The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 12, 1922, Image 3

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    IHK OMAHA b't-fc: TlhMMt. .i'lf..nK u. w.i.
Argonaut Mine
Air fi'ii'i.iion in the Argonaut .
. I, . It . . ku . ..... I - . 1 . . !
1 , ; ih Muuoon ahatt ol iht Arjonauti
-4 n ,irv It iitil h" !! 6 rr rent tl tar
riMlIH . I I (Hlll'Ijti.n doiiitt ami rt thin onrhll
ol I I'T rnl ef he dfiillv fathom
iiiuinokiile k4t. Th fn at the lop!
School Alumni
I bv arfi'iation of the olj Onuha
Mrlltl litUrge ititJtlt ' I ytilt atfi).
I llo.tora liror.- U, I'ouer, l lyilf
Moor, ;"hk I'ratt, I.ynn Hall.
, 4ii toi 4 liifiir4, l.oua llanitch ami
l-iti'sl Johnson r the roinmiiicf
If ... t . It oil n jii Jriiirnl.. Matailira Wit
IltTt lOr lU 1 lOIl Um N An.Jrrm. I'ratt. K. W. !W.
Ale 3,600-Foot Lcsr
Where Penetration tu
Mrn May Hi Sjeeilril.
Ja.kson, 11., Srj.t . M -(My
ll.iu.. W. A. l'.idr and S. K. t.if
innl are in rUmut of eiitrrtaminrnt
toif ).ri.rrrl the MnWoort ahaft ia pul'.n omlMor Than 113 Uut-oMuH U j" omfn vi.itort
' 111 I ll u I ....I ... t-. . , . .. ..
j ,-v-"-', su'it. irrf ui aif a umuor imu i
ilh ar rarnra mri'iiK njota. I
I Cn analysia report trnl to aliow ,
; 111 the lot in the Argonaut vir-;
jtually lias 'j.irrird out. It n lielirsttli
'tiy lompaiiy 4nJ ttatf nth rial. Iliatj
A, 1 1 lie tir h !' 1 In lh hoilon mi
1'.) Diiurrv IHKliI l I.'"
I'll j firiaiu Kjjurtril l'ro
grain lnrlulca Clinic lec
ture hihI Wuril Walk.
Nrl.nt'ka Will Take Purl
in I;ioii Kay Cuntt it
loul Hope bue tin iM (xt level
cf the Krminly tume nuy lirmn re
ru viorkrr dirriily In llir fint l4r
lr of r"tl on I'm. Irwl unit ni4)'
I III down liy rti lUy llir lum- i
ri aiiirnl 10 hat!-r Ihrumih to ilie ! I
Ariiniiiiul iiiiii-, wlirr 47 turn It4vct (lie rmniii -44n 4i rrpurlftl
brt ii c iiimnl.rd by lire . nine two j SiiikUv ( Idr !" -l wrathrr Iturrau
vc(k iiiiri itiitlmu hr. H W4i an-i'lhr limrt r-rrlri i Onulu nnr
i . . . . . i . j... i hi.
the l.4li, due la the Win, burning "'"'IV ''-
i ,,!,. ! nnutl reunion ul I nivernty l St-
' ' . l.f4U medual alumni, A five dy
i . j ruioii niciiri yi-lerday at Huirl
( ifiiu i imniuMi . i Kuiilenelle.
1 list Nrbr4ka take an aolive
iirt in l lie national eoay vontett lor
lloinrioiulnis ul "iiU" Um wltmil children to whom i-rur re
tiiirrru iiy ific iiurrH4ii i.riun mi
the iulijrit of how the legion ran
lirtt krrtc tl.c HHii'iiuniiy, uie ami
nutinii, 4 ctiired by Jubn M,
j Mjlrn, Hale iirriliteiideiit n( iuli
Sllll.Uy I Hfliurtftl litre I I'r. I I'liillij". .ro.nd ,br tnttnirjioii. who mi.J thai h.j de-
I, a, V.!,,,,,,.-!!,, l.t!Vi.- I.remd.nt ami tl.e only o..uil , ni iu.i .rn, n iwhdi i
ollirer. it erilr( t-1 aMie lod4V
Ironi Sr4tlte. H'4h.
.Mine than IIS out-of-tuii .iyi-
ronn.ed ...Uy by V, C. urban.,!, the heat 4r broke Friday a. .V) . . ii, i til r,t I 1 .lili ,if
.imeruilendnit ol ihe Argonaut. t at I, yr.ur.Uf nn.rning, and at lh ! P'"''1""1' 'r HVJ'KhJ M .
4rb4inu it ruploiiiiK llir ttnir tame lunir Stimlay,
Mid 14 il lie would be vide to deter. Kiiiii Ak r l',rn ha taken out
i me today wlietlier 'llie Mope tt 'weathrr niuiuiu e to proler! the even-opt-n,
or v lu t In i it x 4ir tor rr. !ini thoui of bn aiimul faMival at
iUt work. I le rxprrncd tin- opinion j Ak .ir Hen drill MKaiuit tnore tlun
In never, tlut it not only a opi-n one imlh ol an uu li vi r.niiUU. M. V.
Kuliint, liirtroroloait, yrrrday
loaiird the Iiiirr4u'i rain Kuaue to
Sdinuii until after the (eMival.
but feaaible to ur
II thi Mope i urd invt-4il id the
font le vel, it uu .nil tlut ap
proximati'ly 1 ' X I bet ol roik will
rave to be ilrillrd ot 75, but
the entombed tin-it would be reai'lx d
hi -veral l) tooiu r, it i thoUKhl. In
toldihoil to fmdnig the Mope, rescue
worker, i jme upon an opt u raie
Itlwrrn the J,a) and .l.7l-(oot
It vi ta. Mml, rot k and tuiibrring
now may dumped into thi raie
intiad of briiiif b.iiilt d hark evrral
bunilrrd bet in whrrlbarrowa, and
iillui..l h.mtIiiI llul thit would
grrally ridutc the work.
Clarence F. Jarvia of the atate
boirj of conirul baa arrived here a
Not lrrij:alit)ti Mctlioil
to l!r Inprlcil liy Omaliaiia
A nnrrl turihtxl of irnKaliuK ctni
frrtilr Und lirar LrxuiKloti, Neb., by
toaking the ground tit feel tlrrp
once a year with water from the
I'latle river. i to be inspected by
mritibert of the agricultural com-mitti-e
of the Omaha Chamht-r of
Coininrrce W'rdncsday. A ni o n r
tlioe who will leave Omaha at 4. .10
afternoon for I.exiiiKtou are Carl
(iray and J. V. Jloblrege.
Sailrluti, la. Ihe reunion pro
gram! are prolcioiul in their na
ture and include clinic lecture and
ward walk in the 1'imrr.ity and
MrlhodiM hn"piu! each morning.
Round Table Held.
Following llif oprning luncheon at
the Fontenelie yettrrday, Dr. John
J. l'o.nbr and lr. Clyde Koeder led
a round table on "The .Sprcialmt and
Ihe (lenfral l'rai titioner." A ve
nereal clinic wit acheduled for lat
night at the University hospital di
pentary. A tmoker tonight at the Fonte.
nelle; adjournment for Ak-Sar-ficn
harne race W'edneiday afternoon,
rlat reunion! in the evening; and a
dinner dance al the Field chili 1'htiri
day night are included in the aocial
Committee In Charge.
The medical college of the lfni
vremty of Nchraaka waa etahlihed
timilaia to ihe public aihool priu
cipaU, city and county aiipcriuteu
drnta mill other ill the Male urging
wide p4ftii ipalion by Xrbraaka
arhool rhildrrn, and containing
atalrnirut M the condition of the
All iit.tiri'i ript mint be in the
haiida ol eoiinty uperiritt udriita by
Uc toiler d, Mr. MatC. aalil.
Ilfuvy (!riniinal Dotkct
, la (.'allfil at Nrlirdfk'a ('ity
N'rhiaaka City. Neb., .Sept. II.
(Special.) J be eptember t'M of
ilimrict court oprin here Tuesday
with the large! criminal docket for
many yeara. The ate of tieorK
FIener of liurr, charged with Ihe
imn ilir of Joshua Howard cf that
village, will begin on Tumday. There
are m' veral other criminal cases, chief
among them being that of Ir. M
A, Carrikrr, phyiician, chargrd wih
manslaughter in connection with the
death of Mrn. 1). K. Dewey, follow
ing an alleged criminal operation,
Ihe husband of Ihe dead woman it
also held on a amilar charge.
An Invitation to Ak -Sar-Ben Visitors-
Vi.silors just arriving in town may eume to the Bran
tli is Stores immediately and find every comfort. Bundles
nml hand lugsage may be cheeked, conveniences may be
found for washing ami "freshening up" so that you may
go out into the city feeling well groomed and ready to
meet your friends. Your letters to the folks at home may
lin written here and cards addressed and mailed.
The Bank is located on the Main Floor West.
.You are invited tA visit the new rest rooms on the
Tenth Floor. They have been fitted up for yotlr comfort
and convenience.
There is a Magnificent dining room and men's grill
room on the Tenth Floor while on the main floor is a cafe
teria and a soda fountain dining rooms to suit every taste
and pocket book,
Strangers who have not decided on a place of resi
dence in Omaha can have their mail addressed to Station
17, which is located on the Main Floor West. They may
call for their mail there It is a regular U. S. I'ostoffice.
The Transfer System can be used to great advantage
when time counts. The shopper may make purchases in
any department and goods will be sent to the transfer
desk, where she may pay foMhem all at once. Purchases
will then be delivered to the home town free of charge.
The Information Desk on the main floor is always
ready to supply any needed information.
Tuesday Special Prices on Fall
Our Basement Drapery Department is of
fering some very attractive prices on dra
peries you will need for fall redecorating,
livery item represents a value that will in
spire you to have the whole house "done
over" before cold weather starts.
Merceriaed Marquisettes A pretty
material in plain and block designs.
inches wide, 25 C
per yard.
Novelty Cretonnea
Splendid assortment,
attractive patterns,
light and dark grounds.
36 inches wide, OQg
per yard, C
Mercerized Grenadinta
and Drapary Mar
quiaettea A abeer dot
ted quality. 36 Inches
wide, per oq
yard, OtC
Low Priced Specials on Floor Coverings
Tapestry and Jkxminster Rugs
Bungalow Wash Rugs
A heavy, durable rug in plain and
fancy colors.
18x36 size, each. ., 69c
27x54 size, each 98c
Attractive designs in 27x54-inch size
Tapestry Rugs, each 1.39
Axminster Rugs, each. . . .2.95
Baaament Watt.
Ruffled Curtains
Ruffled Voile Curtains Hem
stitched curtain with ruffled tie
backs to match. 1 yards 1 1 Q
long, per pair,
Manufacturer's samples; scalloped
and lace edges. Values Qfle
l.r0 to 2.00; each, 170 C
-Wash Goods-
Th5 Veiniutiiti provide ihe resourceful needle woman
with inspiration for alt mrl vt chver and useful things
at trifling eit. A piee of giiilinm ugg't a ihw
Moii for the kiitdergnttiitr ; a atrip vt l!iar crepe
mala those practical MitdcrcarmeiiU thai reiptir no
ironing, or a few !'iigth of cretonne wlH provide a
briwlM iit w coming for a coiuivrVr.
Mill Length of 0inhim Assorted he k 1 gl
and p!jik inch width, Tuesday, per jurtf, v "
Crttenn Remnant. In a id of floral
ami t qustiy tffeflt. Tu.s lay, .. r jerd,
Fntited Plu Crept- Mill K ngtb in .lity jat
Irrti iiia!.!(t fur ewo, pjan or teddies, 5C
Tvtt t iv, p.-r jard.
eaM Naetn
Special Selling Women 's
Summer Union Suits
75c to SI
,V aauiple line of sill tailored
knit union suits that are a
great bargain at t hist low
price. Tliesu ar. attevelcsa
sti,le with lace, ahell or euff
ftnisli at kmc; o n or rloaedj
ItHhce Uiul tup, t't'gtktatlon
hand top r brad-d fliitstl tt
tie k, MM' I'll to fti,
Unique Lunch, 60c
S r rl in fur Mrtt'. i ri M -Tuilh Klt's'r. ASs
Rttv Oni.tli-s l-tnim in.ui Uui lit mii'jm"
fi atiiiT. T.ik ri ilt vatcis).
Sale of Pearl White Soap
ltrl WKtie U a f f tfu, .-lul lr, a-
Ot d beft.e '4 'iuiiif, lesulMiirf In a ! pereentafa of
im tsttir. Ilia maku lha a ap " farther. " ll Uilma
fet!y in r.ard ? ofl 'rf
10 Bars for 29c
--- Cola
I'rogriivfs! I'ill
Out Party Ticket
Formal Filing Mailt Willi
State lay Stat Oil
Iral (!iiititiittrt.
Jainei L. Ilrrhc and W. II, lirrfn,
iluirrtiart and aecreury, rrsoeitively,
if the proitresaive imrtv aute ern
u foiiniiittre, tnt to Lincoln ye
trnl.iy a formal filniat cf vartoua
I irniher of the party to till vau'i
C'ta on the (iroreie lieWrt. The
at lion a autliorirrd by the coin
Mittec. rrmiiprt! of the vaciurii-a fillnl
wt Kev. J ours I.. Iif-lie of Omaha
hi ohoe of Arthur (i. Wray ot oik,
Mr, Wray having annonnt-e.l hi In
tuition ol uiortiii( K, II. Howell,
lie jeul.liao nominee. Hairy C.
laiiiitnirr ol nun Sit Milted fr
tfiurrnor in , cofdaiiie tuh aiii'n
of the rrirrit firard UUnd t'oneB
Imn. Ulhtr by the tmn.
ni.tire ssrre: For attomev eiirrl,
J, M, I'aul ui Harvard; lor raiUy
,i niinit.Kiiier, t lyde J. fernamlr ut
llnulu; (or sl tte liraatirer, I ilmid
! hiirfhrotie r,f llartby; lor Und rom
it.iasioiicr, Mary II. Astfll of Notth
I'ljtie, In eath case the oriniary
v.nnt-r Ma tliiu ihfied lietmite he
also aought the tl'iiiorrane nomina
ton to au'ept it in case he tried to
win both aod lost the major pre-fctetiee.
Capt. Adam DotKI Dead.
Sn r 1'iaiic iatti, Sept. II. Cjii.
AiUnit lloitil, KM. one of the erly
day maritime intiahlra of ihe Panlir
iiast, i tleatl al hia home brie after
a lint I illncaa Ihe mptain va
the author of a hook on ra adven
tures, .
Barrows Files Claim
for $935.61 Salary
l.iiuulit. Srnt 11. ( V-!
fUini ln $'15 . t pay Uh ihe
toiie be aervrd aa actma a-memor, l
hr ilr.luil-d llolll Ittisetlioe K
Mtkrlvir'a a4Urv of 7..sln a year,
H4S liUd sa. it It the Ute auibtor to
day hy I e titriunt lioternnr 1'illiani
A, lljrrotss. for i'i
Um. rakliiihiiii 10 Siiilaya, during
the yer Iv.'l-.'J. at a rte of $.'Jw
a (Uy, it akrd mi the rleim In.
t hiding SuiuUya, the govcrnot'l pay
it l.'OS.'l S a .Uy
'Ihe flauii uir,lut narrow '
invite perforinrd tut Mut
from the governor'a ofTice al liniea
whrii t lie gosrrnur out id the
stale end llul Harrow t nevrr as
limed Ihe rarrinivr'a duir eatrpt
upon Ihe latter rruurst,
At the Ulr luume departintri,! ,
it was It 41 tied that the goseniorj
had drawn In full salary for thri
lrii.t, i.itfii- U by Mr. t'i imi
Mie Aut' (tuMge W. f4ih
w.ll rrlrr the i',,m lu tt'e ttMnj
,'tiiti4l In line tLmg any ttow.
Sir ilw l'iteT Miaains;
llatllf of letter lla'fa
A battle o li-ltrrt n on betvsreil
Il4rtry . 1 11..1114., drpuly t 'tilled
Ulr n.jr.lnl, 4m tirtke Iradeit
in Itiiig I'nie, Nib, aiirni the re
Hon to sum window rrda, eon
hi4itd by Jerry tt'loiinor, special
dittity, on ainke tlu'y.
Af'rr ll'l'iiiiiior iriii ittd the strike
pUraida trout Long Line window a
4iid trtil thriit 011 lo Omaha lie was
instructed tlut he ovrrstc piei hi
author ity, Mrike hudrts drnundi'd
tlie rr tin 11 of t'ie Htrr i 01 fit) in
t'luh- Sam has iiti fund fur the re
turn ol the JM And no one know
whrte the Imslrl rr. Heme the
avalalithe ot forrrspoiiilent e, C
milling to Th.iiiMs,
Tuesday The Day Our Big
Furniture Department
Offers Special Prices on
Simmons Day Beds
Jncrcase your Room Capacity with a Sininionds Day JJod. A
Kood-lookinp; piece of furniture at all times, in an emergency
it will add extra bedroom capacity to your home.
31.00 Simmons 7
Day Bed L
The Simmons de
sign pictured
above can be had
in very attrac
tive wood fin
ishes. The price
includes mattress
pad and valance covered in excellent cretonne.
20.00 Simmons Couch Bed
.Sliding type of
couch, convert
i h 1 e into bed.
Covering of mattress pad and valance in art cretonne.
Seventh Floor
An Invitation
to Ak-Sar-Ben
Viaitota juat arrivinu ia
town may come to the bran
di'ia Store iniinadiately and
fiml every comfort. Jlundlea
and lia'id luirga( may he
checketl, eoiivenicneea may
he found for washing and
'"freaht iiitur up" " 'hat you
may tfo out into the city feel
inf? vt ll groomed and ready
to meet your friend. Your
letter to the folk at home
may lie written and carda
addreaaed and mailed.
The Hank ia located on
the Main Floor Went.
You are invited to visit
the new rest room on the
Tenth Floor. They have
been fitted up for your com
fort and convenience.
There ia a magnificent
dining room and men 'a grill
room on the Tenth Floor,
while on the main floor i. a
cafeteria and a aoda foun
tain tlining' rooms to unit
every tatte and pocket hook.
Strangers who have not
decided' on a place of resi
lience 'in Omaha can have
their mail addressed to .-ita-tiou
17, w hich ia located on
the Main Floor West. They
may call for their mail there.
It is a regular U. S. I'ost
office. The Transfer System can
be used to great advantage
when time counts. The shop
per may make purchases in
any department and goods
will be sent to the transfer
desk where she may pay for
them all at once. The pur
chases will then be delivered
to the home town free of
The Information' Desk on
the Main Floor is alwavs
ready to supply any needed
Best Novels of the Year
Formerly Sold Up to 2.00 Now 75c
Kindred of the Dust Peter Kyne
The Sheik 13. M. Hull
River's End James Curwood
Beyond the Rocks Elinor Glynn
Tarzan, the Untamed Kice Burroughs
Burning Sands Arthur Weigall
Bi Town Round Up William Uaine
Desert Love Joan Conquest
Harriet and the Piper Kathleen Norris
Rainbow Valley E. M. Montgomery
Man From Bitter Root Caroline Lockhart
Miss Lula Betts Xona (inle
Prairie Flowers Julius Hendricks
Winter of Life Arthur Stringer
Sight Unseen Mary H. Kiinhiirt
Paradise Bend William White
Safety Curtain Ethel Hdl
Hand in the Dark Arthur Keen
Main Floor North
Short Silk Gloves
55c Pair
One and two-clasp styles in black, white
anil colors, All sizes but not in every
color. These are regular 1.00 and 1.50
Huy a pair of those gloves while you
can get them at this low price and when
you need them you'll think how clever
you were to pick them up.
Main Floor North
Velvet Grip Sew-on Corset Garters Pair 25c
Dress Shields "The llor,n,, three Mates,
per p;tir 10c
Imported String Shopping Bags --St. nit, gMd
M d bui; . , , , , . . . 10c
Children's Box Garters K'iIiIh.u trimmed, per
p.iir liijC
Oceau Pearl Buttons-:i eahN f.r 10c
Singer Sewing Machine OillMtU ....10c
Barbour's Linen Thread - sp.H.1 10c
Pin Cubes 100 pin t. the cube 7c
Corset Laces - H yard hm . ...... Is'Sc
Net Dress Linings- Wick or vbit,, nil Mie,
tK itil at . , . ,
Stocking Feet All mv jht pair 5c
Sewing Machine Belts-Kaeh 25c
Faultless Bias Tape -ti yard Mi ...... 10c
Velvet Grip Sanitary Belts -Sd't and rum.
f't table at !t)c
Kleinerfs Double Faced Rubber Sheeting
IVr yard .DSc
Hickory or Dr. Tarker'i Waists for Bovs and
a . i
uins i.aeii
Bunny Hags -lor whit.' sh., i'oiiumiii tu
earty in buid b.t 10c
M ii t hot
Gilt Edge Darning Cotton-;! mh.U f..r 1 0c
Snap Fasteners -r aid lc
Klelnert'i Sanitary Aprons-l.trrf m;o rub
ber and nibUriitd nph'tH ,,.,.:lc
Faultless SaniUry Nipkins-lWen a?lc
Hubber Kitchen Aprons -Taeb ;j.r
King's Baiting Thread -Urff js.hN, taeh 5c
-i,lj. aaaafc-x aauw ,-jsi--ii.r-w"-fe iavw ;
m- s-.t taw .