.3 1 YOUTH WILL BE SERVED Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith iCaprrigbt J' W;.STSipS PROPERTY Ixx)k afThirList of Bargains in West Farnam $3,000 Btg-yoom aM en..rn homa eg Faratm Hi. U caah. 41 per am, a lb. $7,000 It North It.t Ave. T-rm all madeni fcaaie, l.tga living room arrangeaaeai with fireplace, eak fiuish. 4aa.ly lo.atlea. lis. luediaia puaeeaaloo Ak.,ui H.0 cash. 700 Ilia Imdga Bt , very d.alrabla laratlon: good lul, a.v.a rooma, all niog.ia, 13. too $12,000 III North llth,' fc.Haatona ronstruetloa, praettiaily a.w. Nina rooma. fiiii.he4 aitii; t.. batbrooma; aunroom and al..p. log por. hl fir. place and built-in f.aiuteai a. room fiai.bed la baaem.at) full lot. garaga and driveway. Owner Ilea Ml my and this la the price f .r quirk aala. ffelgbk loan IT ; 4 404 raah reUlre4. Glover, & Spain, Realtors JA tua c"f RallonaL C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUNDEE PROPERTY. THE KUNDAV BtC OOOCOOOOOoOOOOOJOOQOOOOoO r LKimn itt .uauivy Fiva-raoia frems with pteeMd bit.k fuuod.iion fv.auiiful itoiy w.dWMfk. waa flpre iiiiwuakiut. 1 eige Hvlng sad uo.a loottV tea alia Moe.,u M-.l kli. bn w:ih built la lai.m.tt m n ..nipt ale. Lmel.d on a eoi,,. tnl I..I lie abow yog ihie mfiy bi,ie tail Mr AH.. JA, Ivie tiie kmga, E. ylu. wmo v.aht uov o tciri H TE Ovfc frfc-, WwtN 1 MAM AHp 4 TW0t tT VJOMtW wtt Ct&TMhtf HVOchX k HOC Cf A? Cf WL jkfnK&ANCi WHLH A POOd MO vulV Jul fieuiim. a,r. 601 AuObaj IN NUCs A-f, V-AN Cv AT HfT- swt iow vHiM K fVV- twfutt ftWitti.fs . a. KL vVOtt A lOo cx; tan MAT IKV CA't A OOLb wikMh CANl. Wit Al Oim NCW TVIE fck WJkiO Cti.f cct.r. f"i ev-. Mil Cat .it YMftaUurt KIT CBurf Ut UIMHi luK fH IT NiCt, jTWf UU CLTI A FOOT fl r ur OMtnn f Tut.. txT, fWl CM iH.H t.tt Ant coooooooooooooooooooooooa FLOkFNCK lkOPi:kIY SKTIUWtf a.,ie ad lr..l.a'kE llt vi'W rH MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY aT'CTToN Bale AlTaiTlr l a nt. eaal eniraa.a of f.ml bouee lliabMl bidder gete big ku.e. a"i lot, large barn aid .hbkri kouae. ftail and eb.de lia.e a We.t l.nt.r eireet. eppo.Ha bar-Ilea field lutiher petHi oleia, tall owner AT III 4. Uargeia for got. a Male Oiapal Imaied Ilia iN.iniaii.n bt klea Una. Could ba remiHlaieil intu a nt home. AT. 6114. WEBT Of El. M WOOD PARK. THK OMAHA HKK : SATURDAY. AUGUST 19. 1922. A-1 1 1 41 B II j ' . Ml I I ..III... I I I elte, 1 I I I ltn' 1 1 lahlaa, II I thir 11 I'chea t ulloae Iceeeelt1 (near, y I he.e Sf y fur- ul'lltl I "th II l.ire I u I iilerer Inoaia. lb , Dooo t o ' o . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o . ' o o o o 7I o. bally Mail Coodt S. u , doo rw i. ' J l o DOO I r I ROOM$FOR RENT. tttiiruuint, nth tfti( for two of innr pcraona Iuttful froun'la, fiv mtnut wlk fiftm hrt of i My. M'ia If drirrl. J.r fkr4 ih'a, H.ttivly nil not M'XN rui. wim I'M. Mill, mi, com- rtruiilff. ilir.rfitl; prlr.a rraliofiiihlv, 0Af I.AKnK ! noun, lrl v faimlf. rl to tmr lifts. On ur Iwn fntuiiin or nt pUtynt rouplo vrfMrr.f. KK. t'M& H'TH, f ANI'KuKD, Jlih anj f .rn.m. HulKI, ilKNNHAW, lith anil KaiokO. Nl-.cial ratra lo parman.nl gtia.ia, HAIINLY Tit r'ronl t-im In mod rn ri'Mia, rnn; ..ay walklntf dlalam-a; n a pnr. h and yard II A. Hi? TWKNTYHlxf lf'rVr lit N Km.nn 17 Mi, 1 and II. Cli,. In, mod. hi, HA. ?4H. i UN)) largo front fun In arinnt, nr ( ,abl,.D cvl!ii alllu dialama. AT. TiVKNTr-HIXTIl AII. HSi H ttnom In ri'"1rn dulr, walking dlaianr. AC It'll tllt'Ii'K room for rant; lumla park; run. v.nirnt la I car Unas; prlvala horns. WA, 4ai4. -tilt IiiiIhiK T l.nma furnl.brd rooma, auitalila for two; cl.an and t-uul; ala'i rurnl.hail apt If dr.lr.,1 I'lVKNKV l lra. da.irahla Hintlt frcm car. I'rlvais family. ll,4. L- riintn. WK. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 111 . ItTII AVK Tmo-room hi.uakp IriK aiiarlm.nta, altctrlo lltflil. aa fur nliih.d YIihsThHM) houa-k.pin. t-laan, llnhi. riniliaacmi nt rooma, l'i. fit. iH I)"'l. I I.IUIIT houa.ka.plnic rooma and kltrhsn alls on main floor, HA. IM4. 31M Far nam. TWKNTT-KlltHT HT.. 8l No J lovaly laht bouapkapfiin rooma Prlvata family. lTi B. IS-I'fi T. 1 or I lovaly bouaa". ka.plnv rooms. HA. 1479 ONIC or -roorn apla. 114 N. 2ld HI. with kltclisnalts. WK, Hilt Kumlrh.il. two lnra rooms and kltihrnalta. Kountza Flara, TWO front rooma, romplats for houta k.aplna, on ground floor. WK. till. 1720 DuDilK Mod.rn huua.ktsplug rooma for r.nt. AT. 7077. ONK. two. thraa and four-room apart, m.nta. mod.rn, 40 N, llth. coot,, mod.rn bona, k.. ping rooma; raa annaiila 611 a. zr.tra A v.. HOUSES FOR RENT Houses. I ronra, "I Rnuih Stl Sfr.t, 0. I rooms. 103 North 30th fttr.et, 171. 7 rooms, 403 Iiouglaa Ktr.at, I7&. 7 rooma. 12J North 21th Htraat, 176. I rooma, 421 North 41at Btraat. 171. Peters Trust Company, 'WHEllB OMAHA RENTS." AT. n54. 1701 Farnnm Bt. IiKWKV. 210 Flvs-room houaa; garaga. H.d.ooratad, I4D. Mr. Macfarland, Af 6I5K. BOARD AND ROOM HAIlNUlf BT.. 3347 Kifln.d homo for 2 bualnoss people. H.autlfully furnlahad room. Muht. and airy, l.arga closet, avcry thlng new nnil cl.an. Horns cooking un i tiled. Ii.'i par nu'nth. Kr-forauces. HA. 4H9. WANTKD: Boom and board In prlvata family In Dundea or West Farnam dla trlct. Raf.ranca. Hog W-149, Omaha Hea. ATTHACTI VfO rooma for 3 with board; homa prlvllag.s. Jlnn.com Park dlitrlct, J A, IH. COOl, room and board, 17 weak; 2 gen tlemen. Haneoom park diatrict. HA. 6539. MARCY STKEET, 1021. pleasant raoma; home cooked meals. HA. 4748. APARTMENTS FOR RENT OEST otm LIST. WE HAVE TUB VARIETY.1 Oat eur Hat of vacant apartments and houaes. We handle a larger variety of rantal properttea than any other agency In tha city. Sea PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "WHERE OMAHA RENTH." AT. 1(44. 17th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA'S LAROKST RENTAL AGENCY. Thirty-four apartment bulldlnga, ail apartmenta, reinforced concrete, atso lutely fireproof. Murphy bed or bed room apartmenta. Call us, and wa will take you out. IMIAKM KENTAt. AOENCT. Fireproof Apartmenta, J A. I05. AT. 1701. Corner 17th and Howard Btreeta. TWO WEEKS FHEU HKNT on all apartmenta rented during tha monin of Auguat; aumm.r ratea, 147. l to a0; winter, IST..0 la HO. REMEMBKR WR PAT THE COAL HILL rlllOPKN CO., Ilea Mora JA. 4H. :4 Keehna Hldg. KoV'H lerga mml.rn riom h.at and wa ter fmnl.htd, 110 auiiiiu.r, 150 wlr.ter. 1 SI t Ho. till Ave HBAl'TII"l'l. Apt., S-room arrain,, rloaa la and In fma Apt. Itldg., Ill Mo, Refer- .nc.a. JA. 1714. iirrfitHS 4 and I rooma; w rent, cluaa In, U r aleukia ( Chlraio, FINK 4-riM.tu apai ini.ut. . 'ainaui dl.m. l, fail HA IU4 or H I '-KiinVpetrictiy m.nl.rn Apt, (to. SJI4 ar i. . K. ' FURNISHED APARTMENTS, "'vrr:rf INV Home f lb. tra.i" man la ! a'4 il. In c,n.l,.n and e(l. XT Tail. IM ;! b.il!V (unl.oe,! -I r,.,iM aa-t no.ite. 14 ..-n I ir a .1 ilrl I ATI H i "T IV a; I re..n (j .ft a.i-i.. a.i' lion a Ayi.ir !;. N in t. two itl ib,....u a. a lli.aa At I i X hm at a . HUSINESS PROPERTY KENT I ! 4 I.. H a ( I 4,1 !,. Va bt. ' ettae! t:t ii,aaa t WANT TO KKNT (TI;t l (. l- ti , i iMia H -. K a. - ., v4 auiftl c. Ill r.'oa ej a . J ' uoviha and srnuAtii: -. CI.' t't' .'l ee) " ( . I- ..J I---,- , l.rf.li 4 (-. i. . I ., ax i, 4.4 )Ilr' a.'Veia U ak tta., MOVING AND STORAGE riDKI.ITT TnnAOB VAN CO. M"VIM lA'KISl rnUAHIC-HHII'I'IMJ, lloua.bold (iooda and l'iartr, It.dmad Rataa Thla W..k to I. OH ANOKLKM and I'll IL'AUO. 1101. II Howard HI. Ja.haon SH KHTIm'aIK furn. on iiaiklna, mov. and aiorlog. t'ontiai'ia lakn ly lob or hour, (lloiis Van A Kloraira Co., JA. 4111, AT. Ofia. tlro.aman A ion, own.rs BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS A(Vlll)lliN Pl.KATINti. " A('c(illl)iN. alda, knifs, boa pl.ailng, eovarad ljuitons, all stylss: h.m.tlirhtnc, bullonholrs Writs Id.al llullon A I'l.al In a- tv, llrown tuvolt, Oinalit, N'b. T.Ipbon J A. Hit NMIIIAHKA I'l.KATINO Ig( Kr. nm HI. i loa it Alia to 10 H'lil. I, ai'rounl of var-sllon l0a Karnain Hi, il floor ATTIIKM'.I H, 1 H IIAMiiil.l'll. Attorn.)i. has moved hi. offlio from tha liavldaa Block lo Hooin (44, Pa i on III,., i. C NTK ACToitF OAHAUKgbullt.aoyaiyl.and.il., I0 up. toacr.i work. VIrkin L,umlar a Wrokln Co. Tal. WB. Mil. 1'I.ASTKIUNH. r.m.iit work, tnlldlng, ra. nioil.lins; garnitKa of any kind; guaran tied work VVA, 07. A. (' I.KKSAPD A B iNH It. modeling and bulldiag fall AT. I'm. DKNTIHTh. finNTAI, X.tAVS."n)Vaih. It a full art. II HonurlilM Hldg., iriib and Farnam. rif.'TBfTIVKt. Rri.IAIU.B liatactlvs Hur.au, Hallway niiia,, zo.sj niani, Hit IHI Ind.paml.nl Ii.t.cllva Hur.au. 104 N.vllla inir at. ttoi: nigbi, WA. 4041: KB. 044S JAMEH AM.AN, 111 N.vllla 111 k. Kvld.nc. a.rur.d In all caaaa. AT. 1131. IiHKHKMAKINO. 1UUH alH.a ilr.kamitkllia: cblldren a an.. ciallly. Ilnrmy II0. HI'ITd, dr.sai-a, fura rrlinad. rrmodi'l.d: I'nrfa chork.ra mada. It.na. prlra. HA. 04 HAUI.INU. HAl'U.NO All kinda; aaliaa to rubbl.h, or nmvinif, W.b ill. I'lJIJC expert ' repairing. remodeling. -leaning, at loweat-ln-lhe-clly prlrea. (lohlaieln Fur Co, Over Frye. JAU32. FL'RKIKIiB. FURS I. Uth Bt. remodeled, r.lln.d, cleaned. KODAK FINIBHINiJ. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE. Tha Ensign Co.. 1107 Howard Bt. PRINTINO. EnDY Printing Co. 213 B. II Bt. DO. 1447 C ACKLE PHINTFNti CO. Phone JA. 231. TUBE TMIMMINO. THEE trimming and apraylng, tree aurgery our specialty. Work dona by experts. Call ua for free advice In the care of your trees. Home Landscape ttcrvlca, ill N. !4th Bt. HO. (IK. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 208. Alao Washington. D. C. 1 help Inventora sell their patente. "M TBCELLA N EOUS A N N oTj NO EME NTsT" DIAMONDS;,. pay the beat prlcea with privilege to buy back at small profit, OIIOHS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Nob., 403 N. IHth Ht. Telephone DO. (04H, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaea made over In near tic ka at half price of new beds, rillowa renovated and made up In now feather proof ticking. Old bed ticks washed, 1907 Cuming. JA. 2467. DK. Ixiula Hmernnfff dlsraaca of women and children, 816 N. flat Bt, AT. 6766. PRESCRIPTIONS- carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman A Mcf.onnell Drug stores. BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES WE have caah oo nand to lost) on Omaha residences. E. H. I.OUOEE. INC. 136 Kaellne Hldg. I LOANS ON REAL ESTATE I PER CENT MONEY i per cent 1 a ... ewun.ua till v-iiy until ek naifa, K. SHOMTAK, J A. 3336. TParm T.mna No delay on woetem r drill JUUillla Neb. farms, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 146 Om. Nat'l Bk. 1100 TO 110. 000 loana made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOIJMAN. 110 8. lKth Bt. Weed Bide. "A 'At. 0161. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O KEEr hi KICAL ESTATE CU., 1016 Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg. Jackaon 1711. OARVIN-HRoSTT C4 Omaha Nat. Bldg. ON IMP, PROPERTY. Nil DELAY. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE LOW RATE MONEY. 64 and 6 per cent on Improved Omaha property. Make application now. W. T. OKA HAM. J A. 1(11. 7o4 I'et.ra TruatTtldg. KlllMT mortgage loans tuada promptly on Omaba real r.ute, Bhonen Co., Heat- tors. J A. 422H 234 K.elln. mug, J. H. MITHEN paya moet for LIBERTY bonus, m lit. Nat l Hank mag. AUTOMOBILESFOR SALE. (.0 IIKl.lAlit.E used cara, a.h or lime; Forda, Dotig.a and other model.. M brand new Fonla at a diacount; Ford bodlea. new and uaed. tlol.DelTltoM AUTO SALES CO, Opea av.niig. Jt 44 111 Harney Bt. k'OK BALE Flgui five ii-n,r t"inmg car. run I Sou mile.. In A t citi. t illtoin. a.v.i.l tru ka. from Ui-ton to ) 3-ton, solid and pneum ne lf,, eaay t. una to it.ni i ny t ,i i'. v. j. AMFlllf AM flMM'H tV , ; W lil.trti gvir; sais.ias In u..l Forda. prompt d.nverv i aw Fuida MCAF.ItKY M tfOE m, Tfce Maady Ford Baltic aoetl Inn ij J a kf gta !. 44, rHjE r aor I at iki'it, tare T1IK 41 ivviiiiiM MAHBET 4.4 rare. m M r tut. ( li f All. tt H l ,. 4l C., J.it t aioaua. I ia I' ll tit a at 4. f i,,.. I'.i't tl i a mle I i ... iji a, ,. g.i ana. i .'J . ,VI. ASH ;ki, . , a s ii " i it h. una, ami at i t ii'. I HI 4 ... i Ht 1l4 I .felt t.l.ii v at .u ab . I a1 k.v 'I I I" U f f ; ' l ' . ,,i ;.'. 41 I till I H. in! I iii.M.ia t, vl i,,... I, . i a... , . i ,). ? ii at-. I , f tlx UI'H., I f - . V . ,, e . if , .tl ti .4 .V l J' i ,i ,. y.,,i 4 , I t ie . . - 3 . i e I ..! hi I - . ... ... if lii' s AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. O OOOOOOOOOO 00 00000 0000000 o o O f.TTAP AWTl'l'n o O. v U iV4 V414VU Priv on of our um vmra for oi wtl(. If nut nurvly M'ufi". brti II Mi h ftM tmvm crdlt m any rr wa fur uli, W tht h uad r pur chkirri r ntlll lo the- Mm i mount vl vlu fur tbair mony a IhfHta hn hut naw mra A kit about our ittymanl pimi, Willys-Overland, Inc. It ramam Hi. Factory branch. Opsa vsnlnga. 0 0 000000000 0OOOO00 000000 0 CO 00 0000 00 00000 00000 00000 "MID-CITY" Is the Guarantee f'harl.ra. Hit, l-paaa f toss (Irani. ICo, l-paaa ,,,, 7i Mil. Klyar, ll;o, .paaa i.l ovarland "4," 1120, l-paaa.., iH I'h.vrnl.t, l20. "4.0," I -pa as. JIO Htaphana, IH7, l-paaa no Cbalmars, 1117, l-paaa leo S MID CITY MOTOR AND SUPPLY CO. 1211-11 Farnam Bt. CO 000000 00OOOO0OO000 00000 oo 600006606 00 boooo 0000000 OUR LEADER CHALMERS Flva-pseaenger, 1921. Finest new repaint Job obtainable. New Fl.k cord tlree. Bweet run ning motor. A guaranteed car at 11,021. MID CITY MOTOR AND SUPPLY CO. 2211-11 Farnam It. C OOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO 000 OO TRUCKS. TRACTORS, ETC. OOOOO00OO00OOO0OO0O00O0OO o o Rebuilt Used Trucks a-TON TO Itt-TON CAPACITY. TRUCKS OS HAND INCLUDE: BUICK, li-TOIf. REO SPEED WA0ON. o o o o o o o g . o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o REPUBLIC. 1 -TOM. WHITE, H4-TON. ' rRi(:ES FROM 1200 TO 1900. Andrew Murphy & Son o o o o o O Terms, If desired; llth and Jackaon. o ooooooooooooooooooooooooo . ONE FULTON TRUCK. Ton-and-a-half In eircellent condition, new pneumatic tires and new engine from factory, Juat Installed; tires used leas than 30 days. Will sell on terms for price of new engine and tires. ONE MAXWELL TRUCK. In excellent condition for 1150. Tel. AT 0638 NASH 1820 truck for sale or trade for touring cur or good roomy roadster, in good condition. 2130 8. 36th Ave, HA. 452. REO truck for aala or trade. Will take a Ford touring car. Call KB. 266H. BICYCLES 4 MOTORCYCLES. . SIDE CAR, 140. T" NEBRASKA LANDS Your Farm or Ranch Turned Quickly Into Caah. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO. Central City, Neb. Information Frae. COLORADO LANDS. FARM for aale, (66 acres in Colorado: own 3 large reeervolra filled from natural aprlnga tor Irrigation, two houaee, large barn. 4 granarlea, many outbuildings stocked with cattle, horaea, hogs, sheep; 120,000 crop In sight. Will sell land, crop and stock. Owner, Jacob Haabrouck, Ault, Colorado, SEVERAL good relinquishments for aala reaaonable. J C, l'ruett, Bug 104, Las Anlinaa, Colo.? Bent County. NEBRASKA LANDS b'MALI, FARM BAKU A IN. Thirty-three acrea between South Omaha and B.ll.vue. Close to car line, good lm provetnenta; fine for poultry, dairy or teed yarda. Can u.e biuida or city property for about one-half A real baraaln. W. T. II RAH A. VI, JA 1111. I'. lei. Truat Bldg SOUTH DAKOTA JLANDS. Foil ..,! or trad., 4i) acta of Improved brle. Mia county land ll.ooo down. For larticu'ara writ Stanley Malik, ha.ler. K l WANTED REAL ESTATE 1.1 I1 your prop.iiy w:lh W, Faiaam Hn.iik Co, i,u larnaut vWt,.rd V kiat.aiish." Realtor. J A. tT lnunaaia Truai fa. k.allo'a AT Ilia to a:i.l. ... Oio.ee A Mot ..L AT l.;k The Last Call: WANTED REAL ESTATE HOME for i.ie, aPTIl fur rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Ketaia Management pestallsta. K.alloa hldg Ajr, HAVE client for 4 roooi ruttage. wllPpay 1 . 0 o o i caa pay II caah I'hon us at onoa if yog hava a borne of thla description for aala. O.orge F. Jon.a, Real I or, AT. !. Charles W.Young & Son Real ratals, Rentals, Inauranre 14(1 City Nat. Hk. t4l T buy or e.M Omaba H"al F.lela e.a FOWLER & M'DONALD IMamriari MuMlpl Luting Tt Flaatltira. .lat your humaj )uy your horna, BINDER & OTIS, Real r.la'e, l.oane, Kentala, JA. Kit. Reed & Co., Real Latata and Insurance. 13"07 Farnam l Pliona AT. 11144 Nil? tf'FTT MKI K8TATE Ulll.U L I g.n,. iienta, In. urea, 350 pat.raJTruat Hldg. J A. QUI. f!RT I R 1SI I Ci Rallyl:L7al with UXVUDlllU u. fnr quick reautta 1411 Flra Nat'l Rk. ' JA. H44. AD M Qti VR""I 'Eatata, Inveaimenls. JllUOU I J,,, fa Bell Your Homa. 1414 City National Hank Pcugiaa t:i GKOVE-HlllIIAKU CO. modern boua.a. 14 tiy. Eieng uiog. AT 4H4 FOR beat reaulta In home e.lllng sea J. I.. HI ATT COMPANY. I First Nut. Hank Hl.lg. AT. I00. HEAL F.BTATK AND INBI'ltANCE. If. & MANVII.LK, Realtor. AT. 1401. Ill p.tera Truat Hldg. A. P. TI'KKY aV BON. Realtor "Tukey Mold It." 420 Flrai Nat'l Bank, JA. 4231. WANT I or T-ronm, wall located. In Dun dee. by tha flral; hava caah. Bog 131, Omaha Bee. LIMT your homes for sale with ua. Ws have the euatomsra. PAYNE INVEST MENT CO. OOOD MBTINCH COMB TO t'S. WK 8 KLI. THEM HOME REALTY CO, AT. lilt. OTRAIOHT 1-year loan., at par cent. A MOM GRANT CO., 101 llth. Arthur Bldg. AT. I0. SHOLES, D. V.ramy1; Multiple Listing Evnange. J- 44. W.atern Real Eatat CO 4A. JIOI. SALE OR EXCHANGE.' BRICK Income property, Jtnpld City, 8. D. 136,004. Loan 16.000. Income 13,(00 annually. Wnnt Nebraaka land, Louis Millar, Frankfort, Indiana. A GOOD modern 7-room home, all In good condition; will exchange for vacant prop arty weat. If not aold by Sept. 1, la leased for 1 year, 160 per month. Call AT. cult. REAL ESTATE-INVESTMENTS FLAT OR RESIDENCE BITE. Northweat corner, 60th and Davenport streets; l.',xlil feet. Both streets paved, paving paid, l'rlce, gA.Zfto. HASTINGS T HEYDEN, REALTORS. 1614 Harney St, AT. 0069. 13-ROoM brick houae, fine grounda auft able for hospital, 'near Union atatlon. Bargain. O. P. Bteliblna. JA. 0327. ACREAGE FOR SALE. Quarter Acre r, pnwn IS Monthly. T'Ornted aouthweHt of Omaha Flelfl club and only iVw blm-ka aouth of Cpntfr Btre"t. Prlca $24fi, The Byron Reed Company DO. 0267. Realtors. 1111 Farnam. ONE acre for sale. Chillis Eatate Acres. Price. 1596. Phone MA. 2002. VACANT PROPERTY. A good lot In Evanatnn, north of Farnam St., at a bargain. Will sacrifice on terms. Aak for Mr. Carae, AT. 7412 daya. WILL build to your order on our beauti ful lota In Edgewood; very aasy terma. Atlantic (640 LOCKWOOD; large lot. ' 62x186; north front on Jackson, near (Id Street, at bar gain price. C. A. Orlmmel. JA. 1616. Jllll!ll!llllIJIIlllllllllllllllll!lllllllllll4llllll On account of the mechanical s craft amployet having gone on a atrilte, the a ' Colorado m and Southern ! i Ry. Co. ; will employ in the shops, roundhouse and car depart. mnl at Denver, Trinidad and Cheyann, men tuitabl for such , aorvic. Board and lodging free under ampi pro. tection. Idaal climate and working condition. Free transportation) time and one. half paid after I hour and for Sunday and legal hoh day. Wrilo or wir II. W. RIDGWAY, Supt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo. 'iiiiillliiiiliiiii I The Rock UUn4 linet have a few position et mnchiniit, Woilermekert, oUcVwith nJ car rvpirer. 1 he job are open to men who n how that thy ere tpbU of thinking for themlve ernl vh have the intereit of the UniteJ State t heart. Heal Aim rlcam Apply 211 Uflang aiJg, Uth enij Caritej VACANT PROFERTY Owner Offers A apl.ndld bulnllng el'e of 74 fool, weel froutaae, p.ar M and Howard Mia Tea's era I'. id in full Burrouinld by well roaetrui 1.1I hom.a. (jarn.r will lake any fair otter tall AT. iv;4 ar WA. :!. aVenlOM. CaIa of Hal. ton lotg god acreegs Haute ljUlv now gultig oa. Bpeclet terms and prlrea made. l?o9 up; amall payment down, balance .ay t.ruta. Baa or phone Bleaart, Italaton 10-W NORTH SIDE PROPERTY. A Real Ruy flva rooma mn4 aunr'MMM, iiioi1fii, rn haw huttitMit.tt, with flla-il lain ami Mill.. In lul. fflo.'"! lavali.ry, t. ; mi liuill In buuk aval, ralntirt ani tmhnaj r ontn. ttmh flmira pnil oatt aM aian'l ftntnlv 1UU to hath, Lata ttoa. and llnrn rtnt, ,t ftonrnl (i lr. (' riint4 haBtntitt with fl"r tlruin an1 V ua runt ) f nt na'f lairoB artuih frunl Nit aiMJ Itour ii Minna Kui-a m Into I anil Mlllftr pa ik, N-a wlih I ha owtiT un thia Uf.iy II .'in , ,,mh aim n. JrJ tl Hn I'h.mi WA nvi. 6 Rooms, $3,000. I hava a dandy f-toom hmiaa that I ran act I un aay lriua. Moitnrn on 'vH affiMil, a nap at f i.fioit, or fhona W. S. Frank, Pnne Ja 3on Ml Neville Hloek. a hom'e"w7th a rkaiTTi'alDe. Thia homa Juat completed; near Mill er park; 6 dandy and convenient rooma; atrlctly modern la every respect, with built-in featurea; oak flootl throughout. Priced for quick aale. Call JA. 1144 for particulars. FOR COLORED 1 hava several nicely located, all modern I, 4 and 7-roorn houses In goo4 neighbor hood. Kvenlnga. WE. 376, HOME RKAhTY CO, AT. 1111. FIVE-Room bungalow, modern. Oak floora. Oak and whit enamel flnmh. Will rnnalder good auto. By owner. HA. 7113. 4137 EK8KINE BT., Four-rm. mod., oak floora and finish. ;r,0 caah. bal. monthly. Creiith, (01 flee. AT. 0201. COLORED 4-rnom, partly modern. lir.O caah, balance monthly. E. M. Davis, 2030 Plant Ht. Web. 3430 WANT offer for 4-R. oak fliilah; curlier i'l'. tilth Ave and Haratoga St.; a. king (4.(00. Call WA, 347; AT. 4134. NEW l-room bungalow, oak fliilah, built in featurea, large eaat front lot. KK. 04(0. bY OWM.lt -(-room modern houae, Cj.ft, front lit; ahude treca. WE CI.1I. D. H. BUCK A CO. ouv and sell homes, SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o 0 BRAND NEW HOMES WELD BUILT O O AT THE PRICE OF AN OLD ONE O l-room and aunroom (I rooma), l,4H0. Brand new. All oak floora. Una all the built-in book cases, buffet, etc. 30(1 Bo. 34lh St. l-room bungalow, all oak floors, built-in features as in above, Iti.ooo. 1073 Bo. llth Bt. -room bungalow, all oak floora, built-in festurcs as In above, and three fine bedrooms, 17,000. 3063 So. (4th Bt. Paved atreets, paved alley, east front. ;oo cash, balance sam as rent. C. O. CARLBERCI, Realtor. J A. 0(66. 313 BrandeK The. Bldg. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NEW? IS raoms, modern, oak floors throughout, near school and park, 13,700. Terms. AT. 49(13. New Houses Attractive colonial type, 6 rooms and sun room, all oak floors, cabinet kitchen, tile bath, latest fixtures, can get extra lot on east if wanted. One-half block from West Side park car,- in district of new homes, 3267 Spring street. Easy terms can be arranged. Another new one in West Far nam district about ready. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANTED Pacific Machinista and Machinista' Helper Boiler Makers and Helper ' Blackamith and Helpers Sheet Metal Worker and Helper Car Repairer Car Inspectors For .St. I.oula, Kama. City. Be. dal!, Omaba, Oaawatomla, Coffey, villa, Wirhita, Little Rock, T.iar kana, Monroe, Mell.bee, Alexandria and other ahopi and rundhu..e an I be Mii.ourl I'aeiLe Kailroad. B'andani ( ami working eoa tl.fiont. , Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaka, Neb. iOUTH S!I)R I'ROPHRTY ilanscom Park Hit riMim. nI itiuilr rn Urt, oil a"., shady lot. Hnfily li far, 1 hnr h miU guiifl aslidva ,l(4i fi.r Muirtt mlf only II J"Wo. Trnt nn tut In fi- Glover & Morel 1 at. 7et 7ti Ke.llns nidg. MoDLltN tive-roiiit foitage atol taiga va ant i.inier lot, .itital.le for building, on rar line, rloea lo ril. Joaepbs hospital i Loa 1'ie.tion f, r dmg aloe. Gallagher & Nelson tit V-l-r Tru.t IlMtf J A. SHI WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Clairmont Bungalow, $0,000 Lovely new bunxaloiv, 6 good eised rooms All bifida of ouilt-in fraturea and lovely oak fm'.h Lined ull'i "flnallnuir,." A 1 bratlt.g plant. WOltTII MollE. but price only la.aoo. Ceil Sehroeder, Realtors JA 32(1. E-. HA. 0411 or HA. 0221. . a.su. I Leavenworth Heights. Wa nfftf for aala ibis (-room houae lo cated at 433) Marty Excellent condition. Hoa large living room; oak and enamel fthieh; full cement basement. Evenings call Mr Murphy. WK. 2"i HABTINiiH A HEYDh'N, Realtors. Hit Harney (treat. AT 0066, Now Vacant fine of th boat buys In Omaha today, w offer a well-built (-room Kella.ione home and garage in fin. eacfo.ive weat home ill.lrlct Worth 7 l,0, but price la (O.atO on good lerma Call BCHIIOEDElt INVEBTMKNT CO,, Realtors, J A. 1301. Evmlniie pbone HA l'!I! n 4T Easy Terma q) NEW BFNSON HOME Strictly Modem. On Paved Street. Price 14,500 WA WA O7S0 A a m a Sunderland Bldg. AT 409K WANTED ' By the l . Wabash Railway Co. Skilled mechanics for the railway shops on their system. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS CAR REPAIRERS ELECTRICIANS PIPE FITTERS and other skilled craft Free transportation, ample pro tection and permanent position. Wage and working condi tion prescribed by the U. S, Railroad Labor Board. APPLY ROOM 108 Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington St Quincy Railroad i now em ploying men for it Shop, Roundhouse and Repair Track at th standard wag and over lime condition laid down by th United Statea Railroad Labor Board. BOILERMAKERS MACHINISTS BLACKSMITHS ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE Welders PIPE FITTERS COACH BUILDERS UPHOLSTERERS BRASS MOULDERS CAR REPAIRERS HELPERS APPRENTICES Watting har. will Ikaa ( fee meialeaaaee of ike tfl. Hiatal aael twetgiag, aa aler bmI piuletiMi. fatai.ked Yeuagi ailite aaea deai.iag le tale latl.oaj aaittte will W ita krPwMwBiiy fet treianag let ateaetf, eteenaWla aU aaeal. Aaiflf at ease, I'tnt fUw. aliala BmlJii.f, leaik A F erase Slla, Ueaaba, ,VeW, fat !! OIIm 0ea) $adf ,t Ju.l Ilka new. b. Ijmi.i. ai, nd .I., trie nam., ne t ecie gtoiind. fan.-.d hog light; h.e lage gHt.ge, this houi. le Juat a half block from pavem.nl. Can (a bar.dled on eaey lerma. Call J'AYNK A f'AllNAIir CO, ' Your ll.altuia'' 411 Omaha Net. Illdg. J A. I'll, C 000 000 OOOOOOOOOO 000 000 00 C'OOOOOOOOoi 0 000 OOOOO 00000 o o o o o o o o o t'l.Ahaf HI'N'IAUiW, FOR Ji .uu. Now under rohaiructlon on blsh atgbtly, e..i fiont lot. In lien.oti hui.t. Five fin room, on one floor. Large atue with dormer aindowe o,k floore, oak and enamel ftnl.h. Lot Ilill7. I'av.d atreai. Euay let me. For full in o formation 'all WA lt". C 000000 0000000000000 00000 """ll.S'K lF TIIOHE "Vnchcai, III'VB " l.7t0 f I. AIR MONT (loo CAHII (-room, modern, n.w; (ood lot; I blork In car. I,el ua .bow you. Ev.nttiga, Mr. Itamage, AT : MiIMB RFALTY IV) AJ lilt AM leaving city; sell fiou.e and lot ooe baff hlo,k from Park Weat tmr. Will aril f.r 1710 HA. 1J DUNDEE PROPERTY Du you want something DIFFERENT In a Dundee homef SOMKTHINd With diatinctlon? HOME REALTY co, AT 1111. 1-lliiOM bungalow, fin attic and ba.c ment: eiahHv (4 too JA "177 FIVE-ROOM bungalow, new; bargain; 16.1(1. II. P. Blabbing, JA. 0227. Ii I ( I I (' I 'l I i t I i t III i i ( in I ... Great Northern : Railway ; Permanent Railroad Jobs in the Great Northwest. Machiniit I Boilermakers ; Sheet Metal Workers Coach Carpenters ! Car Repairers Pipefitters Good wages. Time and one l half after 8 hours and for b Sundays and holidays. Free I transportation. APPLY TO I A. J. CHEESEMAN i Room 10, Millard Hotel I 13th and Dougla St. ; OMAHA, NEB. !.:ii'l"l i':"l''l'r'HTJ"l"l'',':'l 'I l"l'H I? "ll(i;!illiliin:llllti!ilil(n('lli H'lHliil ;, I H'HI i Wanted by the ! I C. M. & ST. P. RY. ! ; Mechanics and Help- ' ers for permanent posi tions. f Machinists. I i Boilermakers. i Blacksmiths and Sheet i Metal Workers, seventy I ! (70) cents per hour. I 1 Machinists' Helpers. I Boilermakers' Helpers. ' Blacksmith' Helpers 1 and Sheet Metal Work i at ers' Helpers, forty-seven r(47) cents per hour. i r Freight Car Repairers f ! and Inspectors, sixty. i three (63) cents per I hour. a I z The. a man to replace men who are & an strike agalnat the decision of tha ' United Statea Railroad Labor Board. Apply In parson te ; EUGENE DUVAL,Geni Agent I ' 407 South 15th Street, a OMAHA, NEBRASKA. " ss a I (: I III I ( 4 I I ( II ( (' I I I till, I I $100 Flva roon. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD For evidence producing arrest and con vtction of parties who kidnaped employes or who otherwise have violated, or who hereafter violate United State Court In junction which prohibits picketing, or any form of interference with thii Company'! employe! present or prospective, Chicago & North Western Ry. Co. WAITERS DISHWASHERS YARDMEN $75 PER MONTH BOARD AND ROOM Free transportation. Bonus of $1 per day for 30 days' service. . JOHN J. GRIER 1018 HARNEY ST. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i v Foremen. I Boiler Foremen. ; General Locomotive Foremen. Night Roundhouse I ' Foremen. J Coppersmith Foremen. Airbrake Foremen. Machine Shop Foremen. I General Painter Foremen " familiar with coach and loco. motive work. Write or wire collect, giv- Ing experience and age to ' A. P. PRENERGAST, ; Mechanical Superintendent, a, Texas & Pacific Ry. : Room 703 Texas and Pacific General Office, Dallai, Tes, i i til i i i I ( ((( ( ii i i i i ii. i 4 II I I I III I 'Ml li'li l"( IH I I I I 41 J MEN WANTED i For permanent jobs at I rates prescribed by the J United States Railroad r Labor Board as follows: Per Hour Machinist 70c Blacksmith 70o Sheet Metal Worker.... 70c Electrician 70s Boilermaker 70c ; Paisenger Car Men.,... 70c a Freight Car Men 63c ; Helper, All Claaae. . . 47c 'r Mechanics and helpers f are allowed time and g one-half for time worked in excess of-eight hours Z per day. ' Apply at Division Su- perintendent's Office, jj .15th and Webster Sts., i Omaha, Neb. , I ?iiil,,'l''liiiilinlli"l'ilili,i::::'i .,lil:'l'iiil'illi J'l 'cllliil'llillii:iliiiil:iill'lNliiiilllllllllilll'illlj Railroad Mechanics I Wanted by the : Illinois Central : System t Machinists Blacksmlthe Shaet Metal Workers Toolmakers Boilermakera Qualified Car Repairmen And Inspsctors, Etc. Free transportation and board and houelng will ba furnished. Permanent pooitlons. Wage standard aa directed by United Slates Railroad Labor Board. Apply at one at Room SIT City " National Bank Building, 3d Floor, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. OlMc hours :J0 a. m. U I SO p. m. " cl I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 1 11 $100 t a i-, t..t i it a, iai.-U.a4 kek 4 ikvUI, tst a Wv., 44 l ll'l 4