The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 20, 1922, Image 3

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y r why , rm v
la Our August Furniture Sale Such a Pro
nounced Success That It May Fairly Be
Said to Be "the Talk of the Town" Among
Furniture Buyers and Furniture Sellers?
The Explanation
ii that in making tho immense iur;hasci in
preparation for this event wo bore in mind those
characteristics that arc essential to good furniture.
Tho merchandise was selected from the stocks of
manufacturers whoso ability to make reliable and
substantial furniture is unquestioned. We selected
furniture that is substantially built in every de
tail. We selected furnituro that is attractive and
unusual in design and of careful finish. We bought
in such quantities that a obtained big price con
cessions, and wc marked tho furniture at prices
correspondingly low. That is why pvrrjr pieco of
furnituro in our August Furnituro Sale is full of
value, and full of value not only for the present
time, but a value for a lifetime.
That's Why Our August
Furniture Sale Is Going
Your Neighbor Will Tell You
That the 3 Big Points
That Have Made Our August Furniture
Zh Sale a Pronounced Success, Are Floor
Quality, Prices, Service
Monday Will Be An Outstanding Day in Our
Attractive Furniture Department
Four Buffet Specials
$250 8-Piece Dining Room Suite 199.75
llepple white l'criod iit untique walnut. Consists of bO-ineh buf
fet; taWe with top 42x54 inches, extends to 72 inches; 5 side
chairs and guest chair; have genuine blue 1 QQ Hk
leather slip seats. Sale price, Iwti I O
G0.00 Walnut Buffet N
August Sale price, 45.75
80.00 Fumed Oak Buffet
August Sale pric, 59.75
90.00 Golden Oak Buffet,
August Rale price, 70.00
100.00 Fumed Oak Buffet,
August Sale price, 80.00
Walnut Finish Beds
25.00 Full Size Bed
August Sale price, 19.75
35.00 Full Size Bed
August Sale price, 2-1.75
48.50 Full Size Bed
August Sale price, 37.75
55.00 Full Size Bed
'August Sale price, 44.75
T T iff
o o
36.00 Walnut Chiffonier
August Sale price, 28.75
48.00 Ivory Enameled
Chiffonier August Sale
price, 31.75
60.00 Walnut Chiffonier
August Sale price, 47.75
leir August- Sale
price, 4U.7&
Four Dresser Specials
20.00 Golden Oak Dress
ers August Sale price,
for 13.75
34.00 Mahogany Finish
Dressers August Sale
price, 25.75
42.00 Walnut TVe-'ers 1
August Sale price, 33.7
50.00 Ivory Enameled
Dressers August Sain
price, 35.75
$30 Royal Easy
Push the But
ton Royal easy
reclining chair
equipped with
foot rest In
golden oak and
mahogany fin
ished frame.
$369 2-Piece Living Room Suite
August Sale
Large davenport and
chair; loose spring,
filled cushion seats,
soft spring arms.
Outside and back of
davenport covered In
$260 8-Piece Dining Room Suite
Aug. Sale Price
, suite Iteaa III
Suite In
rlod design,
table with
top which extends to
72 Inches, five side
chairs and one arm
$39 Fireside Wing
Chair A
A large
spring edge
wing chair with loose spring filled
cushion seat; upholstered in tap
estry and velour.
Here Area Few Hin is of the Many
Bargains Offered in This Sale"',
$45 Five-Piece Decorated Breakfast Suite Prft
loaf tnWo nnd four chairs j OfJ
August Sale prico, Oil cJ
$35 Mahogany Finished Spinet Desk fJfT
August Sale prirc. XO I J
$35 Drop Leaf Tea Wagon-In inn- OJ HIX
hogany or walnut; August Sale price, U I J '
$35 Simmons Bed Outfti Consists of lied, upring
and 41-mm cotton matlrrss; OO
August Sale price, I O
$20 Simmons Ivory Finish Crib With rone panel
head and feet; "I A
August Sale price, JLtc I J
$23 Solid Oak Dresser Large izo "1 Hp
mirror; August Sale price, ' XU I O
$75 Quartered Oak Dining Table 51 -inch, extends
to tW inches; August A Q
Sale i.riee, . TCt7 I O
$210 Windsor Rocker With solid 17 ryr
mahogany Keat; August Sale price, 1 1 I J
$210 Eight-Piece Quartered Oak Dining Room
Suite Finished in frosted brown; G0-inch buffet,
48xtiO-inch table; 5 side chairs and " J70 JA
1 arm chair; August Sale price, X I -JJU
$195 Three-Piece Tapestry Covered Living Room
Suite Davenport, Chair and 11 OO
lacker. August Sale price, AfxtKUU
$198 Three-Piece Mulberry Velour Covered Suite
Davenport, Chair nnd Wing " A Q 7pJ
Chair. August Sale price, JLtU I tJ
$315 Three-Piece Blue Velour Covered Suite
Davenport, Chair and Wing Chair. Ol C A A
August Sale price, A.HJ JJ
$345 Two-Piece Mohair Covered Suite Davenport
and Chair. August OR)
Sale price, LdlJU I O
$145 Four-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Dresser,
Chiffoncttc, Toliet Table and 1 "M Hfl '
Full Size Ded, llt.UU
$204 Four-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Dresser,
Chiffoncttc, Vanity Dresser and -j A A
Full Size Ded, lOt.UU
331.50 Four-Piece Walnut Bedroom Suite Dress
er, Chiffoncttc, Vanity Drcscscr 0A 7ET
and Full Size Bed, - LdUlO
$550 Four-Piece Bedroom Suite Walnut or ma
hogany Dresser with plate glass top; Chiffonette
and bow-foot Vanity Dresser with plate glass top;
Full Size Bed.
Sale price,
4fi.rmnd Cotton and Frit Mat
trcKS Covered with fancy art
ticking. 12.G0 value; rj nr?
August Sale, each, I I tl
6fl-Pnund Imperial Edge tonr-
(tirwn .Mattress Covered with
fancy art ticking. 29.00 value.
August Sale OO fjf?
price, each f O
Sale of Rugs
An unusual offering of rugs of good quality at prices
that will induce immediate buying.
Seamless Axminster Rugs
Regular 47.50 Value
A good wearing rug in the 9x12
size, in pleasing patterns and color
ings suitable for living rooms, dining
rooms or bedrooms.
50 6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 7.85
,00 7-6x9 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 9.75
,00 6x9 Seamless Velvet Rugs, 12.85
50 8-3x10-6 Brussels Rugs, 13.95
50 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rugs, 27.85
Fringed Wilton Velvet Rugs
4.00 22t,x36-inch size, at 2.95
?.00 2tx54-inch size, at 4.85
!).r0 3fixf3-inch size, at 7.85
Axminster Rugs .
".00 27x5t-inch size, at 3.65
r.A i' io : i, . i. i w
u ou-im-iik'u ?tze, ni
Sale of Inlaid and Printed Linoleums
Printed I lnic 12 font and I fitot wktthi In rl ion)
lttrrm tultahl for kltrbva. hathroom, panirr and tnr
room. Itularlf fl 3'). 8.U price, pr iquare jard, JSD
InluM llnulrOM-l ft wide, a (nod rhoire nf
tHrn in tan, ro and r4 coliirlni.
uuabt tor kltrhB. dmin rnmi, hio rom
nl nore rnwni rrtiart I TJ, ,) nri-.
""' 1.25
Ha UU14 llalrMt- toei
. a p)ntt4 r(at HnoUum
r ait ittoma. It.iularS
: . ! ftw. Hurt
I f.l l,tk Hnlrlr m
: ik, HM1
pflr, tr ar4,
SttJk rhtWtt
Draperies At Low Prices
Attractive curtains and draperies transfigure a
These special prices will enable the housewife
changes in her home with a minimum expense.
house into a home,
to effect marvelous
Quaker Craft Jfets Beau
tiful allover designs In
white, ivory and beige.
Per yard, 39
Curtain Materials A won
derful assortment of dot
ted and figured marquis
ettes, Scotch madrases,
Swisses and fancy voiles.
Per yard, 39
Colored Floured Madras
The ideal light weight
over-drape material in
green, blue, rose and gold.
Per yard, 75
Window Shades Made of
good quality American
Holland in white only,
mounted on strong spring
rollers. A limited quanti
ty, each
Unified Curtains A fine
selection of dotted and fig
ured marquisettes, colored
figured voiles and dotted
Swisses. Specially priced,
per pair. 2.98
Baffled Curtains Fine
voiles and mercerized mar
quisettes with full narrow
ruffles and ruffled tie
back to match. Special
ly priced, per pair 1,19
III Ml S I 1
WW 111
f i If I I
El 4;
I w ported Curtain a A
splondld assortment of
Irish points, French lacets,
antique laces and Marie
Antoinette. These cur
talus are all our own Im
portation and specially
priced, per pair 5.9-S
uakcr Craft l ace t nr.
lain A fine variety of
very pretty designs In all
over and border effects,
others trimmed with lace
edging. Per pair. 2.98
Sixth Floor East
Novelty Curtains F 1 n e
voiles and mercerized
marquisettes with Cluny
and filet pattern, lace In
sertions and edgings. Spe
cially priced, pair,' 3.98
Colored Ilordered Voiles
Fine mercerized quality
wlih pink and blue novel
ty borders. Specially
priced, rer yard, 29
Cretonnes A fine selec
tion of hoavy cretonnes In
floral, bird and striped
patterns; light, medium
and dark color combina
tions. Per yard, 19
CO-Pound Cotton Felt Mattress
Covered with fancy art ticking
17.00 vriue. August "I " HK
Sale, each LXtlti
45-Pound Itolled Edffe 5ever.
stretch Mattress Covered with
fancy art ticking. 24.00 Tame.
August Bale 1 O 1
nrlce. each. XO
rousef urnishings
Many Articles Needed in Sum
mer and in the Canning Season
Repriced for Monday's Selling
Makes a perfect sanitary seal, no rubbers needed. Come
and see how these wonderful jars work. Actual demon
stration Monday,
Kegnlar Size Mouth Jars
Pints, per dozen, 87
Quarts, per dozen, 95
H gallon, per dozen 1.29
Wide Mouth Jars
Pints, per dozen, 98
Quarts, per dozen 1,19
4 gallon, per dozen 1,70
Canning Specials
Fruit Jar Robbers New white or red rubbers. 3
dozen for 25
Cannini; Jiack For cold pack canning, made of
rustproof wire and will hold 4 Jars, 39
Individual Jnr Holders Holds quart or pint Jar for
cold pack canning, .!()
nurrtra llua Our bi-it
moulded hoi, 'i-lni h
sue, SO foot length,
complete with coup
linua, S -10
Reduced Prices on Dinnerware Sets
A iixkI time t'u purchase a st of china would be during
this itiretf-dny sale when prices 111 be reduced about one
third oa 12 of our opa stork patterns In tntitaa and Amir
tcn porcelains and Hat Hand china.
32-Piece Sets
I apt s4 eecer
hrr4 a4 Hatter Hates
I iratUl I'Utrs
ftaace IHikes
I fUlWf
I WuHe l'l
50-Piece Sets
I aed rs
Hr4 as4 Hltrr TUIe
Iw.wrt flat
lir rut
1 reer4 T'flasle iM.fc
I ruttet
I t.r tts t, ks4
I U.UI i.
I (r fttebet
U rm (Ha rreUI ets are prU-nt 19,75
a4 in
JMV. ArrVaa TereeUta JUIs ere cW4 0,00
ae es.
iit a4 .I4 f ip ss4 Jtaeeera, t.HH dMa,
V.tiam iM todr fhtn 4it4 itk a
)! 4, 1 ke ujs ere tn tee itarthil etd skape,
I'i7( Ffoart;it
wm ml
Varuum or l'lun( Waaker
l.mseni the work of wash day.
Made nt bright tin with
eniouth handle, at Z04
Tin Tana for FraW Quart
lie. excellent for canning to
matoes. Doien, OO
rinsel ( leaning Mlts
For scouring pots and
pans, each. 5
tftedar rollsh Mop The triangle
shape that gets Into the corners, ape
clal at 1.89
OTrdar rolUh Imparts fine luster
to floors and furniture. Quart l.OO
tliithr taket-
Imported from
glum and made
peeled lllow. 8ee
OB.J sue, ipeclaj at
only 1.29
i: oi , 50f 1 4 oa.
n,: V
of JlVSw Wreak mm I
jar MaJa
m foiiua yer
ef a .M
moumail on (.
en tl'H-k, T0
rU-tra It
pound elaa. nukal
p I a I a u, alwino
tlamant suaree
taad one ar. I
la of cord 8ia.
oii at
TW l' .m-
Caatrr lai fit ,"iIf
' "tl'V '" CI Tll
ha) uj a IV w
aa4 wall O II
trri will Af IV f 11
!' whan
avl tn
For laundry ik
kitehrn e.
19 Bam
Haita aaat 1 U.aa
1aklr.A ilk k(e ilit.
al N,g
Staaitaaaa 1a kallWa .,
'a of a.l a'M'um la
tHal hare t-'M t
aa4e, at g.itt
Filth fuof H'fjf
Kleeltle ria
M a 4 a of rol'afca
llumlaum lk earaa.
! tallaa alamaal
4 faa( of eari a.
r.l.a k r W.Mo
a ia. a a aai kaaoa
- f -)t'iala. o
' a.