rifK OMAHA Ht:K: SATUtDAY. AUGUST 19. 1122. It I Harding Addresses Congress on Strikes It aallaiwd t ntm Pane Tm i fvrhrrt antj ciisiiiutmif 0-e arte- U pernuttrd li rhH a mima tsftirh iniinU pu' lic ssrluie. Neith er ntuwutu J tnilirt tinr Hmking inf n union nitty rtca( it. sponsilulity. U'hrn retain lit Ic srrne lU mere Uit c.( muni ration magnifies that reiporisiliihtv tn4 putilie uitrrrii irjiurr ii'l lhai ( either grouped capital er rrganti labor, Anolhrr drvelnprne ni i n ij. niliiatit thai Ihe hardship i ihf in merit may he well endured rj met lfimlar attention to the rtrressare ertdemeni. It i fundamental to all Irrrdont that at) ni' it have utilities tinned right to lawful pursuit, la work nit to lUe and rhnose their nwn lawful tsiy r happine. In these itrikrt these riirht have been armrd lawlrsiiies. In many com iiiuiihii'I the rtiunitipat authoruri have tsinhrd it lhrf violation, tin til librrly it mocWrry and the law a matter of community rintrmpl. It ) fair tn say that thr giml nun (i fri?anrd workmen do not approve Imt they seem hetplri lo hinder. These condition rannol rrntam in fir America. H free tnm cann" toil arcordma to their own lawful i hooting, all our constitutional guar autre born of democracy are sur rendered lo tnohorracy ami the free riotn of a hundred million is sur r'ndered lo the small minority whiih would have no law. No Hatty Action. it ! noi my inoiiKni in i""- Hres 0 deal Willi these iiinuaiiirniai . . . . - I....... r - proDirm at rni nine ,m n"i -tion would roniribule to the solution of the preent critical situation. There it existing: law by which to aettle the prevaihnu disputes There are statute forbidding conspiracy to hinder interstate commerce. There are lawt to assure the hiKst pos sihle safety in railway service. It i my purpose to invoke thee law. , and criminal, against all offend er alike. ... The legal afeKuardiiiR against like menace in the future mut be worked out when no passion wav. when no prejudice influence!, when the whole problem may be appraised and the public welfare may be as serted again any and every interest which assume authority beyond that of the government itself. One specific thing 1 must ask at your hand at the earliest possible moment. J here 1 penning a uni w provide for the better protection of alien and for the enforcement of their treaty right. It is a measure, in short, to create a jurisdiction for the federal court through which the national government will have ap propriate power to protect alien in Jhe right secured to them tinder (f'reatie and to deal with, crime hich affect our foreign relations. Bestowal of Jurisdiction. The matter has been before con gress on many prcviou occasion. 1'rcsidi-nt Tyler in his first annual message advised congress that inas much a "the government is charged with the maintenance of peace and the observation of amicable rela tion with the nations of the earth, it PWMit to possess without question all the reasonable and proper means of maintaining the one and preserving the other." President Harrison asked for the same bestowal of jurisdiction, hav ing encountered deep embarrassment which grew out of the lynching of eleven alien in New Orleans in 1891. President McKinley, dealing with a like problem in 1899, asked the con ferring upon federal court jurisdic tion in that class of international i by izn raafsmt u Safe Milk For Infant & Inyalidt NO COOKING Th "Food-Drink" ht All Ages. Quick Lunch etHome,Office,o4 Fountains. A$k for H0RL1CKS. wAroid Imitations & Substitute Sommer Brothers Harney 1)188 28th and Farnam Saturday Specials Home-grown, large size, Early Ohio Potatoes, per peck, 23 Ter bushel 85J Peaches, Elberta, ripe, amall basket s 25t Bartlett Tears, ripe, basket, 30 Blue Plums, per small basket 25C Pink Meat Cantaloupes, 3 for 35 Stringier Green or Wax Beana, 3 quarts 2."S Sickln Tear, mkt bkt...H5t Pearl White Soap 10 bars for 39c Freh fceWted Tomatue. market basket ........ 2" t.tnf, Slender t'uoumher, 3 fur ................ 10 Bin Pell Hour (U han. 2Mb, irk ... m I u. 8 rir- . U Ch and .Sanborn'a Hu!k f.ffe., t 1. ..IUV ParrtP(tin 1UU ("'((, pr lh, iXf J-Kf .l I,-1 Wht I' uii, i iv.s . 21 1 Kuttrr, rr rrrvwtry, ll , 3T Wnkttiit T-'.. t l'ai, 3i .. f . . 32 t ni tUitfi who. he ulimui !" kibibty itt tic frdrial gutrrniiient may b mvi-Kril. Pretuic-iii Koom tl ut'fffd a Ike riiirl to run. Kr in rt-, and piri.!ent Tali imcd nut lb t!rtrt in thr tent lederal juiis.lit liott wtien tie nude hi miiiuuiil dlre Itl PW. Jl dr ilrd that "it put our guvrriimriit in a puxiUniniiHii (H.iiium to mike drfiinle riirfntfriiii lit l prulctl aiinu and then lo t i u.e the UiUir lo prr lornt ihe nijfjgrmriit by an f planauon lhai the duty to keep litem it in tuiri nr iitie not within our control. If we would promt, we mut put Hlfelvr in pomtion o perforin our prontie. We rannot prrniit fhe potuble failure of julue due, lo local prrjtidic in any tatt o municipal ttovernment. to epoe us to ihe, rik f war wlmh mixhl be avoided if federal )uridictiiui wrr asirrled by imtable Irgiilatior) by congm." Oft-Mad Kecommendation. My renewal of thi oft niade rec. ouintendation i impelled by a psli able aeiue e( federal impotence to deal with the chocking mine al Her rin, 111., which no rereritly shamed and horrified the rnilfitry. In lhai butchery of human bring, wrought in undue., it is alieirrd that two alien weie murdered. 1 hi act add to the outrdicrd nise of American justire the bunulMiion which be in the fedrr-il guvrrnment fnnfrrd lai k of anlhonty to punish thai tm allTahle crime. Had il h.ipprurd in any filter land lb" our own, and die wrath of riglitrou ju.tue were not ineffec tively expressed, we ihnuld have (litied the riviliraiioii that would lol erale and sorrowed for the govern ment, unwilling or unable lo mete OUl jtll pllllnlllll'llt. Popular Reentment, I have felt the deep current of popular re eiitnieiit that the federal government ha not sought to effare thi blot from our national shield. that the federal u.nf riniifnt bat been j tolerant ot th mm krrv o local ,iiit)uiry and ihe failure o( jiitic in j:mioi. il i tne rrtfretuiiie trutn that ib federal goveinment rannot act tinder the law. put ihe bntuwal of the jurisdu'tiAit necettary to en able federal rourl t ait appropri. tely will open the way to ptinith barbarity and butchery al Herein or tUewhrre, rui matter in whoe name or br what jiurpue the insufferable ou'rage i ronimitted. It i deplorable lhat there are or ran be American rommnnitie where reit iherr art i itien. not to speak of public official, who believ mob warfare it adniutible tu cure any kit uutien. It it lerroruing to know that iith niadnet may be directed against men merrly for choosing to accrtt lawful employment. 1 wish the federal government lo b able to put an end to inch rrinie against civilisation and punith those who anrtion them. Patient Conference. In ihe week of patient conference and attempt al settlement I have come to appraise another element in the engrossing1 industrial dispute of which il it only fair to take cog nirance. It i in ome degree re sponsible for the strike and ha Jim drred aMetupis at adjustment. I reter lo the warfare on Ihe union of labor. The government ha no ym pithy or approval lor thi element ot diseord hi the tanks of industry. Any I'gislattoti in the future must be a tire trout tin element of trou ble. making a il i from labor ex tremist who strive for cla domina tion. We recognie these organisa tion in the law, and we must arrredit tl.em with inrali nl.ilile contribution to labor' uplift. It i of public in terest to preserve them and prod! by the ood that i in them, but we must check the alutse and ihe excesses which conflict with public interest, prreisrly as we have been progres sively legislating to prevent capital istic, corporate or managerial dnmina- 21 w mn Saturday Sunday Special m Saturday Sunday Special BANANA CREAM Freth bananas ripened jual right bl-nded in a delicioua vanilla cream frozen just rgiht. A delicious treat for any August day or evening at tha fountain at horn at picnics anywhere. Oelicia Ic Cream i good for you and you'll like St, too. r e a d y at soda fountains as you like it. Served daintily or in bulk or in pint or quart sealed packages. Mad 1h. BETTER way by FAIRMONT in Om.h., CrtU, Grn Island end Sioum City. 2 tlOll which i (Oiitury to iiM'i uel (are, W ato ttcoguue the right ot emplo)rt and euniloyett alike, when within ihe law, lo establish their mrthods of conducting iumr, to choose thnr employment and In ile ternuue f heir telittumt with eih other. We niut reassert the doctrine that in tint republic the iut ohlia Iton and the (trt alleKume of every tit ien. high or low, ta to hi govern ment, and 10 holt! that novel nuient to Le the jut and iinchaHeti ed i tmn-nr (or public welfare, and Ihe lilierty, ecunty and right ot all its citizen No matter what clouds may either, no matter what storm may eu.ne, no matter what hardship may at tend or what sacrifice may be neces sary, Koverumrnt by law must and will be usulned. Wherefore I am resolved to use all tlie jimer . tile 8yei nuient to mauilatit Iran,.,,) tjli.nl ani tttt4ill t'te riijlit cif pien to woik- (loiirrrl at Millfr I'ittk. The t ity Lonieit band will give a concert in Miller park Sunday aficnioiifi at 5. Arthur I',, Smith directing Speciiil fe4iitie ate a liiphone o!o by Jack Willi and Vui.il itiiuiliei by tlie llufltnann iil.it!et Cold, Coolinf, Deliciou WATERMELON 10 ii m i id am rr mi VMiJ uaKer BR.EAD IT'S MADE WITH MILK T.V.T rVUV HTT A L'lM) U HI! V(UiliVIJIV ill lYl YOUR RAKER mm mm n-fj&ty S MM Plump Red Cherries Thi luarioua, mpaty kind lilendeci with lie-avy yellow cream and pur cane sugar into this delirious Cherry Ice Cream its slightly tart, yet mellow flavor is a treat for the warm weather palate. A new flavor in Harding Sunday Specials. Ly ijidr . BS Ohev Ceoam of tl JCEiCKEAM if ' K VS II Tha above sketch is of the Petersen A.Pegau Baking Co. 'a Omaha plant, located at 12th and Jackson Streets, where Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads are made. A bakery fhat ft ewippag to ive &6ite? Results in mEAD BAKING You will b ntretd in our formula, becaus it will tall you Just why Tip-Top and Hard Roll Breads ar al ways suptrlor and uni form In quality, FLOURS Oeeldint. Special Gold Midal, Special Omar, MILK Merrll8oul'i. LARO Cudihy'i R- U0At-. Pomln Can. MALT Am'lean Oiamiit. VIAST leHhmann'i lLT 0aws1 CrjM1 i ait rooo Arkay There is not auother liakery anywhere equipped more perfectly than is the Peterson & Pegau Unking company's plant right here in Omaha. It is the ideal for the best results in every way. And besides this, P. F, Petersen, under whose per sonal supervision all our baking is done, knows the Art of Better Baking. For he has spent more than thirty-seven years of his life in studying the 'Hows and the 'Whys' in order that he might know just what must he d"ne to make HOOD BUK,U). It is because of this BKTTEIl equipment and kct wr knowltxlge, together with the best materials! that money can buy, that you are assured of BF.TTKR BREAD whenever you order Tip-Tip or 11 ird U 'U Breads from your jrroeer. Bit, Petersen & Pegau Baiting Company Hard RjUBrcd TidTod Brend - a - - - mm i m vmaask em. Dirrrrlu W!elu i m i v 4 r m m w m w h v m mm a . i Si IT 00 ' """oo"af vb;v I 1 1 1 III II Adds Two More iyff Links to tho Mi Piggly Viggly Chain 1 m SATURDAY, AUG. 1 9 I l Ijj 5003 Underwood Ave. I y 2211 Military Ave. Il A BALLOON FREE TO EACH BOY OR GIRL I mi A Shopping Bag Free to Each Customer J iyi A FLOWER FREE TO EACH LADY ( I j I k X You will be welcome and Ilk 1 you will not be aaked to fifBi nS buy' y s ever ked uljtl W k PIGGLY WIGGLY y mm, . store mm Lemons, Sunkist, large Oranges, iweet, juicy, me- Sweet Corn, extra fancy p.e: 29c ?.r.,to:.r".. 39c dCr.?..G:!' 12c Plums, Fancy Stock, all Peari, Blue Oooie brand, Lettuce, large crisp Ice- ":p!r 9cjg..23ca.!r 15c llllk, Carnatlnn, Wilson or tvt, tall 9'4e Ufihy 5e Siirl l.olil Milk, bfst nr monny liork, tall ...9 by siz'i , tit MnKlf llrnnd Condrnneit sulk, z:.c si7. .,..204 liiftlnnt l'liiin, 8-oz. 4.'l)'l 4-07, 254 Krnlt Chrrnr. In tins, Am. Cheddar and f'lmento 15e) Miinirhlno t hrrrlr., b (.?., -Oo l 3-oz. ..134 A. II. Ilnklns Soda, i, lb., 4', ci 1 lb. ..84 Rnynl Ilnklns Powder, 13 os., 4hrt 4 ns. ..184 Dr. Trip.' I)akln Pow- drr, 12-or. ran ..,.224 Huy two for JTe whil tlifty lsst Snowdrlr, 1 lb., i'iri i lbs., 4lo) 4 lbs. ..804 Crl.ro, 1 lb., 2.1c lbs., 34i 3 lbs 674 Mnsulo Oil. pint, 2A auart, 4ftci 4 gl. 894 Ves.on Oil, pint, 2ei quart 534 Pninprian Ollv Mil, , pint, 37 r i pint 044 awnn.dawn ('nk Flour, rrular larg pka. 324 T n ii n t Swsnsdnwn 264 I oronnnl. Haker'a Wit, I'mi can 154 Plueild'-it. 2-ox. 'kg, . . 74 Slirnld.-d, 4-o. pka. 2S Slu.'ildi-il, -.n pkg. 234 Tniln, Minut. brand, pkg 12vt4 Hurt...' I'.srl ...12'4 Islnii.rord I urn klari-h. pka ....12H4 Aran l orn atarrh, ..-r II. i4 llnnln nl Slrnl. In alasii- , I'l-t-an, Alnmnd and aliuiis, rr jar 224 Skr.dil.it Hk.at, 11 fullrd I'ulfrd III.., l k It.lluaM a llraa. I am S- Ink... smalt pa a's.t la.a 1I1H4 Slararoal, Salnn.r'. I'' I'a 84 tiiralan, Sfaarisilat, Imh hl.Mlnl, Jal.-r Iran, H-rrknut lira .....44 t .ark. .ark, tr.sh ...44 aaa.tM Ma.akaaalttna at ,.84 Ka l.Ul., iw . s 834 tjalrk.a, full fmllll, --r I. .s B4 klHMla, all ...lurt , . T ' 4 rilnrk Hk lias I'.ll.fc 194 Mir., I aa.a ttl H, fmt I'- . , , M Vl 4 Xats M.aua, tl. I Mi.h,(,, Ik. ,...1H4 r jar ae at. 11 s 4 . pk. 204 rnairrrairrraiisiMi Krrsh Churned, lb. 374 ..84 Cr.au Oil Sa . . , Lima D.ana, iancy California, lb. .....144 Prunes, Fancy Santa Clara, 40-60, lb. ..214 Pran.a, Fancy Santa Clara, 60-70. lb. ..184 Campbell'. Soaps, all kind 104 CaniphalPa Brans ..114 kalder'a Daana, medium tins ...12H4 Dr.rbnul n.nna, trl.d once, always uad, per 'an 12'44 al oda, lOo sis ..7 P. U. Soap, bar ..44 Omaha Family laap, par bar ......... . ..44 r.lrol.aa S.ap, bar ..84 trratal Hhlt Bsap, bar 4V44 F.la JVaptka oap, bar 64 ..4Vs i.nia uaat larg sis zb C'lnaal Soap, bar old Do.t la Small sis ....... .4 'i ninao 64 ktar Naplka raisd.r, lara sita , .244 Small 'if Ituh-a-Mor Pewd.r, lara sis 284 he ana ,.4l4 a I'aam. ic sis. ..4' 4 Oh Jar I'atsrirrrd Snap, 3 . ana 294 Fairs l.aHBdrjr Talil.ia. 2S' Sis. ,..,lr)4 1 area II no sW .894 LTa.a.as rark.4 Tlaa, I ess la, ....,,414 I 50 PatmaltT foap, 10n bar sua 8H4 Irory Soap, large, IIH. I amall 7 Jap Doac Tollrt ftoap 9c l.asa Mann. Ai hai- hlrk'a II. w. aallle Unap i ui- nar Olo Palm onp. bai- Cocoa, Wallrr llnkrr'. 1-6 lb. 10r lb. 224 Co.oa, Hrrah.y'a Vs lb. 1T.I 1 lb so4 n.d Wins firapo .luir., pints. 30c i quart 684 Hlre'a Root B.rr Kstra.t. . 194 Sani-ruab Orane Kxlrn.-l. Pint Jugs 59tf Carto, for jail maklns-. per pkg- aa Deborah Ginger Ale, 1rt 2$4 Peanut Butter, Beeehnnt, 10c alia 94 JOe Use. lftr-i JOe ..25 Canova brand, II oz. sis for 294 Rpleee, all 0s alz.a Ht Dr. Prlee'a Kxtrarta, 14 o., lTe( m oa. 284 cAvraei, 4An (! 1 .m Choeolat., Wili'rr Bak.r'a premium, H lb. ..204 Jello, all flavor 1 Ihrlmp, new pack, wel nr rtrv . a T.ak.la. nn imU I . tuc brand, -lb.' cans, ai til Tpna Flah, white m.at . Miami DimQ, rans Annna Brand, 1-lb Aiicma Bia'nd.' ViViw . " 1244 urn aaimiin, jtt-o Kintr brand. I -Ih, Una . . 2 Plnh Salman. 1-lb. tall tins Pink kalasaa, lh. flat tins Itl Maul. main aatir and plain p.r ran ,, Klaa Oarai Sarilln.. li.l tin. Oils., Mpplnrall' tr.n a-na poui.a ... Jar .... Miuff.d, Is Pa, I.AI k.tlda tl-ii pur Iruit ant .near ,...,,.,.,' rkaal J.llf, Ji'j ill A . . Hawhaai Oiaaa. Ma. I. a. i W.laht'a Oraaa Sla.asa. , it v s . Hea.r, I n. .. Hssti, I . 374 ak.r's .204 .104 'el 14 Lei-ran.. t. a. h214 244 -iit hi 144 94 in. i. 194 'le H..M !4 2I a nt 2K4 lM)t s 1 iriNi j;: 11 CLEAN ST0RE3-10 MORE ON THE WAY 541 T rrnm 81. 113 I lethSt, Kit N xm St. 3 21 farns-m It, 1712 Viaton It 6H0 Mtlitry Ave. 1MI N, 24th It. mi N. 34lli It, 1507 N, 30th It, (Open Aug, 19) WQ3 Underwood Ave, 2311 MiliUry Ave. MlSKlHIIEK Th9 Hknt Oracle Macaroni Pnxlucb