THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 20, 1922. Omalna "Want" Ac3 Will Secure a Position for you. Instead of making ten or twenty calls in a day, as you might do in person, a "Situations Wanted" advertisement in The Omaha Bee will take your appeal to more than 72,000 subscribers daily and 78,000 Sunday. Bee BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MEAT UARKCT .iulh.eier ! eaualv ( a. 4 lea. ihi. lit. em ! ulmel, mni ll.le menihir. rn. II .a, lavw. 4?ARA'leV Bnulkeea ! raanlV seat Inn, lM, krtr, bulldia. ll. a i m beet, inmplei o,uimei, . ar ealln; plenir "Ma, wwesy er l a-plaie, lll.le THEATER AMr UI.HIERAL sVToRr lax aa. las; bgildicg sue' iraal; IT.. lark fraearle. sknes. Halt, and furaiiur. l-feperlr la d. is awn. Ussier building sad ranl. I la seat a nit chain. A " ai businee FoAlt A'lkCT fceetarn I alolr brick building. (Mtlt, steam kaei, f-riii tl ; il,rllr, iraihighVl templet shop and ffce equipment I doing annual!'; oaa of best I aiaia, ORlXl.rtr AMD WF.ATb Wests. law county aaa) Iowa, I. so; chelc earner In. canon; rem apere, complete e-impinenl , doing l. annually; a(Miltr caeb nl rerrr: II to Bad invoice. OANA'IE VI aetata low town. Is fir proof building. Illl hl a larallua: tmpli rnodem lulpmanii Ford r' and Isrga lira Cnmplale, II e HARDWARIS ANI IMPI,KMr.Nt-Min.U Mlnnaanla Iowa near Twin cillee; inai building. IJsll: ruiuiilaia eiui- manl: International truck; good a"": an main airaal near highway, J. and invoice aloe.:. l ai kBUITH mior Unulhaaalam Mia neent lawn, I00 awn I -alary ioa building, H.4S; rnnilaia woodworking and blacksmith equipment! laraa ter rilaryi wall established; good buelaes. Complete. I too. 11KAT MARK KT Easier. Ia tow. ?; awn buildings; I blocks; complete qu'pmaati dniag Ill lo T dellr; larg territory complete. Ill ess, OTICI. AND BAkAMT Minnsnt Iowa, Hilar urrllnry; I raoma enn.pltal furnlaha4j (lining rnnm, wrll aquippal kitrhaaj mmplala bakary culfll; chnica lorailon naar dapol; naar Irurk. lorn piaia. 111..., ar olll Mil aa btl( id- laraaf SAKAaB AMD AUTO BHOP In mmI tnwn urrauna'ait by prnaparoua farmta, fully rilla4 ratiair ahi.p; aainpalllin aay ana kvalnnaa fuoil. Tb prlc. of - Ikla plara will plaaaa yaa. Mill; nwa bulMlnp. aamanl flmra, la CHRAMERT loiMhara Wlaroaaln lawn Ilia sowar an. mnmra; alaa Ira rraam factory! I 40 la !. lb, kullay tfally; tea craam dally; doing about 14 An annaally. ARIBTT aifM H ANI rtIRNITt!P.y Inwa Inwo, 100, naar Worm Mkai own bulldlnf: claan alack" grorarlaa. y1a- la and Bam fnrnltura; main straal. IOTTMND WORK Own madarn frama bulldln. Willi flat: aomplat high alaaa aqulpnant; aaaiarn Mlnnawita county anal town. .; claaring about l,0 annually, ''nmplaia. 111,00. m.aTAURANT Mlnnaanla rounly aaal lawn. I.0i rant. 1:1; chnica lnriion; labia and alool caunlar; eomplat; doing larg bualna. Cora 'plat. 11.10. . , OARAUC WHlrrn Inwa anunly tnwn, 4.100: awn flrapreof building! di rart Chavrol! conlracl: enmplala a,ulp mant; doing tin bualnaaa; U,0 and Invnlra lork. OENF.RAb MERrHANDIIIB. HARDWARE ANn I.UMBKR No aompalltlaBi aical lant farming aacllon: Mlnnaanla lowni aiy Urga tarrllory and a raal bualnaaa. Alia h.a craam atatlnn. ThU placo will ' aland Invaallgatlon. Block about 110,00. FLOUR MIM. AND BbBVATOR Bouih aaatorn Mlnnaanla town, 1,100: own bulldlnra: 100 bu. alavatnr; II bbl. cap mill I alactrl aqulpmanl; railway fartlltla; aatahllahrd 10 yaar: owner ratlrlng. 110. 100 caan will handla. FIX)R OARAOB On Beanie highway; aaatarn law town, 1.100; l-oar garaaa; own frama building, 44x70; no ompaii. tlon: curb filling Btallnn; complal qulpmant. Proparly and qulpmnt, IT.600 and Invoica ock. nraiNKHg EXCHANGE CO., Ill Hamm Bid, , Bt. Paul, Mini. A BV8INK8B OP- TA'H OWN . l I. TO 111.00. TEARL.T PROFITB i ' IT:. ...kin for tha othar fal law T Da you want a profltnbla bualnaa of your own? Ara you amblttoua lo " a big auccaaar nar ia ju' i,. . ....I,, th. Chain Tlra Btora In tA.n. and rlllai all ovar th country. W riulr ambltloua man to own and opcr .iJ Ihca. .tor... If you n ,uHfy you m i,r (nil co-oD.ratlon. It will mean a fortun. to you. Our "'''" win brina bualnc.a to your atora. Bprl- anca unn.c.a.ary. W. train you. v.r il atoraa now In apara- ,i Tk,.,.h .ar Chain Btora operation wa under.all competition. Our operator make Ml monty. Tou can too. A ator can b alerted for $1,M. Tou own th lor outright. Tour lnvcatment fully accured. Oat all tha fata now. Po not delay. Your town may be cln.ed al any tlm. Call, wlr or write, n. . '""bTEPHENS ASROCIATBn STORES. TRADERB BUII-tIN(l, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI- FOR SALE OAL YARD. Situated In the beat part of Council B uff.: .,. in rma ahaoe: trackage f.cllltie. ara of th beat, having pur In th center and trackaga along tha aid. Thl. can be bought at a bargain ana on oi ,m, THE iNTDER COMPANY, REALTORS. PHONE 13S. tIT Broadway. Council Bluff., Ta, MANUFACTURING PLANT FOR SALE. Brick conatructlon; excellent light; 11 foot celling.; admlnlatratlve office.; Blow er Syatem heating plant; trackage; I acre, of Ri-ound; 20,000 aquare feet; town of tOOO; twa rallroade; In A-l condition, needa no repair; Ideal for manufacturing propoeltlon. Price right for quit, "la. Caen or xchanga. Addre.a Bog T-1910, Omaha Bee. DISTRIBUTOR 1100.000 corporation want dlatrlbutor for new high clans article. Every family, drug .lore, ho.pltal, department .tor buy. at .Ight. t:o,le IS. 00, retell. 15.00. Pon.lbllltle. up to 111 000 yearly. ISO to 12.000 required for merchandlae. Scott Corporation, nc, II Weat Waehlnglnn, Chicago, BAKERY for .ale, doing ll c.ah bu.l ne.a a day, located tn tha be.t town in Colorado; population 100; mining, rail road and Irrigation development going en. Triced right. Keaann for .elllng have farming Intereat. Addrea Tb Craig Bakery. Craig, Colo. FOR BALE Complete flxturea and Block tif clgara, tob.cco, mag. .inc. book, and tatlooery, notlone, toy., wall paper and painta to be aold Inlact or In aeparat line. a Friday. Auguet II, at the hour of I p. m. T. M. Bcoll, Truetee In Bank ruptcy for wy.itac c. Willi.. Aurora, wen. POOL, .oft drlnka, lunch, etc In one of tha moat proaraalvo tnwn In Colorado, a reel money maker, Thle place will eland cloea Inveellgatlon, If you are looking for a good honeat propoeltlon, write tn Box 114, rort Morgan, Colorada. Ma trade, cnnaldered HOTEL for aala 14-ronm hotel, live town, N. B. Colnradoi fine building, private bathe, larg lobby aad dining mum. doing g"d Puaiaeeaa; all new equipment and furni ture, e main fclgbway aad railroad. Price ... Term. Mra. J. H. luacaa, Mol k. Col. INCOHPORATK yur company, your bl paa. enr pteai. Raoraanlaatlon per fected ( hariara kilal auickir. Heaatin. am rnareea. Eparl dvi i'nlioaa wna flnaadal krokeee ralalag capital tluaranle T'eaafer Ragiattar Co., 1411 walnut ai , rhi.e-ter-h' Pa. Mitsir-ilgtia. Ill I maranleae a l !. k. wheal. N fonker ! Uava. iwenl ef ! appaeluall? !'. '. tea. ia, pariicu!. ai Unar rVe. laveelate' t'al'r UUld. Ill ll(kt Rl lg , haaaee I'lly. M a k I kM a sxlir h -Reapai; tlUn wanl a.ttaral aale iMere l-t braa-k ell", aae.e aaieein.a; ! t l.e aaeaaaa'r; r. la tUKlmai a led If ,tli'r AJlra aleaagei, .41 V Peiaw at Haliw(. HI eg. trt. eeel tai.uaK aala at aik !. efHl .eaMeaiea t.r l laatte l ote.t tiMve V. H'.ai baa i-4elte' Be r.,tv -a4 U,,i,.t l. III. Vl . r"H . I t i.Hfea.l. iii,tM't ..!. a (. 4 4 te.a wak a.,-.l lurt aaa tk will aa-4 Ika ei-t taataa t I l feaMaa p,v,t ki', f , M,a (a tiaak plr. a.l.aa I . b" i rl 1 tat " ai-i je a a - waw w.4i:wMt .l rt, tn f tVt iti e-tl e II It, t ti.Mft. b- .4 ..-. ' kt "4 t I it: I - i ttl MAlk ts f noon, roi KiNr ekeiiliAaai '.' uaw a . Hit t ROOMS POR RENT, Waal la all fur oat in iub wnk li pm pact Iknaugk "w'anl" Ad I" Tk Itnah Karmr-g RawTH E HVtMNCJ lilt II papar far Ik prlr f anal, Talapkaa AT'laan 100. HAI Mfr.l.T ri'RNIkHKP ROOM WITH Dr.TACHKO ON I'RIVATK MATH AT VERT ATTRACTIVE RATKB T' PERMANENT Ol'r.aT fKN T PAII. TO BKB THEW. TUB lUUIl.TiN PAhNAU AT Z.I If. ral, claaa, ramf"rlalil. Kry rnnm a uiai1 room Ningia room wilh pi' al bath at III l-r waaa: fir Iwo, la lam ouiaiii luauia wilh balh al I: par ' ba i lar al 1 1 'n i i i.a t, iu .ia THItfcK lei. a, alaganily fumuhad parlor itadronma, aa. h aullabla fur lw lir Inor parafiie. lieijtiful gtiun-l, fma inlnul.. walk fioni nan of rity. M.aia if oiiei Large garnga. g.a Ihia, palivly iih not b duplicated. ... Bi. Jii n n.-lav.n worm NII'M lara front niodarn rnm. aouili aa pleura; In private home; cloae In; fr ana or lw paraona. fcrinanant. .1. hr onaj l far Iwa pople. I'lum AT. Iln riHIN rme wiih pnr, um; warm, inia rlaiil, ihrarfuii prlrea reaaonat,!, day or wa. lintel Hamilton, at .toi. LAHilK ruol room, prlyai family, rla lo car Una. On or two gnfieinn or em ployed coupl preferred. KK. 0.1a M T E i7 B A N l V H I 7j I iTTa' aoTVa rnam. Hot I, HENMHAW, i.iti and rarnam. Bpectel rate lo permanent gueala. H A KN K rBT.,' S.tT-Kronl mom in mod" rn hnme, cool; eaey walking dl.lanre; nla pnrrn anil yarn If A. till. TWKNTY-SIXTIl kT, II N Room. If 10, l and 14, Clo In, mwlern. 11 A. FiSU large frnnt room In apartment, near i retgbton college) walking dl.tenre. AT. lilt. TWKNTr -SIXTH AVK, ttl B. Room In mnderA duple., walking dletance, AT, I U CHOICE room for rant; Haml. park; run vnnieni io . car linea; private noine. wa. tll. Ill ImiimiR nr. lrge furnlahed room euliabl for two; clean and tool; alao lurnianen ape ir aeairen. 1-INKNKV Bt Lama deal rah I a rnnm. Illo.k from car. i'rivala family. WE. 11.4. NICE laraa rm. for young mar. couple or I boy. I. wk. II. Na. e're.t DOIM1E St., 1711 Nice front room. 11.10 weea, l biock rrom poeroTrif. ENCLOSKO eleeplng porrli, wry reaaon- ahla. IIAI Bouih Ninth Bt. MODERN ronm., cloaa In, an car Una, Call HA. 112. NICELY furnl.h.d room, color.d. WE. 1.7. LAROH cool Bleeping room and l-rooro apt., right downtown. JA. .020. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS riJKNIHHKI) houaakeeplng. cleen. light eemlbaaament roome. 1U. .III. 2017 Podge. . PARNAM BTKbRT, 201, two nicely fur nlahed room, with kitchen; hot and cold water end bath. I LIUHT houaekneplng roome and kitchen ette on main floor. HA, 104. iltl Far- nam. TWENTY-FIRHT BT., 111! No I lovely light hoii.ekeeplng roome. Private family. 171 B. 2ITH BT. I or I lovely boueo- keeping room., ha. .47. WE. lOftt Furnlahed. two larg rooms ana. kitchenette. Kountxa i'lace. TWO front roome, complete for houae- Keeping, on ground rioor. wk. 41127. 1720 PODOK Modern houeekeeping room. ror rent. at. 7077. ONk!, two, three and four-room apart ment., modern. 401 S. 16th. COOL, modern houeekeeping room.; rea onable. til H. 26th Ave. TWO mom., 15 a week, AT. 1211. 1410 Bouih 18th. 171 NO. 24th 2 rm.., light housekeeping, modern, everything fur. WE. 032J. BOARD AND ROOM HARNKY KT., 2347 Refined home for 2 buelneaa people. Beautifully furnlahed ronm, light and airy. Large, every thing new and clean. Hume cookln un- ercd. I Si per month. H.-f-iruncee. HA. 498. WANTKD; Hoom and board tn private family In Dundee or Weat Farnam dis trict. Reference. Box W-1W, Omaha Bi-e. ATTRACTIVE room, for 2 with hoard: home privilege.. Hanecom Park district. JA. Sun. COOL room and board, 17 week; 2 gen tlemen. Hunsiom park district. HA. 5S39. MARCY HTREKT, 3021, plrnaant roome; hnme cocked meat.. HA. 4741. HOUSES FOR RENT Tha fall moving season will soon be here and many peo- pie will be looking for new home, for the winter. I. your house listed here where prospective renters will sea i. a n-i L . t t . i ,aaa and ask for a "Want" Ad fh taker. Houses North loth St., I'.i 7 rooms, 123 North lllh St , 71, room., 4'-'. North 41st ht., 73. Peters Trust Company "Whar Omaha R.nn." AT. 0144. ITU! Farnam St. Very attractive Dunde home, I rnnttii, steeping porch, doubla garage. ICO Ixard Btrael, Peters Trust Company AT. II4. 1701 Karnaa Bt. EOR rent ur BAle by owner bwtwten and II o clock Bunder rnornlng, all .even- room h.mie l 1140 Ante Ave BIX all modern, 1 10. Ill B.ward ,,i' AT' , Poll BALD OR REST Nw 7 room bom tn Minna l.u. Call Ralaln .1. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 00000000000OOO000O000000O o o a LOOK LOOK LOOK O O O O 0 O i a o o o o o o o a A O I ros. Ka U Fk.r-I Caurt, III O Vt list t , souiH ftwai, I n O bedrvetn, lare tael, beull. O IMl Cw, I. I t O I itH.a. Nv .. Harold Aria, ttik l ant Jvke..n, Vettf .t-l, ettr O lat.a i. , large l.n I i ... O I trt'nil .. ? fri-aa Apis, 0 I III I'Sf. At. twe I r.tA an-l . k wl .e tt.eiaHyM, d.atiai e, I I M. o o rt o o PITS') A r IHV4BT cti . I'MAIIAA RIM At. Ml N 0 lint. ,V oncad0i)."Vl. hlg ) , n o Very Choice .Apartment annnttai if., i rt'tJ-' v 4 -M Mki )-' mm fc Ik- 4S W, Farnam Smith & Co. l' Fs -i tm, t h , . r i v t t " a "' e- b- t .,, i.H a.,.aia- e t , .4 sK-i. at. '' 1 ..- l'-'i-a Ml al k.l. Hi 4 w-ti aa ( . - 1 a .1 inih, a HAiT f" .,.. I ,1 f I I ! 4aae l'a .-4 i. 4 luifa i APARTMENTS FOR RENT K4 dnaaaatl lia'p affix halo factory halpf Barura gwd. tjcaandahia workar Ihrnvgll tkia cl,tlfirl,ua. Talapkon AT-lanli U0 and aak fr a Want" Ad taaar. Ilallar ratull. .1 taaaar IMl. MET nvn l.lT we have imb variett. M! ur Hat nf rlnl parlmani. g id buuaa. Ki kandla a laig.r tarlaly nf ranui prnparli.a llitn any othar agaarr a lha my. , ' I'ETIRI TRl'BT t'uMPANT, . . ''"'HERB OMAHA REMT"' T- Utk and rarnant . Apartments 19 Kln.shnr.iu.h. ::,; lii.daa i.iiing m,.im. dining roniti and fclirhen; li-.-Ing tuoin with In a iio..r bd. 10. No t Troy, loot Harney k' first fi'n.r; ecuih and east aipoaura. tf; e. No Y rl, k. 4:4 I'hleaga Mreel A fnur-room aparlment in I 'unite at lie. No II Monilreila, I: Bau'h list .treat five r"n.e in one of mna. ha a nioal tleaiiabl building.. I'm. No. Elwood, 4111 Dod.e Btrael A very aiira'-tiv ai-ariinenl, as cell.nlly l.ii.l. mi. Peters Trust Company "Whet Omaha Ilenla. ' T-.4j- Fernam Bl. TWO Vv"rJr;KBlLie JtltNT-" on an apartment, rented during the month of August; eummrr rate., 147.1 v fao, winter, to .49, REMEMBKR WE PAT THE COAL BILL njlui-r.PI a) UJ., Healtor. i-: Keeline Bldg. TH K I'lilodo, SJih Ave. and Marcy Newly dncnratrd 4-room apia. with Iriwnn Bccoinriinifatiniis. Alan ai.l I'hnn. j i . it.;. FOUR la 'ye moiletn roome, heal and wa- it lurnisiiin, .to .uminer, 10 winter, IJII Ho. Illi Ave nEAL'TII'I'L Apt.. 1-ro.iru arcmn . clnaa In and In fine Apt, lllilg.. Ill Mo. Refer. enrps. J A. 17,1, THK Kloranllne, 111 B. JMh Bt Newly decorated apta. nf J, a, 4 and I room.. rnnna js, Hi;, MuutMN 4 nid I room.; low rent, close in. ir. r. leonine, .m Chicago, KINK l-rnnin apartment. Weat Farnam oiairiri. ail 11 A, 7124 or HA. 494. f-ftOOM atrlctly iniMl.rn Apt, 140, J31I rrai nr., sn, Hl'tZ. FINE ronm aparlmrnt. weat Farnam district. Call HA 7124 tir HA. 4194. FURNISHED APARTMENTS. c 0000000 0000000 00 000000 00 . o .l-r.iiMirt APT. HOTEL liOLOB AT 1ITH Cnmhlne. every cnnv.nlenca and homo comfort; al.o commend. Itself to gueat. wishing to ba within easy rsach of business, ao clal end .hopping centers b'ultea of two or Ihre room, with com bination tub and ahower bath. KITCHENETTES COMPLETELY EQUIPPED. HOTEL SERVICE NO LEABE9. AT. 4200. U. E. Morrla, Mgr. COOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO OOOOOOOOO0O0OOO0OOO00OOOO o JKOHHIS APARTMENT MOTFI, IITH AND UODOE BTREKTS Apartment, ron.l.t of living room, dresalnr room, kitchenette and bath. Weekly rental Including heat, light, gas, phono and maid aerv Ice. Either weekly nr permanent guests. Phone AT. 3210, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE HAMILTON, FARNAM AT 24TM. Living room. Murphy btd, kitchenette and bath. Completely furnish. 116 per week. Two roome with kitchenette 'and bath, completely furnished, at 122.10 per week, A satistactory i'lace to l.ive. MASON St.. 2212 Nicely furnished lyoom apt.; Bleeping room, 12.10 per week. Also lama desirable room, atrlctly modern; very nice for etud.nt or couple. AT. 4482. PARNAM STREET. 20SS. extra large well furnished front room with kitchenette and hath. HUNTRrt INN. Home for the traveling man to leave his wife In comfort and safety. AT. 6S60. TEL. HA. 6271 1-room and kitchenette, partly furnished. Hanscom Park district. ATTRACTIVE 2-rnom furn. apt., screened n.h Innlv 5Snli North 23d Bl.," TWO and three-room apta. Brown Apts., 60ft N. 21st Ht. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT Attention Teachers of Music W h.v a few excellent studios for rent on the third floor of our building, at reasonable rents,. Servlca of all kinds free. Also recital hall privileges. Come In and let us show ynu. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1514-11-11 Dodge St. Telephone DO. 1623. CANDY etore. Including futures and stock, with lea.e. for sale at a bargain. W, FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1520 Farnam .tret. JA. Oii. LF.AVKNWORTH ST.. IK Huttery er vlr and .cjulimient, good location, rent rcaac.nt)l. bee Mr. Kpenee, Spent Us rage. FOR RENT Well ll.htrd office rooms, 120 and up. Wilkinson lllilar. l!th and Earnain St, Call Janitor llouin 21, DO. M7I. FARNAM. Ilii2il 8 Show window and of fic. since, good location, rent reaaoriabl. Sea Mr, Rpenro, Mnldl Rial tlaiage. oEEU'E for physician, i'lly Nation.! Bank. A't.lrxsa W-ITI, Omaha Bee. M f' M l rAN T U,E H'D ) R AO ! A N ! WARK Hi'l'IKJ-ii., Iltjt and Jonea Hie. DEnit toia In h!i in I. , U. V & 41. i'lltr.l'RooP latli.hl buil.titig f.r rent; I In .. In.livMuai lne WH llll OARAOES FOR RENT Ihi ir now. Price will advene Beplembar I, 1121 Uel ta'se erd.r in new at lb 14 ftlea Vllal tiereaee, H H. un war pay aaia.a r'M ab.a yen ra an f y.'4C ea at thee -ll.e" ln-p I aa I " IIRIIH BHKCT M ST AL l-V lltk aal lira.. 4f PH RISf m."i ei.l f.u .. M per oeta. nil S. Hsi Bl. I'h-e a, 4l WANT TO RKNT k !! i I difw ttt i i --4i tM.t I r w-ii, I t tueiattM I I ' B( Jiej B if 414 A i-v!.i t . 4l, jM J Wk, A N. I ' I ttlt ml - I.,is h I4L 'v;.hU ',., . .... IU . ....... J ' " mmm 1 1 MtW!N xsa troNAdic. . i r i mam in. j . . - 4 I a I ' a Be-4 . ! t '. a-l sssa, t. - 4. beats v M III I ,,V , 4 t a... it ' tv M l . A-l. ! MOVINO AND STORAGE ooooooooooooooooooboooooo MOVIN4I PA-KNOI We assemble .ad for ward arl',aae f bo I a htiieehnld g-jode gad auto mobile. If yu ' .hipping 1 any nf the elllea repie aenied r i lowne adiacent la our eklppmg paint. "e ua, we tan . y mon.y. Thl waelr w ir ae. eei. una eNipmenta i th loiliswing cms.. i'vb AMirr.r.s BA V IHA.Si lni.0, IIIICAIIIJ. ILL. M.NVEM, COLO, KANHA CM I, MO. OORDrtW FIREPROOF WAHLHUUkB VAN CO , it N.rlh Fletenlh Btrael. Phone l". 3. Omaha hab. r? BTIIAUK! SIIIPPINOI O ' O O O 6 O n OOOO1OOOOOOOOO1O0OOOOOOOO FIDELITY STORAGE VAM CO, M'lVINO -PA'KlN( ST'iHAOl' BHIPPINfl. Household (J node and Plane. Haduced Rele Thle Week to I.OH A N'lELEB and CHIt'AHO. Illl-U Howard Bt. Jackaoa (111. ESTIiaTB-furn. on packing, may. and atoring. Contract taken by Job or nour, ill"!. Van Storage Co., JA. 42l, AT, til, liroaamen A Sons, owners. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. ACCOItblUN .'LEATIN, ACCORDION. Bide, knife, box pleating. covered buttons, all siyles: hemstitching, buttonholes, write Ileal nation rieet Ing Co.. 101 Brown Block. Omaha, Mali, Telephone JA, 111. N Ell It ASK A I'LEATINil CO., 1141 Far nam Bt., 1 los.'d Aug. 10 lo Sept. I, account nf vacation. 1104 Farnam Bt , d floor. ATTOKEVB. J. H. RANDOLPH. Attorney, has moved hie offlc from the Pavldga Block to Room 144. Paxton Hoik. CONTRACTOR". OARAOES built, any gtyle aad else. Il bp. ( oncrsle work. Mleklln Lumber Wracking Cm. Tel. WE. ml. I'LAHTERINO, cement work, lulldlng, re modeling garage, nf any kind; guaran teed w.,rk. WA. 07. A. !. LEHHARD A BONH Remodeling and building. Call AT. 1431. DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS, 10 each. II a full aet. 1 Hecurltlea Bldg., lllh and Farnam. DETECTIVES, RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 10H: night. KB. nil Independent Detective Bureau, 104 Neville Bik. AT. .101 ; night, WA. 4041; KB. 44 JAMES ALLAN, 212 Nevlll. Blk. Evident secured in all cases, at. 111.. DRKHHMAKINI. v SUITS, dresses, fur. rsilned, r.modeled; carfa chockera made. Rees. price. HA. 1404 FURRIERS. 7I TIii expert repairing, remodeling, t-J .leaning, at lowast-in-ths-cliy prices, (loldsteln Fur Co. Over Frys. JAIIII. FURS remodeled. rellned, cleaned. .necter Al 15th St. DO. 7212. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Ensign Co., 1407 Howard SL PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. 212 S. II St. DO. 1647. ACKI.B PRINTING CO. Phono J A. Sill. TREE TRIMMINtJ. TREE trimming and .praying, free surgery our specially, work done by experte. Call us for free advice In the care of your trees. Home Landscape Service, ill N. 24th St. DO. Slll PATENT ATTcMNr?TB. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 209. Also Washington, D, C. I help Inventors eell their patents. PAPER CLEANED AND WALLS WASH. E X P E R IENCED. J A. 1041. MI8CELLANKOUH ANNOUNCEMENTS. JL lJl1lJLyUO nrlcea with Drlvllege buy back at small profit. OROHS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. Hth Ht. Telephone DO. 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half pries of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In " '"ln" ',r,.L V.S,n, new feather proof ticking. Old bed tick. -'" DR. Loula Kmernoff, dlsiaaeB of woman and children. 111 N. 21t St. AT. 1741. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A McConnell Drug stores. BONDS. STOCKS, MORTGAGES WK have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences, E. H. TOTJQEB. INC. 1.11 K.ellna Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MONEY TO LOAN. 130 to 1100. ON FURNITURE. TIANOS, ETC. Less than legal rates, monthly per. ments. Uulck, quiet and confidential. OMAHA LOAN CO, 0 Karhacli Block. Tel. JA. 1311. Southeast Cor. 1Kb Dougla. Bib. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooo ooo 6 6 bo oo oooooobo 0660 0 MONEY TO LOAM 110 to i00 ON FURNITURE, riASOU. ETC. I.e. than legal rates, monthly payment.. Vunk, quiet and c.infi.lentlal. OMAHA LOAM CIV I'll Karl... h III... k Tel, JA. I'll. Bnuthciat Cor. Ills. Douglea Bib. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO J.OANS ON REAL KSTATE LOW It A 'I II 'MONEY'- l4j an) I p-r e-i.t o'i lmpiuv4 Omaha (.mfef If. Meke alien aiw. W, T. 1,11AM V. liM HI I' Toiel Hli eal'rH l I N fM''N:Y Ira CENT, .,.a. us tiv ieai p,.iai U K Mi..rk, 11 Jill Farm Loans S.Vj;,-:".:;? KieSa liilsl C. Ill Um. Ssl I l. I " tiTliele i-as ..! e'-n. ,, p k tip a-4 o li bow was'. II. B lllk Bl Weal nil. ai.lll. v)il i v-wb T H y AH vi a. traiBarsi ptat. ima t". Idiom Ha Hi Ja k...a 1IA I r r ! M..U n .n.a.'r aa .n.,ha '! i'" .i -i-s A , Bea I.-. I I 4111 ' 1 4 bee,. a tta . H i 4 " l' ' e S IM!',lf S t'nf I. M ttllitaM yare t MtskBtt B...I.S In Me hail , si, a, AUTOMOHlLliS fOH SMIL ! ... I ,1 aw I .II I, I I I 'jt " . , . , , brill, nihl lowwese. .11 A. 4ti. i AUTOMOBILESJFOR SALE c 00060066000000 00066 660 6 o dependable Used cars 1IJI I-AFA YETTF. T PAH 1 11 pack a b i I B i t x, 4 PAIJ. t-lt PAt'KANII Turn 111. I ll I'Al'KtMl Tol'HIMI, MM MANMnN Tt'l HINll 121 BTCDEHAKER f.l'.MT 111! TI I. III. I "I." Ill OVEHLAMl HAIty "4 " I J I I'HAI.MEHB bpDRT. Ifll F"ltl Clit'PE. I.M CHANf'I.ER TOI'RTNO. I J 1 MAX". El.l, Tol'RINiJ. Ill lll'll'K BEPAN 1.7 KKkEX Til HI NtJ, Hi liiiiir3 m:nAN. Il: NANM TOLHIMI I? HI' Ml. IN BHEEDBTER 111 BI'H'K K-t ToUBINil III lll'll'K K 14 ROAI'BTklt, III IIARDNER TtiflUNO, 1.1 F'lRIi I'Ot'PK. 11 FORD SEDAN. Ill FORD RoADHTER 111. I(AVM;H "41'' T'TRINO. I: OAKLAND ROADSTER, 111 IM.'li'K Clil I'E. I.ll HI'DHON Tol'lilS'H 111 III'DN", I'AIIMI'X.ET. Ill I'OD'lr) RI'ADBTEK. Ill III I'WiN BI'EEDHi En, 111 IIHINI'OK TOI'HINII. Ill B' RIHI'S.H'IOTH hoAr.HTER, I.I (ILDBMI'IUI.K "I" T'lDRINti, 111 LEXIN'ITON, I PAKH 111 IIATNEB, 7-PAKN'IER. 111 BTCTX, 4-PAMNENHEIt. 11 HI'lt'K E-44 ROADHTER, 111! I'MALMEIlB Tol'HINi), 111! CODE '." TOI'HINII III BTEARNS KNIUIIT "I." 11 KIKHEL "II." Ill HI I' K E-41 11 HAYNKB BEDAN. Ill KINO "." TOLRINO. HIT III U K p-41. "II" CADILLAC TOI'RINO. "U" CADII.LA'I TOI HIN'I. MENDERBON MOToltCYCLB. CL'RTIM AEROPLANE. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OPEN SUNDAYS FROM I. A. TO I P. M, M. o o o o TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. o MEEKS AUTO CO. SOU Farnam SI, Pbon. JA. 4111. o o o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OQOOOO 000 00000000 00000000 o e o nTTAP AXTTiViVri o GUARANTEED USED CARS o o o o o o Drlv en. of our u.ed ear. for en. week. If not entirely satisfied bring It and receive credit on any ear wa bav. for .al. W. believe that tha used c.r pur chaser, ara antltled to the sama amount of value for their money aa thosa who buy new cars. Ask about our assy psyment plan. Willys-Overland, Inc., . . till F.rn.m IL Factory Branch, Open Evening., o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o COOOOOOO 0000000 OOOOO 000 00 Fords Fords New and Used. Cash er Tim. W hav tb.m all prk. all model. Be sur and ee u. b.for you buy. McCaffrey Motor Co., "Th Handy Ford Servlca Station," Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealer.. 18th and St.. DO, 1100. COO000O00000000 O000000OOO O GOOD CARS CHALMERS 1921 TOl'KINU .11031 ORANT 1920 TOUR1NO 750 DlXUi FLYER 1120 ROAD STER CHALMERS 1919 TOI'RINO. OVERLAND 1920 TOUUINd, CHEVROLET 1920 TOUKINU STEPHENS 19)7 TOKRINO.. CHALMERS 1917 TOURING . 400 m 210 200 u.o TERMS OR TRADE. MID CITY MOTOR & SUPPLY CO. 2216-11 FARNAM ST. CO OOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOO OOO 0 0 FORD sedan I months old. Looks and runs like new. This car has only been used on Sundays since it was bought snd haB not been driven over 1,200 miles. Original air In every tire. We will lake 1200 tana than pries of new car. It must be rash. No dealers. Call Kenwood OMiil. FOli sXlK One Elgin flvepsesenier touring car, run I. too miles. In A-l con dition; several trucks, from 1-ton to ton, solid and pneumatic tires; sa.y terms lo ruin party. Call 1'V nlsOr AMEIUCAN FINANCE CO.. Ml W. O. W, HI. DO, 50 RELIABLE used cars, issh or lime, Fords, Ho. I lies and other moid-Is. 10 brand new Kurds at a discount; Ford bodies, new and used. UOLDBTIIOM AUTO SALES CO. Open evenings J A. I4l. llll Harney Bt BOM e" bargains In used FordBi prampt dellveiy or. new Porde. M'CAFERKY MOTOR CO.. Tha Handy Ferd bsivic piatlnn. lllh and Jackson Bis. lo, I Jilv waul Ihi. car to drli now thai Andy ia lack. Il . a l: Kiud.baker big I Ovailiauled and pa Intel Call It A. II s and bur it hnlare she doe. LOCK ovar aur list f uaed car Tllk! AUTOUOTIVM MARKET III l araam l. A f . HII. " " " i'mkii (7tHa " a K Honney H-.l.-r C. I II latnsm. I 4 l I.. ..I yat'B Bl ball I'll.. P.ll. fat al s .!' I ..s saia. hsa. Aula I'sna. leU llaluey M l.o ik liable.'! . !-.!- st-.ilsl .adiii" IIAHnAISBI I. . ..-4 ". alnl, ..p , Illi III 1 1 I I'ls.Mi t. illh.i'V t'la. sit ur litsawalu. Be. Li.,, Hlliuil- mi'Imi i s, i. um .'7T " ami i p. t II at li I iti ASH Al D I . Iltl Israsin Bl II 11-4 I is l..a. :l iwsasa, I e .!, i It. .s..l-t, Nltfl'l. 'II I saM. , la, Bl:l ll Sett. ik. Mil I . at. l III. IK 11.... ... M se ft. tl I kr Isl dill f '! I f ill M.4 I S I . I I . i r 4 t I I. -4-1 tN II t III! . I', ! V . L I I . S'.,-,tt iift sas, Hl r in 4.. . , It II4 I - an a I I 4 . ' , . 4 U..,.,i ..,. . - e. Al I'll, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000 o t j . ' h i. in. i Mur.R cm, o O !"H FA MNA It, O O I buy need r..a I -e eh sail Ikeea O O a lima or will li. l e ge4 a Q auiniiMibli fr I our id ess, o O lb ia la i.a used ear eeiahiiebnteal O O wheia Ika ruetnmer la be O O If ou ata f.Buiihg i buying. ..II- O O ng ar trading a weed car, teme 1 O O ett'l as nte I have ss hand be- O O iwaen 4 aad I wc-t ar.. raniing O O In pti' f'-tn II let li lo. O O All. ANTK' t.iv o c oooooQ oooooooooooooormoo l,.K D'Ml.e loumig tar, let. I p I, puf rbesed Apill l.'l, !. III! Mssw.ll. ll,e. tn Fuld liini.i.s, k. l l.l'l'til A. PI. II A R AQE III. D'.aelsa o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o TRUCKS. TRACTORS, ETC. 000 00 000060 ocowooooouoeoo Rebuilt Used Trucks .TO.l TO IS TON CAPACITY. TRl'CKS ON HAND INCLIKE; Hl'H K, TON. REO BPEEDW AUON, neiTHi.ii, 1 -ton. WHITE, IS TON. PRICES IROM : TO l'.. Andrev Murphy & Son 'arm., If deslird. 1 th and OOOOO 00 OOOOQ OQ OQ OOOOOOOOo ONK FULTON TRI CK. , Tnn and a half in rondiilnn, new pneuniailn Urea and nsw engine from faclnty, just liislslltd. Urea us.d less than 10 davs. Will on terms for price of new engine and llrra ONE MAXWELL TRUCK. fx e.cellent condition for III. Tel, AT .til AVERY l-lon lruk, good rendition, II.': or will trade for Kord.on tractor. Blraud Co. Phone KK, 2IIL NAHM 12' tiU,"k for sal or tradifor louring car or good ri,imv wtkmAmlmr In goonj-onoinon. IMP h. liih Av. HA. 42 REO truck for aal or trade. Will take a corn inurir.g car, 'fall K K. 2fif,l. BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. RoriERB' HIliE CAR, 14. KE JlilT COLO RA DO LANDS. r ARM for .ale. I4S acres In Colorado; own I larg reaervi.lra filled from natural springs for Irrigstlon, Iwo houses. Isrg 'rn. s arsnsries, many ouibulldlnas stocked with reltl. horses, hoge, sheep; 120,000 crop In sight. Will B'-ll land, crop nn ainca. uwner, jacou uaabrout-k, AUIt. Colorado. MEVERAL good reUnomehinenia for sale reasonable. J, c. Pru'lt. Bog 104, Laa xvnimas, i oio , llenl County. IOWA LANDS FOR HALE A 41 97-acre unproved farm all under cultivation and well located In Fremont county, Iowa. Lock Bog 114, Hamburg. Ia KANSAS LANDS. FOR SALE iood Improved 140-acre farm. 2 mile, from Topeka, Kan. Wilt eichange for smaller In southeast Nebraska. J. C. Kara. Table Rock, Neb. MONTANA LANDS. BITTER Root Valley Large end small farm.. Lovely illmite. good water. Cy- 'lones, hltzxard.. tornadoes and cron fail ure unknown. Booklet. Manning Realty, Htavenavllls, Mont. MEXICO LANDS. MEXICO Land of oncortnnUv will aend English translation Mexican colonization lav, for II. Meslcan constitution. 15. Hood laws, land, climate, it, f Black stone, Casa Ccntenarlo, Hermoslllo, ftonora. Mexico. NEBRASKA LANDS FOR HA I.E. 1. 17 acres, with B-nori comrnrtnhla aai of Imprnvemenls, fins shade trees, some rriltt, Just outside city limit nf Central Ctly. Can be unified for anything you want. Price f 9. con. 2. ISO acres, Hamilton county, with good set small Improvements, 2 miles from town. Ideal stock farm, with 71 acres cultivated land, bnlsnce pasture. Price 1100 in acre, on best of terms. ltio acres. r ml es from Cenlrsl ntv lies perfect, good soli, splendid set of improvements, fin grove. price 1125 an acre. About one-half canh, balance good terms. 320 acres. Polk county. 4v m ca from town, fair Improvements, on of ths most producllve farms In th state, Corn will make 40 bushels per sere, hay land cuts ton and a half of choice wild hav per acre, plfiilta cuts 5 tons per ocre a sea son, Prlc l:i per acr. Will consider mi or ISO acres on this half section. B. 40 acres with fair Improvements, 4 miles from town. Price 1 130 per acre, If Interested write for full Information on the numbers vou ars Interested In. M. A. Larson Company Central City, Neb FA KM nAKlAIV. Thlrty-thrpa acres hptw??! South Omnha and I.pIIpvui. Clone to rar Utip, cood tin proveiiH'nra; f in for poultry, dairy or ft-rd S'ardx. I'an ue hnnda nr city property for ft un u i one-niiir. a ri-ni narRain. V. T. (iR AH AM, JA. J5.T3. 704 Petm Trust Bldg. SMALT, FARM BAROAI.V. Thlrty-thrra acrfa between South Omnha and linllvue, CIoha to i ar 11 n, e""d mii provemAtita; fine fur poultry, dairy or f'id j arris, ('an una bunrl or city property for about one-hair, A real bargain. W. T, UKAHAM, JA. U31 704 V,itr" rrunt !!Mr Your Farm or Ranch Turned Qulcklv Into 4'ash. N.;nitSKA RKALTT AUCTION CO. Central t'ltv, Neb Information Free. Vol'R farm or ranch turned quickly Into catih. NebrneUa Really Au.'llon Co., Cen. Hal city, N.-b, II. A. Larson, Mir.; A. . Th"itips..n. Au-'Honeer. yot'R farm or r'tncli turned iiulrkly Into cash. NVbraska Realty Auction Co., Cen tral City, Neb. M. A. Laiaon, Mgr.; A. V,, Auclit.neer. FARMS f. acica up. Write M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb., youe wants f,.r I.imiin. acieaaa Irasta, etc. TEXAS LANDS. " 5c AN ACRK CASH Teas s.'bmd sale 1 Ilie st,ila al Il per a, i. Iu per a.i fab. balan.a in 4. yoara: a -er r-nl Inlcresl. Hand e ..s tnee for furlb.r li.loriiiatton. iiveslr I'ui.tlSbln. i'e, liept. !', ba AntuMo. T, SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS. 111. . -t br - p. I. Li .l ,. I. Iiiiii tt lilla , Ittver, H pr i... ir tsHeii I I a A;. . ,i,..i..r,M. ,tu v,s ii.4. , 1 " l I'lutl". I . ! i r il, .. vi I i -r i. a ' Hats i s .- il' an Ka t I ! I IHII.1..I Iluild ii4, I e see I.I .r Imi,. Issue. I . Il ll -l. I I tettllllSI. s WANTKD KKAl. ESTATE him i i .1... b Hi. fl t, . ... !.. .11 U alad. In m . -e iss. I' s 111, I lt I - . b H'S f t RS Ib 4SIim.S m . r i v ..ik . i o ., SVK. -A I t l I I . , IN . . l . t, II i I. I li . II It .UK ll ll II I .i AT Iltl .1 SIKiKoir I ... I..s. S A It. a i.Ki sr i i. 11 Ilia. 4-lk.f 114 I e !. ' f AT t. 1 1 , allllslssi II, In,, k.ohll . i..:u.,,..i...,,. i. ... i li .s b. . I . I . lm I ' Il .!. a Vi , I , b s r 4 14. j, , . . H.IH A.i. I V a)aV. llll WANTED REAL ESTATE COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" o lisp YOi m moi ar. and A mi '..' m 1 til I 01 I a 1 011 V 41:1 S Sim l MA 1141. cooo 000 f 0 000000 00 000 0003 0 U"l.l rr sale. APIS, far tsek W. J. Palmer Co., Reel r-.t.i M.Bagement Spe.iaiista keelln llldg AT. Me. IIAVK th.i.l .r -r'...ri esilag. will per 1 1, ., ten pay II, to raah Ph" u. el once If you bete a hume f Hub .!., option for sal. Ueo'l F, Jones. R.stior, AP .ell Charles W.'Young &Son Real !'. Kenala, 1 1. tut anca. 11.1 City .'. I, a AT - Tit I" nr e.(i ct.,a'-' I'., 1 Esisis see FOWLER & M'DONALD Uml.f tyiii la I.iiHi.ff y. M l,i ( igf h'1? -)liy four him, HINDER & OTIS, Real Esia'e. loans. Rental.. JA. HII. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Inaiiraaea llnf Earnam Bt phene AT. llll. HIRk'KTT REAL-ESTATE iiiitrviji i n,,,, K,nI i,gr,i( I'. peler Trust llldg. JA '.ll, GRUENIG -i.r-?5 141 Firs' Sai l Bk. R -g JA. 114. OI? M Q Ti V Eetste. loveotmeiiia. III City National Bank Dcuglss 1;j4 O ROVE H I B II A R 0 f.O., moder"bus II Ry. E.chg. Uidg. r Ar4iii RfcAL ESTATE AND INHIHANCfc. If. B. MANVri.I.E. It.sltor. AT 1401. 4IT patera Trust Bid l.lbT ynur prop. or with W, Eemaln Bmiih Co, Illu Fernam Ht, OUT OK TOWN PROPERTY COOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO O EOK HALE A HN AP O O A Bevebteen-rooin dwelling Nsw o O end modern and a show pis, of r O tn loon. On main II n Oregon O 7 rsnrt un. Mn rooms rented. O O IMl a month Income. Pari cash, O o t.aian. e mon'hly. C. F. Morns, O O illumsburry. Ids Us O CO OOOOOOO OOO 00 OOOO 00 OOOOO SALE OR EXCHANGE. 'fohbalf.7)k YkaTib" A ten apartment flat, lot air 1 In on of III beat cities In Kansas. HialdlBg fully erjuipp.rl and fir prncf. Thar a r 0 apartments of Ihre rooms snd bath, a'esrn neat, pear lorailon In city and a Wall ing list for the roome at all tin; This has all annual Income of ;.)0 wilh sn eipenee nf 11,100, including, In sursnc. Isnlior snd uo-keeo W' ira-l this fin modern building for well Improved farm land. Will not con. rider ranch or paatur Isnds, or any In flated prices. Incumbrance nf 117,450 due In Ihre. y.ars at i per cent. I'ricen at :,e,M0Q, call F. r. pi'RDY Or write him. Lock Bog 444. Hterllng, Ken OO 000000000,00 OOOOO 0000000 o iTnTrci- wAMTPn O Will irads my Improved 140-A. O Iowa farm for residence on western O - land. Prl's 1125 per acre and It's O cheap. Located closs lo county O sest town, or will sell and you O name your own terms. Address O Owner, P. O, Bo 157, Omaha. Neb, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A OOOD modern 7-rooni home, all In good condition; will exchange for vacsnt prop, eny west. If not sold bv Hpt. I. la Irssed for 1 year. I'.n per month. Csll AT. 44. BRlk Income properly. Rapid Cllv. R. D. I'.VOOO. Loan l'..0')0 Income 11.400 annually. Wqnt Nei.raaka land. Louis Miller. Frankfort. Indiana, FOR Trade 140 acres land In Kll.kltat county. Washington, near county seat, for small home. Ida Best, 4041 4th avenue. Hscramenlo. f'al. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Big Return Investment A PlnfI. anartrntnt h'lllJInir focal on f'ark avnuJ, nar Ppriflc rrt, a fln corner with 16 prtmntit; -nU now for fcm pr month, b . thri r 10 ffill for dutomobllcji in dditlon to thm nbov rent; location airl all on (tp, inert ta nothing to crjual It In th city. Trie 3.ri,000 MortKMK 000. Wtll tak mm rath an-l firt mort- ffttaT for th halnnri. Absolutely no train, ('all and ua. V. H. DKAKPT, F.xcMiHtvt, ARfn'l, Til Branrlria Tht-ater Blrfr. Omaha. FLAT OR REPIDENCK SITB. Korthwe.t corner, 60th and Davenport streets; tixMi feet. Both streets paved, pavlnir psld. Price. ir,.2n0. HASTINGS '4 HBTDEN, REALTORS, 1614 Hnrney St. AT. 0050. 1.1-ROOM brick house, fine grounds suit able for hospital, near Union station, Iln main, O. P. Ptehhins, .TA. 1327. SKW Ei-roont bungalow and garagK, near stale nonnHt, Kearney, Neb. l-'or snle or trmle fur Omaha property. Phone AT. 6444. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Acre Tracts Frabtlonal 2 acres, in Florence, attractive 7-room, ' nearly new, modern, frame house, also Bleep ing porch, 2-car garage, has city water, electric lights, furnace, etc., reasonable terms. Prlca on appli cation. Fractional 3 acres, In Florsnce, fair improvements, city water In atreet, about mo bearing fruit trees. Prlca 14.000. Fractional 6 acres, In Florence Heights, modern house, 2-car ga riike, ham, 2 chlckt'ii house., over mo bearing fruit tree.. Price I' 6 4 acre. In Florence, unimprov ed, paved road on one aide, city water In atreet. lav. high snd Ightly. Hood Omaha resident- considered In ex. ha me, I II acres, unimproved, on Wssh inglon highuay. new paved mad, Just north of Florence city limits Too fine building sites Price ooo. Monday call KB. ?". or JA. 14!. Fowler & McDonald, Realtors il IU'" 1'tly No Hk. llldg C O000 00O000OOOO00O00000O0 o Improved Acre Tan k ficm . ar Una. 4 renins slid bath, full t- mcitled cellar, fur. na e, lb fi.HI Iters, .m grspra. d.i.ihla n.lil.ff b'.iie. I'm II I. o ..,l. rnnsldrr Irada fur I lie. in h...i . .. ,,( ,.lu, er leaa salu. SO'Kocfe Real Kstate Co.2 (, RI.AI.Tolm. 0 , oniah Vai.en.l Hunk Plda O ft J A. .ill. H coofioonoefiooooaooponofiooo OOOOOQiJOaoOO OOP OOjy OOOOO 0 I A-1.. I I , i rt i Tb-a lit . 1 . 4 .-.! t,t I.., i,.,, I ft O s l. - I. .III-S, h i i.. ah, o ftO'Kl'ofl IJlMll KshltA PnO; "- 'ft i UK II I. I , let. Mat V4 ,.,i H...k Mils J A Hi. c ft ,1 f 0 a ft fi o o o a (t e o r c o o ci ft o .t Il II V U . 111., -,l. war,,, a.,,.. .1 ,...- .In, ... I.s I lat ,i l a - I I't... . I ' I-- e ' i j-. ... J I 'I, A K , , . 1 ,v - .1 lllulf. in t l I'M I ..t I . s. ,..,i r-, ! I Hi. b Il t ' H -s IM.i I i-sl ; I I I ,1 I- H I .l k 4.. ".''.': I I a .. , - , I . - ,1 ' t,,eiss Vt, n A, 4114, 4 all 4.f. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Will, lak aa'pari .,,. M an 4 rum kua and uut .rree Taut ill ple ru if ,a4 . !!,,. WAllt'" '"'"' ,r saidea, can OS r for Hilda. fci,i. Ansa. Plica, ' MA .. 1. nnpic l erea for 4 alW A-TiiiT VACANT PROPERTY Greenlea, The Addition Beautiful Coii'alae .l.ty rkolc. realdear Biles. Th sldlllo bounded n lb cuih br lea vent, or Oi Bi , 'I lha aaal by Pifiy-slslb bl . on Ibe weet bp kd, Addlllna and es lb n.,,in p, H.d Bl Addilioa I l..lrl..d I eesidem us l-r laeaty Water, g.a a.oer mam In tb Btie.t. ,.. ii p.n ., , p,,.nl nr. Prices rang from it ta II. i. Terms ons-lenlk rash I per rent n.oi.ihlr. I par cent dis. unl for rash within It da a M. Ill build sad arrai.g finan'B o very eesy lern.a. The Byron Reed Co., DO IT R. alters llll Fsrnsm B, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO g 14,500 $4,500 o o TWO DUNDEE LOTS c o 42 lsHJ. Heir block of l'nderwoa4 Avenue evrliHklnf Happy Hallow Pa vi na of straal nd alley paid eViilthwesl corner list snd We lister, AT. till. tl Omaha Nat. Rank. o o o o o o o John M. Macfarland, Attorney-at-Law, o o coooormooflftBeiinfldaaaflflaf) Choice Building Site Owlii ta the owners chines nf plane, w ara authorlstd to sail a beautiful .7. foot lot surrounded by new and hand sem homes. Trie IJ.IO; osiien. stc , by lallin. us Shuler & Cary, Realtors Keelln Building pr ,a74, HI'J RAMljAIN IX A VACANT LOT South front. 40s 1 14, oo Locust street, near I2d. for only loo. lOiisl-.o south Iront an Decatur afreet, near litri with sewer, water end perma nent sidewalks for only 70 ... . H. OATKg. IOjnajipUlgank Bids;. JA 1:4 Sfllp "a'""" tola and acres se tracts now going eo. Bpaclal terms snd l.rtces made. 1:00 up; .msll payroVnt down, balanr easy term. Be r pbon. ftewsrt. Ha let on 10-W. WILL build la your order on our beaoti. ful lots In Ldgawood; very essy term.. Atl.ntie III. 1rCKWOOli! large lot. ISilll; riorTh front on Jackson, near lid Stresl. st bsr. gain price, p. a. 'irltnmel. JA. 1411. A oooit lot In deef Institute dietrlct. Prlc :60 If sold at one. Call WA. 1IS6. CENTRA LPRQPERTY. TOLR RKST MONKV NEVEH COMES DAt'If 150 month at per cent compound in lerest in 10 year. Is II 142 61. Omaha property cine In t Imreialng In valu. dally. I ll el1 you sn t-room all mod. h"me wher Income will pay for It, nr, new, but In fine repair. 12.000 down. balance monthly. Your money will rorr.a back. HA. 1341, Mr. Brown, 141 8. S9th alreaf. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY Buy a Real Bungalow $.5,250 Terms Clasey. large-sized, l-room. atucco bunga low. fine exterior, oak finish, corner lot, paved street, garsge. priced absolutely right. Funday call Booth, WA, 1006; Mead. AT 81110, days. KHROF.KKR INVESTMENT CO, Resltors. JA. 3211. bit) Kunderlanri ntrir Near Lothrop School 14 000 TF.nus Seven rooms and bath, strictly modern, newly painted and decorated, oak floors throughout, 60-foot South front In! arllh paving all paid; immedlats possession. 2510 Fmmett Htrear Osborne Realty Company """ ricrs trust iiuig JA. 2!2. Hanscom Park 81 room, all modern. Garage, ea good shady lot. Handy to car. church and good stores. Listed for quick sale. Only 11.000 down. Tern." on balanca. Glover & Morell AT- U2- 702-704 Keeline Bio. BUT A HOME. , . , 1350 CASH. Eight-room, lVi-story, all modorn house, full cement basement. This I a good buy. near 16th and Decatur. Price IJ.350. Five-room cottage, near 24th and Spsuld ng. all modern, new, hot air furnace; Inrge l.vel lot. Cash 1460. Prlc 1 960 GIVK US AN OFFKR. f ight rooms, all modern, corner lot, near Florence boulevard. Clos In. Nll nr terms. Horn too large for present owner. It could be arranged for two families. iS"1 ' ,4'00, r" "dl1r" c" KK. '.' CLART CO., Realtors. Ei-?'."1 Ar"es Ave KE. 01 71, 6 Rooms, $3667 I have a dundy 4-room house thai I can anil on easy ferine. .Modern on paved street. It's a snap at l !.6ini. He or bhon W. S. Frank, Ph""e Ja. 1400 201 Nevlll Block. 1'RK'W RKDllCKtl' t . .,, " i an now sell this dandy 4 room bung. i ... 'w' "ly 1H blocks lo Def vu lK"': "J- Kru" 'n" '"ia lm. hand a .7&e . -i. . . bl paity. KK. 42J Hunday and .venlng. 26 Peter Trust llldg AT l2T MKVFN' Room llol'Hk;. . . KuK I'NLT J IU. Well loralsd at 1618 laka .... bhsmia avenue car line, uuth fio'nl ..i, XV H IUTI.I f7 Omaha .i hank 1 1 1 . at JA llll HtllKMIII ill: iiomV l rooms, ik f.ors and ftnisb in mm rooms laig lot with aafJS A re. I hai. gain with o. lJMh. i4ii t,i4,. (r, Lewie, WA li.'l H ' CLAHT C i, Rsaiin.s Ilk and Aiioa Ave, K K I7. Ttl I It "l4"oinil. "" - - rive-r.H.m roitss .l m...lru. sk fif. niv lilt. lm in. in I. 1 I1,.. Ii..i.i Ai car lll-e dj, I. is iii.vatlilr ohr rr.ujl i t i'lnl ki l co . D! IHA fl I. 41 toil " 4it s- .. nr lu-ii.t, bi itatsr b! reunl, ieeti.l 4 ban. la fur i Jw.t BMta ., Ae.e .u I M a, . nil .H.m1. le.-slii.s., h ' 1 I ,AMf III ! " bu i'i j. k .1 an,. A I HHh is H f - a , ' B..4 ( II n I llnsa 1,..K nl u,Klk ... " ! A t !.'. I ' l KS.I .. It1 I to ,!,, III H, .li-, S SHriMltii, sal Bl !,. lilt u u. 4. a J.i Sf ll,r l I H lima. Jllk A.e I l4i,.. i , a I w I mi 4 r re.e.s l. I, IK l f. V I. It -I I,, .. ...sat'. Us .... , K i. 4 ll a '0. a cull. I kl . . . - i , lis: mn i,,i . !' a. Il III . II i a a- ir, It, '. As kvsk, Vse, r . Hit, ,