The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 19, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Heat DrivCS Men
From Firinz Range
at Plattsmouth
Official Thermometers Regis
ter! Ill Annual Cover
nor'i Day to Be Held
I'Ummouih. Nt, Aug, IA (Spe
cial ) It was so fcot hrrt yrstrrday
afternoon thai officers tailed off range
practice fur Ilia Second and Third
latubona. A governmrni ihrrmo
tnclrr near Ihe range registered 111
The First battalion fired the 300
yard range, prone poaitton, alow fire,
th morning.
.The annual Covrrnor'a day will be
held neat Monday Instead ol a week
from Sunday, the closing day of the
camp. Governor UcKelvi will make
a veneral inspection of the camp.
Major f'ruym of tra 17th infantry,
Fort ( rook, aeaigned to (h camp ae
epecial instructor, began a series of
Ucturea for officers last ulstht on
terrain problems. These will con
tmuc over Sunday.
lb parade grounds are now In
shape and regimental reviews will be
resumed Friday eveningi Tba Third
battalion held a review in the baseball
tik thin evening with the First and
becond and Thirl batiaiiona watrn
r , , .
mg. Colonel Thoma. commanding ,
Mirer of lb
alternating regimental and battalion
reviews would be held neat week,
the battalion revicwa being held in
the baseball park.
Major Kly of Omaha, paymaster,
today distributed W to eight
companiea who failed to aerure pay
for period from January I to Juna
n. ViU. Ha announced that hence
forth National guard companies
would be paid quarterly instead of
aemi-annually. pay for period in
camp ia given a day or two before
breaking the encampment.
Bliatering Wind- Near York
Menare Corn, Farmer Say
York. Neb, Aug. 18. (Special.)
Continued dry weather, with atrong,
blistering windi, baa damaged the
corn crop in thia aection nearly 50
per cent, farmer aiaert. The sub
aoil ainre the corn has been plauted
baa been dry. Kaina .falling in the
Urcshatn vicinity during il month
of July, animated to be nearly three
inches, have mad good cropi poa
aihle. Farmert declare that if the hot
weather continura with atrong winda
nothing but fodder will be left.
Internals Aero Meet
to Be Held at Norfolk
' Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special.)
Aa interatatc arro meet will be held
here August 24-26 under the autpicea
of the Norfolk poat of the American
Eight even fa will be held, including
s,' handicap race, merit race, gliding
contest, climbing conteat, acrobatic
contest, parachute jumping; conteat
ad a chicken landing conteat. Prim
ranging from $50 to $200 will be
given away. The airplane winning
Hie moat eventi will begiven a tro
phy cup. - '
Church of God's State Meet
at York to Last 10 Days
-"York, Neb., Aug. 18. (Special.)
The Church of uod'a annual atate
meeting began in York today with a
large congregation attending. Rev. H.
0. Clausen of Anderaon, Ind., ar
rived late today and will have charge
pf the instructions aorj. Bible atudy
claaaea. The meeting continues for
JO daya.
Clever slip-over
styles - white and
shell pink. These
values are simply ir
resistible. We advise
an earry attendance.
Kw efracta In
tuxudo and flip
ovar atylta auft
Wool dwtatitn,
I land Wool
wfter. Matot
and dark colore.
Rack of Odd Garments $r ha
fp, Draaat. 0ttta to at fraction f 811(1 III
o( tUair oniiit, Cbulea at two prloa, W
Cyort Skirts
Any Wool fport
akirt la tha fcoua
to aa aaturaay at
Ialtilllr ttlmmad atat atylaa. Wblla thla llmtud $100
quantity laata take jrour e hole a fUturday at only- l""
Hons Brothers Gray Shop
WhlfH la now In tha tourH of ntructlon n
ntir rVurth MHr, will ojn, about Hrrttambar
U with ftiinpUtej abawlflga of apjarl for tha
tout woniau.
Haas Brothers
l XationalGuardSote
An unofficial a.wmbly picture of
the regiment naa snapj4 iburaday
night, lormnercial photographs have
also been taken of .nearly all the com 1
pantea at the encampment. .
A regulation M. I', druil wii as
signed Wednesday night, Mlmg
tn Derations of minor trouble be
tween National giiard.mcn and bur
Imgton railway guards at the depot,
which ia near the ramp.
With the increasing activities i
the camp, lb work in tlia office of
(apt, Virgil Haggart. regimental ad
jutant, baa increased until the f irre
of workera there ia kepi busy we
into iht night handling the paper
work tt the regiment and comptl
ing I he various record!.
K company ia apending the rati
moiirr in 'ita mesa fund for good
rata. Here is a sample of the auper
menu of Thursday night: .Small air
bun steak, au grattin potatoes, corn
on rob, garden prss, tomato and ru
cumber salad, bread and butter, green
apple pie, iced te I he boys of K
ar punning on a big spread Sun
flay with tried chirken. irt errant
and all the trimmingi. hey extend
to their Union rscilic frirnda in
Omaha a cordial invitation to vin
the camp any time..
Visitors have been much In evl
denre at the camp the pt few days,
operially in the evening for guard
niounting and battalion and regi
m' ii'ai infill,. iKunriimr .vriiiiil
, bu ( N,,,u,k, Cll
motored up to will, the mem-
inrnial reviews
t'....t.u ..........
here of the First battalion hradiiar
tera company.
Saturday forenoon the regular
army camp insertion will be held
Saturday afternoon and Sunday lha
men will have to themselves aa much
at the varfoue detail to which they
mav t5 assigned will permit.
The aerond Issue of ration took
place Friday morning under direc
tion of Capt. Mike Poteef, regimental
lupply olfieer,
The camp name ha been changed
from "Berry" to "Harry" when it wa
learned the civil war veteran in uannte
honor it waa named spelled hi name
"Barry" inttead of "Berry
Company K ia preparing a tory
of it first week' activitiea in camp
for publication in the Uuion Pacific
magazine, A photographer of the
magazine ataff ha been down taking
picturea of the unit for inaertion in
the publication
"With the heat, hard work, increaa-
ing drill and range work, the medical
detachment and' field honpital unit)
are doing more buainrt and havetev
eral patient on their Iit. The med
ical detachment ia commanded by
Ma). B. A. Moter of Omaha and the
field hoapltal company by Maj, Mon
ger of Lincoln. -
A number of the member of the
guard who failed to report with their
companiea for the encampment 'have
been ent for and will be required to
anawer for their failure to report on
time. With the guard under federal
control, unexcuied abaence ia even
more aeriou than In the day when
each atat apoaeored ita -own organ
Regimental headquarter company,
another Omaha outfit, ha a urge
radio outfit installed in it tent, which
ia proving a popular attractipn among
the oilicera who gather there nightly
to listen in on broadcast menage
from all over the country. The men
tuned in Thursday night on the At
lanta, Ga.
Snails were introduced into Britain
by the Roman, tradition says
New Trk
For Saturday Selling
Another Lot of Fine
All-Wool Zephyr Yarn
Iceland Sweaters
Whlta and high
hd.., with lonf Fn
quality Iceland T
Wdol. Th r g.
crot axcaptlonal
White Skirts
An whit Wont
or aim Bklrt that
ramaina in stork
na aaturday at
r"s;iiMi hi i
i i
Middle West Has
Many Stations
.irw i.irftue issuvtl lor
Rroailt'ttatirig Plant Show
Marked Inrreaf.
Chiravo Twenty limited commer
Clal lueiisr wrr iasurd lo atations
erected lor puhlic arrvicr broadrait
ing from July H to f). The number
ia the Urant fr several montba and
ia due to the retiunption of radio pp
ulanty with cooler weather. J he list
WJR, American Radio company
I.iiifflii, Neli.; VVIAS Burlington
itawk uye Home, Kurlingion, la
KI'AV. look At Chapman, Venice,
lal.; KI'AW. The Kadio Den. Santa
Ana. Lal : KI UF. F. H. Smith, llutte
lonl.: WJAh., Jeaa Kadio Syndi
cate, San Antonio, Tea.; VVIAN
Chronicle and New J'ubliahlng rom
pany, Allentown, 1'.; WIA'J
( hroiiirle 1'iiblinbint comtiaiiir.
Marion, Ind; WIAF, (iunlav A. De-
Corln, New Orleans. La.! KFIIK
Reuben II. Horn, Sn I nn Ohnpo, WJAIJ, Jarkaon' Hadiy Knm
rieeritjg Laboratory, Waco, Tea.;
VVIAf, Mafthrwa Klerlric Suiitily
company, liirmingham, Ala ; WIAD,
Ocaii t it v Vaibt club, Ocean City,
.X. ),', wn.iw, l irrce I'.lertric com-
Pany, Tampa, Fla.; WIAI'. Radio
Jievelopmrni f.orporatioit. horinhe d.
Ma.; VVIAK, J. A. Kuddy k Sons,
f'aducah, Ky.; VVIAO. School of Kih
gineenng of Milwaukee, Milwaukee,
Wis.j WIAL, Standard Kadifl Serv-
Ice company. Norwood. O.J VVHAV,
Wilminifton Electrical Specialty com
pany, Wilmington, Del.; WIAK, Mr.
uohert K. Zimmerman, Vinton, la.
Chicago.-The uperintendent of
the ninth naval district haa an
nounced that the new broadcasting
station at the Great lakes naval
training school has been completed
and will within the next week be
placed in operation. Wilh it open
ing Chicago telephone tubsrriber
will have a new outlet for long dia
tance communication.
Ihe new station ha a range of
more than JOQ miles. . It will operate
on a wave length of 507 mctera and
will he used primarily for postolhce
ana weather reports.
Kesiilationa are to be forthcoming
from Washington shortly, however.
that will allow broadcasting of cer
tain classes ol private message
perhap even musical concert.
A (ingle wire aerial 100 to 150 feet
long is sufficient for local and long
distance reception of broadcasting
ttations. Do not string aerials acrosa
the street or aero electric wire.
Keep antenna wire off electric light
and telephone pole. Stranded cop
per or aolid copper wire should be
used. Phoihor bronze wire if ob
tainable ia stronger but not (uperior
to copper.
Good contact with a piece of min
eral like galena can be had by wrap
ping it in tinfoil. Of course, the
top of the crystal is left exposed.
Fired ,22-gauge rifle shell make
good twitch point for tuning coil
and receiving transformer. ;
The bra end of large cartridge
shell ngake splendid crystal detector
cup. They should be cleaned out
oughly before they are ujed. ,
The winding of cardboard tube
from oatmeal boxet may be improved
greatly if the tube I first heated in
an oven for about 15 minute to take
out the moisture and then wound; or,
better still, shellac it while it is warm
and allow the shellac to soak in.
In winding tuning coils with bare
wire a thread should be wound on
with the wire, Thi will separate
each turn. When the coil i finished
the thread can be taken off. Shellac
hould be applied immediately. When
the shellac i dry tha copper wire will
stay in place.
incoln Man Named to Head
Negro Masonic Grand' Lodge
Grand Island. Neb.. Auir. 18.
(Special Telegram.) The business
of the fourth annual convention of
the Masonic grand lodge (negro)
was completed here tonight with the
installation of the following officers:
Grand master, Richard' Young. Lin
coln; deputy Brand master, Walter
L. beala, Omaha; senior grand war
den, . R. Smith, Omaha; junior
grand warden, A. II. Curtis, Alii-
nee; grand treasurer, J. II, Wake-
eld, Omaha: grand secretary, M. L.
Wilson, Omaha: grand relief secre
tary, C. T. Denton, Lincoln; grand
lecturer, G. T. Robinson, Omaha;
f irand chaplain, I. B. Smith, Lincoln;
irother grand tylcr, W. M. Tucker,
Omaha, About 100 delegate from
Omaha, Lincoln, Alliance, Hastings
nd Grand Island were in attendance.
Wymor Woman Ask Decree,
Names Alleged Rival in Suit
Heatrire, Nel Aug. IS (Special.)
Lena llartram ol the Wymore vi
cinity has brought suit in the district
court for a divoree from Lottie liar
tram. She allege In her petition that the
defendant i guilty ol extreme
cruelty, Goblie Dirk of that neigh
borhood it named a rotrnpomlent.
Fx-Cop of Lincoln, Sought
aa Fugitive, Found in Mine
Lincoln, Aug. I M -.(Special)-
Fted May, alias Fr Gardner, lor.
n.rr Lincoln polua oir'utf, wa
brought bait teUy from Denver by
Deputy Mate ,'hrrnf Oliver llailat
la ( a charge ft atealuitf a motor
i sr. Slav was Hoiking i.7M fret un.
iti(M.iuul iii a Mima near I !
whan 'prh,ndei by MKfft,
mi n i i in, "
KrtWmattiry Steward Ottit.
Lincoln, Aug I (liui. W,
l V trt.lM'lf, tstt kt O' men' 'iy bie. has f'Hf. la)
nittr J'Mkt ivler(!i, t, t., Una.
It ft V.iV, nmr ! n! m
ii , i it ' iter, ba ihnrt h s
uniifur by the Mat tafd "I (
li4, .
Marriage of
Copyright. 1922.
(('llaMt riM Veatarar.
"Tutk that rug up around you,"
he said altera momejit. "It a cold
a winter." l buttoned hi coat
collar muie tightly round bis throat
lie drov the car on again through
the darknes.
"I'm rather glad I ran acroa you
tonight," tlarry said presently. "1
should have written to you if I
hadn't , .
"Written to me?"
There waa a little pathetic note
ci eagerness in ber voice, but Barry
did not bear it.
"Yes. I've been thinking thing
over, andwell 1 can't see that it
any good going oh a we are. It'
horribly unpleasant lor both of u."
"What d you mean?"
Harry moved a bttl in hi teat,
"1 mean that I've been talking
thing over with my. uncle. He's
jUHe a decent old chap. I've put it
to him that well, that we should
W happier if things could he altered
-you and I, 1 mean and there i
a way out if you'll consent, and, of
- . fit M
course, you win.
"A way outf" she echoed bis words
dully. "You mean that that oh,
what do you mean? J here was a
thrill of very real anguish In her
voice now, but parry was loo intent
on In own emotion to heed sou
thing else. nIC3
I mean that we can undo this
marring," he said with a sort of
rush. "It bai been done I mean it
rati be done. There need be no scan
dstl. I'll just clear off abroad for a
lime." He wailed. "Well," he aid
Jerkily, "what do you ay."
Daze! hardly heard him; he had
rioted her eye; ber little feet were
bard pressed to the floor of the
car; felt incapable of speech or move
ment. ,
Once (he had made thi suggestion
to Barry, and be had been furiously
angry nowi
M' , - .ia t
in uuiia wining i'j an an i can
to make it easv (for von." he went
on after a moment "I ni not a pen
miest devil like 1 wa when I mar
ried you. Of course, I shall give
you an allowance. I should like yon
to go back to your uncle. If you
were Iree ol me he would be only
too pleased to have you borne, I am
"It wa never you he was angry
ti ll U t,, 1 , VaiiM V. 1. n
pier there than yog ever will be in
London." He (topped, and went on
again rather breathlessly. "Some day
you'll meet another fellow, a man
who will make you hapny. a decent
fellow you can trust and respect. I
I ahould be only too glad to know
you were happy." (
Hazel tried to speak, but ber lios
felt a if they were cut in Ice. The
cold ruth of the night air leemed
like a thousand whispering voice
mocking her.
With a deperate effort (he recov
ered herself. She opened her eye;
the eat forward a little; ahe even
forced a laugh.
"So you've fallen in with my sug
gestion at last," she said, fhakily.
"If you remember, it wa I who
asked you for my freedom week
Harry kept hi eye itrtight ahead.
"Ye, I ilippote it would hart
Our New Fall Woolens
Just Arrived-
They are the very best in FOREIGN and
Stop in today and make your selection.
The prices are the same, but woolens
are costing more each day,
$0 C Buys a Famous Dundee All
iO Wool Made-to -Measure Suit
And this price includes the very best in
tailoring, drafting and quality of mate
rial that will cost you twice as much else
where and not be hand tailored either.
Northweat Corner 15th and Harney Streeta
We Are TailorsNot Agents
htr i.j h
uri Kefiinoi
ready (or
8 and Burns
a a
Hi V kg. btism pain l a
Uif t4 rakt U itiltaly s .l.l n.t bf
Stn4 IHiilawnt, r4ig tti
bnla "( lb WtP'ainiHath'n, ai4
bin Oi h)4)t i nr it, tx.r
U M. t Uaiulag h
n. Italia. In bun i uh
J ( a ia ( ut m4
i4 !.
Barry Wicklow
saved a lot of time if I'd agreed from
Ihe start,' be said coolly, "However,
it'a not too late." He gave a quick
eifc-h. "It seems a pity v. couldn't
manage lo rub along together" be
went on in a very maiter-of.fad
voice. "We started oil with loo
muih of a tush, I suppose."
"Marry in haste 4 llacl ald
Thty were on the London riad
again now, the village were rioter
together, there wa mora traffic,
Harry kept hie attention on hi
driving. It wa soma little time be
fore he spoke again.
"You didn't go to Liverpool after
"So the forced a laugh "I tup-
po ihey told you I wa ill."
"Greaves laid something about It.
I v. hi sorry." The words .were a
mere formality.
"Mr. Greaves was glad," she told
him. "He never meant m to go lo
Liverpool ll was it wa Just a
clever way of advertising."
Her voire shook a she told her
lie; she told it badly, but she fett
she would die of shame If Barry sus
pected the truth. ,
He answered quite coolly,
la that so? (, reave i a smart
They had turned Into the F.dg
ware Road now, conversation was
no longer possible, it took all Par
ty's atiention to steer through the
ttaffir; he did not speak again till
be stopped ihe car at Harel'a flat.
He opened Ihe door and got out.
For a moment he thought of both
of them went bark to that 1at time
they bad driven home together, to
the moment before the taxi etopped,
and to that one kiss that bad meant
nothing after all, Barry turned bis
head sharplv away, be had (aid
good-by lo Harel o many time,
but this was really the final.
He had said he would give her her
freedom, and she bad accepted glad
ly. He-had not the leart Idea how
to set about it; he only know hazily
that such things were done. He
roued himself with an effort.
"I'll say good-bye. I expect you'll
be glad to get in. It' niu'te cold."
She wa (tanning beside him on
the path now. She looked an odd
little figure wrapped in hi big rug.
"You'd belter take Ihia," (he (aid.
She twirled herself out of it. and
banded it to him. For a moment
their hands met.
There was a little silence, then Bar
ry broke out, roughly:
And when you're rid of me, what
are vou going to do with yourself
His voire only sounded harsh to
her; she did not hear it underlying
rmotion; she echoed his words flip
pantly. "What am I goinsr to do? Oh. I
don't know. I shall try to make a
name for myself, for one thing. Mr.
Greaves seems so sure that I have
cot a wonderful future." Her voice
dragged a little; ahe looked op at
Batry, "Thank you for bringing me
home," (be said.
He laughed: he threw the rug on
to the (eat of the car. ,
"Oh., not at all. I hope vou will
be able to persuade Hubert to for
irive me for taking you away." He
What Are
Auguat 22
Set Sunday's
dragged off a gtott and bIJ hi
band la ber.
Vell, good nibt, and good by,
too, I uio.e,"
She could mt answer, but she gave
hint her baud, and tor a moment bis
f ngers rled round it; then he let
ber go, and she turned and ran Into
i b bout.
- It was unit early tb folio Ing
morning v. lien Hulbett turned up at
Ihe Hat.
He expected that Haarl would re
in to see him. but, to his surprise,
th greeted him calmly.
"Vou got back all right, then?'
II arowltd.
"Ves, I got back. And vou?"
She met hi eyes steadily.
"It was only half past nine when
I got home she smilrd, faintly.
"Vou're very angry with me?'
"Angry, wouldn I you be angry?
I took you out, and you led me
fr that fellow." Hi voir chang
ed; he caught her band. "Hesel, it a
got to come to a choice. You can I
keep u both eternally dangling at
yow heel. Vou know I'm just mad
about you. Do you think I should
have been a patient a thi if I
ladn't been? Most fellow would
l ave cleared oil when they found out
bow you'd made a fool of them,
llxiut Wicklow, I mean I I hat
Vicklow. and he know It. I don't
bnow if l't niht wa a put up lob."
Haiel freed berrelf.
"Vou know quite well it wasn't and
s for harry " her voir quivered
I. bltle over her buaand' name. She
hrugged her boulder. "I don't
think you would be very Jealour of
him if vou could have heard our con
versation coming home lat nitfbt."
He looked at her suspiciously.
"I don't now what you mean. You
pretend that you don't care for b'ti,
and that be doesn't care for you but
I know be does. Do vou think I'm
a fool? Do you think I can't see by
the way he looks at you?"
Hreel was crimson. She covered
ber ear with her bandr.
"I won't listen if you're going to
iv such things, she said wildly.
"Vou don't know what you're talk
ing about. He cares nothing for me,
all he wants i to be rid of me. He
told me o."
Hulbert stared Mankly.
"Pid of you: Wicklow wants to
be rid of you!
She Interrupted.
"Oli. don't talk about it. I want
to forget it. It's to so humiliat
Hand Made Blouses
for Autumn
$10 and $12.95
Woven Madras
Pleasing stripes and
fancy effects in a de
lightful choice of col
o rings characterize
this 32-inch woven
madras shirting.
49c and 59c yard.
Richelieu Union
Suits in bodice and
regulation styles,,
tight or shell, knee,
69c to $1.69.
Fancy Outing
Flannel, 19c Yd.
A most attractive se
lection of dainty
stripes and checks in
an extra heavy
weight, well napped
flannel. (27 inches
These Sales
for Men
A fine Irish linen
handkerchief, 35c
each or 3 for $1.
$1.50 full fash
ioned silk hose in
all colors and sizes.
Saturday only,
Eagle, Arrow and
Emery shirts:
$2.00 uhlrtu, $1.53
$2.50 shirts,
$3.00 shirts, 12.15
$1.00 ahirts, $2.85
$3.00 shirts, $3.43
More expensive
shirts reduced pro
portionately. Summer Neckwrar
$1.00 tie. 63c
$1,60 tUst, y,v
$2.00 tie. $1.3X
$2.30 Hog, $1.63
$:1.00 ties, $1.93
Malt) I Was
ing." Sh tried to sim:. MOl. please,
pleaae dun't y any mm "
bh lve1 lUrry. She bail not
leown until !at nt,'bl bow Hell !
had loved hint. If be had made one
little oterturt to ber that Ut mo
ment ben they stood together in
the darkness, the would have taken
him, and figiven everything,
It bad been like dying to have to
turn aay and tea him there. 9h
wondered il the would ever forget
tl last thing be had said to her
Ihe formality ol bis farewell.
"Well, good mght, and g od ty,
too, I supixite.
Sha wondered vigurlv what be
meant to do if At Dudley wa
in any ay rrpn-iiM for hi ud
den anaiety to be free o ber,
Hulbert wa speaking ags'n; his
vole founded Incredulous,
"Hut you ran't dissolve a marriage
unless. ... lie shrugged hi shoul
ders. "Well, you know there' only
one thing. If there another worn
an in the case." He looked at Iter
Ilsiel did not answer; the knelt
down on the big skin rug by the lire
and held her handr to the warmin.
5he was so cold, o cold. She felt
a if someone had laid hands of ice
admit her bnnv.
Hulbert' followed her and laid hi
band on ber shoulder.
"So it wasn't really a choice be-
tween us last mght,- be said, tottiy.
He felt her shrink a little beneath
lip touch.,
She tried to laugh.
"Vou're o impatient; you expect
everything at onre Oh. pleae
i lease don't!" He had stooped to
kirs her.'but she pushed bun away
He laughed; he was not really an
noyed; be believed that Barry was
no longer a serious rival. For the
moment he was content; be pulled up
a chair and sat down henide ber.
"May I smoke?" He did not wait
for permission. "Have you seen
Greaves today?" be aked.
"No-No. I haven't."
"Humph I He ' pot ometh!ng for
you ' up hi leeve." be chuckled.
"No, I'm not giving any ecret
Hazel turned a face momentarily
flushed with eagerness,
"Oh, do tell me what do you
He bent towards her.
"Give me kiss, and I'll tell you."
Hazel tried to eet away from him,
but he held her fat; she threw her
head back as far from him a she
New Fall
For January
Silk and Wool Specials
Especially Desirable Fabric:
for Early Fall Wear
40-inch all-silk charmeuse in a pood
firm weight which will not "ruff" by
wear. A highly lustrous quality, dark
brown, black, navy, fawn, Burgundy
and taupe
$2.95 quality, $1.95
40-inch all-silk pebble crepe in light
and dark shades, including black
$1.95 a yard
All-wool French challiea in the newest
of designs and coloring:.
$1.35 quality, 98c
Maia F!
Closing out on all of our lovely
parasols for very low prices.
would be wisdom to avail your
self of this unusal sale.
"Oh, l-ve me alone leave ma
lone!" She v.a ol wtthfilghr,
Some one rallied the door handle
"tan 1 tome in." it w Urba'a
Hulbert snr under bis breath,
but he I't IIr go, She scrambled
to ber leet and rushed arro tha
loiMtt. bor the li'st tune in ber IH
she wa really delighted to see ber
l)rba looked from on to the other
quimcatly. She noibted to Hulbert
and took possession of the chair fiom
which he bad risen.
"I've got a brut ef cold," ba
said. "I'oke up the lire, Laurie or
do you limit llaiel lo coal?" Sb
laughed ilitagreeably. "What hv
yon been doing all thi week?" she
asked, looking at ber rotuiti. "Von
nevrr come near me. I notite; I sup
pose you're oo mu h occupied, Ob,
don't let nie send you oil" Hulbert
bad muttered something (bout go
ing "He bate me," b confided to
Hard when be bad gone, "I'm
sorry il I ipnilt sport."
"Vou didn't; I am glad you came."
Drlia stink ber feet up on tba
fender kerb, showing an unnecensary
epane ol s'lk ankle and high heels.
"Have you seen that hutband of
jour lately?" she nuked, suddenly.
"Vc I saw bun yesterday"
Or ha looked round sharply.
"Yesterday!" her voice sounded in
credulous. "Did he come here?"
"No, I met linn by accident
Hazel' voire wa low; she kept her
head down-bent.
(( Mu4 la Tha tW Maanay.)
K. of C. Gather at Galea
for Annual County Picnic)
' Broken How, Neb., Aug 18.
(Special.) Knights of Columbu
from all over the county gathered
at Galea for their firtt annual picnic,
there being about one hundred ami
fifty people present. The urual pro
gram of sport wa in evidence and
a spirited ball game of sevgn in
ning attracted much attention.
Broken Dow Man Attacked
and Lacerated hy 10 Ilogi
Broken Bow. Neb.. Aug. 18.
(Special.) While trying to extricata
hog which had fallen in a ditch,
ud Kay of thia city, wa attacked,
y 10 other hog. The hos tore
hi clothing and lacerated hit leg
and arms. A heavy stick he carried
saved him from more seriout injury.
Sale Prices
The reputation of this
store is a guarantee to
the purchaser that
every garment which
bears its label is sec-
ond to none.
$19.0 to $250.00
$49.50 to $150.00
Dresses '
$25.00 to $195.00
20 to 33 1-3 less than
. after September first
stasta I'kiit H'ti
la --. . t'
Ta Lall Aa Y