The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 23, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY. AL'Ulsr 23, 1323.
TurpH 1'rurtirf 1 IMayril
Two Hour title HayoneU
iraM I'rrpare
fr Pay Day,
J'Un.iiK.uih, Kcl., Auk. .'.. Spe
LI.) Firing on tlie 5o0 -yard ranKf
a )irM up for two hours (hi morn
ing hile S) mm from the Second
ami Third Latallioiis rut gists with
llifir Layonrts to srure an unoli
strurttd sirw tl tlir tirgct from the
prunt '"iiioii, (irs on the range
hid only lifrn inocd for (he 200 and
JQO-ysnl ranges.
The mrn will complete the 500 and
600 -yard rangrf from the prone poij-
tlort tomorrow. They will not fire
the AW and 1,000-yard ranxre ai
f rit intrnilrd, hut will return to the
shorter raneei and fire from the lit
ting loniion.
Par Roll Practice.
In ail'linVin to the regular Hirers'
rhonl lom'irlit the tomes nv com-
uaii'li-ra were given iintructions on
making out of pay roll in prepara
tion for paying the troops Fri'lay or
Saturday when approximately $.'5,-
Ml If. ....,. i,ta A .,!. .,.. A
CoimniMiied ofderra, who are
married, will receive in addition to
commutation of quarters.
The parale grnrtids wen too wet
for the entire rcitiineiit to Parade
tonight so the Second battalion put
on a review.
A complete reorganization of the
camp was made effective today.
Place Responsibility.
The new regulations placet the
re'kKinihilitiri and duties of each
officer in the camp and givet the
encampment the machinery neces
sary in c it ihould he called into
action. Up to thia time, officer
atate, there hat been no clear linei
of demarcation between the dutie
of many of the officer of the regi
nvnt. i
I'ndrr the new regulations the
major portion of the responsibility
for the detail of (he regiment fall
upon I.ieut. Col. Douglaa. CoL
Thomas deciding only important ie
(ilianlsilien Cut XatlonalOuardSote.
i I)
j Wlis till lUIIIgt!
at IMattsmoutli
Parents' Problems
What should be done in the. cae
of a little girl of seven who im
pulsive give away her toys and
thin wishes the had them back?
If a child it taught that a gift
U irrevocable, the .problem of rash
giving will aoon aolve itself. No
matter how much ihe regrets her
act, he ihould never be permitted
to recall the gift or have it dupli
cated. When the reaction comes,
and the' little giver it mourning her
Inn remind her of the oleaiure the
hat given another, and console her
y this side of the question.
Read The Omaha Bee every day,
you will like it.
The athletic show Tueidiy night
put on by Lieutenant Kiddell of
orl, camp athletic officer, included
one roiling and four hosing
matthck lo In a knockout
) Unm was winner of a one-fall
wrettlmg match over Williamson,
doelirl and Guidinger fought a fast
three-round draw. We Her. torn
pany M, knocked out Randall, lorn
I any t, in tne first round. I'nvate
Terry, service company, and Ser
geant HcCord, lompany O. fouifht
a three-roond draw, I'rivate I'arn-
ham, Lompany M, secured a techni
cal knockout in the second round
over Red Barr, local fa-service man
Freight Claim Agent A. K. Me
Nitt and hi chief clerk, C, T. Rich
mond, and family railed on Com
pany K Monday, General Manager
Jrrter and parly nave deferred their
visit until Governor s day.
A snecial euard detail haa been
sent to bring in three A. W. O. L.
nien one from Kearney ana two
from Grand Island. The 12th court-
martial tiarina aval hM lfnnHav
night. General Paul expected to re
view tne penalties ny the boara in
tne nrst u rases j uesoay.
The second terrain problem was
given at officers school Monday
night, to be worked out Tuesday.
Ihe first preparation for the at
tackhas been followed, by the pres
ent one the attack itself.
The western Nebraska companies
say they would like to see the en
campment located there one year
where the nights are cool enough to
sleep and the possibilities of rain at
this season of the year very limited
The Gering Commercial club has
started the ball rolling to land the
The Plattsmouth baseball team,
having defeated K company Sunday
in about the same ratio as they beat
L company Saturday, it is probable
these rival companies will meet on
the diamond one evening this week
to settle the little quarrel ever who
has the best ball team,
Mrs. Bert Grashorg bat been
down from Omaha several days vis
iting her husband. Captain Urasborg,
commander of Company K.
Company B from falls City led
the First battalion in the regimental
review Friday night, the best
drilled company In the battalion for
Ihe period between reviews being
accorded this honor by Maj, Karl
Cline, battalion commander.
Private Timer E. Prick, Hospital
Company I JO, Lincoln, was taken
seriously ill on the streets of Platts
mouth Sunday night at a result of
having eaten too much watermelon.
An ambulance from the camp was
sent for and little later it was re
ported about town that he had died.
This proved unfounded and he is
getting better.
Two noncommissioned officers
and a private from the regular army
arrived in camp Monday night to
instruct the gas tergeant and one
especially selected private from each
company, as well as several specially
- i . . i i f . i f
sciccica wcuicai dmiccii, in cnemi-
cal warfare, including all the known
(laiet that might be used. These
eetares, scheduled for Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday nights,
will not interfere with the terrain
problems liven at officers school
each evening by Majors i'ryum and
Hendcll of rort Crook.
Entertainment for the remainder
of the encampment at the recrea
tion tent it announced by Chaplain
Capsey. Tuesday night l'lattsmonth
people will put on their second pro
gram, Wednesday night ramp tal
ent will be featured, Ihursday
night the second athletic show will
be held and Friday night the
Omaha Y, M. C A. quartet will
be here.
Capt. Bruce Pates. Lincoln, of the
130th Hospital company, was called
home the last of the week .an eight-
pound boy being born baturday.
Read The Omaha Bee every day,
you will like it. "
Is it costing you too
much to live?
If you want to tare on doth
inf, groderie), entertainment,
home building and planning-,
furnishing, and the coat of
living generally, Good House
keeping will help you. It will
being joy . and order into your
home. In the big September
issue, 62 features and 7 ato
rie. How about taking a
copy home tonight?
Good Housekeeping
out today
7 ,
End your quest for closed car comfort at
moderate open car cost. The Dort Yale
Sedan, $1095, and Yale Coupe, $1045,giye
you the advantage of protection from
inclement weather, proud proprietorship
of fine closed cars and a surety, of chassis
which are mechanically sound and in
herently economical and- trustworthy.
Si tU fraa fill U llJtli llak dalitae, ,.r, fall, ( Ftial
Dort Sales Company
1916 Harney St. AT lantic 6082
m M
mi. .;"
'.?,,, .,..,'w,f" g
-fi test vi p'vH''-m-
' !-'1:,-",i",.:ii'i'iri:.' :'k $ .'.''I'Jii I'-e.; ;: s
I v "a
Quality That, Lasts Prices That Please
Service That Serves These Are
The Three Bm Points
That Have Made Our . August Furniture Sale a Success
Unparalleled in Omaha Furniture Sale History
SOON after our announcement of an August Furniture Sale of large proportions, in
which Master-Made Furniture would be sold at prices so low as to place it within the
reach of the humblest home, there were among furniture men some predictions of fail
ure. It had come to be the habit in merchandising circles to "paint it blue" and the
remark "business is rotten" had become familiar in some quarters. But the "look
out in the Foretop" does not know how to "paint it blue." t He knows that however low
prinf? the business clouds mav seem to lie the sun is ever shining behind them and
sooner or later bursts through them and breaks ovier them. We bought our furniture
in line with the "Lookout" system, making careful selection as to materials and fin-
2r icti vaiatriner Unrl t furniture whipli wp knmv in hfi Kiiit.ihlft fnr and ftfWnfjlhlfi to
the people of this section. Then we bought in large quantities and paid cash wherever
cash would obtain special bragains. In every Instance we passed the price advantage
to our customers. We followed this with our easy payment plan that made it pos
sible for every homemaker to realize the dream of a well furnished home. The people came to see and they
remained to buy. The prophets of disaster were dismayed and the timid were given fresh courage, for the
results were such a successful August Furniture Sale that it has come to be a matter of comment in furni
ture circles throughout the country.
New stocks are arriving every day. Examine the offerings in this advertisement. They are only hints
of many other rare bargains on our Seventh Floor.
Buy your furniture now for cash if convenient or on our easy-payment plan if you prefer.
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
aV -k. R ay ta. m aW
Library Table
Antique Daren port Table
WortJa 30.00; la tha graceful
HepplawhlU desltm with an
tique mahogany top; 60x18
Inches. August Sals f4 HP
Price, each, I O
Library Table In the same
Hepplewhlte period designs, top
45x26 Inches. August OA fJP
Bale Price, UtO
Fibre Table
FroHted Browa Fiber Tuble
Top 24x26; 28 Inches high; 120
value; August Sale "1 Q PTA
Price, only, lO.sJU
Round Fibre Table
Boud Fiber Table Frosted
brown; it Inches la diameter;
28 Inchea high; 17.00 value;
August sale 1 1 rn
Price only llsUU
NewTudor Design Bedroom Suite
47.00 43-inch Dresser 24x30-in.
plate mirror. August QQ PTA
Sale Price, OO.tlU
42.00 39-inch Dresser 24x26-in.
plate mirror. August Q Q
Sale Price, OO I O
50.00 42-in. Vanity Dresser 16
by 38-inch center mirror; 8x29-in.
wing mirrors. Au- QQ
gust Sale Price, Ot I O
42.00 35-inch v Chif f orobe Suit
compartment, sliding trays and
hat compartment. QQ H
August Sale Price, OO I O
7.75 Cane Seat Bench To match
suite. August Sale
In Waxed Amer
ican Walnut.
Pieces come in
different sizes,
affording suit
able choice for
laree or small
bedrooms at dif
ferent prices.
33.00 34-inch Semi-Vanity Dress
er 12x24-inch center mirror; 7
hv 20-inch wincr mirrors. Au-
CSa,e .26.50
36.00 31-inch Chifforette Two
small drawers and large drawer,
four sliding trays in compart
ment. August QQ
Sale Price, LO.l O
8.25 Cane Seat Chair To match
suite. August Sale rt A A
9.00 Cane Seat Rocker
match suite. August
Sale Price, '
75.00 Quartered
Oak Dining Table
Sale Price
54 lncbea la diameter, extends
to 96 lnchee.
Sale Price
3 o 0
Solid waxed oak dressers with
large mirror, two small draw
ers and two large drawers.
26.00 Simmons Bed
August Sale
Price, 18.50
Simmons Cribs
Aofuat SaU Trie H73
Irerr ftalsb with dMorsttd
bt4 bor4, vane a4 i
footj !. vUe; Aa. t I r
u Hal. ttM, I'l.ltJ
32.50 Mahojjany
reoUi4 I
l.atry, Our Ats
4at Rale frl'e
Jka Idral
Mahogany finuheil, y ith
three drawer fotnpart
menti for thread, ta.
Auf. Sale Priee,
Co fort
Solid mahogany Wat,
Auguat Salt rrle
wgon IjlaJ
Jte Hon I'osjplfte
Wltaott Oae
Mahogany or walnut;
drop leaf sty!. Augimt
Sale rrir,
k Folding Steel Cots
4 tf
Made for the
U. S. Army
On &iU at
J Tbree ot are just the thitig
L for hi'ailtale anl Institution.
Thy sr 21 laehK high when
aptn, but faMfe! Ihsy mreupy
very little epaa, lVn1 irtia
Mabotany nolabed, pnrlod d
slcn; full atze.
1.50 Bed Pillows
Itllixi vita aaita (tti.
eu.r4 la A, C A. Ikilag site,
lie Juus.
35.00 Mahogany
Gate Ug Table
Pie laaiaa, rMful iH.
Jwt !
Stttntk llooi
Ihlt pftr1ttrtity.