THE OMAHA HEE: FRIDAY. .ErTF.Mr.ER 1. 1022 Reynolds Shoots Three Under Par and Defeats Wally Shepard Last Municipal Star Eliminated By "Cap" Foyc Younfc, 1'rosoni Cham (ion, an. I y lii-!l Othrr Winnm Foo Pl.iv. IiVwiiiM". BRINGING UP FATHER CC JIUCJ ASO MACCIt IN fUlt pace or cot on i in me acspAY pre Drawn for The Omaha Bee by MrManui O .tiht (kill THAT I couv f- IUET TMCMOFr A-bWE 1 1 ' Ml CHEKT HrAVCMV I TT?C s WHAT IT'bMOHMtNC! I l-"'l-SI I WANT VISi . I I ... Ill "W" I I . L II 1 I I il il i.fni.i -rT- il iiii I il I . . i I i I rww -JO tOUL L 7 - II I Jii, I 1 i I I I K I i I 'Or I II I sll'KINalllr' 1 1 II. HT. Third Honor' far ' da f '. Kn'h ft'id F ' , end 1 in HanwMs K i', I Hilly hep sol r I .11,1 It ! f"iifi, f l. ! Orns Wish r . , i W J lo.e c Ui irr I vsn Fontanel's, ft ttt't 1. f lllllf. neini I (nali, .m !'' . , !: ' J t-f, C ' Her ah'eids r i', i.-i ! Vein. Ky KALPJI WAGNKR. T1IK ' lin.iin I i' I I 1 1 ii It ioill-e re -'ltd (or iMi,iI itf s w 4 -m.t-'.-nl ( lit, .mil H.iirv Uninn.iii, fliuim lji il y.Jcr, w.i 1 l urtiati d yt tnUv in tlr thud tl.iv'a U in i hi' lfltl Ne'.t., i, i JM.i'e foil toiiilldntrnt linn,, rij("l .il Ilk' I t. Id (lull. A the result o( I liur ' ' .10 hole niati hit in (!' t li.imjiioii- llitfllt. S.llll Iv'rv I'.ulil. (.f till Held ih.h '.Mil play V. J, love of the loiintry i in tlir si'tiii Itn.ils tod.iy.whil K.iy .tnrl.U ami lll.'inr Yininir. both of I he l'lcld i lull, will meet in the lower half of the semi final bracket in the big r noKIi won hi way into the next roiiml hy rli mi n a t ii Wal ly Sliciard of the Country club, 7 and o. i a y I Shields put the skid under Ken neth Heed, 4 ami J. while W. J.! Foye heat Harry I)onovan, 6 and 5. State Champion l!l.iine Young suc ceeded in keeping his slate clean hy trimminjj Gene Vaughn, also of the Field elub, 6 and 5. To Sam Reynolds, four-times state champion, goe the credit of hanging up a new amateur record for the course. Samuel idiot the first 18 holei of his 36-hnle match with Shepard Thursday morning in 70, thereby smashing his former mark of 72 and the amateur course rec ord, to ay nothing of equalling the card turned in hy Abe Mitchell, faniouj English "pro," who played over the same links last July. Clipped Four Off Par. The former champion took .1.5 strokes on the outride nine in the morning, clipping a pair of swings oil par, whirl is .to. Shepard shot the initial nine in JS, one under par. A remarkable thing about Reynolds' morning card was that he never took a .live on the outside nine. Sam chalked up three birdies and Wally two. On the 11th hole in the morning, KevnoMs was forced to be content with his first five of the day. He mifscd a short putt lor a four. Shepard ctt Reynold Irad to one up cn the 11th when he took a four to Sam's live. Reynolds experienced more trouble with Irs putts on No. 12 and Wallv took advantage of this .ind evened the match. They halved , the 1 Jlli with throes and then Rey nolds, alter dubbing his drive en route to l.'th, made a dandy approach ! s''o; and took a pair of putts for a four. Shepard made tin? hole in five and ay.ain Sain took the bad. Cot an Eagle. 1 I'.oth were on No. 14 green in two and each tonk two otitis for (ours . cn a par five tin. Thev halved the l?;h loth hob, but Kcvnolds succeeded in takiiu; a four on the 7th wlun lie ran a 1J inot putt which won him the e..n and made Shepard two don n. The IStb went to Rey nolds. Shepard' approach thot tell way short of the grcm, while Sam was on in two. Reynolds continued his wonderful J laying in the afti moon by scoring j an eale on No. I. holing a long! jutt tor a two, while Shepard was content with a live. Reynolds wail fx up on the I oimtrv i lull poller lit the end ot the tirst ivnc ot their afternoon l lio'-r. 1 he i. inner champ corrd a . goinvj out. afii'ii shootma the H't mce undir rui. He i r t!e one i;le and a bud:e on the Outside, w bile J-hepard ut one bir.ue, Th Ji'th lude was won bv Key- polrts, Both h,Kcl tl'e r-si l'i tint snd the ilutrb i :iled s-tt the l.'sll ith Kefiobli the u tor. Their cards i iVn storntns. ,ad-04 .. U 411 IVt-St rat 4I HI i h SM 111 lit- .41 IS ! lit HI ii 11 11 Hi',fs ateSMlda IH-.VI I . II ilios tkeoud IV.I HI ISS - ri tu ill ! ; In lit III - IS ; r,t it si 44 n it llIS keweie4 sil l Ml S.U In IS I M Osllfst Klimmtiet j "J he o'hn at'i.i; .ii i I 1 I ' j (titiV- m m tun t e f ,li" 'I "1 u ' V p" r Pf ' ' i l'vr, t rv P-" . v ( W I. ' l'iii', " I 1" ''j t n-n I b I h i 1 '' ' i ' 4tH l It 1 hS l'4 I I'll 11 . l .lf d.l't !" ' C' ' " i f ittt t t hs rl I S ! el l' ' " 1 J At Hi M ! l ' !st I 5s 1 yiut f d 41. Ttisil s.t4 ts'l ".! 4 1 J I .d 1 ) ...- M u ss HI 1.1 ' l I -JtaS ... HI t't III M 'Ml " ' (tJi V" p. I rLcuerKtt,HED. z ' S NAO V ' "Sr ! 71 f U mA 0"" lt Frsriwir Svirr Inc (III " SL l,;,i,s,B ,h' f,"noo , 1 won 6 '.iiikIiii In Id tbr i l imp een for the outride tune in the morning, but on thr last three boles ot the inside had tumble with hi- putt Tin ir l- foi the uionung round lollow : l units Out In t nihil Out In r, '.ii-ii .!.- su am III o sin sm .M iii IU Sit 4J.1 111 SI U.-4V Sh'i l.U id the l iebl club held Kenneth Reed of ihc same club even lor tin- tir.t IH holes and then pulled away from the former lunipion ill Hie afternoon linally winning S and The semi final m.iti bej in the championship (light will start at H;Jt) o'clock this morning, while the sec ond half of the semi-finals are down lor i .t'l n in I mMfloNMIIII' (IVIUII ATIOMI. hrniiiil Hi.unil. K Unlink, lan.iiln. won nv.r KrnnrU (.ln-. I'. I', liy ilrrmlll K. Ii.inono. Konlrnelli-, hmt W. L, Wit ' II If . I n4 I I.. I'. ('niiipbvll, M. II , bt '. E Orlf. f" n1 II t'nliii. r K i'. I., i, t lien HIms-h T. I. .. 1-:iiimi.O'1, r. iiri.f 4 .ml Clinil.. T. "Han cry, l,iin.,,ii. h.hi Tisn'lt Imno. Min, R lin.l 4. II I'llnifr. y f . i,t i p iiin,blt, II. II., i tnit I rtllMM.H. K Hlttrjr. Mne.iln, iilsvi H I'.lmfr, VIC'K rRK.hlllKAT'H KI.IOIIT, Heron.! n.Minil. Ja.k Hhrp. K. I', bl A 1, nrsd- nn.'H. f.rioid iNinihl. 3 juiri 2. Art, K. I, brut M. ;rfn, Krncy, 1 Aiwt 2. W', K. ilrovra. Klinnnn.1, won frrim H E Me u, r. r , ir l. fuu Al rhn. T i'. but H. rt. William. Elrnwooil. 2 nn1 Third llnunil. Al Onhn, r. C. bft Art rtori. T P., 1 nr 2. W. K rirnvi, Klmwooil, bt Jk hrp, y, c, i n. I i'AiKirm. riimln. Al rshn, r. c, piny W. K. OrdvM, Klmwooil KECIIHTAHY'" ri.KillT, NinhiiiU Konnd. Hurry Koch, c. c, bent R. I,. Hytt. F. i', 1 up. I'hll Aiikn. t.lnrntn, brat M. J. Swarti. r. ' , and I. Maynanl Hwaru. f. C hat V. D. Ban, diet. y. ', 2 and I. Halph Hold, I'. C, b( M V. Porter, F, :., t and 4. Third Hound. IT A, Karh. r. hat Phil Alikn, lanenin. 1 up 1 holea Mnyniird Kwarit, F. I., Iiit flalph Told. '. ', 5 and 4. rAIHIVOH. r'lnnla. If A, Ko.h, C. I', beat Phil Alikfn, Buartf, V. i' IllKP.CTOR'S KIlf.llT. heeonil KouimI. r. A. Hlrd. T. ., btat R C. Karaeh, F..nli.nile. 2 and I. II E. Mon!anmry. H. H., bat O. A. OrKOry, K, (', A and 2. y.. A. HlKBini ilrw a hi. K A. ilarlaon, Klmwood, beat W CralKh'ad. F. c . and 4. O, Third Round. K. A. Tlalrd. K. c, btnt H, E Mont gnnii'v, II H , 2 and 1. K. A llliralna, C. (' . bat n. A. Carl sin. Elmttood, 1 HOd 2 I'AIKIMIS. Kinnla. K A. Hlgnln.", i'. i.', plays B. A. Halrd, F, I'. PBP.MiriKNT'" FIKillT. Third HoiiikI. A !,. I.. union. II. II., ueat Pous nnwlr, F. i" . 1 nnil iiNrar l.lhen. F C, beat L. E. Oilla pl F (' . .1 and I .1. 11 Kradenh-rs, F. '., beat O. L. Hwan.nn. I.oup City, n and 4. .I.Tine Auidn. Klrnttood. beat J. L. S'ntl. Brattice, S einl 2 Nrml-Klnala. J A Austin. Klmwnod, bent J. B. Fra denliu, F. i., I and 4. T.lehn, F. c'.. brat A. C. Larmon. II II , 4 and 2 PMRINCi.l. Finn In. o, :ir t.iehrn. F. i'.. plnya J. A. Austin, F.lmMiMid. Clark of Lincoln Wins "Pro" Tourney ll.iie I lark, nt the An telope 1 1 ib, Lincoln, won the annual "p;o " tournament of IS holes plavcd ystcrday over the Omaha Field club course when he shot the re quired number of tins in 76, Clark made the outside nine in .'7, one over par, and shot the inside in .11, two O'. er par. Charles Kooiiti of the Grand I-Iand, professional en' club, ami Stanley Ibivies, "pro" at the Field club, tie, I for second low store with carils of 77 The outstate professional went out in ,') am! nine back in .W. H.ui' ma le the Cit tune holes 111 M) n the itiMfle in h;i total of 77. The score follow : I ot T" 1 ts. i. r 1" i N. -io.n kuointera I. I ' (' 4. I 4 ttell I hrialle. II 11 . )S 41 Sa I U M K. North I' i'li II 4 l Itai- i ,t Ant., , in IT t 14 'e, k .enii o ltsnl is ' ' ; -an sttien F'nt .f.t , It Is i' 1 . a -Well, s' ( IS 4 s II Sen. SI, . . 14 ' It I I' ti 4 l I l'S'-s tly.skardt Ksrav II II 4 1 tv ilh.e ' II ll II it It I V.l it, I" i ,44 it It Ihtmtn We.eer I ' I ' . 14 14 44 I s . Kseeila T II II ! Ckeriee I SaitN . 1 1 4l II Woodmen Win From Fayette Nine, 4 to 3 r4fite ! , 14 II (t(,ec,sl W (it l,t s-ispt o tSant m b't ! " t !''S 'l4S.!i!i of hs t'f (- f 1 !-j -. ter s I' W jf:'l 1' ! Hsl H( ki ,; v . 4 ' Km.(isVi i I A "' I" As, ' HI t'l I ol ell i s S ti' -.1 '' 1 '1 s 1 ' S SI I ' I. ! J 41 t ') S- 'Sf"'"! 1 . 1'f t'l t W'. 't is I K i !'! ' I 1 1 t Oi 4 ' ol ti . I MA m f.ssKs vaoi, si Coffindaffer's Pitching Blanks Grand Island liiand Island, Aug, .'!. Noifolk evened the erie, wmuiiig the sec ond game. 4 to 1). t oflmdalfer let the Third City crew down with (our bits. He also had ten strikeouts aud allowed but three bases on balls. Score : NOIIK'M.K I GUANO IMI.AMI. All H t A ' All II u A A erlon. aa t I I Kranda, h 4 1 Sim II. 2I 4 I 0 l ll.a .n .li J o s Marr. 31. t II I 4 M-U. lit MnUae. if I. 0 flpeakur. rf J n II h ni. If 4 2 S W Mhiiur. If 4 n 1 0 riaik. r 4 2 1 I. Ilrvrr, II. Ilravea if 4 3 I fl lonike, If lla eny, li. 4 o ii lienilry, c full li t. V I J i KoulU.p 4 0 14 I 4 I II (l I 4 0 J I II i Totali l0 2Ml Tnlala So 4 27 11 Norfolk Urand iaiand IHlO 2110 !"lll I dOO 000 nun 0 Nummary limit; Mitihell. Kmiaa, Cof. flndaffer. Knapp Ero.ra: Hob.'n, Hei, Hre,r, roillk Thie. lma. hlla: Knapp, Foulk Two baa hlla: CJrav.., Hpenker. Naerifie hli: Mli.he, plr,i has on l.alln. l iff l offlndaffer. I. Hlolen hae: llark, Hooae, lloKHerly. M-l lioul.le play; Iloliin to llrewer. Hunk nut: Hy I'offlndjffer, tn; by Foulk. :i left on haara: Norfolk. I: llrand laliind 1. lilt by .i.he. bail; Hi,in by I'offindaffer. pae,l hall: HenHey. Iialk: Foulk. F.arned rnnai Norfolk. 2 finplrea: Npeeeo and (.'hlrpneith. THn of same: 1:52. Piilrhury In Kiiimttsy. Ilealil. e. Alls. II. H.-atri. 1 hob Iriul meil l,y the nverwhelniiiis a. ore of 12 to 2 i) ronner a baton a feat ire, io t..'ine runs and triple to his redit. Wrote: FAtKIIIIir I nKATIIKI- All II fl A ! AH. If O A Mooney, a k I 3 7 Wlgene.JI) .10 12 Fairy, it I ! : n Kir. h' 2 f) 14 1 lui.'hle, If 12 2 0 gulnn, I 1 I 1 llllaa. if (21 01 Hon an, if 4 2 2 0 I I o o Moonev, If 2 0 2 0 'level ,3b 4 1 2 2 l.aharife.Jh 4 1 J 2 flood., rf 4 1 o O'l'nser, r. 4 0 10 fl'l'o ner, r. .1 1 4 ft' M. Kee. rf 4 0 I fl Push, p 2 0 0 I Llnder. p 4 2 0 I.ovlrh, p 0 0 0 fl) . W'oifolk.p 0 0 0 f), Totala 31 214 Totals 39 12 27 to! llllaa oul, hit by baited ball. Ci'nra hy Inning: Fairbuty fuj ein on;, 12 Beatrlra 000 020 oni) 2 Summary Rune: Mooney. F-riy, llel.hle (1), llllaa, Wlnili.leh. f'lveiand (2i, fiond ln 12), ii'i'nnner (2), Wlsifena, l.ind"r, Krrora: I Cl '.oiner. W'iKK.'na 121, How. man, I nsT. Ilnms runs: llehhle, fifoti ner f2). Threp-bose hlla: fJoodwm. D'fon ner. Htolen haaen llnoney f'Ji. Sa'Tlfl.o hlla: Wllnl.Uhh (21. J'ugh. Kirehner. llnaa on balla: Off l.lnd.'r. .'; off I'iikIi, ii. rlttuek out: Under, I; I'uifh, :i ; Wol . Btrurk out: I.lnder. 1: TuKh, a, Vinptre: Johnson. Time: 2 hours. l.lnka Mln, M In It. Llnroln, Aus. 31. t.iiiroln won a. lonae ly played same, s to a, making the are ond atra'glu from HanfjnKs. tfcore: I IIASTt.NOS. I LINC'it-V AH II. O A I All If .O A. I'lzer, 10 1 3 J Sprancer ea 4 14 2 M0oller.a 4 2 3 fl Oiirrls. cf alio Tomes, rf 0 0 (I 1)1 Uye. 2b 4 3 li 0 lluek.,rf.f 3 0 2 nji'onkev. e. S 1 fl 1 Will, ah 4 12 roihjion.rf 4 10 0 U'tUHH.c-f 4 0 2 OiUnnl, If 4 2 0 0 Kehter., lb 4 1 10 OlMeOov, lb 3 2 9 2 V.rt:m., p 4 1 n 4 Zlnker, 3b 2 1 2 2 Kirhy. I 0 2 llnlley, p 2 I 0 He. k. If rf 4 0 2 0 . ! Totals 31 13 27 10 Totals 35 7 24 15i Score by Innltiya: HuMlnaa 122 001 n AO ft l.lnrolii (143 000 Olx 1 Summary rtune: Piaer 12). K- ho-r-rnuyer, Zelsnhein, Heek. Spratiser. Oye. (lliison, tlool f2i. M'-foy (3. Krr'irs: T'izpr, Wilt ZiMKenhein. Spranaer f2t, I iye (41. .inker. Two-base hlt: Will, I'izer, Kirhy, Mueller, Uye. fllhaon, M.' O.'y. Paorlflee hits: riil.'kmtiter, Hpfaot:rr, X.inkor. Ilalley C'l. Karnerl runs: tOist inci, 2: Llneoln 7. Left on bases: Hnnt lna. fl;, s. firu.k "tit: lly llalley. ti. Ilne.a on halls' (Iff Kelseti h"in. 4: off llall'v. 1. lilt by pllrhed hall: M.'foy. hy Xetsenbein Wild pil.h: Zelirenheln. HOilen; Pmer, Moeller, Hpri.nger. Carrta; rniipro: .levrr. Time: 1:1V Western nitrhea Win Knuhle-llra.ler. I'enver. Aus :! - The veteran liieunry and limine made It f,.ur MtMRht for W'teh Ita bete, th.. fiirmi r vtntnmK, 13 to f, and the latter, 2 tr. 1, 1,1 the double header asatnsl the Reara IImiih.- p.-i m , 1 1 .-.I only two hlla In the aeven inn'iia nf the ond same, both thoae i-otulns in Hie r.iat innlns'. Ncore, firil same: Wlt'lMTA I HENVFR A II II n A A II II is A Smith, rf J 1. .1 llr:en ef 1 2 n t n i : : Mlake'y. If 1 1 0 Kerr aa h r If fin. "Ai 1 II ,1 4 Sli.ii.lev 2h S Kaal if 4 1 2 Pat, lb . Parser, a I 2 1 si art hi, 1 0 f. IliOler, :i. 12"" (...ii:.- if 4 llalei , 4 a I ..y ,f ( SI lot II l, s t II K :im, ti r 4 (Itefory. p ,1 il ft'Fr. ,omi . I a ) I 1 " I To'sls J? II JM't w l, i- I o j ' i II 1 1 n S . . . , , , J Wt, nil (fenver , N-imtturv - H'ltn So! li i Oof rui lat 1 3 ). VI t' .., .-I ll'. ... He buliea Ul lie. n. in I. it ilf-s-'tr asvoi.v I 'il ?e-l Mft - 1 ' ii pi i.e-. ; ,.- : :lh ill. P.S(ev ll.raer tit t'a"- . r C.vlt. ah" Ki: - ,fa MO'Co I: -i lii' il.,,-. Is., l iiei W . o t i- i. , , i i t.n a ..tit. t - i tii4 ... Iteiie.' pi.ter 11 )Me f. S.el'll !. 1 e eon a 1.. ' .-'i ( i ' e ' ill If " ep. Il S .a I t " I - .-. I , " e I off H "', ."-! .. ll l. I s. ii.. a . , ( I ,n , ,i '. W S ' ! SI lt .il... .. im as... ,, I,...,. ,. w ,4 i ' ,.! : ii 4-s s of '-' , t i o I , - a . 1 1 a . , t 1 I .aa 's 'II W..- i id t i. I : IOH l.ef ,'. lif t I- S . ' I l l llltl i Itvlt t mil,' I suit 1 St.'. . I t 1 . - i, ... f i l t. a .1 f o If a !. in. I W. .'S.I ss . Ik It ..a VI ' . i I li - .1 e i k I I I l t 1 1 t's s II I )i I I ll II III i s iiM 'I a r.ff' J.rt. . d:.A' a " Sa t !'. ,.... , ... -.' t . I a I ,. i Iv . a . '-4 . S 4 Cava. 1 ' ' . . la. assise ft'. . ! ft S" S . . t'-s S s el es ' S ft . If .. I "- .-.s Ki Si..s s $ s, I. S ft. i 11 a. . i. i ft v. v to a, .v e i I -'. i . t a I'Siher drslt IMrln lull. Won f'ny, Aos. SI --Tha Park'ta end ed thmr aeaet.n in Hie Ntoui t'tty sinnnda v lakins a iloulii h'!r from oklahoiiia, Illy by I lie a.oiea of In I and II in t. Xi or, fllat mini. OKLAHOMA I'lTV I NKlLX I'll f All. II 'i A All II. A. Put. If bill lla' ea 4111 Kru'r. lb t 1 He ay. lb SIS, Ii. 4 I 2 I I i.h f I S i Mi nl. lb 4 III M-'is. lb 1 I In Oman, if 2n 1 I'alm'r. 2b 4 I W Indie, aa 4 I 4 Mai Il k, If 4 14 Moot, if 4 11' 1 Hard, rf 4 2 I l.h 0 2 0 I ONhan'lInc, 0 4 3 4 V'l.' p I I fl lll.avla. p 2 10 M'll'-e, p 1 0 0 t(,ie l, r, p I 1 II Totala It t 21 I" Totals II II 17 II H.ota by Innmae. oklahutii lily 0"l 0 (100 I Xloux i.lty I in 111 10i I nummary It una: (llnalardl, Moore, Yd, If.'ininKHay, Flab, MrlK. Miitli'k, deier- ; Surd, nliutisllns (2), liavla Krrora. M'-. I '' ni-l 1J1, llemlnsway. Twa-hsa hita: eeioer, t anner, .Moore, i.alftSHr.l i;t, Slc Hsnlel, fhansllns Home run: llemlns way. H. rlfi. o hit: llannKon. Sa. rl fl.e five: Met. I.nns Karne.l rune: Fiona City, ; iiklahotti Oiy, 2 Hits nnd runs: off Davie. and 7, In 4 21 In. Insa; off Yde 7 and 10 In t limine! l.-ft on bnara" oklab'.ma City, Cltf, (I Winnlnit pli.hrr- lavia l.oains 1 11. her: Yde Flrat haee on balla. Ilff V'le, 2; ntf lav), 2, off rtoeller, 1. Niruek out: lly Yde, 2; by M.llee. I; hy Uiivh, I; by ltoMt(er, J Wild pioh; Yd-. I'aaeed ball: l.ohs Tlmo of same; I.H. 1,'itplrea: FliipatrPk and l'al. N'oro, aecood gitme: (iKI.A CITY. I NIOfX ('ITT, AH IIOAI HI, II f) A Pitt. If 4 2 2 0, 5 1 I " 2 13 0 A 1 1. llamton ea ll'inn y.Sb Klah.ef Kroner. lb, 2h M linl. I II) W lndle a Mo.ire.if While..' Allen, p M'-lleep Ynuns p xl.onx 2 2 10 Meu lb 4 , 1 2 ii.a.iolrf 4 1 4 11 l' 4)32 Mattl.k If 1 fl (I 1 gilcrv.e 1 Odd Koettaer.p 1 1 0 ..J Tei-ar.p 1 0 0 (it 1 Totala 31 10 IS SI 31 H 21 Totals xllalted for M. Hee In fifth. H.-ore by Innlnsi: fiklahoma City Ml "50 0 M..ux ('Hy 440 410 s 13 Nummary Ktina- Pitt Ci. Kroeser. Felix r, M' l'aoUI. Oinklardl, W lndle, Mooih, 7lnil!t"ii. HeinioKway, Klsh (41, Mets (2). (lali-tsald 12). Palmer (2), Itn.ttKer. Krrora. Felher 12), M.Iianlel, Me Hee. Yoiins, llamlltoti. (ulersaid, Pal in. r (2). Two-baen lllta' filliklalrtl 12), lletnliiswav, f tetersard. Painter. Ho-ltser. Home run: Palnor. Htolen baeea: I'ltl (21. Kru.-Ker (2). Felher, Kleh 121. Oaler S'ard lioihle plays: Hamlllon to Hemlns mv, H;t and runs: f.ff Allen, S and 7 In I :-:! InnliiKa; off lioetlser, and 7 111 I 2 .1 Innlnsa: off M.-Hee. and 6 In 2 1-3 InnlnKe, I.eft on baeea- fiklahoma flty, 10: Slctii f'lty. f), l-oslnif pit. -her, Allen. Wlnnlns plteher: Iloettir.r. Maaea nn bulla: (iff Alien. I; off W.-llee, 1; off Youni. 1: off Koettsef, J: off Teaar. I. Niruek out: Me Me Hen, 1: by KocOser, a. Wild pll.'hes' Moliea, Ynuns. Hit by pitcher: Hy RneltSer (Felher. Sletlanlet.) Time; 1:4.'.. Umpires : liavla and FlUpat- ihk. fillers Huaoip llooalera. Pea Motnea. Aua;. 31 Tulna. elouied the ball lo all eorners. maklns 2 safe hit" for 37 baeea. and easllv defeated lies Moines here 19 to 10. The vletory aa the fourth In a row for the flileia. The hlt itnsr of Thompson and Itatiman featured. I.anih hit another home run. Heore- Tl'I.NA I M'.S MOINKS ABII.n A I AH HO A Hen'eLt. If 6 3 0 O'flenln. i f h 2 2 1 I'h'i'aon. 3b fi 4 I HIK er, in n w 5 3 O'lloiati. L'h 6 2 1 3 3 n;f'oopr. If S 1 0 2 12 (Ufhealirn. lb 5 III 5 3 4 lollop, if 4 1" 3 3 5' Co'nlly. n 4 2 2 2 1 0 (limner, ef 5 1 S 0 0 0'sierz, p 3 1 1 1 0 li.May, p 2 2 0 1 in via, rr fl I.ainb. rf ft Htuurt, It. C Itiei'nn, 2b M'fU'la. as S Crohy. c 4 xW'llte. c 3 H'lrll. p 3 M l.'hlin, p 2 2 0 l Tn a II Bill" Totala .-J I 27 141 x lla tied for Crosby In tho elirhth. Si-ore by InnlnRs; Tulsa I tea Moines ....... . .3"0 114 7"! IS . ,2'l0 203 01210 Summary Huns: llennetl (2), Thnmp--nn 12), Iavia (21. I.amb 131. Stuart 12). Ilnuman fl), Mi-llmnla, Crosby (21. rtua- ell. Mi t.nuKblin. flenln. W'aener. ch."ihro, Ciiilop 121, Connolly, Banner (21. Mors. Mnv. Errors: Medlnnla (2). Ch'".l.rn, Merz. Home runs: Cullop. I.amb Three hae lilt: Men. Two l'i h'ts: Mauman (21, Croabv Ruaeell, Rliinrl, liennett. coop er, May. Nnerlflee, hlla: Thninpaon Left on haaea: Tulsa, 7: ltea Moinea, II NOiltk oul- lly, 1: by Men. 2: hy May. I. Flrt base on balls- off Mrt.aUKhlln, 1 Hit by'hfd ball: Cullop by Me l.suslllln. Famed tuns anil lilts tiff Mera, fl and IS In -' Innlnea; off Mav, 4 and In 2 InnlltS": "ff Kniaell. Can.l S tn ft I 3 Innings: off M.-I.HUahlln, 4 and , In 3 2-3 Ihnlosa, I.e. Ins pit. tier: Men Wlnnlns pit. -her: Kuaaell I'm. plrea- l.ewia and Anderson. Time of ssnte: I 50. Kiimmer Riilm Dumliii to Win in Hitli Slakf .s.,ralMK.i, V V , .-Nub. M - Huniliu, ridtlcti by I larriic Ktnnmrr, todsv won the llopeltlt Slakes, one of the rultest juve'iile stakes oi tbe vtar, (Ifieatinif ti A, Cochran's limh.iwk. the speedy ev. and mne other well known voiii'Kstets llsterminat or. W'tllts Shaipe Kd mer a veteran umpsiKiif r, won the arat' tup for the louith ton. ecu., Me defeated M id II i"rr, I'tii.ocas !.! !e entrv, bv I il f length,. I be tt'llf for the m 'e ami three turters wis " "in' i J 3 .(' i ollill inoiiii4tt ISiixi-r Win. I'm A id M - l,k 'kr', u Niiiericsn, ton ajt s b..(,t ti.iiti lie l ietirh ntitbCew -tjh thin t't"" li.o.lliAC. who tpi'l m ids I .'if th (...col S'liid tr kisses il I1 "ir. t i ri u&rrers ,ii 4 AMrtr ti im.i i It A n h ' e t.,i Ii Lo I I i 4I i i' ' a I'l'. . I I'll'! ' ....... . .,,. I 111 I I I. I li.. .. lai i.v I S I'l I" 1,1 I -i . S I . I . ' il I -I l I l Uvis sl I SI. I ii sis a ii r i M . l-.l , I I li I I " III l a f .'il.'il . 41 i'l llll ! ail . .a. llltl II III 111 1' , I - . a I I 1 1 1 Mil t ; h.. ,!. t,ii , ,a i li i i ,(n American League Indiana Defeat llrowna. (levelanit Aus It Cleveland rallied In the ninth Itmins. amrrd l;va runt on huae on i.alla, a wild throar asd fv bite, and Nl. I. ...lie. 7 lo S H.-ven duubis piais rut down lh sr..rea N'-ore : NT. I.firil f'l.KVKI.ANrt All II fl A ' All II I) A Tobffi if 4 1 I 0 laimeaon If 4 4 ' I I I I roeler.Jtl etielr-i lo .la. ol.en . f M H u. (h Wlliama.lf Hevrreld e tier her aa I 'a via p V slider p Totals 4 111 W aitiby.ll. I. Ill i 'I'f.iin'.iiy .f 4 I I S 4II Neaell as 4 J I ;W..o.rf 4 0 1 fiM'Innia lb 4 I 2 4 II Neill.e 4 0 0 1 W inn p 0 0 0 0 1 . 1. 1,'. la p I sUpeaaer 17 IS 2 17 il-i.n. rStet.ltenan si. Newell 4 t fl 1 4 i I 1 It 0 4 I 12 5 I 2 I 0 ft A ft I I I fl 1 odd Totala 14 1117 17 rlla'ted fi,r Winn In eishth. Kllsti for bpeaker In e;sbfh. zlfatf'il for t-lwarda in ninth. tiiiin (or o'Ne'ii m ninth. H'-nre by Innlnsa: H' l.nula 0 020 fljn I, Cleveland 002 fi'"i (mi 7 Nummary Runs , Toinn (2V Foater. Me. Manna (2), Wllliarna, .fatnleaon. wanihy, Oardner. .7 Heweii, St. Innia, Winn, I.. Mevvel! P.rrora: M. Manna, liavla. W'antby, Two-biiee hua: Miwler (2), Foater, Connolly, Tlnee.i.aae hit: Connolly. Ha. rtfl.-e: Foster, Stolen baae: Hewelt. tumble piava Wanii.y, 1 Newell and M'lonl.; .1. Newell. Waml.y nnd SI. Ionia (2t; SleSlanua and Nialer; Ko(er. M. Manna and Kialer: Mi Manila, D. and kieler; (I Nelll. Newell and He. Innle. I.eft on baaea hi l.oola. S; Cleve land. S Itiara on balla: riff liavla, 6; off Winn I, Hlla: (iff l.avle. I in I 1-3; eft Vatislld.T. 3 In l-J; off Winn. 14 In ; oft Kdwarda. 1 in 1. Niruek out: liv l.avia. I; by Vatiailder, 1; by Winn. I. Wnntn(t I'lleher; rlwarda. I.oainf pOrher: V'an slider. I'mpires, riwena and Morlarity. Time; 1:11. White Nos Ileal Tlsera, Detroit, Aus 31 Chleaso pounded Ihrea IietroK pit.hera for 21 hits and took the third atralsbt game from the Tlsera. 10 to I The White Hoa eolleeted seven hlla. one or them a home run by N.halk. In the f fth Innlns Hob Fofherslll. re.alt ed from ito.-hwter, appeared In nsht field for the Tmera Neore: i:HICAOO I DETROIT An il o a I An if n a Hooper, rf 4 4 2 0 P.lue, 1h 4 111 S .I'hnaon, a t 4 0 2 (' ahaw. !b I I I I Collins, ib 3 1 (HCobb, cf 3 2 4 0 Wheely, lb A 1 4 O.Veac h. If 110 0 Moatll. rf f. J 4 0) F'erfSIII. rf 4 110 Sirunk, If 4 2 I n.fnna. So 4 0 3 1 M l' Ian, 3b 4 2 0 O'Rmney, aa 3 0 14 S.-halk, c 3 1 I I! W o.i.isll. c 4 0 0 1 Faber. p 1 1 0 21 Plllette, p 10 0 4 . : Cole, p 0 fl 0 0 Tetals J 21 27 Il Moore, p J 1 0 1 xltaseler 10 0 0 Totals 13 27 20 xHatted for Cola In th fifth. Krore by lunlnsn: Chieaso Onj 1 10 10210 Detroit 001 00() flliO l Summary Huns: Hooper cji. John. on. Conine. Ulioely, Ktrunk. Meciellan. N. balk (3). Hlue Krrora: Johnaon. Woodall. Two-have hits: riius Nlrunk, Hooper. Me. Cletlati. Home run: H'halk. Htot.n baaea; Cutahaw, Colllni Sierlfo-e hita; (21. Mof'lrllan, H'halk, .lohnaon, Ijnuhle plnya: Plllette, to Hiirney to Tllue; PIS nev to Culbaw lo Hltie; Cutahaw lo nine; Collins to Bheely, Left on baaea: Chl eaeo, 12; Detroit, K Flraf haan on t'alia: Off Faber. 3: off Pillet. 4; off Moore, 2, Siruek out- Hy 3. Hits: Off Pll lette, R in 4 tnninaal none out In the fifth): off Cole, ft In 1 innlns; off Moore, 8 In 4 InnlnKK, T.osIok piteber: Plllette, em pire: Pineen and (iuthrle. Time of same: 3:01. ISnston lllnnka Athletlra. Phlladeipblfl, Aus 31.- (.enrse Burna' horn run In 1hn third with two on haae, siive rtoslon a 3 to 0 victory over Phila delphia. The same waa called while K'.a lon was at hat In the alxth Innlns, when a heavy ahower awept oer Shil.e park. Th Athletlra had three hita off Warren CoIIImw, former Yankee, duiins the five rourulM he pitched (t waa the third same of the aerlea iin by a home run. Heore: 1IOSTHN' I PHILADKLPHIA. All It O A ' AH 11 ft A Mitchell. aa 1 fl II 3 Toune,2h F, M Her, i f Stic llaiiaer.lh Hume, I h 2 I 5 0 M, Pratt. 2b 2 113' H Mller rf .1, lino' Perklna.r .1 2 1 3 Pltlf,-er,3h 5 0 2 I1 Walker, If Iluel c 2 I 1 0 N. heer.'lh W Colna.p 5 0 0 ll If hi rla.p 1 1 2 0 ! fl 2 fl 1 0 fl Totals 20 II 1 Totals IS 3 15 Scot hy M'tat.-m 003 113 Philadelphia M(i m 0 Mlilnmat v - Uuns K Miller, Hnrn Hnel SCrri.r: Schenr. To-haa hit: llntue run: tlutna I.ouole plava: Mil, be t.. Piftlnaer to Pratt In llurna; Milter tn Puma I.eft .-n l.aaea H.-at-.o 3. Phila delphia, I lis... en balla: Off W t ,.t Una. I Sir. n-k ,,.t llv It Hart!" I or W. C.,l!!ne. I l l'ana at-d 11 Me brsn.l. I.e., ns pit' her ll'l. Tiolft anke Trounce Heitalor. V V.ik lor St Th New Y.oll li.i.r,, aes I. o,- li,- t rv'rv !.,. li,'.. "t) Stosr daa O'll I.. I 'lav s B O't- and ii h I ii inn. .-raia'ii l.oni w.ino n. I ... I Hu.h . hu ?1 sit" ' 'he eB"n H waa h t a' Hove, b-n brllitsliOl S'ii .ote.l Puth t' .'W .u( tuoner t ll.e 1'a e .e SV AltlOTiiV I NIVV S.'SIK Alios 4 II K I H ' e , f I I I ' V 11 , f lotS Ms. rlv !b I ' I 1 ' '. . .. h t I 1 t 1. 1 1 I 'is I rt.i'h ft 1 a a I I . ', - I " I'-! . i:. I 1 H t '. rf I IShsrtS e I 1 I l oh ,r r 1 ' 1 I Vt. u,.- f 1 a I s ft I " vs ai l fa I I I I I , ... ll. 1 s t s o i, l a 1 l t , I I l I li i.N i. 111 t " . S 1 1 I I! r I 4'a i V 4 '' ! t If It. . t VS ...-,. i .... I . I . . I I .-', I . . II , I ; l. I ' .ft Ih I 1) St v , a. - I'., r r i re. W . I I ,, 1 1 a Hi . .im I I- 1 , a, . . s s f. -. i . . ii. f.H s4 f isa ; i , i U - ' It. , -s I ; . lea I I ? eases s . V a I ;s , . w , j "'i ' i ' . I , ft - ' '. I s. I : Si ( . . . I . , . . I v .Limbic Cf! Sfl ; for IWIiiivi StM-on 1 .!. HI ' I I' 1 I ' .! I Sin. to f tl : '". In ii " .. , ., S i "11 I " l f 4 1h ai I i BaseBallResulls dnaSlaridiri3fs S3 MTI KV 1. 1'. Slit K Nlandlnsa. W isl'et i w t. P. I Ti.i.a la ti at?, lliiffaloe II II .Mm Ml J..eph 14 II II! ''- f l ' ' 1 Whims 71 si 14 li. i"tnea hii.j.s N.'tia City 74 St I; I I'enver 10 SI.). 4 ealerdu) ' llreiilla. Iloffillie-a. f Nl, Joaefih, (, T'llea. If; Ilea Molfiea. 10 ktous cny. I 11; nklahnms City, I W Phils, 21 J; lianver. -, Tmlsy's flsmrs. So ssmea ai hffluled. MFBRSSK A NTATR, Nlandlnsa. W I. P. i t W 7, Pet : 2i 4i il 11 "0 I'l 15 t'4 Norfolk Lincoln I'airl.tlry 3 . 17 ST! p. a'ttee 11 21 ,l"li llaaltnaa 27 27 6'iit l Iaiand Sealerday'a Reaulta. tineoin. I; Ifa.fitiss, a Falrl.ury, 12; llealt:. e. 2 Norfolk. 4. Drand la.snd. 0. T.kImi 's f.iies. H.atrbe l Fnltbury. Haatlnaa at Lincoln. Norfolk at (Irand Iaiand, N,Tio.si7Tr.A.t e. NtHiidlnss. W L pel W 1, pie sfew York 714. '."7 Cln-Innstl 7 17 SIO f'hl.aso I'. ..',r.7i Hrooklvn ftssi.i! Nl Louis II If. ,l',2 I hlladel. 41 7 1S7 1'ltti.bSh l t .61) Honor) II If) 111 Selerd)'a lleeulfa. Prookiyn, 7; S'e v York. 4 rioaton, 7: Philadelphia, 4 ? Pittsburgh Nl. Loula. wel (rounds. Today 's l.smes, New York al flrooklyn. Phtladelphl Sl Hnalnn. Plttahursh at Ff, Loula. Cincinnati at C'hl'aso. AMFKK AN I F S(,t r,. hlandlnsi. ' L p.-t I New Tor 77 10 S06 hi. up Ht. I. "UK 71 S3 .t,'t W aahlns tieftnit fin ,l, :l Plilladel. Cleveland (II 3 .101 Boston Yealerilliy'fl flesiills. New York, 3; Waehtnsfon, 1, Porton, 3; Phlladelp;,.. n. t'hieaso. 10; lietrolt, 1. Cleveland, 7: HI. Loula, , Today's Lame. Hoaton al Philadelphia. f'hl.aso al Cleveland. fl I. "tun at lietrolt. (No other samee scheduled ) W L Pie SI S.I .iflf) II 41 If.) 1,1 72 4 1 5 4 76 .390 ASIF.RKAN Ast()(ATION Nlandlnsa. W I. Pet I W l. Pet ft. Paul Mlnneap. Mllwauk Indiana p, I 41 .4361 Kan. City S3 44 .SCI 73 SO .S4S, l.ntilavlll 4 73 4s7 73 42 ,'i4H Toledo ft3 II 3 71 f2 .633, Columbus 49 Ifj .311 Yesterday's fteeulta. Ht. Paul, ft; Minneapolis, 1. Coiumhua. S; Toledo, 3, Indianapolis, li ; Louisville, 4, No otheia played. Toilny's (lames, OoiumbiiB at Toledo. Indlanapolla at Louisville. Kaneaa City at MliwauUee. St. Paul at Mlnnrapolla. TF.XAS i.r.Ai.t r,. Shreveporl. 7-7; Iallaa. 9 4 Wichita Falls. 3; Forth Worth, 7. lialvetton, 2: Sin Antonio, 3. HouatonBeaumoiu, Poatponed, wet ground. HOI.TIIF.HN I.F.AI.IK. Naahvllie, 2-10; Memphia, S-4 (aecond same, aeven Innlnsa, asreemenl). Mobile, 7; 111 rm I iir ti a m. 4. Little Ro.-k, 4, Chattanooga. 3. Allanfs-Nevv (Irleana, wet srounda. Council Bluffs Blanks Glcnwood Council Hhiifs defeated Glcnwood, 11 to II, and Hamburg won from Mo flale, ') to 7, in the fourth day of the Southwestern Iowa tournament at Council HlulK Ycttei day's games finished the first round. The finals will be decided Labor day. Hamilton of Council Hhifis held (ilenwoofl hitlcss for seven uuiiiiks, but caed up in the eighth and his oppotttiits in,tii.1.t'd to itilleit four s.'lfetit s in the two i eiii.tiMin innings. Ilohe nuts bv Hamilton, l.mdlicrg and Young icitutcd. 1 on bundled fans from Hamburg wete in the ,t,inds rhrennif as their team h.iutled Modale a ' dffrat, With the ,..,ir 5 to I against them, Hamburg i one t i bat in the sixth i ti 1 1 1 : .m l i ... mtled loe I. ot, for mer Si. ni I itv etrin league pit. hit, t r is ll., which petted in tin . I ..-tlr h i a bo me tun with olle till III t'li-. 1'ltni'K Ml'lllVVV -'.IT ' r -1 f "le til H ef fl'l Ilai'il.ti'H btit vs ti t! ! 'V c I m thr sev enth t I 1 1. . '. t lit- .i' l t, !! iiUv . rr, v. . I i ! I M.. I il - !uf!e I .f he ret i ii 'll s I o ti a ',,., ft i ' i 1 1 r vi .' t ..I 1 1 v g ' 1 1 . . t ii n 1 h'l'U a! '.v i ! i .tin i i if plus lois.,'t I " 'I I i" i : r wed lV I II SMI ' K I ii II r. t -la . ( : '- I I I ' 1 I I i St , lie I I National League llrataa HI Double INK. 1oef..n, Aus 31 --lloalnn look both Sun. a ft. on Philadelphia. I lo 4 snd 7 tn 2. K ..... a ainsi lo i. ft off Steadowa in (be eisiiin inn.t'S of in firet same siored las rune, and In Ibe ninth he v.ent b' k t the wall and puilid down Hitler Petaia lerrilia drive for th soni ludms ll Winleia waa h,l bard In Ilia ercood Same and wna B oole-l wrel. b l B'lpp'.rl, hie a.-, ond baee pair maalns five errore (.eaehsar tuiiheil ' silently for sis ! nlns. core ft ret Same; I'll ILAI'F.I.I'lllA IIOHTOM AH H A 1 All II O A Mtil.n, If t P.. well, rf I 4 I t I 1 Happ. 4b t I Wlllla'a .14 1 Walker rf 4 S 0 2 Kopf. lb 4 fl f'rulae, rf 1 (l, If I I 1 1 s I 1 4 0 (I llenllne, r 2 1 I ft Barbara, lb I Fleirh r 4 12 1 Oll.son, 1 4 I'ark'n, .bill' Ford aa 1 l.evla, in 11110 ll Nelll. e 1 Meadousp 4 2 0 4 Mai'Uardp 1 l.e loot. sl'vlers I 0 0 T'tall II 7 27 11 Tots: 31 10 24 II; aPnttel for Williams In ninth. s Ha tied for Walker lo ninth. w.-ore bunnlnss; rhiladelphii 012 oia f.0 I HoKton ion fO0 f'2s 6 Hummary Itupa: Wlillanie. Walker (2), llenllne, Powell, Kopf (1 ). ( ruise (2 ) F.r rorB: M'.kan. Papp. llenllne. Cruise, (lib. a.-n. Two-l.aae hit Wllliarna. Sarrlft. a hits: llenllne. !e-a!le, ftoaer. play: Ford lo Kopf lo Otbaon. Left on baaea: Phtls. delphla. ; riftat'.n, 4 lla.. a on balla: off Meadows I: off Mar.juard. 1 Htru. k out: lly Slendowe. 2; by Marqtiard. 3 Wild pitch: Meadowa I'mptrea: M'-Cormirk and Lm.:e. Time. I Ah. Second same- PKlLAIiLI.PlllA nfiSftlN' All H fl A ' All II O A 1 Rapp,3h 3 0 1 2iPnwel!ef 6 110 Flrtrher.aa 2 0 1 4 2 14 WHlamaef 4 t 4 n.Crulaerf 6 1 2 11 W alker rf 10 0 0; Roaer.lf 6 10 1 V inson.lh 4 0 1 3 Harhareb 12 4 1 Lee. If 4 11 f Olhaon lb 4 lit fl Leaile.lh 1 2 fl Forrl.sB 12 10 paterae 4 I 1 l'Oowdvo 2 0 4 0 Winlers.p 1 1 0 1! M'N'tnara.p 10 0 1 sWr'aton 10 0 Hi Oeachser.p 2 0 0 0 1 xChrla'hury 1 0 0 THals 32 1 14 I6 Totals 17 II till sBaf'ed for winters In ninth. xBatted for M'N'imiri In third. core hy Innlnss: Philadelphia oil nan 000 2 Boaton 002 010 4t'x 7 Fummary Buna: Fletcher, Lie, Korf, Cruien. ftoaer. Barbara, uiheon '2), Gowdy. Krrors: Fletcher (5), Parkinson (1), Petera. Two-bBSe hita: Le. Lealie. Peters, Ford. Three-bse hits' Wllliarna, linear. Oil. eon. Stolen baaea: Lealie, Otl.eon. Hae r. flees: Rapp. Ford, Olbson Double plan: Parkinson tn Fletcher. Left on baaea: Philadelphia, 7; Boaton. II Baa on hall : (iff Wlntera, 1; off M.Namata. 1: off Oesohser, 2. niruek out: By Wlntera, ; by (leachser. 4. Hita: Off McNaniara. 4 in 3: off Oearhser, 3 In S Wlnnlns pKcher: Oeechser. TJmpirea: Hart and IeCornilck. Tims: 1 : SS. Dodger Ileal fiiante. Brooklyn. Aus 31 Brooklyn mid It two atralKht from the National league leadera. winning, 7 to 4. In n hard hit ting game. 1 ho rtodftera knocked .leme Bamea out of lha box in tha third Inning and the uiania handed Mierry Smith the eatne doae tn the eevetith. Mammaux, who relieved .Smith, retired th (lianta without a hit In the last three ln.nings. He struck out the aide In the eighth. MeOraw used If. plavera, Including four pitchers. 8. ore : NEW YORK7 BROOKLYN'. ' AU.II.O A. Bane' S 1 s-Oleen. 2b 4 15 1 flroh. 3b S 1 3 0 .lohnaton aa 4 2 2 0 Frls. h. 2h 6 3 1 1 ntirl h, rf 4 12 0 Meoael, If 4 2 4 " Wheat, If 4 2 3 0 Young, rf 3 1 4 n Myei-a, ef 4 12 0 (I 1 S.-li andt lb 3 0 JO ll 3 1'IflBh. 3h 4 10 4 0 0 Miller, c 4 2 3 0 0 0 S Nmlth, p 3 2 I) 0 0 n Mum'aux. p 1 1 0 o 0 0 1 0 o Totals SS 13 27 11 fl o Kelly, lb 4 2 t'tin'm. ef 3 1 Nlengel, cf 1 0 Sllwlrr. c 3 1 .1 Horner p 1 0 ttytitl. p 1 0 .I'.onard, p (I 0 V Barnes, p 0 0 x K i n g on 0 o xF. Smith 1 0 0 oj Totals 31 12 21 10 xBatted f'.r Ryan In sixth x Batted for Jonnard In eighth. Score byinnlnga: New Yoik nan nr.! 1 no s Brooklyn .Ill li'n nx 7 Hummary lluns: Frta. h CM, Veullg, Kelly, (Haen, .lohnaton. II. (Iriffl'ti. wheal. Miller, M Smith CI, Miller Tivo ba. hlla. II. flilffith, Mill. t. S. Hiiillh, Maminaux, Three. bat... pit Knsih Wheat Stolen base: .lohnaton. Naeilf'- e hlla. Meu ae, Youiis. Kll.s. (risen pouhla playa. t uiiningliam and tlroh; .l..hico and Left on baa.-a Ncv Y,.ih, I, Btookiyn. S. Baaea on balla- I 'ff Myan, 1. fit H Hmilh, I StruH out Bv Mam ti.a iv ;i llltl off .1 tlatn.- 7 in 2 to nil as oo.iie -i;f In 1h i.ll. .,ff l.ian 1 In I IttiiliiKu, off .!i'OO..r'l. 2 'o : leu's-, off V, P ... i.. 2 n I ninii.g. .-ff f bomb IJ la all litno-.k, uff M A .Mil,., it v ii In Inning.. I ' -a I hall f-io I. r W oiuins pit. her M Si, i n I,,,, j.te I,. . .1 Ilaan.'e I im i' hin arid - 1 1 1 .- : I TtiM-; t II ? : i iti cn Vl,"i. . . I i,l M a . he 1 Oij, Itn.e I l ill. UN W .!.,: AH II M ' le. d I .1 II t i y it. p I I 4 I'hll r rll I " 1, "er Ik S l-i, I, ..(( vv r i . .. h l at l I is , "I N ' 1 1 , " t V I V .,.. 1 " I'l:- , : 2 t M.i!. i a . i I M . : t. I I Sta-..e . I i iii , f ; Mi i-t ! in i i a i VI' it t A 4I1 1 I n I 1 I I'l I .1) I I - l-.ft- I'" I I i ii .. . r v t 'I'l 111 : t " I I ' t 1 9 11 II I H I! ! u I I f i a .. a . . f I .. a Sh. , t II ,. f tl I' ,.l'l .. 1 I Ir-,,, 1 i ' m Im "'I I I t H ... ' - I t . . . t 1 . . 1 . .-i I 4 1 " II- i I i am is I'asitf W in lYnttiif IUii (tl lair M , . I i ! I I I d V! ii'. i in H (It. I, s -t le Wo'.tn i- I 1 1 Buffaloes Hit Hard and Win From Saints, 9-5 Loral Amu Sin-Kim !.ail in Firrst Tlirrc Slaiiu -Olri HclipifH Dailry Wlii'ii (riiiiiK (it I- lnii;li. Ti e Hntlslot t untitiiicd their -ftiu't em the SI J' sri'h flti'lnrtg stsff imd untie it two ..ut i tbtee frclti the Saints by tskii.g the litis I Mine of the seres se.trriUy afternoon, 9 to 5. Thr mulct , ... ilfinli'd in the first three limit . I'.utf.ito rllits in the fit.t ,iin thud iiiodiinUE a ix inn Ic.itl, winch tin visiii.ts wete un able to fivrti time "I'.uns" tnover s'srtid on the rnoutld for St. Joseph Ami vks lrft ill I. fix until the Hulfalors hai t lused over a hslf doi n tn.irkers. Lefly' liinl I'iciteiled him nd was totichefl fur three ruin. D.nley and Oktie hutled foe th Htiff.iloei, the foimir beitiu; rrliev'd jt the etwl o( the seventh, alter ti e Saints had scoted five rtins and hfid retliiceil Omaha's eat in one run. Okrie hid little trouble lioldinn the Saints until the ninth, when a threat ened rally was rut shot! hy a "bone head" play pulled bv (ieore Fnher, St. Joseph rilfht fielder. Page Heinie Zim. I'ishi r opened the ninth hy drsw iti(r a base on balls. Ilonowiti htled ;i short lly to lett held. The ball looked like a sate hit and Fisher started to run. He rounded second base before Apperon succeeded in pelting undrr the fly. Fisher then ran bark to lirst without touching second on tic way and was tag-ned out while standing on first bae. An error nnd a sinn!e followed, but I'rown was an e,isy out and the rally and the game came to a close. Two spectacular one hand catches by Joe lionowitjr were the fielding features. In 1 lie first inning, the St. Joseph center fielder ran to the fence in left center and took Gran tham's long fly and in the fourth iti he robbed Dailey of a hit. Four Double Playa. Four double plays, three of which, were made by the Huflaloes, kept the score down. In the eighth inning Spencer drove a terrific ground ball to Hratty. The hall turned the St. Joseph third baseman around and upset him, but he managed to re cover himself and the ball and threvv ouf Spencer at first. During the heat of the battle, Tu? Griffin made an attempt to steal home and would have succeeded if Wilcox, who Mas batting, had realized what was going on. (jrilrin made his dish for home in the third inning after two were gone. Just as he crossed the plate, Wilrox swung at the ball and lifted an easy pop fly to Nuier for the third out oi the inning. Today is an open date for the Buffaloes. Tomorrow the Sioux City Packers will open a four-game series here. T. JOMEI'll. AB. R. H TH. A. K (llaon. Ih S I 1 1 1) 41 a 0 0 mllli. ib .... 0 (I DO (I 0 1 0 0 r7.rrl.lesi. If . . , 0 1 11)01011 Flahnr. rf 1 fi It 0 0 I 0 0 Honimllr. rf SI 840040 0 Mrllnnald, 3h.. iOOOOOOTH N lifer, iih t 1 4 0 1 1 0 llrnevn. a 4 0 I 1 0 1 0 ft )( (.rahonakl, o... 4 01 1008 II (rover, p 1 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 (1 lllrd, I) ..... . 1 1 4 O 0 0 1 0 lloillk, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a iKnndior 1 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .'II 6 10 17 0 ( 24 14 0 lit FF U.OF.H. An. R. H.Tll.lsll.fSB.PO.A.E. (.I.lnaon. ?h ... 4 I t I 0 I 4 0 Apiim-ann, If ... 4 S 3 S (I 1 4 1 (I t.riintliam, b . 4 1 I 2 I) fl fl 2 (I (rlffln. rf 2 2 '1 3 o 1 0 0 0 Mnnuah, rf I f 4 I O 1 0 II Herman, tb 4 0 1 1 O 0 In 3 II II lleox, sa 4 0 0 0 0 3 1 spencer , o 4 0 0 0 0 O 4 II (I Diillev, p t 0 I 1 0 0 1 0 I) Okrie. p I 0 1 1 (1 O O (I (I lltote ,1 I 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total 31 9 IS 17 2 2 87 18 1 xSmlth hutted for Olann tn eishth. x Handler batted for llird In eighth, sllatea bulled for Dalle In aerenUi, steorn hy tnnlnsst 8t. 4imcvIi ,. ...noo nit son n Omaha 4fi 000 8()x fl Mumninry Home runt lllrd. Tltree-baea hit: .Ntlfer. Two-baae. hita: Dlaon. ISonow Itr, Apperann, Slatiiiah (1), (irnnfhnm. Hit Inilainant lly Okrle (Sin.ll h I , by lllrd fl, rlffln). Double play a Mi llnnnid to ufer to lltintii llerinnn lo 4,)alnaoni Her man to Vtlleox lo Herman; Apperann to llerinnn Hlla and lllnil: Off (.rover, ll and 0 In 1 Innlnsa (none out In third)! off flint, 3 and a In A Innlnsa; off llalley, S and A In aeven Innlnsa. ntrur. null Hy llir.l, '1; bv llalley, 4; by Okrle, I, Hneea oil I. 'ill. Off lllrd, I I off I'nlley, ; off (ihrl. 1. II,. Ik: (.rover. Winning plteheri llalley. laialns plteheri l.rnvee. left on Irnae. Mt. Joaeph: III lltiffnhie. 4. I lu pin. Holme and tirmahy. Time; l:o. 'I.rfly" IIinait Ciillfd Homo Vi'ifo Seriously III tough link hit the Otusbi ftiiltalor yestrrday when wor l was received bv S.311) (lefty), t.itrher, thl Ins wile was stvennly ill at lietroit and (or him ' 1 return l.i'itte ttiitneili.itrlv, ' l eliy" hnpie( a ia".tr lite last niklht 1r Iieifmt, but .s fsievted to lettirn IK hue tlie t. im leave ht sfiie id gstiiei ..t I i's M ine, stirt "'! Srptemher ft Order Your Fall Suit Early and Save Money W hsv a rful a'ttck of If lisvstrit K.t.i'lai ,'lice I l".(ht, 5ssii Mas) I OrJ.r, l ry f.trinsnt gKirrite ( jrifeit in f t siot a'yls. MacCAHTIlY.W'lUO.N TAIlORINCs CO. 5 I l f I ltd anti Haras. ANTHRACITE EGG $22 00 IV r Ton Imn.vslint Dolivery i ROVER VAN KUF IAN I'l '(ill ,-t" .. I 't'f' l '"' ! t'Siiss s ' s I s I . ' s i t4. r ' N t' V I'' i''H w I, ass I SI ts IwS C",Pf,l Vi, t ! t l"S flesi II h dt 1 1 t.. " s A m i- ( r c-i". W a4 V'14 w i""n I I w . - ' ' ! .'-,. - I ll I. I' ft I' t ll j IS e ,.l is !tV l ! I'llS f t llf ' ' . . t K lift villi 4 . i i' " ! ' J "t.-a... '..4 "c.4(- J k .... .as .iiioms 141 siss)i , aai) SV lt,H 11 Mil a i