rilU OMAHA BKE: WKDNlDAY. AL'UL'ST lii. f S0TUH2E irirr asm Mr l licmif. and I f . or i litt I r! tl i. Put I . stat a iein-i lu our t iiil Iliieualtl itiMiprthtiiiLiiM. rnoeau I KHiltJ be rulrn i a ura In j .Unit i I ttUn't ee li it'll iruile on u illy toiiiest lieeiiie mi nwi wis timlmt aide jh nrt ti ( piy t!ir iianu Learn Suppr. U.. ei'd Mfi Samuel Km. jr. rti ttrudrtl i an mioriiitl len auj.per lest rvtmrg in honor f Hie llistet Koroilir 4 Antoinette Adamt oi Mdlnon. N, V Mho art timing Mr. an4 Mr. Choir Hardin; Ihr agent tsere lie Mines kt ry Find' ley, tie Wreiit i'onrA ami lier guru. Mm Nanrv l.rc!i ( Mimic i If 4 Km, llitru Kuitert ami Ruh U.oy, an4 Urttri Jik Jed son Siiiif-. Har'- Koch. Harry fluretey. Milton ami Millard I'"m. J. 11, iitMing aim Mr. aiij Sire, Oiret Hardin Un Monday Mr llardm lied number ol Kii'kl at the Athletic 1 tub lf lumiieoti, tomiiunriilry t ill tisitofs. I hal rtrnui or lend Ina-taiii en tertained lh VI )- Adams, Mitt t atlieniie I J(n jf and Mettr Tom V lurt il !. Anutles. Ilavlit ,in ami Kay I'Mpt al Ihr Athletic iiiibro"'. Mitt BredUy Honored. M,.t Kathrim Ami llradlry f Cralrirt, ihi it visiting Mm hlia belli Karl, ha breii Die renpieni l many Kxial alfairt time hrr arrival Ui! Heels. Un Friday Mr. Van Darrell Al t' ru gava a jhii hi linor vl the Mitof, and iturdy Mist Hart huiiAird tier gtiet at a lli ti r iarly, Mil Fannie Marl it planninji I, rule lunclier11 al hrr home Friday tr Mm Bradley, and 5aturdey Mis I luahrlh Hart Hill af-'ii he lriras, al the lirjmld. tea room lur luncheon Personals For Mra. Winter. Un Thursday Mr. Kaymoiid An derioii rntrrtainrd at hinrliron in donor of Mr William Winter ol Dt villi Lalir, Minn., who vititing Mrt. lxuii IMwardt. Mrt. Winlen va Inrmrrly Mii My llitkry, I riday hrr lioitrta rntrrtainrd at diniirr at hrr homr in honor of Mr. Wintrrt, and 011 Saturday Mr. and Mrt. T. H. Hickty gave a family re union iirnic for the vintor. Mra. VVmtrrt it planning to return to Michigan J hurtday. Buiinrta Womtn'a Outing. The Huiiiif and I'rofeitional Women'a divinion of the C'haiiiher ci Coniinrrce will have an outing at arter Lake i luli Wcduetday eve ring, Augufil 2.1, t Regular nieetingt v.ill he rrumrd S'ptemlirr 13 at the Chamber of ('omnierce. Luncheon for Miaa Seaman. Mitt Mary Seaman of Shelby yille, III., who hat hern vititinii her titter, Mrl. V. S. Martin, leavei Wednet fiay for her home. Monday Mrt. Martin entertained mt luncheon - at Hapfy Hollow in. honor of the visi tor, For Mra, Grifl&ih. '. Mrt. Arthur Griffith of Pittsburgh. ; v.ho it viitin her parent. Mr.nd Mra. (i. W. Noble will he -frotioi . guest at a Itineheon (jiveu Wediir- : day by Mr. O. S. Montgomery at her home, j Birth Announcements. I Mr, and Mrt. R. A. Stewart an nounce the birth of a ton August U at the Methoditt hotpilal. Mr, and Mrt. Ralph Darrow ait noutue the birth of a ton Augunt 15 at the Stewart hospital. ' Announcement it made of the birth of a daughter, Harriett, to Mr. and Mra, Edward Jamet Connor. Tuesday, Auguct IS, at the Stewart hotpital. Mra. Connor was formerly Mitt Kleanor McGilton and little Mitt Harriett ha been named for her maternal great, grandmother. The black enameled wooden pmsy pierces the dark with her radium eyea to how that here it a match box and a place (or striking them right at hand. Thia clever novelty it priced at $1,50. Dr. Charlotte A, Scott lui been teaching mathematics at Bryn Mawr college for the past 37 years. t Jujmn Squirct, who motored w 1 110111 lluctgo, arrived Ttieday, ; Mut Florenre Moore ha returned U1.111 a tour f the Farific coait, Terrta 4 hiiiuian rlurnei Sun day f'lini a niKiitli't titit id yra cuie, N, V, Mie l.oirtu King v. ill leave Sun day for an ratended ttav 111 Wnli trigton, l C. Mr. and Mr, Ra)iiiiiid Voting rr turned mlay liom three wreki l""l al Otakii. Minn. Mra. Campbell I air, who bat been ill al the ( Uikion hoMiilal lor rev eral we'kt, hat returned to her home al the Colonial. Mr. and Mrt. I. Mliek and tmall daiighlrr, Hornier, date re turned from a five wfk'i iiay at Me Koyal, Muh Dr. and Mrt. KSilla.d I'owell and family returned Turtday from White Lake, Minn,, where they hate pent the tummer. Mitt Ahnariiie ( ampbell and her guett, Mii tiraie Marh, leave Sat urday lor' Miit Marth't home in Highland i'ark, III. Mitt Ruth Thoinptrii, ail direc tor al Central High achool hat re turned front Chicago where the look lit graduate work at the t'niver itty of Chicago. Mr. and Mrt. William A. Rourke and daughter. Mary Kllrn. Irit Mon day (or Denver and l'.ttet .park, where they will remain until Sep tember, Mr. and VI rt. Xarton Mdlard have returned from a lew weekt tprnt in Wyoming with the (ieorge Rcdickt at their tummer home. Jamet Con nrll it now a gurtt al the Redick lodge, Jane McCoiinrll leavet Wednetdav (or northern Minnrtota where the will tpend the remainder o( the tum mer. She wiH tpend a few dayi with Mi'i lane Kllit, daughter of Dr. and Mn, Paul Kllit, at Walker. Minn. , JlEPY-TIME TALTT ; T" unnr ta i re n c IYI L 1 L. ML.L.O J I CUFFY BEAR RYi ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY 1 uf 3 lit My M Proble arriage Adela Carnaon'a New I'ttaa af "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" Lartai l:t) ems t HAITI K XXXIX Mr. Bear'a Accident. More 0111 had Mr. licar't weakurtt (or frcth jik made trou ble (or him. Farmer Green had tin. J.I linn; old dog Spot had baikcd al him; and one night the hired man had (lung a pitchfork al him. It wat no wonder that Mil, !!rar bated to tec the poik hunger tleahng upon her hiitband. She dreaded tliote Viilt lo the pigptn. What perliapt, 'the worl tcrape Mr. Hear ever got into hap pened at the time Farmer Green wat panning the piggery. He wat painting il led. i!ut Mr. Hear knew Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham Sim Flindcrt. uho it afraid o( Moron, taw a big cloud coming up the other afternoon and pitched in to A 49 Sht lhrw u htr pwg In itorror nothing of that. To be mre, when he went milling about the long, low building, hunting for a place to break into it, he noticed a strange and peculiar odor. He didn't know that t lii came from freth paint. Nor did he know that there vat paint in the pail which ttood 011 top of a step ladder near the door. Now, Mr. Hear believed in looking into thinut. He often taid one never could tell where be might find (ood. So when he tpied the pamt pad in the moonlight he promtply reached up a paw and tipped it over, A thick stream of red paint ttruck him ou lop of hit head and splathed well over him. He couldn't see what it wat. He couldn't even tec itt color, for everything wat of the same gray hue in the dim light. He ran hit tongue over the wet place on his thouhlcr, because at he often remarked one never could tell how a thing tasted until be sampled it. "I'tt-h!" Mr. Bear grunted. "I've made a mintake. 1 don't like this itulf." fn turning about, he juggled the ttepladdcr. The pail then rolled off it and fell with a clatter on the ttone doorstep. A sharp bark warned Mr. Bear that old dog hpot had heard t;e noie. 'flow disgusting!" Mr, Hear sirort- rd. There wat nothing he could i'o t xrrpl run up the lane at fail at he could g, while a gun roared tome where behind him. He knew it wat urlei lo try to gel a ig that liighl. 1 he day wat gray when he reached home and lound Mn. Hear in the (looryard. "Where' the pig, I pbrauii!''' the called at he hove in tight, "I here wat a tbgbt accident," he answered, she threw up hrr paw a in horror, "A slight accident!" the quavered. "You've been thoi! You're terribly j wounded and you'ie trying not to fnghten me." She had teen the t vmA u.t.l tti.llulll ! , a kA,a- ilimg iuite different, Mr, Hear hadn't noticed how he looked. Hut now he glanced around at himtflf at well as be lould. And what he discovered made him sud denly feel faint. Hit leg teemed lo ciumplr beneath him. He could hardly drag himtelf into the den. 'I lie 11 there wat a great flurry. Mrt. Hear did everything she could think of to make Iiiui comfortable. Luckily hit appetite remained good. She fed him almont constantly (or three day and three nightt. And by that lime Mr. Hear taid that he be gan to feel better. He always declared, afterward, that it wat Mrt, Hear' etrrlleut rare that tavrd hit life. Summer Sail. Oil, paint for tnc (hat lovely luiuincd cloud, A -nailing by to tome cerulean bay; Can you with all your magic make itttay All Its 'bright outline of sail and shroud Cruising as the south wind tings aloud, Soaring, ahining where the skylarks play, J'rihaps a glowing galleon to far Cathay Or mountain harbor all with snow embrowed? Oh, priton this (air clipper of the skic Catch it for me oil a summer's day, So I can tee in some bleak wintry room It brilliance and its warming loom; So it will be my Ship of Dreams always Her royals rote-tipped at the sunset die, ' SKABL'KY" LAWRENCE. M k aiitt.t.lba tinH rrliirti ft Utitifll! V. I for Mr Drake, im.c.d of .baking .1, ," n v .hairier m a prote rung ,..d. drew up a. il m k... .1 in old ; ')'udg cUm'. w- I prt won, la.hiou. V.-h an adrou twitt rare...... (angers 1 will. I ib8ped . out h ' l ,'' "-h me a. locg at he a. bmi .l.runilv Iih Lillians ioe. From I,,... " " I luril II 1 How Allen Drake Contrived 10 Get Ilia Own Way. To all appearance Alteit Diaki had not moved a nuiule unce I had entered the room. With ln long, woiiuni.h but undeniably beau tiful lathes almost veiling hit kern eyrs, he stood erect, yet with Ihr which he always affects. As I ap which he alway affect. At i ap proached bun 1 had the rene feeling of one attempting a convertatiou with a statue. And for a long, rude second alter I had greeted linn he neither moved nor spoke. 1 lien, jutt at a rurlain is diawfl twiltlv up (rom before a static let ting, lie lifted hi eyelids and I taw a tardonic gleam of mockery in hit brilliant eyrs. "Your kindness it too ovcrv. helm ing, miladi," he dtawled. "I led tuiforaled in so warm and flamboy ant a welcome. By the way, juti in patting, at it were, lie stressed the banal, "might 1 inquire it the fair and goodly youth opposite broke any hones in your band when lie tlaKped it jul now,' He made the outlandish imiuiry with to unmoved a fate, ao matter- of act a manner, that involuntarily I took the bait and replied malig nantly; "Why I What do you mean?" ' An unholy mirth danced in Iti eyet lor a second, then fled a lie drawled his answer. A Mocking Conversation. "I am so relieved to hear it. I feared the hand had been diiabled, ' but I tee there must be rmne other j reatou for' your penurious altitude concerning it. I trut that il it not I Interrupted him rutblctly, for I knew that he was capable of keep mil up bit nonsense indefinitely if it : to suited hi' mocking mood, and 1 was phyticially conicioNs of I.illion't I amused eye and of Tom Chetier's I wondering ones fixed upon me. I "Jf all this rigmarole is became li :,.,'. it,-,!..., I,,,l- ...ill. ' "Marvelous penctrationl Won- drduclMin!" lie Otis' tint tantag point I taw him look quickly not at me, but al the fa rl oung Mr. ( heiier Handing oppotiie, and siarmg at him with rtmr tlupg priiiiitlvr, rhallrtiailig in hit gate mterrupied ! I '11 Lillian unliicd thr oddly an- lagoiiisin- fttnange vi ur Parents' Prohlcjns Should t id of fourteen who Wishct to krep a ioii'iul be en- 1. . ... r .111. ...1 . ........ o.i you mm, I went un a wrri tne poiisiuo man ui me nou ," " -. lit r till ulily. -i'ii 1.. 11 .1 1 1... 1 1... ..1 1..... .i.i .s 1 Mi..! it,. , I! Fmoungr by all n eain It ill wat furiously coniout that tlx tell- was ture. (or the spoke quukly and " Hioug itfiil ocsupation for tale vor w ueeptng into my decisively, ( a tun ai lr..l ; tu.J to improve her .lu-.t. I .,11 1 ut, I "i- I.1L. in, ui .1 !. irri hand win 111 it, and be p hei lo a com were asleep when I 'poke to tou. and I hated lo s'arlle you by oirr he trloilrd, s.g 1111 you my hand "I'... ... L III tlir lit'. of tmrnalsfl." the bowed irrtnly 10 . Uuguage. Duct her at- my lather, "and f (hi bu.inrs, mil M""" ",,f '""'! '" '"' ' ol the way before ktlie comet do v.i. r'u-age her lo mention ihe.e -rather Heir. Allen, ttand at - nghi band , "'" h""v- ""n.v land held the bridae aitl. me " ( ,"" '"'"" I A a nuoter ol poetrv. sou'ie a ,. . , . wonderful crocheter,- lie told fcjr ; 'A,;" - wul, . provo, at,, e drawl I. t ht , ( , , , - b d l,e,ed her, lakihg tl.e sl.a.r .lie in-, mi tt fr f (,(fjf "".1"' mi i . . .1 - .1, ;.. Koi-kbrd. S D The pany will re "Il youll ju.t ll.o.e aha.. . , . 0er tmt way, tnester. tne wein, t,n " I hank you. 1 Whether bv accident or not beri l.lfiraully "V ery wril.'' I swept him a inoi k in af little curttey, to make lite belal. id handthakr appear lets rulispuu mis. and held out niy hand lo him, I knew thai if I did not, the leas ing devil which tooled from bit res would never have given up itt pur J.ioe lo compel the baudsliakr "Aa a Ouoter " If my lather and Lillian bad been j arrangement Ir't a t bair tor me next the only nersoiu mrsent I would , to 1I1-1. vouio Mr Chester. But in- have made an issue ui Willi uiHin ihe Ulead of taking il. I wrul unob. j lulling iiuiiliiit, o tttong wat tlx 1 tru.ivelr lu m v father, drew a low antagonism Un paiticular lordly j chair rloe to him, and tat down m. manner 01 Allen Drakes always it, with Lillian on "ly omer :eie, ( rouses in me. Hut loin Uiesirr had I did Hot look at either Mr. c oesier At the Field Club. , Dr. and Mr. T. J. Dwyer will entertain 10 gucts at dinner Wed nesday evening at the Field club complimentary to Frank Mullen of New York, who it visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Flanagan, Others in the party will be the Mittes Julia Dwycr, Thereja Flanagan, Winifred Tray nor, Lenore Norton, Rev, i', A. Flan agan, Matthew Norton and M. J. Flanagnn- AIM'S HTIKKVIKN r. YOU'LL 6ET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE Ihr it is 011 simple, ir and surt sr that mtir (tilt la t rid of blsiktiruli, that It to illsiolvt )im, To ilit this t two ounrci at iilnmts pow.lsr from tny dm a ior sprlnbl 1 llttlt on a hot, wtt tponiff rub ovsr ih bltckhtads briskly wash th ptrts mil -you wilt be surprised bow the blackheads liava disappeared. Big blackhead), littlt blackheads, no matter wher they ire, simply dissolve and disappear, leaving tin parte without any mark whatever. Itlsck budt (rt limply a mintur 'of dust and diet and eeerativnt from the body thtt form in the pores or the skin, l'lnrhinu nd squrexlna only causa Irritation, make lira poret and do not at tRe blackhead out after they become hard. Th rilonite powder and the water simply dissolve the toiaekhettfa ao they wash right out, leav ing th pores free and clean and In their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishes should certainly try thit simple method. digging himself and family a storm cellar in the yard, but before he could get it done the cloud had gone around. Fletcher Hcnstcp tays improving 1 houe is like trying to keep your relf dressed up all over the same time jne new thing makes some thing clue look shabby. Cricket Hicks says Bounding Bil lows is such a small town, whenever he goes there sight-feeing he uses only one eye. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. An t'mlrrntantliiie. Dear MU Fairfax: I am going with young gtrl. and, though we ar not publicly engnged, w have an understanding. I hav never gona out with any other girls alnr I hava been going with her. but ah do go with young men and floe a not thing It wrong. Po you think It right for her to do thliT On night T had an appointment with har, and ha diked ma tf aha i-oulil to nut with nnnther man th imi night, and T nll no, but the want anywny and left me alon. What would you advi me to dot J. A. J). I'nlen you at formally engaged to thl girl you Imva no right tn atk her t 1v up the nmpanionahlp uf her other men frtrnda. ami you aim hav the privilege of going about with girl friends. "An understand ing" ia not milt th tuna a an ilgitgemenl ,Vnu are. When you re In a poalttrm t a -A her te h your wlf, t he neept. alt will doubtlwaa glmily give you her tint and attention to the rit I11 tlun "f hr Mlier men fiirn.K Y'.x eept In the ra e-f n f.irio.i l engagx. merit, hownar, It la a little aelfiah, ny frleiula. lo espect lo nuno('iilu a girl lima and ihnught Pnu't ini litis yuuraetf f l . II I The adilreaa of th maaa sine, 'House and li.taten" .a tl't fnurth lifAus, N-s orls blml"He "fall ? Hear Mout lairftv I am ;? 'I har I irl I . tut nol se n fr )car. i.enllv, lhruh a Mand I heard h Wat mil til.tib nh amoliar man o. h n-osMon 1 hsv I i.ghl Id Vlill I I.I" fill HI her hoio ij lab brr nul uitl! ? Is it p.f. ily tiaht f.e k hr' 1. 1. 1 woto.ol dtte any llnaU' lo the .oter St. 'I. J. I. ' Tbe it 1..1 why ui nd; ! o mi it I,- li eh.iul.tut be, I imii 11 ,t 11 .. yl n,i in a f'Slil.. In Hiri v ml (Inn t naik ..r I ,..' tnu sim i.i - .1 -a in ibt' ' h.iie I tm 1 ri I V ii: l -1 t e In iui l '( an f I ibi Hum t h w w us a ri tn". br tow 1 tins, k ,t iim lata i oi.-mt t -i.i it tsurvell la ! ! a ali .i the g ' If i 1 I out f If .-.i , ., '! s ii si Is b-.-.t f.ii !. n If 1 H-ii k s . lt . 1 a l,t ktt 'i4 n si b.(l. nets, control youraelf, atay away and Blve youraelf a rrhance to forget. Hut If you believe that you can srlve her loyal fricndsiliip why deprive her or yourself of that? A Fuiilo Hoihiiiiix', Pear Mlaa Fairfax: A girl friend worka In an office bo.1 there l a certain man who call nt tha office, with whom lie aeenia to be In love, but he ia indifferent, lie culled at her home otn:o. but after an Invita tion at n later date aald lie was aorry hut had another engagemiint. He Mill ralla at the office, during which tlmea h ulwuyi tee thl rlil. He at one time aald he was going to tak her ruling aom day. but never liaa mentlnned It aline. Now, this young lady would like lo know tint IhlN In.ui'a Inti-ntlons are. KI.MIll l!KT. There Un'l mm h the girl can do Th mail ta evidently intcreati'd only casually. Klnre lie declined one In vitation to her home and ha nuver followed till hi aiisJKeatioti of en teititinlng her wllh a definite en gagement, all would only brtlttl Imrai'lf and anuov him In trying In force ih lu, Hhn can tt.i iiotliing more Hian le pteaaani and friendly wlifii he cornea lo III fiU If h'-r i..,,ii.1v ilnean't make v oi peal - bow ran le compel the lit ItTKkl ilia ttanlt end iloesn t get? jl VbrnsGo! Blue-jay to your druggist 1 !' tonpW l y In iu toiA it l ine )4, A I, tjh slops ih n iostai.'t 'I bait l CM I'N'UBI !( M!Ht ioi Mtd in'est s K a( I1U ( as d'o,! ,tit t' al nt twit i,'i. fs int. l nlum 11 S nnir 1 Pain Stops Imtitntly Real Lemonade in One Minute and not a Lemon to Squeeze! WHEN you use Mcrrell-Soulc Powdered Lemon Juice, you have only to add water to the rxwdef and stir nothing could be impler nothing could be better. Merrell-Soule Powdered Lemon Juice, you ee, is really lemon juice. The lemons have been aqueezed and the water removed horn the juice, A little atigar has been added to the solid nrtt of the juice and the powder then put in air-tight cam. When you restore the water to the juice, you have the tame product wa had when we squeezed the lemons for you. It is real lemon juice, ready to be used in lemonade or pie or in any recipe that calls for lemon juice, Your grocer can supply your needs. He sells Merrr U-Soule Powdered Lemon Juice in two sues, 4-og. and 10-oi. tlm 4 oi. package being equal k the juice of a tUien lemons. That really means 14 lemons or more, for few (ople get atl o the ju'ue front a lemon when they scjueeie it. T POWDERED. Lemmjiice MERRR USOUtH COMPANY svsmt,N, v, cire worn nerves sotmd ? Mvin.' xt- it , M r Lai ",,...I.I B aa. 1 " IL j iiliisTeTl'CowBSI HEALTH authorities agree that chiJ dren should let coffee and tea alone, that their nerves may be kept free from the caffeine drug disturbance, and grow up in natural health. Isn't this suggestion good for you, too? There's charm for all and harm for none in POstum, that satisfying, wholesome cereal beverage which contains nothing to disturb nerves or digestion. Make the test today. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" Don't Forget, Wednesday and Thursday Are Buy-Rite Days But We Save You Money Every Day 22c cP STOBES Lhalra af MMeeeai. spaghetti e N eed let I large park ages (a 22c BUY-RITE LEADERSHIP IS THE RESULT OF DEPEND ABLE SERVICE AN D PERFORMANCE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Buy Them Without Fear or Favor Fancy Elberta FreBtone Peaches, per crate, all sizes $1.20 Early Oh 3 Potatoes, large and white, per full peck 22f 500 baskets Yellow Dry Onioni, per market basket 33f 500 baskets Wealthy Cooking Apples, per market basket 25e Jumbo Cantaloupes, delicious and ripe, Z for 29 f Large size Cantaloupes, bargain, 3 for 25 DON'T FORGET CANNING NECESSITIES Gemiiuo Dull Munoo Jar, per iloien, pluta S5 Quart. 95e: K Ktl'on $1.25 Genuine Hall Mason Jar LIU, per tluien. . . 25e Jar liubtitn, regular 15c quality, per do. 5 Ji'lly (.ilanaes, tall or (unt. par down 43f 1'itiowKis fur ni'siliiiK. III. packaii 25t 1'ure Cider Vineaar, per nation -49f I'ut White I'irMltis; VlneKur, per alloo..45s YOU CAN'T HELP BUT BE CLEAN AT THESE PRICES t lar tan i Tuilel Klraa , , Saul Kluab, lie ia, S (or A3t Lama iatkag Kalnaater Ciyatala 22f Sul Sixla. 15c packaei, 3 tor 25f Una' Lemon Cleaner, IJc size. 3 lur 59 a We have Juat liiuimte, a Itrg sliiptiivnt of (toun U and whqi 8pu, ieular 10 o aud lie paikaites, all lsloilt llur them now, 4 rkae (or , , 29c P'sHea, 'jsi; r,atsjiT 0AtMAI0 BUTTER Mote ixipular vij day-a teal hit, per pound,. 30 f 1HIHST UUfcNCMiHS VUU Wits. LIKE ll.nlelser "liixid Old Hud." pel ite of .lrs $2.15 r'trttBetle lllinn t!e. per tat ( Mile t'4,15 PtiAteaelle UsHilbiwr, p( ti MtU $2,15 vp. ail fiat are. pr rte ti biHla 9e ga;!jgawar M. J, B. COFFEE WHYJ Vaeuuin pid a (rata to yot a il. day rottil, i'oata tkm. but tort lHhr. IVr lb 47 S lb lr .$1.35 ttto niAt tuts son vou lt4 Heal Matthat, ir bom, (or 35a Omar I lour. Hlb, ttrb $1,911 Asrisjin at taiai uut vn cwwitK, t'nn9, fil I lU raise. , 2it l'n tnut, i Ji (u 20t CnastA, iati Jib, an. ,$f ld W 'd Hi I'll. ' pi" t 37 f. al Jtif K ni, i J'i!ibi4 l:i-4 lii. lne satit, V'. a. it , , $,5 it( ... - :t:le tile.U. bel lliaruil. 1 pate fn ;ja fawptlii M,iitMuSI"i. ;. pt.t (( Si. I,ii V tiler I itsitieij li Kler, (er l . . M We, rtl BuMi a . st Sal witi' I' am Dant. et k t-U4 tl It , StlM l. Watt last lt ' n., a baatl al t4 '.' f ta'lH BMOfNim. toilftt 4 MiKHiLL. frSls e4 Sseaea. lKWi 4 SAOSM04 ,.S a4 . wt W4 ls1 Bv-fIT, ska tsitt OSCAU StlLSOtl t i s,ia ..te iH04t 4 iNvaa Saeswsa J ttiHe I 4 BNINN. s sve tat sNC tO, SesSea. m4 ss s tStUHl) PJIIMt. SlHMt . saiNUIN 4 VO. tse ., a4 t aa a al'tlH BSOI. A 4eWSiJ 410. I, ROSS, t aee) Sataa J 0. CM 4 SO. IkHM'taie) eeS Sseaa SsjS,tsK HUlSlsV, i ''