The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 13, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 27

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Griffith May Direct Ben Hur;
Massive Pictures Under Way
nee to Produce "The Christian" Reviews of Karly
Iteloanes Show Increawd Popularity of Ntw
PJaya (loldwyn and Vint National May
Merge, Humor Indicate.
SHAI0VH loofitinir up from the horizon of filnwlom indi
cate mrvHou activitiM In that world. With lijr picture-
already iturminir the country, the change in film
production, a far a romantic appeal and attractive atorica
art rofirmiH, in rndly noticeablf, rrfdiftiona have come
true. Will Haya' commandthat of the voice of the pi-ople
ha hffti hecdeil,
A trantformaMon ha takt-n place. It ia indicated in the
type of picture, achfdulrd for early rtdeaac.
Important to the rnovie-loving public ia the announce,
merit that nyot;ttion are under way to-have David W. Grif
fith itin rt "U-n Hur," which ahould rival hi "Jlirth of a Na
tion" and "Orphan of the Storm" for wonderful approval.
Another high lijfht in the film industry ia word that
Thornaa Ince will produce "The Chrlntian."
Further information from the producing center of film
dom indicate that (loldwyn and Firm National will merge
under the trade name of "First National." ThU doea not
mean that (ioldwyn will quit producing play, it ha been ex
plained, but will rcleaac it offering through Flrt National.
However, the negotiation have not yet been concluded.
Kwtollill Vilriififirt "f'.Iood and
f and" ovrr "lug" on llrM,,iy,
aidfduig lo a rrvti w of iJir j.ntute,
li ii hI.kIiiIcI for f trly thowiug in
I.auirnrr Reid, a forrmoil motion
j.iitur rniii", i lifcirrict "Jlrr
(nMrd Citl," (rjliinilK (.luna Sitan
fm, at tcry f,l romantic ral
lit fiirilx f tutt tint "'J li Condrd
W'fiinJ' ti.imiig J'-e'ty Gm.ptoH,
and it.iiift' a one of (h l-ig 1'ic
liwn of the yr, i ri'h in if mI.
Other t'itnrr Ihal have won ov
tiofit t j.rrti,i r ihftwngt are I'ara
i ourit't "Myttrru-t iii India" iinl
.W 1';- J'athe't "Soiijr of the
li'li," tiattnral fantasy; "Border
land," ij.iftnul,f picture; "i'ntoner
vt .rmU," "The Matuerdr r," '
luring tiuy Hair l'ot, and "The
lJi''tarr," starring YVallare Keid.
While Omaha movie fana will look
forward to the lorrgoing pro'lm tioin,
thi VK-'lt' offi-riiiK nli "iK theater
row hiII appeal to them at high clan
entertain iiiml.
C. K. Young at Rialto,
Youth, beauty, witchery, charm
all make up the atinotphrre cl "A
Worldly Madonna," featuring Clara
Kimhall Young at the Hullo theater
thit week.
The picture telli an alluring tale of
gilded iiiiht life A a tiren't life of
ham. She fed hrrtclf on the a
plaute of lounge liardt and twetit
along on the wild tide of the night
life at doner and cloter Ole uncon
tcioutly ncared the danger line.
And then uniethiiig happened
tragedy with the terrible finxer of
accuiatinn pointing mercilrttly at
her. What ahould he do? She fled
to the good titter in a convetit and
found aurceate from her lorrow,
while the good fitter took up the
Clara Kimball Young It laid to
have the bett rolct of tier hittrionie
career in "A Worldly Madonna."
"Evidence" at World.
The great Humbert who have ad
vanced Elaine Ifammcntrin to a
position among thrir favoritet on the
acreen will be drtighted with her
achievement! in "Evidence," which
it at the World theater this, week,
with Nilct Welch again appearing at
tier leading aupport.
At an actrett who marriet, againtt
Iter bett judgmi-nt, into a family of
trittocratic tnobt, Mitt Hammer
ttein hat opportunitiet to develop
her tuperior qualificationt at a de
lineator of dramatic rolct. Alwayt
retaining a bearing of telf-retpect
and confidence, Mit Ilammerttein,
in the role of Florette, mectt opposi
tion with tUti-ly retintance and final
ly wint completely the admiration
and affection of the family that has
lo despicably flaunted her. ,
Nilet Welch playt the role of the
trittocratic young husband who
itandt by hit bride in her contest for
recognition, lirnett Milliard playt
the role of an actor who ttoopt to
(ietpirable deptht that he may be
revenged for a jilting, and Holmei
llerber' playt the leading member
i,f the (jiuily of tnubt whom Mor
cite fightt unglc-hau'lcd.
Edith Koberti at Moon.
I'oiiMiue, intrigue and adventure
rffiiid the big tnovn of the tiorthwrtl
form the theme of Jack l)ndoti't
it friiiif tale, "The Son of the Wolf."
uliiill f..rn it eiiggeinent at the
Moon theater today for four day.
Included in the ttory are tome of the
important dramatic incident of Mr.
Ijuidon'a othrr memorable ttory,
"'i he Wife of a Kinn," the blending
of the two narraiivet making a talc
of thrilling drama.
I'.ditli Koberti i the ttar,
Smathiiig drama and big heart in
terest combine to make Jane Novak't
firtt production, "Colleen of the
I'iiu i. a picture of iiniimially ttrong
appeal to all claet of thratcr-Korri.
It it teiiedultd for thowiug at the
Moon theater next Thurtday. The
element of ttlf-nacrifice on the part
of an elder tinier for the ytiuger
lorint the theme ol tlin uuuiually
powerful tale of the open tpacet of
the northwett. The picture hat
abundant thrillt, one of which it
hand-to-hand conflict between fron
tiertmen in a cabin, and the Hidden
and dramatic appearance of a dog
which carrict off a big thare of the
Melghan at Strand.
The ttory that George Loane
Tucker wat working -an when he
died, and which he had hoped would
be a tucreiiior to "The Miracle
Man," it Tom Meilian't new pic
ture, "li You Believe It, It't So,"
which will be thowu at the Strand
theater thit week.
The purchate of thit ttory wat in
line with I'aramount'f policy of get- j
ting only the biggcut ttoriet and
playt for Mr. Meighan. Tom For
man directed "If You IJelievelt, It't
So." George Loane Tucker had te
lected thit ttory at hitnext produc
tion and had ttartcd on the tcenario
when hit untimely death occurred,
"If, You Jiclive It, It't So," it a
powerful ttory of underworld life
and tellt of the reformation of a city
crook who goct to the country and
findt love in a new environment.
Pauline Stark, Joteph Uowling and
Theodore Koberti have the principal
tupporting rolet.
Leah Baird at Empreti,
Leah Iiaird, who it author and
ttar of "When the Devil Drivet,"
which opent today at the Emprese
theater, thowi how there it a little
bit of good in the worst of ut, and a
little bad in the bett. Consequently,
when the devil drivet, "Judy O'Grady
and the colonel't lady are tisteri
under the tkin," '
In thit ttrong dramatic feature
Mifi Baird, at author, hat endeav
ored to visibly portray the mind
working! of two girlt, born, rearea
and living in entirely different en
vironment. One, religiously, inclin-
L( ' Y'sh J Lw. n IN
9Uine 7temmersetnH , . L Vf.... AVI'M'e-J
. VA "tdcz.ll acq Seed yfS
S ' V" S jCoui3LOilson-JviusG YiK 1
The flaming eyes
The murderous snarl
The dagger teeth
The headlong plunge
V. V vV '
of tht
rwrincj mcbdiama
k UI tmum A(U -
Mow Ua hi tifkit iuiiMir h tkt w
kll I'M WM UllW t IkM,
iik VMH4, rlit aitk t"k uut Inn.
Urogram Summaries
World F.laine Ilammerttein
Strand Tom Meighan in "If You
Believe It, Ift So.",
Moon Today until Thursday,
"Son of the Wolf;" beginning Thurt
day, "Colleen of the Pinet." -
Rialto C. K. Young in "The
Worldly Madonna."
Empreti Today until Thurtday,
"When the Devil Drivet;" beginning
Thurtday, "The Cub Rcporter.uft
Mute today, "on of the Wolf;"
Jr& ZovtiA
to It.
TU V he ttory about the .acred
Quick Wallingford;" Wednesday
and thurtday, "Acrost tri Con
tinent;" Friday and Saturday, "The
Man Unconquerable."
ed, and the other, inclined to the
contrary, when dominated by the
same sequence of eventt, act along
identical linct, '
The ttory of "The Cub Reporter,"
which opens next Thurtday at the
Empress theater, rclatet the experi
ence of Dick Harvey, a reporter for
the Morning Timet who is rent out
jewel of Buddha, which came into
pottettion of an American under
peculiar circumstances.
lie become! entangled in a Chi
nese long war, ttarted to regain
the jewel and hat a thousand and
one thrilling adventure!, regaining
the jewel and then finally winning a
bride, , '
Wally Reid at Mute.
Westward in a long unbroken line
from New York't glittering isle to
the blue Pacific, there runs a tcarred
'riff of W'aki
Appeal to Mabtl
a "Idtal Lt ad"
Thi nightly jau with IU frlldid
lur of underdrened women and
overdrcaacd men held poueuton
over her.
Two men loved heryet the
doubted them both and rightly,
yet lecretly the coveted their aV
Johnny Hinet in "Torchy's Feud"
Johntoo at the Organ, Haying
laattfarttlon of Fmidtat McKlnlty
Mtun rwturn Tkt S3 Yer A
4K 1
A viit lit the actual tetungt o(
Thonu Rttikc'e"I.iiitrliouke N'ightt."
locatrd in the poorer aartrr id
London; tight-teeing tiur ul the
Ahhey and . Tault tathrdul, with
a trip through the hpping dituiii
of I fie rapitol city ul kia mid
oureiu, Lndn, are a (e of the
Ihiiigi which have b'rn rereivmg the
aiiriition of Mit Mahrl Noruuud,
Mm ttar, on her initial tr m to
Harry Tte, favored f'mrdn l
the h. 1 1 tt 1 1 k h Mane, with Sophie
Tui'ker, Fannie Ward and tieoigef
Kohry, art all doing their iitniott In
prove to the fannting little Ameri
can icrreit favorite that all the hot
pitality in the world it not confuted
within the boundariet of the l'nti'd
Statrt, but a goodly portion of tt it
distributed on the oppotilc thorrt. A
week end ipeut at the country home
of llarrv' Tate at Sutton Surrey.
Kngland, did much lo convince Mitt 1
S'oill4itd (tut wo J trriH aittr
liih'il lf, thralrr 4llirt I ui h,
l e h little Line tti luui h mate
fluit dioi hri.ilt iut lhre 4iiv'iu
Arrtttil'iig l) the ttai't trtrrtaiy,
(fii'U u limit tin iiilui ii'iU, n iiMi r.
the I pic and palitif ait
nuVniK miMt '! over hrr iit titan
Hji lues ao'oldrd t.i kliM.nt any
obcr tuvding (rM lily. I'u quote
our inlormnni. "Mi. Snitun. it
liliKlitrd vulb I on lnei, She think
1. 1 piiliie tfe the nioit ianiliiie mm
the hat urn and lhl the ( ul
WiUt ti'ilt to her at 'brr ideal of
l lending nun,' and the rathrdratt
tud hi'lorie huildinitt Utiiiule her."
The Ulr.t Mtk Srnuelt tomedy
( ,i the AtMiriated l-"irl
National I'muret. "(ih. DaddyTht
l.irn tuhmitied t'i ihaniie in liilr
Imtrad of giving it all lo the Daddy,
it will be lifty-lilty and the tin Hire
will be known at "Ma and IV"
Hilly Hrvatv and Mildred June are
frjured Jointly and tuve workrd
equally at hard in making il tlatt
"A" laughmaker.
litre' Several
Surprint from
Film Celtbrltie
WtuiLI II ii j. I. -r sou ,j VllilMi
"1 Km WalUif I: i ..I i.iur editrd in
aut'iui"l,i'e nu44!iii f
Tlut I'rltjr t on ptofi pM)d I vmw
I n in the ni.lir.tra ot the Minion
ili-aur, Sl Ial i'ty
That Th'"h'ie Kotnff, lr kt
kmirtii iljiH.r and i iiiiua ttar, it
li a t't rtrr ilh a ircrj ptite uf
lh.t W, M I nifiui'M, J7 )er on
lie tJ.('. I uiir ot llw It w living
i,i noli who wire on thr itae whrn
I iii'-nlii wit thot '
I hit Ailluir h'rfiikiu, pi rpitndl
jinnii" it the tirph'w of John
Drew and eni.ui ol I tin I,
4it I John It ji i ii uif 1
ih it I . :irj, Naiti) twiing ly
mil IuhiI in the !' )Ji,l iUiIi while
lit ll.r Hiililjiid I'afk nllittt. )r
Moinrt, I4,
Did von kuw tlut? Hi! Hal I
KK tt Hot I
highway of romance and adventure
the transcontinental trial. All that
form the locale of "Acroti the Con
tinent," featuring, Wallace Reid at
the Muse theater next Wednesday
and Thursday. Loia Wilson it
leading lady.
Edith Roberts is the chief attrac
tion at the Muse theater today in-l
"ion of the Wolf. It it a itory of
the far north.
'Get Rich' Quick Wallingford"
takes the screen at the Muse tomor
row and Tuesday, 'Tit a comedy
Jack Holt it the featured player in
"The Man Unconquerable, which
comes to the Muse theater next Fri
day and Saturday. The locale of
the story is the South Pacific
iiirkorlon 0
re jiow) u M.
kt f he
Devil Dries'
leah Baird r.
Drama, tuch at tbit, it tnl
dom tetn. Dp and lander,
etrong and ttirring, thit
photoplay thowi two woman,
"titttrt under th tkin."
Sea theia wonderful gownt,
tha luxuriant and colorful
(tttinff, tha beautiful atari
and a icarching ttory woman
lova and men crava to taa.
At 11, 1, 3, i, t M
' 1 ww
lehtt and Sun, Mat,
700 Bil. Saatf, 30c
Main, 40c Boiei, SOe
W.ek Day Mat., 25
LURA ANSEN (of Omaha)
Pauline Starke Chas. Ogle
and iplendid cait.
In the story selected by the
late George Loane Tucker to
follow his famous photoplay,
"The Miracle Man."
He planned to star Thomas
, Meighan in it.
This picture is the first of
Paramount's big new photo
plays, v
rjrv, i
Mr. Tucker believed it to be
ona of tha finctt ttoriet avar
written. It dealt with human
toult, much in tha manner of
"Tha Miracle Men," though
there it nothing af "faith heal
ing" in it.
Thornaa Meighan portray
the role of a New York crook
who iroe far from the city to
ptart lif anew anil fall in
love, but Uare not Ml of hi
Really Hit Btt Pictura
in Ov r Two Yeari
Theodora Robert has runt-r
equalled hi rharacti-rialion
in that of t h ph.mthnq'ic
louklng crok.
A Kkt RUtMa
"WAV DOWN I AT," Call4
let CemeJ with Al Si Jaka
-ri:- nr:-vi i if
9jt xt'
Offaflag tka OkatUta,
t.4.r oir
(WIIMMI ll.lht Ik tt r. m