6 ii English Afraid MM TIT .. incir nauon Soon to Co Dry -Tiflit Mule Me" No Longer Tifjlit Uriiinlirn Smn to He on Voluntary Srm! Dry Nasi. 1 oti'!r.fi, Auu. Z'i -'Tfoliititfon ! niittiing up rotdwtv r,( ih r.ptih ftiitiff tr!y, ant these ro4 wt csnnl bo rlnsrtl" lliii )t th drluiil announcement wal by )r,hn (i. Wootry, temper. nr flwirt'e (mm id "'CmU'l vNtr. who if !u;ly at work driv ing the "lirmon ruin" out tf its luutit inti the !" finish t in "tiulil hM isle." Mu'li.ai thry would like to eofT i Woi.lry ther are a whole Jul of I.r.t .hrr who art a(rai that he i tiKl'l I !tn wi when rrferenr to the l f I 1c i.le" was niiiff or lrst H'luMr-eilgrd. f r almt ha'f of the !! .tt trior or lc "tiH'il" after fi'tfhtUM, I'.ut thing have changed in Hriiam sinre the war. '1 he oi l "pullif house" lhat tm!t mi il corner of the street anil rimis filnri of stale heer and auW i'.:(fo 'mike ii not doing at well a it used t'. Workmen Discus Issu. The ' pud" i sMI tli "poor man'i rlu'i," and the l.ihnrilij( fraternity Kiili'-r nightly to rliifUM the afTairi of the world over an ''arfiiitabit ttr." wlmh i the f uivalrnt lo a "Vhonner c( heer," hut they fall it a day when the "rf.ii.intal.ittrr' ii conumed, and the "Unhides" are not kept l.usv hrlpinir t'1 "clubmen" homeward. Ab'inr Regent street, Oxford Mreet and in the environs of I'trrathlly the "pubs" I'trail to l"ok lonesome after H in at iilyht. I'.veryone iffrai to liave gone home, and the barmaids powd'T their nose in rnaieMic teren i'y. awaiting the closing hour. Ah'tiit FlrM ttreet the "putia are hiiM.r, for there are many night worker who are anxioua to get a hit of atimitlant to carry them through until morning. In the reidcnti:il diitricl of the Letter chs the "mt" a dreary ,lare, patronized mootly by itinerant taxi driver. Thing Are Dull, Down in Kst London, throuKn Um house nnd Popular, where the "pub" tuerj to he the scene of night ly warfare, thing are urprisinly dull and unintrreitinir. I.acar, Chinee. Japaneae, Malaya. Sanaga Ir.e and men of the nation of the arth come off their ihip "d wan drr down Kat India lork Koad and top in the "pub" to Rt their beer, hut the old night of brawl and murder and the like cem to have gine. . Unhand won't tand lor prohibi tion if it Jcnow it. England de trt "l'uaayfoot" Johnson and hi hand. Hut England ecm to be roiuuminflf le alcoholic timulant and putting itclf on a voluntary irnii-prohibition baii. - 'l l.e "tight little isle" i no longer "tiKht" in the baechanalian ense of the word. . Hudson-Essex Sales Breaking Old Records Sale of Hudson and Esex cars for the last ix month of 1922. based o;i report from all part of the .ouutry will be from 20 to 25 per cent greater than far the first ix month, according to word just re nived from the lluduon Motor Car r.iiif I.. Smith, local ludson-Eex dealer. "Thi i o despite the fact that May and June each hung up a new production rec ord," ay Mr. Smith. "Hudson official report that the demand for their car is equally a heavy as during the spring months, with no letup in sight. Shipments from the factory for the first IS days oi August were higher than for any similar number of days in the : 13 years of the company's history, Dis tributor and dealers throughout the country continue to report new high oaks records, with many still behind on delivery. Closed car sales are growing even larger Cadillac Sales Force Gathers for Banquet Member of the sales organization of the J. H. Hansen Cadillac com rany. from f.incoln, Sioux City and Omaha, held a banquet and sales meeting at Hotel Fontenelle last Tuesday evening. Jamr Muldoon, ir presided in Mr. Hansen's ah enre. The meeting marked the first half of a rales contest held during the time of Mr. Hansen's absence 'broad and, according to Mr, Mitl luviii, the results shown were quite P,tatifving, "DuriiKt the first IS day of the i oniest, 27 used can were sold out of the t'sree offices, and 15 new ears, which b stirclv an indication of im irovirg condition and earnest ef f rt on the ra,t n' our or8in" nation," Aevordlm to Mr. Muldoon, condl lu.ns throughout the lerritry are !f:lily microvilli;, and treat inter r.l i itevrl 'I'li'K i" farMiing com P 'Un!f in S "1 tiitomobdes, (iatttc lloiter Htlrhr- Out HrtHiJ if 3 I itilf liu V R-. i ai ..!. o, 1H The Kat ie i, ,Mtif v. ! , S irtitly liH'U itiai 4 4 r ( of . - I el ii.'M'i l i,i m Ur i f h hm da b ill I d Hit tl.? i f ks j i . . ' v l i h, nnrf of the ont i, .' ,id -,i U' hit! Iii' i v. i .! i n l! e ! it ' t lutk lis (. rii, t .'IVi 1 ei(4l..nll i sn Jl h(i I ! I ki nuit'itr i! t '')! -.1 lv ' I 4titl 1 '4Hiih nl lnriil rr.ci (or 4 r r Mt t llomhs ' Ut H v . t. n t' ..l si I ' '( -4 I t l'"i -! 1 t.y t 1'. iti..i s( At ... !, i tm iil)it' !. i' ' 't M I' !. tl l'i!tt I lin.U'l .f ' l'. I lll'll'l l III - l lit itijm I i I- ! i i i 1 1.1 11 H !! ! U l.'i I I iiytw n) i'lviait l,ini',. Carl Changstrom Taken for Burglar Ctrl Chaitgdrom "You have the wrong man," said Carl Cliangstrom, local dittributor for the Westcott tar, a he emerged from hi machine on the -road south east of Grand Island, on evening last week. , Changstrom was returning fo Oma ha from (irand Island when h was stopped by two cart parked across the road. Thinking himself th vic tim of a holdup, Changstrom pre pared for the inevitable. J'.ut he dis covered the supposed bandit were the county aheriff and his men in search of two boy who had just broken into a farm house. Hoy Vr'lio 'TltiJiiiltpd' London Cojipcr I FiiiMi Dollar Ix)ndnn, Aug. 19. Impudently de riding the dignity of the law by put ting hi fmger to hit nose at a policeman was the charge against a boy at the Manchester police court. 'I he law decided to uphold it dig nity and the magistrate fined the boy a dollar. 103,7-16 .Miles lo 1912 lieo's Credit Rfmarlalla Keronl Made ly ' lOTcar OU Car Still Civ ing Good Smit'ft "Mr. and Mr. I. F. Tarsor f Geveltnd, O,, ttopped In our thow room last week, driving their 1912 Reo," tay I. M. Opper of th Jones. Opptr company, "which they bought J from Mr. J-'nirr of Columbut, Neb, in August, 1912.- "Mr, Parson telli us thai when h purchased th rar h immediately drove il lo Cleveland, O., making th trip in 71 hour without (topping th motor. They hav made a ne trip tack and forth from C'lewolaiid, ()., to Columbus, going out there eac h uminer,M Mr. Opprr further states that Mr. Parson claim never lo have had th transmission rase rover olT in the 10 yeats of driving and has never liad lo replace any gears, shafts, motor parts, or any other part except a few bushings. The trip lh' ummer wat.made after the Reo had bem driven 10J.746 miles. They went to Genoa, picked up tome relatives, and thrn went on to Colorado, talking their 10-year-old Keo lo the top of Pikes peak, Mr. and Mr. Parsons sly thai if the Keo ever wears out, they surely will own another, "There Is'nt a ear in the world I'd rather have than a Keo," Mr, Parson laid. Stephens Official Visits Local Dealers R. C. McDowell, service manager of the Stephen Motor Car company of l'reeport, 111., pent Friday in Omaha with W. S. Johnson, general manager of the Mid-City Motor and Supply company, Stephen distrib utor in thi territory. Mr. McDowell ha been t the head of the service department df the Ste phen Motor Car company for the past several yea and has been large ly instrumental in the development of its service department to the present high standards. A hundred year ago the Nimrod Island were sighted by whaler in the Southern Pacific, but no one ha ever een them ince. New Star Auto Soon to Be Placed .on Market Here ( Andiew Murphy & Son, Uuranl distributor for this territory, hav received a telegram from Carroll Downes, president of Star Motors, Inc., advising them lhat they have been appointed to establish the Omaha braneh of tlie Star Motor Company of Nebraska, with complete charge of marketing the Star line of motor ear in their territory. President Downri further states: "Although our production will be large, we will be unable to meet the universal demand for the Star ears." No statement in recent year re ceived such widespread attention a when W. C. Durant, former president of General Motors, and now head of Durant Motors, announced last soring that he would market a line of cars sellimr a low at $348 f. o. b. Detroit. Smartnes in looks, thoroughness and modern design in a low-priced car were unheard of until the Star wa created by W. C Durant Production Soon to Start The Star ear mark the most ad vancrd step since the introduction of the automobile, tor it provide lor the first time a quality motor car, tanl' ardized in constsjiction and opera tion, fur a modest sum of money. Since the announcement was made the various Durant plants throughout the country, in which the Star car will be built, have been prepared. Vast quantities of materials have been purchased and production is about to (tart. It was only necessary to read come of the feature of the car to convince the public that Mr. Durant had ac Trainload of Buicks Due Here Each Week ' A- T fx rii eg , The Nebraska Kuick Auto com pany ha just received the first of a series of trainloads for this season. One trainload is to arrive each week from now on. Each train consists of SO flatcars loaded with four automo biles each. Lee Huff, jr., say the demand for cars is greater than ever before. The New Delivery Car with extra heavy rear axle THE frnmeU extra long support ing the load better and provid ing more loading apace forward of the rear axle than you will find in any other light delivery chassia. The lame famous Triplex Spring used on Overland Passenger Can live extra comfort and protect fragile loads. All parts are 20 heavier than in commercial cars of similar ca pacity. Gasoline mileags is very high. IJut sec this car yourself lrive it and then you will know why so many business men are finding in it the solution to the problem of reducing delivery cots per mile, COMMERCIAL CAHS WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. SSd24 rrnam Si. I lrjr Brnk. Ojr Etvnlnf. HAtnr(X)31, 1 complished something worth while in th creation of thi car, for thenar feature include Continental Red Seal motor, Timkca rear -axle, Timken bearings (front and rear), Sptrer uni versal joints, selective sliding car transmission, tingle plate disc clutrh, half elliptic spring (underslung), Stewart vacuum gasoline feed with supply lank at rear, electrie lighting by standard generator, streamline body and one-man lop. The Star car possesses the mini mum number of parts without sacri ficing strensth. durability or appear ance. The result of thi method of construction is an automobile of re markable simplicity, correct mechan ic! relation md stuciit toJy line Any man will t proud lo en a Star car. H will L proud of its look, fraud of it performanrt and proud of l( geneial feature. Th Stir car is m! en a variety of bodies, whuh will include a tour ing tar, roadster, sedsn and coup, nd a romplrt in of commercial bextie lunshl for th Sur chassis. tlert Murphy, vie presidrnl of Andrew Mmi'l'V A Son. was very much pleased on the receipt of th telegram announcing hi appointment a a Stir irpmenunv. "In many test mail by th com pany engineer Star open models have done 2i miles lo th gallon of gaohnt and th closed cart 20 miles," h and. " hope lo hav on of th Stat model and chassis on exhibition very .1.. ....II L. .l..!..J iwn, ni inv piiiinc win iia miTiim, Auto Company Hiring Men at Kate of 150 l'er Week Syracuse, K. Y., Aug. 26, Th contii.jation of demand for automo bile It being reflected in th local labor market. The II. II. IrinUin Manufacturing company for some tun past ha been expanding its working force for both day and night shilt. During the last two weeks the Franklin company has been tak ing men on at the rate of 150 a week end it is expected lhat this tale of luring will b continued for some time. An increasing shortage of skilled labor k making itself mani fest, according lo William Dunk, production manager of the company. The leather worn in all tbe foot wear of babies and young folks in America would make a shoe large enough lo cover Manhattan Island. Wills Salnte Claire Brougham Announced Th latest adJilion to th Wills Samt Clair Im it a five-passenger brougham, Th new member of th Gray Coos family It built en the standard Will Saint Clur chassis with it ight-cylindrr v-typ engine. Th body wat designed and built by Fisher. 1 h interior ef th new brougham it extremely commodious, spact and seat arranged with east of acccs. Th two door have the unusual width of 29 inches. Th divided front setts are, in actuality, two deeply up bolstered chairs, each folding tor wtrd, Thi permit entrance to the rtr sett from either tid ef th car. Ther I amp I room for lhr pit stngrrt en thi retr test and th who! compartment I xeeptionally tpactout. Upholstery I gunit wtavt cloth or gray vtlour and body color i hlu and maroon with upper panel in black. The ipeciat disc wheel add to th handsom and distinctly appear anc oi thi model and ar also im portant factor of (trength and safety, A welcome addition lo the equipment i a trunk platform and nickel bar on lh retr body panel. Th lighting includes combined large and tmtll headlight, with th large light lilt ing and magnetically controlled from lh steering column. Ther it alto a whit barking light operated auto matically in reverie gear. For the Critical Th mora experienced and critical you era of motor car, th mora enthusiastic you will be a an owner of a Will Saint Clair. Thi car it designed and built for thot who demand and appreciate the finett and th beat. WESTERN MOTOR CAR CO. On Harney at 2tb AT Untie tail WILLS SAINTE GLAIRB cMotor ye" v Cars 5gr . Oc.h. w.c. Jones -Opper Company they sell Reo Passenger Cars and Reo Speedwagons The Star Gar Is Coming The Star car is the latest creation of the Durant Motor Co., which was announced to the public last June. This car will be distributed mostly through Durant dealers and will be on display at the STATE FAIR - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA September 3 to 8 Read These Star Car Features! Continental Red Seal Motor Timken Bearing Front and Rear Selective Sliding Gear Transmission Half Elliptic Spring, Underalung Electric Lighting, Standard Generator One-Man Top Timken Rear Axle Spicer Univeraal Joint Single Plate Dic Clutch Stewart Vacuum Gaaoline Feed Gasoline Tank at Rear Stream Line Body Standard in Construction and Operation Read These Star Prices: Chauii $285 Tourinjr (regular) 34 Touring (aelf-tarter and demountable rims) 443 Hunabout (rrgular) 319 Runabout (aelf atartrr and demountable rimi) , 414 Coupe (aelf-atarter and demountable rima) 5R0 Sedan (self atarter and demountable rim) 645 Flu war W an freight from Detroit, Mica, Andrew Murphy & Son, Inc. Durant Fourt and Sixtt IHttributon 14th ml Jtukeon St., 52 Yean in Buiineii Star Van Omaha, Neb. THE STAR CAR 4 t i