The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 29, 1922, Image 1

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    The Omaha' Morning Bee
VOL. 62 NO. 62.
MM , !- rf 1 llM I. 17.
HM M lnill'BW tim M M. IM, l
l mm II ..Ml. t)Ma a t.M... W U MM IM tt HL
0" IM MM U aM t! M4 . I'i MM . M.
Shop Crafts
Next Art of Violence Will
Mean Martini Law, Gov
eruor Trll llaveiork
Crowd Cheers Speaker
Lincoln, Aug. 2K (Special)-
Governor S. K. McKelvie lliii trtorn
mg tarried lo Havrloik. Nib., in
ptron a 1 tin at of state troopt and
martial law at a meant to combat
railroad strike violence.
'ating WW rail striken and llirir
wivet in tlir rity park at Havelock
the governor declared the next overt
ait reported fiom tin re would be a
signal for the arrival of troopt and
ettahliihmriit of. military rule.
Hit speech followed rrquritt
made to him by K. F. Balance.
II i t. ......... .. i... ...x.. . -
ji-itin vi i if j im VIIIKCI. IU
deliver hit message in prison. The
message had brrn delivered Satur
day mt(ht through Ira MiHcr. sheriff
at Lincoln, but many of the striken
were reported to have questioned
the right of the thrriff to present it.
"Alto Right to Quit."
Governor McKelvie was introduced
by Rev. John Tinker of the b'irst
( hristiau church at Havelock, who
hsked him, ''ila man the right to
i "Certainly," replied the governor.
"Wherever he can find employment
satisfactory to him, and if necessary
the ttate will uphold hit right, I
alio wish to say a man hat the right
to quit work and the ttate will pro
tect him in that right at well."
Immediately after hi arrival here,
the governor was invited to a meeting
of merchant), and there was pre
tented to him a resolution asking him
not to tend ttate troopt and assuring
him that the citizent would behave
themselves. It wat ttated that the
Burlington railroad contemplated
turning loose on Havelock ttrertt the
600 men who have lived virtually at
prisoneert in it) thopt for the last
two months.
"I with to tay," the governor
uin 'ihir unn inia ttttt avail? in
four itreet they have the tame
rights at citizent at any other and
must not be moletted."
1 he resolution adopted by the
merchants did not receive unanimous
support Some merchants contended
troopt would be necessary if the
Burlington persisted in its plan to
let the 600 employe! roam' the street.
"Without state troops on duty here
it would, mean murder," one citizen
Following the governor's speech
one of his hrarert asked him if the
courts had been square with the
Audience Cheer Governor.
I have no jurisdiction over the
courts," the governor replied. "My
business i to enforce the lavs, I
shall be governed by the actions and
not the words of the strikers."
'He reminded his audience that at
the beginning of the strike he called
a conference of representatives of
the strikers, the railroads and law
enforcement officers, and received
assurances that order would be main
tained. Reports continued to pour
in about disorders at Havelock, he
said, and ttie next report would
mean the calling of the troops.
At the request of Rev. L. V. Slo
cum of the First Methodist church,
who declared it was up to the strik
er to protect life and property, the
audience cheered the governor.
Burlington Strikers Ak
Removal of Rail Guard
Removal of Norman Franks, spe
cial deputy on strike duty at Have
lock, it requested by striking Bur.
lington shopmen, in a letter to Den
nis Cronin, United States marshal
C'rom'n said he would withhold ac
tion until ht ha conferred with
F rank and J. C MeClung, deputy
marshal at Lincoln, Both were to
be in Omaha today.
Overstrpping his authority is a
federal officer and marked prejudice
in favor of the railroads art com
plaints made against Franks.
"All our deputies are warned to
enforce tha law impartially," said
Franks wat formeily employed in
the prohibition department and was
eonneeted with the Kansas City po
tut tot seven years.
Haw Striker Attack
Gendarme and Police
Havre. Aug 2-t-ttfv A
i'hsr wat tuciher nhtiiig todav be
tween sinker! and troops, wh
inkers tniJ tit atti.k on nit(iiitr4
tend trine and mounted iVit Hi tht
N.i ( l,i)i, near the riaukbn tluh, j
Aut J . wUm k to the anntifi n.
uitMt t tons n both tide
fis wuti.tit but h f wis
iv f it aim.ut as that M SlntJ
ii M wit-, it Ut,i eitnt wn
kii'e t tt in tlh ihiumJ
in.tar r gtit. ti tioksit ib-
Rspa'jUijue, ,!( tht mld.ert!
s.y.iu..a it W-tnli t ji4si
tav A4J luii-sl iiH'i.'Kii.'imi if
ti i''t!f man4 H , i
a v, t( uvt4
AO I l" 4 41 St i
- - I
Arthur Hao liet.
t. K,t.i4. t t -'S
fa.m, im.tfls't ii W V ' ,
l tt'i(ll nt IH t ! I
Urt )ttr, st. U a M, t4li ,
Can They Save Irela
tr j K A
&5;-1 wr
George Cavan Duffy, foreign minister in Michael Collins' cabinet;
Richard J. Mulcahy, romantic boy defense minister, and William T. Cot
grave, home minister, have been selected at a triumvirate to tave Ireland,
following Collins assassination. It it believed Duffy will thape the politi
cal policies, Mulcahy the military policiea and Cosgrave the administrative
policiei of the Irish free ttate. Gen. Owen Duffy, commander of the south
western division and principal aide to Gen. Richard Mulcahy, it it thought,
will be aclected to succeed Collim as commander-in-chief of the free atate
es of Mourners Turn
to ColIiW
at Irish
Glances of All Fall Most
Young Woman Betrothed to Slain Patriot
Ceremony Marked by Demonstration
of Deep National Grief.
Dublin, Aug. 28. Michael CoHim
wa laid to rest today in Glitnevin
after a demonstration of national
grief, such as has been seldom teen
in -the long centuries of Ireland'!
troubled history.
Arthur Griffith was buried with all
the honor due a great leader; Collim
went to the grave amid the tears of
a nation that worshipped him person
ally as a gallant young patriot in
whom were combined all the traits
which Irishmen hold dear. While
immense throngs filled the great ca
thedral and lined the route to Glas
ncvin, congregations' gathered in
every city, town and hamlet to
mourn his passing.
It was a military funeral. Fellow
officers last night had borne the body
into the cathedral just as Collins a
short fortnight ago hcloed bear the
body of his colleague Griffith. They
had stood guard ail night and were
there this morning when the solemn
requiem high mass was celebrated
heiore a multitude which overflowed
the edifice into the street", Richard
Mulcahy, the new chieftain to whom
all Ireland now looks; General
O'Duffy, new chief of stiff, and Gep
eral McKeon, "the tills ksmith of
Ballinalr." whose dah and fire have
awakened enthusiasm akin to that
won by Collins himself, attended the
itinera). Sister Marv ( elestinc came
from her ronent in Fngland tr. pray j icrs staff with the chief mournrri rid
tor her "hahy brother," beidr her i ,un in rarriane.. Then the mrmheiN
knelt Sean Collin, the general's j
brother. Itttt it was Upon the trcm- !
blmg young woman nrarby that the
eyes of all fell mo.t pitting!) -Kitty
Kiernan. t nlluit brtrothrd. On the
t.onpei ,.t .-we sal in niemnert ol
' "'Ute, ihe Dad I ireann,
Maddened Bull Gores
Farmer, Who May Die
Grm ls!iid. Sth , An . Jtt-M k
in " "M.f i..r me r, I 'tlilt. n nrunatton If-i i
wit Hatkt bv in. t tfMrd hu: B,H. riH.r 1,1 U I... I. !
wntn ros ami a ih t,: Hr,
... w.., B ... M ' ' I 1(11.
in a cattle tint lr tried t,i utaur
tSfrtl, tf , L1,IU I 1:41 tf. i II 'Oil
him, avi" siid Mm.;ni li.nt
bn.h w,iH ,,,,,(,,, V lb, .
Ufc..f hull si .Intel aa.
A tr lui ! Ira and im, linr r-ht
tot lion ta (. ii t u.'t.iil in
uits, nuv lum iiiii fiu'tv I i-
Ul i)l! ia b,.ttd l '
ttoute.l It 1 iatt-!f ' ajig l'i
ling in b i); i I i,l., (
J ' ins' t k
'et irjiniat t'ttrmrr
Sucnimlit at f of L'd! i' s t .
I-l'it li-at i.'t l(it t I t t.
S."n itt'i I a. I h a I. m fii,t
tiat ', ai .ulji. itt 4
Sweetheart "
Hero's Funeral
Pityingly on Trembling
viliaus and members of provincial
On the Epistle side were the Eng
lish representative and members of
the consular corps, including the
American consul, the lord mayor of
Dublin, distinguished member! of
universities and learned societies.
Outside lining the miles of Dub
lin streets, through which the funeral
cortege later passed, thousands took
part xpirflually in the solemn mass
of requiem, many kurcliiig in prayer
un thc'Vavcmeut at the fancied mo
ment of the elevation of the sacred
Archbishop nyrnc, head of the
Dublin diocese, was the celebrant and
just as they had chanted for Grif
fith, Dublin's renowned choir of
priests sang the selections during the
mass without orgai. accompaniment.
Then, after absolution, the body
was borne out of the church and
placed on the gun carriage and it
passed along the route to Glasniven,
many kneeling in homage.
The cortege was imposing. First
came an advance guard of national
army cavalry, then several hundred
clergy, a bring party of Duhlin
guard! and then the gun carriage
with the body, surrounded by its
guard of honor.
Then fonAng were the cabinet
members and the general headqiur
ol the dail. walkiuu
,v the lord mavor unit il.o uml.,-r
i(( Hi Dublin corporations. The
; body tt dried in the pint of around
rrrvfd for thine who have fallen
, ,n the cause ot the Iti.h tire state!
; in the tM.ung war .f rebellion. j
jl lay Holds Slight Lead
j in Wyoming Primary;
j ) ,,, M, ,ii -The
, i,,,,.,, ,i tv ,.i. , ........,i s, ....
Uitig ( m uni filiating, J.thn W, j
It i I 4a b id lit "l tt, , (,t
!.. .i.-r K'lit-tit Inn, . tin un
,,,,, h .,. k',., ihti
!., , h4,,r , , ,
i ih tsliuitl raittiif ht,h try bt
t wul im a thti,,
V mm 'y (4iitriig !...r.l
niffl luea.lit awl ih ll tl Willi
iimtiiil he ( ak rin
t i.
Viriiljiti- "Stunt" Man
111. 1t Krrt In Meath;
Vi Hit i, t,). U ,S f tttf ,
! t t - .Mllil 1,. an ' I tl 4 't
'.'.il l t . I4, v,lin t.s
l , I -yf I ttl lif l., ,( 4K
I. tit i(..4 h.u i.s u
,4 hkSf.'.a's, (
Pay Boost
Union Official Appear Be
fore IT. S. Kail J.aW
Board With Request
r Increase,
Bryan Urges U. S. Action
Washington, Aug. 28. Declaring
tht "compulsion ta to urgent" that
no time should be lost, William Jen-
ningt Bryan, in a letter today to
Senator Walah, democrat, Mattachu.
sets, advocated action by congrett
giving tha pretident authority to
take over temporarily the mine and
the railroad to "put an end to an in
tolerable tit nation."
Mr. Bryan wrote that the govern
ment wst faced either with the pro
gram of temporary control or roada
tnd minet. or of turning over the
army "to enforce private and per
sonal viewt." .The latter courte, he
said, wauld be "indefentible." He
told Senator Walsh that the retolu
tion which the latter introduced last
week to give the pretident the power
to take over the minet had hie ap
proval and thould be tupported by
republican! and democratt alike.
Hearing Begun at Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 28. t By A. P.)
Hearing by the railroad labor board
wat begun today on a petition of the
I'nited Brotherhood of Maintenance
of Way F.mployet and Railroad Shop
Laborers on more than 100 roads ask
ing an Increase of minimum waget
from 23 rents to 48 cent! an hour, a
virtual demand for recognition of a
basis of eight-hour day with time and
one-half for overtime
The submissions of the union were
expected to be predicated upon the
relation expected to be shown be
tween minimum wages and the mini
mum cost of living and it was re
ported the union leaders planned to
urge amendment of the transporta
tion act to include a definition of the
hasit for computation of the mini
muni cost of living for railroad work
ers. The first opposition to the union
submission! came when six east
ern railroads refused to ree
ognize the unions' appeals
on the ground that railroad
shopmen, iucludirjg some of the main
tenance men, were on strike.
Batd on Coat of Living.
Expectation was that the minimum
cost of living and a minimum wage
would be intertwined closely in the
presentation of the petition for a re
hearing of the wage scale for the
400,000 trackmen, K. F. Grable,
president of the Brotherhood of
Maintenance of Way Employes and
Railroad Shop Workers, prior to the
hearing refused to affirm or deny the
reported plan to include a minimum
cost of living base in proposals to
amend the transportation.
Minimum Wage.
The union's position in its effort to the minimum wage of IS
cents an hour for track men to 48
cents an hour was to be developed in
the testimony of W. Jett Lauck,
labor statistician.
Mr, Grable also had prepared a
long statement for presentation to
the board.
John G. Walber, representing east
ern railroads, and John, Higgins, rep
resenting western railroads, were
scheduled to represent the railroads.
Attempt to Wreck Train.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 28. A sec
ond apparent attempt to wreck a
passenger train in the Memphis dis
trict was reported today by a sec
tion crew which discovered 18 spikes
drawn from a rail on the St. Louis &
San Francisco railroad near Caple
ville. a suburb, shortly before the (ast
Florida-California flyer was due to
pass that point,
Chicago & Alton Tied Up.
Sh Louis. Mo., Aug.' 28. (By A.
P.) Passenger and freight service
on the western division of the Chi-
rago & Alton railroad wat at a com
pete standstill today as the result of
the walkout of engineers, firemen,
conductors and switchmen in pro
test attainst armed guards at Slater,
Mo, and Koodhou.e, III, it u an
nounced here tod),
THK inereas in reader inter. t mid cuiifiilence
th frater nuniber nf puteiitial customer
-th ipiirk, tur an.) satisfatlury rrsutt whuh
Omaha Ilea "Want" Ads ht been securing fur
our itrmt warrant th following guaiantv:
Y.r "Wt.l" A4 its
Urlat ttl
nils at ftttl mill totir
Otsatk mwffi atr
If OV want ttt il finstiiii- uii il.o.'l n.., tt
buy tmtiKiiig vutt dn hat, t ui h Ui f any
kind, Itl an Omaha H "Mant" A t t.itt a
niitt.rg tii.k btm fcu)tr n. t.ll.r, rmfl'.wr
and tuifVin
OnwVl litt ,4!IW Ah til mi
a i
lUVti ffetufli
Government to
Delay Seizure
of Industries;
Aliiiiiiitratioii Leaders Obi
ter Kffort orTLesg Dras
tic Meanurei to Handle
Strike Situations.
Wasliington, Aug. 28. (Uy A. P.)
I'roposals for government opera
tion of rail and coal properties were
put aside, at least for the present,
and administration leaders, both in
and out of congress, centered their
efforts instead on less drastic meas
ures to meet the industrial emerg
ency. With the return to Wasliington of
President Harding, after an over
Sunday conference with some of hii
principal advisers on board the
yacht Mayflower, Tt became appar
ent that no step toward government
operation was to become a part of
the present administration program,
Not only was it revealed that the
president himselt was not disposed
definitely to ask for congressional
authority to take over the properties
involved in the strike situation, hut
it was mado known also that an in
fluential group of leaders in the sen
ate and house had taken a position
which would make passage of the
authorizing legislation extremely
Meantime, committees in both
branches of congress reported out,
for passage later in the week, bills
recommended by the administration
to strengthen its hand in controlling
coal distribution by creating a federal
distributing agency and by giving to
(Turn In l'm Tu, falumn Tun.)
Increased Milk Hate From
Iowa and N. 1). Suspended
Washington. Aug. Jt.-(Special
Telegram.)--The I titer stale Com
merce romniUsion today suspended
imrruscd ratr scheduhd by the
American Railway Fxprest company
on milk and milk products liuiu
poiitN in North HakoU and Iowa to i automolnle the long joutilev over ex
Omaha until Hrcrmbrr w uhin i rellrnt roads, and having thoroughly
vhu h lime the pifipo.ed increased ! (Turn in l'i Is., lulu n.
rates will be investigated
U Om.kt ll. it
4 tte Wll .
kfuk lkr
d( rtr C ml
Puzzle: Find the Loser
i'i.riM lIt I
K. B. Perry Chosen
Republican State
Committee Head
Reimier Vice Chairman and
Selta'k Treasurer All
Election Are Made
Lincoln, Aug. 28. (Sneiial Tile
gram.) At a meeting in Lincoln
this afternoon, F fi. 1'errv of Lin
coln was elected chairman of the re
publican state central committer, T,
II. KeSsnrr of Hastings, vice chair,
man, and W. A. Stlleck oi Lincoln,
Chairman I'errv was authorized to
select a woman vice chairman and a
wAman and a man as secretaries, also
an executive committee consiting of
one man and one woman from each
congressional distri-ct in the state.
About two-thirds of the members
were present and all elections were
In accepting his election as state
chairman Judge l'erry said that be
would bend cvrry effort to the elec
tion of the republican ticket this fall,
"It is my purpose that this commit
tee shall be organized so a to elect
the entire ticket in l'22," said Judge
Terry, (
"This organization and the affairs
of the party are not concerned with,
nor are they to be conducted along
the line of assisting any individual's
future candidacy in 1924 or any other
time. ' Our immediate and sole duty
is to elect the ticket thi year."
Judge l'erry said that he believed
republican generally throughout the
state to be in hearty sympathy with
the platform and the ticket.
"Uuring the republican state con
vention at Lincoln." he added, "I was
talking to a republican w ho had come
some distance to attend the meeting.
This man said that before leaving
his- home he had been against the
expenditure of large sums of money
for good roads; against the primary
stsirm; and alio aitaiiul the code
system. Aftrr having driven hi
10 IVrwiiu Injured in
Ani..''ru If . .
.int.. .ipnina m i riit t r j
lb liver, Cnlo. Aug 2 'im u r wne miiirrd, i.iiio of ihrm e
tiich. in aufimiubil a.cideiii. in !
and ahoui Mt ntrr ve.iu.lav. I it ,
ol tliu.f hurt wrie iiilmg m , sitrht-
.r.i.ig c.r, soutii inrr, when '
llie in, bin lui ii, d titer in un. Lug a
iiiiti. I'ttteugm .ud Utr bv in!
iliiiie wat tjim'g ,i,i Among
thotr liiml srttirtv bun wrrr l-isnk
Hiker, K'gm: Albeit Kudile. Mia,
Moid Kiidil mn t'bailet kilililr.
V H y t !!. K in., nl titirmn ti
t tin tg.t, ,H ati.tiiiied Kirn n't
n I bMr. I' tkf i . rtiHiliiiiui U'l
li gill W4t td t l t. ff.lit t,
1 ri'inli S inili.l llrlifi
Mara U ill Krr III Swrrt
I'll,., ,.,,,,t ' kll.g fill'
I'i ll -ui Am ., n it
iiii i if i'l Si tr b.i'l j '
: - I t'.ui ': rim! in ... tit
vi l af t t i
I I ti I I .i'.ii t,.i
I'1 tl t ''l tt'ttl .H ll " I..'.
It H: , l f.l.t.l , tl.X t ll. .'1,.H..
It '".it'll l. tl t ' k. t g nl
Itl iil li Mif i bi t.t.l'
It lii.Jj.l.ii rt i.nia.i. at.
. . in whipsawed wii'J4
rwErc'swi V bwt ive cor fmm1-
Reclamation Plan
Chief Subject in
Debate on Bonus
IVo Action Taken on Any of
Proposed Amendments
Vote on Bill Ex
pected Today.
Wasliington, Aug, 2f Senate de
bate today on the soldiers' bonus
bill centered largely on the land
reclamation amendment offered by
.Senator McN'ary, republican, Ore
gon, but neither thai nor any of the
other amendments offered came to a
The unanimous consent agreement
limiting discussion on amendments
to 20 minutes to each seaator will
become operative Tuesday and lead
ers were hopeful that a final vote on
the bill itself could be had before
adjournment. In the discussion to
day, Senators Wadsworth of New
York and Sterling of South Dakota,
republicans, voiced their opposition
to the bonus, although Senator Ster
ling supported the reclamation proj
ect. Senators Nicholson, republican,
Colorado, and Heflin, democrat, Ala
bama, supported the hill, the former
also arguing in favor of the Mc
N'ary amendment.
Senator Nicholson attacked the
business men opposing the bonus,
mentioning particularly the I'nited
States Steel corporation and ' the
Standard Oil company. He charged
that the latter company profited
through "unconscionable" pricet
charged during the war and declared
that it ill became Judge Gary, chair
man of, the board of the steel cor
poration, to oppose adjusted coinpen-
ITuro I I' Ttt, fiilimiit Tkrrt.l
Stella Youlh KiW'
by Train at Shubert
Stella. Neb, Aug, 28--(Special
Telegram. V Klder Sapp held funeral
and burial services l Pun ie Tues
day forenoon for rwtv Lewis, who
was found ib'ad Suudsy morning
beaide th" railttav tuck on mile
smith, ft Jiilien lie wat 24 uart old,
I tvorlit war Soulier ami "ii l I Mil
Th' body st humatit to Sldla
Sniidav n-oii ami Ukrn to the
laihrr's home in Miubetl, .W(h it
irVPd I t bat hern csutd bv a
4lll,r, ,, ,Mit IH4lttrr
j, m.Uovtil
Jfwl4 foiiipaiiitrnt Kit
t.i.,.i,., s. ..,..!. ,a.... .! alte
an t'ltoinol'ilr ttt nli nt went 1 1 I He
depot at Juliail Id tmvt lav down
lo sbfp si tt 1 1 1 lsni tune I tier they
iii s itil It-wit. Whin I d his ntk
it lii. .in in. I W'i t a snull
,h lit ibt bt. k t. hi ht". I
The Weather
I'trtlt lit. u It .h I TiieiJ
llstuily Tt.'ittit.
I at !,,..,,
t -
.! '
Mi t
It I an .
tat ... ia t ata ,,.,,,.
! ! 4 a.,...,.. St
II aa ti j f at tl
' l aw Mis.
tl.ghitl MAttU
1 1 . a II n I t!
.la... n in.. a i
i ... , ti t. . , ,t, , .
I .a tt tt it ,,.., , t
I t t t . t i ' ' . t a - . , , , a
(ttsata , , . t llititi tt,.,,
Lilllc Hope
Held Out
for Rescue
Crfwa Work Tlir.iujfJ.oiit Day
V illmiit Atail In Atti ni-l
to $dr Mm Treil
in Col. I Pit.
Boss Hero of Disaster
W, J. Cotd, 6J1 South Thirty,
eighth avenue, ia on of tha principal
ttockholdert of tb Argonaut mine,
in which 48 men art reported en
tombed by firt,
Thera danger of dut or
other taplotion in a gold mint," aaid
Mr. Coad last night. "Tha only in
flammabU thing ia tha wood bracing
about tha ahafta and leada. There ia
a vatt amount of auch timber, how
ever, in a gold min and a fir, one
well atartcd, ia difficult to check."
Jackson. Cat , AuiT2K.-(fy A. P.)
Mine rncue irewt woiked without
avail today in the Argonaut gold
mine in which 4H nun were en
tomb' d af midnight by a fire. The
men were thought to be between the
4,S' and 4,H")i-foot levels, while the
main body of the fire wat more than
I,!) feet above them.
Kmployes of the mine were tent
into the Kennedy mine which roii
ftecti with the Argonaut mine
through a tunnel, but which it rioted
by a concrete bulkhead, with instruc
tion to break down the bulkhead
and enter the Argonaut.
It had been reported that the Ken
nedy tunnel had collapsed, but the
report wat not verified. Karly today
V. S. Garbarini of the Argonaut suc
ceeded in reitoring the cut off air
supply to the -foot level, and
efforts were continued tu extend the
air tupply.
Mine Recently Drained.
The Argonaut recently wat drained
of flood watert, which were poured
in the mine when it wat on fit e, and
the ttate industrial accidental com'
mission announced that the toft dirt
in the mine wat nearly at great a
menace to the fire fightera and res
cuert at the fire itself, if the fiit
burn the timberi in the mine.
The Argonaut mine, one of the fa
mout gold producert in California,
was opened 25 yeart ago. The mine
it controlled by New York men and
it a thort distance from Martell, in
Amador county. The Kennedy mine,
adjoining, wat opened in the '00s and
alwayt hat been productive.
If the tunnel in the Kennedy has
collapsed, but little if any hope is
expected for the entombed men.
louring the day pipct were put into
the Argonaut to carry water down
to the burning timbers. Before that
water had been sent down in tkips.
Forty-Two Married.
Forty-two of the entombed mm
are said to be married, Most of thcut
live in this region. One of them,
George Stiinman, has four children.
The fire has already developed one
hero. Clarance Kradshaw, shiit
boss. Bradshaw, in signalling for
the shift to quit work shortly after
midnight, found that the signal
would not work after two of the
miners had been summoned. A few
moments later the shaft filled with
smoke and Bradshaw knew that the
signal wires had burned out ami
communication with the remainder
of the shift was cut off.
Bradshaw quickly hustled the men
into the skip and all three were
hauled to the top. Then Bradshaw
re-entered the skip with an assist
ant and trs d to plunge through the
fire-filled shaft to where he believed
the remainder of the shift were lo
cated. He was overcome by gas at
the 2. 800-foot level, and was hauled
to the surtace unconscious, lie was
taken to his home, where he revived.
Crew of Sumpaio Corre'm
tu Komi me Flight to frazil
Havana, Aug. 28. -The five mem
bers of the crew of the American tea
plane S.impaio Corrria, which was
winked l.nt wrrk off the isl.ind ot
Haiti, arrived in Havana yestrrdav,
drrtsed in mot lev (iitihis ti( sailor
clothes furmittrd Ihrm at the
t.iulaiMiiio naval, They will
sad today for tVnsat'ola, l la., where
another seaplane la being -eiuM.
lor thrni tu resume their trip ta R.o
Ill lartv, whiih i.uiit of I ten.
truant 1 1. nt. ui. Mr. I 1'iitui Marilu,
John lithium, J, I h. nuts !!tff!
nj tirmge 1. Use. wat ivrii .n.
ijurt U.I lutjht bv tin tliaitliail ton
Il,,iil K.iI.Uti tiit $ I IUMH), 1
iiiKif. g. An 2 b' M. i..
dtv bit i'i lite s!f nt tS tltn'.
ol II411111I011 t kilUuuy and
rt.tpuit in tu iaiuH.f.S.lf JlH.
itsi 01 tttb. rfit.iiit In ,11,1 fi
!i.'k lifttd til t .'li..'i ti.iitf 2
in, toil V r I V wtt ii! l i.
r nil tint.! iM.e boiiit lii !
ji-ilit b!it ll, f, it.M.riV Wa
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mt. I. lion .i w,ii'!v i,t f,,!i (1,41. i
tl M'.gir t.i l tt
Harding Hrtuilis In t ttj.ital.
t V t.'i tirt'. i.t lt . t
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t. .( ,....I..4H, l-t,t ,..t Itl.k ,l I
l'.' .1 Mt f I. '..l..lts, I. Itl. a
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ia ii. m.i li jsii u-nt fV.s,4,
ii..t4 tut.