The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 22, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Omaha Grain
Omaha, August 21
rninit wreairirr in lha corn
tall, ilfoon.ruH'i repot t, whuh wai
conitrurtl y tht Kails contirler
ably rxjfuh artrl wrgk cb!n aM ton-
tributcd lowartj n ratirr leelinf in
m niaratli cjuriri( tht rrly
roundi today. Ithonah a twxl clan
if bujrirt inadt it'a appraranrt Utr
on report t of lrf export buiinrii
arm Hit riiiiiri waa at belter uricta
No improvement apparent at
to Hit tar ituiton and many poinli
in Kanws report elevatora lull and
rioted du to tht thnrtaga with wheat
in torn plarri bring pilfl on tht
ground, wlula iw tht other hand in
proiprrnua dittrictt whera tht farm-
rr it able to bin hit grain, tht titua-
imn la jut reverted and fievatori
are practically empty.
Keceiptt o. wheal at Omaha over
tht holiday were regarded ai rather
ght, 144 car of thit gram being re
ceived, at compared with MS cara on
the rorretponding day leit year. Corn
receipt! yrt 114 can, againit St
tart and of oata 4') cri, agaiiut 22
rati Ut ear. Th out movement
lor tht day totalled 197 cara at com
pared with 267 cara year ago.
Cah grain in the Omaha market
waa in good demand and tamplet
were cleaned up early, the ordinary
whrat bringing unchanged 1c lower
figure, while tht dark waa quoted
strong. Corn waa ,e up to '4c olf
with out i unchanged to We higher,
being generally unchanged. Rye wai
lc lower and barley le higher.
No, I Hark hard: I rar, II l.
No I dark hard: I car (xinully), l 44:
I nt l.iiiullyl, 07,
No. I dark herd: I rae fomully), II M;
I car It II: I .en (smutty), l ; car
Untutiyi, II T.
N. 4 derh rr! f t rae (imutly), II ,
S. I herd winter; I ear, lie.
No. I ha til wlnteri I tar (I oar rani
rtei. II 4. I rar 7 7 par cant dark), 11.01:
I me lemutlyi, 11,04, I rar 17 ar rani
Strhl, Hot; I car, II at; I rara, II 00;
I ir, tic; I aar (mull), fir; I rar,
'-: I rar (einutty). tic; J rara, tic; t
ra, Mr; rar limutty), lie; rara.
if ; I tar (einultrl, lie; rar ("very
irruoyt. Me; 1 rar i.mully, II par eaat
lurk I, II (.2; I rar. tin.
. Nn. I hart wlnl.r: I rar (Tl par rant
ttrkl, flat; I rar, 1147; I rar temutty,
I tr rant dark), II. at; I rar (imutty),
II a t rar femutty, t par rent rlarkl,
II l: rar (malt)', II par rant darkl,
Mr; rar (3 par rant ry, 91ri S rs,
I rar, lis; T cara, IJc 1 aar, IHfc;
I rata. lie.
No. 4 herd wlntert 1 rar (emutly, 4 I
rr rant rra). 11,04; 1 car, lis; I rar,
Hi 4 rara, 0o.
No, I hard winter: 1 car O I par cant
rial. I3r; I ear, 12.
Sample bard winter: i car -(heating ),
(r; rar. Me.
No. I yellow hard: J ran. tie.
No, I yellow hard; 1 car, tic; I cara,
tlr 1
No. 4 yellow hard; 1 rar, tie,
N. t fallow hard: I rar, Itn.
Sempl yellow bard: 1 rar (hoi), tte.
No. I gyring: I cara (dark northern),
II It; I rar (dark northern, amuftyl, t tar (norlharn), 11.10; 1 cart
Innrtharn), II. t.
N. 1 mlied: t car, l 01; I ear, tie;
I i'ar (durum, rinutiy), IDe, '
Nn. I mli'd: 1 rar, Itu.
Si. t mliad: I rar 4 pnunda), 11.01,
No, J durum! I rar (red), toe.
. 1 Khfta: 1 car, H.
Sn. I wlilfai. 4 cara, He; rara (ahlp.
para' athla), II H: 1 car, 12c; 1 car
tanlppara' aralchta), tie.
Ha. I yallnar: rara, I4K: I carl, 14c;
I rar (ahlPiiara' waiahta), Ho.
Nn. y allow: I cara, 44 Wo: 1 rar (ihlp
para' wal(hla), ItU; 1 "r. "r
(anipimra' waiahta), 64c; 1 rar (no billing).
jr: cara, 4Hc
No I yallnws t carl, t0.
No. 1 mliad: 1 car, tlc.
. s. t rniird; I car. tt.c; I rara, ItHc;
rara (ahlppara1 w.iihla). II fte; 1 car
mo billing). Ilc: I rara, tie.
No. I whlla: I rar, lHe li cara, He.
No. 4 whlla: 4 rara, 2tSc; 4 cara, Itttc
Mampla wblta: I rara, 2te; I cara (lum
inal. Itei 1 car, JHc.
Kampla mliadi 1 rar (heating), tt.
i No. J: I ran. tic.
No. I: 1 2-t cara, Tc.
No. 4: 1 rar, 4r.
a.MRl. 1 I ' li. f
, (Cirioia.)
.. 4
.. It
.. t
.. u
.. II
.. 4
Waak Taar
. ,1 t24.n0
, thl.noo
..1. 277. 000
. .2,074. 100
. , m.oio
AlO Ao
2 7.110 I.ISI.IDO
144,010 1,160.010
1,271,000 1,102,000
VVark Trar
Ago A no
2.0411.000 3 212,000
Kjl.ODO 177,010
1H2.110 414.000
1 11,7.100
,hrla Today Tear ago
t and tlour 2.323,000 1,162,000
... PI. 010 14.000
76,000 ' 42,400
Iota Toilay WK. A"
1 4N 112
" 137 103 1S2
. Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ao
441 104 T"
, II 41 4
!lt 13 43
Today Wk. Ao Tr. Ago
,.256 434 331
1 J"
II Tl lil
ern wheat tn.fEirTs.
Today Wk. Ago r. ao
.610 414
, .61 4
Trar Ago
3,24! K'O
M "10
I o; o
34 110
I. lit, ana
1 1 0(11
tW 213? Aug 21.
t aw. ( lc,.. Na!
it it t it
1)1 III! l
It I
l. !!.,
I (, J I
la te Wea. w 1
a w t .
xa I I'-a'x. (xe
lit lilkl II. .a 4. a
aeae eaiaea. il
t lleajMt,
L - W !-t.ele
r,e S
lla Peaaeatae, lll
teaat He
a.e ..yea-ltie
1 Ttacalpti"'
Vbaat . ..
krley ....
liaal ....
Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Day
Qiicago Grain
(aana Maw laa . W Ir.
Chicago, Aug. 31. A in
the Ijverpool wheat market, where
prieet wete JV4'a,5Jid lower on con
tinental prinure, earned valu't here
oil I'i.U.e early, to new low lor
the teaton. On the decline there wa
good clait of buying, both by
ihorti and commiiiion houiet. The
dote waa within fraction of the
top, with net gains c( Iti'
Corn, alter breaking 1c, clmed HfM
lt Inghrr, while oalt were J.'t'.Vie
higher. Kye waa off Jft He.
The poitibility that Liverpool had
completed lit readjustment at com
pared with the Chicago market and
revival in the export demand nil
mora or leit effect on tentimcnt.
Commiiiion houiet had large num
ber of retting order to buy at ft
for Jleeemtier, alt of which were not
filled. Seaboard Intereitt took the
September and the market acted
aomewhat overtold afU" valuet
ttarted upward.
l ara tlarkrt lriMirr,
loullna davatnpiiian'a allrai ttd IH'la
laniion. Sandmrnl waa no! aa baari.h aa
or la'a Saavlla lha pronminr.d waaknraa
abroad, and Ikara waa baiiat that rally
waa ofda. Movamrnt of aw gialn lo
larinlnala la llmied only by Iba tlllly or
Ilia tail), .ana la furiiiah
l(aMiria of havy tiartiaia In paria or
Soiilh liak.tla, Naliaaka hanaag. Illinola.
Iialiana and (hlo.'d wiih lha rally
In whaal, Ird to a a'mi grr markat In enr.
knnria found off-ringa Piht whn Ihry
triad ri.v.r. Tb finlah a aiiut ma
l mli.r a ,in of lkl,a" In aoma
aattoni no arnounl of rnouiura ran ra
lair lha ilimai. alraany nona. i na i-i--raal
la lor iina(Had waih.r ovar pari r
lha ball with aood rain, in Iowa and pana
ol llllnola waa Ignornl.
Traila in oala waa mainly inrai,
wiih tarn alrona. thrra waa no malarial
praaaura and lha (ini.h waa al (ha lop
launiry olfartiiga ara not Imraaalng
raiioiy ,
llvlging prraaura bad drprraalng ar
r., i n ii. whi, h a., til al a naw low on
lha rrop Tha houa.a with aaaboard ron
aarllona houahl alal Oiara wara rlalma of
a good aiporl damand, al'bnuih aotna rya
waa orrand for rraaia ai o"ar r.-ji-
l.rnhar c. I. f llufral.1. Tha (wo Borlh-
waatara markaia had 211 lara.
I'll Nolra.
H I'udika or Omaha, afiay a 260-
mlla (Hp In Nahraaka, wirrd lhat ha rati,
malrd lha ilainaga dona lo rom III lhal
aiaia by hnl and dry waaihrr al 20 pr
irnl Soma damaga la liing nona nor'n
of lha I'laita rivar. nnot k (manning m
wrat lrn. ally over
Tl.ra.hli.a r.llifna of (ha NorthwaalarR
railroad from llinnvaola ahnw a ylld of
apring whal ranging rrom i o z ouan.
ala par arra; barmy. 24 lo 10 Dil.n-ia; naia,
23 lo 70 liu.h'la, ann rya. i" u nuan
rla. Ill MiMHh Iiakola yllila of whal
ranga from 10 lo 32 liuh-li; barky, 16 to
14 buahala; oata. 2 (o 60 buahila, artrt rya
10 (o 27 huahala par arra.
"'.iniinii,i iirw wpathrr haa naarly
rulnd torn owi laiga Irrrllory," wlrrd
l.u'imnl lo HUln. Alairln a) in. from
Wrbaiar. . I. " orn an toiay win noi
malia ovar 26 nar rent of a clou. Thraah-
Ing of apring whr-al will lia flnlahrd In 10
dava. Kalurna ancard aarly aiprclallona."
- Corn and roiion nrada rain all iar lha
Santa fa railroad territory, daanlta
howara ovar (ha anuiharn a'dlnn laa(
wrak. Parinrri In Oklahoma dlapoaad lo
hold Ihnr whtat, alihougli mora la bring
aold than (ha rallroada can haul. Kanaaa
la .ailing frly. Many rlrvntora flllnl anil
rara ran not b furnlahrd In aufriclrnt
numbara lo niova out (ha grain.
Corn alocka In Chicago ara down to 1.
224.000 buab'la. Iba iowaat In tnon'ha,
whlla ly ihry warn mora than II.
0O0.OHO Imahala. Tha vlalbla whli'h waa
racantly lha largaat In yaara la down lo
I.I 11,000 buahala aa with 1.101,
010 buihrll laat year. Thcaa flguraa do
not appeal lo (ha gvaraga operator who
hellevaa (hat (here la not much on tha
buying aide ehould wheal decline.
A aeabnard eaporcr wlrrd lhat lha
break In Liverpool waa probably dua to
proeperta of India removing export re
etrlrdona on whea(. Another had It that
a alrongar market for exchange and lower
ocean rataa w.ra on of tha cauaeg for
the break there.
Hnuaaa with Omaha connection! were
large buyera of wheat and rorn on tha
hreak today, aald lo be covering ahorta.
One of tha largeat local opera'ora waa
alao a big buyer of abort -wh'at and corn.
Live Stock
Omaha. Aug 21.
RerelDti ware: Cattle. Hon. MheeD.
Monday extlmate ... .11,100 7,210 16,600
name day laat week. 12.641 1,617 14,112
Same day 2 w'a ago. 10.440 11,017 12,26t
Same day I w e ago. 0.410 7.017 11,132
Sam day year ago. 10.194 4,211 34,412
Cattle: Receipt! 11, mil head. Monday'!
liberal run of cattle did not Include ai
large a proportion of cornfeda ax a week
ago, but quality waa fair end the market
fully ateaijy with beat long yearling! at
110 60Q10.IO. Weatern graxa beet waa
rather alow In moving and bid! and lalea
nn graxa cowi and hriferi were around
10ffl26c lower than the clone of laat week.
Htockera and feedera made up a good
ahare of tha offerlnga and while attractive
gradea ware generally ateady, prlcra ruled
unevenly lower on the genral run ol hock.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
II 1367 1 00 3b lir.6 I f lo
4 1100 t 76 12.
1 10
II 1114 t 16
II 1121 10 10
47 101 10 31
6K. .
34. .
. Ill
10 00
10 25
10 60
7 60 311 43 t 75
, ... mo
."!.. 172
.... 114
, ... 013
10 25 21 120 10 35
10 60
4 60 1 145 I 10
6 26
4 40 17 776 10
i 31 4 613 0 00
I 26 7 336 I 76
, , Hi. I 0 26 1 013 I 35
... 6.0
0 41
4 60 1 13:0 4 60
6 (in 11 271 7 60
7 76
Quolationa on cattle: Choice a prima
heevea, 11016110.66; good to choice
beevea, l. 46010. 10: fair to good beevea,
It L'GOMO common tu fair beuvea, In. 2?!
126: cholca to prime yeei linen. 19 i.P
10 tO; good to choice yearlinge, II ir
116; fair to good yearlings. I on;
common lo fair earllnge, I7.7sil6i;
good (0 rholc graaa bttevea. I7.614TI.31;
fair to good graxa beevea, 6.6i(t7 41;
common in fair graa beev.x, . 6n(rl 60;
good to choice graaa hcirarx. f v r" 91 1 an ;
(air to good graa beif-ra, 11166.61;
rhofca lo prime ro. 44.000.76;
good lo choice graxa coax. J I6j'6 76
mmlmni lo good graaa oowa, 14 60 1(6 16;
cummon to lair gtaaa 10.. 3 6((t 4 26;
good lu rh ilca f.-ilei. I 26; fair 10 good
fvedera. tiiltttll; common to fair feed
era, l Inn til; good to choice al'ickerx.
IT:iO. fair to good xlicx-r., 16t
? Ji; vamnian to f(r xiockere. oee,iie(i;
x'ock keifrra. II oofl H: x'ok cowa. i :
04.1; a(.u k ralvee. teoc).t6; veal
celtaa. 16 1001 60, O'lllx. alala, ate., 1144
e 11
ll.ix. Rceipla el t S00 heed Trading
waa fairly acia t4y al pri.ea ruling
xieadv lo lev hubar en all gradea Light
...l. laigalv at l lit I ei, lha taller lop
prue for (he day. iloud auainy me. Hum
weight but here en.l at i:J( and
atroug Maighl pxI. hare al II tl t 5.
Hulk f heer mixed and eaking gradea
iiii4 ai li iter) tl auk uii
kmda al II U(l 16 Hula el all aalea
! '6
he a lain! aipia 16 bae4
Te run lu.1.1 tne'iy laoi.,
Ahli m -'mal a lair titupernoa .( g i.4
nueliiy t" weikel e
la r- te analog a e .t I 1
a ... kaxa. k k-a i..i.i. 'e
kal i-e leeia mi"! xt.l 't
tluk af I.IX a 4 !H-e in !
lll(lll il .i.t m-i'el al
in. 1 ..j- . !., .!! ui.i'i a
ieei at lil'
auk !
i.4 el
I tl
tt l
; '-t
at ..
I !
1 4
i i-t
' lil 4
u 11 4
,1 . (I I
t,-Hlli e- V -
k. e I IM '
4 !
4 '
4 t
i lie g I--I
. M. X I.
X 6. '
g.M lti'i !
l. .,1 i.k 11 "r" "
1 t, i I'd e. 4' ea.
I 41.
1 kwaigo r
(' .xt. i ' -'-
a,e ' ' "
...! t a 1. . . IX
k. ...... M,X,I MM ' ' K
t . It ..e.i XI -( t e lix. a l X
lit .at. -- xtl t.t'X-a
''xtt'e'x t4 t.xj Htll
lleMhe) Haa aMaew4 Wire).
New Voik. Aug. 21. Beyond the
ttatement by the chief of the engi.
neert' brotherhood, tit there would
be no "lympathetn.'' itrike of trant
portaiion worken, ihere wai no new
drvelnpiiK ni in the railway labor
tituation over Sundgy, Neverthe
leit, the advance in the railway
iharea on the iioik eachangt wai
more emphatic than on any day lime
the l.ibor cri.ii bergmc acute.
Thit advance, which ranged from
I to i't poinii in l lie attive tailway
tliaret, might perlupt have been
mcrilied ruetely to the recovery from
ilrpreiiion cauied by oreviout Su
I rehciiiioii of a general railway
ttnke. Hut tlui would hardly ac
count for the actual movement, (or
the region that a considerable num
ber ol the tharet in that group went
to the higheit prieet of the year.
Furthermore, the day'a total
traniartiont were the largest tince
line 21, when the performance in
tegican Petroleum stirred the
whole market to violent activity.
r.ipraaeliMI ml Opining.
Cnnaldarlng lhat lha mgoliellone with
railway labor ara not yet .umpieied, lha
niarkei ai-iton may ha naacrllnd aa al
leaet g airong gapreeelnn ol finen'ial
opinion regarding lha niatcnina of the
r.iaiier. I'raeuinelily, (he further Inferani'e
would have lo in drawn aa lo financial
opinion on (he dum-aite buainae peaiimn
ariar lha lahor (rouhlea and tha fuel
hortage ehould have Lean cleared away.
i (har aio.ka fullow.d Iht rlae In the
railway abaree, though at a reepailful
diaianre and probahly wlih good many
raellllng aalea on lha baala of Ilia re.
nt ri.e In lha Indualpal part of tha
Wall Strewt Toulce.
"The coat of ehfpplng gold from Kng
land lo America fc.lng approalinairly ,
par cant, it would be nulla elinule for
(Iraal Itrilaln to retain lha yellow metal
wuhm lha bordara of lha empire by lodg
ing and ear-marking gold In the Hank of
Knglund for account if lha faiadian gov.
eiruriaoi, who would In- (urn laaua Ha
notra ogal ial Ihla mial and aell Canadian
aarhanga for (he equivalent of (he notea
leauail. Any exchange aold at par rent
Hamuli! or belter would then ahow a
piofit to tha Canadian government and
otviata (he neceaaity of ecndlng gold out
aula I he llrlliah Imperial llmlla."
gum. (lung naw under lha aun In Wall
alreet la a pool in lunula, but II la a fact
(hat two or Ihraa of them ara now at
work, taking advantage of the aleadlneee
of the market and lha continued damand
for Inveetment eecurKleg,
neporta whl h have bean raralvad In tha
financial illatrlt from rorporattnni en
gaged In Belling farm equipment and other
necreeiiiea nt tne agricultural Induatry
have proved lurprlalngly good.
New York Quotations
Range of prlrea of lha leading Koike
furnlxhed by Logan Hryan, 241, I'etera
Trual building:
High. Low. Cloxg. Cloxe.
A., T. S. r 1"4'4 10414 l(i4 H KUW
II. U 1014 61 14 1(1 tt
Canadian Pacific, .141 J4(',i 1404 14(S
N. Y, Central...., .HOI, tt 11014 tlV
C. at Ohio 71 77 t 7714
(it. Northern tl tl I4H tl '
llllnola (Vnlral 123 1II1 J124. IMS
K. C. Southern 27 214 274a JI',
Lehigh Valley 704. m 70
Mlxxourl Pa'lflo,,. Jl'a 23 J4 2S
N. y. N H 23 4 32 3:i 31
Northern Pacific,., 17 li
'!. Ic S. W Ill, 17 tl II
Penn. R. K 47 47 47 44
Reading 1014 7114 nit. 77
C It. I. A P 41 4H 4iy. 4f,'4
Southern I'aclfle.,, 1614 1414 44
Southern Railway.. 2 27 2H 27
C M. St, P 2614 31 14 8514 33
Union Pacific 161 Vi 141 160' li
Amer. Car Fdry, ,,12 110 JI J77
Allla-Chalmara ... 66 64 65 ....
Amer. l.ocomo. ..122 120Uj 121 V4 120
Held. Lncomotlv 127 UK 14 120 120
Bethlehem Steel . 71 41 71 71
Colo. Kuel Iron 33 32 32 '4 32
Crucible 13 12 12 12
Amer. Steel Fdry. 43 41 42 41
Lackawanna Steel II m 10 10
Mldvale Steel ... 20 3614 26 31
Freax Steel Car .. 12 11 2 ....
Repub. Steel ft Iron 73 73 72 74
Rail. Steel Sprga. 113 111 112 111
Sloxa p.heffleld ,. 41 41 41 ....
tl. S. Steel 104 104 1044 103
Vanadium 60 41 60 41
Otti Steel 12 12 12 , 11
Anaconda 14 14 14 14
Amer. S. & R. Co. 43 02 03 42
Cerro I I'aaco ..40 40 40 40
Chill 22 22 22 22
Chlno 30 30 30 20
Calu. It Aril 11 01 01 ....
Green Cananea ... 32 22 32 ....
Inxplratlnn 41 41 41 41
Kennecott 30 36(4 16 30
Mluml 20 29 20 21
Nev. Conxnl 17 17 11 17
Ray Conaol 10 10 10 10
Senecg 12 12 12 11
Utah 07 66 47 4
Gen. Aaphalt 4 46 6 6
Conic n ...46 46 46 41
Cal. Peterol 63 12 02 rff
Ixland Oil
Invincible Oil 14 13 14 14
Mil. Peterol 170 173 , 174 173
Middle Stalea 13 13 13 13
Pacific Oil 57 6C 671. 67
Pan-American .... 70 75'. 75 74
Philiipa 49 41 4 43
Plena Oil 7x 7 7 7
Pure Oil 32 31 32 80
Royal Dutch 66 65 61 64
Sinclair Oil 33 33 33 32
Stan. OH, N. J.,.. Ill 115 116 H0
Tex. Co 411 40 46 41
Union Oil ;o j jn
White Oil I 1 I ....
Chnndler US 2 021 Ilk
Hen Motora 13 l.v. 13 13
Willya-overland ..7 6 7 7
Pterce-Arrow 12 12 12 li
H hlte Motor ....... .. .. 41
Studebaker .121 120 127 12J
Flak 1 12 11 11
(loodrlch 37 80 31 37
hclley. .Spring .... 40 40 4 45
Key. tone Tire 1 1
AJax 11 11 n nt,
Li S Rubber 61 61 61 61
Am Ilxet Hug ..... 4 41 41 47
Al U W I 32 33 32 33
Am Int Corp 37 31 31 31
Am Mumiiri 31 37 .,
Am Tel ....114 123 114 123
Am Can 61 41 61 61
Cent Leath n 41 4u 40
Cuba Cane 16 16 .
Cuii. Am Sugar ... 2x J ;ii ?
Corn Prod 11 Itl 114 III
lamoua Plavera ,, 111 It III IIU
(irneral Klecl tie, . . HI 111 1U IM
uri jvorinetn "re. Iltg 4J 41 43'l
I liter llaivralr. ..Ill 113 1 1 ! ' 113
I' B I Alcohol... t. li 16 tl
Inter. Paper , 61 MS 41
Inter. M M. I'M , II 41 II , x
Amer. hueer Rat., 14 11 t II
eer Hei.uek ... 41 II tl II
(ttrematiurg ..II l! II 61
TnlM-ia 'rn.turli, 61 It 61', !
oilN fump 44 41 4X 4't
Vlll... (' 4
v ..urn 1'nioH... U Iie i
Weal Ele.lne ... .11, 17 It '
Amxilcan W.lea It IIV II
.vix.'t...aNi:iii i
km c. ilma ml . . II l tt 11
Ucl Atl. ( keiei. (I 41 ..
Ail.Xfliaa lln.exd, . 34
tnh,n ng 1.11 . ... 71 tl 71 t
tl.e.h Vl.n.i. . 41 4' 4' j
HiaJ. Ha pi4 t IIS 34 S l , ,
i xiivni.i a . Its t
'xl P. .king ... 11 H 4 11
. .i II I x. me lJ II I ' 11
t'eiix4 I'm ..... . Hi
. ,1 I f. .....I . 1 , tl 11 I I 'I I , I"
1 . t ... 14 l4 t4 tl
.,',., I I.. I l! I1) I I
t i . , a i . t ' 4) x 4)s 4!
i !.'.. a Ift II I I It!
f I bn , a S l " i
. i. H ;
i. i . . , i ')
i i r . i
li i ,f .. xi n. t x, t )
t .1,1 :., Ill 4
tl a . I te xx1
Ui ii . ; .. x. ,t . t(i. In g l!M
' I
I X. ... X ... 4'S Ixl.i'.ll !'
' I'l H
a It li ItH.ttiii'-xx llllli
imiiiciii Tilt om t Ttt(ripli Ci
I4M tlx4Wa
j Yka goal .t.t" 4i.xe4 al le
. .t 14 teaxli Int i gxx lt
: 'I le ex. 4 x w.jx. tt i-k. II I til
ta t ' t X . 4. e el .a-.4 tl t ea al
ktiaet wxlaeilax lxaaexf tt.
illil H lUHimia. ti.a.xi.x, ,
New York Bond
New folk Aug II Hallway kenxda.
ee.e. i,lly ao call.a ape. Ulalixe laeuea.
gaxa a rertiaiXaele aamiaenaltoa al
eirengih In deelinge ga lha ma.6 Ka
ehange, airlually all Ike acliva leewee
x...iii.g I naw blk reeetde lor (kg year.
Tl.e xalenl of lha galka, which raaga4
riom ta palate eti tha largeel
elo.e bull ejio.etl.eMt Into eurttig.
gealM.arg Air leae raneuh Jaiee) a lump.
ad n.,.ia Iken 4 patma al ine atari af
trading, giving impeiua la l he whole
ap.iuleiite Mat. prelit taking later re
aulted In wine raeexaione, but lee gen.
eral pel held up well. at. Lea la aa4 Pan
yiaane. a income te rloead lha day with
net gem of a pom i a, whlla gain af I
la I point! ware mad by lienver A
na (liend 4a, at. Paul la of (III, New
leten ea and la af Itll, at, l.eule tt
Pen Franriaco le. Taleito, at laia a
Heelern la. Mleevgrl Peelle 4a and ga,
I'l-a Muunialn la, town t enlial 41 god 4e
Vldmg in lha Induairiel aroua w.a
nmra limited but guheientlel adxaneea
iimk pla.g la t one Ha I'ex-a la, ( hit
upper ee. Mania (.', 4a and United
Stalea Really le
The a, mend for la, wkl'h
tlllill.rd I polnle, feelurcd the fuieiga
group, whuk alau wea marked by game
IM U.UH.I. mA ' 1m , . . I. . ... . . . B .
,-. . , . i i . . . ana
Havana Ki. irie and Liheity laeuea gen-
inuen aiignny reactionary tiader tka In
riuenia of renewed eoldier li.inue bill ac
livny In rongrexe. Tha week elaried aff
wnnoai any laige new arteiinga. but lha
orkhoiil.ia nf lha Cuban I'mi Sugar cor.
potation approved a 110 oae.iioa laaua of
common eincg io take tare or lha ma.
teraion of Kaalern Cuba Sugar corperelma
Total aalea (per value) wait III III,.
Naw York, Aug, tt Following are la
dey e high, low gnd rioeing pricaa of
bonda on lha New r rrk elo. k eithanga.
an, ina tuiai aeiea nr aacn gogg:
I . If. Honda.
Satea (in ll.ooi) High w f'loaa
I", ja . . , 101 II 1e ig 0 tt
t I.llieny 2d 4a ,,,.ii1a4 na2t Ion 20
II I.Hieriy let a ..lOlut loo 71 (il ot
ti i.u.eriy 4 la. . Ii0 14 na li loo ii
021 Liberty 3,1 4'.e . . I oa lun 34 100 34
oo l.ll.eily th 4'.e. .l'H4 lie let tt
111 Victory 4a ....luoil oo 70 100.71
733 Victory 'Va ...loall loan lea at
Foreign (.atninnient, KUIa a ad Municipal.
ax nraanime ia .-..,.io'. eu 100
I chineaa llovt Hy ta 61 II II
1 Copenhegen lg ., tl 11 ta
7 Marealllea ta 12 12 II
10 Rio da Janeiro la ,, tt
I Sen Paulo la ,..,.,iu I oo oo
Toklo 6a 71 72 71
t Hurnh a l 4 III
It ( er,o-lo Itep la Ctf . 14 14
4 lirpl H.lne 7 11 11 11
11 t an la 2I..1"2 i2 102
II I mm Ian la 31. ..,,100 tl lit
tl I lorn Can la II tt tl
II Dlch K I lid 0a 47,, 16 tl 16
II lllch K Ind la 42., 14 14 t4
02 French Rep 1 101 III )n
tl French hep 7a ., II tl
tl Japaneaa let 4t,. 44 14 14
161 Japaneaa 4a I 1t 71
27 llelaulm 7g ,,,,,, Hit J4 104
44 Nelgmm le .,,100 101
14 Denmark la ....
1 Italy ia
to Netherianda la ,
t Norway la
t Sweiien 0a
32 Pari. Ly Mrd la.
31 Rep Holivla la ..
I Rep Chile la 41..
I Rep Cuba la 04..
I Rep Uruguay la
7 Qtleeneland 7a ,,
14 (Jueenalend 0a .,
4 Rio (ir do Sul la
I Swlaa Con la ...
tl tt tt
. tl 11 10
. tr 17 47
.112 111 112
.101 104 104
. 77 77 77
. tl 17 tl
.103 13 103
. to 10 to
.104 104 104
.111 111 111
.103 112 103
. 4 ! 11
120 120 120
40 K O It at I 6a 32.10t 101 111
10 K (I R A I !g 21.110 101 l)
" I il rl I ID) 17.101 111 101
23 1 S llr.tll la
101 101 im
4 If S Mexico 6a..
til'4 ) 11
4 46 41
26 V S Mexico 4a..
Knllwny anil Mlxcelliuieoiix.
1 Adama Eg 4l..
10 hi 10
t 11 IIU
I AJai Ruh la
2 Am Ag Chm 7Ai..li4 1"(S 114S
21 Am Cot Oil li tl 11 tl
12 Am Smelt I if, 6 tl
Am Sugar la 113 H2 103
2 Am T A T cv a..llO 114 110
21 Atn TITIIII.,
13 Armour aV Co 4a.
41 A T A S K gen 4a.
2 A T S F artj 4a
23 At C L lat con 4a
tl t !!
tl 11 tl
12 13 13
II tl II '4
20 At Kef a
13 Unit A Ohio la.
.103 103 103
.103 101 102
27 Halt A Ohln cv 4a 17 17 17
12 Hell Tel Penn 7i. 101 101 i
It Ilcth St p m la.. 13 13 13
I Bkln R T 7a Ctf... 12 12 12
12 Cal O A KI la t0 t !'.
4 Can North 4i ..112 111 112
23 Can Pae d 4a 10 11 t1
1 Cent (la ta ...110 110 100
4 Cent Pao gid 4a.... tl tl tl
14 Cerro Paaco la 127 121 127
221 Chee A Ohio cv la.. 100 11 100
17 Chea A Ohio cv 4a 01 to tl
17 c. B A Q ref ig A.l'il Hi '4 101
Ot Chi it. T. Ill 5a 16
4 61
71 Chi Ot Wct 4 01
142 C M A St P cv 4a 76
267 C M A St P ref 4 Si 00
14 C M A St P cv 6a. 71
I Chi A N W 7g lit
I Chi !U'x 6 12
3 C R I A P gen 4a,. II
101 C R I A P'ref 4a.. 14
0 Chi A W Ind 4a., 77
00 Ot
76 70
01 ot
77 71
101 101
12 12
II 10
13 4
77 77
13 63
lent; A St L gen 4a.
1 Chile Cip 7
30 Chile Cop la
173 Colo bid 6a
106 106 106
It Colo A So ref 4a.
0 Con Coal Md 6a..., 11 11
13 Cub Cane Sg d It. 12 tl
20 Cub-Am Sug Ii 106 inr, 14 o
1 Pel A Hud cv 6a... 9 11 01
10 D-A R O Imp 6a.. 31 11 01
4 riot Ed ref 0a 114 103104
2 Pet Utd Ryi 4i.. 13 13 13
1 Dlmnd Mtch 7a ..111 113 111
2 Dlat sec 6a
3 Dpnt Nam 7x ....107 117 117
29 Duquexna l,t a 104 14 104
3 Emp O A r 7 a ctf t
10 Erie gen 4e 61
16 'i
34 Krle pr In 4a 71
11 Flk Rub Hi 107
10 Kramer I l 7a... 16
T.i Ooodyear T a 31... 100 100
10 Ooodyear T la 41... 115 115
1 Ond Tnk Ry C 7a. 112 112 112
1 (Ind Tnk Ry C 0a.l14 114 104
30 Ort North 7a A 111 111 111
21 (Irt North 6x w
.103 103 113
27 Hu.t A M ret 6a A
14 II
64 05
44 11 'i.l A M ad Ine 6a
22 III Cent 6a ...
76 III Cent ref 4a. . .
13 111 St d 4a
5 Ind St 6a
26 Int Met 4a ctf..
30 Int R T ref 6a...
112 112
. 11
t1 90
93S 02
111 111 101
17 1 12
01 01 01
62 61' 52
37 T A (I N adl la wl
10 Int M M ef 0a. ..
16 14 16..
33 Int Pa ref 6a R. . . .
3 Invlne Oil k
34 la Cent ref 4a
30 K C. Ft S A M 4a.
12 K C! So 6a
3 Kelt Spring T la,.
II Ijicka Si 6e 60....
1 I, a a m s d 4a :i
11 6614
1 ot Si 1H 114
!S ? 12
10 II II
14 14 14
lno ino 1 no
111 1 14 I no
11 13', t
14 61 11
110 l'H 101
IAL Oj . A
I, S A M S d 4a 31.
I. il A My 61
L A N ref la. . .
LAN unified 4i.
Mkt si Rv con ta.
Mm l et Ii
Mid St ry 6a
-t ' Tl
II M A St I. ref la
47 47
114 114
4 ir
X0 l
11 11
1H 1"!
I M St P A SSM 0 i a 1 " t
31 M K A T n P I 6a A
il M K A T n ad la A.
t M K A T lat II...
Ill Mo Pae rnn
I Monl Few la A.....
t s t
J N r, TAT lit Ix rlf,
II N ii T A M me It 71 It 71
II N T ( col Tl 106 l6 let
17 N T C dab II I"l l 11
I Jt Tf cm (a II II li
INT Ed l.l I'ti HI 111 III
14 ST M A H it 4t I.'. 41
I Sr Ml 6 II 'I II M I 10 14
II N t T 4 Ii 41 ,,.,.l"t l'it 1t
4 N Y T l.f Ix II.... in l I'txt I
II N t V It a IS! II 11 41 !
4 Nor A ha ll A .... 1! 10 1
It s.,t A u .al rv Ix .111 lit 111
I Nor A Weal rea tl IIS j
It v.. It- tr lie a l , le I
It North Fee l.l t. I'l', ll l-l'i
ir j
I ..r hie F rf te A tl tl tl
II N IV pail Tel le .!! el tt
I 1 'f Hy A N let le. 11 11 11
eirU..h hit AN ta. l' l
I 1 11 I at la A lees iee leeia
4 Pee II I.l la tl 11 11
It Pae T A T xa II cif. li 11 11
4 laekaid Meier Ie..l1 H 111
I Pa Am FAT la IM ll 11
tl I'.oa ft It me Iix tl iie
at r.i ri it gen aa-.teiy .a
I l -ie Mem ret le lee tea el
to p A K me le lit. 11 11
II Pierre oil la 11 tl tl
rra nar xa ,,,.,.l ii l"i
I Pea hre ta It II
14 Reeding a. a le .... 41 III 11
4 It U A W7 14 la ... 41 11
tl II L I SI a I ref Ig te t 11
III II I, I I r ill Ii., 114 11 14
Ml Si I, A S F in la., tl 71 II
It Si I, A a F I 4e A 14 11 71
I I P A K C la 4g 11 14 !
1 1 1 r in 11
lit SealH.eid A I. tm te 1144 114 It
11 aeeiK.aral A te rl le II ! I
Jit S.eboerd A I. rf la II 41 41
f St Hp le A 16 11 tl
I ainrleir I liige . It tt tl
II Sinclair Oil I 1 11 14 l 14
it ainrleir mi ewl la in
11 lt
14 He Paa rv 4a.
4 11 14
It So Paa ref le 11 tl
It So Ry gen IS!..,. .11 14 11
It he Rr n la. .... I" I"
IU So Ity g.n le , 71 7 71
12 K.I Prl He Sa 7a. ...11 31 11
IJ S'an OH Cal d 7a.I" l'H !"
Ill third Av ad) le... 14 tl 14
I Third Ate ref 4a.. 04 11 14
I Tidewtr (HI 11 14
1 111 1 r 11 1 ftr.o i i"
It I n Paa let 4a M tt M
43 IX Paa av 4a 46 41 tt
P Paa ref le. ..... 11 11 11
I tin Tank Car 7e....l4 104 14
I l td Drug la 111 111 IH
1 I'td S Inv let te r
II II S Realty Ig ..... 17 11 '
7 It S Rub 7 11 114
I 1 1 a Pub le 10 tl tl
10 fl S Sleel af Ig 14 11 1l
11 t'lah A I. I 11 t1
To Va i'ar I hm 1a. . .116 lH 1I
H Va-c.r I hm 7a elf. tl tl
It Weal Md let 4a..,. 17 17 17
I U -at I n g 111 111 111
14 Weal Elan 7a. lot 101 11
I Wheel A L K con 41 71 74 11
I Wl. k Spen at Tl.... II tl tl
21 WHxon A C if 7i.l ! 11
40 Wll.nn A Co rv la. 14 IIS 14
Tuiai eelee of bond! (ndey ware III III .
go romparad wi It, tu. HO pravlott day
and 17,303. oij a year ag.
N. Y. Curb Bonds
Mining gtnek! wara alao active an4
airong. a feature being Ooldflald develop,
ntent, which moved up lo a new high
record, on tha announcement that aver
age veluee In natn tunnala ara Inereaa
Ing. tndependenc lad wag another
atrong feature, moving up aa buying from
weeiern aonreee. Ther weg a dtiplay ef
gtrenglh alxo In St. Lawrence Fxldxpar,
Nalea In 1 000.
High, I,ow. Cloa.
t Allied Pack, la ., 13 II II
1 Allied Parker II... t3 13 13
I Aluminum 7. II ..101 110 H
410 Amer T A T la 21 100 100 100
24 Amer T A T Oa 24 101 11 11
I Amer Tnbao 7a 21 101 12 12
I Anaconda Cap 4a 11 12 12
I Anaconda Co 7a 24 14 104 104
14 Ang Amer Oil 7 111 103 104 4
10 Armour A Co. 7a 16 104 104
4 tteihtohem S 7a 21 101 100 10
4 llelh. Sieal Ta 31 104 104 14
13 Kblyn Un Clae 4a 104 104 104
4 can Nat Rail eq 7a 111 111 lit
4 Charcoal Iron la 41 14 14
4 Clllei eery Tg "C" 14 14 14
10 Chi Un t ta "B" 11 101 1H
14 Common Pow .. 11 II II
I Con (in Halt 0a 103 113 103
1 Cop E Aa la 24 112 113 102
12 Cop El Aa la 21 111 111 13
4 Cuban Tel 7a ,,10 100 10
2 Cudahy 7a 101 101 0I
2 Helena Sign Oil 7 110 104 100
11 (loodrlch Tlra Ta 103 103 109
1 (Imnd Trunk 4I 17 107 H7
1 (lulf Oil 7 H4 114 1"4
J3 Hood Rubber 7g ..110 100 100
1 Humble Oil 7a ,.,.10 100 100
1 Inter R. T. 7 tl tt tt
II Inlarl.oro R T la 22 12 12 12
2 Kan liaa A Elec la to t0 10
2 Kenne Cop 7l ....106 106 .01
I King! Co El l! 41 41 41
1 Liclede On 7a ...101 11 l'UVj
2 Manitoba 7 17 17 17
I National Acme 71 17 17 17
104 Nation C A 8 e ..14 104 104
7 P. S. C .of N J 7g 111 103 13
10 Robt Oalr 7l .... tt tl tt
3 S.ara Rohk 7a 21 101 101 101
J3 Solvay A Cla la ..100 110 11040
4 S W riell Tel 7a 103 IH 13
St Oil N T 7a 21 107 101 07H
0 St Oil N T 7a3 101 117 107
1 St Oil N T 7a 31 100 10t 101
H St Oil N T 4l 112 112 112
5 Strt Warner la 101 101 il
t Sun Oil 7a 102 102 12
10 Swift A Co 7g 11 103 103 103
1 Un Oil Cal Oa ...,10 101 101
3 Un oil Prod ,.1o 100 100
2 V Rya Hiva 7g 16 106 116
10 Vacuum Oil Tg ,.10t lot 103
71 Weat Elee Tl ...100 10 1004.
2 Wlnrheiter-7e .101 111 1H
13 Argentine 7a 22 100 111 100
1 Can Stmxhlp 7a .. 16 tl 16
31 Kg Srb Crti Ii .. !S t t6
30 Mex Oov 6l 11 14 10
16 Meg Oov 3l 12 12 12
11 Rim. Ian l! .... 16 16 11
II Swixa 1 104 H4 104
20 U 8 Mexico 41 ... 24 37 33
New Vm C-ottr.
New Tork. A uc. 21. Th market for
coffee future! opened at an advance of
4 to I pnlnta and mad moderate anni
llonal galnx during tha day on reporta
that early flowerlnga In See Paulo were
leaa favorable than expected and talk
of a ateadlar tone In the roit and frleght
market. nmlneai remained very quiet,
but there waa covering and a littia trade
buying nn lha advene to 4.30c for Pe
remher. Laat rrlrea wer at th beat.
ahnwlng net advancea of 4 to 10 polnta.
Sxlea were eitlmated at about 2.ono nage.
September. 124c; October, t 36e: Decem
ber and January, t 36c; March, t.J7c;
Mav, I 36c; July, t 31c.
Spot Coffee Hteady; Rio 7g, t'4e;
Santoi 4l, 140Hc.
Chicago Stock.
Ranee nf nricee of th teedlng Chicago
etocka furnlxhed hy Logan A Bryan, 241
Petera Truxt building:
Earl Motor 2
Llliby, new , ',, 4
Nat. Leather, new 0
Quaker "nil tt
Swift A Co 116
Swift Int 20
Cnlnn Carbld 01
Wahl 61
Wrigley 104
New York IMed Frnlla.
Naw Tork. Aug. 21 Evaporated Ap
ple. Quiet: elate, 17tiMI!.
Prunet Wxtiing; California, 4tle;
Oregonx. 1 2 en 1 On,
Apiicnta Ea.v: cholca, 2l227e; ex
tra choice. 2tr:tr; fancy. 3c.
Peachea Hull: choice. 12e14'; ex
tra choice, 14(15r; fancy, lfllc
Kalilne Hteany; looxe muecateia. ixxe
16c: cholca to fancy leaded, 12ell;
eedleia, IlltSIb'
Sew York Utt Clnoda.
New Tork, Aug 21 Cotton good wer
firm with a rixing (endencv. Yarna war
marked up cnnxpleiahtv following tha rot.
ton rixe Wool gooila were f'rm, the In.
ouiry being atlnmleled by cooler wrether.
Haw xllk wax x'X'11er. tlurlapl wara
Gcrnnin Coupon!
Caahcrl or Converted into
Gf rman Bondt
riiiiAunpniA, rrNNA
10 IISOAtt ST. niw Yoan
Number 95
H'llSt la I'lU'ly ri,m;B Mai Willi (l
lha aet4 hma at a bin a lha art
hum ii i. rr ran y,
X tiilall A mr III till' I una n) yeilll
ho-ne, b!nt Rtunih: te.lh. fit fcllla
twtlisti.l l'itfg.t ry erf4fwant
U Urnlet I hy a
aitaajiaf axat IS yaaia.
Talaplkeaa f axxweixiel Pepl.
M'trtiptilitan Uttliti Dial.
Mewl. el !
Raey'teab f ellexa.
New Tk. Aug il the ret le Hal
rae. led elier eeiir eiieagia, kai tallied
aad a4xanee4 aieewt 4a a a", cine,
leg al Ik lg le.el a Sr f talker
ailt tredieg Tha Market ehaweA geewl
tt aviata gem at 4h gieviaixe eb4.
lag at tk end f lha rtial heer. 41
av midday ke'1 laet nearly all af Iki
inigrexenxeal Th early avium wet due
la kenug far lace I eheei aecwnai, far
trade laiereeii and fr New Otleani bea.4
ea Iba aireag 4vrawl rabia. th ea
eallanl ahewieg ef Ik ateek mark at, dry,
hat weelker la 4k aagihweat aver Sxia
day, aad Ike telde iiiuane. Prefll
tekiag frent the rxve Irele and ring
eye.eler develepaed lha weg a a,
which, aeuyixd with lh wlmry
eeulkera hedge aelllng. rughl aleieX
Ike reaetlea
Tk apeeid teegaeicy we reaamea la
Ik afirea and the renewed firwneee
reatiawed I lha eloaa which found tha
lial up II ! II paint eat. Tka dare
new kigha In lha laet hour rente aeder
xylite Wail etreet aweerlng aad new enlll
damand Seeliatng aalea wara ell
apot reiiea waa ateedy, la volaia id.
vaace. II le fr miiMiieg aglend
euihera xpol maikel: lielveelea,
till. I folate advea.e, New (nieena
If lie, 11 pelnta agveece, Sevenneg till',
II aetata e4vace; Auguaia line. II
golnte advanr; Memphu It He, II pelnte
edvaara: lleu.ioej II lie, 40 goiate d."
xence; l.lttl Fai'k II toe, It aelaie Id
yeara, ,
I hlretg It.ealaek.
Chicago, Aug II, Cettie Hecelplg II..
114 heed, market. fainy acuta, heef
11. ara gene.elly 10 I lie laeer, Ipoli,
lie off, rholi hlnde acarre; eiaedy, tug
melured e'eerg. 414 40, heat lung year.
Una.. l II, hulk b.-f ateeri. l e4
10 41; ehe eteck nioxiiy al.ady; kulle,
aaek lo II lower; veal ralvee, geaerally
le lowed giexkera and faedere, eirung
la lie higher: hulk beef rnwe aad heif.
en. le70; eennere and rwtlera lar,e.
Ir II 24 I It; bulk bologna bulla, Mint
111; bulk gtwkarg and feedeta, l l
Huge Kecelptg II 400 heed; markel fair
ly aiilva a better arade; ateady 10
atrong; alow and ateady nn olli.ra; rlne.
11 week; bulk deairable lit to Ite poutd
hoge. M 10 I It; few, t 76; II (a I"
gound but. her moelly II loril 10,
and ch'.i.e 2g la II. pound hulrheia
around M Haiti; fecklng anwa Inoaily
Jo(7 4e, aiga, alow, few over ta 74;
eailinated holdover, 11.000 heed
Sheep and lmbe Pleeelpie. II OH head;
fat Iambi opened ateady wiih lower epoia;
cloilng aleedy to ylrnng; top native. III. 00
lo ehippari, 112 It lo pukere; bulk na
llvee, 113 101111; ihort, lorted: cull na.
tivee tnoxtlr I04; top weatern lamha,
III 0; hulk. 113. 7412 1; xhaep and
feeder!, firm; top fat light nenva enee.
It 60; bulk. II 004 7 0 deeirehla 44 le
llpognd feedere, moelly 41210,
Near York deneraf.
New Tork, Aug 21 Klour fnaellled;
prtng patent. llie,7.2l; apring rleere.
I6 260 III,; eoft winter atralghla. 14 1.9
116; hard winter etraighia. 16.1041121
Cornmeal cvuiei ; f oe whlla and yellow
granuleled. II 46 I 17.
Wheat Spot, firm: No. I norlharn
prim II tl; No. I red wlniar, l II; No.
2 hard winter. II II: No. I Manltob.
1.12; No 2 mixed, durum, lll . b
f, Ireck. New Tork epot.
IVirn Siot. firm; No f yellow gnd No.
I while, II e; No. 3 mtied, II a. I. f
New Tork. all rail,
dali Spot, firm: No. 2 white. 44.
Hey HI-. 0v; No. I, III 0041 20 00; N't.
2, 126 110 I ii; No. I, l.'3.i26 et; amp.
ping. I0 0113 00.
llopi null; itt and Pacific, coaxt
ten t'mie' 1. 1151 KOI7.
Pork Hull; meee, 121 to 21 04; family,
2I oi 2 10.
Lard Weak; tniddla weal, 110 40
11 11
Tallow Quiet; apeclal looie, 44e;
xtr looaa.
lc Eaay; fancy heed, 7g7e.
St. Iviule Uveatwh.
Eixt St. Mun. III., Aug. 21 battle
Recelole 1001 heed: market, good and
choice beef aieere. ileedy; lower gridea,
" . .. , . I A . . ...... ll,t
wean IO inc lower; li... r"" w.
1, 200 i.oun'lx; other Harare, ateady, wl(h
light ralvea, nor lower; auiae ronw,
Heat atcera, tl, 0010 Jr.; mnera. I J'ixy
160: llaht veerllnaa. 17 1144 61; coax,
14 60426.11: rannen, 12 264 2 36; bulla.
3.76 4,00: ralvei, !0 0il0.7t; top,
III 01: etnek eteera. ir,.BOr 60.
Hoai ItecalDti. 7.000 head: market
fairly active on llgbti; nthera. alow and
moat iv ii to ztic. nianer: ton. iv ex; num.
141 to 200 nnundx. 11(16 161: 210 to
260 ooundx. Itltoiio: neaviea, in"
1)1; killing ptga, tt. 004)1 26; pecking
owe 17 11 7. 61; doling inn. I lo 10c
liaree In few caaee: xneil clearance.
gheen end antra Kecelpn. J.xne neia;
market, iieday to 26o lower: fat lamha
hnwliig the decline: top, i2:i; duik
(at. lamha. 111.710 12 00: Including U-
meroua loadx nf aout h weeiern ailxenuri
etnek: rulle. moelly 10 00; aklm. tl 011T
4.00; light atock awea, 44 00; heavlei, 3.0t
3 60.
Kanaaa Cite Ilea Stock.
Kenan City. Mo.. Aug. 21. Callle Be.
celptl, 20,000 head; few belt fed ileen
and yrxrlingi uronger: other killing
clexaei lergeiv eteaoy: next llnt axeerx,
110 70; ton heavlea. I0 00; mixed year-
l net. I III cnoice cowa. e.a-F: mna
medium lo good kind. 4 264.00; me
dium yearling heirera. lino: moat grx
heirerl, Ib.oilfrre.xe: neat veaiere, ii'i.."w
11 10; 410 pound hahy beef, l.00;cannera
end cutterx generally iinoi"; moai
hulli. 13 264 00.
Hogx Heceipte, i, one nexn: niriy aoe
tive. moat v ir lir nianer: entpprr ion.
II Irt- tiacblne ton. 10 01: I00e211 nound-
en. ii.iteri 11: XZOetxriO pouitl-rx a ea
IH: 211210 pound-re, 3iIH:
pecking rnwx, aieady (o atrong; bulk. 17 00
S7.26: etock pig market dull, moatty 10c
lower at
Sheen and Lambi Receipt 4.000 head;
Iambi itrnng to 26e higher; lop nxtlvei.
12 16: moat Bored lota. 113 2113 71
heep, fullv ateady; belt ewei, 17,00; other
fat lota, 14.000.76.
St. Joxnph Live Stoeh.
St. Joaeph. Mo., Aug. 21 Cattle e-
eelptx. 4.600 heed: ell elaaaee . ahnut
ateady: top weighty iteeri early, 110.26;
xome held higher; yearling!. 1)111; bulk
dexirahie native eteera and yeerlingi,
14.61 up: weatern graxa iteera downward
to 16.006 40; dealrahle heaf eowi, It 60
6.26: veal calf (op, 110.10: two loada
heavy feeder eteera, 17.60.
Hogx Rrceipia. 1.010 head; few early
xalea light and medium weighla to xhlp
perx itredy with Salnrday'a heat time.
Hulk 170 to 231 pounrl welghta. M.toe;
I 00: parkrra buying a few mixed hogx
ihout ateidy wiih Saturdey'e average.
Packing anwa ateady: moatly 17.007 26:
average coit Seturday. 11.40; averege
weight, 231 pounda.
Hhxep and I.amhx rteceipta. 2. no nean:
xlow early xalea ahout ateedy; fat native
Iambi, 112 00112.26 without aortlng; 71
pound ahorn Iambi, 111 76: few light fat
awn, nrly 11.60; cull Iambi, 7.00,
Mlnnrapolla ffmln.
Mlnneapollx. Aug 21. Wheat Cexh, Nn.
1 northern. II H4rl 14: Septemher. (1 0S:
Decemher. II 12: lay. II 17.
Corn No. I yellow, 66rme.
fi.tx No 2 whlla, Jt :.
rtartry ll4c.
tie per Una each day, 1 er I diva.
13a par Una each day, I lo g daya.
toe par Una each day, f dayg er hangar.
Thxae ratea apply tu Th Sunday He
ax wall ai In Th Kerning and Evening
he All weekdey advertixamenta appeer
In both morning and axanlag dltlen at
lh en coil.
Th hv rate apply xelualvely I
Waul AOx wktta ate temmanlv termtd
'puhlle weata." and do net Include ad
Venning ar atplaltlnf buiinee.
THB P l rexervea lha right ta dxelg.
eiie a hat lonaiilutee a tabll want,
Waal Adg aeeapleS al th follewla
H.tll OrPII ..MIS ge4 rxretea Bl.
txuth din. la I4X N PI.
lauadl mult , II rait Bl.
AT llie 114,
Call tni Waal A4 Ppanil A -gerieei4
aeit x4 lekee eat til re lltl yewi
al aad a till will he waii.4 leiar, tm
teix aeaixt ayyly ta in air iki'ii
ae netk ei4e
i i..'is'i imvna rs wisr af
aeeixg I .tuiea II 41 a lev
Maeeleg tt'lix , t at
See. 4 llll-a ..... a ax, aelu.4i.
TMB I'Mtrit ti.iaxiH'i ara.
tki r-UkiNu ae
" '111 x. x - 4 a. ntl er It .e
Mii't n a4 -.l'ee Tt.xt
l-.t e aX-i.'4 lex.xt ee tH etxc
t.xer tlf e Ai .malia It'i.l lea.
' Semi tttil. exia y.-jwl eal exa
it i.f ti.ewtvit. I ftir a. lea iMei.xa
' kit tt It. 1 ' tHI N l"
Ol c,.,tk Ihtt. t.
if Halt .iSa I km i
tt ti,..i i i..ii.'i n t pt't
ct el tee xxa O.t'af't'.t a.xxa t
t ti -4 4t gk4 ta t
d e. a i'4 'f-4 yaxeaxt axeexi I
en. ai tka .x 4t,xg f.t 4 1 e
i.txe ee ml xt xxteel I
x-a x-4 ii. i H e ai 4
lt ili'I'I ll.ilt el .'11 tmxi'tl f
Omaha a beat unde'taking eeiekllxhmeat
Plftri. K
Hf' A ini!l A Mri'tiavul
(itiUU41l1W6iii eeiA,
Thtriy.taiia aad Piraam
Hulse & Riepen,
Fwaaral Mr eel era llll Camlet.
I'ndartakera and K ex pa lexer
Pkeee NA. till. uffic Jin fare tea.
FPNr.NAi. e,iccToa. tm so hth
mmw-Mmmmj eve a, vae W X
Fhea K. 4141
aar it with ri.owrMriu"wMi'i
h. WESU'e-SaciW, lltl rernai, ii. "lilt
JOHN DAT 14 114 Perae'en. JA. llll
TM SAl.VATInN Army Inguetrtal kemi
fillell rur I4 rlethiog, futnltaia, mage
line Wg eelleet. W dlelrlttHe fbeee
I'll 4111 tad aur gn will roll ell
ed Inepeci u( aew hem. III4-IIII-IIII
liedg eereet
THE perly le knew lhat picked ap man !
hand grip f clothing, teat aeiweea Oirte
ha and Lincoln. Baiurdey afternoea, la
order la avoid treuhie retarn al enr N
gaeellon eked Will py reword, luet (h
eem. Mianed Sicheia l.awion, I,lncln,
N.t. F.ietl. not Ofherd St , Lincoln,
Perly who picked Bp keg at Krug park
leel Wed eve, II p. m., la known Pl.eee
rell WK Itll and name your prlc. Con.
lain ellver wai' k aad gold (at, raaary
end here: all keapxekee
HANft beg luet. Nrown with men'g wear.
Ing apparel, between (Iretna and Aahland
Sewad. Addreee Itlcherd Iwlon 31"4
firrhard Si , Lincoln, Neb., ar phone al
lot! Lincoln.
P'K loet. black patent leather
I'h lie hill and change i,iweea Hih
and lrlmor Ave. and lth gnd Arna
at 7 le a. m , Aug, II, Liberal reaard.
HF. 1767.
WATCH and rhaln. loet gnl. anurdar
evening, between I Ilk and Lake and ll'h
end Charlea, Mooxa rharin, Inltiel S K P.
en back af watch, aunaola rewefd. Til.
(1 LA SAKS I nee near Eighteenth ind
Pernern r lfereita Cafe. Hewatd.
(latrhell Studio !"! South llth St.
".LASSES inat on U7 V lark" bTlween
Celirorai and 'entr aireeie Stetura ta
112 S. II St pecetv rewerd.
F'll.'NIt Spoiled ehetiend pony atrayed on Call after I 30 p m. II A. 1711.
rtf.ACK Corker ipenlel, female, t.l'enxe
r.x. riawarn wa eaxi, eze ten. extn.
WHIST WATCH, aold, lo.t Thurxday
morning Kiward. Phon AT, 7611.
RLACK and tan foi hound, mala dog; put
nunnay, Reward till no. urn.
IX1ST Plan for Mr, I). W oilliert a rei
imnra; reward. Imuglaa 1171.
OtiLlr rroee loet, nurae'a, In ahoppmg dli-
triet, naturnay Dewerd, fell WP 4141
WB have up-le-dato merry-go-roand. fer
rla wheel and fifteen conreeelone. Have
enm open time in Auguxt and geptainher.
Omaha Amuaament C. 1401 Wllligmg tt
AT. 4131.
P fc'H ft I S wheel, merry-go-round and ettixr
conceealon, or carnival company for
A uiuar 10 gnd II at Anthon, la.
crown. I.. M. Foley, Anthon, I
Axk for rotelngue. Olob Novelty C.,
I me yxmxm nt., omaha, Nan.
CONCESSIONS wanted. Humboldt, Neb.
Fell f-etlval. September II. II and 11,
Alao free attrgctiona. Jex A. Herrla, See.
"Th Joy apot ol Omaha." Auto watched
rra. pethlng t . in la II p. m.
CI.KRKS Mn, women, II upward, for
government department. 1120 monthly.
Experience unneceeiry. For free Hat of
poemong now opxn. writ J. I.ennrd
(former civil aervlr examiner) tot Kquit-
apie rung., yvaantngion, ir. c.
Van Sant School of Ruelneee.
Dap and Evening School.
0, K. cor. Nineteenth and Pouglaa St a.
uoaeiaa lit.
WANTF.D Mea. ladlea and bo. a te lxare
berber trade: big demandt waaee while
learning: gtrletly modern. Call ar writ
itoi Doog at. Tn-city Berber coileg.
fiO yoa want to Increxie your Income!
Writ th Nitlenal Auto School, 2114 N-
etn at,, omana, ror catalog.
lit . 141b. Writ for catalog.
ANNIH K. OLASOOW. voice and plana.
401 Ka-kacb Blk. lh. llll.
CompleU eounea In accountancy,
china bookkeeping, eomptomotry, abert
nanej ann typewriting; railroad and
wireleaa telegraphy, civil aervice and all
Engllah and commercial brenckxa.
Write, call or phone Jackaon lilt for
arga iiiuitraten catalog. Adareea
Boyle Bid.. Omaha. Nib.
Ley r evening aeaxlnni.
Wexd Bldg.. llth and Farnam. AT. 7414
SPANISH leaanna given IK. 2124.
We have xplrndid opening for
two young men aa buyer! for
thexe depertmenta. Some ex.
perlenre In buying popular
prlcett llnei exxentlel. Stile
experience and aelary ex
pecterl in flrxt letter.
LABORERS Paving For balance of tea
on about ten weeka 3l hour We pey
transportation from Omaha (13 00) and
you won't have lo pay back If yeu work
Iw weeks and return trenxportallon If
vou work four weeki. If you tive ntlx.
factory work and xtiy an lha Ink for
ueianre or aeaion you get le extra for
each hour worked. Experienced e.phtll
ahovelen 40o and extra. Bunk hnuee and
board 11.00 rlay. Report to room 100
Stenderd fill Wullrlng. Omaha, at neon.
CO 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 060 000 0600 5
o 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
O fl
O SAf.Kf 'i..V O
2 0
2 0
2 0
O ft
o o
tl Our new yetured fine ( four tt'f 0
O tt gteu ie ink fceit.ry far l . 2
0 0
O aeue.ed la tht Ittutday Rtinlef 0
O fl
O Peel, liti.t' Neat lewrnil ixg A
O wx Mtuaibiepteg exiiiHai kit 2
A rx.ull.4 la tuh titmxed'. bull. 2
O a
O ex lhal 11 axw ttdlef mere fl
O ttiteexe la ai eifieneiix i fl
A tiki ri aur luaiaenaia 2
" 0
0 Ttw tt ta trtuiiy -r 14 0
mi tt I lilt g , 2
ct Ik tithl kiad af a tut,. S
D tit Ml V,4t.u.
tii ptAi ina H"tiaaT mi ia a
a in texxMua a tg ft
f A
o n
H e
0 499 4wset9 )
PLAari h k'wa STT jo
pleelaixr. Wage III fer t'lhl ku." weia.
Traaxt eiauea fefuaded attef wetaiag 44
Ae wealed aaa Ilia aeilar. wigea 14 ta
fr eight keuia' work. Traaapurtaiian re
leaded l end ef p Ayyly I'eilae Ope
are Aaeeeietlen, Ckiinbxi af twenmeira
building, lieiixx Tai .
Pl.AkT l h k.a en'led, .T.lHxxr. heepl.
tel. t-t Mara, la II per kenr, u ).
Apply Sieeche A gaex-ta. C(ralora.
e ooooooooooooooooooooooou
Wer Id i laigael nxaufexterer
mt aetlonelly e.lveniaa preduci
ha opening la (in,ee lafrltory f.
frnng ex.ellent epportunliy l g.
greeelta ! wlr Selery a4 a
pxneea. Stai age, married ee e'a.
gl. eipenenr peel I teat.
Hug l-. Th Ornih Kee.
C OOOOOO 00000000000 Or) rJOt1
On wh la Itiielligxni. ronerientioue and
a hard worker, I rrpreeeni a reiiekie and
well aatabliehed miauferiurer In the eieia
ef Ner.ra.xe Seiaty and kenua with ei.
peexea adtamad la reply give later,
en. a. peat eelee eiperten'e, age and tele
phon nunihar 4 ineu.e preinpl tniaf.
me. Addtie Nog f-illl (jnieh Me.
SATKhMV.VVA NTkhldTlln rneeT t
re.ry etmng line nf man nailed and
wall ahnea. backa and huh topi, etraighl
eommieeiun Vaaia M-aiton line now ar
ried I. W ghoa (ompany, Chippewa
Talla. Wia
SALESMEN ( tlx v. IN. I, end loee Vail
end inveatigete my pri.poxiiion. H, J, Merchaala h'i
downtown eeeelone, I'nlvaraiiv ef Cjniehe.
See eriery, 1I7 'Who hit. Nk fiid.
W'ANTEIt Young man, eiieriem an
neceaaery. In aork Lira Inx l.uxinaaa, Ilk
era! camm at on W'.il. Iimeha Ha
C 00OO 000 OO000O0 00 OOO OOO 00
WANTKtr Capable galexmxn to
rail aa regular tilde, Ixibreika
territory, will iitibilibeo) .
pony, good poiitlog for r'ght aria.
Addreea Fog W III, Tb Orrnika
fie. Olv ig anil eiperience.
ia open In Omxh and aaveral other Larga
cltlea for ambltloiia, Induairloua men end.
women who went 10 I'l't a profKabla
buameaa of their awn. Experience and
capital dealrahle but not neceeeary. A,
permenenl, btg-pavtiig bualneaa, retailing
Pawleigh Oood Health aond Froducie,
ptcea, fiavora, medlrlneo, toilet artlelee,
etc, lie avery dey neceaeltlei axed end
IPVrecleled everywhere. Lergext come
peny; eetebltxhed 33 yeir. Product! aold
na lime; loweit wholeiaie price. Fertlre
ulari free: give age, occupation, reference.
W T. Pewlelgh company, Liept, II, Free
part. III.
COMPETENT while girl for generel feeuie.
work. No wuhing 6123 llurt St. WA. 4311,
KXPEHIKNCKD wh'l girl tor (en7T
houeework. Phon HA. 4701.
FOK ihonhxnd, typxwrlilng, bnkkpla
etc., Hrnd th Amrlan College ol
Buelneea. 1412 Farnam. Poalliona ffoar
nteed; ell our greduete gr In pe
alllona. Call AT, 7771 or writ for etafg.
WANTTrTTiperator for top coat fere
lory; muet le willing to work. Theodore
She fer Co., 1I4 ramam Id floor,
W ANTKlJtiounter Le1e At I. it. C. A ,
17th and Harnay.
YOC.V'I woman with baby wlihea Job of
houiekeeplng In (own: give parllcnlara.
WrlteP, Bog 114, PlatiimouthNeb.
PRINTER.(iPrATnRde'elrea peaitlon Tn
up-to-date ahop. 4,000 ami per hr. Wrlta
Welter Adami. Nodiway, la. den. fiel.
RKLIABLK colored woman to do day
work and meld work. WE. 4lt4.
Will hold auction! on Tueadxy, Wedneaday,
Friday and Saturdey, of thil week. On
algnmenta from homei In all parte of tb
city, gooda from etonge houeex, Individual
nfferinge end other gooda will be enld to
lha higheat bidder You ran furnlih your
home from our offering! wheihir it he a
120,000 ona or lull mora then a mere
Talking machine! almoot new and xllghtly
uied ptanoa will go for a price thet will
meke the mere Imtailment plan of buy
ing eeem foolixh. Necordx le go with th
telklng machine! will be aold for a few
rend etch It will pey you to lea what
we offer before you buy.
Mlecilleneoue irtlclei u.ed In every home
ere offered her at price! that ara truly
Dexki, typewriter, and other office equip
ment are often given to ui to aell for th
beet price it will bring. Before buying
It new attend (he
FOR SA1.B OR TRADE Furniture "f
nine roome for light houiekeeplng for
Ford What have you? KB. 2460
Retailed et wholesale price. Ill buyi tha
best. Phone Dougles 4423.
EXPERT lowing machine repairing.
llth end Hernev DO. 1472
All klnda. 61c a huihel. Bring your
basket. 4002 Redmen Ave. KB, 1101.
APPLES for nil.
KB. 274
4113 N. I2d atreet.
For Sale Applea of all klndi. Call RE.
.lELl.T ORAPKS for lale. KB 3303
TRALK your uied plan n naw playel
piano. Italinr ia low ai lit per menitt,
A. II11SPK CO, IlllIieugli
HKIH gta'le 1'iano to trade for car ar eeeh,
bargain KVt 4)13
FOR Sale One larga electric freight aia
teier in ftrxt.rla.e ronditlon, complete
wiih all parte, including It herseenver, me ef platfornl. II feat by II fx.l.
Tht eieator tan be bouiht it a vety
low price
Omika, Nth.
AliMT i'i )i I he IHh St
hl li iri na v 1...1A1 "nil .ArTtt
RADIO JUri'LIKX. la, It .all '" m ...4 atat 4.1 .1
4t4i ttirtit4, tmht H " Ov4t-Ji
11 Ki t a wtti un 1 a
Fir it'x a fx ee..x'oxt a it et
l-el.e' t "i .Xxxe 1 tint .-i f.e. l -1 Ilia axt Ittia.j gig
fl I i, I Siaa x-."l 4"4 4it4v l, teal!
e int i'i n ina at 1 r.i4t.
t V m il liti IM 61,. Il k
A o
ft A Nil A
A an. wiatt t- xti ,. i (
s) ;exit4 a -4 '.tt-.l a -a t.t ,
A f". 4fci ''I'i t 11.1 t,t ,-t... tx A
txe lee tax, at ia4k,x A
m i-iKiit i
6 tMitn. nriii, it,,
J4 lilt li laiJax.
? 1
0.tSAoattrtaf)aasaraiAAaAA 1
nt k a t ..11 1 4i , g .a. 1 1.. ,
''t l.ti.'tt a l(4te t xtl
't( 1 a in 1 11 ....) 1 1 ,,t
tl eexet v II. 1.,, ,. lt at g
tt '