The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 20, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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Omalinii Is Hold
in Council Muffs .
as Mail Robber
Guy Hampton, Qrt at U
' P. Trailer, Alltel to
Have llifleil Parcels
ami Li-Hera.
On th. r twrge of rifling th. t'nlte
State, nuilt Hi the t'nion riific
tientfer in Council lln(i. here lie
hat been rn ployr.) f'r l' months,
, Ouy J"., Hampton, J5I2 North
fwenty foirrtS strrrt, Omaha, it held
in tlie county ) at ttie Mulls under (.'rid.
; If stiipiuu' r ret followed an in
vriiti(i.ii t,f i-rir (,f thing liy
C II. l-nu of Council IJIuiu, P. 1 .
iin of J hr.ter, .V. V. and John
IjoruiKr cf Kan4i City, Mo., all tit
' tshorn are jxvul inspectors. 'J hey
stv that the ditapprsraiii-eof at least
5)0 worth nf turrchandite frotn the
fBll hts been tuted Ity them lo
'Mi iciied rmploce, who it mar.
tint and ln one (In!. I. had a
tntn's if ketbnok and other alleged"
stolen armlet m In poession worn
tlken into rntdy by a 1'nited States
taatihiil. Many really valuable par
irlt and letter hav. cn taken by
Hampton during thr p:nt )rar, it it
'.W hen arraigned before the Uiii'ed
State commissioner, Jl.iinptnn waiv
ed to the federal giand jury and was
remanded lo in default of $2.(X)
bond. Inspectors pay that he made
a confession of guilt and signed a
vrinen statement arltnowlcduig the
aliened theftt. lie was employed at
toner at the Union Pacific mat)
tarnnnal, which it the largest of it s
(harj irr in the rouutry.
Pilot Little Hurt
; After800-Foot Fall
' I.inroln. Aug. 18 Ira Sloniger.
local aviator, fell M) feet in a plane
he vn t r . r i ti f late thit evening and
rlcsped with a hroken noe, bruised
Jegt and a had shakcup. Otherwise,
physicians believe, he it uninjured.
. Sloniger, former University of
Nebraska student, who received hit
training at a flyer in the aviation
service, was tctting out a new ma
chine and was flying upside down.
" The nose of the plane gave a sharp
tilt downward and Sloniger was un
able to right it from the dive. The
plane (.truck at an 80-degree angle,
and splinters flew 40 fret in the air.
. The motor and lauding Rear, how
ever, remained fairly intact, and the
revolving motor tent the remnants
of the plane, Sloniger inside, on a
rampage over the aviation field for
I distance of 200 yards,
Sloniger was assisted from the
wreck and on arrival at the hospital
vat able to walk to hit room unas
sisted. Senate Committee Approves
Capper-Tincher Measure
Washington, Aug. 1'. The senate
committee of agriculture approved
the Capper-Tincher hill re-enacting
the grain futuret act to meet objec
tions raised in the iecrnt decision of
the ttipreme court. The bill was
lasted several weeks aRo by the
home. It is expected that action
vill be obtained in the senate in the
near future. .
The senate committee made a num
ber of changes in the house bill, but
all were of a minor nature. It is
anticipated that the house will accept
the senate amendments.
The farm bloc it strongly support
ing the bill and its passage by the
senate at an early date is regarded
as assured.
8,000th License to
Wed Is for Herself
London Times Says Balfour
Note Estranged America
London, Aug. 19 The Times to
day devotes an editorial to explain
ing that the recent note of Arthur
Balfour dealing with interallied
debts doet not reflect the views of
the British people. It expresses the
conviction that the author of the note
and Premier Lloyd George, "by now
sincerely repent the error commit
ted," in issuing the note, which it
says had the effect of estranging
American feeling, wrecking the re
cent allied conference, and precipi
tating a further collapse in the Ger
man mark.
Men "Steal" Kach Other's
Cars Police Aid Sought
Police were asked Saturday to solve
the problem of two men who "stole"
each other's motor cars at Krug
park Friday night.
Allen Ferer, 5101 Davenport street,
was Hlmost home before he noticed
lu had t lie right make hut ihe wrong
Cttr. When he returned to the park
he couldn't find hit machine.
"t. The car he took was identified as
property of Andrew Murphv & Sons
and police are trying to n who
vat diiviug it.
Uool Owl I Fond of
; Chicken and Una Keys
to Hospital Urn Coop
fit - zy
I& s mmmammm
Union Outfitting Co.
Out of the
High Rent
Union Outfitting Co.
nd Jacluon
Union Outfitting Co.
Four years ago Mitt Mary Mc
Mullen, pictured here, tiok job
with. the cotmty clerk of San Diego,
Cal, ami ,iiur.l her first niarriage
lirense. "I'll never marry," the said,
at the firtt happy couple left the
courthouse. Two years later she it-
tued her 4Knlih license and repeated
her vow. Recently Je issued her
7,W;th license and then decided that
No. 8,000 would be for herself and
Chester Unify, the county clerk,
Omaha to Have
Huge 'Plant for
Filtering Water
Utilities District Manager and
Engineer Leave to Investi
gate Lateet Methods in
Other Cities.
Omaha will have one of the bet
water filter plants in the country, ac
cording to the plant of the Metropoli
tan Utilities district. R, B. Howell,
general manager, and V. P. Larmon,
chief engineer lift Saturday after
noon on an inspection trip to St.
Louis, Detroit and Cleveland, wTiere
they will investigate latest methods of
The Omaha plant will he located
west oj basin No. 7 at the Florence'
station. The estimated eost it JWX),-
000 and the capacity will he 50.000,-
000 gallons in 4 hours . Ihe daily,
pumpage of water thit summer has
been nearly 35.000,000 gallons for
periods of days. Thit increasing de
mand on the plant presses the need
of a filter plant.
The new plant will be erected so at
to permit the addition of units, the
ultimate capacity to be 100,000,000
gallons in 24 hours.
Flans will be prepared and the
work done by the resiular organiza
tions of the utilities district.
Real Estate Man Sues for
Share in Property Deal
The Drake Realty Construction
company was sued in district court
yesterday by Harry E. Miller, a real
estate man, for $14,800 which he al
leges is due him as commission for
making a deal whereby the company
traded two apartment houses, the:
Hanscom, 0Z'J Park a.venue, and the
Palmer, 554 South Twenty-sixth
street, for 1,560 acres of land in
Guthrie county, Iowa.
Minneapolis Man Elected
President of Fire Chiefs
San Francisco, Aug. 19. Charles
W. Ringer, chief of the Minneapolis
fire department, was elected president
of the InternationaJ Association of
Fire Chiefs at the annual convention
here. William Hywater, chief of the
Salt Lake City department, was elect
ed vice president. Richmond, Va., was
chosen as the next convention city.
Mathilde Quits Swiss Town.
Seclisburg, Switzerland, Aug. 19.
Mathilde McCormick, granddaughter
of John D. Rockefeller, has left here
after a stay of several days. It is ru
mored that she has gone to Basle.
Max Oscr, her fiance, called upon her
several times while here. Miss Mc
Cormick was accompanied by her
Cocoanut Oil Makes
a Splendid Shampoo
. Sal.m, Ore., Aug. 19. Hoot
61 like chicken meat and a hoot
owl has a key to the hen bout, at
th. state hotpittl for the insane,
Alto th owl h4 th. key that un
locks th. switch on th. sutomo-
1 bi of A. l. Zinter, superintendent
oi th. poultry yards.
It htppen.vl ltk. this;
Zinsar heart th. hoot nwl hoot,
,11 letr.d let th. clucks. Not
hsving gun cr a rock tt hand, h
took a he.vy bunch id kv from
tut (Kket, rrt within throwing
d tunc, ol th. owl and Itt iliiv..
TH. keys wtnt wild s dopp t
tn th. git, 1 h. ewl ti lted frcm
't lrt, pwkfei up Ih. km o I
d Mppet'td
If yim want to keep your hair In
good condition, be careful what you
wash it with.
Mom soaps and prepared shHtn
poon contuin too much alkali. Thin
dii. llio scalp, mnki-i the hair
hrltlln, and Is very harmful. Mini
fied cuetiuniit ml ahunipoo (wliPh
it pure and entirely frreiim-leH-s), Ik
much better Hum anvthln fine you
i in iif for nbaiiiponina, nt this cun t
pi.iibly tnjui tho hair.
Hlntply put two nr line t-anpoin-
f u 1.1 of MllNlfle.l III ft Clip OI' ,'lilH
wull a little warm water, then nmm
tm your hair with water and rub
it In. It will uiitkM an ubundane
if rub. er iuy lather, and eemi
th. hair and sealp ihurotiKlily. The
I itln-r rm out ally, mid t 1 1 1
every parti. I of dust, dirt, dandruff
rind ri.'i ml. Th ball' ill ! uuh'
ly and nenlv. nd it b v It tin
and ailky, bt.kbt. fluffy and ay to
n tut.
V'i cn t MuUifie.l rwntiiiii
d th tmi'iio at m y ill u !ut. U
t 't iiaii'. "d f"W (nine. U
t n.niiih In Uat li.llDna In th family
tt-t ti...,ib l tills tlruSijlt
.vet i-a .Malifld.
fiTwd 'ttiiny?;
slrtit ii
IJr"SS mu u
Aetna Fr.aars mak.
delicious let cream
or (ces In s few
minutes; a 2-nuart
size Is
Fleetrie Irons
Electric Fans
Klectrie Toaster
B.pleea Cannls
ter K-t
S ft. Cat.
Curtain Stridctier
ftiidi I'ans
Clothes Mn
Wonderful Values
i " iL!ijj.p (iiirrw'.iii m
rSiifj Taprttry Rugi,
9x12 sizes, in beautiful
patterns in this Augunt
Sale for
S.amlett Volvet Ruft,
large, 0x12 room
that will give exceptionul
service are
Handtom. Axmintttr
Rugs, 8-3xlf 6 sizes, in
floral and Oriental de
signs are reduced to
High Crade Seamiest Ax
mintter Ruts in 9x12
sizes, for living rooms, in
this sale at
$12.50 Mattress-
This is a well made, full
50-pound, all cotton mat
tress with roll edge and
tufted top, covered with
good art ticking.
Child's Ilisck Chair in
golden fmith with shelf
that locks, in thit August
sale for lJO "7 c
only tJJ5t I O
fz3Tl . . 0 A ugust l
nil 1 j rr 1, 1 1 1 itr ir u i
Nothing Like This Sale Has Ever
Been Equaled in Our Entire History
With the greatest bargains in many a year, the finest furniture
ever turned out by master craftsmen, the lowest credit terms
possible, is it any wonder we're realizing the most tremendous
August business in the history of this store? Guaranteed, depend
able furniture for every room is now offered at 10 to 50 ',r off
regular prices.
Terms lo Suit Your Income
Coma In whenever
you art downtown
shopping fur a
fng glass of deli
cious l.monsd.
mada from "Sun
ii.t"th. pick or
California lenmis.
Thera I: NO obliga
tion to mirchate.
Stately Pditalt In
rich mahogany fin.
Ith with wide top,
Monday Only! Another Shipment
Uo S. (Govt.
teel Cott
IIade by the Simmons Bed Company
mm t
ThiH rata ara teraird wre-rlalMird," i aayl keea
need, hut Iher have all fceea'anaa over lhrublr abj rana
to )ua nllli an alievlula guarenlee af allalarllua.
Think of buying wonderful, all-steel cots like these at far less
than the government paid for them. It's the chance of a lifetime.
They are ideal for summer cottages, sleeping porches and for in
doors as a regular bed, a window couch or Day Bed.
Built of Steel
These Cota were mado by the Simmons
company under government supervision
from durable steel tubing in the strong
est possible manner to insure long serv
ice and arc nicely finifdied.
Comfortable Bed
All sanitary construction includes link
fabric spring top with helical springs at
ends. Each Cot is 30 inches wide, 7ft
inches long and folds up easily when not
in use.
Six-Piece Dining Room Suite exceptionally well built of solid
quartered oak in Jacobean finish comprising a 54-inch Buffet
with drawer lined for silver a 48-inch Dining Table
and FOUR Chairs upholstered in , tQ7
genuine leather ....''
I Simmons Day-Bed complete
38-Inch Cedar Chettt built of j with mattress gives you a
Tennessee Red Cedar with i couch by day and a full sice
fragrant Cedar Chips re- bed for two peoplo at night.
ta . . .
Reduced to
Any Sewing
Drcip b,, ,.f Ctl lr.t
Attf.iliva lladtaant Suit III brauUful walnut flulkh, Cfin-
du vf full si .'. Uvl - a haiil'ii trestr a tut a !i'intf
TtWu with trii'le It rem h dt mat -it.
M.-n.Uy . ' ty , , , , , ,
Handtome Library Table
in mahogany finish with
45-ineh hand-rubbed top,
graceful turned legs and
lower shelf; August Sale
rke $19.75
Our exchange de
partment will take
in your old furni
ture at a fair value
on any furniture
you select. This fur
niture is, in turn,
low priced for quick
aw 'r'
A r!;f vM
Mat.iva Urats Bal fri.n
Simmons with f ln h
corner potts and 3 hu h
Ml r in satin'.l firt
ih, In this COft Cfi
I sal at ... 4-.-'W
Great Sale of
"THOR" Electric
Here is a moit extraordinary
You can do your ironing bet
ter and quicker than the old
way and with LKSS fatigue
then, too, no laundress can
give you the uniform finish
on linens you can gi-t vith
this "Thor" Klectrie Ironer.
Easy-to-Pay Terms
There's Year 'Round
Entertainment on a
V -sUsrs,
ass aaa asF af w
The musical tastes of the
whole family can be suited
and, whatever your mood,
the "Pathe" is always ready
lo entertain you with the
best in music.
New LOW Prices
At the low prices authorized
by the Path. Company, the
"Pathe" it the biggest and
best phonograph buy of the
.r5 Pnthes. $33.00
$73 Pathis, $5000
$125 Tilth.', $75.00
.M) IV. he, $100 00
Easy Terms
Sale of
Electric Washers
aetiiin of
th 't'l.-an.
well" Wash-
U a I k
n. ev.
y . t t h a y
sum out
t ii a w y
hlte. 'Ihit
o-.. I it
rTjJ itl
lta fHani
Wear and :rV j
Enjoy a New V V
iW ' S M
Now and Pay for It at
Your Convenience
There is a distinct pleasure and advantage in being
first with the NEW" styles and our convenient Charge
Account plan makes it ea3y to wear and enjoy a new
fall dress while paying for it. Wonderfully becom
ing, new fall styles of Georgette, Poiret Twill, Trico
tine, Shadow Lace, Charmeuse, etc., in the favored
colors have just arrived.
$2450 $2750 $3250 up
Many, many charming models are
shown in rich duveytnp, panne and
crush velvets cleverly trimmed with
the newest novelties, $95
at only " UP
2 OFF on Any Summer Suit,
2Coat or Dress.
An Exceptional Offering in Men's
We've prepared a
"feast of values" that
will appeal to the
man who is seeking
a good-looking, well
tailored Kail Suit at
a moderate price.
A wide range of mod
els for men and young
men at
2-Pants Suits
Suit mad up juH as a
itvth.r u! l hv them
frem fahiva tht will
siand h hl I snoVi ef
.hwd ds. with TWO
' of iitt, sia t-
St i.M.ii.Imiii
Woman's Canvas OsfoiJ.
worth lo $7.fS, pair, . ,$'2.)S
Boys Skull Cps,t.,,.,.5
'5M .A
W ' v.
1 1
st),, M .a Uv t
Vz Oft
frf t f.' f'P. .."ft
'tr wt S !.t i" i- r
if( IU Ofst
At Wok I.- 4
A Moirtt co.
11 1 tk.... t.t tv,.( Itlt
VlttHII k W
3. . COi. I6U V JACKSON STS. i.twt