i low "Want" Ad in The Omaha Bee Is Guaranteed to Bring as good or better results as you will secure through any other Omaha newspaper or money refunded. If you want to sell something you don't need, or buy something you don't have, or secure help of any kind, let an Omaha Bee "Want" Ad Help you. THE OMAHA BKE: 'ItKeSUAY. fctl'TEMUKli . IW2. Dog Hill Paragrafs I " B Geor.s) Bingham 1 .V.'v'v . !' Atlas Fnk'i residence brume ! most nvrrbaliiocrd torlav whin lie took home a barrel of flour, Flnchcr Hrnstrp ' and Luke Mathews jil.yrd l game of rherk rr Wrdnci'lay for (tic championship of Muskrt rirtye. Luke won, and the tiric wa a nice whittling knife, but ie says a fellow who plays checkers it too busy to whittle , Tohe Moe1ey says he has lived f ir many years and one thing i crr tain and that in, Monday always tomes closely on the hecU of Sun iiay Common Sense Do You Coma Home With a Smile? Father, have J'ou ever ejven much thought to the qutstinn: "Am I do ing all that I should for my family? Am 1 at thriuRiful and as kind a hus band, as tolerant and helpful toward my children as I should be?" Mr. Married Man, how do you greet your family on your return at niRhl? ' ' Do you merely ftrunt in response to your wife's greeting? Do you start to scold the minute you spy the children? Did you ever try tci ro home with a cheerful expression on your face and a good naturcd, "How do you do, mother" to your wife, and a happy word to the youngsters? If not, you are far from doing your duty as a family man. You have missed a lot and' robbed youT,fnnily of a lot if you have not been habitually pleasant in your home comings. Make every one in the home glad to see you return to it. It ought to lie worth a good deal to you 'to have the" children exclaim. "Oh, goody, here comes daddy," and to see their mother smile 'a welcome to you. . (Copyright 1922.) . . Southern Pacific Plans Overhead Crossings Portland, Off-. Ser,t- 4. Overhead crossings on the Southern Pacific railway right-of-way in the east Port land district, which will eliminate clangers of the present grade, cross ings to traffic, are included in the $5,500,000 improvement plan an nounced here last night by William Sproule, president of the company, upon- his arrival, from California. Vork will be begun as soon as a survey can be completed. . It is estimated that 146,000,000,000 fragments from comets bombard the earth annually. BEE WANT AD RATES 1 5a par Una ..eh flay, 1 ml day l!o par line each day. S to S daya. Il)c par Una each day. 7 daya or longer. These rale, apply to Th Sunday Be. .a well a. lo The Morning and Evening Bee. All weekday adverilaement. appear In both morning and arenlug eilltlona at th on. eost. The above rate, apply egelualvelir to Want Ada whin r commonly termed "publio wanta," and do not Include - v.rtlaing or exploiting their builneee. TUB HICK rervea the riejhl la de.lf fiate -hat conatltutea a ubiie want, Want Ad. accepted .1 tb. following offices: Telephone AT-lantta 1001. Call for Want Ad Dep.nm.nt. Aa . Renewed want ad taUer will recalv. your ad ami hill will he mailed later. Th. false quoted .bat. apply la either charge er cash order., CLOSING HOURS ron WAST APS. ranin Killllon It S - m- Morning SMmoa m' aunila Rdiilon t n m. Saturday. 1H OMAHA MOKNINU MKB. TIIK t:VKNINia HUB. DKATH & FUNERAL NOTICES J.iitn, entvrv.l ttl r-t M"t", rjlfm- Nnriil rM mt I h I ) S.M n I:,ff.triil lawn VmUir. tlnd ttu A hltiil Mt thri BURIAL VAULTS. r,Mt vo S'aei or l'o uM will f.al e4 ...apa Tiae. f. ra yo he4i4 laall at'e Jf we Jar ttfctr uain. ea A4l'nadA aWjlln, 1 "W t'al Hu!ll '. ''I 4 .. I .4! n '.B..r,H.t Mil I1 (' .., Hwnl Vtol t, H. i.r.,ak l'apa. aw levilal r- CKMk-TEKlfcS. " -ir't 'hiar law S-'-r'H 1 1' I " , a i t ,mata aa I i ' I i .! 1 'a. rUNtkAL DIKtCTOKS K J. STACK 4 CO., t::. :amiujlancf !Ju!e & .Uepen, i, Indian Ht IIKAn.Y & HK.VVKY" I.AUKIN nnoriiKRs Ci:0S?iY'aMu0KKt:;-.V H OKUH l.KK LARMON ;.M.: ,'rr.; s. "... " iw m" iIivi a . - i i , e ikiiI 1 t !. J4 i.e. i. . la.Mea J a. ttli PERSONAL. pfcMTitrHr. All klnite itf denial a-oik ne kt Ike li.isktnn I'mv.r.ity College of Iwotietry. :IU unit ('lifutni kte. Omaha un,ler mo rareful .uii.rvieien of lh n-ufeexne. t'hllilten e f n etreishten.il. r'eee mo4 rata, KuraUione free. The I'ea.tal la firniarv re.. nana eaptemrter let. Take Her. nay, i rAaamwn er turning o'reot tar TH K ALV A TlijMAf liiduiinaV Bum. .nllelta tour old rlolhtng. furnliur., nieaa. sine.. IV. collar!, Wa clletrlttlte. phan. 1m. IMS .n4 our ere.en will call, (all an4 Inspect our ae Bvma. lIU-llll-HM litirig. street. i Al, H , Wine, lmtiori.nl, lcl.uei.n4, J a. t.aura It . LOST AND FOUND. ,im' Whn. fan larriar, eitleit with Ma-k: veering roller Kea.rit K returnee In I'M H Isth Ml. PHnna AT li'T. LueT iiiley. guld btal If Mi. value. keeitsake iev.anl. AT 1401 fiisr AirTdai. g. I'hooe "ill, Couai'll rtiurra tor rewarq. ATTRACTIONS W ANTt.lv t'onraaalona, ahowa. ttiarry gn. 1'iund fur annual corn carnival, Hpt. IS and IS at Mlndan, la. fred Oroapper, tiatrinun. tlindan, I., livLLM, UAU.K'isn nt'KUKR UA1.I.S. NOVKLTIKM. Aajc for caUlogu. Uloh. Koveliy Co., I:,4 rarnam HI . timaria. Nab. EDUCATIONAL lAV i:ilotU-NIOMT Sl'HOOb Cvniplai. touraaa In .craunianey, ant ehir.a booklieei.ing. ramplometry, .b.rt banif and lypewrlll.gi railroad And wirelee. I.legr.pby. civil aervloe and all Kn.lian and rommerrlal brancbee. Write, call or phoae Jwkaon ltl for lari. lluair.i.d cat. log. Addrea. JiOVl-lta COULKOB. Beyle. Bid... Om.h., Nab. WaTlTrD-Wan. ladle, and boy. I. leers barber tra lo. tig dem.ndl wage, while learning; auiaily mod.ro. Call or writ. Hut t)dg Hi. Trl-Cliy ff.rbet College-. Iy er tvnln. araaiona. nwriRAK BuaiNras cottroE, Weed Bldg. Uih and farnam. AT. TSIS l0 you want lo Ini raaae your Inrome f Write the National Aula School, ISIS N JSth Hi., Omaha, for ratal... VAN UA NT Bt'HOOl, OK HU8INKHR S. K. lor. Nlneleniin and Dou.laa. IQ. H. ANnTiT14017a"hiT6w voice and pl.lo. tet K.rbarb Bik. JA. Itlt. WOI.EH BAKUKR CcTCLllOl. I II. H. 14th. Wrlla for ealalef. 81'ANIHII laaann. .Ivan J A. SOI. MALE HELP WANTED. i oI.ORKIj maid for general boivrework. Hrfrentra required. Apply Adv. Pept,, Omaha Hee at S tO p. m. OOOOOOC OOOOOOOOOO 00OO00OO o o o o o o o 0 o o O O O o o o 0 o o o o SALESMEN. o o O Toung men between the agea f II O r ,! jn in davalnn aa manHKers O 0 and aileamfn In our .mrea. Thla la O O the hlKheMt pald proffalo In any O O field and the ' arclly of e- O O perlinied men makea It n.teaa.ry O O thHt e conduct or own erhnnl o O In ..leam.n.hlp under competent O O Innlnictora. II O D D 8AI.ARV O O Wltll-K I.EABNINil. Applli'uni. 0 O mual have fair ertui .lion end b. O O ' of neat appearance. Apply .tier VJ Ola. m, ! I O A. H"SPE COMPANY. O o 2 r - . o . .2 8 o OOflOnOf OOOOOOOOOO OOP 00 ooo SAI.KSM AN "HK MAN" aal'Binan enperi- enred with rartory-io-coneuiner afiim v.... -...i.i-.,e t,s.,l u'nrk ABKrel' pOllty. Il'l Mil,,,', v., ...... ........ .-r.v lvn nd eonrfrientloua. Man with IlKht mi chine preferred to represent a nationally known manuiaciurtir m No rolling atono need apply, oiaie . expertenc.. reference, .na pnon. nurnner. Salnry and bonua propoaltlon. Kxpenee. ad vani ed, echlilve territory.. Permanent po sition with opportunity for-advancement to riKht man. juau repnea iu -.v., Omaha Bee. ' HAI.ESS1KN wanted to .U ehlcken coop. In Nebraska and Iowa aa a aldellne. ACME BOX COMPANY Omaha. SOMCITOIl Country circulation for dally -- ...biv tiAwnnaners. Liberal commle- alon plan; permanent work. Dally Now.. Newton, la. YOUNtl MAN STUDY LAWI Bv.nlna . . (nn. TTMlvarair of Omilhl, Bee eiretary."l027' Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. OOOOOOCOOO OOOO 000 000000 00 Wanted Youne men who deelre to nualify for hlnh-grade office po Itinn lo enirage In our day or eve ninir ilnnaea now Tielng organUed In biuinres admlniMr.tlon. higher accounting and C. V, A. training, rteaaenahle lultlnne. payable month ly, full nr write for catalogue. Aildrene. Tworak Bueines. College, Hih and Karnam 8tm 0 O 0 OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPO WANTFf Man to art aa reprraentatlve. Salary anil tommlanion for right party. Knqulre Mr. James or Mr Kerwln. l'axton hotel, K.oin Si. .tier S Monday morning. W ANTi:l l inemen and rroundmen, aleedv work tlennlnirenn ng. Co., Omaha, VANTi:iM rn"tn"buv an Intoreat In (oihI pnvlng hulne-a. !00S Cuming Ht. FEMALE HELP WANTED CoI.iiKM) maid fur general hnuaewnrk. Hef. reneee required. Apply Adv. lepl , Th nrnaha n el S J p wi. 'i)MI'i:TKNT mrl f'-r enr-il hiiuaewotla in n n apartioeni Tel II A "55V BXPfcHIKNCKn lg.l .lenograpbee, ge4 a!arT ! Hnht A-S ' W-Mi. tuntb. l. btita4. Il'iiue I Jl'h and Vmica nK.1'lhe.l.licewiiia, b-nikkaeln.. ai., .ileal the Ameilaa roliet. el tm.'n.M llll r.ree'K Pi"e g aaiael. a!l .'ado.iaa ate In a. faH AT St- '". il'.f f.e'".a,aiai iNeaetrki ( ''. He ) II it kt l I' ft. H waaia.1 k " $" ....!, on,, f r l,, hi il. ;i a 1I i lip - i,. Vaa. ii ,ul a --i W i vt;tv... Ywe. w?.ae b 4aiaa t r .'! -. ei'."e i i i -a aa. ia ... . r ' i!. t ar' X'1- !'" I at I . " ai.i ae a -m i '., at K.a".e. l ""a, e . , In a ea a' ,e'a'-' ' i.'i :! 4 Ha ila tli e,- ,a - a l-i-ata . .., M a- s,aa Cl I l u,t. r . ii b i m l v r 4 a - , v a . il i , a It S a ., iti i l a Mik (Vftli 11 . . la I a a,a i i , a, 11 l .a e . 4 a . tS f l V ... I SIU'ATft)Nt WANICUa i mv.l U l.aj l ..-a ia a .a. 4 a I I a . a a .a a aa i ' i ..a aaa it . ..a, al. A4 l"e j .i .'. a aaa ! a , . ,i in r.a. a a - I i ltS ta " HOUSEHOLD POOPS la CON"riVMr.NT A T"eat,f " Ttf HfcNBaiM At i-TIOM lll'lat Ut 4 AI IT"I, Avr We will baa. I. umaignmeeji. of furnl, lura la offer ' our l-.iiar u. I una Tuaadar aad W.ln.eda lo a.l.lii.un tither .al. are being unluedad fapultk lofiirin.luin (hearfuliy fumiaMed in legeM la I he ili. of giHule kaing ull'i'J If o .r. I. lb. n a'l'l fur a laikii.e ehin., rug. .If, duli'l healtala lu Ball ue If It will e "" au. nun I'h.ma AT (: during nioiaip. houra if pnaail'le FH A N K H HTBfHr.MHi'N. Amlionear. KtTvV TltVii 'yt-AKT ""ll".Ttl..r IS 1KNTH A I'ijaKS MIHWKliT ll"TTI.M Hi'i'iir co un Nuiuii irn r. tVKa;l KIIINITLhr; AT AICTIM Tbl. .frarmin and lumoeruw main. iHlvvrr AI'iTlnN HOl'HM Htr.li habr bu.gv nearly new. IU H4I. COOITHINGS TO EAT. l.llAI'KS lor eale, ir per pound. Urmg lnLkala One mile e"iinaal of rorl Cal houn J. M Hin'h Kiult Kaim, mg ST, jtl7l.Y gr.pe.. laeHo. TnSn7 W jll' jkllv iimaI's;' kkTsis. ssia"N-sii MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE our need plena an a new'plavel piano. Baiene. aa Wee .. lis par monia A. llf'ai'K CO, 161 a liouglae RADIO SUPPLIES. CVERTTHINO la Had la eunnllee. Stall order. Mlieiled, Omali. Sporting Ouoda e laea uaMM at a CLOTHING AND FURS rUIX rRsa auli. aad lnaeilne for rent. J A. Sill. I"l W. isthai. I. reldmaa. ARMY arioefc II. IS. IDS No lth " STORE . OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0000600000000000060000600 O TYPEWR ITERS C O AND O C All make. bought and ."Id O O rented end repaired Bole agenia O O for the CORONA. Hot our price O O before you buy. Every machine O O guaranteed, O O CENTRAL- TYPEWRITER EXC, O O J A, 4110. HII Karnam. O e 000 0000000000 00000 0000 00 WE UUY, .all aafa. make daake. ehow caaea, ate, Om.h. ri.tur. aV Supply Co., .. w. eorner 1 lib and liouglae. J A. 1711. HUKHUUUHrTgd "g man 11 1 nea,"l I niV iiT lory guarantee. R, A. Kltnrr, AT. Ii:l. BARGAINS In portable typewriter., new and uaed machlnea. HOT Harney. AT 4211, POULTRY AND PET STOCK. rOH SALE Airedale pupa. KB. I7T0. ANDORA kltlena, 17l)l"rlo lfith. AT.'o739' WANT TO BUY PESKH. PKHKS. DESKS. New deeka, uiad deik. nought, .old .nd traded. J. C Reed. HO? Yernam. AT. 1141 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAFJtTBRIA .'lUlptnent fur .ale. almiat new. Jnalallment. Halo. feet. Wall fix ture Coat IU.O0O. Sacrifice for 11,500. Victory f.unch Co., Patina. Kan. II AHNKHS and ahoo repair hualneaa for eale. Real opportunity. Moneymaker, leaving town. O. I. I.ei'kliter, I.enox, la. roil HAMS Nicely rnulpped r'-elaurant; good proposition- A Naagale, 1K17 Leav enworth Kt Call DO. 6276. FOR BALL Billiard hall In town of 2.6O0. Inquire P. J. Brewer. David City. Neb. ROOMS FOR RENT, .'I'HN. rme. with priv. nains warm, com fortable, t-heerfult price, re.aonebia, day nr wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4741. HOTEL HANKORD. lath and Farnam. HOTEL HKNSHAW. lilih anil Parnam. Special ratea to permanent gucata. NICELY furnished room, atrltlly private family, cluao In, ge-ntlemen only. AT. T3T. NICELY furniahed outalde elenplng room. 14 per week up, walking dlatance, good cur ervlie. 611 Co. 24th. CUMINli ST., 40183 rooms, unfilrnlfllied, or will furnish for adulte. Also garage for rent. No phone call.. NICELY furn, 8. SI. room; priv. home; Hanscom Park district. HA. 108. LARGE 011k furnished room In private family., 012 No. lth St. S21 8. lith St., suit, of two front room, on hathroom floor; modern. 1 LAHtiU aleeping room, running hot and cold water. 211 N. Dith St. CAPITOfc'Ave., 2540 Furnished rooma for tudenta; reaaonable. AT. 4HN6. LARGE plessant room near Yute. achoul. Call HA. 1804. TWO sleeping rooma, walking distance, 263K Chlcsxo St., AT. 8975. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. SUITE ot clean, neatly furnished rooma on 2d floor; no children; garage apace. zioi unnga at. CAS8 BT., 1402 Nice clean 2-room Apta., for light housekeeping. AT. 8n64. (1ROUNO floor In all klmlB liskpg. rooms. 12.011 up. 1104 No. Kith. 30ARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for 2 clean, Christian mom Amer. family, no children; no other hoarders; walking instance, iter. ha. HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT A 6-room modern cctt.Ke; well furnished. S0 Templcton St, 116. Cajl between 4 and 0 WE. Oi.n. 7 -R 60 M t 1 1) E RNi I O U M-;, Silt NORTH 22D STREET. Iiili. 1-llill'M Imuse fur rent. 1'IOs Ku. fitj t. rR 1 IO M modT'lin.'k. 1 30 1 Ho. ! t h . FURNISHEDHOUSES. MODERN new five room hnuee, furnished er unfumlahed. In llenenn. !. 44tiK. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 00 0060c 0060000 00000600000 o o O MullltlH APARTMENT 1IOTET. Q o icrn and j'oiMiK sntEitra. o O O O Aiwrrtinenta eonalsl of living room. Q O ilrt-aam. room. blti-h-nna and O O ba'h. e.kl renl.l Imludina O bnal. II. hi. ..,s. ph.ine an-1 maid O O arvlca. Either weewly or i-.ttni. Q 0 mot 4s' I'tiiii. AT, 3,11, 0 0 O 0000 o oe ca oc 000000000 00000 la the llll Jc one f'-ni ail, I i-n blier,aiu, ea. an I per. Hi r .um at"'. 1'ial rl.aa K K. St 1 ISSall r. lal- U -r e t 1 t.- iai eeavlRiaala i.aiv fu'lt Hi tMtlk HI'XTKH lx " AT "atai li t l..lae rt AVAK 1 MtN fS KOK RKNT Mall a. lAHOtar H-.vrtt. A'DiN'T Yiit ue ai.ar'i.t m I ea. ! i aciwiaaie la -if e e l lai.' ale. t.i. iwlay rai'tavl af 'it.Se Sa-1 S e.it. - IM'I naelfc tal leaa e S a will: !. ea eal I i-ii pvwrsi. A'irMi'Y I ftaael AraOana.ia. I ! f S'tfc ! i eeaat l';a and HawaiS Saeia j 'la e-ff at . I a a-. ait a, ai'.a' aa4 ft.,.aaae. va a tk.e-1 . e l.a tacit tea'n jr-at(. isaa axe eka egaaxg i Iks .'a ... rifiat f m l" itaif eslal iMet4 aeste' S" . Mil . e.- i 1 itll k4a' A ..4 SiM Jaaaj- i 1. aaa.a .4 e .- e a lt 4 ...-as , '-. .a A e-t - in I" --. i 4 S. I'll s iw.u i t a j rs.aj ' I a.a. .1114 . 4 e-ua , '-. I lll I attsl flVt a. St . ' .. "..,'". aaal i. eel r-ia ., Ha., ! aa Kaiee- I l I lie, j l l'l HII l-Mu'llt l I t-al'S i av , tea. Sal, ). I a. "ie i a . Mt .. I - ... I . I . '. til APARTMENTS FOR RENT VfcBT ClloKi APARTMCNT live ronme with bath, la II 'rear Apt.., ;s;. Cuiiung Hi. gurmundad by a regular iai .'. In a of alia eha4e Irate .nd nee? I rum in. amae of tha elleete. W, CARNi M SMITH CO, hiaiims. t;t I'.rnam kireal i:r Farnam. J A. aa4 M , Eve.W A JUS BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT ToKErl Felt HINT ll"i:RN emra tooni at e V. 4"tb HI. for rent reeoner.e, Aiplr F. J, l' temple. Omaha Bre, AT I00, , MM(V'A"Nlil.a; aTORAlihf'AND WAIIC lioCHE co, llih and Jon.. Hi. OFFIi'k; nr dek apace, reaaonabi., fine Inre'loll. I a"T llerney. AT. a.'SI. GARAGESKOR JENT "lAltAUK, j in.. 11 Hi. -sj'Ncirth 4lh. WANT TO RENT WANT TO RENT. WE ar. In Ih. mirkel to rent IS ar W-tooin hiiiiaw, aiih .urag. In good loca tion, for reeponettile parly W IAH.VAM KM I I'll A CO. Iteallora. Ii:s Frntm St. JA. 144 MOVING ANDSTORAGE rlliEI'MOoF WAREilOUSB Sap.r.l. locked room, for bouMbold gooiir .nd piaooe, moving, packing and shipping. PEK INS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE SOS South 1SIB.' - DO. 4 HI. rlDEUTY HTORAde, aV VAN CO. HOVINO PAI'KINU . STOKAOE HHll'Pl.Nr, Household Honda and I'tanna, Reduced Rate. This Week to MINNEAPOLIS! ST. I.OUli 1I07.1 Howard Ht. Jackeon el'l. EHTf.M"ATKfui n. on pecking, mov, and aloring Contract, taken by lob or hour, itlnli. Van Mtorage Co., J A. 4ill, Af. 0210. Orotsman A Nona, owoera. CHATTEL LOANS 00000000000000000 O MONEY TO LOAN O O I HI to IMJO O o o O ON Ft'RNITtlRB. PIANOS. ETC. o O Lias than legal rataa, monthly O 0 paineina. O O uulck, quiet and confidential. O O O O OMAHA LOAN CO. O O 104 Karhaih liloi k, Tel. J A. llll. O O rloulliriist Cor. I &l h Douglas Ms. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOANS ON REAL ESTATE LOW ilATB SIDNEY. S'4 and S per cent on Improved Omaha property. Meke application now. W. T. (i HA II AM. J A. llll. 704 Pair. Trust Bldg W'k) have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. If. t.OIIGEE. INC., S2II Keellne Hldg. I 11L1LD and film me at S per cent. L. K. HlluKToK, Creator of l'U-abgnt Homes. . 110 Arthur Uldg. JA. HIS. Ii'oym T nona No delay on western dllll J-lUdllS Neh frms, ranchea. Klnke Investment Co., ll "in. NaCI Mk. IOO TO lld.ooo loans made promptlT. V. D. WEAD and D. II. BOWMAN. 310 S. ISIh St Weed BldK: AT. 016. jTlliMITIIKN-payT"niost for LIBERTY BON PH. IJ1 I lly Nal'l Hank Bldg. FIRST mortgage loana mad. promptly oa Omaba real tatata. Hhopen Co., Keel tore. JA. 4221 234 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEEE HEAT, ESTATE CO., 1 ft I S Qui. Nat, Bk. Bldg. Jackson S71S, GAatVIN HHOM.v-4S Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP. I'KOI'ERTY. NO DELAY. BUSINF.SS AN NJ4CErIENTS CELLAR dlgBing, uement work. Ken. S7I6. ' A7rCI I R I i A SV I ! . K A T I N il . ACCORDION, aide, knife, box pleating, covered huttona, all .tylea; hemstitching, buttonholes. Write Ideal Blltlon Sr. Pleat ing Co., 301 Brown Dock. Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. Ills. I Ctl I KOPR ACTORS. Ml. MUM AH, 300 Paxton Ulilg. Hr.. 10 to I. I til 6, Tel At. 2.103. Wa, 6337. DETECTIVES. , ItELIABLK Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2066; night, KE. 2812. Independent Detective Itureou, 304 Neville Blk. AT. 6601; night, WA. 4046; KE. 04SS JAMES ALLAN, 112 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases, at. jus. lIlVIUMi ACATIKMl EH. KEEPS', ISIS FARNAM Ballroom and fancy dancliiK correctly taught; claoa or private lessons. J A. atni, OARAGES built, any .tyl. and site, 1100 up. croncrei. worn Aiicaun luiupw aa Wrecking Co. Tel. WE. 6161. BV2 Money An unlimited amount on centrally located Omnha husi ness find warehouse property. Prompt Aniwtn Early Clo.inf W. Farnam Smith Co. REALTORS 1320 Farnam Si. Tal. JA (MM WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free traniporUtion. Bonus of $1 per tUy Cor 30 dy' irrvice. JOHN J. CRIER tors HVRNEY ST. al WANtfO . C-tasga (.! Wetl.ea R, R. k4ck-.atata Sai'-. aaaaa. s e.. 14. 'pa, t m k a a a, a 4a-a) !. S,ea aetd tik J V( m. a a i (Vou're Welcome in AMingl6nUnn ywT-yiSi. When In aiRS-Uwj ?,.i--SEnV1CE WITH A JM11T 1 ?J . . ." "' . .J 4 it ' SV lll.i.Nt tllriS BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. lr.M'.lr. " " ' DKNTAL X tlAYil.Hl each" II a full Ml, ail naiurm.a Hidg, itib aad Farnam. Tmr.iakti skiMi." J Ml h Akl.Vl tsiloiiii. remiHlaliiif and fur roala lelmed HI Sainaie II A. 4111. HI'ITM, dreaaea, fura telined, remodeled; ecarfe choi-kara made. Reae, price. HA s.4 Dresamaking arid plain ae-ln." W; estf. t R MMM A U I N . I Vf .11 "k ln.li. A T i I M. Terry D inks rej. jBT I.ieway II A 4l. " H itHU H."" VITPU Why not aave the middle men'. t-'aaaj noriiiiiua pieftt.? hprciel eiun-nil-11 Ban I rust. full, well iiiatihed thine, terns collar and lulfs, lined with luxuiiinia alik, 146, oiber wiappy co.ra. plain and trlmin.il, Site. Mt-.Nainara, lu Welling, ton Inn VTTPQ Hemodeied. rellned rleened. A UltO herbowiia Fur Co., Ills Leer, enwnrlh HI II A. J7HI. p'eapert repairing. remodeling, 1 Ilia 'leaning. .1 Inweei-ln-lhe-clty price, riold-iein Fur Co, over Fry., JAM II Y-'ITTJCJ renmdel.il. Mined, cle.nr.l, Kneaiar Alaeka Fur Co., SOI H I'.ih HI, DO. till, kOHAK HMMIIMi. FILMS DSVELOI'ED FHKK The Enel.n Co., HOT Howard Ht. Mil l IM HV. HOME niillineiy repair work and md elmg I4l Plnkney Hi. WE. soti. SI I Ml Al, INHI Stl I TIO.V. A I. DEN WALKER, piano Insiructnr; best methods; niuslo for all occasion.. KK. l:1. I'AI'F.RINO. PAI'EK CLEANED AND WAI.LM WASH. KXPKHIENCF.li. JA. 1041. I'ATF.ST ATTOHNF.YH. 1 W. MARTIN. Patent Attorney, llll Dodg. room 40I. Also IVathlnaton, D. C, 1 help Invenior. .ell their patente. PRINTIM.. EDDY p7inrriigCorill SlTst. DO. SS4T TOWEI," M FPLY, I HONTIKR Towel Supply, furnUher of clean flnens. 1I6 California. AT. S2SI. "mihCEIJ.ANKIH H ANNO! M KM'kStwT DIAMONDS price, wirb privilege 10 buy heck gt email profit. OKOHH JEWELRY CO.. Omaha, Neb., 491 N. lth St. Telephone Do. 6041 OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattrease. made nvvr In new tick, at half prlc. of new bed.. Pillow, renovated and made tip la naw feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed. 1907 Cuming. J A. 2467 NEB. PLEATING7n,;n.'r,o,v'.hr: ed Buttons, lint Farnam, Second Floor. DO. 6S7 PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the S Hhermen A McfVinnell Drug atpreo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 60 RELIABLE used care, cash or time; Fords, fiodae. .nd other models. 10 brand nsw Fords al a discount; Ford bodies, new and uaed. UOLDSTROM ALTO SALES CO. Open evenings. J A, Sinn. llll Harnev St. SO Ml-; bargain. In used Ford.; prompt delivery or. new Forde. M'CAFKREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford S.rvlc. Station. 16th and Jackeon Sis. DO. I6SS NEW AND USED TIRES, 12 SO AND VP. B. at B. TIKE AND AUTO CO. !SS Karnam Ht. HA. T404. LOOK over our Hat of used care. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. 1066 Earn am St. AT. 7111. USED Ford parte at half price. Part, for .11 standard mak. car. Neb. Auto Part. 1014 Harney St. USED CAHH. O. N. Bnnney Motor Co.. S664 Farnam. I'iEI) radiators, all makes, for .ale. OreenouKh Hndlalor Rep.lr, 203S Farnam. PATENT Pullman bed.,' hunt Into your auto, at PFB1FFBHH. 2626 Leavenworth. C8ED Fords. alF model. Used Ford Cor Co.. 1S14 Cuming. Lone Rood Dort louring car, caU or terms. V A. .lll. ONE grind Maxwell touring; for sale, cheap. 1 . aae 1. HOLLY, axnerl auto trimmer, all S. S4tb IlllllllllUllllllllll.Jl.lllll.lCllllllllJllllllilllllxlillllll'll ! WANTED I by 1 Missouri Pacific ; m at St. Louis, Kansas City, - ! Little Rock, Omaha and other m 2 important point: - t Machinist-Formen, 2 Machinists, . Boilermakers, . " Car Inspectors, etc. - , ' Standard wage and working; i condition. ? a ' ! Apply 217 South 14th St. '. Omaha, Neb. '? a , it inn it ii i i i I i ii i i i i ii Siiliil.il,ll...llilllllili'lliSi.nliSi:l- SiiltS"SIS SoS-'lliej 2 Foremen. Boiler Foremen. General Locomotive 5 Foremen. I Night Roundhouse " Foremen. j Coppersmith Foremen. Airbrake Foremen. I Machine Shop Foremen. C.n.ral Painter Foremen " familiar with coach and loco- a moliva work. Writ or wire collect, lug aapori.nca aad a. a la A. P. PRENDERCAST Mechanical Superinland.nl, s Texas & Paciiic Ry. Room T0J Tesas and PacilU General Offices, D.ll.t, Tea. i I I I II I I I I I I II I II I I I I .4 i a I WANTED -Y Jilt. Wabash Railway Co. Stiill.it eellaie. Id fail vsf koe. Ik. is Sfileaa, MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS aaet elker .Vlla4 eea'l 4 li.ateaerlaliaa, aaapU a,. leellaa a-i aetaaaa.al sstiliaat WiH e4 watViae eaaJi Ilea peeeetike. Vf Ike V. Rtti4 LaWvt KeatJ. ArriY imkm i Paslaai lUtet, (ItstaWa, Nek. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Fords Fords New aad I'aed. Cas er T.nie. IV. hsv. them .11 rriree all modbla, i Ma sure and ae. II. before ).n bur, McCaffrey Motor Co.. "Id. Handy Full Brvke feutlon" Authorliad futd and Lincoln i'calei. llib and Jaien SI. PO. HDD. WANTED kEAL ESTATE FOWLER & M'DONALD Real a-etaf. and Insuranre. Slemliere Mulli..e l.iallng Kl llrallota. J7XvHl'llanr for ro"iil"col lage will 'e li.OUu; can ay II.Oull cash, I'hon. ut .1 one. if you hav. a home of this description for sale, Ceorg. F. Jonea, Itealtor, AT, .411. HuM i.a f of ee le. API s7 f oer eat W. J. Palmer Co., Real F.ala'a Management Siierialiar. KaaMne IIMg AT. IS'S Llet yimr honie Iluy your Soma, BINDER & OTIS, Reel ratal.. I.oant. Rental.. JA. Jill Charles W. Young & Son Re. Lltat. Rent.la, liieuranra, 1411 City Net. Hit. AT. 141. nfnVpTirp UKAL ESTATE XJllVXV-Jl X a,i, R,nt.. Insure. 140 P "iters Trust Hldg J A, .411. CI R 1 1 K N J ( J H,Ur ' VJ l V U Li i S I VJf Ua fur su ck results 1411 Kirs' Nat'l Bk. H'-"c JA. 111! ftP H.TQP Vn,al total., Invtatmenla VJVlUOaJ 1 ,,t r. Hell Your Home HII I'lty National Hank. Pouglaa till BTHA1!H'PT-Ver loans, t cenl. AVOfl lift ANT CO.. till S Itth Arthur llldg. AT. 1110. Reed & Co., till r.rnam St rhone AT. Sill. WK have oaah huyer for s-rooni house. Irumeilisle lrisieeton. Flunk C. Heat Co., H Keeurltlee Wilg. AT. SIJ5, ouoi) i,riaTrNT!4rTB"To us, . WW HULL TIIK.Nf. HOM B H K ALT Y CO. AT. 1 1 1 L I.lalT your homes for sale with ua We hav. th. customer. PATNIS INVE8T M KNT CO., Resltor. LIST your property with VV. r'arnaan rlmlth Co. Karnam St. Wlllard O Sl.h.ug hR ea I'.or. JA. Ill I. Fqunshle Trust Co. Realtors. AT. 114b To 8KLL ae Vllover A MuraH. AT. VH. Weetern Real Katate Co JA. list. CANADA LANDS. KOK SALK Owing to llln.-i.. IliO acres lm proved, in.ono, hnlf rash. Owner, L. If. ('rooms, Vl'rmas, .Menltolia, Can. MINNESOTA LANDS 820 ACKKS tjnilier land Tleltraml County, Minn.. Mtre. 11,200 for 1400. Write 1. O, Hm 272. Minneapolis. Mlnp illlni:iiiiii.i;-iiiiiiiiinlillilliiii!lunlllill e Railroad Mechanics ! Wanted, is y ih e . ; f Illinois Central j System I Machinist. Boilermaker. Qualified Car Repairmen Free transportation and board and housing will be furnished. Permanent position.. Wage standard a. directed by United State. Railroad Labor Board. Apply at onca at Room 317 City National Bank Building, 3d Floor, ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ' Office Houra 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. j 'liillillill.'lillnltillnlliliiinllillilliliiliilliliilnlKlnit,; inlij l.ia.ilili Mli.r J .ii.iiiiiiiiiiiiriViiisiiiiii (V3EN . WANTED For Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaba Ry. For permanent jobs at rates prescribed by the United States Railroad Labor Hoard as follows: Per Hour ! Machinists 70c Blacksmith 70c I Sheet Metal Workers..,. 70c Electricians 70c I ' Boilermakers 70c ! Patteng.r Car Men.,,,. 70 ! Freight Car Men 63c Helpers, All Claiae 47e " Miuhnnies ami hlprs art . allowed tim and one-half for ! time workfil in uxocs of cisrht Jl hours par day. j Apply at Division niptrin. I tiii'li t's Off iff, LVh snl ' Webater Si., Omaha. NVS. I' lllllllllllllllllllHli,,' The Railroad Strike on the Rock Island Lines Is Over Aaal ike pea.., at etiaaiaetteai ( Hoal.is, latently aaa) aa.a ka sMtVl etttpUyineal ..nag Ika strike It. asaae a slake aatlf, It. tva Ik. t. Iota, la hll ia Ika atta. taila !, eMalakl, k-v.sl An.ttaaa .lli.ea. k ate IUa U i.e (air alv . aik l lair el.f s fas, ea e a llaatleei Baaake. ( ajualilieal MACHINISTS BOllERMAKERi DUCKSMITHS CAR REPAIRMEN CAR INSPECTORS AND A IEW LABORERS muk ir JNrrT-Arruv now 1U LIUif BuilJmf UtK .nj Cspitel MISSOURI LANDS (iKEAY bar. am It J..a. Ii Humility au. le ai'iae, '4 fruil and tullrr leii-1, n.er town, rultiein atlaanun. I'rtc. limy S.eil, A Idle.. i'i 31, niirilia-fietal SLi. lull KALI IU dmn ami la .r enonir) tins lo a-rea farm land near lailoay In Mi. ..mrl. I'r.-e lion Sloe. Ihrejaeld. Mt. taniefl. Iillhuia N 0 KT H D A K OT A LA N PS. Farmers and Investors: . I. you ttelijs dial Muni) I a a ot a le a .wi hog ana rattle etiuntrr, ih.t th. beet wheel, oala, lie, flat end elln rein raised la Ihl. i-ouatry loiiita Itom aioitri llaKnte? I have en. aettlon of good level lend In KPliler ruuniy at til I p-r an. Will take iliiiusa In Oivaha or l ilown and tial su e nn easy lerine. Una Omaha lies, WASHINGTONLANDS. ihlltTlA I i:i) lap. I In triiiial Waahlngtoo tee-ly fur .eliiernenti esreileiit Mil, rea s -iialile irlirs, raay teruia la .otliere. V ino II. W. Kaeuah, tlgr., Mtppel. UasS- liurton. WISCONSIN LANDS. 1HK rAI.lv J.i aires dairy farm with a-moiii houae. Iiam llsaa, ehiiketi houae, 3214, I'orn trip, araiiery and small hulid lust, lo aires !-" iiaht, one mile front i'n .nd -re-rfiery Kor nuirlt a.le inly S 7 . ' e Addreaa owner, Bo. II. Thenning. ton. WIS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS ri.AT OR RKHIIrKNI.'K SlTR. Northaeat mrnar. tuili and Pavenport sireais, :..i:i feel. H"ih strsata paved, paving pa" I rn- l 14 ! HAHTI.N'JH lIKrDLN, RKAI.TORS. II4 Harney Ht. AT. Ql. iufsck duples. Two t-rtn apt.. I.'..tS eaen and rent fiorn one epl. will pay halenre. AMOS UllANT COStfANT. Ite.llorn AT. alail. 210 Ho. Ulh St. ACKEAGE FOR SALE ACREAGE HOME Very dealrehl. a. ra fruit farm, well lm. proved, w.ih s'nilly modern l-risom house and iloulile garage. Wi ll Im alrd 4k -mile from riiy In. ilia, on pavi-d road Right prlie. Term, to right party, KE. PISS er 1140 VACANT PROPERTY Sale .it Tlalal... l.ila anil .Ptilt. taela now aolng on. Special terma and pries, mads. 1200 up; smsll . psymant down, belanoe eesy term Be. or prion, dtewert. Ilaletnn 10-W. oWNlfll non-resident here for ehort tlm. only. Thre. deairahl. Iota N. K. corner kith and lledfonl, Omaha. Clrah thaae nulrk. Sir. Ida llrown, 1700 Av.nu. C, l.ouncil fliirra, im. iillNliLB iot, tdalSfi. on S4lh St., near r'arnam: cnolca lorntlon; owner will eon ... - , . .i -i ii nn siner oner. . 'in i.... WILL build lo your ordsr on our beaut). llll IOIB in aufawui .a. AtlsntIS 114. Illll'llulli.l Illllllllll'I'll.lllillll.lllJl-lKlall UN On account of tha mechanical craft employes having gone on a strike, tha Colorado and Southern fly. Co. . will employ in tha .hop, rpundhouie and car depart- . men! at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyenne, men suitable for such service. Board aad lodging free under ample pro tection. Ideal climate and working condition. Free transportation; time and one half paid after 8 hours and for' Sunday and legal holi- days. i .Write or wire H. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, Denver. Colo. illlillillll.lllini-u!J. I I I i i Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington dt Quincy Railroad i now em ploying men for it Shop, Roundhouse, and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and over time condition laid down by the United State Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Working hour will ha thoia necessary for maintenance of the service. Board and lodging, una der ample protection, furnished. Young, active men desiring la go inla railroad service will he given an opportunity for training ia steady, desirable employ meal, Burlington Building, Tenth A far nam Streets. Omaha, Nek, Apply at , First Hear, N3RTH SIDE PROPERTY 'W2t N."41th St." i (!-. r Mf (4 r tin. It J(vj law Gallagher & Nelson III I'esar. Ti'tal 1S1.1 11 rl'ri iAI.l, ensTitein rslle.a. ... loom hv.iee. 14 .. Wall laaeled. f.eiaa perk l"u No. Jlet ill. I art ca.h. Selee'e aaey laitue Uit diaioant for ell saeh. Inquire J!0 No liar Hi Trj"l'ivilKINK"Tjt'er--m. ni-d . eak floor, and lm en. Ill eesh, SeL iweatktr. fraiyn. set II. AT .111 I Monti bua.aiow, furesie healed. I la' a with frail.. lair) and fort Sia Call SI. 14SI . I-HimiM itioalara bungalow, near Sillier park eihool I'li.e It its K HS NKVv" 4. room r.ualiw. oak liaiah, Sutu la feature. Iar eael front lm. MB .. rrTl'liurK-"- "aiiT'aad aell aoTaea. SIDE PROPERTY I .'II Do llih i-rm , mod , good eondHlea. I lee. Term. Allenlle ill.. i"S a I4TII wF-ais roem kwng.laer. It Jin ' It t'arlh.rg Haallor, Sll Itrseileie Theater Hlls J A. etas WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Cathedral District I. erg. living morn must, rnem dialog roeia, kiuhea firs, floor. S kedreona. tleeplng r-orrh sai olid floor fair, well lersted large lot, parly leaving cliy, will sarrlfiee. Gallagher & Nelson 4 M Pel.ra Truet IMdf - JA. till. Near Home Tour Ternie AT. 4144. !a.Mra.TT.V,Kot.rt C nmder- VJltiVt; itiutaiu vu( itsi lend Hldg. BENSON PROPERTY no. now'i . vi it a n n nr.w ALL, StniiKHN Iifaled In Wenaon. Juat hlnek fram ear lutl cement basement; nulll-lft fee lures; nak floor.. frit., 14,440. Mr. Lewis, wa li:i B r. fl.ART C-. ellor 14th end Ames Ava K K. SMI FLORENCE PERTY. WltTllAWAT .all. and Irad'ea. KB. ' 14.1 MISCELLANEOUS LANDS. NEW honiee completely financed. ; fey like rent. C. T. BI-IEH aV Co.. Realtor., I'l Peter. Trust Hide DO. 4147. ' 1 I -I ..i.ig..aiiiile..gi:,i iiii'iiiii l'SS SSi.lulnSaV I , e e j Frisco j 1 Lines ; j j Saint Louis ' San Francisco' : Railway ' i " wants .'-f ' i i I Boilermakers Macriinists Blacksmiths ' Foremen Permanent positions. " For interview call at f I Room .401, FonteneUsj . Hotel. - I I rslil'l'll:'ilt'iul::4il"liii'il'liil"IMlil'lllillll:r j- i:ln::h;,l illHlH'iti!riMliiii!iriiii:l;:llll!IIIIIIIHi : Wanted by the '' 1 C. M. & ST. P. RY. S I . I Mechanics and Help I ers for permanent post i tions. ' Machinists. Boilermakers. Blacksmiths and Sheet Metal Workers, seventy (70) cents per hour. Machinists' Helpers. Boilermakers' Helper. Blacksmiths' Helper and Sheet Metal Work ers Helpers, forty-seven (47) cents per hour. Freight Car Repairer and Inspectors, sixty three (63) cents per hour. These ana a la rental, aaen ok. are ea sink, aa.lnal Ike decisava al Ike 1'aMed Slaiea airre4 Lakes Beat a. a Apply la per sea le I EUGENE DUVALaGenl Aftnt OT sa.ll IStk Street. a e OMAMA, NEBRASKA.; 1 t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIl at 1 a k t aa -. i it t, t I i ... 1 144 I.I "a .11 a-k S 4 M a ii A M k l-t I e le--e ia.1 e I" ! - Mat V a