i THE OMAHA TEE: SATURDAY. AUGUST 19. 1922. (J.iankmwi Hear Hoc Radio Program of Classic Music "jMMiiil I(r'i Jvt In lullrd at I'liillrmuitli Y'.tu ii r l raiiifinriii tv oini-ii ?olo it Arc IVltirr. ("I40i1.1l (liatit and urn number frIurrd 1 he Omaha lire' radio lr i y r aim l.roaili jI front the Omaha ifm Kaclung station (NAAV) National KiunlMiiin In camp at rLmmoutli, Nrli,, rreeivrd the en if rt niitmt ilirotiah a larue rcrnv in II station illitjllrd thrre. Tn un tiwnhf rr, "t'atirue E , i-uti.,!" titfl "Tuikuh Mfih" by Mil I f M'hlrr. I.ul(rlrii irmnnlrilf d the dayrr'i u technique, Mill (illirrt lirowil ilrli(hte4 radio au hmre with a trio ol voral number, "I'atrn Moon. "Ilominir and r rotn thf I. and r,f the Sky Slue Water." Mrt. Mary Arlrle Abbott aecom Iniur . lirr on Hit piano. Mr Waller Knui rrndrred two plrl nir rtniufirrt on the piano. TmIu.V in E Minor- and 'Ballad." Kiii.l Victim II.M21 Ifouri IlrTon Allowed . Homlii Mcvrn turn c uikIiI in a li'i'ior raid In t tic Alliny hot-l. Thursday and kIio ( nt tirirly 24 hour in jail, without irriiinioti to give bond, vre nuhlrd t'J do n, lale yesterday itfirrnoon. 1 . Tlif drlay wa orraiionrd by the iTiriiv of Ming rharKM of ron ipiriii'y to violate the prohibition law, K'ain-t ihrni, h-fure the auiynt of the bond rutild he fixed. I'nitfd Slain t"otiMni.i'.nrr Horbjcr ttt it It f "IN). "I)r)M Sleuths to Armt Drinker in Rooze Joint Mill found drill kin if, a wrfT a Imiitli'KK'r, will be proerutel under a p'l'icy jut adopted by federal pro Jnhiiion enforcement audit here. I.lrvrn mctv already are In jail auditing pronrrtition for conpiracy lo violate the "dry" law, ftobert Anderson, group c.irf of the dry hlruUi,air their arret marked the hi'iiuuiinif of the revined policy. "I'rom now on we'll seize all the iliinkrr we find' he aid. California Girl Seeking Mother Believed to He Here Mil Lela May Wright, 16, Santa Monica, Cal., i eeking her mother who i believed to be in Omaha, ac cording to information received by M. O. Cunningham, an attorney. Thirteen year ago Cunningham drew up paper permitting adoption of the girl by Mr. and Mr. Everett I". Feaston who then left for Cali fornia. Sine then both have died and the young woman wishei to find her mother. T)nn Found on Busy Street ' Turns Out to Be Coyote A "dog" found by Quinrey Lee Tark. IS, 2118 North Twenty levenlh avenue, at Twenty-second mil Burdette street, 31 block from Omaha's busiest corner, ha turned out to be a coyote. When the identity of the animal a diclocd it wa delivered to the1 NcbraskHumane society and may he sent to the zoo of Rivervicw park. Prisoner Who Leaped From Train' at Cozad Retaken William Bridgman, alleged coun terfeiter, who escaped even month go from a marshal by leaping from a train at Corad, Nib., has been cap tured near Memphis, Tenn.. accord ing to information received here yes terday by Dave Dickinson of the United States secret service. Bridg man will be taken to Dcs Moines for trial. . . 16-Year BoundaryTroulle Breaks Out in Court Here For 16 years the boundary line be tween tlie homes of John Wallander, 3.U7 Boyd street, and his neighbor, Henry Deities, has been a source of trouble. Wallander, in a suit filed in district court yesterday, alleges that recently Deincs tore down his fence. He asks an injunction again.st him. WATERMELON All 6 Restaurants AUKMTH.MKT. Succeeds Where . Doctors Fail lyii L Pbkham't Vegctble Compound Often Does That. Read Mrt.Winer'i Teitimoay Qiuruboseo, N. Y."l a unNr tho ductof ' rare fvr over iht year I rue tacka'ri and had no rlif front hia miiiein. Doc day a neigh bor told ne aU.ut your Vegtftabl Compound an. 1 Umk it. It Mttfd meaonmch that J ih to aUvuta all omen to trj Lydla F, rink. Ham Wf ta ut CamndunJ ( femaU trrut.li' ami Uackaih. Iv la a frat K.!ii tn orrytnn chuL I Kavi KuthnJ a Uu? hn l Ui.in't Uk it. I tiiarik. gruu for thU HwUivUMt till if I er eint ta tht t int gm I Aiftt u wUwiltt. ut lh Vtrtt W CWun4 give ).u iwrmMMun tattiuii thi k uf a Ihil alt vn uk iny a t uis"-3Urt. f a MiM.it, Uu IvJ thurubuMH N. V. U t tin mm aty vwr acl. vnin auifcr fnnt aiUnvuu 1 )'. THy IryAvt.taftJitiifiitst tin-ji -tiwi. t t fl n t i we, ri ft, tiy nkt 1 a l; I mah' vUI I Vii pkiiJ fl H a i va i in tiv tm i f Mf. 'U f. All in" J "! tit lr lk Pwiiv. Tl(nUtif irf(l l vn M 41 Ivttlauwl M khuru liiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiii m Former National CuarJ Officer Pies In H'iital Th funeral of Capt. Julin Hay ward, 3' -" I .kton ilrert. will b hrhl i'.it s' .noon at J in Trinity cathedral. I lay ward died Friday morning in CUrktort hotpital follow ing a long iilnrt. II ti employed during th lait eight year in the water department office of th Met ropolitan Uttlitie ditiritt and waa in tht crvii of the l'lcifte xpret company pretloo to Ihi. 1 1 it urvived by a wife. About 23 year S0 h wu an otHcer of tha Thurs ton Rifle, then known a Company L of tht Nebratka National guard. Be Want Ad Troduca Remit. Wtiiiun Hurt Iy Bot I.um h Trmk Suea" for Injurie Cyclon Miller. baj of a lo i lunch concern, wa ued by MtnliU Danirtton in district court ye.terdav for SJ.5iC.S0 lor injuries untamed when h wa ttruck by the bo : lunch truck at Mton itreet and Georgia avenue, April 4. TWO SALES IN ONE SATURDAY- Fire, Smoke andWater I'THCVr!y!IVMMT& M Yes, Friday, too, has been abusy day with us, thank you, though we were better prepared to care for the crowds of eger buyers than we were the day before, on account of our putting on more sales people. While we have disposed of a lot "of merchandise we still have plenty to satisfy those who come Saturday. II OS "OB. $18.75 Refrigerator Aq eyf for I O $21.00 Ic Boxei for $11.00 (37.60 Slda leer, (in nr I-door tplO.O $36.50 $72.50 Bl'da leer $door We have replaced the items sold Thursday and Friday with many other equally as good bargains. A good many who did not find just what they were looking for in our department devoted to the clearance of damaged goods were more than pleased at the value-giving prices throughout the other sections of our five big floors, where our August Furniture Sale Discounts amount to from $1.75 27x54 Grass Kugs for $2.50 36x72 Grass Rugs for $5.00 4x7 Grass Rugs for 49c 89c $1.98 to 10 to 50 Per Cent $29.85 Cedar Chests for , $32.50 Cedar Chests for $12.85 $13.50 We are giving only a few items in this advertisement, merely to give you an idea of the wonderful values to be had here Saturday $2 TS tiold.a Oak Library Table .... $Um fU.UI.q Oak Library Tablv ,,,, Tfr Try and do yourshopping as early in the day as possi- $16.75 to et , :m Kiteh.a ("abla.i $18.75 $10.50 these bargains TX.R.:!!f.!!:!:f $9.95 Free! Frtl V will l( ay full an THMr4y, Auwt II at w a iMauiKa v.i. 0'i( l I 4 .to' Mltl b.M.i4 ft''.. C. It Mt It M"4 ALL PUKCHAICS FINAL NO Ktl'UNUi OR KXCHANQU It t. ft.ad t.w.n'1 A fiBowQU (d AAI VAUl TV', ireic ltouinlStttttt Iktirttn 15th m J 6M 6Vj. Exchange Dept. hm i in ta Mbn(. y.M furniur, rwt a it , , WKtl. pfi( .taii U, V.ii il . 4 I. I a ait mi w"t j t. "No Profit'1 Sales Continue in the Market and Groceries II t. it ii. DlimuBd It t'luur. tt lb. net fur !.($ H.yil.M. ltIIB Kiuur. tt ii. ti for .,.,... vi.wia 1. lb.. I'ui. ur.nul.l.a ( txti.l fur Tft w ii.v,n or Auul. liluMum llilte A ... '2R A C.nilib.ir. Tuui.l. uui, ti. clai, fr t.n t'.n. Oil rJli.. tt ttar. I'. U. .p...4ft ii r glir.dil.it CiKo.nwi. r lb. , 'iOt a lb. I'.iwdTn.l Hur..6 I (' Mon.relt folk tni il.an. fir 2S rn. K.rly Juo. ittl ii.ik, fur 35t Hand l lrk.d Navy U..iw. t.ei.l, p.r lb,., 104 In Our Greater Coffee Dept. y.mou. M.nlui Cuff... .1 - ci.l prr lb ..'i5a iua. lor ,., ...w.c Q.ildrn llanlu Cuff.. ...204 4 lb., for 14 1 Mardan'. Ktc.lla Cbfr.a, 30 1 Jba. fur B6 Our Kauiuu. Jc. T.a, lb., 4Utf I in.. lur I lb, tiraakfaat t'avua. .23 Cracker Specials CI rap. Nut., pkg 154 lilir.dd.d Wlicat lilaeull. l'-r L.rk.a. at .11 Jrx.y Corn riak.a, (kg 1 All Jio Cooklr., lb. 22 Dried Fruit Specials Fancy l-Crown Hal.lna. .1 R i-ancy Itn.ted I'ranul. 100 4-t0 Mahu I'runc., lb... Iff, I'ur. Hark Honey, rack, IB iancy i'op Corn, lb ..34 Candy Specials Fancy Mixed Candy, lb...20t Vegetables Nr rotator, pack 204 i-anry A.t Corn, dm.. 10 Ur.rn r Wax Ktrlng D.ana, D.r lb 64 t lb.. I'ry Onions 10a Fancy Fig i'lant, arb..lVt 1 lb. Now Carrot, for., 10 Bw.et Potato... lb S r. ncy Oreen fepp.r., lb. 7H4 Cabbagit, l.rg. h.ad, .a., H4 txtra f ancy c.lcry, .talk at Fruit Specials ronklna Apple, b.iker, 2Sd Kanry lllue (Jr.pfn, ba., 2ft Home Urowo Mu.kmelotia, each at JO Fancy Lemon., dos.n...27) Ilartlntt I'eara, doten 25 Kaney KlberU Pe'ekea, .pe rl. I, per crate... , 0H4 Deliveriei Free on Pur chases of $3.00 Worth of Groceries. Quality Meats Fresh From the Big Packers Daily Freah Dressed Broiler 29 Fresh Dressed Young Hens, per lb 25 Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens, lb 174 Fancy Kib Roast, lb....25fr Fancy Steer Pot Roast, per lb 12V4 Fancy Steer Shoulder Roast, per lb IB Small Lean Pork Roast, per lb 174 Pork Chops, lb 19 Fancy Veal Roast, lb,..15 Sugar Cured Breakfattt Ba con, per lb 19V44 Sugar Cured Picnic Jam, per lb 157 Fancy Summer Sausage, per lb 204 Home Liver Sausage. 124? Butter, Cheese and Egg Dept. Extra Choice Tub Creamery Butter, per lb 33 4 Extra Choice Country Cream ery Butter, per lb 357 Fancy Peanut Butter... 10 Guaranteed Fresh Country EKgs.loaen 19d Hex or Gem Nut Margarine, per lb 19 Ripe or Queen Olives, quart -10c Dill Pickles, dozen '....15? Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb 21 Fancy Wisconsin Full Crenm Cheese, per lb 234 The Famous Snider's Products In Sale and Demonstration ' Th T. A. Snider Preserving Co. will hold demonstration all day Saturday, August 19. The fol. lowing pricti will prevail; lUiU' rtup,..21 4'k t,.t. fhilli San.f It If '.'k' ran tVrk uml" Hi an fur 5 ;'tV fan I'm1? Kitu.r hfnt (ir 1 If T'l Ta T"iil. Smui tinpiat 2 f.if V lOcWhiteBread 5c During 'No Profit Sale 5 Loaf Limit Doughnuts 25c During NoProfitSale 2 Dozen Saturday-"No Profit" Sales That Will Continue , to Make Selling Records A Hundre'd NEW FALL SUITS Mm n 1 mWh. V h WMh I mm II ' HtW1 III I 7 silk The "No Profit" v Sale Price 100 New Fall Suits -Made up in ve- "'lours, tricotines, twill rords and bet ter Rrade tweeds. Made up in tailored styles, embroidered styles and fnr trim med styles. .Suitable for misses, ladies and stouts. .Shades a b tor, deer. Hawaiian ne, navy and black. All Jininc: and unusuallv 11 tailored. Sprnnd 'Floor j "No Profit" Sale SILVERWARE Electric Boudoir Lamps, $2.49 One hundred ivory finished metal-stand and faney colored shade electric boudoir lamps. "No Profit Sale" Toilet Goods Coty's L'Orlgan Face Pow der for 69 river' Azurea Face Powder, special for 69t Plver'a Florayme Face Pow der for 69 Hudnut Three Flower Face Powder for 69 Java Rice Face I'owder 35t Johnson & Johnson's Talcunr Powder for 16 Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 35t Krank'a Lemon Cream, 69S Pond's Cold Cream.... 21 Mulalfled Cocoanut Oil Shampoo for 35 25c Lavoris for lS Horllck'a Malted Milk..37 None Such Floating Bath Soap, 3 cakes for 10i- Woodbury's .Soap for... 17 Silver Pieces, $4.49 Fourteen Ineh Flower Vases Large Flower Basket Fruit Howls Sandwich Trays Cheese and Cracker Trays Fruit Baskets Cake Trays, Etc. EXTRA SPECIALS Fancy Pierced Bread Trays, special for $1.89 Top Handle Bread Trays, spe cially priced at SI. 25 Urge Fruit Bowls for..$2.8Q 5-Piece Tea Set, $6.98' Consisting of Tea Pot, Cream Jug, Open Sugar Bowl, Closed Sugar Bowl and Tray. No Prof It price at 86.98 4-Piece Tea Set, $4198 Consisting of Tea or Chocolate Pot, Creamer and, Sugar Bowl and Tray. No Profit. . .84.98 Cream Jug and Sugar Bow Sets for : 82.75 Cream Jug and Sugar Bowl Sets for 83.00 Cream Jug-and Sugar Bowl Sets for 83.75 Salt and. Pepper Sets.. $1.00 Candle Sticks for 50 Candle Sticks for , 81.00 Bud Vases for 39 Bud Vases for ...........50 Burt Vases for 81.00 Up to $10 Silk Skirts 'No Profit Sale $4.95 65 Women's Silk Skirts i Made of the new ronhan ara crepes and novelty hilks; colors and white; formerly $7.95 to 110.00, now Sl.ti.j Up to $5.00 Dresses $2.75 Girls' Summer Dresses Made, up in ginghams, lawns and voUcs. That were formerly 4.00 and $5.00, nt $2.75 "No Profit" Coat Sale $5.00 Girls' Medium Weight Coats Made up in vel ours, polos and novelty plaids. Sizes 8 to 16 j ele gant values. No Profit Sale Saturday, at.. $5.00 Up to $5.00 Wash Blouses $1.50 300 White Wash Blouses, made up in lingeries, dim ities, voiles, madras and colored tissue ginghams. Blouses that were fonner- lyiES, U, now $1 .50 'No Profit Sale' Framed Pictures An assortment of Fine Oil Finished Paintings in two sizes. Nicely framed fa mous subjects. Small size . . .69 Large size. $1.39 Large size Ivory Finished Hand Mirrors with bev eled glass. Sale at. 31.39 '"No Profit" Sale of Men's Furnishings Last call Men's Light Weight Union Suits at no profit prices. Chalm ers, Lewis, Cooper fine makes. Cost us $1.13 each; Saturday selling, at, each $1.13 Men's Newest Silk Ties Season's new coloring. Cost us 65c, No Profit Sale Price for 3f Main Hour "No Profit" Sale of SHOES For Men, Women and Boys Meu's Shoes Brown and black gun metal lace, In broken sizes; all Goodyear waits; $3 and 1 4 values. Cost 115ft. on sala ..82.95 Women's and .nilnif 1-lrU' Oxford and Strap Slipper 2M to 6; widths A to C. Cost $1.95. No 1'rofit Sile for S1.05 lt.it a ShitKi Hun metal hlnrhpra. In hrnn and black, tn broken Ue; while they last. Cost j.'sn, .no rrorn saia ai DU Stetsoa Oxford (or Wen Brown and blark lol kid and Kula ralf. In all auea and wlil'ii tot 9J, No rrofit tale at 8M.D5 tn til mhh1 jjrt rav t i)f An Extraordinary Offering, X 1AAA T. Pll TT x iuuu iiuw ran nais $5 $750 $10 A rolU'ctiou tVaturing th Vt-ry ttev't iihkIo.- for autumn, liCJ-tlinrtynr, nutiti nnl t.tftVt t tiu 1'itH'il with I.Voli cKi t i.f miIv. p t !.th I i. it m. I liMSfl ouinltinati'iiij a tlu ut-wrst fall rolrinj;!-thf hail !, Mnrini tto hu j'j-py, Aiuorionn lU'ftuty, Aluminum, iit-vr lhu fjthiin niul Ittnjk. 1 1 r you will ftnl it fH.ltntiin'urnH tlv Uu nil thr i ft lint ftuiitltitt ih lUt MllmuUK is4 I Ur