The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, August 13, 1922, SOCIETY WOMEN'S FEATURES, Image 26

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    6 C
What the
Theaters Offer
"Wat. I
lurH i
)k 'owr!l qtunirt in
h lh Wrum" i h ft,
attraituxi at th World
tharr. , inai py t frnwdy-ffluai'
l riK'4iii ol popular and synrnft.
td iJUitil.rrs, tihrllitht with Uatf
toiiifly, ii ht lh quintet prn
nl f.rart, an a-MH
atlrtrl , l.avr I'll surprise ftWrr
i ii w . I Inn it 1.11111. datum, com
Hv and mM utisprid Anil.
hI'mIi and hrf tour "Crlir
jsikt' ar tlrmiiit ijncrrs and lhtr
nuntlx"! tntlud Ihr latrtt toddl and
th il'!t of w hl Iwiiiff danrt,
HiU.itt and Uallr, lo smitfirrn
Imvi, Tt Ladi's' Mm,
smitHy dti'il"?' f.y Andy tfu. A
inrl'y iJiii ai H'i and N'affami.
jaiit wmitrr frkF. Th fea
ture W ii irwl ol riding a bwycl
Ken'! doit wnil balancrd in Hud
f on t'v ' rth fxr. Jran
O'Neill m Kings 1 yrtlrrday and lo
ll)', a imI vond auifrf from Frin,
in (Ii saudrville portion of
llir I, H
' Fvwlfni','' fsi" length ftur
j.iii.i play, iUf klaint Hammrr.
ll.p I's'ii'll and Hurriirr, Iwo well
I in. n vawdrvill rnntsdiaii, arc 10
l nr as a fraturrd ad iA the van
rirvill thow luh oprns al the Em
lrt. today, 'f brjr art lo prrsrnl a
omcdy slut ciiiiiii of hodf
of tsiiiirisin on local and
(irri'-nt lopws. lite impromptu
rhyming and clrvrr rrmarlcs of Far.
in II -atii one to wonder at his ready
vit, !ilc lli song tiumtirrs and
i'n ff'rfia ol loth tan be rauly
j.; prn lit-(I.
Ilart and Framis, expert handlers
uf hoops, arc to prewul an act in
v. huh tly perform antics such at hat
ntycr U'I'it hrttf en, As a laugh
ing proportion. Jack Frtitoii and
rnmpany promi to he Ihe comedy
hit oi Hi eaon. The dialogue ii
nn-irf, tnappy and homely; tlwrefor
he more enjoyable. Lenter, Hell and
l.rildn, a trio uf remarkaM athletei,
offer fat ground tumbling, leapa over
Ublet and chairt to hand Hand,
front ajid back Iwittera from Ihe
pound and finiahing with "po'tH
Iapi" to rapidly a to give the im
reifn of a tiff heel turning.
A the feature offering next Satur
day the World theater preent a
vu!cvillc headliner of unutual mag
nitude. , .
It if a aeriet of epiaodri taken from
Me and entitled "Time." Employing
a company of II people, thii act,
hirh it a combination of comedy,
jiathoi and muic, haa proven one of
llie higgcut urree of the eaon on
the i'antagei circuit. The act depicti
night life in any large city all the
way from th gilded palace of jazz,
to a Salvation Arrny ahelter. Color-i
ful and eharaeteriatK aettingi and ef
fecta make th act a visionary treat.i
it it taid. Frank Roberta and Nellie
Queally are the eatured membera of
the large ratt, all of whom are prin
cipala. Gayrly lo Reiume Iu
Spreading of Joy Soon
Local oYvoleea of the Columbia
brand of burlesque will be interetted
in the announcement that the Gayety
theater will open ita doora Saturday
night, August V, with "Knick
Knackt," an attraction that hat been
Klecled to give thia popular form
of entertainment au autpiciout initia
tion for the coming teaton. During
the period of darkneta the theater
lias been thoroughly overhauled and
made bright for the reception of what
is declared to be the best seriea of
musical burlesque the Columbia
Amusement company ha sponsored
in 20 years of increasing excellence
in its offerings. There will be 38
different shows in the chain that
links this city with more than 30
other amusement centers. There will
be a complete change of attractions
every week and the policy of daily
matinees, of special appeal to ladies,
will Continue, Long ago the theater
going public began to realize that
"burkuque" was a term that had
changed its significance since the
days of "Mag shows" and it will
he the declared purpose fo keep
Columbia attractions clean artd
wholesome with bright scenery, at
tractive coMumet and musical set
tings to conform with the best tra
ditions of newer and better bur
lesque. "
More Comedy.
The canting for "The Shriek" has
been completed. This it the title for
the next Hen Turpin comedy special
to be produced by the comedy king.
Mark Scnnett, and will be directed
by F. Richard Jones. Kathryn Mc
Ciuire will be the featured come
dienne in place of Phillys Haver, ow
ing to that young laday's terriperary
engagement to portray "Polly Love"
in the new Goldwyn production of
"The Christian."
a good
Free Movies!
EVKRY evening th bt of motion plcturra are
ahown free, In the moat comfortable place within
mic of thia city. Swift utrrt-t car nervice. Fare
10 centi from Omaha, 5 cent from Council Muffs.
Book Picnics NowHSJsi'iS
Iff f
? ft J 1 1 X
issl Mi)
Alia Codica-ZAorld
Pctert and Moreno
. Go to Tahiti to
Film Souel Play
Goldwyn announces that it has ob
tained the serviu of Ifoune I'rtera
to art the title role in itt production
of Carey Wilton's original scenario,
"Captain lilak'nrd," which w.II be
R. A. Wal.h's initial production foe
the firm, Aitonio Moreno, a 'was
announced some lime ago, will ap
pear as the young A merit an hero of
the story.
Uf. 1'efirrt is one of the lest all
around actors in hlmdom antf a bet
ter choir to interpret the savage,
dii)luioni d trader, who to be re
venged on all womankind for his
wile's treachery, becomes the no
torious Captain blackbird. Mr. I'eters
has appeared 10 two previous Gold
,wyn picture, "The Invisible J'ower"
fid "The Man From Lost River."
Rosemary Theby has also been en
g?Kcd for an important role in
Caotain I!lackbird." She recently
apjx-arcd in Oouverneur Morn
"yellow Mm and Coldr
Ihe cat thus far announced in-
Screen Daddy in
New Starring Role
I widely known aa "The Good
Luck Star," and the "Greatest
Screen Daddy." Born in Pittsburgh,
Pa., he made his stag debut there
with Henrietta Crossman and thia
waa the beginning of a long and va
ried career on the boards. Enter
ing motion pictures, he played lead
ing man to every prominent female
star. Made his first great .success
in "The Miracle Man," and has since
then appeared in upwards of a score
of grat picture. Hia most notable
achievement of lat were "Our
Lading Citizen," and "The Bachelor
Daddy. He ha a auperb role, that
of a crook who reforms in "If Yotr
Believe It, It' So," which open to
day at the Strand.
Real Dance Music!
O you like to dance in a cool,
open lakeside pavilion, on
one of the best floor that
man can make, and to the best
of modern dance muic? The
Manawa Park orchentra is necond
to none. Try Manawa any after
noon or evening.
Bathing, Boating, Picnics
and a Score of Amute
'menti in the Park!
J jl
eludes House I'e'ers, Antonio More
no, George Siejn ann, William V.
M'ig and Rosemary Theby. They
will sail on July 7 from San Fran
cisco for Tahiti, where the pliofoplay
will be filmed under Director Walh.
A complete technical staff, lighting
and developing equipment will
be taken along. The company will
be gone about two months.
Jack Dougherty, red-headed and
Irish, is to be Kathenne MarDon
aid' new leading man in "Money,
Money, Money," ler next picture.
Norma Shearer is fininhing work
on "The Law of the Northland." in
which she ha the featured feminine
role, at Chatham, N. Y. Caryl F'lem
ing is directing.
Diary of a
Alice I!raly is making another pic
ture, you know after a year or
more absence from the screen. The
picture i to be called "Missing Mil
lions," and has to do with the machi
nations of a .lady crook.
Last week I went over to the Fa
mous Players studio and had a chat,
some ice cream and a piece of chew
ing gum with Mis Jirady. She was
looking over-scholarly in horn-rimmed
spectacles and a severe gown of
dark blue twill.
She talked mostly about the baby.
Her baby, you know Hi name is
Donald William, and I took the
proud young mother' word for it
that he i the One Perfect Speciman!
Of course, eyery mother will agree
with her each according to her owr
prodigy I Anyway, Alice says -that
rhe is going to bring him up to be
the perfect escort for her when she
is old, gray, and toothless. And be
fore that belated time arrives, she i
going to send him to an ethical cul
ture school, and have him taught a
trade. She doesn't want her son to
be "a actor!",(Sing that to the tune
of I did not raise my boy to be a
Well, we talked about the baby
over the, ice cream, and then Miss
Dradv went on the set, and when
she came back to her dressing room,
we talked cinema over the chewing
"There is no other industry in the
world of similar scope and impor
tance," said Miss Urady severely,
"conducted as the industry of the
screen is non-conducted. Every
other industry and the screen is an
industry fully as much as it is an
are has its schools of training, it
specialists, its systems' of efficiency,
and its branches of preparation.
JRaw recruits from the ranks of
the screen. People and jrtbs just I
Added Attraction
Bee man & Grace
, "You'll Be Surprised"
Special Added Feature
Lulu Coates t Crackerjapks
Five Mifh-Powered Entertainers '
A Photoplay Thai Ii Different
Movie Graph
from Hollywood
Busier Kealoa is at Caulm I land
on lo a i ion getting tome deep e
tuff i'f hi nest comedy, "lr
Dreamt "
The nral Bevan-Jun comedy by
M.ik Nennett will V railed "When
i Sumner Comes" Roy Del Ruth IS
idireiting this pwture whkh will fea
ture feminise ynutti and beauty,
Francois Naiar1 Aga i the ereatoe
i of the startling Persian eottumes
j thai will he seen in Ruhard Walton'
I 'I nlly's production of "Omar lh
fentmaker, with Guy Pates I'ost.
Snow sienrs for Mack SennettV
penal tomedy for First National r
leate, "Homemade Movies" were
shot in Hollywood. Another
lo the well known chinaf. "I hey
were shot in June. Can sneh Ihingt
John M. VaM has been shooting
scjnie exceptiotil rae track scene
for his next Iuit H. Mayer release,
"The Dangerous Age," at I xjyOsition
William Foa brieves He has found
a potential s'ar in Kay llammand,
beautiful young adrets he bat taken
from a Ls Angeles stock company
and made lea'g woman pro tem
pore f'r Dutm Farnurn.
Mack Sfnnclf, comedy producer,
is being sued for I-J2,'J' for back
salary and profit allcg'd to be due
( harle Pauman, hi rmer N'w
Vork representative, whom he dii
(harged. Production will soon begin o a
photoplay defending Hollywood, en
titled "The F.yet of Truth." It was
written by Flliior Glyn, the Englnh
'wvelisf, who spent a year in the
Hollywood film colony.
Cdreen Moore is featured In three
of Rupert Hughes' recent picture:
"Dime On Over." "The Wall Flow
er," and "The llitternet of Sweets,"
which bat not yit been released.
The trmture was a reproduction
of the section of the deck of the
liner used by Willat at ea, The
ship structure was so arranged thai
it would lit to one side and ship
water, as if about to sink. It wa
equipped whh cabins, davits, life
boats and other typical deck feature.
In a haze of smoke Ihe panicky pa-
Movie Fan .
"The screen ha a tryst to keep
with trut ," say Alice Brady.
happen to each other. I do not nec
essarily mean the actor and actre
ses, because there are many eases
where such talent is better in the
raw Mate more spontaneous. j5ut
directors, cameramen, lighting men
and others should be trained for their
"I believe in being a specialist in
your own line, I believe in being
equipped for your job. I believe that
there should be in training at this
moment a younger generation for
the screen, to improve, and to make
progressive the generation that goes
"The screen ha a tryst to keep
with trust Ihe trutt of the Public. .
. And now we hear that the Para
mount Stock company and school
has been organized for the very lack
Miss P-rady spoke of. Ill tell you
about it soon. It' interesting and
hopeful !
rrnprrteM. !!.
Ends Friday Night
of Laughter, Music and Dance
Musical Novelty Dslua
New York'
teiifrtt f put in! Ihe .lrl.rts
aii't oerr. to the isslrr V me tfn
ini tlixlio link.
Patty Rutll Miller. It ele of the
nu.t ardent golf nthuit't ttK
(i l-l yn studios M siitts to thai
Wut9 Richard I'is as oa as be I'
In' n ho m t.nittiii
Trained Cat Join
Colony of Screen
Iteautle on Diet
The name rf Pepper, th trained
comedy fat nd profrly of M'b
Sennett roftiedit, ran luted
imm ( tin feniinin star who a'
dieting this season ,
pepjr got lemperamenlaf, sttfrk
(er tail up and refuted to submit to
a eloaeun. Her actions rauted mu'h
ronrern as she has heretofoe been
mott wilting actress, A doctor wa
sent Ut and h prr scribed a diet fol
lotting a week in a sanitarium, km'
f'epp'" return lo her un on the
rotftedy lot, Iwr trainer ha frief
orders to feed her raw round s'esk
once a day and it must not be put
through a grinding machine. Calves
liver nc a week, on tablespoon
fu'l ol Squibb' liquid petrolatum
lic a week and plenty of good
reib water, air and eaerrit. Try rt.
Surging Romance of Great Open rmc Country
Evolves Around Pretty Jane Novak, Heroine
l ..' ifi .
The tang of the open spaces, the rutb and surge of big drama and the :
warm glow of big romance mak "CoUeen of the Pine," Jane Novak's first ;
tarring vehicle, a production oi the utmost appeal.
It open next Thursday at the Moon theater. Mis Novak, always j
charming in role of strong character such aa she depicts in "Colleen of the !
Pines," also establishes herself a a dramatic actress of unusual ability in j
the numerous big scenes th production portrays. '
The Biggest Wild TJest Show in the World
Staged in nature's ampitheater by old
- .' time Range Men, Indians and
Pioneers of All Types
The First
Stage coach attack by Indiana. '
Pony express riders fight with Indians,
Indian war and other fantastic dances and feata,
The big feature, the massacre of an emigrant
train by real old warrior Indians.
Leave the smoke, dust and hot pavements of the
ic and camping trip in Cod' big out of doors.
Tourist, bring your bd and camp through the four big days. Provision and eats of all kinds can be
bought on the groundi, Railroad guests 'will find way in and ou to grounds by auto at reasonable cost.
The show and camp ground It on a beautiful spring rruek slateen miles noith of Sutheiland, In the
heart of John Uratt'i old cattle range,
The rMo U the only charges Seaion tickets, $2.50j tingle clay, $1.00 (and war tax)
Grandttandi parking and ramping, and camping privilcgei frees'
Orpheum Has Long List of
Popular Acts for the Season
t-eakikf of the new vaudeville
stcn whuh of (i t Ve"'' '
Orfbewn, Ui'i!') Ilyrne ss-
"Altaio Uxk'Ds tiippo rny
o.iiiki hl oif atOs'tHfits lot I'.'.'
'K I t' t't f.e shout o hi-br !
than any we bat bad beretf.fe,
"Farly in lb Mt e grt Pdtb
Talferr4 and company In a or -act
play. A mot) f dnni.'c stars she f
court takes rank niog ll, most
pftpuUr ef lh Ameriian stae.
"then liter will be the mutual
eetebfity rer lo O.ralit, Du'l f
Kerekiarlo This is ii nioti notable
Vi'. I mil, so the r mi t ity, that fat
ever appeared on the vaudeville
"AniorisJ eomed.aiis of tb fur.
lei'jmi. i?ismI eooi'dy tvp I know
of none taking rank vnth Harry Wat
svn, jr. He was here, if yo recti. f",
as r-ne of I be star in a log Win'rr
t.srdtn prorlufttjfls In ss'i'levilj he
hat len a prime favorite lor a niiin
ber ol years. Hs finish ngire
rn'iit tuili ii eotnr e.rty til the
"Irirne Frigan romrs r. l
Attempt in
Part of Our Program
Other feat too numerous Id mention.
month. dS n of lh rnl pi
Iri.i.o.,, K t f and rnusie ttrations in
ttn'!il,t. ttier to Hrry C arroll a
"One lit the oio.l popular rl ever
tt (l.y the (frpbeiim tta tht of
i : : 1 . '
.Singer's MifK''- I his , Mra lion
comes Mad the serond tttow of
h t'atori, Ihe mi, opening .Vt'u
b.r i.
"Our fi'tl tfww, the one opening
Angutt "7. bni'trt t) mutual u,n
dr favorite. Joiin If yarns and Lei! !
Mrltitjre, 1by are to ai-pear in latett and inotl iharm'ng
tiideville l'""!')' "oil ll It railed'
'Hour ysnrklrs' aic
nd is lo be presented
aifrinri'Mi'STeiW) av 1 1 a i 'iirETr 'it i' 1 -UAaa r i " tt ts
s ii im r f"i ni i. a Ami
uuuuuu u iruuuuu p.,
Cmmaaciaf Suniay Aflftoit and Continuing
. fee On Full Weak
A M. 'A Y A
In bis riginal, staring tni Mntational AERIAL LEAP, lurn
fng a tmmpttto svmartaiilt at height of lblrty-tw fal in
(nny ak
A. I. B. Annual Picnic
(American InttititU of Bankers)
Thurday Evening, August 17th
"If you iom't go,' you will spend lh
evening lon," Your fraind will be tbr.
Creating a Reunion of
of The West
saaaaaaaai - - -
Roping, riding bad horses and steers.
. Racrs of all kinds.
The real old-time roundup of range days will
be shown with a thousand cattle,
Roundup wa- H equipment.
city and enjoy a real wild west show while out on a
by a Specially well thoen roirpinf
V. tin h imluilrs UiU I !
Ih popular (onnfd'ans, Fri'ln
and Fields, aiMi ajpear In I he f tt
thuw. Another I'tture.l jrfrtoiul if
o rtie bill is W'eliinaioa (rots, win
hat bad If: 'r!ar r- l III a nunilnf
oi hrodsy tnietrt"
An imi-otug tatt bsi been piiled.
(or lh film sertion of "Th ()i
Hniiiettra t " fn mrlude llirodot
Roberts, T. R'y tUrprt, Hsrnson
Ford, Fthef Wales, lofge lawietl,
I'lHl Ridgrway a"d Jsmes Mason,
r4f al S Tunll bl si
la IktJUws'. ! m4 '! Vtm4
ftl. m
V. a.,t t ,.r.. y e
fit an t ,bt it tn ui-r
lr t,mt ,.,.. I f.lil K l
S-m Mi'l, b"t'i' 4.1'lrf. !'
ire, h4" r 4.1 part "f r,
Ff Ktplt Free K aw pie
' Ttisfay Night, Aofutt II
A tnlf '..i4, li.ii h m.4, It '(ll
a( i-a 11 1 'ii l-a
,i4 tarn fff t "'..
IM lh (..', lie tura t (-
7hwrt4y, August 17
raiM mim ron irr
tJI.W.U tHA AC ii as
and Best
" rv""h'rrfiT.ii ii
-nr-,- n -LXJTl.lJViJIlllj