the omama r.r.n. Monday. Arorsx it. mz. s DnuIiortv Orders Iiivostiirxitifin nf c Stalled Trains freleril Al!rnfV IritrnrlI to Vn)r Ailioii f I'mllicr IjoihU for "Coiiijiinry. My Marriage Problems Adale Garrison's Sew phase of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" irrMU lint S'jciic of Vaslniifton, Aui I.I- t H y A D '1 )i federal district attorney hi southern California et ordered ty Attorney General Ilamherty to in ei((4i "whether I abandonment" ol trans i,n the .v4i t4 let fjiltcid 'nee tl-e rrul f'l temspiraey liy ll: operating them or others ir'inr ki'Ii inirr(j'e cmtiirn e and I It luiiti'iiiK of ! wads." ll llir tml it suttieirnt, prrsrnt tl-e matter lo Kfjinl jury immediate l." said Mr. J irfus'herty-g order. "K aiaul jury not ill session, present l emitt llir necessity of calling special gland jury." Ainmi Ly llir lJi partiueiit of Jus. li r follcmed HUrsim jliiill i press reports III III tiPiltii lip f trams "l lu been Itp.jtted lo tins de partment (mm ccttam yUrm, cs jx' irflly hi nuttii in l ahtornia and V . i a. on tli .Sjuu I t," said Mr. I), 'irfliirty. "that tr,illis hive been and 4i hriti abandoned by trainmen Jlnl t lliployrs. Causes Great S'iflcrinK. "II 1)4 Occil'icel t puces most III rmivi nil lit I Nee-ejirs. I 4l . l'f III stances and iii results ill inter tenure with and ubjei tioii lo inter slate commerce and th transport,! imil nf thr mad, 1,111 111 ureal stiller nitf ami eliitres aitumK men, uoincu 4ii'l children who iifr p-cssrngers. "Alter conference vsilli I he prrsi dent I have ssiied the I 'iiitcd States -.Morncy 41 m Auk' follows: 'Keporl II I'nited State district judge any violations of injunctions and institute ifir proceedings 11 redd violator lor contempt. Itivesti eate 'tuiikly and ascertain if ahau il'Hitnrnl di trains was result of ton nr4iiri by lln iicr4luiir. them or oilirrn, l' niletlere with mtentaic ( iimiitrrr nd haiidlinK of I he 11141U. If riiof Kiiiluiriit, prrrnt niHtter l er4ni jury ntimrnt,iteiy. II jjraii'I mrv not 111 r iin, itcm nt lo rourl id ncremly of railing upcrial K"'J jury. Connpiracy Indicated. " 'III parliiicnt ill K't )ou 4II lire: rutarv umii'irt aiid a.Mtaucc. 'I 'he 111 terlereiue with and ali.indonim-nt of traini tronly indicalt the existi-me ul a euiixpiracy ana I lie government -Mill IdUe all necessary t:p to pre vrnt in coiitinualioti or like con rUe where. Advise me oi reulti. " H. M. DAUGHF.RTY, "It i reported that 12 pa-cetiKT and mail train on the Santa Fe line lit nouthrrn talifornia are delayed hecaux of the refuial of the men of the 'I'ig Four to move them. The reason given lor eacn anion wai u rtjiitrrr lo tneiuberi from armed i,,r,i ami ilefrctive enieinei. Seven train were held up at Needles, three jit Harrow and two ar LoiiKeie. Hand grenade were thrown into the .Santa l e itockade at San I'.ernardino early ihivuiorninR and an engine was, run into a roundhouse turntable pit. Tht Ron Kii Cot Into Her j loni j It, pepper mid iome Iretle bin Funny I'ridicament. ll-mr pnnleln ofrr me, out my m 1 . l .1 - ; 1 1 ... I ,jokri iriini r4ur t KiitieiunK in ,ki m oiru, ling rna-t it 1 r ,r win - S Schools and Colleges C i t . n Qmmon Sense Are You Firm With Children Be fore Company. Do not be backward about cor recting your children when guests are prrrent.- Many parents wonder why the kiddie' are so uncontrollable when friends are around. They think that making their chil dren obey by forcible method in the presence of guest is a certain way to make the quests get a poor opin ion of their oit'spring. You have uch idea yourself and are too lenient, so the children, with Hi ti nt. take advantage of your disin clination to punish with company around, and they get what they want, whether you want it or not. And that is where you are very foolish. When onny or sister a-.k for money for amusement and some thing good to cat, ordinarily forbid den, just because you have guests, or are preoccupied ill entertaining, ay no and uticlc to it to the point of chastisement if teasing is attempt- You won't have to do it more than once or twice when the child will lealize you are firm and ceae to lake advantage. To fall for such tricks from the children is unwise on your part and brine 4 harvest of troitlde. H'o.yriKhr, 192, 1 fat l l.illnn's dainty hands tnveird with a rrpulitve looking mixture o( lard and red and bUrk grease p4int, and soiied the compunction I had le it ver since I had lummoneej Lil lian to help Katir. "Dnky would call ni 'a prize buek passei!'" I said, putting the cold cream bottle and the powder box 011 the 1 able, ' Hut truly, 1 didn't nirau In leave all the disagreeable pall for you," "1 wouldn't have iui.ed il f'r worlds," he rrtorted, as always mak ing light of her own discomfort. "1 4-c page a cinema magnate." She nodded mirthfully toward Katie, who, with her eyes screwed shut, a Lillian lud commanded, was 4 laugiiirr eonipeiiiug onjeti minnrr great'd face and tightly wound knob td luir fin ihe top of her head. "Look at Yourself." I shook my head wariiingly ai Lillian, who, with a relaxation which she rarely in' herself, was laugh ing heartily, though silently, Indeed, I had harej work to control 111 V own risible but I knew Katie s un k per (iptieiiis, and 1 fiarcd that even thouuh she could not see lis, and could not understand Lillian's un common worils purposely chosen she Mill might suspect that she was affording us amusement. "Wlul can I do lo help?" I asked in a matter-of-f4i I way. , "lie! a bowl of W4rm water ami some soap," she returned, taking my cue. "I'll rub this Urd olf my hands i's well as I can with a dry cloth, and then sinib them well with soap and water before I attempt the cold cream treatment." "Dere varni vater right ill J'itcher here," Katie inlerpoMil, still with her eyes shut tight. "I bring me ert oop boiling ven I room oop stairs, and I no us eet all. Can I open me mine eye now, Meei I'nderwood ':" "Ye, for a little bit," Lillian re turned. "Take a look at yourself in the g'a think twice before you cut a caper like this again." Katie unclosed her eyrs, skippcl jigiledy to the bureau anil peered into Ihe mirror, while 1 wondered how my leinpt ramt tilal little maul would meet Ihe ight of her own ludicrous reflection. Mie did not leave us long in doubt, however, for she bent to ward the mirror and sent peat after peal of laughter into hrr reflected face. "Oh! Oh!" she gasped when she wa fairly out of breath, ami Lillian and I were looking apprehensively at the door for fear that Mother Gra ham would hear her and appear wrathfully on the scene. "You know vol I look like? All I need is nn s;rraseJ belle preK. Hal lu! ha '" What Lillian Offered. "Itetter hop it," Lillian threw over her sheiubjer at me Iroin Katie's M4htfand wline she was crtibbing the lard from her hand. "Do you waul Mother liiaham up here, Katie?" I demanded steri.. "If you keep on laughing like Itul She'll (,, here." Ihe threat oberel lis-r instantly, "I stop me dees ineenil," h sai'l, dorilely, then she shook her list at her own reliectioil, "You beeg bum h of soup gieens!" she apostrophized, you so green, t ret is vim wonder dot a nanny goat don't gobble you oop alreiilv. Oh, eef I shoot luel dot vomans here by me vum c." "What woman, Katie?" Lillian askrij casually, coming bat k lo the table with her bands cleansed ami dried. "Sil down here and close your ryrs again, and tell me about what you'se been up to while I finish Ibis job. If I ruli some cold cream on you fare tieiw, wipe it off and put some powde r on, you'll look all right aaiti. Now, go ahead. Tell me your troubles." She was working a she spoke, and when she had finished talking, Katie giggled. "Lei not my trouble." she saief, "I!ut do! voman she gom' have lots trouble ven I find her vuiue. Vot you t in Vc of her selling me all dees stuff, nefer telling me Iwiw to get eet olf again. you no here, I have lo go me mil face like varnish floor for rest of my ble. Say, Meesis I'nder woodl Ain't derc some vay pulling dees stuff on und gettin' eet off again mitout all ib foolishness?'' "What' the big idea, Katie?" Lil lian replied with apparent careless, itess. "Do you still want to Iry ihe movies?" "I no tell dot yet," the girl replied. "Hut eet no hurl for me to practice oop. I pay me feefteen lollar for les seiiis, und no vant to trow dem avay, I'nd somebody in ele beeni tell me I goin' lo fine." "No doubt you will," Lillian ,'is sented cordially, while I gazed at her in open-mouthed surprise, "!y the way, I know rpiite a little bit about that business myself. Suppose von do some of your exercise for Mrs. Graham and me some lime loon. Then I'll show up about this make up thing. "There," shewent on, "your fare i all right now. Comb your hair and dress a quit ky a you can, and then come down to the library. Come, Madge, she doesn't need us any, longer." r 1 1 S laOlH'LTsS Slriviiig to Hake Memorial Funds .NVlirala I'nivrrsily Among of S iioul Srrkiii( $lin,76n.8(N) for jMuiliimi. SA.EEPY-TIME TALES jr aJsWV s4etat kM MORE TALES OF AQiffY BEAR BY ARTHUR 5C0TT BAILEY XXXVII. Caught in the Fog. All eUy long a drizzling rain had fallen. It was not the be-'.t sort of weather for a tramp on Blue moun tain. fJut Mrs. Hears children teased her so much to let them go out to s IK 3? Parents' Problems Should a little pirl ol e glit who prefer the ocit.ty of grown lips to that of children be aMowed her pref erence in tlii m.ittei ? It i a pitiful t!miK to 'ie , little girl who ha .ihe.n been with grown ups, anil although -bf may irefer In be always with older peo ple, it should not be allowed he needs lo play and romp with t!t of her own ge; and to be a child w ith other c hildieii. pucs i r ususlly dues lis straining hen constipated, Nujnl bring tuhriranl arepa th 1'so.l st anft ai.d thrfur present straining, Ihxrletra prrsiribn Nuo bessua It nt tmly amtthea tko suff.rinit of pile but relict) th irrita Hem, brim rtimftift and liflpi t rmo thm. N M I S I 1 B bihrteanl not a sNtHi-rtnt ii UtStlttS Ml cannot rif, Tlf It letieir. hm v rr When theg heard tht docj thej wizetclcd aubout end acanparea plav that aloitfi in the afternoon she said: "You may go out of doors (or little while. Now, don't be gone long! It's dreadfully damp and chilly out siile." 1'oor Mrs. Hear! She had to have few minutes of ipiiet now atid then. Her den never seemed so small as on a stormy day, when the children play ed at home and Mr. Hear tried to suoo.-e in his favorite corner. She 'otiid hardly move without stepping on somebody. With cheers or something very like them ( 'lifts Rear and his siste r, 1 '. dashnl into the dripping v,. .:il outside. 1 or a lew momruis they stnnrl still and sucked 111 great, deep breaths for the wit, oo,,y smell in the air was delightful. Then tlu-y went galumphing olf through the: foiest. Jf you hail been shut up m a smify den for hours and hour you would know just how thry fell. Thv j't b'id to rim and jump auel frolic, They didn't rate where they went so long is they were on the in-ive, I '.-.! thr siiriiii ami over the tiilge, tlirotii,')i the hollow and i the leils'rs jt itiiv and In Mster tatubhd. N'ow ' ii'id thru 4 i' ul 1 'olid i'ttli-1 by 1 ter 111. Cut ihev ihbi t 1.1'iid that i ; (In Wile tiil 10 iloii!.. up lluiej 1 I'll l'ir in. inn!. 1 11 ' j A 1 last, iiuig tu a him k, ibr 1 lun. e. I an ,il..iw. it a il un , j , i ll its veay to Km jllcv hei,,i And j ' ibrli - jlmml ltl,in il,fy ktow V I j lud hiriied- I tm V j.g i'-scI in j aiouiid Ihrm, Ihry e".ld.i'l see I in !e Ian I. nar V I )f course, li ll ba t hern Mr I'.esi w hom llm (04 hd caught h wnul ln'l hsvd tiuiiii Ism ahtiiit it n ir Mrs Lfi", either Ibry beM kn'w th ly 01 ib up I etmii il c( I'lreM'il all V- I hrv I I I In. I in I' ll nri;- .. 1..,. I 1.,, , , , n I f.i.ibtn I I v 1 t ! .( il ti'ci, ha I tl . I tin! ll it--'r'rn! 'n, ;t, S.ilil'J i l1.- i'v 'i li it ol n t V in. a st h t 'i wii '1 in, 1 Hr 1' I 1 t. "is ' I-'.-itt wti"' 1 ' 1 I iSw sii'if I iii 1 in .t e. ii.ii l' - i isle 1 t I'd iStl siial Ih St)- li ( . t mc h !,t l h. 4 t tl- Uits '-.;4 have Mumbled right into Farmer Green's barnyard. When they heard Ihe dog they wheeled about and scampered. It was night by that time and the fog had not yet lifted. Stumbling about in the thick gloom, Cntfy and Silkie at last gave up all hope of reaching home before the next morning. They 1 were wet and hungry and tired. And feeling very forlorn and scared they crept tinder a shelving rock behind some bushes and went to sleep. The sun was peeping over the mountain when a deep growl wak ened them. They sprang up, all ready to run. And then they saw their father staring at them over the bushes. "Mrs. Hear!" he bellowed. "Come herel" You might think he. would have said, "Please!" P.itt he didn't Per haps he was too surprised. "The poor darlings!" Mr. Rear was exclaiming a few moments later, as she nuzzled the children with her muzzle. "Have you been here a'l night?" "Yes, mother!" they answered to- gelh'-r. "What a shame!" she cried. "We searched for you far and wide, but never thought of looking here." "How many mile are we from home, pa?" CufTy asked his father. "Miles!" Mr. Hear snorted. "You are not more than a dozen feet from 1 the door of our den." rlHietit. New $7)00,000 School U j Nearly Completed in Norfolk .Norfolk, .Neb., Aug. 13. (SpeciaVt This cityt's new $500,000 school building will be completed around Thanksgiving day, according to reports made: to the board of ed ucation. The building is being con structed in order to relieve conges tion, but board member have re port"; to show that when school opens again in September, every available space will he filled and new buildings must be looked for in the I nt lire. The enrollment tht year will he about 2.400 Campaigns for Lindi conducted by alumni of American rollegrs, either now yi progrs or treently com pleted, total fli7f,n.wiii. Tin information wa sei ured through ihe investigation ol the Ohio I'liiversily Alumni aoc ialum winch is now ralsini Iisi,iiO fur a tsar memorial. 'I Ins is not lo be con fused with the campaign of Ohio State university at t cdiimbus, () ill which JI.OO'l.tHt'l was raised for a war in the form of an im posing stadmm and reefratum field, the tapaeity of which it to be i,U0i seat, Nearly every stale anil private in stitution has raised a fund, there be ing only three endowed college in the country which have pe,i engaged in a large campaign. Twenty-six universities and col leges are now budiling war memorial, Missouri s alley rollegr and uni versities which are showing Nebras ka the way in this patriotic and loyal movement are Kansas university, Kansas Agricultural college, Iowa Slate Agtirultural college, Iowa State university. Other with, whom Nebraska likes lo rank herself are Minneefola, Illinois, Wisconsin, In- Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham ' r!i4ii4, 1'ittdne a ul Michigan. These uriivt isilifa and collet are progress ing through ib rit'itt and sacri fices of their aliimiil anil friends. The slimline planned by tht Memorial assui taticei of the I'nivrr sity of rbiaka take into account lh si hoid's tilativ status among thr umvrrsitirt id it; west and th dig nity of Ihe slat with relerrtii to all Olhrts, I'laiin rail for a substan tial com ret ami steel strut tut which will seat betsseeil 25,000 and .Iti.iSKI upri taints, for a great recrea tional ficbl whiell will permit the highest devrtupinrnl of intramural athletics. Nebraska not expect In find her alumni less loyal than lho of oilier instiluttiiiis. A statement cf lb present financial ulatii will be prepared for publica tion in a shott tune. Nrw Course- Are Xddcd l "V" l!riiinn S-liooI The Y. M. C. ,, rvetuug school is entering it ,'ltji year an educa tional institution 111 Omaha. II is the pioiirrr id spate-Inn and evening classes, Last year I.tHtJ nun ami bos rtirollccl in the evening classes. Several new course are being add ed lo Ihe curricula ff the school. The most popular if these courses are; A ihreeyear accountancy mime, two year biisuu administration course, business letter, salesmanship, mac hine design, public speaking, dra matics, etc. S liool Cunt Low Sc ,1 1 si p In If ... It inst an average of tk. 71 1 f,r ., in, it I,.- ,f,,, .!, !,. (In. city thr last school year, a com- pareci 10 a state rem 01 mor man jlOO per pupil, according to the r norl of Sunt. I'.. L. Koine lr Ihe board of educ ation. Commercial Training Offered in All Lines Hoylrs rollrgr provides training in every conc eit aid line of commercial work, training that enable! the Krad tiale in go out and make good 111 his or her rhosrn work, according to II II. lloylrs. Another feature of lloylrs College educational system is thai of taking any young prson, regardless of pre vious rdueation, and training that one up to the salary earning point. ' iihuclt a school right in Oma ha, Iher 11 no geiod reason why young folks should Iravrt to sont distant field in search of training and then he compelled lo coin fight bark lo Omaha lo ecure the soil of rdil cation that th practical W2 lyp businss man demands," Mr. lloylrs dee Lire. "Tell in what you want to b in business, and 1 will tell you how lo get thete, and quickty," it a lloylrs offer. Aiiicriian CoMi'pf Find I'oMtioiift for CrjiliiHlm fine of the great source of satis faction at the American College of I'.ininrss, l'12 l-'arnain itreel, says l'rof. I. A. Youngstrom, is that every one of our graduates arr in positions, W have not only placed all our own gtaduate, but also a number nf out siders who have come lo us for help in finding employment. Husinest condition must be im proving rapidly, for during the pat year this college ha experienced a decided increase in the number of rail for office help. ' We could hive placed at Irasl four lime a many ; a w have b students jataillblr In senn) 10 pontn.nt. I I'd mi ft Ctiiinly 'IVatlirr I tletldfl to tnrt N1100I Table Keek Thei ate seiy few traihing positions lo fill in Law nre county belore the schotd year starts next month, accmding lo County Superintendent Itertha Kiilibnaii. As a gonetal thing a number of schools approach the opening of th school year without having contracted with a Irai her This year, however, such poieiioiis will be estteii fly stare. In several in. lancet teachers of this country, who have th nressary cer tificate, will be unable lo obtain po sitions in the county. S-oltsliluff 'iVm-hrr IsViinnis Scotlsbluff Kaymoiiel Johnson, mathematics teaeher and athletic coach of h high si hool for several yeir, announced hi rignalicm lo hecom ptiucipal ol I'nivertity Place high Si lioeil Head Th Omaha He every day, you will like it. mm BROWNELL HALL In It Fifty-Eighth Year An Kpi.Hcopnl school of proven worth for frirln nnd youtifz: women. Preparers for all leadinj? eollejeH. JSoardinfi' and day (school. General and ppi-cifd coure. Fall term opens September 20, 1922. For further Information addrex Helen E. Loth, M. A., Principal Ttlephona Harney 3346 660 South 28th St., Omaha, Neb. Sile Kildcw say whenever he is about to have a fight an argument arise between hi fist and feet, and hi feet always win. , Jefferson Pollock reads in Ihe so ciety nolci where Mrs. Somebody has been giving lineit showers and silver showers and such. He says be bets a tin shower is a noisy affair, Washington Hocks says the only time his wife ever gets deeply inter, ested in a newspaper is when he is sitting close by waiting for if. Y. M.C. A. EVENING SCHOOL Opens Tuesday, September 5th 30 Courses Enroll Any Day YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 17th and Harney Streets Room 316 C. J. SHAW, Director Phone At. 1600 Adelaide Fogg Instructor of Dancing BLACKSTONE HOTEL Opens October 2 Nebraska Wesleyan University College of Liberal and Fine Arta with many professional courses Teachers' College with train ing: schools. Fall quarter Sept 11-Dec. 1. Inquiries welcome. Address Chancellor Schreckengast University Place - The TARKIO COLLEGE VI. f.u-.r.. ir,.l.'d e-oiUir.. li A , II , ft. I, ; M. A, St. M. I'cinservatorr I'liil'ima in I'isn.i. Voir, eirasn. V ,,lin, 1h,rr, He, isl varatleinal aecel malcf-up ep. purl ci tilt In Aiift l'r. TheimpteHi, Talk la, Ma. Some j.eruoii fear tint piidiibiiimi in III I lilted States will I a bad lof tit a ri hotcn Wll lor Getitlaliy, Amiisemniis ef,s Amrticans 21 2 J per rent of a'l moneti 1866 lATTUCI: ISOHOOL 1922 '.? Prepares for t: college j' ' ' Recent rrat- iineea rtuw in Yslt. Hr- vard, Prince ton, West Point an) twenty-seven 9 1 h t r ml. lege. Wids reputation for good foms ind clean sports. K Church School (Episcopal) with thr experience, traditions and ideals if fifty years. liny should enroll now for Sep tember, I9'22 -r 1&23, I f tstalofu ana Vlw Booh, aeielrtse SIIATTUCK SCHOOL, FARIBAULT, MINN. I tt,, 1,11 V HAUtll ail .1 mi The University School of Music Lincoln, Nebraska Twenty-Ninth Year Begins September 4th MUSIC DRAMATIC ART A large faculty. Complete courses in all depart mrnts. Degree, diploma, . teacher's certificate. Anyone may enter. New catalog on request. Address ADRIAN NEWENS, Director 1103 R St. All Our Graduates Are in Positions II you ara loolelnf (or a bsllur But Inrss Collrfa without any tstra eotl. Invrttlftl th la school. Low tuition, easy terms. Coma and us or writs, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Fully Accredited 1012 Farnsm Si. Tel. AT 7774 J. A. Vouiifstrom, Pres. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL ALL YEAR Train for a Good Position at Dworak Business College Day and Evening Sessions. Men and Women Admitted. The Shorthand School offers courses in Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Commercial English, Spelling and Office Training. The Bookkeeping School offers practical work in General Bookkeeping, Accounting, Auditing, Business AdminiHiration, and i. P. A. Training. The Comptometer School offers practical training on both Comptometer and Burroughs machines, adding machine and office training. Fall Term Begins September 5. Register Now. For catalog, call, write or phone AT. 7415 Dworak Business College 18th and Farnam, Weed Building, Southwest Corner, Entrance on 1 8th Street. .Nijilit Raid on Norfolk I l'laitnt'd at Aero Meet Norfolk. N'eb., A lit;, II I Special.) A muni .or raid on jSoriolk is cue of the feature planned for the interstate aero inert which will be held in this city this month under the auspice, of the American Legion post. About .'(I aviator are coming to compete for cash priei, A varied pre114r.uu, itic billing r.ut and air stimt have been snatiwul bv the in.iti.ii'ement. Andv Nielsen, Omaha pilo', I ibic-i tii'K the show yvi AAVS WW ' Jut levy" ' Blue-jay to your ilruggiit 1 lh s'mt'lrsl wsy Its ,I I irn i pi if )iv, , I nn t t -t e Iff pa, n n I a ll 0 -. 1 hS) Ihe ft... rn ji.J i.nns cult Vt i be in 4 . .. oletl c ". t t. ,u,,t t .it ,b-,i J t it'l S-i I . tslit I'u l pit lei ) !n 4. p ,n fir urn Prtin Stops instantly - s t cm -I- Mount Saint Mary's Seminary Sisters of Mercy In Class "A" of .rho, nccredited hy lha University ol Nehrsska. Glaeliielee ol Ih Normal Department receive certificates entitling the holder la leech In Ihe rural public e. hools. COURSES Clastlcal, Miitiral, Art, Commercial, .Special worh In lire malle Oepartmenl. School reopena Sept. S, 1021. Addiets Tilt PIRKCIRF.SS. University of Omaha COURSES: Collefa of Liberal Arts and Sciences Department of Fin and Applied Arts Home Economies Oeparlment Teachers' Training School Kindergar ten Department Pre-Medical Departmant School of Law Two Years of Engineering .Extension Department Department of Mueier and Expressinn Fall Term Begins Sept. 18 Study Chiroprfeig t Chiropractic Fountain Ha TIE greatest drugtess science of the age. You are not too old to learn. You can bring health to thousands and become independent by joining the classes of the 3,000 now here in spacious classrooms. Write for literature giving cost, course end ad- 1 he dsy vou write means ihe upward vantages, turn in your life. Don't delay, write today to Palmer CHIROPRACTIC. "a-Ciar., 1 200 Bredy Street DA V EN PORT, IOWA m mm Mk... u j r ii L"8.lsi. m.' Ml U St. Benedict's College Atchison, Kansas A Bonrdinf,' and Day School, Affiliated with the University of Kan sas and Accredited by tho Ksntms State Board of Education as a Senior CoIIcrp. Liberal selection of Courses. Colleen of Arts and Science, School of Comnipree and Economics, Hifjh School, Business Courses, Music. Maur Hill, special Department for Boys in tha Grades. PERU State Teachers College OMe.l Tea. hrr Tcs n,n Ittut u iii'ie in Nrt,ik, A iiih.i mill :u gisilualsa, l.rulil' i. l.nly ,ei isli.i.. A r.ii Ire e..ur,e it N A II cl si.e A ii .i ar e ...iii.e with In. fii-me anil l.lte I'er ifirele Spaniel S'i.,i t...i ' r,,.irsrt (f, r.nnaierve, I . rlr t.lmin4i I ,t ( ili. Il.mie l.r, , Slsi.,! loilllOf, S..1H..I..I, ' I I Tr.,ui,,, I'ul.lie S Sm. Aft, Inlli, "' ' Mii. e, S c.n.e an4 H nil I lu.siiea. DFMONSTHATION Itlt.H SCHOOL r...stti f iii. i'i.hiiiii, 1 isiHise e mm, ( l l H I., ,...., S'... - csl Ac. 4 i.-, Slst,s, '..a M fllMtNTAKY SCHOOL h sJ.'t ,I.S (l I., I I, I ii e'vcu.e See. l lesli.wi ea la li.S,l, s.a rl,4 ,,,lw, ,H A1 t,, , , .,.,,1, i.,.a .leM.i ss, ?.g s I S'Sn',. ti I A I I ai..( r-. I..I P C1I..S.H, a. s. csitsM lea til tic Sfi S Boyles College Fall Term Opens Tuesday, September 5th All Departments- Day School Night School It will hp jrroatly to your ml vantnis'i lo be jirt-si-nt on the openlnur day of lhi Fall term; yon will mako your ttart with oth?r who nit' Hiit'ct'iiMwanl lnoitnl, will roffivt t'luMiiraKt-mont from such nsft-oflatitin ; ymi will lu rt ady to Kradufttp into tht rlnsi of will pahl romntficial wurkns alon.r with sron'ji of ot htrs who niaki their start on thi tUy, J.-r.s.VlsTV-;- Spsedal tiiHiklrti fovertnf InJI vidua! fourses of i'iHpet ratalng nf all fomiea vsiil t maiUd t vd Utiiitt rcfi(Uest. Vnttf feipv It vs l- tsrii or phccii fgr it NOW! Boyles College Omaha, it) 4 Hatsiaf Ja.ttasi let r....t ruiu, Maetlaesi Itleesa r.. it. Curriculum P tl it. Patt naj ,(!. IS;,..S. t-va S, e-,, ..,. rM,S vf'lil e -ie iSe r.s.. S-KkteMfisg The Right School The T.oe is prepared to give information regarding schools or college teaching the foU lowing courses. This Information is free. Simply indicate with nn X which course you are interested in. fill out the coupon below and mail to The Omaha Hee'i Information Hureau. Boys" School Business Traieunj Schools Chiropractic Colleges Corrective Speech Clocution, Oralorf and Dramatic Art Fine Arts School Law Schjol Military School Music Conservato-y Normal School Voun La Jit a' School c SSrct ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...,,,,, i,, ,,,,,, .,.., i V " ' , i ,,,,,,,,,,