THK OMAHA n.K: Mil K DAY, AltJlT 13. Vj: New Synod Hodies lo Hold Separate Conventions Here Organizing .'inMinl fur Doth Nrirala Districts Hoard of Support (iliairriun Heads Krpnrt. lit Ketiraiiu district Hi' Mi t uti Lutheran synod, tiirh bruin Ms settiont Wednetday, to!V luntinue 1 M0 itftitirt. In snor'l ante k ! h VOtf 1iir.taV l llil tie dutrict into th North Nrliraiaa n4 Iht South rliratka rliilri-tt, ilirte two ere nriJiii'd yirrd4 aiimioon itd I'jdiiy will IwlJ trpar- rirrttlilf l W. Wolter, liairnia'n i,t tin l..t-1 cil tii'l'"'t (' I'", Nebraska lifnf, rrn'iri'd that receipts ot the tniiil in lite limed States in 191 frf f IA5,M, live times at rnurh ! tti IV17. I.4t yar II pattort, I learlirr, 12 nr, 12 pttort' ii!o, 1 teach rr'i widow, 22 children under 16, and 2 students, tout oi 61 tertoiu, were fit'irifd, i7,'?2 w dnWi'd and M X5 was (ollritrd in Hue rliitriit, In (lie entirt country, the lund I r!.c to mpiwrt 122 teturt and irolrifr, .1H men teachers, .?5 v. nit, 2'l7 ia"fe' widow, ftH t'arh- rs' widow, S'i rliiMirn and J' tin- jml., a ot W person. So great i llie volume ri liuines i .lining before the synod merlins; that ii t announred it will continue un i l Monday evening and maybe until J SI'LBNT Today's Attractions. World -" (lanitig the Jinx," Strand -Tlioinat Meghan in "II Y.hi Celie.e It. It'a So." ' Rialto "Orphan ' ot the Storm." Moon -t .'oil-tii of III rules. .. , Kmpress -"1 lie Gib Importer.". . Mum " J lit Man Unconquerable." Betty Coin pt on has jutt purchatrd a new lioint in Hollywood. The star recently finished playing one of the two datum! role in "To Have and to Hold." a (ieorne I'itzmaunre production, Hert I.ytell it in the mas culine lead. One of Louise Dresser's earliest job in the theatrical profeion was r. a "I'uk's Hal Boy" company on the road, for which she was engaged at $10 a week. Since then ahe hat got ten as much an $1,000 a week in a vaudeville act. She it row engaged in her second motion picture, "Burning Sandi," which fatinTs Wanda Hawley and Milton Sills. Pauline Starke and Rosemary The by, w ho played together in "The Con necticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court," are renewing their associa tion in the production of "Passions of the Sea,'' from Carey Wilson's tory, "Captain Blackbird." in which Home I'eters and Antonio Moreno have the leading masculine roles, i The company tailed recently for two months' work in the South Sea isles. Enemies of Code Law Strike at Own Welfare KonUnu from Fas On ) Many examinations are given for blrod purity. Diphtheria Halted. A few years ago there were no public health nurses to send in throat cultures in the tight on diphtheria. Today there are 33 counties main taining school nurses who depend on the state laboratory. Last year the Red Cross in one town sent in cul tures from every child in school, and from the report was able to locate diphtheria carriers and halt the spread of disease. With this great increase in work only one chemist and an office girl hag been added. Frequently some of the staff find it necessary to work at night or tn Sunday. Investigation of the code department contradicts the general impression that public em ployes come down to work at any old time before noon and leave shortly after lunch. Each employe under the code signs a time slip morning, noon and evening. A glance at one of these shows some to have arrived as early as 7:40 a. m., almost all by 8, and only one as late as 8:20. Doctor Dil lon has computed that the over time lor whfch his staff of 20 persons gets no pay amounted to 88 days last ve ar. Receives Federal Aid. "Why is this," he asks, and an swers "because it is necessary in or der to get the work done. If there is any duplication here, I would like to have some one point it out so that we can eliminate at least the overtime work." In co-operation with the federal government, the ttate is engaging in a fight on social disease. Dr. P. H. Bartholomew travels a good deal in Prayer Each Day How 11111 H rnt with Ifllll , , f oiv i u H tltinfi hm. I II 0 God, our Father, we thank Thee that we may come to 1 hee. Though I hou are holy, and we know how un lit w are to prettnt ourtrlvet befure Thee, ytf, O our Saviour, Thy ml terings and death dr u give us the prrcnitii knowledge that Thou dtt hue an J will forgive us, We thank (lire thai c may rome so lirrly nd tell Thre all that is in our heart. We are deeply fonoou id our weak ': t pray tur stienitth a"d pow er Manv !m ri tail t do what we should; hr'p H to make uur ht uti riul and h'pul li othns. I'hou inoi, . how many things f! y uf K dc; in he mi.t,t p it 'l (hi us sweet 'H.iin . ijuitt and tpe, kttp us lffiini(.j intuitu rr rnmplin n't We t.k I if a !' in 'I hre Ii 'i il lh )! end )iftj us ts 1 ' I ' "'i .'t m our I , 1 5 l, lh. i I t .ii .i itai. S M i. we i t l i i n.i hee ; tn'n hi tr me II 'I'mnp i! ft Itine imi an tr tv, .!! f . I if. I l I,,., tJ !, 1 Me Mi'n t In t ',e l'4 our 1 t le '.' e ,.., kxe I I ! s ' I r."lti'i." t s.t, li ff lUl' I k ' Ski lie f h I S . t X th.s cje. ."me iht lust oi llie rar 2 invetiiKticni been nu'tr. Nrbrsska is tine i( the ttaiee tak ing advantage of the shepherd Town, tr maternity ait. Tue Ur it has re ceived f 17.2'6 front the federal gov ernment end in January it will get Iv J7I nio't- Ihe fate it required to add m tint sum f7J'A this year and IIJ.O'K) each rtr thereafter, unlrts the suit againH the constitution- ahty tl the . t whith .t brm brought tf Mouiliuif'ti gwi Sgtintt the federal guvriiiii rot Mix Margaret McCirrvy and brr s.ii t carry on ibis wmk and ''.jaw Ihe.i salaries frnm the federal treasury. Esemining Hoard Centrtlnei. Vital tteti'tid krpt by the bureau of health show, that 1 8U iiifarnt died last veer brlure tt.rv were 12 ninnthe old. The de'h of 2"4 mot he ft i esiiiuud dick.',!y lt tlnlit L'l.'l. I be "t Hit la i to itdi.'e i..(',;.iv en.iig iitbeit and ehil dim. I'uM t .elili Min i g and hfilih rulers ait entouraged. Buhr. tn. i, el!ea, r-xilerrnret and briuiei art a meant oi edutatrg along the I linrt, i lor i'e fitt lime at eiamining .board eairpl lhat lur Iter have hern irentrabred, imder the rode tytirni. In Ue oi l iU), ii.r.i.Lti, were trtr j (inf ihe slate and their icmiit. wrre Srry inromplrtety kept. At now g'uniHil, tiulcr Ihe s-iprrvii.oii ul H II, Antiet, trcietary r( ihe de. parlment id public wellare. cuiuplett iiiinriiialwm on Ihe standing cl etrry prulrtiiuna! man it blained at Ihe te'e rapi'al, I Jure a letr an ii- irctr it tent nut In ileal with (barges iA unproieiiinnet eonditrt. lhee btiartit art niore than ttlf-tup-I'virtlng lluounth he inllevtiuii of fee. Athletics Department. The fiewetl ilivumu nl lie drparl ment i llui oi thlrlict. It alttf it teli-supporting anil, aster paying all rirnrt w'lll ihit year tontr hute IKttsal in iht Hate irraturv. llos iing berame popular during the world . war, V hen the service mm leturued I they minted that Hit rhratka law igiiut busing Iii4tihct be itpeated. J 'I he Amrntaii I.rginn drew up a till to licene boning ethibition and jwrettling matchct. Tint iiuntiic as ;l'e. providet titiil tuperviiinn ul tine (oi in oi athletics and has enabled ' more than 2'0,'KiO ierioiit In enjoy I ihe sport, I I iiough bat been laid to indicate ilearly that the ilulirt ol (hit rode l department have been attumrd only uh.ii the inn.uiKe til the publ.e. A 'great many M its tunctioi't art high 1 ly necettary, but djiiliilr some , could be Uroppetl if ihe public is wilt, jing la tacniire their benrtit, lluw, etrr, nine many id I lie e aitiviliet are telf lunpurliiig ihrough 4 svtteni ol (ret and lnni.. . and even add In ome In the ttate treatury, btile, il any rrd'iiiioii in laaet rould be a tmed by their elimination. Department Managers' August Selling Event Special in Boxed Stationery Sorority Linen A finn quality writing paper In all tint. P.ox ot 24 ahpft ami 24 envelope priced for Saturday's nelling, Box, 39c lwfe-Nah SKlMwrry D ' I Miia ttt EVERYBODYS STORE No. I Autographic Kodak Special An Kattman koduk about as small as your band, hut with tvery photographic refinement. Several peeds to aure rompbt mechanical and optical harmony. Takes 2 't ' -Inch plctunt, J'rired at $90.00 Burfrtt Nh Kth t''""l Main fltwr Saturday A Great Day of This Event Every Department Manager Has Planned for Saturday as a "Banner Day" ooo A Word of Thanks "In behalf of tht department managers of tht Burgesa-Nesh Company, I want to thank tht public in gtneral for tht great inttrtat shown in our Department Managers' August Selling Event. W't realirt that only by having tht support of our frienda and pat rone wert wt ablt to makt this tvent a real auccesa. So success ful hat ft been that tht txecutivet of tht IJurgees-N'aih Company havt requested that it bt continued for another week, "Wt expect to offer exceptional values again through out tht tntirt week, so that tnose who havt profited by these talet may havt further opportunity to purchase new and timely merchandise at a treat laving." L. A. NORTH, Chairman Gtneral Committee, Department Managers Burgess-Nash Company. 000 Two Ribbon Specials Two-tone satin ribbons; 5 ' -inch hair ribbons, fancy edged picot ribbons. Plain satins and taffetas. Yard Yard 15c 25c ' Bwrftti-Maab Ribbmi Sitae Mala Flow OOO Lovely New Fall Hats A Wonderful Variety at Remarkable Prices $ $750 $975 L tr-i The demand for new fall haU makes thU dieplay of particular intercut. There are lutrou black hat elf-trimmed, or with the added charm of metallic or feather novelties duvctyns and velvets in every xhade of autumn. Smart styles at low prices mean mil T? l'inery 8atifaction. We offer a wide FT JlJ selection of attractive hats at $5.00. Jjji w Fall Hats for Juveniles Clever styles for little girlH velvets, felts, bea vers and plushes in a variety of becoming tvtyles and colors that Is seldom offered. Priced moderately $1.95 to $7.50 BurfM-Nk Hal Slut Tklrg Fbwr 1 ooo L. A. North Offers Remarkable Silk Values : Saturday Marinette Crepe Yard, $2.95 40-inch crepe, heavier in weight than crepe de chine. Its soft draping qualities that conform toall modes, have already made it popular for street, afternoon and eve ning frocks. In 20 new au tumn shades. Burnasco Crepe, Yard, $2.95 A knitted crepe of serviceable quality. All fall shades. 36-inch Width. Yard, $2.95. Japanese Pongee," Yard, $1.05 33-inch, 12-Momie weight, genuine Ori ental Pongee In natural color. A quality that will launder perfectly. Ideal for draperies, dresses, lingerie and blouses. Specially priced for Saturday, yard, $1.05. Bur(tt-Nath Silk She Saceat Floor . 000 L. A. NORTH Pretty Bonnets for Baby "When you ee how lovely are these little bonnet, you will wonder how many babies there are for whom you might buy one." LOUISE CHRISTIAN, . Manager Infants' Department. Pretty bonnets of lawn or or gandy finely tucked and daintily trimmed with' lace and embroidery. Some of them are made entirely by hand; all are much higher priced bonnets. Special Each 85c Burteu-Naifc Infants' Shop Tnirg Floor OOO LOUISE CHRISTIAN To Interest Vacationists Wardrobe Trunks Priced $21.00 Saturday's feature in Hoffman wardrobe trunks: a 3t-size, lift top model of 3-ply construction, fitted with heavy locks. Five drawers, shoe pockets and a large hat box offer special accommodations. Fiber Suitcases, $1.00 A small fiber case that is especially convenient to carry bathing suits, a picnic lunch, or school books. Burii-Naih Dtpartmonl Mxitnint Floor Women's Fall and Summer F'ootwear Before one's fall costumes are complete, what woman does not need just one pair of low shoes with which to fininh out the season of summer dresses and sports costumes? At these low prices of the Managers' August Selling Event she need not consider the purchase an extravagance. White Nile Pumps, Oxfords Oxfords and pumps of white nile, with military heel. Wide range of sizes and styles. Pair, $4.95 Sports Pumps, Oxfords White buck with black, or tan calf. Suitable for street or golf wear. Special at Pair, $3.95 WM. tKICKijON New Pumps for Fall New fall pumps of patent leather, ooze leather or satin. Military, high Louis or Junior Louis heel. Very special Priced, pair, $5.95 Burfois-Natb Sboe Shoe Mala Floor Saturday Candy Specials Jumbo Salted Peanuta Large, whole nuts, fresh and well salted. 2 pounds, 35c Dilling's Marshmallows Soft and fresh. Ideal for picnics. Pound, 34c Fresh Cream Brazils Whole Brazil nuts covered with a de liriously rich fondant in flavors of maple and vanilla. Pound, 52c Sun Maid Raisins s 3 pkgs., 10c Gold Medal Chocolates Assorted, in flavors of strawberry, raspberry, mint, nougat, and orange. Specially priced for Saturday's nellinsr Pound, 3?c Bursitt-Nata Candy Shop Meuuiaa Floor ooo Fitall Cases 49c Lars sixa Fitall cases nnd toilet rolls of watorproof fab. ric. Each, 49c. SiuiHi'Kuk-Mam Floor Hair Nets Bonnie B Nett in cap nr fringe, double mesh, 2 for 25ci tingle mvih, .1 for 25c. Rita Neit, cap or fringe, dou ble mesh, ' for 25e. Gainaboroufh Nett, single dor.., ll.OOi double, f 1.35. All colors. Carman Nell, with or uithnut elitstii', .'I fur 25c. Ratal Hair Rollt ahd Ear Pufft, washable, each, 25e to 78c. Hair Nat, single mean, medium sue cap shape, doi., 35c. BufiMt-Nuh Main TUmt Exceptional Values in Women's Hosiery and Underwear In order to make Saturday the "Banner Day" of the Department Managers August Selling Event, I offer unusual values in my depart ment. For final clearance I have reduced these garments a second time. M. VAN UITHOVEN. Women's Pull Fashioned Silk Hose An exceptional offering of women's pure thread silk stockings in such famous brands as McCallum, Gor don, Burnasco, Onyx. In black, brown, navy, gray. Special, pair, $1.48 Women's Fiber Silk Stockings Wack with white clocks and nude with black clocks. Reduced the second time for final clearance Saturday, pair, 79c Phoenix. Silk Vests Fine Lisle Vests Priced $1.95 55c2 for $1.00 Made bodice top style. In Vests of good quality lisle made bodice top style. Sizes 3G to 41. BtUt'NS Mmio, Shoe M.m floor ill M. VAN UllHOVbN i'li-hh, white and orchid Sizes 36 to 11, Thomas Reagan Offers New Handbags for Fall Real values at this price, for they are the favored stylt Pandora Envelope Tailored Models Made from imported leathers, Lizard Walrus Grain Morocco Heaver Shopping Bags 49c There are us many as a dozen styles from which to select these convenient bags. (Sa J Sut.M-N.U lootkor CuwU f loor WhitcEnameKvare Specials Choice 85c Colanders. t-qt. Sauce Pan. Oblong IUk Pans. J-qt, I'offet VoU. 8 and 10-qt, Pih, Nest of thrftft Same J'mu. I qf, Covered UerSin Ktfttlo. Nftt f thrr Mixing I'mjwIs, II and I Hound Dtsli 'u. 1,1 0 l HiittH Imm. Km HHlihf IMommou r ovHk llw Specials in Toilet Goods Section Amanil Shimtaa, 'i for 21c. Amaml Hath Paader, B0, 9b Off Claanor, large ti e, B0e small sirv, lie. Carbons, larvo site, 00. MUheUon't Itay Rum, S1i. sue, $100, 12 s , II.ISi a es., Tl. Cie le Moa, a lmnn rrrm, 4e, Palo. Toolh faile, 4l, ff4ol laolk fails. S,ol,nt iMlh ratle, 0.. Dr. S.hoilt me iota, 31. Or, Zm Human fit, Ji.. Dr. Weil tiwlK Hreihet, I0 limi'l Weal . r relit. 4 lata me, Ii. Free Saturday A Vanity Vial of l.ournay IVrfume free ith eavh 33 ran of g ii Hall TeUm, lie, Soaps; Crcuni Cerliliod tarn, nloiton ae, I bars, S Ingram'H Preparatlonji Hirrlal ilKittlns' arid Umui. Uat.uit nt I ifc'ioni t luil.t I re laratiuDi. A tree Ml ef 'r mine unit th iuthe nf In. grain's I'lf iit,tii., li'fr.m't Milsei t'rtain. jar, Ii Hain't Milknti.4 I Ham, jar, tl 00. ''l"iiii M loijot- SI.,. . IniuutloJ Ho- takelle Sa, 'ilvj 3 bare, IS., 'i JC& f.U W Sa, 1 t an, " mJ SSt, t em Seae, fl tiali H AitarleJ Soan, (1 .n, Itt lUnill A (oU I mm, Jar, )li Hi.Jiaitl Sue i n .1 el. jar, kOt, anj ii,t n lU'et a', jar. Hi, 5 Women's Union Suits 79c Nlemt'leM union suits e,f vry fine !U!r, j;recial!y Hell mad with ftu tPitifoiieuiriits, Krnvli band tup d light knee ah le. Whit only. S.i.-s u 4 t. C. O: U s N H.tfai Me fkta U'Jats N Mail tril.ri a t hi m ae . -tfcrotw iom