' Till. FUNDAV HEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 20, 1922. Dave Danforth Loses to "Lefty" Hyman in Pitching Duel at Buffalo Park 2-B Former Brown Hurler Trimmed by Herd, 7 to 1 Two DouMe Stfali fur Homr Bijf, JMj to i)mh Scoring Df piriment Two C,nr To'Iay, DAVF. IMNrOk 1 If, allrnH to ht the Aniirirart cimi' lra ftig f)ul -ititr, tii'1c hit debut in I Tulsa luiitorni at f!ufaln park yrtttrday iiirrnfion awl wa fiati-it, 4 to 7, in pitching dud with "l-rify" Hi-man, liurch' hint addition lo llif Omaha hurling; lUff. It wit fa r, iquara beating, al though batter tupport by iha 01 era would bava mad tha Mora 3 to 4, Dava pitched with hia left band, too, ao ha tan't claim tha colef ian took advantage of him. Double Steala Httltd Off. Two rluuMt were css-cul'd t ih linff.loct with plate as the main objective on each orrision, ami all in all tin fant itw fnnre real laclall than they usually Kef lirn the horned Irib offer a two-ply bar (,'aoi bill. Batea aineled in tha (irat, took tecon4 on lWortha wild heave trying to catch him off, and mada third on Griffin'! a'np-la. Than Batti atola home and Cr.ffin drew up at aecond. A triple d''tf in the third; Hyman walked, and Stuart'a muff after he wa caught off put him on aecond. Then, after Gislason and bate were out, Grantham walltrd. Griffin tingled tcoring llymau. Maonth tlrew a pin, Apptraon redeemed other failing! of hia day by alamming burning ainle to left, aconng Grantham and Griffin. Hyman Aaccnda. Hyman had been going wilder than Wildroot, with a guarantee to grow hair all over a nervuua man, ad the Oilr-r alicked bim for a tiJ jcore in the aiath. iSatc' fumble put Lelivrlt on; Bati man aingled hi third consecutive bit; Stuart walked; rotby doubled to left, counting Lelivrlt and J!au rnan; Danforth acored Crosby with a baguer to right; Bennett flied to Manuth; Croaby scored on Frtnkie Thompaon'a aarriftt fly to Manush, and Davia grounded out, GiUon mak ing a spretacular pickup, Batea tingled In tha seventh after on wat down and acored on Grantham'! triple to center. Grif fin filed out. Manuih waa hit by a pitched bait rant ham atole home ' and Manuah aecond, Tulta pro tetted politely, but the play (ap parently gavt Anderaon right to call it aither way, and h gave the Buffaloea tha doubt. - Buffaloea Score: In Eighth. ' Hyman ateadied after the aixth, but the Buffaloea made it one more in the eighth, anyhow, on ainglea by Wilcox, Spencer and Bates. The Oiler rallied after two were down In the ninth and Leliveft and Hauman took sack on ainglea, Stuart grounded to Grantham for the third out. The drubbing waa ao neat and business like that Danforth, at a matter of habit, apyit 10 minutea at the rluith looking for the McAlpin I'Mel. thinking he bad just left Sportsman'a park, St. Loui. Same tea ma today In a double program, opening at 2. Up on the rocf yeaterday they imagined Boehltr, league ace, and Dan Tip ple might hook up aeain fn a thrill ing duel. nxa.c AH R, H.TB MM IB.fO IT, Iaaett, ff , , Thnm(iMia. 3b laK rf Taimb, rT Illrtt, Ih ... lattaman, ta Wuurl, a ,,, 4'mab, , , . , Itaaforlb, p ,, a n it i a a a a A t a a a a a o a 1 t I t a i Total at 4 an z o za io a xrv.uM. Aft R, If.TB MMn l-O.VK tiwia. I I I I I') ltat. lb ...,. t a t O I 14 rntbm, lb.. I I 1 a ft t a I CrifflH, rf ,...4IJUll() Maniwh. f t A I a 0 1 4 Anr'ran, If ,,4 t Wllen. a 4 1 I Kiwwrir, .... 4 I I 11 y ma a, p .... t I 4 tea 1 I a a a e a Total f i it ia o 4 ti it a brara br Innlna! Ttlla , OOfl m (XKI I Umolia y H! :- 7 aammarrU-RaraMl runai Tlo, Omnba, 4c Thr,baa hlfal Irranlham, Mnnub. Twn-haM hit llnuman, :riix, lilt hjr pilrbrri Hf iiaiifnrlh (Mmiii.li.) lx,uhl plan V Urn li I.UIaxm t lll. Mrark aal: fly lljiuan, I: br lnlorlli, I. Ur na hIUi Off llrman, ti iff Itanfnrlh, I. Mild pllrbi Danfnrlb. In plrftf An4rrnn and Ltrfa. Ifl a baaaai Tulaa, iai-Omh, 1. TIroal t:UO. Arrange Grid Schedule. Mount Vernon, la., Aug. ly The completed football arhedule of Cor fu!! college here wa announced to day. Ficgmnitig the eaon on Sep trmber SO, eight gamea will be plajed, the roniclliant meeting iuh trann a Drake, firinnr-ll. Ildniiinr, Minn., and Dubuque, The cnmpU-ie achedule fnltowt; Sitemler JO, State Teacher collffte at Mmint 'ernon; September 7, lornell at Drake. Dei Mime; Octfl"r 14, Cornell at lUmlice, St, I'aul Minn.i Oiitohrr 21. I" Wrtlcyaii at Mmint Vetnnn: (Utobet . l.awreiire at M'mhU Vernon (jiendmg)i Member 4 Cornell a Dubinin I'., Dubuque; November II, Cornrll at ttiinnetl; JVnlber IS, ( o at Mount Vuikhi. 125-Pound Youth Guardt Girl of 300 Again! Drounlng r A ,fon, i:rrv!ii of pu'ih iriami', vttt l t wrfM4 m all M il enliii'if l 'fuiU and in tbtii nr. it. to rviMM 1 irity ni hsj'lKf" ! tn ! in. I lc ff grvnnh in thi 9iiiuv f-l tri'm Mi. I"i 4 h I a ier' (I JS piuii! "ig M on ib tag i lt vux4 1 1' I l ! I '! aiiiji in fjiiig t cails pl ), twmig tn t t 'l iul , ...tlj. (tlt a l' i. soniing l M, Jon, i4 lim ? flni.iK.t Ilia n N iNiUnl- ( M 'tvki 4 i'l 'i' iwt4, t" tnwiti ri4 )! in lm ii.sh, H 'N 4 1 ) t b.-t.' ' f !! b " '( I (! ml a...,...i a-..s.4 ft'itnniwl it, w, ttri lite-. i kin l- mt li EDDIE'S FRIENDS pmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm ai itC ' ' ii all .. Kin klT AuMy Wip w C6TTA 'UaihlfK.'TiHK COMIM' a I'll. CtO M AH TRcuj A SCARE. 'Cm AwywAy L fcDPlt CfUY U,t-tsJ Mft (CA31 Z0tt (M JkaaajaAav' lU fratvaw ., Iw( Expect Large Entry List in 1922 State Golf Tournament I'robably JOO Kcbratka golfer will tee off at the Omaha Field club, Mondav amt Tuesday, Aujfutt and 2f, in the qualifying ro'iit'lt of the an nual Nebraska State Golf tournament which will continue through the week. Competition in the tournament ia expected to be keyed lo a high pitch with the entry of (he present Kate champion, Blaine Young, of Omaha, and acveral former champion who are out to regain (he title. These include Sam Itevnold. Ralph Petw, Guy Beckett, John Kcdick and M. T. Swartz, all of Omaha. The Field club coure i a reaon ably hard 7J par of 6,120 yard. Elev en of the green are vitible from the tee, but nyne are elbowed, alt being atraight. Of the 300 entries, almost two third are Omaha golfer, the remain der coming from the Mate, Thi year prize are rather ovrI for a golf tournament, according to M. 'iVSwartz, secretary f the Xc braika Golf aociation. Silver et will be given the winner. 40-Pjf-ce Hand to Play at Humfjoldt Fall Festival Humboldt, Neb, Aug. 19, (Spe cial,) I'rospect are now that Hum boldt will have a 40-picce band for the fall festival to take place Septem ber 13-15. The tame band will play at the Pawnee county fair; later. The festival committee report that indication for a large itork exhibit are promiting. Sow Bears Two Litter of Pig Within 10 Dayi Mangum, Okl Aug, 18, "Pig i pig" in Oklahoma, and W, J, Under wood, who raise them, i quite sat itfied. A Poland China ow in hi piggery recently had a litter of 10 pig. Ten day later the amc tow had a aecond litter of nine. All of the first litter are living, and teven of the second litter survive. i iwa tr i.ti, ww a, ! r -y C - ' f t ' ' Junior Tennis Stars I! fl zp?!m ' Wi,ff 1 ''. f . . M ,t i . 1 I If . 1L.k Mfht Mtg, Pnibete) iUHMSf ! Sttf Pt lf.t .) b lMU4 lnn. jtls.M vl V J.tm, Vi.;,,,, ,,, it I, I, , Sii K st'tnt iJiita't, ett'i )ms '- . , ,, - , , , l"Hi M P 'SI lla. H il TiMK. Ply Yf''H' .lm i..ir riA li'f li.i ..L tJ4im; PAT : IHXo P-AfPCP '- 's.' -'j's i . ' ; Bulldogs Have Tough Schedule Dei iloillea. Ia.. Auk, 19, With the tnot attractive tt nrlule the Drake univeriily football team hat ever fared ahead of them, candidate for the Drake vanity aquad are eagerly awaiting the call for the beginning of the 1922 icasou, Cornell, one of the ttrongest of the Iowa college, will be Jhc first opponent of tlie liulldog. Coach Finger alwav turn out a good team, and thi will be an ideal contest to prepare the liulldog for Kansas, here the following week. The following week, October 21, football relation will be opened up with Washington university, at St, Loui. October 28 will be an open date for the iuad, and Coach Soleri undoubtedly will take advantage of thi in getting ready for the big home-coming game with Ame, here November 4. Thi will be one of the biggest game in the ttate, during the tea ion, a thi date i at the close of tCALfM' 1 uar om K )! ' J . - K. I M All V II VP 1 VI the State Teacher' aocution meet- jpiih.r: m ing here. Thousand of Drake andi: ,' Ame alumni will be on hand to root for their ichools. The Ami quad, headed by Coach Williman, doubtlc will prove a tough opponent t Drake, Williman plan to introduce the spectacular open attack for which i alma mater, Ohio State, ha long been noted. On Armiifie d?', Drake univcrnity will entertain the Colorado Aggie, Thi game will be the feature of a big ArmiUi'c day celebration which the American Legion i holding. In tensive plan for citttrtainlng the wounded (oblier at the Colfax ho pital arc under way,' Tht Grinnell game, which ha ualty wound up the season on Thanksgiving day, ha been moved up to November 18. Immediately after the Grinnell gme the Bulldog will pack their uit and start outh for the Misiippi A, and M, con test. The enate appear to be in favor of rcvition not only upwards but tideway. i. a. a s i, si:m , ll 14 I!'!! Heljt SAVING TIME Thp POT5 BUSTE.0 tJK A CCOPLA, OLutS itTS fcttP our. pane act ICR. Two t VO04HT To Afil-B .To CfET ir Right n ha. nw I &b Ask: A PfU-Mop State League laJan4rr W in, Nrfilfc. V.h, An. ! rn4 Ilan4 ioir.it Korroi bora tuflay bv a bit. inak- lua that aura bit tvunt fur tb aitra run that lav (horn t aiit, a to I, lkri fJltAMtr tn.ANirl NOftrOt.K. I AIIHMA.t AS H O A Krn4a,3b 1 4 ! Athlon, 4 111 Kohan.rf 4 11 li Milt ri-ll.zb (11 Mxl.a I I 1 I H.ir.aii 4 14 ei-.k.rlf I (Kuua,ir III J 1 f.-.Ib 4 1 IlKnaxprf till l .l.ard .Y 11 IK-nna(l,r( llfaW'Mb 11 lil'larli.c 4 I t liantlar, lit l0ra,:f I 1 I I C aaUb,B 4 114 Kartr.lb 4 14 !Hilir..p 4 11 ToUtl II If ijLndlar.p I I I I Totil 7Tl7iT aVor If Innlnn; '!ran4 I:li4 Ill (il ft Uurluilt , ,,, it 1207 Humnmry Huns; Krandt, llobao (I), j,cHr fj, l'tr', Jlr-war, Rotitl, Ath rln it), Mltcbrll II), tvurr, Clark, ;tava ttrrutu: Kran.la, Mats, tlrawar, Ttiraa-lSaa bllai HaKirarly, Iiantlay, Roura, 'twit-bum hiia; AtharUtn, fiarr, Orsvaa, Harr ii, biulan baaaa: Marr (Jt. Doabla playa: lllll'.n to Mlfhall ta Hagarty, UK by t-ltihar: Ily Clilrpaalla 0)i.) Wild plirb: Cblryaalth, l.-a 00 ball) Off "hr.Hh, i; nil Killin. I, atruck out; lly ' hlr,-llli, ; by HHOhi, I la I Hif,lr,K, by Oldlr, I In 1 Innlnr. rlarrl tut hit: lllrll. Mai. Lft ua kaaras tiriind ltni, ; Norfolk, f, I,t.ln Hun. L'liipira: Stavrra, Time: Kantlnaa, 4i ralrbary, I, Hastlri, Anif, II P(ron pllrhad llaftinita lo 4 in 1 victory ovr Kalrbary bi tudny, allowing- but thra lnl,s. a'or; jrAiltllUKr. I HABTINOa. AUIIOAl AUHO.A. ftoonay, a 4 1 4 t al('bln,lb 4 Karry, K 4 I I rlfcer, tli M'l'tt, rf 1 1 iTma, It 4 Wl'buih, lb II witt, rt 4 HMaa, tt 11 i Mo-lUr, rt t 4:iyl'4, b 1 ' Willow, lb I liowl'ln, If a a 0 'intrin, a t ttcummr.n t I.KIrby, I limmy, p I a I'euraon, p t 0 0 T(,ll 2 1 24 li; Tolala , 11 t IT I acor tiy Innlni: Palrfcury , 4 0t 00 1 liaatinas ei 020 to 4 nummary Run: Jnnr, Moallar, Orlf f!o 12), Klrliy, Krrr.rai Bllna, IIvlnd, Zi'la-nlK-m, (trlffln. Two-baaa hit: Pilar, Orlirin. Ha'-rlfua bits Ktrby. Jiaaa on tiallai Off I'atataon, 1. riiolan baaaa; Wlm busb, Orlfffn. IjoiiIiI playa: Koonay t Wlmluslu Hi Tier mot l to Wlmbuah. Struc out; liy TatTiim, 1; by .fannny, I. !aft on Imas: Kalrbury, J; Hastlma, 4. lilt by ilt, hd ball; lly Jnny (Klrby ) Karn m rum; Hantinin, a, Uinpira; Whlr. Tlma; 1:4. - Ileal llntt Link, lintrk. Aur 1 Bastrlc took Ih opnliia Kim t lb arU-s from Lincoln twliiy, T to 6. Heavy blttlni by th Iliuea was raaponalbl for tbclr aafaat. Bowman ha 1 1 111 with horn run n4 a tripl wra feature of th Kama, Hcora; . LINCOLN. . .1 ItBATliICK AllHOA AB.H.OA. Kpr'rT, ta 4 rrrl, rf 6 Iy, 2b 4 l-i,nky, 4 illbaon, rf 4 Hunt, If 4 1 J I nn'irrs, t: 4 0 4 1 0 0 OlKlroar, lb 4 I 1 1 C S Qulnn. u 4 I I S II liliow'an, r( I I I 0 1 It Olstnanay, If 4 i 1 2 I 1 l.'r-, lb I J 1 1 T 0!wirn, If 4 1 4 0 9 Vrniar, a 101 t I ulKuhmm, ltl I MToy, lb 3 ,lnlr, 4 Cinlth, p MtKaa, p 4 11 I I "A 11 TotU TnUlt II II IT II fti'or by Innlnis: Lincoln , " I!l 00 liawli HI iil 00 T Mumniry Kuiibi Iprani'r, py, Olbaon I3l, ittnkar, lirlaiuarr, Kiri-hnar, Qulnil 121, Haw man (21. ! K. Krroi! nn. f ,inkr. lialaiuaria, Iluwman, I. !', 1'na-r llnnia nm; llnwman, Qulnn, 1V, UllHirm. Tbraa.liaa hit; liQwmin. Two la hit Ilr, Hairlflr lilla: Bmlth, Slii'or, PAtaiui'rr. Ntolan bsaas; aprani mr 11, buuliia playa: wultm, iltiiri (0 Klrrhnrri Hull ta I'onkny! f)), lipramr. r I" SlnCoy, Mlrmk uti My MKaa, I; by ni 1 Hi, I lluca m balls: Off XliK.a, 3; i,ff Nnilib. i t:smi run: ntrt,, ti; l.lnnuin, t I'mnir; Johnson, Tim I I hour, No Death in Minnriota Forebt Fire, Itrpnrti State Duluth, Minn, Aug, l1), After a night of virtual calm, mm fighting tin (orc!t fire In northern Minnesota set nut today lo attempt to set ffn. , liol of 111 tarinut btaift brb'l I dry imubl b tiitd into greter minits , by heavy windi, A bghl ilriiiln , t.tiu f"SI taily today, J W. T, Ci', ti fuitster, nid only !i J'lll in tb vslud jt.trt.Uv pre. iiri a teiifiitinn of Ih j'Hit dni Irr brn 4VI riiiiiii Mrre llUril. A.pif ml)' itrliml rnii l.t 1 ijfhi itublt.hed llisl n't on tu Ion killed III Thosi i. i..in fniiting Ihun.lt' iutn4 up , uiihrinij. Tern Martlmll Pin. I'f ef t- n U, Aug. I"im A iiid m.i n i( ih I Ani(fiii I's'U it'isi ! iid si si'inma in lit Lr i Bi' l t ctnl nrt lil I' hi. pa srt, i.l Ml S it ! !f'U HI MHHig I'1 ' ' h" l.iH Mm i t hunt si f f I, st l.tan U.il, III II (,p, )m , .,jii. km ,( ' .Hn(.,S, . I American League Mil lM.ltn4f. ikiiaiki, Ana It ai. Iwi 4tai4 t l t l4 la Ih nrle lu ! tr iMlnf Ik, wroii,) jam af a 4aba kdr la Ik lwai, rhil N, Vaa a(llia t kna. T Iim Ik Hrat f I laat Ih .(na, a ! a, kii wuh, u I4I hm, tan Mn.r t Ih kii tirauil mialiH la Ik fi 4 i4 aim, laaama hi ll a t II. i'ltr Wikr vl l'kll4tikt. kit ki lfa at in la fun am. HI: Millar Ink kon.ar t ih a la Hi iblk laninf ll,4 lbll 41pti I win ik 4 aanlaa) Hum xl laia4 la few !' Kio ol lb a lci(kl km aun r m4 la aaaia. William paltini a iir, ail walk tr. Ika, V..I.U. Mum, Millar 4 rlilr.a tw , In at aaina. T. lt'ia I fHII.AUICI.fMU AllHOA AU It ii A. 4 111 4 ati a t M. tt Miw, Ik i i i 'ruii I I 4 M.u.af.lb I f l.l.k,l( ttlala. lb 4 i b.-.,lf I MMatrl I w llama, If 4 mi: I ! I f II Millar, cf I'arfcln. Nfuaar. i a a ,i4, a ii'i iKwar, M I ll Walkar. If I MrkM. Ik i I IfarMW 4 levari i H mark, a TUH II II If 1 Marria. a Mrliaar K'tham, a l !lo Tolll I I It II ntt4 for llartl In flfih. tliaitad foy Kaicliam la nimb, ai Muii in in mi- Mllia4,iphl HI 101 l autfirrary Hum: Tobia, roaiar II), ma lar, X'Manv. William II), atmiS.r, Mil lar. WaMb, frkliia. Oalloway, Walkar. Kiror; foalar 111, Walkar, Twu-baa bit. Bawarai. Tbr-baa bll; lo- r.aiiu laaarwd, Hlal.r, Oalloway, Horn rana: Wlktr. I'rklna, uiiaroa, yyai'n, aiolaa baaa; aialar, loubl play: lall way lo Voum la llauaar II). Mlt on baa.a ll, Mull, Ti I'bliallalpl.l, 4 lla- an lialla off Mlmrh, l off Kl'-hm, 1. airui k mil' lly absikar, 1 1 by Harris, I. I'll, (iff ll-lm.. h, 4 In t lnnlna, off Karri, I ll I InnlniS! f K't'hara, 4 I Innlni. Loalnf pltthar; Jtanl. Ilrn plr..; Owrna 4 Morlarltf. Tloii M. Maron4 lm: ' T, lfia I l-HILAUKI.PHIA. I AllllOAf AHH.OA Tobla, rf i roun. lb 2 4 I Koalar, lb t I Haua.r, lb 4 II f aiai-r, lb I I W.l.h, rf I -.'illla's. If I I llll-r, f J J Jarnb'n, rf I II ,l'arMln, I I I I M M a, lb 4 I IjOallo y, M I a.ar.ld. 4 Wlkr, If 0rbr, aa 4 I ' Dykaa. lb I Krlaht. oil 4;llrnml, B I aCv.ll'H ltl TaTTTa I Total 11 10 27 12 Tolll M 11 11 lf jllaltrd for Wrlalit la ninth, hora bf lanlnis; . louli , 1 - l'hllllphl ....! 1 ll nummary Bunt Tobln. rostr, ffalir, WHIlarna, MfManua, Touna 111, Hnuaar. Ulllaar. Jyka fcnora: JToalar, M'Stanua, Hmmt. Two baai hit-, foatar, Tobln, lltih run; William, MrMnu, fiykaa, Millar. horltlc hlll Walrll, Koat, BK lr. Ualloway. Daubl plays; MrManu to (larbar o aialr; rotr to liMriua to ilr; Oarbar to M':Mnus to aialar; 0r bayto roatar to MrManua. J,ft on bi-! Ht l-osila, l Phllrllt.hl, 4, H-a on balla: Off Wrlihl, I. Htruk out; lly Horn. ml. t. Hit by blth.4 ball: lly WrIKbt tMlllar.) Wild bitch; Wright. Umpire: Owrns n4 MorUrity. Tlm: J:l, ladlavi Win ta Tanth. Whlnaton, Au. l :ivln4 ln4 a rl-ar lltl to fourth plc by 4fi.tln WMhlmton, I to I, In tb lO-lnniri bai II, 7,arhry autpltchad vlkla uiilll Ih final roun4 whan h waakanad iil ail drlvan from tba bo, rrancl Uklna bl plac. iCor! CLEVELAND, . I WAIHINOTON Annus Kvnl, If I I Rl'-a, rf I M'lnnla, lb 4 4p.tlt-T, rt I Ht'.in, 2 lb 4 Nawnll, a Wood, rf 4 Oar'nar, b 2 Wamhy, 2b I O-Nalll.e t (Viv'kla, p iNun'm'tr 1 I II lIHarrls, ZB 1 a 1 I lUudica, lb a 111 0 1 I 4 ilo.lln, If 4 14 2 I T'Hrowar. rf 4 12 1 1 1 lKhnka, lb 4 112 I 1 if'k-ah,M J 1 4 Olpinlnlrh, c 2 T 2 I T Zfhry, p 111 I 1 l'Krnrla. p J 1 I ',lharrlly I I 0 i,iluah 10 0 0 Total I T 2(1 Ml ) Total II 114 14 sllalttd for Osrdnar In 10th. zllit4 for J'lunlrh la loth, sUattcil for Francl In 10th, Kcor by Innlnis: ,.-.a . .on 10 00 ! Wa.hiolon"' 000 10 000 00 riurnmry Huns; Velnnl. P1'. a,.K-n-n juilaa. Krrnra: bi,kr, fcw'll, Hbanka. )'klnpUKa. Two-ba hit; Oo- 11. u.l.nii aurinaa: Colakl. liaro nae, Iroubl ply: Bi.phnon to a.wall to M.Innl. I.rt on oaaa; ' W..hlntton, . Ut- on bll: off cove lakl, 2; off Z'hry, i off Krancls, 1, Hl: Off Zachary, t In I""'""! . 1 1. inn nr Htru k nut My " bV V:;;ia.ki: t. losh, pllrhar: JIhry. fmplra: Oulhrl n Connolly. Tlm; J:l. Yank Dafnst Whit Box. V Vork Au. 1. Th New Tork r..lly defi.tln Ol.lr.o. 12 to 6. whll th Brown dlvldad a doubl-hadr with th Athlatle. It Ohlcaaa' fifth succaaalva r. Ruth hit his 14th horn run of . -1 H i,ni,A ih. f a lor Iirat uia' th aon off Lvrlt In th fourth In nine. cor: CHICAGO. I NEW TOBK AM.M.O.A. A B II. O A. u.illl-n Ihl 1 JlWIlt, if 4 4 2 Btrunk. rf ' - . . . Alt. . 1. - 1 1 2 0 1 10 l 4 v 11UR.11, nv VjRuUi, rf 0 Hipp, lb S OIKehana, e 1 OJHofmann. c 0 UMaural, If 0,Ward. 2b 2 AlM Nslly, 2b I HHeott. a I Collin. 2b 4 Hoopar, rf 4 nht-aly, lb 4 rolk, If M'Clal'n, 4 achalk, a I Tsryan. 1 Hod, p 0 Lavar'. p 1 I'ourtnay.p 1 sMnalll 1 Mtek, p 0 iJolinaou 1 0 J'Khnwkny, p t n u 0 0 Tolall 2 I 17 11 Total II 14 x Kitted for Courtnay In savsnth. Httrd for Mack In nlnlh. Beor by Innlnis: ' Chlro 010 000 4011 s Nw fork ss i"-' Htimrnarv Runs: Hooliar. P.Ik (2). Me. Clallan, Varyn, Will (8), Dunn, Hih, nenaila. aiaua-i, Man, .,n..-i.a, Ihawkay. Krrora: Strunk, MeClallan, Mo Nally Two.baa bill I'lpp. Thra-b hU ; Moalll. Horn run' lluth, Klk, lloopar, Hiolan haaas: M-ual. MeNally, naeririe hll: atrunk, will, lamina piaya: nim and gnoilj Mrt.'lallan. I'olllns snd aiiaaly. Irfift on tisais: Nnw Voik, I; Itliliaio, 4 llasaa on balls: Olf bhswkey, ; off Hods", Is off l.aratta, I, off nurli(.y, I; oft Mark, I, airuek out: lly Khki, I; by Hod. I; by l.avrralta, It by Couriny, ti by sunk. 1, HU: off Hod. in I In nlna inon out In s-nonrtl; olf t,vralii, I m II I Innmi olf I'nurlnoy, I la I 11 lnnln; ntl Hsik, I In 1 innlnis. Wild Plteh: rufib-y, l,oln i.iieh.r, Hdi t'nipir: lilnn nd Iltl4ur.n4, Tim! I II Tlr Tab liautil ntll, Im.tnii Au l-iiroit in b-th Sani' S front llnalun toils.. l I "! I I'lllali won bit Hth ism In tasin Ih opsnsr, boldlria Ih H4 h I Saon fall lr. ittiiT I imai'is All II" AI AllHOA Situ. I till I t.laS"l4, l I I l.h I I Vlilrh.it, M I I I 1 abb. t III" rim. I Sill V.a.h. If I I SI tl a. If II thill IK S S Ham If I ) t.it...k, rl I t I I . IK I I w. li,, all 1 lUw.ll f I . .! a J-aaa lb I j X " s I I w lail I I f. p I 4 ! ll tl II M e. . 1 1 a v t I jl I i'IIK I I till, I I I t ii u t u is slil4 t ..n l tf.kii. i,i . i , i eVb ..lil I e ! la al' - r iiiit ,. -. , Ill .! ai., ,.ii St-. .. fl' i lies til. fc.ie ttat. t a-.. i . t l.-' - (ti- I I e'iSs li . s la .s ft fs aa - i '-, , ie-eti I H Set I l I 1 elf la . I ii S 'i I! In ell a I Si Puei.i i Si I .l a I M 'I I If ! . S li 4 -., e l f el ( t - i. i rt I m all I I I lie atl.lsia ! tii. WPedi.e, S... , It I ... . s. I , n, t t s it Reb" Russell Stages Successful Comeback" Jfiiitrafio!i, Minn,, Aug 19, l'un.hae of I Iwell A. (Kcb) Kussell by tli 1'ittsburgh National Itague club fi'iiu the Miitneiioli American soiatiiin tC4m reralls the interest in k baseball career' til the slugging Miller DUtlirlder, who in 11 )cart rote lo a nujur league slur a a pitcher, pitched a world' serif then, after a reversal of form, berauie one of the hardest bitting player in the American association. Ilia majur league day date from 1912 until 1919, v.heu he wa with the Chicago Americans, and for a time the While Son's leading pitcher. In lift first year with the Soa he won ll garnet, losing but V. The height of ins career came in 1917, whru he pitched In the world serie between the White box and the New York Giant. The tory of h! rise to fame date back 10 year to I9li. Started' In Text. Hi bill playing began at lien bam, in northern Texas, in that year. If finished a teiisatiVI year with tl.e Fort Worth club and wa pur chased by Chatle Comiskey, owner 01 the Chicago team, The ertwUite louthpaw pitching luminary wa 2S years old then, Kusscll tarted out like a whirl wind, experiencing an envious first ytar in the major Iraguea for a pllchar: Ruaaall. 1'mplr.is: Evans 4 Nil tin. Time; IH 4 , Haeoiiil mt: tiETnniT I BOaTON AH If OA All If OA Itlu th 4 III o (.ll.nlil rf 411 I'.haw Jb 4 I fi IF Stiohall.s dibber 4 11 O'llurnalb Vaaeh.lf 0 I ' Pratt, lb Hlmann.rf 4 I 0 llurrls.lf J'inas.Jb J 1'M-nosky.rf l lariat- aa S 1 4 H' I'awalar.lli ItaaNiar.i' 311 f'baplain.o Khmka.p 3 0 J I'Wallara.a Karr.p 111 4 III 4 11 lit III 2 21 911 I 11 1 t 11 T'.lala :t I 27 U7I rolhn sslllltr Total ,11 2f It sMnilait for Chaplin In lhth, Mutt a. f.,r Mit bait In ninth, hi 01 a by innliifs: rtrolt ,, 01 00(1 1011 Huston , 000 000 000 nummary llun: Vaaeh. Krrnra; Nona. Two-baa hits; Khrnk, Hums, Hinkn l.aaa: l-'watr Doulila pltya: l utahnw to lllynay )o Ulua l,(t i,n baaea; liptrnlt, 4 Hoatnn, 4. ftaar on balls: Kit Karr, I, atiurk out: lly Kbmk, 2. Wild pitch: Karr. Umpires; Nallln and Even. Tlma: !:!. Western Packers Slug Out 10 to 7 Win Sioux City, Aug. 19, Sioux City pounded Hird for even run in the third inningi while Wilson held the Jo&ie safe until the last two inning, the I'acker winning, 10 to 7. Score: ht. joHKi'ir. I moux f-iTV. A H U M A I All.H.O.A, f)ton. lb 0 0 Harn'on, a 1 1 4 1 Cor'dari, If 1 Ham ay, 3b l Blah, I f ! Mat, lb i 4; Palmar, Jh 4 I 'Ht aril, If 2 ! Miint'ar, rf 4 S Hhan'ln. a 4 I I Wilson, p I 2 1 t Kianor, rf 2 t 1 It 2 i ! 1 i 1 iti 1 i llnn'lts, ef M ii Id, lb Nufar, 2b Hrown. . Kandlar, a Mid, p Mnd ra, p Hald. p I'lr kl, lb ll A Totals 2I14 2T1 SBnriUh I Total ID 7 24 I'l sltmtad fur Mndbira In alyhlh. nitn tnr Mlmin In tiehtb. b'ora by Innlnia: m. jo,h nnn dm nn t Klnux Olty ,.41)7 DIM 2 10 buinmary lttinHi Honowlt, Mefjonalil, llrowna (2), Kandlr 2), Orsbowakl, Hamilton (21, Hamlniwsy, Klah, i'ahnrr, Oalarxard, ltottr, hliamlloa, Wilaon. Krroi: Klsliar, Hamilton. Two-bait hltat Klnli (2), Hnmllton, B'mowitt. Haid. Horn run: K,irtller, Poulilo prays: Me 1'onald to Nufr-r to olaon; Palmar .to Hiimlllon to Mefs. Hit and earned runs: Off Hird, 7 nd T In 2 2- Innlna; off Undbara, 1 and 4 In 4 1-9 Innlnna. Left on basts: 8:iux I'lty, g; Ht, Jonrph, 4. Bane on ballst Off Hird, 4: off l.lnd bar. 1; off Wilson, 2; oft Hld, I. Htrtiek out: Hy Mndlwig. 1; by Wilson, S. Wild pitch: Wll.on. Faaacd hall: Kamtlar. Umpires: Ornuby and Holme. Tims: I:. lVltehra Win In Twelfth. f)f MolnaS, 1 Aui. 19 I.yneh. who hrld Wlchlla to four hit In alaht In n Intra, weakened In th nlnlh anil thra h.ta, eoupleil wllh an error and poor Judnmunt by lVaitniir In rnlnylnK a hit (o ih Infield enabled iha visitor to tie tha si'ore. In trw 12th Hulltir alnul'd lnhlnd llutler's double, scorlnf ih wfn nlna run In Wichita's I tu viulory, Hcora: (TwbIv Innlni ) WICHITA. I DBS MOINKA. All.H.O.A AH H O. A. Smith, ef tit JiHenln, ef 1 4 Haley. If ft 1 li in Hurnn. rf 0 21 Wanner. If 2 4 01 Cooper, lb 2 1 frlzllamier 2 fid ainn, 2b 0 7 I T sum, 2 I I II J 0 0 1 4 a i it l i W'burn. 2b Kaat, rf 4 Heriier, a I Duller, lb i Haley c 3 MeDell, lb 0 feel lata, p i 1 13 0 1 S I Cnolly, 31t wilaon, e Lni h, p Totals 11 10 31 11 Total S I 31 14 sllalted for Ci"Pr In 18th. Hioie by Innings; Wichita . , M0 ho 03 0013 Lies lolns 000 ul 010 OHO 1 nummary llunti: Hlakrsley, Haal, Hut ler, Oenm III. Krri.ra: W.ahburn, Haley, hellarr, Wasmr, Twn-bsns hliai Mellowed. Iln.k-.loy, H hi 1 r. Lyneh. Kaerlflc hlla: ilaiey, liuriHHii. Tuigt-on. btokn busea: llenln 121. Lift on banes. Wichita, 7 lie Mnlnea, 4, Hlruck oul; Hy Lynch, tl; by beiiar, 7, riiiers i0 balls: ntf lynch, ; off bellais, I. pssaed bslls: Wilson, llttley, Siaibfd run: Wichita, 1. Houlil Plata: Tuigaon to Ournian lo Conpai, bmllh lo MeliOWell, lleis-l lo Wsahlium to Mi Howell. Umpires: Davit and f ill- paiiiek. Tuna: '.ti, Kerr' Ilantrr W Ins, lirfltee, Aug II Kerr s hum run in Ih nlnlh iHHin gas enter vl. lory over Oklahoma. Clly heia Ihl afteinnon. ll in Hi I be aaina was a tree Mining and heaey aemliig wmi with tb out- nut In deuKi until ilia anmnuiiv near ah-uiHiup Kall'peit hie luiik l'SS" lo Ilia lefl field l.tue "!. UKU 'ITY. I WtNVP.II. All II il A ' All II ll A Ciilrf s t S iiliitei Sit l al. lb I I 1 in .1. a If 1 I I I y.tl.er lb ft I I 1 Sh.al-v th 4 14 M l .nle lb 111 Tln fl Sill til. ill ll IS e aliani Ik 4 111 I tlin.lleee Sill bell aa lltl tl -.e , I I i I a I el.-. I 4 114 Whiles t 1 S S -iar 4 111 .un.a p il iui i- 11 ltli p I S.iSuir a 1 Mi p -i a si U , I s ikiimin 11 Tel! 4 DM si t '.'. I ST 1 1 MtiMl-t I ( faf lit t (ft t4ts4 l 4 t t4 'T t ' M g " ft .bt-.K T rut . - r . . , , , (' H e... .. ... t.i "-''' M ss.l-aM.-. .i..4l. ssiad-e. i . , t ai tilt .i. ii .i. ill. eaetries. '", ,''1' ,v.'.r.u'.v.-.'i': ..-' k-, 1 t-ai l , i ', V"" ft , i Mtl't i I ' ' 1 4 ' t, , i. . it.Ht.ii stt . W"- !.' I -e e ,.':,' 'V' si v V:l I, la.i-e t .4 . eeiie Mfll.l ,, if I. ,.n.f lf . I . - I -if tell t . , , I . U i . . . s , i i i M'l t' Mi'. I te i-ii 1 i , tv.i t. . I, I, k I I in Major Leagues "buh trsgtier," Hf rontlnurd with the Whit.: .Sox until 1919, when he wa released because of hit intTec- llvrno. A triik of fate via responsible for bis acquisition by the local am. During a road trip of the Minneapo lis agregiion, Manager Joe Can tillort wa in deiprrate strait when he arrived in lnd:anapolit to play, treatise of the incapacitation of Komleau, the veteran outfielder. A player suggested ', get "Ktb" Russell to fill in, it being explained that the former pitchrr wa working in a garage there after unavailing at tempts to ''come back" a a hurlcr for the Indianapoli tram. Hard Hitter. Cantillou'a iudgmrni in taking bim wa rewarded, for fro (lie first day on, he ha been the hardrtt bitter of the Millers. He ha averaged more than in batting every sea sun vith the locals. Hi prowess a a home run bitter it known through out the baseball world. When he departed to Pittsburgh, he had to hi credit 17 home run thut far thi season, KiisjcII is not a youngster in (he game. He wa born March 12, I8H9, at Albany, Mis. Of big stat ure, weighing close to 200 pound, he Is, nevertheless, one of the fattest men on base in the league. BareBallResuiis ehO Standings MKTI.RN I KAdl K, islanding, W, t., Prt. Ht. Jo 71 4 .422 Murrain 4 WA ,,M Tula T 4 ,lT;Ukl, I lly ST 11 ,44t Wlihlta S SI .IS'iiO, Mulne4t 7 ,41 g. Cliy l ST ,Ht;Unvar 41 11 .Ht Yrtard Keulls. fluffalor, T Tula, 4. Wphila, 2; lira Slum as, I. Iianvar, II) Oklahoma City, It. filoux City, ll; ht, Joseph, T, damn Today, Tula at Omaha, m, J.i..ph tt Mouf City, nklahoin city at Denver, Wphila at I if Moinr. hTATE i r.Kuvr.. fUandlni, w. U I'ct l W I Pet. Norfolk 24 11 .SilTalrkury 1121.41 l.lnrol 2 li ,aSiHailiia 17 14.411 litatrlu UlS .tlllCl'd lal.nd 1 ii .. Vratarday' Hesulta. Orsnd lalsnd, I; Norfolk, T, Htlna, 4; Fslrbury, 1. HaairUs, T; Lincoln, I, Oames Today. Falrl.ury at Haatlnis. Ilrsnd Island l Norfolk. Lincoln at Jlaatrlr. (All doubl-hadeis.) ' national i.r.mz - hlandUiga, W. Li. Pet I W, I,, rn New Tork si 44 .tteiT'lttsburah U1 .111 Ml. Lout iil 10 .ISIillrooklyn 14 IT 4 Chleaxo SI 11 ,6ll,l-bll'pbJ 41 IT .174 Cincinnati 02 t ,t4, Hoiiofl I7T4.121 Yesterday' Kenulte. Chicago, li New York, 1, I'hiladalphla, S; t. Ixtula, T, Clneinnatl, I; Brooklyn, 4. Boaton, 4-1; Pittsburgh, I I, , trauir Today, Brooklyn at Cincinnati, New York at Chicago. Philadelphia at HI. Uii. A MICK U AN I.E AO IK. Ml and lags. W. I,. Pet. I W. I Pel. New Tork 47 .SHlChleago tl IH ,4t flt, I.oul s 41 .llS'Washlng'n 14 11 .470 liatrolt tt tl .tl'i l'hlla 47 li ,424 Cleveland 60 (I ,J4UoaUia 41 70 .11 Veabrrday'i Results. New York, 12: Chlrago, I. t'lovel.nd, 3; Wsahlngton, 1. at, Muis, l-l; 1'hlladelph!, l . JUetrolt, 1-1; Iloaton, 1-1). Today' tjume. Chicago st New York. Cleveland at Wsahlngtoa. No others scheduled. A M KMC A .AiwOCI ATION, Mandlngs, W. U pet. I W. L. Pet. Rt. Paul 77 44 .! K.n. CMy t',1 HI ,600 Mln'npi.ll. 9 IS2 .riin!l.0ulvlll H HI .10 tlllweuke T II .ISO, Toledo 4t IS .172 Indl. polls SI 11 .ISJlColumbu 43 10 .810 Yreterd.y'i Results. Toledo, 7; Kansas City, . Ht. Paul, I; Indianapolis, I. Milwaukee, 10; Columbus, 2. Minneapolis, 2; Louisville, 2. flame Today, Mllwaukft at Columbus. Kansas Clly at Toledo. Minneapolis at Lnuisvlll. Ki. Paul at Indlanepolie. by I' rim ft 2 rum 2, him 4; by KJy t (nfirif out In ninth.) runs . hlta 1. !cft on ban: Oklahomai City, 1; lcnver. 1, Unu'ircu; nonahue nml Held. Kolp and Pruett Make 'The Grade' St. Loui, Aur. 19. Two St. Louis American youthful twirler have made Kood Ksy Kolp and Hubert (Schucks) Truett. l'rttctt, a 21-year-old medical tu Hent at Missouri university, made good from the Mart with his "fade away" hall, which was a factor in Cristy Mathewion't mccrss, , I'ruett' home is in Sikeston, Mo. lie pitched for Missouri university in the Mihiourl Valley conference, and two year aito applied to the Drown for a position, but wa turned, dwn. Last year he applied aaain, and Mnaer Lee Fohl f.irmed him out to Tulsa of the Western league. He wa recalled thi a or i inl and hi Hid le;iue career ha been maiketl l.y the number of men he til ink oul. Mi hough Kuli with th team bttt year he a .i.rii but few op porttininrs. Thi year, huwevrr, wuli a buminit ft t'H nd rmiaik able (imtrnt, hi pitching lias been bii!li,nii. Os June 1$ ht shut oul the hiitl-biit'iiu Hclroil Tiger anI fnur di later shm ("tcvclind, Kolp, who is 2, begin tn pri frs situial carter s;'h Ih Akron ilwh M Ih JnierniLonsI Instil in I'rl'i, play ing bi.th at a inirhu and an initrlitef, U U!rr tei I 10 Irni Hte, hid, t the I'hmr leur, and fme Ill I'.iiiwl m iH spiuig I I ''.'I V S If l.rsa lit July I han in July, .1 ' " ' Mitlingt,.i. ,ug 1 i rl'inn l"tJ spene. v ttin gineiMHirm trl ui i-v m it.. nMMi a-..!..,, ).! 1 1 I ntlti Slti ISllH K Mill '""" It . b.l PW'.iit' l!eb . , . , ,t -, .ti.i.tji imitli tseti i.iud b !',- tl lesi, t :. ,.)tg l. hl llixltlhl ; .. .. i..-4 n IS llll . Jit Ull S.li I, .iits taiebl gi.l r.r ! .! IS- I- I'l ! ll,. 'null I 1 egr lis, att'i ! l i'niii it - until i., ' e t I '" I" i ' nt 4' I j.Ml Je'-'.-'MV t-l nil, l.'.U National League Red Traoae ISadfe. Osiltinall, Aug II TS llnla won fiom llrooklya, ( ta I, la Iha firel lain ( th -rl Th tteds hll Reuther hstd, s. orlng Ota run In Ih fifth Inning c ii hit aad a b. a belli td drlnag Ih lefl bander tiff Ihl Rtoind Neari HHOUKIVN CINCINNSTf AUHOA, AUIfflA liinnn, I I I liuras. rf til Juhn'on, ti I I l lieu rrt, lb 4 iliunr.n, ( 1 ittooeb, if 4 I rne , b I ilia rata, q 4 I rin.ill. lb 2 I t'aveney, 4 1 I I 2 I I t I I I I I inirriih, rl 4 Wheal, U ( Net. ,f a.-h nit, lb 4 High, lb I ieb-trr, 4 Member, p bhriver, p sJ.nvna 1 I l,U4 ue, B 4 1 I iToi.i I 14 II II Totals it I II l . s Hatted fur phrtver la almh, ami by inning: Htuokirn ,...,.,,.,,,. 4 erio 4 i inriiii,.ii ou tu oi, luminary-Runai nlann, Johnalon, ilrif. ftlh, Keuthar, Hum ll), Lun n, ',. ea, I'm. ill (j), Cavener, t.u.iu ill. Krrore; Laoarty ), Two-Ua hii llouah. Knua-e. I.uiju. Irrlffllh aiolao Seen; Hum (t, Hsui.eit, run a. I'inelll, Cavnay, ilrlftlth Wheat, Nis harrifli hits, li.uberl, I'nnaar. fioubla Playi rnao la K.utivrt. j.ft on ba.n Hiooklyn, i Clunnnali, I Hasea on balls: Off l.uril. 1; off Hrtlther, I M" Ui k out: lly l.uriue, li by Heuiher.t Hue: (iff H.ulh-r, in ft innn.gs: ff Khmer, ft In I Inninge. Wild purh ahrlt'r I,"" Ing pllrher: Heuiber, empire. Hail and O'l'sf, Tim: I 41. IHiid Hnrgla Hill. I'llUbutsb. Au. II Plltaliurgh si, Huston divided a double-header, Hoaiiin taking Ih flrat gaiue, 4 lo I, and I burgh winning th aecond. lo 2 t'tva hlta bunched off Adam In the fifth In nlna of Ih firt gam gav Iloaton ll Ihelr rune, Meryl llrowna, new Plrat piii her, li.ld Hvatoa lo fit hill In Iha aecond gam, brore: 1ioton I riTTancnoii AllHOA! Ail Hit A. Powell, f ft olMar-llle, .e ft I I 4 Knpf. ih 4 11 Hc.rry, rf ft I Nle'eon. rf I 4 Hilar hart, If 4 1 Harb're. lb 111 lllluaaell, if III! Ilulke, lb I I I I rier'ey, ih 4 12 1 ford, as 42 tlTr.y'or, lb 4111 Nlaon, If 4 I T liOrimm, lb 4 2 1 1 How.ly, a I I t aiRchmldt. c 4 1 (- N.III. e I I oUrtams, p 114 llrajlon, p I I 0 HsKns I I I Tools 11 "ill l Totsls SC 10 JT IS sllstied for Adsm In ninth, aeon by Innings; Huston 01 nit i 1 Pittsburgh 000 dOO 0101 nummary Runs: Kopf. NI''hMon, Ison, Oowdy. Hamhsrt. Krror: . Two. baa hlta: Kopf, Slarannlle, Rueael. Three- na hit: H.rnhnrt, htnlea baaea: Nlehni- son, narh.re. Hoik. t,eft bn bases: Iloaton. s. Pittsburg a, 10, iissea on balls: urr Hraston, , li off Adam, I, ftaenflreai: Hranon (II. Farbsre Houbt plsr: Ford to Knpf lo Hoik. Ptiurk out: tiy Brsiton, I; tiy Adams, s. Hit by pitonen i.ell; nr Hrsston IKue.ell), Umpires: bentell nd Klm. Time: 1:T, Hecona lame: bobton f piTTanunoit i Dlf f AB If O.A M i AU.If D.A M'vlll. as 12 P0el,rf 111 OlCsrey, ef ( 1 I 1 1 il I I 0 1 1 11 4 a Kopf, lb 1 I tjll'hart. If 4 0 3 0' flu. nil, rf 41 tlTlerney, lb 4 1 11 OiT'ynor, lb 1 1 4Orlmm, lb 44 4 Oooeh, e 11 llurown, p N'lson, rr H'bar. lb Hoik, lb Ford, as Nlso, if (llbaon, e Wataon a l I til I Sllrieckel 100 0 0 0 1 Totsls It 11 17 1 McNra, p Totals It (14 111 xBittsd for Wateoa In ilghth. iron by Innings: Iloaton , , ,,01 AOt n0 1 Pittsburgh ol tot :o I nummary Runs: Powsll, Hoik, Russell, Tlrny, ,Trynoy (I), Orlmm, Oooeh (1). Errors: Powell (11, Ford, Mtranvlll. Three. be. hlta: Poeell, Hoik, Ruaaell, gtolan baae: Tr.ynor. Sacrifice.: Barn hart, Jlrown. loubl play: llrown, M.r.n eille and Orlmm, Left on base: Bos Inn. ; Pltteburgh. (. Baaa on ball: Off Wataon, t: ott MVNamara, I; off Hroten, J. Htruck out: Hy Watson, 1; by Brown. . Hiter Off Wataon, 11 in T; oft !rNmra, 0 In one. Losing pitcher: Watson. I m pires; Klen and Kentelle. Time; 1:11. rhllllea Heal Cardinal. : Bl. Louis, Aug. 11 After batting hi team Into th lead by knocking out a alngle, a doubt and a horn run, flherdel weakened In the nlnlh Innlna and per mitted Philadelphia to lake th gem, the third of th aeries, by a scor of I to f. Hay Blade, a local .youth, who re ported to th Cardinals today, mad hll first appesr.nc la th Cardinal lineup boor: PHILADELPHIA. AH.H.O.A 8T. I,Ot.'lS. AB.H O A J Smith, rf X 1 I Wr'one, 3b 1 1 1 1 Prk'n, lb 3 0 0 ror'eer, ea Horsby, 2b 1 i l l I 10 1 0 Wll'ina, cf Walker, rf Moksn, If Fietc'r. ss Lav!, lb Henllne, e Winter, p (1 Im'h. p Weincrt, p Le "totals 1 1 0i Hot' ly, lb 1 ! Mueller, ef 1 A Ul.,lu l 0 11 ltAlna'lih. o 1 I Olfjivan. Jb 1 1 1 Stock, Ih 0 0 0 Sherdel, p 0 0 0 Prefer, p 1 0 OlzHchult is Mann 11 11 27 12 sOalner Totsls 15 I 17 12 aBalted for O. Smith In ninth, uliatlrd for T.aven in eighth, span for Schulti In eighth sHatted for Mueller In ninth. Hcor by Innings: Philadelphia 050 002 10s Ht. Loui 001 0(10 1307 f ummary Buns: Parkinson (.'). WH Ilarna. Walker. Mokan. Heullno till. Lee. J. Smith. Topereer. Mueller, HUdra, Bher de (2), Mana. Errors: Parkinron, Fletcher, lll.iln, Lsvan, Khertlel. Ttvo-baao hue: Harnsby, Mokan, Fletcher, Sthardel. Park inaon. Horn rune: Walker. Sherdel. Stolen baae; Maun. Sacrifice: Fletcher. Parkin son, llern.by. Wllitara. Wrightatone (III, itleilea, Atuamlth. llouhle play.: Hnrnaby to Toporeer to Hnttnrnly: Fletcher to l.evle. Left on bases: Philadelphia, 6; Ht. Louie. Baaea on belli: Off Wmtim 4: off fmlth. 1; off Hherrlel, i. Ktrurk out? Hy Wlnlera. I : by U. Smith. 1: be She; del. ; by Welnert, 5. Hlta: Off Wlnlera. 9 In 7 1-1 InntniM; off Hherdel, 13 In 12-1 llttllHK.: off Smith. In 2-3 Innlna: nff Weiaert. I In 1 Innlnss; off Pf ffe r, 0 In 1-1 Inning Hit by pitched bell: Hy bherdel. Winalng pllrher: U. Umllh. Lining pitcher: Hherdel. t'nipfree: Moran and OuieUt. Time; 1 11, t ub W in In l leventh. Cut Park. I'hlesgo. Au 11 Ohbaan winning the eerlee with New York l- dtnrjing n ll-lnnlng battle, 1 lo 1, lit.k Millers tlnultla Inlu tha ocarllnw e,iuil In right field i.nei Hie winning roily. Ileal heote ran for sutler, and hut Km sii.itled sharply to left, Heaihrote fcnreil, ending Ihe game. The game was grant pitching duel between ilrmer Alexander srd Art fSndtf, atth honor about evru bcote: NEW VtiRK C'HICVllii A It II ll A AH.H Ct A H'eioft s 4 I I IIMsle.l.rf 1 I Uruh. 10 rn h, th I 11 II let her. aa S 1 1 I t I Teirv. lb 1 1 ; I I Crime lb IMS 14 Fritter- rf I a 111 I Mm. I, It 111 Mru.e . t Young, if Kelly, lb flense! if I a mi, 3b I I I i i'F r-lt. I I f Vei .1 .i a 1 ! 1 4 1 4 I 11 an ei. c 4 I N.hl a , ll!htlta Totsls 41 It 141 Toisis It 111 Is n.n f n Moier la 1 Un ion ui shts wtaaiog rua stored S'e Turk ....... I'll ts s est tbnaiu .... ,, it 1-1 Imttiaaiv flyna gitk-ler t I'al'all. Hl. l S..r. ta ptatf. H Jeb Taa. bee bite a-ii,l-r'- .tr.ttm-s. ti Fariei!. Fit... M lies aii.',M '. 1 ei In '.ie t la . a St -I.. I Hal.i I Kent, si.itante- t t.rtAa l-eit i M.a V i Cliln, I H.e-e b.lls I'll .ehf. I. (l A'msln, I bim h .,-,i it i i , i . NH, t t mt St-n'' ail W . . ittit. a I i l. illiam Knuik 3 lit Hontrr, "TilliM Wnlkrr Hit 2hh rhilsV..'". Aug i Katii WiiUarn rf ihi St l ey Amnitins hi hi Mil dnm y;i r (t ir,t.., t4y it th fust ii o t 1 u-t! pukf wuh i'Kitjl,h.. i tni in ll. icvriiin issiiif iih S ( net 1 Kil.fWn pii.l'.i la lb iict-sil inniiig . r.i iiit b'SSt "lilt.! sltf tl ! laVltt,, nr. u ht IfK ni u, b' I 'I lenlllsh'p Ht r ami IU4I I l lb Anteu, hid. aJk4 ivyt h.l fn 4iM 4tit s