharee for the ihlrd time in k-pteniher; no million .hare market hav ing occurred either In Auguat or July. ilailwa eharee aere unlfurlmy a'rong: good many tndueiriat eharee al.o went higher. offat, however, by Irregular de olitiea in aome gtocka f that group. Ae a whole, and eeprcay in the Liberty loen ileparttiient, thi bead market a eirengthened by the trea.ury'e announce ment of a 3. per tent rale for a 12,000. (Mio. one er loan. Thie rate doeg not differ from tha rate at which g loan tor a ainiilar term aaa placed laat dune. Hut a twelve-month, loan placed In Septem ber la a much better nieaeure of autumn t,n. aey niaiket probahiiitiea than la a eimllar tianaactlon at the beginning ef the lummer eeaeon. In lO'iuy a rather general decline or foreign . change ratca. both tha franc and tho nark went to in inweet value reached Ihia month, although not to the Auguat figurn. Thie re.ciiod way or may not have b.en ronnecied with the di.ngreetnenr between Helglum and Ger many over minor point in th moratorium riimprnniiee. There waa never any reaaon to epei-t that Oermeny woul not propoae .cme unacceptable eonuliloiia, nor waa there any reaaon to Imagine, that the agreement for a moratorium would be up aei ga a coneeournce, I 7 26 7 i'l 7 74 nil I ir nneep Kacalpia. 21. boo head Itectm. aero fairly liberal todav and Included a llb.r.l proportion of feeding lainl,.. Fat lanma ruled at ring to 10oir,c higher with bulk moving t.l Il2.60fti2.16 n,i h..t lamb o noted et 113,00. Feeding lamia were active and moved readily et atrong price., in. org airing going out at 112.60, and beat light I. ml,, quoted at 112.76. Jheep were aleady, light we eng at anii reeding ewea ar &.zt,fr6,3o. Ollotatlona on .heen and iimiu' leaf lamb, good to choice. 1 1 2.5n a I S.Oo : ft Ismlia, fair to good, 112.0141 12.60; feed ing lamba, 111 Iui2.76; cull lamba, 14 00 rilO.U"; fat ewe., laht. 11.30(2(6.60: r.i ewea, neavy, n.ou'4.60. New York Quotations riant York. Sept, !I -M.newed (eiivlty le liberty iMinda, virtually all of which .hoa.d a firmer tone, aa the uute'and ing In today bond market, pine, in ahicti .f mainly higher. Sa.'ratary Mellora announcement thai the gov.rriment would aoon borrow around Ifoo.ioo.oou at I, per cant Iniera.r, ouoed an vtiva iniuiry for th liberty leuee, the fourth 4'e of which touched inn, hot ted later 10 11011, a n.i gain nf II ooint. In the railroad grlup, new high reconla w,re aatal'iielied by Canadian Parinc dcbtenluree Krteco gdluetmeht le. Hud inn and Manhattan refunding 6a and ' Katy ' ilMattnent 6a end wi. ilaln of I to 2 poima elan war regl.tered by Seabttard Stamped 4a. Sllnneapolla and Si. Louie refunding 4a and rnnaolldaicd la and San Antonio and Arkanaaa I'aea 4.. HharD reacllntie look place. However in Chicago and Ureal Weatern 4a and At'hieon 4a temped There waa a fairly good Inquiry for publto untitle., advancea of 1 lo It d tnta being noted In Toledo Traction 6 lirooklyn Hapld Tranalt 7a and 1'ortaland Icallway, l.ignl and power 7'a. Mrnoklti I r.lon (la (a followed a contrary rnur., dmppln nearly 2 point.. Chile cupper convertible e, whh h moved to a new htgh level, wi. the only noteworthy atrong aont in tha Itiduatrial Hat Furele-n bor.da were generally firm, game of a point being adored ly a and l'r,.u 76. alth on.ldcrable clivlty in the Putin F.aet Indie ineue. I.t,.n. Urn tell back a oolnt. Total aalea. D.r velu., were Il4,t0l.10 The offering of I2l.000.0oo Ktnui City Power and Light company au-yenr 6a offered a' IJ lo yield I 47 per wae r ported o ver-eub.' rlbfd by the ayndbate niaoagera. The only other Important flnaocfng wae an offering vf J,600,iio prvlerrta eiota of K. Kuppenheltner CO, S'ei. Vnrk Kent ll Following are to- ri.v'a Inch. !,. and cloeing prlcea of henrl. an lha Neiv York block F.IC'hange, nd th total aalea of each bond; L,. a. tit. 1 1. High. I.OW. t lo.e. II Liberty !'. 21 Liberty I.t 4ie. 22 Liberty 2d .. 440 Liberty 3d 4e. . lum Liberty 4th 4W 213 Vie 27! Vic 2 CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. I a mM I nt te la erupt iT -4ary Vm Vk k.e lha awaara f itiUia Itaaal Sua pwaale. an e-i pif.i-a, a I a paw, a-47 aiea e t w See a iae -tiv war eat PXiet a ai uaiiea) will rait Wh e 4 U aeteattfia aae-w aee. Sit a aaa lha rtrul 4aeu, al Ml teapw.ltie. t ! Iiaaa. . See ) aaeeit aa a talhwa aaa )we ha ! It e a'4e4 aa al t" ! -." t.l .. tked patrirte-a IwaA -UU.a ta a wa. a 1l ak vm Se ! a aaaah l"t'0 ee Sx fWaa a , a. Saae .1 aa aaa taa-. 1 ' -e r ttm tk a ra'ga, ana III "'HIKil tv at aa eaa i I a ' ' I aaae ' ' I " 1 I . tev l eaa) f!.e. 4 ihi Nt a a ta l .e. - l i ) g.-aa. la IS,aJ Sa U BMataetkai, K aaae t H. 4 ral a .. a , J ..i u ' -i S I ba 4. I'ill, li I t'l i I lt,a-l.-i.ged t V I a -. l- V l ti ., 10.1 .a. ti -I aeg.. fe.'xa . at -r 6mi gi.e..t, , UilMi, ll , U. . II- 4-ea- aaoir-o.'. l"s t' a it. ill,, ti. -. S. Ftv llpdlk Grain Co. DO. 1127. Sept. 11. Art Open.l Hlg h. Low. Cloae. Sat. Wht. I 1 7"" Sept. 1.01 I 1.01 H 10S ions! 1 nt 1 I"' i 1 l S Pee, 1.01', 1.02H 101'. 1 t I 1 02 I ov. to- i li'. May 1.07V ;. 1-Olit 1.0 7S . . I.0IV 1S7H I I Sept. ,71t .71. .71' .71'., .71 Pec. .711 .tr .7t', .71',' .71 May .7 .il .7k .IISl .7 corn I I I , ,1, .si i i .tH .si'; .:' Oee, .61 .ll'il .IV. I .I7'i .li'a .tin. .4; i .us; .en May .41 I .1S. .4S .V; .l' SI', J .SV! , O.I I I Sept. ,ll4 .SI',' .!4, "'.I l ne. .is s' .-m .; l ' ! j .?.,' i M.y .I' .MS i ! 1 'I ' .11 1 '17 I a St l17 1111 11 II li Id: UK !' 71 ! liaak aa . t i I. .'.f . . f -wf .4 i'a Sui -a o a .-. ... fc-e4 lti?,4 4 v a ., a .. - ... ... ill o .a a Sew Vk l44aa. New t.-k. . II- Flit, w.p iri.gilarlt i I St lad i a laday r-M A ant ai. -.t eetai follaa!" the f!l tf! ie , r.eil le.g llB o via-' h:h a.eaewe. ahlnSi "a... ! teaiitea a l;H; u.l.e aan,,da. a fl- at k I. t.( a l u e ' t g.a.tal e . irti'a a I. .'i mi-iaai - l k.a. a- i. e'.H l '! eiat- ... Ii.lli .,.4-..i , i.i.d l.t't i ,.) It e . . rt.t.i ib. i the t...i.-i b,l aeen ( t- Sri. . i -. ai e . ! t..t tut l..l a a.''.. tee a4 At-.. a.MUi i. e H .1 it I !., , ', l .".! 4 II . ,, teea a a-oal ... ta eeoii g ...".l iv 'e l.ei kai.. ft4 ) ..' iei,. a a at I -4., ,.e aa..,4 aa lea aa. dea -4 e '. Ie !-, ( I la II . hlcngo l.lieelock. lihl'BBO. Heot. II. Cattle -.teci-!nr '.'4. 000 head; market alow; better gradea nrer aiaera ann yenrnngi, rully led.v; other gradea weak lo 16- lower; weatern grm.era. largely ltc to 26c off; top ma. turen peer atecra, in. 16; heat yearlinge, 111.01; ah aluck. etvady to weak; hull., largely 16c higher; veal calvea, 26n lo SOc lower; atockere and feeder., weak to 2fc lower; cl.aranco of beef ete.ra only fair at noon; hulk native ateera, ,768j 1 ".26; built deelrabla bologna bull., 4.10i(4.2u. bulk veal ca!ea. around 112.10. Hoga Kecelpta, 40,000 head; market Opened around teady; atetidy to rong: 1.1 to 2l'i-vuiind hng., 9.6oeio.; iaop, IS le; hulk, 2-6 to 250-pound butcher.. II I0ttl.4i: hulk, 240 lo Gil" pound butch ere, IS.60 7) . S6 : bulk packing anwa, l.!'0 117. 60: nlga, atrong to l,i- higher; tot, M'iltgS.'iO; eetlmated holdover, l.tiio head. riheep and Lamba Receipta, 17.000 head; lamhe, uneven; packer, buying moaily eteady; beet to eiy htitchrra and ahippere, 10c to 26c higher; deck, choice trimmed tiitlv... m 26 tn ahlppera; few other loede. tU.I6ll.OO; pa kera top, 112.7.; be.t weatern Iambi, 111.10; eh.ep, ateady; fat heavy ewea, tft. 00414. 00; good liandy walghta, .09.:i; feeder, firm: top feeding lamba. Iu.00; bulk. i:.60(j 12,10. Kama I Hv LlieatArk, kan.aa city. Mu. Kepi. 11. if. t). Dipt of Agriculture. ) Cati--Hecelpt il.ono head, b.ef ate. re and .locker, and feed, ere, generally eli-ndy to le lower, epol. oft more: aave-al lu.ila hghia and ln rtlurn weight fed pli.n, 110 16; beet llghle. tut 16; beii.r grede k'rie. I k'l; plain kind.. earv 43 76, good light fe-4-ere, I7.le17.70. fluhy h.aiy kind. Mm. fat h.lfcre. atrong. meet gi-aieata. I aoo, ni'i.i rum, l.i.loe 6 oo, be.t vealei. IIO.i'O lu.fio, tnedium lo giod helogna bun. I140DI.76, rannrt and mu.'i, roctiy l.'l lie. - Kecelpta I.HO h' l: maiket. ae. tlw, nio.llr ti)c bigh.t, epot. on heat lee up mote; patk.v cp. I . ' . hipt. lop 1110; bulk eelee. iK4ll; g I in. I , hci.-e Jin pcumi'r. i '' I I., i.'iik lo 24 p.iundet. I , , paik'tta e., el.itl , aim.olh Win.le, H-., et.k p . .i,.lv Jo lc h br, better gt.d... $. ,4 a 4, i.e.! natii-a, li - ri.c-tft., 7 "tn IV. d, '.ii! t It-.-., le tic higher; t.,, ir. .,,,. 1 1 ; an mnta lllta. r'ila iji., i t; i'l, in., p atrrtag; beat ti-el .ma, l, buia. I I-' i4 Ike. a.lnn It t. Range of prlccg of I he leading atocka furni.hed by Logan A llrygn, 4 Patera Truet fiuliilms: fiAii.nuAon. Saturday High Low cine Clo.e 111, J04' )0t 104', 61 07 , .1414, I4 ' 14 '4 77. 74' A. T. a g. V. .., Halt. Ohio .., t'tnadian Pacific N. V. Central ... Chea. A hln ... tlrcat Northern llllnol Central ,,.1I0 lie 61 61 HIS 144 II II '4 76', 77 'i ih 14' HIS 114', 26' K. C. Southern . 26'4 Lehigh Valley ... 71S N. V. N. H. ... 32', Mli.ourl Pacific .. 23S Norther n Pacltlo . x Chicago Z -V. . .. 16 ' Perm, It, R. 47 Heading 2'i f, H, I. V P 41 huuthern Pacifio . 141. fouthern Rallkav Jt1 Clil.. Mil. At Ht. P.. .It Union Paclflo ..16(4 16: ' 163?. 16i STKKI.S. Anier. Car. Fdry Ill"; ... 61s 6I, 61 Anier. Loco 127 1 2llVi 12S 121 Baldwin Loco lr,7t, 13SVi 137' 134 Hetniciiem hteel... 7S "' 7J1. i oil. i up! a iron, si Crucible ins Ant, Mteel Fdry. ... 44 1 nckawanna Steal. 7fJ M'dvala Kteel 5(1. I're.ied Steel Cor, 10 Rep. Hteel A Iron. 7 1 g By. Hteel Minings. . 122 32'. 2.1 4 4 ' u Iti'a i 4lva 14' 24 S 34 I.i ", 42', 71', 341, le 71 7li-j 2S 23S IIS 47 12 4 a i S ;7 4 sis, 46 IH 14S, 90 ',i ' 71 HI(,.-B.-lief (IV id V. ft. Steel... Vitnadlutti . . . Oil. Steel . . . Anaconda . . . Am. H. AY It. Co. , Orro Pa I'&aco . . , Chill 7 chino Calumet eV Aria.. (Ireeu Cananea... Iniplratlnn Kennecot t ...... Miami Hay Consolidated Seneca I tan ........... licii.ral A.phalt . I i,..1en , Cnllrornln I'etto. I. land t Ml Invincible i n I . , U.ilcan Peiin ,. irt.ll. Htaiea .. I". rifle nil fait - American ,. Phillip. I'terr, nil ...... I'm OH I4n al I'ol.h ... Hinciair " ... . H and nil N J, , 1 a- I n . , , I'iiImii ml l, Into till II Hi IIS'S 12J 60S el "4 71 2 a ' .' sc. 44S S24 47', til1, 27 34 JI if'i,' 42 W 7S 34 'a 6 '. 6 60'. .JOltS 114' 104', 104S 6!'i 61 .. . 10". 10', OI'l'KrtS. 6.S nS 40 24 t, 3114 . 41 'i . 17S . !!', -' . US . 70 , OILS. . ' . 41 . MS 36', 4 S 40S :t 30". 4IS a.'i 2IS 14 US IS ill S 10i rM (US 41', 24 S 31 ' IIS IJ 'a 3IS US US IIS M 4. ii?S l US 1S 111', 4.', 4iS s US 14S i:s ims in us us UN .1', MS 7'. :' !', Ill 14', 4S MS I ' b.U'l'ec . , I ,t i, 41 ol' r . , , VI I'll . in erf,i . , l'i-n . A ' t ft . . . , . Wkti VI l a .- .... Uti.bak-e ht HUM I .. 64'. .. IS .. JS '. MS .. 34', ,, .144 4.', MS s Ml i ll 'MS .11', - , .. I''. MS ..IS iS ..US If, . . ., , sis !'.', 3S 7S 4 3', If, II, 7S M 61 S us 66' S6 40' 24 S 31S S2S 31'. 42 17 1 ii'a ', 4S "s MS in MS MS MS MS IS US MS 54 MS S I - 'V "l 4i, MS I M I M, I'S IMS M'. Mt' MIS nil l lat.- i e( t i t .1. , hit 1 1 ' MS 4'S I i.. I IM aiMIAI t I'S ' . MS . OS I ; . i 1 Si 4 S . M MS I aa-ege aeeeka S,.g a ., .1 i44leg 4'kCjB i . i..,...i .. a iH r..e, l l- ti i .M I .... m a lew) ea i I . . - , i... ,. I, i s ... ,-,.. "i,. f .., I a.J i'.c a ' i . .a I i6i( . . II do .9... , . ,i si v.; -i . a.-1 44 - , i.j . . j ii i..i. ae .1, ,, '.-.. . ,.f I ! I. I I . , inl ll . , . Ki a.- , Peal live !6., t, I'm) W an . ayl II iln,u. aii-.i a-H- v-kl l'., trltti.el af Ati,a!a-l . ail,- - 44 i i.4.t,t.v c..p ii ee, cia,t eiua, aiii,g . . , gee..iir id I a..., . I. i t ..(. lew.l .wit-tucn . indfm te t .1.,.,. l .)-, 4IK ym l.i Ih.'I. t-.l k, I ,. tti.:f a V4 ee. .ad a.'f.t I ... 4 ' , I.., oi. ' .... I.,, , , , , ll 4 H..e . I --at-. -u a , , ll4 ", a I ' ! I , . et." ! ., t.i,', , Ilia a-. 1 t a. a .1 a ,n l ia- j w . , net . t-r ' i t liflls lit. ...',. ,i fi. .1,1. H. l HIJI'I 1,1.4 . M ga- He-, ell II h. I .i. l , (,,., a," n, i p..!' la ii,, owit liti i 6 i. ' i al m .v t I. a,. c-i4 1 1 i . It la , k.i, a.Ciil l, litl Hiata l ,.i v,,...,. , ,. i.4. I. e ' 1.1 it... i. i . ( ii. i.,.,,- In i e'.a .ii I ti a. iig Aa t M a I 4 I t 111, ! a. i, li 4. j I a v ,.( ll.t l',..e. S) a-aevh lit ta.i. ' " M i ..iv . m . a--. it t i ii I.- ) i . a 4- 4 u . .aw. i .im-u . ' a " a f..., ...' n a- -"e ,- . e--kl . 4 i .- 4 i. a I , - a I ttja" i'ci'1 ..!., a.,. -e a . ' j e ' r tltU I 1 li '. 4 !,-, ,, -.- , , --! . i t.l I, net i.iJl tie. ...l'l. 1. I I ci,.l 4 i , US 44 1! ns us MS us 16 If 4 lil S M s MS l 1 4. I'lS l"S I 'S , I'l I I HS MS MS IS II 61 .IS, tl 41 lii'4 i loo no loo o no lo .100 74 1 00 4 100.72 .100 32 100 22 100 30 .0.s 100 7 I HO 30 .10) 00 100 41 110 14 4H iln'.aled,.IOO 72 IO0.70 100 72 called 10 34 100 30 100 30 FOKF.KIN (JOVKHNMKNT, RTATK AND XCNICII-A U, 14 Argentine 7 102', 10H 102 ) i ilov Ry la.. 63 13 63 1 City of Hern I. '..lit' 112', 1I2'4 11 city of Hordeaua la UK 62S I2S 1 City of Chrla l...l 10 !'' 15 City of Cop i',.... 14 I3S MS 14 City of I.yona 4e... 12 63 13 13 City of Mare ..... 2 124 62 11 City of 1 da J l. .1001,4 ioo 10o' 214 City of S 1' la. ...103 102!, H2S 2 City of Toklo it... 72' 72 72 1 City of Zurich 6. ..115 116 115 14 Czechn.l Kep I c. 16 I6S 11 I'anlah Mini A. .110 )IH 101', 37 Oept of Seine 7e.. 10 90 US I O of C I', p n '21. .102' 102'4 102 S 6 ll nt C 6. 1131. ...lOHS 100S 100S 112 I) of C Se 162.... I! US US 10 Dutch F. Ind 0. 1147 17 SIS MS I Dutch K Ind C. 1142 SO SIS MS 116 French Republic 4I..10I', Ids HI', 117 French Rep 7',... S9 S I'S 21 .lap lact 4S 14 MS 14 S 21 Japaneaa 4. I2 I2' "2' 31 King of Bel 7,e.,.!'i7 104'., 107 4 King of Be I..... 91 'i l II 27 King of Oen I..... MS 114 M'4 1 King of Italy IS... IS S MS 12 King of Nether le.. I6S ll'.i 16 King of Nor le 112S HI U'i 2 King of Sweden In. ,10t 100 104 66 Paria-l.yona Med 6 77 74 71 2 Rep of Bol In ll", S " 3 Hep of C la 1I4I...104' 104 104(4 ) Kep of I" 6a 1104.. 11 I 17 5 Ntata of tjueene 7...I13 111 112 21 Stale of gueena 6a. 104 114 HI 11 S of IX U d 8 le .101 i 101 101 6 Mwlaa Confrd 8b.. .121 121 121 14 I'K of (iHl6'a 22..IOOV4 110'., lt)"' 11 I K of OHAI 6S 2. .107 117 107 2 UkofOK ISS 37, .106 106 115 S3 V H of Hraall li.,.103'4 102 103 11 U S of Mealco 6a.. 64 ' 6ii u 17 IJ 8 of Mm 4a 43 424 42'i 63 Am Agr C 7 ',..... lOi '4 106S 106-j 11 Am Smelling 6a... tr. MS 16 21 Am Sugar B 1"4'i 104 104',i 1 Am T I 7 o ..U5'4 llS'.i 116S 7 Am T & T c tr 6k.. IS S 9S IIS 2 Am Writ Paper 6s.. S', Sii'. S!i 3 Arm Co 4 SB 02 S2 92 6 At T ai. S F gen 4a S3 02 92 12 Bait A Ohio 6a 101 101 S 101 I Ualt Ohio ev 4',B ,, S 13 Bell T of Penn 7a. .104', ICS 104', I Beth Steel ref'6a...l8 S7 17 S Beth Steel p m 6 U'i S3 "S S Braden Copper le.SI's Blkyn Fd gen To U..70S 16 Bltljn Rap T 7a c Sit, I Cal tl e F.lec 6b... 17 2 Can N SSa 114 77 Can Pac deb (a.,,. 14 2 Central Leather 6s II 19' IIS 101 119 SI US 17 I7S ins ms :'.' 13 si it t ( en Pao gtd 41... U'i SOU 90', 1 t erm de Paeco 6a. .121 12S 129 136 C O cV 6. SI ', 14 61 C At O ev 4S II 1 W 77 C A ij ref 6a A..10I S lots Hl'i SIC IC II 6a 16 lS 32 11 lit Weel 4a MS 6 61 IS C SI a St P cv 4a '6 7a 76 111 C M A S P r 4s M M 30 C M S P ev 6a.. 7" 71'. 71 If V W 7a 11014 1101, no', 1 i- N W I Ill III 113 II C Rya 6a I3' Is I! i' I I I r gen 4... Its MS 64 S Jiit n I r ref 4a. if W Ind 4i... 14 Chile Copper 7e. . . 4 ( htla Copper te.., la Colo Ind e II Col Ilea lil.c 14 t l um Coal of M'l 6 17 II SM, 144 loo ss II MS lo. S S s MS -CIS ', I'. I I, II if I I, I ll S3 SI I I, I 6 W II 4 ll llll SI l I Lehigh V. I I. ... 141 141 l.lg a llyera (... I" I"" S lrlll.rd 6. SS IS I I av S r-f 6Se..lS I"eS l"'6 I I. I N uii'fted 4... MS S MS II Mkt St Ry run le.. 4 1 H Ht , ref la ti 44 S II M K'l A SkVJ IS I" I"'1. 147 MKT n V lien I A 61, 234 M K T n ait j aa A Mt r.s I M K T I.I 4... 44 MS 21 Slo P., (ic run le., 101 M'S 34 M.i I'aclflu g. ... S Mont Pw 6 A. . SS " 10 .V K TAT lit ' elfa MS I'S I N l) I at M inn 6a.. 71 S "S ' ' ' I N T C col 7a I7 17 17 4 N Y C deh lia,.u7S l" l"7 1 S V K ref (i. Ill', Ills III' 1 NTMI4II cv.. 141 16 MS MS I NYNHaK deta !- I3S MS MS N V lly ref 4b ctfe. :tS ! " S 1 NT T deb Cb 1144 ,107 117 17 II N 7 T.l r: . 1141 nil 107 ims INT Wb li 4 Sa 47 S 67 61 (4 Nor e Hnuih 6a A, .MIS IM n 2 Nor at Weal cv tie , US S !' S Nor Weat ion 4a. SI SI II 114 No Pan pr Hen 4. Ilos 1"S Ilo It No St. Par ref la A 14 S MS 14 North w.. Hell 7 .111 l7 107 I lire Lai let le ..I'")'. )". Ion, 4 tire S L gtd la 1161, 106 i, 3 tire S I, r.f 4e ... II II 4 11 Ore.W UK N 4 6 MS fill Hteel Ib A ...In"' 1S '"S Pac Oaa A) Flee 6b.. II 11 13 6 Pac T A T 6 1162 14 SI 14 21 Pack Motor Car Ib.I'iJ l"7S U'I 1 Park H It S HI 1 1 1 S '' 4 Penn It H n 6a I US 1"7S l"7S 7 penna Kit gen 4 14' IC, 14', 2 Per Mara ref 6. los loos 11', 12 Peor 4k I no 4e 34 II' '4 I Prod A Ref li . ,..113 113 113 17 Public Service la.. IS', I Reading gen 4. ....', S H I.I. Ark La 4 & III, I M av S ref 4a 11 42 S L er H F adj I... H6S li i i, i i r in.' . . 7i 71 S L b H F p I (I A 76S 6 Sea Air Line cm t "'"v 11 hea A L adj 6b... 2', 20 H. A I. ref 4a... . 41', I Aharon S Hoop A 7 Sin Crude till IS. 9 160 Sin llll cv 7S l"6 1"6 42 Sin (ill col 7 HI S HI I Suuth H-ll Tel 6.. ! SI S South arlflo v 4.. 9JS 18 I South Pacific ref 4a US 11 3 South Pace col tr 4. IIS '. 44 South Ry gen ea,.10IS 1" 44 South lty con 6b 19 !' 64 Souih Kv aen 4a... 71 71 6 S' Porto R Hug 7B.. 102 '112'4j 102'4 20 Stil till of C deb 7a.l"iS 106 106 S 12 Tea b Pac let 6a... II II M'i S Think Ave a.lj 6a... II', l 1 Third Ave ref 4e... 7S ' 7 S Tldeweter Oil (S "3S l" US' I Tob Pdct 7a 100 s loe 104 72 L' llg 4k P A tr.102 101 lit 10 Union Pao let 4a... 94 94 94 11 Union Pao cv 4a.... I4S S4 4S 41 Union Pac ref 4a.. 16 96 S6 11 Union T Car 7a...Ht4 InS 103 1 United Orug IB...II.1 112', 112 1 II R Inv 1 ua Pllta 90' 10' 10 1 IT S Hub 7',B I'll' IDS I'll' 66 U S Rub Cb 90S 30 90 I I t Steel g f 6a. ...103 103 VI M3 I Utah Pow I.t 6a 93 13 93 IS VaCar C 7 ctfa 9k , 94 1 Va Ry r,a 100 loo 10n 2 Weat F.lec 6 100 100 100 13 We.t Md lt 4... 6 64 12 We.t Pao 6. 67' 67 17 SWeet Klectrlc 7. .101 1"! K'l II Wll AV Co a f 7.. 107 104 107 Si Wll a Co cv 6a.... 97 94 4 Winchester 7s...I04 103 103 Total aalea of bonds today were 119,234,- 000 compared with fi,106,000 prevlou day and ll,0ii7,100 a year ago. S.m talk. Sept 1 1 - Traaeaeltea at ik. ae talk iai aiaia4 leday en a Iwitoae. I in aa relic. I Anted r.. ee... SI', t Am I. a I . . I". f' M V Aia 1. T e w a I.I Ml ll t A.M T t T .. l ! I I An T T .. M ll Ml Ae fug e I". I, Ml 1 Ae l'-p I. ' '"4 M ! 4 An Am ml IS " '4- l'l Aiiuuur A I a le l-t , l"S I AH llulf A W I I 11 MS M.lh gl.el te. 'JI I"' g i.l BI..I I.. 'Il lelS Ml'. I"S S liaiy I n ilae ae liS l"S " l i. N.I My . I. IMS !' I"' e t a Sal S te ... ' ' : 1'ei.dl.e l ee ...MI' l"t S "' 'e t l ent Steel t let al 1 .1 ttk.Ko.l lr.,n la l' I' cr. t I'm. 0 ta I- ... Si S t Culuiii lliaph I... It I" M l Cum P...r e II li I, a. Moll la .Ml Ml Ml Cut, ll.a II. I t. lea m,, I Cop 6 I A e. II Ml I" a Co 7se Mi M;S ' i f.iiib ii i r ti in I li.lena a OH 7. I" ' I llioolfli h 'Ilia 7. .l 1 llr.i.d Tl u I Sa I ". tl Oulf nil . .Ml I I ll... hey I .. 7e . I"l , 1 lliimi.le "ll i. I" ft Int. I K T . .1 II ..l.e H T nf I Kin OA 6. t. . . 1 1 K-nne Cop 7. . , 1" . ie,e II. B !. I'L S i lb UiK I If le I". , M.eii.a lop IB . lie let lJ' Ml !. Il ll 4 , - ' I llliillol' I Hurtle A 14 T"iB II Nat Ai n.e 7,e Nat l...ib.r la . 1 N 7 N K A H 7. I till. Steel I've " It 1 P S I of SJ ! I K' l cm ll. tr le . , t Heara It 7a 11. . kn.neheen 7 .. S 6 14- II T 7e t s ii n t ;..:.. o g o N Y 7b :J . SMONY7B '!. , I I ll H I tl 'II -l HU'itl a Co 7a '2 ) Swilt A Co ia 11 l"S I"1 a 1 i.i.i n. iai 7 . . I"J l"4 f f ml C.I la ...,l"l' I'"'. I""t 2 I' till Print ... "'"I "" UM' Vacuum ml 7 . ..!'' I"' 1" Valrollne 7a ...... M I",, 46 Wiat Klautilc 7. .lot lot'. Ml, rerrlga. 1 Ia ';. I" l""- l""S 00 Berlin la 46 t en St-nl.hlp 7e. K Nctb-rl in ! a. I King s-rba ' 4. lo Hamburg 4. MS .l let Ul V ll Ml ,iS M 14 l SIS S4 ' l"i l6 I-. I". l"4. I". lit', IM t9 IS I". I"-. ', If ', s "' ', l I " t S Ml , S U'I', l"l I'm u n't I".'. I",! I -.4, '16 I'll- o. 4 I".', !"' I1.71, l?S M'S Ml l" IMS Mt Ml 1" Il I I"' I ne , I" M'l V I'l', . 5S .I'O . 1i 40 N I N II Fr 7. ;l It. p Peiu 4. . , . 6 Sat., tl,. ; V S SIcli' O la . , .6 ,' SM, I, loei, '. .fits 106 s . . 4"', 40 ' 76 S-'e MS I 76 6 I 71 lS l"6'a I" 'a 90 '4 7 76 44 S9', 69 IS 66, 91 6 6'., 79 76 29 41 1, Sa SI '4 106'. Iftl s 96 93 II 19 14 104 HI 71 Omnha Hay Market. Pralrl Hay Kccelpto Increaaing caus ing slight recesfion in prlcea. Good hay In fair demand but pour giadea not wanted. Alfalfa Hay Demand Improving and market auoiahle (lightly higher. Prbe( below are for carloan mis. Upland Prarle No. 1, II 2. 6(1 1 3.00; No. 2,' 19 604 1100; No. 3. I7.OO1J.9O0. Mltlland craine no. 1, ,i i.ou'a ij.ou; No. S. 6043 11.01; No. 3, I7.00MS.OO. Lowland Prairie No. 1, 11.00 SJ 10.00; No. 2, I7.0041S.00. Alfalfa No. 1. 1 1 6.60 18 .0; alandarn. 112. 50'j 14.60: No. 2, 111. 00&12. 00; No. i.nti4 lo.oo. Straw Oat--7.00a i.OO. Wheal . 00 '4 7.10. 'I uriirntliie and Koalil. Saiaunah, Ua., Sept. 1 1. Turpentine firm, 123 barrel.; sales, S10 barrels; re- elpta, 244 barrels; ehlpmenta, 4,3 bar rel.; stock, 10,924 barrels. Rosin firm: salea. 1,916 caKa; receipts. 50 casks; shipments. 11.033 calks; stock. 96.36o c-aaka. yuote: H. 16.33 Vi 6.42 S ; n, 44.J..-T 42'; K, I3.S7SW6 42; F. (1. IS.O'W 42 I H. M 40DT6.46: I. 6.406.47; K, 6 408 6 60; I6.40j 5 62S N, .60, 66; i, 16. 260(1. 30;wv, lli'il.i. Sew trk Sugar. Tork Sent II The local market for rw eutt.r w.e cuilct end es no aalea wera reported. I'rlie. were urn hanged at 1 J le for Culiae eel and freight, nual lo 4 Sic lor reiiirirtigil. Raw sugar future, aere irregular Our I, ik. eatlv eperalloti owing to con tinued lliiuiil.tlun In Hecember which pi.Bitlon et on Urn ahnaed a dteline of I pointa. but In the afternoon a firmer feeling prevailed and pro r rallied on re-n.w-d buying for oui.ide eciount nd covering Filial price were geneially 1 tn I pointa -i higher wiih a moderale bu.lne.a reportsd Closing: October I 26c; Liacember i lie. Msnh 3 16c; Miy J6c The only change In rellned uar wag the elilinuni einent by one n I be local refiners that they would ell a limited iiuanllty for sS pment or delivery from the refinery oiy, for th account of whom It may concern on the beats of 1.40c for fin granulaied. I. I.t price, war held at I Me for On gratiuated by all refiner,, and liter aa little butnee reported. heflned future nominal. Near Tork I off re. New Tork. Sept. II The market for cof'ee futtiree opened at an advance of t to 3 points and aold 4 to point net high, r on leporl of higher milrei prlcea In and a firm spot situation. March advanct.d to I Inc. making na high cround for th movement ud n advene of I'i pointa front recent low figure.. Slight reactions followed under realising, but th market rimed 3 to pointa net higher; aalea wera estimated at nbout 27. 001 bag.. September, 1.70c; October, S 7'c; li-'-einb.r, 4 74c; January, I 16c; Jlnnh. May and July, 1.77c. Spot Coffee Firm; Rio 7, 10c; Saniu 4e, 1616c. Nlnul I lly Me Stock. Bioug City. la.. Sept. 1 1. Cattle Be. celpte, 7,600 heed; metket aleady. 260 Ir.wer; grass steers and yearlinge. 14.00-ai 7 60; giaee cone and heifer., MOosjISO; frit cowe and hclfere, 14.6'HJl 60; ranm-rs, 1:6013 1)0; veala. 6.oef 10.11; feeder. 16 009 7 60; calves, 14 009 7 60; feeding Cowa and heifer. 12 ,7646.26. Hogs Receipts. 4,610 heart: market stdy; lights, 19 26; mixed, S7.2ttjs.76; heavy psckere, l.60ii7 00, - Hheep Receipts, l.ooO bead; market steady. Kensaa I lly Produce. Kansa City, Mo., Sept. 11. Butter Unchanged: packing. 26c. Poultry Unchanged; hens, 132jplSc; broiler. 20c. $hen tn Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome Sale Deposit Service Boxes rent from $5.00 per annum upward. The Omaha Safe Deposit Co. Ground Floor Oirtoha Natlenel Bank Bldg. Farnana at Seventeenth 77 '4 HI I 71 4 l.i 0 4" I .. I III ins Mi M OS 4"S I'iS M M t? MS s n "S M I i 4 A ts 4 4 4 I'S lt l 41 I I 4-S Ins M'S s "S 6. s n 1 1 . .s II s MS I ' M ) a i ii I'i, s ; i i , .' I ' t " 4 " a i . . a, i.i iH( I ' 14' . I- " t.' 4, 4 M ' J S t Mi a.tif a. . ... I i. i ,i Ia. ,' 4 im I . .. I .,, 4.4 , .. .', , It , o 4, i, a, i ., aa ,!,),, a .ia... I'm .4 . - ; i ac , - . - - I 14, I I . " i, il. A A, 14 16 tl'i 77 104 i Jll MS 4 tes ta e, SI t uba I" S deb Is . I 1 Cuban Am ng 1" )"4 71 ti.l a Hud tv Js .1:', 11 I'i;', ;: n.n A Ho. il imp ti !', .' ! ' I ii.troit i:d r.f 4 l 14 1" I I .In, .t I lit. IS I ! M 4 I iin.olid M.I IS 1"'S l"'''l 1"'' .ul'..i.i d. N IS I" !" It t'U'4 1.1(1 .. .I6 I" M' li J kin O a F i ii ctf IIS s I'S I." . la . ' 4S 't I t.n. pr II. n 4, .. t , 4 , 1 linn Ind In tS I l ? n.n K i d.a Is I".", lil', 1IS il ii.,u.l,.ae T Ii llll lS l'MS li it, , l...r T '41 li s M US II li T II 4-1 ! .' 1 ,114 Ml ll'S I tl T H et t ...I'M. 1S Mis l i,l V I A .Ills Ml 'S I .l V Is tl . I'l 14 Si I" ll II A M . A . 4S it MS I' II A M ail la . Ms M i III i in Il M. 13 M I i a. ..i o.k i , II II M t. i Mil 1,1 . t S ' ' 4 lj lat K.e r 1. 1 6a 1; , ' ' S let A HI S a al MS ' ,4 1 U I I II B S A BATH A DAY THE NEW RUUD AUTO MATIC WATER HEATER Number 95 Huilt to aupply enough Hot Water foi the average home at a price the average home-owner can pay. A amull payment puts one in ymir home, balance monthly with gas bill. Continuous satisfactory performance is guaranteed by WATER HEATER EXPERIENCE esteadiag over 25 year. TeUpkaae Camiwercial Dept. Metropolitan Utilities Ditt. GAS DEPARTMENT ISO, Street DO lei 001 MS ,1 I I I !'. l ' 6 It , I I.,., ... i.l I. , 14 44 M ii k ' r ii M iiil it ti i- k l a 1 Ii I S I a c r I. m 4 s I'S ii a..;, . r te it I.t i.t II a ..i . I" I" I la '' ta It II M e C IM.- '! .. I ( . ... I , I ' tl 4. , s. . .MS MS I' I .i I t . . , ) 1 -".-I . I , I s Ml, Ml I I .,! ... Mil . M4 I-) I ", Mt la ,i. ... a M S MS I ,, I", li I I t.i i a . It , ii i it , a. , - i t , t. i . ,-..... ... - i it, 1 1 it i aiiaai ''' I .( 1,4 4 k.l l , (S t .. 44'- I "I '' ,,, Hi ' I ' U ... l ,.s tits l t 4 J. S. BACHE &. CO. Mktkiik.4 leal IW.. 7 tool ti k.eyi A-aiJ e l'.t a,., i ... i t . a. e-ai ' 6. kaoiaa N YMkl 41 tWv4if CtSKa-pAl 101 Sa. lIU U. tHa4 Ami iier.4iaAail U-4e4 w pn.ia4a ,tftt Stocks Bonds Grain Cotton Fordun Exchange IvjHight aisJ SvIJ fof (,aK ititcs l h l;ifviive KUrt t cf- - 4 Ci IV. Mv'tful, ktSSM'la t 6.eAi.aa tWaAM lilt It aie Seta. Ma. m .e.a I ft i d'J t' . , si. ,, llkl Ml Ml t 4 a... tJ