8 C THE SUNDAY f.ER: OMAHA, .VUtlUST 13. 1922. Modern Homes Electically Equipped, Is Yours? Women May Have Cool Kitchens at Time of Canning Till Jari of Fruil in Ovrn, Srt Switch anil Urrtricily , Will Do ll.r HrM. New 19-Story Medical Arts Building' Canning time, although il rninet I the hottrit raon of the yrar, hit no Irrrott for I he woman who hat in electric iiove. The highrt amlmrltftrt on canninif rccomniriKli-ft the "rold pack" pro ecu and the. fruit to he ramifd rutiat he irlertnl uiih rare and hlamhrd hy uliinrr(in(r in hol'.i'tf walrr (mm I to ID niinutrt. A wire bkrt, lined with chrrn-iloth, in uirful fnr tliia promt and nuv alto he t:ird lor aerond ruth of rnld water in 'which the fruit it allowed to remain 2 or J ininiitri. ., After draining1 and drying the fruit it packrd into hot ura and either boiling tyrup or boiling water lidded. Ihe top are then put on Lut not tcrewrd tightly. Meanwhile the elrrtric oven hat hern hratrd it for baking and the jart placed in the firtt rack above the tieatrr. it it not iieccntary, whrn fanning electrically, to place the jart in a pan ol hot water at it cut tomary when other fuel it lined. The most important factor in fruil tanning it to maintain uniform 'heat until ttrrilizatio'n taket place and thit uniformity it only pottihle with electric heat. At toon at the jart have been tacked in the oven the arijuitahlr land of the thermottat mutt be tet at (boiling point) and the oven door tightly closed. Whrn the cir r tut breaker tript at 212 degrees l-'ahrenheit the adjustable hand thou Id be moved forward to 2'A, the circuit breaker knob reset and the twitch for the oven bottom turned to "low." The important thing it to keep the oven at 212 degrees Fahrenheit for the time required for sterilization. The woman who it not fortunate to own an electric range will find canning in an electric firetrst cooker entirely tatlsfactory. The "cold pack" method it used and uniform heat ft as readily obtainable in the cooker at in the range. Proper Lighting in Home Laundry Many questions have been received ecently about the proper lighting of the laundry in the modern home. It aoneart that tome owners are having difficulty in selecting their reflectors and In having iheir lights placed where they will be the most effec tive. We will assume that the modern home has n efficient step saving laundry. Although it is almost im oossihle for tit to meet all condi tions. we will assume that the laundry is equipped with an electric washer, trays for soakin . rinsing and bluing, an electric dryer, . an clrctric ironing machine and an iron ing board. Receptacles for lights should be of porcelain and mounted at the ceiling. The reflectors may be of porcelain enameled steel.- eauiooed with Mazda daylight lamps. Fowler &McDona!d Sell Acreage to J. L. Haugh Fowler ft. McDonald report recent sales as follows: 2.10 acres in Fair acres from Anna Porter to Jesse L. Haugh, $5,000; lot in Happy Hollow to Rose Simanck, $6,000; business lot on North Twenty-fourth street, hav ing 1.12 foot frontage, to an investor, $10,000; 'lot on Fifty-second street, south of Farnam. to Emma J. Mor ton, $2,500; lot, 50x125 feet, on Fifty second street, near Farnam, to Helen Bolker, $2,500; lot on Forty-ninth avenue, near Farnam, to J. B. Arch- r, $2,250 ; 22-foot lot on North Twenty-fourth street, near Burdctte, to W. Fonarow, $1,000; lot at Twenty-ninth and F.rakine streets to Cora L. Owen, $450; house and lot at 5010 Burt street to L. L. Swanson, $7,400. Annronriatlon Is Made A I ft for Armistice Medal I'arit. Aug. 12. Funds to strike a medal commemorating the fourth anniversary of Armistice Day have been voted by the finance commis sion of the chamber of dpeuties. A former suggestion to strike a medal to celebrate the return of peace was defeated hy the deMities, according to Le Matin, on the grounds that I'rance, they taid, had never seen iny peace. New I.nnrKeon pish. Luncheon dish prepared on an electric grill; lamb chopt with bacon and tnuahroorrtt. Trim extra fat from the ehopt and turn them over and over in two tablespoon of olive Oil, then broil in lower tan of elec tric grill. Roll th tlicet of bacon ml necurt with small wooden tooth piekirfff in deep tit in upper pan of rleclne grill, until cooked through. lrim n toft ppf and remove Ihe kerr. J'eel the tnuhriom ctu, r them in th tv and broil three r !mr mtnutet on vh tide. $ t is ihopt t a hot dun with a rmuh-t ix" and toll of bacon So ttikl " hit ot nuif dhott bu-re M teeve at enc. ' sS2r?fQr rjK" - ' rwj arm. TC ' i - 1 t) The new Medical Art Building at Seventeenth and Dodge, ttreett a it look in court of conttruction today and a it will look completed. Work on thit 19-ttore ttructure it being pushed at rapidly a pottible. It will b occupied by phyticiant, turgeont and dentist. Crystal Is Made More Sensitive Addition of Mineral Enhances Receiving Power of Crystal Detector Sets. If you are using a crystal detector with the familiar fiddle ttring or cat' whisker adjustment, the crystal' sen sitivity niay be decidedly enhanced by timply attaching a small fragment of metallic arsenic to the cat whisker and then readjusting to the usual light contact. Experiment has shown (hut this combination not only in creases the range of the receiving sta tion, but is'an advanced step towards stability of adjustments, a feature not to be overlooked in radio recep tion. When used in conjunction with a carborundum or other crystals re quiring a comparatively rigid and firm contact, care should be exercised in avoiding pressure sufficient to crush the arsenic crystal, which is quite fragile. With a sensitive spot once found, this .combination, carbo rundrum and arsenic, will hold its adjustment for days, .and sometimes weeks, without further attention. The experimenter should not for get, however, jhat carhorundumlone or in combination with any other crystal is always used with a po tentiometer, pole changing switch and two or three dry cell batteries. Radio Ordinance Will Be Discussed Thursday Radio enthusiasts will meet in the council chamber of the city hall next Thursday evening at 7, when City Electrician Israel Lovett will ex plain the salient points of the pro posed radio ordinance now before city council which will regulate all wireless and radio installations and operations. Sparks 1 CfAOQUAdTfOJ and CQoiPMcur IN the practical r.e of the word thi i a headquarter because the amateur and expert radio telephonist cn buy all of hi tupplift h -nt t reatoimbl pi ice J. "a, Internment us RADIO APPARATUS Ca Sometime it i very difficult to get a tentitive tpot on your crystal. Try the following plan: Take a dis carded crystal, and pulverize it, but not very finely. I'ut tome of this in- sjile a metal casing and screw it into the cup of your detector. You will be surprised to note how quickly you can find a good spot. , There ha been considerable dis cussion a to the efficiency of loop or roil antenna compared to a stand ard aerial. It it generally agreed that a loop antenna in the summer month has less static capacity than an ex posed wire aerial and it is also agreed that a loop antenna avoids consider able neighborhood interference be cause of its adjustable directive re ception effect. It is, however, gener ally agreed that for long distance work a long single wire antenna of sufficient height i more efficient than a loop or cod antenna. Funds Are Appropriated for Fight on Doryphora Paris. Aug. T2. Parliament has voted 500,000 francs for war. But this was no military appropriation. The war is. against the- doryphora, chief enemy of the potato. Dory comes originally, from the United States, and has no respect for French traditions regarding the birth--rate. There are three generations of him each year. He is a beetle. ' tf,- Til "i , i ft Mm n iiift ; .la.x.rx.'rx Real Estate Sales Realty Transaction! North kld. floor C. riaek to I.n Du Ta(r, tilt North Thlrly-ioconit ilrnl, IfltD. John A. Andinon lo Thomai Drill, Hit-to Ohio trt, IS. tot. Rtolla J. Cox (o Miry W. Cot, liM 8hlr otrMl. Sl.lCt. Ruth R. Qulnlan, 112S Blnnrr ftrtet, K.iot. Otorfft F. Joiim to finmijMl CampAfnft, Itai-t Hhrrman vml, u.lino. O. A. Krott Co Adlln Kxmn. Baumsn strt brtwon Sllnno Luna - avenuo and Twontr-nlghth avenua, II, SOD. DundM. Maria C. Ba1ar to O. T. WalnraniJ, Fifty-ninth atrcrt brtwatn Farnam and Hnward trl. S.?lt.i Illinrnt n. mlih to A. Whlta. Wkly atrwt bilvm Forty-aavtnth ana Forty iKhlh iimli, It. 700. jr. f. Hnntettlfr to Bnulah K. Oravra, Flfty-foarth and Farnam atreeta, 3.JI. Bouth Omaha. W. A. Tomnklna to J. M. Boyer.'HOI B atraot, 14.200. Charlea C. ntrauh to Adolpn B. Kracek, 121 D atraet, M.SfiO, CentraU Inveatora Slyndlcata, Inc., to Bnt V. Mamhall, 16u-10-10-l Cuming atrcat, fB.DUV. Thomaa 8. Kollcy to Jonn 3. Frelden, lit South KHrhttRhth atraet, 1 5.000. Dora K. Lonninnn to Carmrla Minardi, 1501 Pierce atreet, 14,100. Northwral. A, H. I.enti to Vnrlc C. Connolly, 430S Dttatur atrrnt, 14,100, F. B. Hodafnr tn A. H. Lent I, 430S De catur atret, 14.150... (lenrxa C. Flack to Etta B. T.owry, 2145 North Forty-aevrnth avenue, 15, too, Flrlil Clllh. Marl K. Johnann to (Invln Jamleaon, HIT North tThlrtyflfth atraat. 14.108, I.awla C. Hhnli-a to Hln A. Rlatar, U40 oouin j niriy-inira afreet, 97,100, Mary Mulligan to Banna U. I'owall, I3IT noma j nirtyiourin airoat, at, 109. Bomla Park, , C. V.. Butler to Jan T. Fulton, lit! Hamilton atraet, 17,100. Waal Ianworth, . 3. K. flevlrk to Roaarl Oerafala, Fifty flrat between Leavenworth and Marcy atreeta, as.uuu. Hanacom Park, Caaael Realty company to John Belltj, nnrtnweai corner rwenty-aeventa and Ar bor atreeta, 14, Oiat. Charlea T. I'ayne to Kttherln IS. rayna, iizi rark avenue, It, till. Wee I farnam. John Kan to Margaret Rya. 10 South iniriy-aiatn atraet, ,7to. Ilrneon, Jullua Olaen to It. M. Laurltaan. aouth. eaat corner Huty-flfth and Grant atreeta, 14,000. Alone iiayer to oeorae r, Jone. Seven- tlath and Main atreeta, 17,000. Stamps That Change in Color Used in France Fan's, Aug. 12. Philatelist may wonder why French stamp of the same denomination and series appear in varied shades of the same color. The Posjal department has explained that some of these stamps, due to a detect in the inks used, change color with the weather. Stamp buyers are warned that color variation does not affect the value. New Apartments to I5e Open Soon CoiKimorr, With 18 Mtfiltrn Division, Will lie Managed hy I'fters Trust Company. The Conamore apartment building, lorated on California street, Juxt weat of Lincoln boulevard, ia Hearing com pletion and will be available fur occu pancy about September I. There are IK apartment in all. Six of them are three-room apartment, which will rent for fS. Twelve art four-room apartments, renting for $H4l and X5. 1 Peter Melirrn It the owner ol me building, and alto owner of the Joyce adjoining it. J, L. t'onley company are urn arriinecii, jmi i.. nine licid company i the grurral con tractor, and it will be managed by the property department of the l'ctrrt 1 ritt compuny. "The new Conamore ai-artment houte." ttate Alfred C. Kennedy, manager of the property departmrnt of the Peter Trutt company, "will be a welcome addition to Umalia beautiful apartment houirt. It will potirst many new and attractive Ira- turet appealing to tnenotrtrwne, it it fireproof, and the finish, ttyle and comtrurtion make j desirable. I'.very convenience and emu loft it arranged for the occupants." University Buys Fair . Home for Frat House Th 1). It. Fair houte at 201 South Thirty-third afreet hat been purrhai ed a fraternity chapter hout by the University ofNebrailc branch of N'u igm Nei, national medical fraternity. Th fraternity will take potareeiott about September i. The local brant h of the fraternity it known at the Met 1 pailon chap le III new bom it three tloriet hiah, and contain IS tooiiit. The home, bought tbrouith Mi uler It Cary, cot! f.'J.fHS), ,h fraternity bought itt htu. in renirat lor tt ion, bclirviiig it will be thi 10 tell til few yrart at an inrrraaed prii. and buy or build larger home rtrar the aihool, wbith i at roriyeccmil Street and Dewey avenue. Chifg Street Site S..IJ to Klewil Firm f..r $7,0()) A vacant tot on the titnih tide til Chicago, between IMtrenth and Sia tienth ttreett. wat purthed by Peter Kiewit on (or a tit for new building for th Nt Film company of New York, jh building will b erected by the wit company, and will he one-ilory brirk and conereie, ftotl.'.'. Real Etlate Transfert Arthur W. Court tn William T. jtevereeae, Ohio t." lit it, a, r lid at., n. a., ililll I !.00 Carulina It. Iru ke lo UIUU Itu- alike, a. w. tot lid and Martha at., 4'iilSI , ll.OOt Thomaa H Kelley an dwlfe lo John J. Krledeii at al, n. w. cor. inn ' and Jarkaon etc.. 4ll7l . 11.000 Janiea liunil and wile to ttoinenlro Monde, l'1-r.'e at., lit ft. w. of luih at., n. a. ktlm 1.100 ehaellen llelflur and wife to An dre Tataei'lo and wife. I II h at., too ft. a. of llancorft at., a. a, Soalftl 1.000 Dora K. I.ehtnann and fiuehand to I armala Sllnardl, t'lerca at., I0 ft. w. of 3 4th el. a ., Il.. 4.100 John Kane to Margaret Ityen, Itth ai 120 ft n. of Jonea at., w. a, t7ttt 4.T5S Oarer I. Orey and wife to Kay l.uraa at al. Zetn at., rt. I. I Monroe at., a. , 41il27 ., 10 Barker Co. lo Frank K Kurta. Barker eve., 110 ft. a. of 4ld ava., a. a . 41x101 1.000 Jullua Uleen to Hana l.aurltaen and wife, a, cor. IMh and Urant at., SOilll 4.000 Temple McFayden and wife to For- reat V, Painter and wife, torn at,, 111 ft. a. of Military ava., . a.. 40I0 I.74S Henry II. Wllk and wife to Fredla IN, cnermaa, jtm at,, iio rt. a, of I'opuletun ave., w. a., t0IK., 1 10 Haatlnaa eV Heyden to Amoa I oilier and wire. n. w. cor. inn and Turtln ava. tOlUO 400 Jeeale A. Tyler and hueband to Zona MtFerrin rratt, Jeckeon ai o rt. w of Sdth et . n. a . Irreauler 1.1(0 Zona MrFerron Fratt and huiliand to Adabel Mt-Ferrnn. Jarkaon at., II ft. w. of Itth at., n. a., lr reauler 1.150 h Wnr.iun- Nth ml.. 72 'A tt . M. ol ronpleton at., w, a., I7l00fc.. 1,111.14 Rufen II. Colt and wife to Ale- , 'mAmm Its.. I. Itli.rmln eve.. 10 tt. a. of T,oiut al., 4il70 1,000 amuel h. Kohlnaon and wife et al i In Ham Belaer. n. w. enr, sum ana tlemlltnn ate.. 4lfl7V. 1,70(1 Robert W, Reynold to Oeore I SKCartor, Hancrori at., lit n. w. of 10th at . n. a, Haiti .1,1' Orcldental Bid. Irftao Aan. to John Noor, Miami at., it. w. of (till at., a. a., 13x100 ),M0 More than half a million women have eliminated Washing and Iron in troubles with Electric Washers and Ironers There is a Thor agency in your town and a 'phone call" tvill bring you complete information. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Omaha Sioux City St. LeuU aaeiaaaiaajaaaBaaaaaaaBaiBalaaiaB gmiimiiiinmiiiiiiiimmmimiiMiHiiiiiimiiiiimmiim Save Goal During the Chilly Autumn Months Fob Can Do It Better, WITH GAS -. SALESMEN Veeuffethtne e ! I a4veltt .J bl .K.J l.e S. ie t. " t'a MaiM, iMliea M tea. ' i , lavae tewt. ke ttiMM ttt V DM h.t t a Me, f.4 U t. m Ke tk.t , b .Mk., .ii 4 . l la eel e w. I t ie a. t' U ttwHMtt, M teeeteatte) be, aw, U t ..4 T an h fce lt.Wt le4 K), Te J M ai..e et4 eeae.aa. t e . akMi . . ie ,e t)wej e Ma -e ,. aee M.tn tetoee It .l It, .e r.t ekae m k M.t wt ak.( eeel4 twtx twe . 4eea iwa ve la W4. An ) w lt4 tw' rwut fe mt k.,ea) a4 W r.u 4 i,u( ,v, aimt v ("l eM eej Mie4 t MteHwnl. l kit Virata:! ! - "We buy and use a little heat when a little will do." - 'Wi twliev thet It U itraraianl and unrtv-t4rw to hav th Furruec Ar oirt( 'full head' moat cf th timt, "VV bli that it ia ixonomy to k condortW, to urd (int cold and tckn, . "W kt to Kav hl vhi w (vn k' N. whr lit diract rtiJuuitr fall fht pet u. with crrfut ctHnliTt. "W bk cliK odar !,, tiitntnua "V IJi th ' Gas Heatem And o iUMt v rylxvly who ok or to thi flrv, ,1icint, ctnniertt bu', h4tr at iHir nv.4usl Cuat It ft Iwr to t'fll. Gaa Heaters for Every Purpoie Why not fit up your rl g rat wth (." U.t. . iliant Mrtplae) artj a few ton ( foaJ, METROPOLITAN UTILITIES DISTRICT DOugUt WOS GAS OFFICE H09 Mow.rJ 55. down $5. month You never saw anything like The Automatic at near its price. Its malleable (unbreakable) gears and "ball-and-socket" joints, its straight side, large capacity, copper tubs and a large number of other features put The Automatic Washer far ahead of any other electric washer on the market. Come and see it work at the Electric Building, 15th and Farnam. Our liberal credit terms only $5 down and $5 a month should enable you to make a big saving in y o u r laundry costs. 5 Nebraska "" 1 si I iiT'iiiieat1' ' .V trafc H .a 1iai..''JLaf , , - - -' ,J , M Power Co. iBf SwUUetUMIMIWttUUIlHiTtittHttlilMHIUMIMM