The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 18, 1922, Image 12

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    THE OMAHA T-V.V. : FRIDAY, AUGUST 18. 192'.
Randall Points
Out Strength of
' G.O.P. Platform
HfpuMican (!anlilal for El
eeutive I Plfaard With
Party'i Staml on Vital
(Juration of Day.
Lincoln, A ii f 17. lirfore Irtving
f.cre today (or hit home a! Randolph,
Charles H, Randall, republican can
didate (or governor, prrsrd him-
trlf at highly phastd ovrr the ron
trticti v piriform utuniiiioutty en
dorsed liy the republican utile con
trillion, "1 think it i one of the strongest
platforms, ukrn all through, that the
trpulilirin parly has put out in I
long time." id Mr. Randall. "It U
tper.fie, and the voters, by reading it,
Mill know Just exactly what the
party stand lor," Cominr nting upon
the iurlinn of tatation, to whirh
Mr. Randall has given considerable
attention, tie said:
"We have made an excellent show
ing on the tax problem, Taxet have
brrn rrducrd 3i 1-J per cent, I
think taxet ran be reduced very toon
to i prewar level and lwill clo every
thing I can along that line. We are
only 12 per rent above pre"war level
now, I frel sure we have reduced
taxei more than the overhead ex
pense in the avrraur private business
hat been reduced in that length of
time. White some people have been
talking and rbariing the republican
administration with condition of the!
time, tlioe tame people have not I
been at woik doinf th thing that
ate mw slioainn rrul!"
Pur the U.l 10 of i year Mr
In.t..!t tia. .twtti..t l;l rt1.irf (.1
Manning and arfrit'uUural financing.
rn- ... .. 1., j . . 1..,. ,.
that line he i betlrr -Me to unJir
stand the larinrr'e problem than one
who hit ud n similar cspertrnr.
lie t a niember of the War
J-1 n a me corporUion loan agency at
Omaha, and during the lime he
ervrd, 115 "Ultf of gotyrnment
luiirf a luanrd in Nebrsk.
"Whe'n we begin loaning the money
corn worth 2ti rent," aid Mr,
Randatt. "Seventy day after e be
gan loaning the inoney corn wat
Horth S rcuta, to a large eatrnt the
direct reiult of the new ii'ivcrmiiriit
money coming liitn ttiu ttate.
Within a ihort time Mr. and Mr.
KanMII uill IrJL In an mlliiii .if m
week or 10 dry at ionic Mmneot
lake, where Mr. Randall will indulge
in hi lavorile pahmc l lulling, lie
14 ill then return tn In tiuti t.n.1
make preparation for hit fall com-
"Judge" Coolry Harrr.l
from Court by router
'ludar" Julius S. Coolev wa
barred from Police court tractire
yeterday by Judge Charlei K.
"Too much shakmir down." ludte
Foster taid.
(Vmlrtf tinnre in rirartlr In lit
court when Judge W. V. Wappich
takrt the bench next month.
Deer at Itivemew Park
Give Ilirlh to Triplet
Mr. Loe, i deer In Rivrrview
park too, hat presented Omaha with
J he "herd' wa found yesterday
by John l.iddle, keeper of the too.
J'.irth ot triplet to a deer- I aid
to be extraordinary. 1
ailed ior divorce
Mr. Grrttlifn I.amlon Drake
Filfi Action While Mate
Iluihling New Home.
While, her huiband I (aid la t
building new borne (or her in
Kearney, Neb., Mr. Hugh" M.
Drake, former Omaha tociety gilt,
Kt died uit her (or divorce.
(lefore her marriage the a Mi
Grrichrn Kuth I.angdon, daughter
of Mr. Don l ee, 316 South Kitty
firit trret. Her huiband I Hugh
M. Drake, former lieutenant at
Fort -Crook, now an attorney at
He ha been crurl to the extent
of impairing my health," charge the
young wife.
Mrr. Drake i note under phyt
ician'i care and, the tay. will be
in need of medical attention for ev
tral month. '
Alimony of $125 a month i okrd
by the wife, Drake i aid to have
property worth f.'OtXW. Shortly
after the nikrnatre in July, 1918, Mr.
Drake (pent $4,000 furnUhing their
Mixed Yearling Shipped
I torn Herman Unrig 10.j.j
Two load of mixed yearling aver
aging 1,020 pound, were brought to
tlie Omaha livestock market by
Henry Kamtirn, Washington
county feeder of Herman. The hip
nietil brought 110 55 a hundrrd.
Accompanying Mr, Kanmuimrn
were three of hi ioih. who came in
to look. over the market.
Today'a Attraction.
WorlJ l.Ume Hammrntein in
Strand Thoma Meighan in if
Vou Helieve It, It .So."
kialto "Orphan of the Storm."
Moon Colleen of the liitr.
Kmpre "1 he t uh Krportrr,"
Mue "The Man l'iicoiiuirable."
Marie I'revot and Krnnelh llr.
bn will pUy the leading role in the
Warner Ifrothrr' creen erion of
F, Scott I'Hgrrald'a novel, "the
lleautiful (nd Dauiifd." 1.. Mi.uii
Hopper Will direct the picture.
Weley Barry play the part of a
policeman' aon in "Heroe of the
Street." Will K, Walling hat been
rait at the bluecoat and Mri, Airir
Herring playt the role of the freckled
youngter'a mother.
. . -'" r tw
Juvenile Iticytle Thrft
Jting Uncovernl ly Cop
Grand lland. Neh, Aug. 17.
(Special Telegram.) What it be
lieved to be a juvenile bicycle deal
ing ring wai discovered when ofli
cert arretted John and Moyd Me.
ban, 18 and 14, renpectively, reid
ing about eight nnln oulhtvet of
the city in the I'laMe bottom, while
attempting to el a itolen wheel. The
torv told by ihe boy aUo involved
a 12 year-old lad of Doniphan. Four
wheel have 0 far been traced to
the ring. .
Off le -ietn in modiuh Parliian
gown Pola Need 1 a ttrikingly
beautiful a (he it In the exotic cot-
turn die hat appeared in before mo
tion picture fant In thit country
inc ahe wa introduced to America
in "Paaaion." The above it one of
the very ljteit picture. It wa made
ii. Pant after the ' had aigned an
agreement to come to thit country
in September at a ttreen itar.
Alleged Bijramist
Is Sent to Prison
Alliance lClcctrician Convict
ril of Obtaining Money
ITli(!T FaUr Prctcnuei. .
Alliance, Neb., Aug. 17. (Spe
cial.) I!cn W, Keach, 3f, electrician,
radio expert, dinner tcouimanter and
alliirrd biuamitt, who wa arretted
a month ago on a charge of obtain
ing money under ale pretene,
I'lndrd guilty gefore Judge W, II.
Wcttovrr in dutriit court and wa
teiitenred to from one to five ear
in the penitentiary.
Keach it alleged to Tuvt given a
fjUe property ttalenient to teeure a
1250 loan from a local bank. He left
town toon afterward and wa ar
retted t Kapid City, S D., and re
turner to Alliance. While Keach
wai in jail awaiting preliminary hear
ing, ("outy Attorney Lee Haye re
ceived word from an attorney at
Iharleiton, S. t' tiating that the
priioner hat a wife and two tniall
thildren, there and that he wai tut-
f.erted of having three other wive,
with only one divorce on record.
Con fronted with the allorney't let
ter, Keach laid be "iliouaht" he had
obtained from the woman at Charlei
ton, at Keno, Nev., but thit wa de
nied by the clerk of th ditrit
court at Heno,
He a!o admitted baung inrrli J a
young woman at 1!r4uac, Nrb in
I'aig, by whom be ha a daughter
13 yrart old, but t4ted that the te
cured divorce.
Ihe Charletton aitornry ttated
that Keach it believed to have a wile
in California, but Keach denied thit.
He Mat married to (it Alliance
young woman over a year (go and
bat a child by tint mairiaae,
I'ntil a few dat ago hi pretent
wife remained loval to him and
made ttrenuou effort to get him
out of Jid. She tiiddrnly changed
her attitude, however, wrote her hui
band a ihoit note Kiting that the
wat through with him, ami led for
the home of relative! In South, Da
kola. Cow. Avenge 1,1 10 IVniinla,
Sell for $6.70 on Marlrt
Two carload of c4vi and heilii
were brought to the Omaha market
ly Dougal H. Whitaker of Hone
Creek, Wyo. Of the coiiiigunient IJ
rowt averaging 1,110 pound told for
$6.70 a hundred) 25 cowt and heifer
averaging t pound brought, pi 40
a hundred and nine cowt averaging
IKI5 poundt brought $i a hundred
Ann HroLen in Cur Craxh.
Uratriee, Neb , Aug, 17. f Special.)
Mini Kate Graham, living near
Line Spring!, if in a hoipilal, here
ttiffrring from a broken arm and
other injuriet uimrl in an autt
accident near Mrytille, Kan- Her
littier. Frank tiraham, and anothef
kilter, wcie bruurd and rut about
the body.
"For the Firtt
Time In 16 Yean
I Can Eat Three
Hearty Meah a Day
i what It ft m of
ttomath troublt,"
clartt A. T. Follow,
2237 Adami Aw.,
Ogdtn, Utah. Dyo
T tptie$ got little pU
tr i out of lift.
Don't lit stomach troubUt
conl'mu to uniormino your
htalth. Cot Tanlae today.
At all good drug itortt.
Buy Bread Tomorrow and Every Pay During "No Profit" Sale
5c Per Loaf
S Loaves Ural!
Pecan Rolls
Large Pan
On Hale AH Pay
2 Dozen, 25 c
ft!-) Till Jlli.10 K. H.
During ) Profit" hale
Friday-More "No Profit" Sale Startlers That Will Continue to
Pack the Store With Thousands of Enthusiastic Purchasers
"No Profit" and "Less Than Cost
Close Out" Every Garment
The Orders for Annex Apparel
Annex Safes
J7 Dresses,
SAIl our gark and light voile.
Former f 6.00, $6.95 and t7.50
Dreatet, all go Friday, ape
daily priced at $2.39
w mars
$8.75 Fancy Tissue
Dresses, 2
65 Fancy Dreaaes of the fin
est Quality tissues; all col
or; sizes 16 to 46. Former
$8.75 dressea, a quick clear
ance price Friday... S2.08
110.00 Organdie -,
Dress?, !.(!
All our Finest Or
gandi , Dresses, In
all colors, elegantly
made of quality ma
terial; size to 42;
former value up to
110; Friday, 3.60
White Silk Dresses
fur $1,914
All our White Silk
Summer Dresses, In
Canton Crepe, Char
meuse, Chiffon and
Georgette dresses;
formerly told at
19.50 to $25.00; all
go Friday.. 84.98
(.Ingham Street
Dresses, $1.95
150 Gingham Street
Dresset, In checked,
plaid and plain ging
hams; odd lot . of
d reei, formerly
told, to $5.00; clear
ance sale price for
Friday at ..81.95
We are reproducing a letter from
(core of juit aucb lettera received
alnce our "No Profit" Sal etarted
thowlng tb appreciative aplrtt
of Hayden Bro. customer and the
public at large.
Carey Cleaning Co.
Omaha, Neb.
August i$, rgit.
Mr. Thomas Flynn,
Pres. Hayden Bros.
Dear Mr. Flynn:
In these days when most
everyone is crying about hard
times, it is indeed refreshing
to enter your store and see
the vat throngs buying, every
thing to eat, everything to
wear and everything for the
home. One can only draw this
conclusion, that the only thing
necessary to start people buy
ing is price and quality.
I iully realize that your
present "No "Profit Sale" is
not bringing you any returns
in dollars and cents, but it is
mating lots of friends for
the store; it is turning your
merchandise and it is helping
thousands of our people who
today want every dollar to do
its full duty. Your new fleet
of delivery trucks fill a long
felt want in your Grocery De
partment, With best personal regards,
Yours truly,
Sir Park Ave.
The Annex Wfll Attract
Crowds With the Sensa
tional Bargains Friday
IliO and M
Doable Panel
Skirt, Me
Fine while Beach
Satin, double pan
el petticoat, ha
dowproof; regu
lar and extra
Ize. Friday, spe
cial at ,...8fi
$1 Bargain Table
A lil a tabla of good
prai-U'al Karrm-ntu, In
cluding Katlne, wli
aults, ! rl. suit
Jackets, extra nkirta,
soma to match the coats,
linnn (Juniors, all wool
sweaters, rain coats. In
fants' summer coal and
long- lirdford oili;
worth many time the
price; every one a bar
gain, e garment $1,00
Fine (inirham
. Frocks, $1.47
$2.00 and t?.G0
fancy gingham
frocks; age 7 to
It; the "Yankee
Maid" d reuses;
fant color, perfect
fitting ach-ool
rirexsc. Friday,
at 81.47
"No Profit" Sales
$2.95 Fancy Dress Romper,
Beautiful band embroidered
repp and Imported clotbs,
beautifully tailored, agea 2 to
6 year; former value to $2.95.
Friday at 81.39
Children' Martha Mushlnion
Aprons, Site
Fine Percale Martha Washing
ton Style Children' Apron
Also the regular bungalow'
rick rack trim. Sale f'rlce for
Friday at 59
'Bonny Fant
for 2c
Infant' Rubber Dia
per, all; the
well known "Bunny"
Brand; heavy quali
ty; well made; 49c
everywhere on sale
Friday for ...29
While Crib Blanket
for 23c
Infant' While Crib
Blankets; pink or
blue borders; fin
ished edge. On sale
Friday for ,...23t
$1 Xnlnsiiiik Infant
Dresses, !9c
Soft, Sheer Dresses,
6 month to 2 years;
dainty roimd yokes
of Swls embroidery
and neat lure finish
on neck and sleeve.
Regular $1 quality;
Friday at ....G9
Our newly enlarged motorised
delivery eytUm will place
your purchatet of $3it your
"No Profit"
Fruit and
Vegetable Sale
Direst f rem our !
laVIo and fruit feratt semes
Ik freshest to Wo oad every
wototeg, Comoero Iteydea'
rteet with elaet.
New rttt, pf
8 Ibe. trid CtiHui. fur 0
Kn.-y Celery, (talk ...... 5
r'n y t auUf'.nwrr, lb, 17'C
tarvo tirn I'vppert, lb,, ft
3 lb. .Set t'arrwtt f.lOf
Just Roaeistd, il4 of
Fatter l li I iVeria
rk to !e led eo talo
at No r(.
ri cim. ni
rajr M,J V"'11. -20
"No Profit"
Meat Sale
Hayden'a Market help to
feed a great portion of Omaha
with the rhoicest nteat to be
Fancy Native Sirloin Steak,
per lb 30
Fancy Native Hound Steak,
per lb aO
Fresh Cut Hamburger, special,
per lb 12Ht
lreh Veal Chop, lb. .17ig
Fancy Summer Sausage. p
ciul, pr lb
Frth King or Long Doing,
prlb 12 Ht
"No Profit"
Fish Sale
We receive only th choicest
kind of Fish direct from the
cold laket of the northers)
Special Friday
llerrlnc, per lb 12'.
pressed Crapple. lb,12Ht
Frrth Pickerel, 17H
Fresh Catfith, It ait?
Choice Pike, lb., 25c
Choice Trout, lb 30t?
Ueproihiotlon vt fanuuw
patntlng two attic : JSx
10 ami i:UX No Profit
Salt I Vice Vriilay, nt
Sm.nli SUt ttt . . ,61k
Sue at 1 1.39
Be Here Early for
These Stamped Gowrft
The Regular CO a
$1.00 Value,
S S !4 U iiu.ui
s s4 ! stirstsei of
l'H S't tS tae tt
k Is Oests ee, tts lost
ms sis 4 Wo4 ll e!?
li lt Me Mom l '
!) tt kl)( Is
lis. UJ
ieeessi-Me4 fmr
"No Profit"
Eggs and
Butter Sales
Ek'g. Butter, etc. Our tre
mendou output enable our
buyer to buy in quantitie
that very oflen lower the
prke. .
Fanry Tub Creamery Butter,
per lb Silt
Fancy I'kjf. Creamery Butter,
per lb Mty
Frh Country Frk". Vt
dotett 1 ll
Famy Brkk Cheese, h,.23
Fancy !H Olive, pint. 20
Ivory Finish
Kxtra Hmvy IWvel Mir
rors, ( i. inch: heavy ivory
finUh framex. 01 )(S
Groceries at
"No Profit"
Lowered prices and telling at
cost necassitlet that will
pack the gorcery tomorrow,
Phone your order or come,
Buy Old Wheal Flour Now
Hayden'a IMamoml I! Flour,
4H lb. sack I.?sr
Haydt-n' tleelih Flour, 4S lb,
lack fur 8 1,?),".
3 ran Flkhom, Apple H 1
loin Milk fr 254
I.r ran llmnford PHklng1
IVwdir, tpei-ial fir,,l
Ni. 9i ean iVled Aprleot
in heavy tyrup. , , , , . .23
Ni, S't ron tirteit !t?e
riuttit In hravy )rnp 2rt
(lur Frt'niHi finltt tVffi-e,
pi-!at, f" lb 2."t
,4 II. fr ... fin
lUydi-B'a l."s.IU t Vf fee IJOt
i lit f r ,,,,, 53
Dried Fruit Sj.s.lel.
Fvaurat4 Applet, lh,,22
Pure Ha k II i.v. uk. .3f
FM! W!..wU, lb, ., .23
;,i Su',t , I rtr
Jrry t'ii Il4k, if 13
Week-End Drug and Toilet GoodsSale
at the 5 Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores
Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19
Look over liat printed below and you will aurely find many article you ue and on
which aubttantial gaving may be nude at this tale. ,
Photo Finithingr
at lowest price at the
five good Sherman L
McConnell Store.
Ne cksre e fer deeeloplaf .
Knickerbocker Bath
Spray at Half Price
We have lust made a
la r tre purchase of Knick
erbocker Bath Spray,
and at to low a price
that we can aell at ex
actly half price. Thtj
good are In periect
No. 10112.50 Brush
for 81.25
No. 18113 00 Brush
for S1.50
No. 29 $4.00 Prudh
for 82.00
No, 7415.00 Brush
for , R2.r0
No. 71 $7.00 Bruh
for . 83.50
All Knickerbocker
Spray price.
See them and buy them
at any of our five good
drug- atore.
Who I
George H. Lee?
Ans. President of the
Ceo. H. Leo Co.,
and thit is the company,
who manufacture in
Omaha a very high
grade line of Medicine
for Poultry and Live
Stock in general.
Some of the apecial
item in thi line are:
Lea's Louse Powder,
25 and 50t pkg.
Lee' Lice Killer for
Poultry Qta., 60,
Vt (fa!., . 00, tral,
Leo't Germorone for
various Chicken Dis
ease (liquid and tab
let form), 25, 40?,
05S 75t? and
SI. 50.
Egg-O-Latum for Pre
serving Eggs, 50d per
jar and larger.
Leo't Egg Maker, Q
and 90t.
And many other Item.
Our five good drug
stores are headquar
ters for the Lee Pout
try Preparations.
25 Medicinal Item
Week-End Sale
$1.25 Carlsbad Sprudel
Salt, genuine imported
for OWi
40c Castoria 2 It
60c Caldwell' Syrup
Pepsin 4
25c Carter' Liver Pill
for lit
50c Cancaret for 3
60c Doan'i Kidney Pill
for 44
60c Danderine for 4 1
$1.60 Gude' Pepto
Mangan ..... 81.24
50c Lavori 39
Laxative Aspirin Cold
Tablets for . ....10
25c Lyol for ..,.10
70c Miller Antlieptlc
Oil 59
$1.25 Pinkham Veg.
Compound 00 J
30c Phcnolax Wafers
for 10
50c Pvikcr's Milk of
Magnesia for ...39t
$1.00 Squibb' Petrola
tum 79t
$1.15 Swamp Root, O ld
$1.90 S, S. S. ..81.49
35c Sloan' Liniment
for 24 d
60c Syrup of Fig, 44
30c Turpo 194
Victor' Tonic Lotion
for : 75i
$1.10 Vitamipe, Alex
ander' or Grant's,
for 794
$1.00 Wine Cardtii
for 744
75c White Paraffinc Oil
(internal cleanser), pt.
aize for 494
Catnip Balls
For Kittens and
We have just re
ceived direct from
the manufacturers a
Supply of Daniels'
Catnip Balls, which
have been out of the
market for several
months. A toy for
Kitty. Price, 204
This will pleaae
Mother Cat and her
ions and daughters.
Toilet Goods at
Price That Will
Suit You
$1.00 Pyro for Teeth
and Gum for. . .094
60c Djer Kit Compact
and Face Powder, a
hade for every com
plexion for 394
85c Triple Extract Per
fume (intense), all
odors, per oi. , . .594
60c Goodrich Velvetina
Vanishing Cream, 34
35c Vivadou Vivomint
Tooth Paste for J 94
C0r Harmony Cocoa
Butter Cold Cream
kin Food for,.. 444
60e Odor-o-no for 4l4
35c Mirror Nail Powder
Polish for 234
$1.25 CanuU Water for
Gray Hair for.. 984
75c Levy LaBlache i
Face Powder for 444
Razor Blades Sharp
ened for 1c Each
Bring your Raior
Bladea to any one of
our five store and we
will have them sharp
ened o they will cut
like new, for 1 24 per
Bring a
aibl in
take a
$1.00 . pr
many a po-
a bunch. It
week for thi
Now Low Price oo
Eagle Condensed Milk
Per can 184
Per doz 82.15
For Cleaning
False Teeth
,Caulk's Denture, In
large tube . . .504
It Sprayt Oily or Watery Solutiont
i.i. .L. ... - : 1
I it a wio Acme uu
Atomizer." Price
91.25. We have
told this Atomizer 30
year. It doe not
give the uter grief.
Out of
Water Clats
(Or Solution Silicate
For presirving egg
10c 254, 40f,
iKV nd 754
Full rUn n.'tt
(Uirretlon en lahvl.)
Nw it the time to put
up ek-ft.
$1.75 , Vivadou Lady
Mary Concentrated
Toilet Water for 944
25c Mis Johnston's Ban
doline for Hair.. 194
35c Pond' Vanishing
Face Cream ... .244
50c Victor' Benzoin Al
mond and Cucumber
Lotion for 314
Hot Weather
Pleasant Dietetic
and Medicinal
Special Prices
Friday and Saturday
50c Horiford's Acid
Phosphate 394
Cherry Plumoid Syrup
(makes delightful
drinks with ice cold
water), 8 oz. . . .354
24-oz. bottle 75
gallon ....$1.35
Virginia Dare Non
Alcoholio Wine Bev
erage, Vt pint. . .304
Pint 504
Quart 85
Merrell-Soule Powdered
Lemon Juice Tmake
lemonade Inatantly
with cold water),
for ..354 nd 754
Stone's or Rose' Lime
Juice, quart ...854
Liggett' Grape Juice,
pint 394
Quart C94
Genuine American
Thermos Goods
Alto Japanese and Car
man merchandise at
H off the plainly
nmrked price -and
note that these "plain
ly marked prices" are
rut price In many in-tanre.
Read These Soap
Prices, Then
"Stock Up"
25c Packer'a Tar Soap,
special for 184
10c El Mrito Olive Of2
Castile Soap 7A
Waltke's or JTa-kln'
Army and Navy Hard
Water Cocoa Castile
Soap for 74
Graham's or Schlcffc
lin's Lemon Oil Soap,
4 for 254
25c Cuticura Soap, 214
30c Resinol Soap,. 21 4
Craddock's Blue Toilet
Soap for ....... .94
Armour'a Auditorium
Bath Soap 11
1 dozen 81.30
Jergen's Big Oval Cake
Old-Fashioned Oatmeal
Soap 94
Ivory, Wool, Fairy,
Creme Oil, Palm
olive or Life Buoy
Soap, 2 cakes, 154
15c Colgate' "All
Around" Violet and
Palpi. Toilet and Bath
Soap for 94
15c Rennalisance Soap,
cake 94
Wanted at Once
1,000 Bobbed
Hair Girls
Who will be glad to
know of the "Bob
bie" Black Hard
Rubber Comb, made
for combing "bob
bed hair." Come in
neat case. Price,
504. Buy at any
one of the five good
Sherman & McCon
nell Drug Store.
Remove Quickly
Unwanted Hair
Vou may quickly
remove auperfluou
hair from any part of
th body by using la
Jeune Liquid Hair
Remover or Depila
tory. Price 754
Hy mail H.V
Ask at on i f (h five
,vhi-rnn tt M'f'oa
nil lr'ig Ktrv
when In duitht.
u -soVA- I ai J -A-a. t 1 "II IjiatUlaJ 1 L W
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