The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 27, 1922, SPORT NEWS WANT ADS, Image 13

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Bishop Stuntz
Will Preside at
Methodist Meet
.orthwft VIrka Confer
f ihi of Mrthoilixt Fpiro
pal Church to Convene
lit Alliance,
Have These Firms Furnish Your New or Old Home
Alliance, Neb,, Aug. :"-lf!y A
I',) Huhop lljincr f. Munu ol
Omaha will ,rile at i!i N'ftlifl
vcbllW Ci'iifitviuc if t!ie MfihoJ
lit Klitct l tliuuh in tint city, Au
gut J) to Sci'tcmlKr J.
On TurUjr ni'iriiiiijf, Auguit 20,
Ihc board i'f (X4ininrti Mill nifrl the
unrTir4'ludlct Mini rjmmlioii
will ba fcurn, anil in the rvrnin at
8 Ktv. 1. II. KiiMiriiie, t'hu irp
regulative i t the Atnriiiaii .
rirty, nill drliver an tuldrtm in the
liin-irti of the aocirty.
'Ihc eonfrreiice vmitr will he
opened the (nlluwiiiK day, August 1".
it 9, at which tunc 2'uhop Stun'
will condui t holy cuiniiiunii'ii an 1 de
liver an addren. 'Ihe iimiivrfi.iry
il (lit Women's I loiue MinMniurv
nocii'ly will be irlrlratcd in the a it -ernooii.
Song Service.
In the evening oi Atitm-t .1') there
will be ionic irvici-, il'cr which
Bishop Ourlei Vvl.y Jiurm vt
Helena, Mont, rir- ntnig the
board of bitlmpi and the lommittr?
on coturrvation and advance, will
di-liver an addrrn. 'J he li.-v. lr. C,
NewUnd nf Crawford will preiide at
(hit niectiiitf.
Jiisliop Stunt will drliver an !
dreu on Thura'lay mot ninif, Aiuunt
Jl, while the Wotnen'a Hour Mis
sionary aociety will continue the an
nivcrtary ceremonies during the nfl
ernoon. l'ri-.idrnt I". W. Dunlavy
of ihe lliff School of Theology, Jn
tr Cittn . will he tlie main tnrak?r
at the annivcriary of the tnurd of
The Rev. C C. Eohbcrion cf
Mitchell will have cliae of tlevo
tion on Friday, Srpieml)er I. 1YI
lowing devotions, Uishop Mtmli will
drliver hif third addresi. In the aft
ernoorf the conference 'will he '.he
guest of the cliamhcr of commerce.
Sunday Schoola to Meet.
At the anniversary of the board
of Sunday schools, Friday evf.fing,
Dr. Orli I'. Jlargraves rf Chica
go, superintendent of the foreign de
partment of the board of Sunday
school, will be the main speaker,
with Kev. H. E. Patterson act;ng ai
presiding officer. The boird of lminc
mission will be represented at their
anniversary by Dr. George D. Dean,
Philadelphia, Pa., manancr of the
division of evangelism of the board
of hom missions and church exten
- lion.
On Sunday morning, Rev. Alexan
der Bryam of Bayard will have
charge of the love ieast. This will be
followed by the conference scrninn
preached by Bishop Stunt. If also
will have charge of the ordination
Hnd the baptismal services in ti e aft
ernoon. At the Epworth League service on
Sunday evening, September J, there
will be an address by Dr. V.. C. Fintel
of Scottsbltiff on the subject, "Young
People Serving the Church," and at
the anniversary of the hoard of tem
perance, Dr. G. Ellis Williams will
be the special speaker.
Bishop Stuntz will read the ap
pointments of the conference as j'iC
closing feature of the program.
Filters of 88th
to Hold Reunion
2,000 Members of Cloverleaf
Division From Nebraska
to Hold Reunion.
Hiking down the long brown trail
for the second annual reunion of the
Eight-eighth division, A. E. F., or
Cloverleaf division, a representative
crowd of Nebraska former soldiers
of the world war, will leave this week
for Fort Snelling, Minn., the seat of
the reunion. According to Aman
Raymond of Omaha, there are be
tween 1,500 and 2,000 members of
the Cloverleaf division in Nebraska,
and be is urging all of them to at
tend the reunion on September 1,
2 and 3. '
Plans for the gathering are com
plete, according to Charles Brings
of St. Paul, chairman of the Eighty
cighth Division association. Keduced
railroad rates are available, the gov
ernment will house the buddies and
feed them at cost. The governor of
nearly every slate that sent troops
to the division will be present. The
Minnesota St.ite fair will express the
welcome of Minnesota citixens by
being host of the firt day's enter
tainment and General Weigel will be
on the firing line wiih the boys.
There will be a fine sports and
sera program, h.iniirt, parade,
speeches hy five cnveui'r and a lot
oi talk bv other notables, military i
band music atut a general good tune.
Florida Family Hold
Trid Hirihdjy Party
IV n4Co!a. I II. i An jf .'(.--What i
ihimi.l t be ife world tccurd ("r
n;li hit'!' !.iv n lihrati !! on Ihe
,uii v t !e couth H held by the
Utility oi O, V Vmun hue.
Oi lutv S thv i.mnlv urTjfd a
tittle birthilay n Ir'if.tli.'n fur the
l'i tb.ldtr,n 'l Ihe fini'-'y,
w hn wee I "" o il it ' ty i-i
the mot lH, J. lit m doU-tenl .i-.i
ifil 'tl t bon Julv S t KiNMt
( I'l', CK' I i- ' ' 'o'v .
I I'ott utHl , m iU, I
O fi, ir, u K'fn hen i't'r J,
.... . t
VI 'oman erk Ihvene
frr Pul lie I 'bin8
V i . - Mil
I it H- e l t r i i. !'
I , i 1 iihi . l' f4il ef
j -'l tff . iff '.il m iie
r. . i ! m' 1
t r-,..l v' 4 !'! t' !. 1
I t 1 ii ti-l
i .',4 I, ,: t ' ' 'if '
I ! 1 I ' '
'21 style. A model to
meet your need, space
and pockctbook. Guar
anteed rust-proof oven
i linings.
111.1 1 l V -
Thi. model $30.00
Prices greatly reduced. !
Free connection. Guar-
antced satisfaction.
' Opp. Orpheum
AT 4289. 413 S. 15th St.
Face Brick
Fire Ilrick
Load Hearing
Hollow Tile
Terra Colta
Garden Pottery
Dependable Face Brick
Your search for the correct face brick for your
proposed building will not be complete until you
see our display.
One hundred samples on display of dependable
face brick laid up in rough texture, tapestry
texture and smooth face for your inspection.
Visit Our Face If rick Department
Entire Third Floor Sunderland Bid?. 15th and Harney, AT 2700
Your Heating Problem Will
Be Solved Satisfactorily
in YOUR Home
What Thii Furn.c. Will Do for You
Kvaporate thrto to twdve gallon of water every day.
Kfep the air moit nnd healthful, then-by rrevf ntin?
cotijrhn nnd cold.
Warm your rooms to an even temperature in all kinds
of weather.
Make your properly more valualdn for re-sale.
Improve th property more than its rM.
I 'ay for itclf in the savin? of tons of fuel each year.
Will burn any fuel oven slack coal.
Displayed by the Following Local Dealer!
M t,i
Oloo Cro., 2012 I.v.nwoMh
Arfaolltn.n Bro.., 4114 N. 24lh
W.r.i A Bi-nd.r, 461 $, 24lh
A. H. Molnli, 4104 Oodf.
II. i,, 211)4 Unlh
Kin( lUrdw.i. (a., 2I0O tumlnf
th.t. Y. Kr.ll., UIO b. 1 31 h
I Narlh Si4 ll.rHw.r. Cm , 4111 H. 14lb
f. J, I'.n.k. 1714 I Mill
I M.y.r a lUrr.M, 2201 MillUry A.
i I.. C Ilimnrk, 2i . Iih
1 t. M..4 O, 2202 MIHUry
Km. i-iirii.c 4 Tin Wmli(, M N.rlk
i Mam M Council Blull., la.
Agentlri In mott lowna from tha Mittiitippl Valley
to tha Pacific Cot.
Standard Furnace & Supply Co.
Manufacturart and JoLkan Higb-Grado Furnacai and Suppliaa
Gives satisfaction and will
heat any size house at a
very low cost.
is durable, economical and
convenient to operate. Ask
about our payment plan, q
7 ' .
"Star" Light
on the Heating
1, Dufttprool patented ttittng
divic (waltt high).
2. Larf doubla lira door.
3, l.tak proof Jolnta on radiator
and laed aection.
4. Solid one-plcc. radiator.
3. Smski connectlona and
claanout axlmded through
eating with aelf-iealing cap,
8. Hinged water pan cover.
7. Straight aide lira pota.
General Sheet Metal Worki 1402-4-6-8-10 Military Ave., Omaha
EttahlUhed 1898
Telephone WA Inut 2971 Estimates Given Free
w v.
iv --- . , jfijt l;tsr-'"C-- "''4;
r-rw 4 i vj: twig K . a m. . t J x :.( :i a . yr- ,w I ft tt'wrt) . . ... " ui1 y ja- ,y ;
i ;y, "hiiif( -
l no-.
f LiviMfl toon fk
F ' ' ttt3jrt I
J fO'.CH
f . f
I ctzzxzm
Copyrtffht 1921
No. 1300-A
Br Adama ft Kelly Co.
Simplicity and economy are the outstanding char
acteristics of this home, built on the minimum size
(2G-0x38-0) for six rooms. The arrangement is
suitable for a narrow lot. The severity of -the
straight lines is relieved hy the panelled stucco
gables and the lattice on the porch. The rooms are
ample, light, accessible and well located. Every
convenience is included, even to the ironing board
cabinet and broom closet in the kitchen. This is a
good example of the economy and livability that you
get when you build from carefully planned work
ing drawings, which will be furnished for "Homes
of Comfort" by Adams & Kelly Co., Omaha.
The demand for all
building materials is
seasonable and vari
able. So to give prompt
service we anticipate
jour requirements in
stock sizes and de
sign, which we carry
ir our warehouse.
Stairs, cabinet work
and ypeciaf millwork
nimt be mado to fit
mea.Huremrntji taken
on tint job. So our
Omalu factory com
pletes the nectary
erk n thi chum of
Adams &
Kelly Co.
P 1T. vrt t
Come Out of the Kitchen
and Enjoy More of the Sunny Side of Life
j .ii l.i- i i ii ii i nMaa.--waa
,g a -jyar-' liaalC
I A Few li e built l'ed Gas I
J I A'nfff, at Hargain Frier I
Every New Home
Should lie Equipped With a
Reliable Gas Range
with Lorain Oven
Heat Control
Wo have 13S of these Reliable
Ranges which we want to dispose of
(lurinpr August, There are a num
ber of show room and warehouse
samples and a few slightly dam
aged in shipment at greatly reduced
price?. The price has been reduced
m the entire line,
Price $10.00 and Up
Sold on Mtmlhlf f.fmnt TUn With tMI
MciKorot.irAN ummt.i ntuRicr
DOmI MM t50l IbrU 5lrtf
Lumber &
Coal Co.
Everything With Which to Build
If you need a contractor, call
us, whether you are figuring
on a new home, a garage or
some repair work.
Do you know the advantages
of wood? They are guaran
teed for ten years without
painting or repairs.
If your screen door needs re
pairing, do it now. Don't
wait until next year.
Four Yards to Serve You
I51KI IVhIi Strt WA Invt 0300
W Vr
Your Own t nUrpru
! .' 1 H ' 1 I