4 C Tilt: SUNDAY VAX: OMAHA. Al'UL'ST 13. 1U2J. Council Bluffs Society Essltnd-MtMurry. Mr, and Mil. MiXlurry tniwun. wains ol itinr dangtiicr, lr cttr, lo lullj r'ast'aml, sott cl Mr, nj Mrt. 1'. B. FastUml. Hi mar rage I'jk i.lai August S in Denver, ad ei'lr 4 burl e'Mifi)r trip tin I'mele ill lite in I'urdlo, Both are mrrnitert til Ihe young' r uhool rl, Mr. I ssitand hat mrnily been at h'nti .ViiflltnK in training n.tuK'1. Operation. Mr. FrHiick J. .Sln.rtrr of Chi ii4, are Mit Man (iicse, formerly ) ihii ciiy, underwent serious ipr men at Mficy tioniiial Mutiny last and gettina; tlonf at as could he raped"). Invitations" Out. 'fin Briijr and Urn Viirf liavr iMurd invitations fur a dance to lie tfivrn Thursday at the ( ountry ilulr. For Mra. Graham. Mist Ketlierine Hi no invited a irw friend in informally Wednesday af ternoon tn play bridge itli MS. Wallace Oaham of. Oltumsva, la. Might gurus were present. For Mim Miller. Mist Marger! Mi Hit romnli-fiii-nltd Wednesday at an informal al trrttoon bridif given by M Han if Ouren, On l-riday afiernoon Mi Jui.f Davit and two tables of bridge for her guest and Mri. Hubert Wallare, a roumn of Mist Miller's, nill giv a luncheon next area, I Motoring Hera, i Franklin Ji. Rrdlietd of 'forcing t.ti, VVyo., fiance of Mi AHeVn I'areiifight, it exm!rd here 'I ties ilay. Tuetday Bridge Club, Mri Norn.'it l'illirrt isa fio.tr. to li Tuesday Undue turn hfon dub nl the Country club Tur-dy, Mia. identi Kted won I lie rie for high score. . "Open Day Golf." W'cdne.day proud lo bp a potmUr r'ay at the Coumil lilud Country i lull, when ever to many out-of-town women tame lo flay gull with the Council I'.liiffl women players', A ronlest was held in the morning and during the day nine and J H-hole lilind bogey coufrsfa were played. In the driving torltr.i M's ;rlrndc Kounte of the Omaim Country rliib made three rlnvrt 5'7 )ard total. In the low medal score contest Mri. C. tif Johnson of Irrmotit, Neb., won the prize, and in the IfChole blind bogey content Men, Marry Kose won first prize, terond by Mrs, C, S, Johnson and iliird by Mrs, J, A, l.nefh. Mrs, Harry Arnold of the Omaha l-'ie'd club won first prize in Ihe nine-hole blind bogey contest and Mri, Oscar liaumeiMrr won second. In the obstacle rontert Mm. Foil won firt and Mi Gertrude Kounze of pmaha tecond, Mi Koiintze ko won first prize in the driving eonteif, and Mri. Carl Lminger of Happy Hollow club won the tecond. Out-of-town playert were: Met (iamet J. W. Skoglund, Lakoma; Merriam and McMahan, Field club; W. O. Larson, I-.lmwood, K. D. Shorey, Field; A. R. Holleroff. La V.'Otna; I.. J. Hough, Field; 1", F, Haugberty, Lakoma; Carl Lininger, Happy Hollow; E, V, Arnold, Field; V. E. Fdmintton, Lakoma; A. Ray mond, Happy Hollow; Earl Beardt ley, F. Clary, C, W. Askelop, C. H. Vfarley, W. K. Schafer, V, A, Gor don, N. A. Rigg, K. A. Moulter, and Mist Mildred Morris. Happy Hol low; Medanic C. R, Jewel, John "The Very Best Piano Buy on the American mar ket today," said an old time piano man the other day. And we agree thU Beautiful Brinkerhoff at only $825 Is a Wonder It ou re going to buy a piano, don't mlin icfingr It the money you will Mva will certainly miV you happy. Tfa I lout ef PUi&nt Deal'mft DmigUt 1973 ISth "J Harney MICKEL'S Tilluju, Harry l Arnold, Blaine Young, K. J . I'latner. C. R,I aveHt, Field W, II. Hynn, A. Shania, I'retitrst Mile flub; l.roie Franrn and t.. A. Melrhr of l akoma; W. li, watt and W. U. Win, Klmwrwul. and Mi tlawe llaugherty, Ger trude K'imtie and Paplii e E. Peteri of the Omaha Country cluh, Loa AngeUt Gueai. Mri. If, V. Moore of Lo Angslei, al , arnrd Thursday lo spend few dayi with her mecet. Mrs, V. I Hotiglats and Mr, William Cop. pock Mra, Moore U leaving tins country soini for a year' trip around Ihe world, and during the few day' stav here is a most popuUr vmlor, Friday Mri. Fldon Ijugee enter, tainrd inlormally at lum lieon for Mrs. Moote, Saturday Mrs. IJouglaM and Mrs, I oppoek boiiorrd their gurt at luncheon at th Country i lull, falurHav evening a picni( was held at the Heta farm and Sunday evaning Mr, and Mrf, John Havis will honor tins guest at supper For Mist Earenfight. Midi I'hylha Wheeler honoiedi Mit AHren Larenfigbt at a shower on Thursday evening. Table dero- rations were baket of lovely pink and purple asina. 1'be nurt list in-i-lml'd the Mies AHeeti and Francis Larenfigbt, Marguerite I'rown, Ma re Helv,iir. H'lene Wheeler, Kaiher. lite tmiih. Anna WheHer, Mils Bell, Franrei Fastland. Jeanette Dick- ersoii, Mi Nell Kwa'l of Omaha, and Mia I'ltyllit Wbe-ler, Mesdamrt I'hil Frvder. Grace Hluncliard. Hw- ard, Martin, Mrs. Fwall and Mrs. Ktrenfight, Returns from Boulder. Miss Katheleeit T'eacotk returned honre lat week fro?u a si weeks' summer course at BoilMif. ( olo and i-initH in Hemer en route borne, Mitt Bonham of Pboeni. Min Alice finnhain .of I'hocuix, Ariz., bill formerly of thit city, spent several davi here, the guest of her sitre, Mrs. Edwin Mitchell. Mot Bonham is secretary to the governor of Arizona. To Amet. I Mc Dickrrson left Thursday for Ames, la., and will later go to FJct Moines, where he will l ike part in a play called "1 he Very Naked Boy," which is put on by the extension de partment of Ame college.. , Motor to Neola. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sbeelian. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Organ, Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Sprague and Ur, and Mrs, Glenn Reed motored to Neola Wednesday evening for a dinner and later attended a dance, For Mrt. Proffitt. Mri. Proffitt of New York city formerly of thit city, is here visiting Mrs. Dillon Ross. Many informal affair are bring planned in her honor. Saturday Mri. Charlet Wood bury complimented Mrt. Profitt at a luncheon. Wina Beauty Prize, Mitt Jeannc'tte Dickeraon, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, C, C, Dicker- son, was awarded the Pottawattamie county prize in a ttate-wirtc heauty conte now being conducted by the Dei Moines Register. Mitt Dickerton graduated trom Iowa university latt year. In Hotpital. Mrs. Grace Blanehard in tuffcring from a neroiit breakdown and jt in Edmundson hotpital. Ottumwa Guett. MrtWallace Graham of Oltumwa, formerly Mist Orpba Quinn, arrived here Monday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrt. II. A. Quinn. Mrt. Graham wat accompanied Jy her titter, Mist Elizabeth Quinn, who ha been visiting Mrt. Graham tmcc May. . Operation. , Mrs. S. M. Davit of Ardmore, Ok I., wife of the late Judge S, M. Davit, it at the t.dmundson hotpital, where the wat operated on Wednes day last. Country Club Retervationt. Luncheons' at the club Thurtday were given by Mrt, Faye Bolin, 16; Mrt. H, A. Quinn, 12. Saturday luncheont were given by Mrt, W. W. Sherman, 9, and Mrt. Douglat and Mrt. Coppock, 16, Friday evening retervationt were made by Mrt. McAtee, 19; Mrt. Cop pock, 9; Mrt. Dillon Rois, 5; Mrt. Langdon, 2; Mrt. - Mulholland, 4; Mitt Kate Groneweg, 6, and Mra. Gray, 4. Pertonala. Jack Peacock it in Chicago, A daughter wat born Monday to Dr. and Mrs. Conley of Omaha at Mercy hospital, Mrt, Conley wat Boils? Pimples? Try Yeast Foam 1 Tablets to remove these disorders Yeast Foam Tablets reach the real root ol die trouble and quickly banish pimple and boik Every one like these handy, convenient tablet, because they're pure ye; they're eaty to take; they keen; don't caine gas; they're twt ed and good lor children li well ai adult. MNDKTKmXSAMlXE r i Ma4 fnamnts p wttwc I7H) N.AafalMtai A.,Oi, HI. Frozen Dainties Appeal for Summer By JANK KDD1NGT0N. In any number of until hornet li e prerogative of making the Iroten Hrttrrtt is a masculine one, bill help being ciffrri-d by the presiding goddess of the kitchen, a n't the Mf (.ream frterer gelt little rett. AH that thit tritinbrr of thr household askt fur is tome well chilled cream and sugar and flavoring, and then in short order he will prepare the din ner dri.ril. He it not bkey to lake much slick in the idea of rep, king the ie cream for "ripming i (- all right to hi in jutt froren. 7'he sweetening used by one torh master rl the bom whose regular task was that of making the it cream.' week 'in and wetk out ihi year through, for family and guesii was honey, He made an excellent ire i ream, I'M), and (jiiite likely is making it yet, I have fi'l had any of bis making for some yeart now, But frequently he had only hi not- lies of cream and only tome tugae aiiff flavoring, I'e-uudmg the ice of shaving it he made but a light task, and since be used but little rock talt in proportion to broken be the tea luic of bit i ream wat alwati fine. Hard freezing with too inurh salt will make ice needles, sometime in an all cream preparation. People who know how to take tint work comfortably let the aweete.'ied and flavored cream stand wilh the ice and tali around it to He well ,-billed, then ihe, freezing is done in short order. Philadelphia Ic Crcamt. Of course the fusy, or scientific, or laborious, housekeeper will think that an b e trram made ol all irVam is su perior if half the errani it scalded with the sugar and flavor. But thit prolongs the periodsof making by an liouror so because this scalded cream must be cooled lo the point of chill. Vet Ihit was th way prescribed for the Philadelphia ire cream of which llre are not one but many. The use oi thit name mean that the ice cream are made of all rream, not of part, or all milk with atiffeiiings of eggs, gelatin, etc. In otbecdayt these mixturea were called frozen pudding. In reference to these all cream or Philadilbpia ire cream, Mr, Rorer. who was one of ihe later tchoolt of Philadelphia rookery, tayt; "Good pure cream, ripe fruit, and granulated sugar make a perfect ice eream. Fruit and frt'it flavoring ihntild be added (o the cream after the latter it frozen. The best ice cream it made by first tcalding the cream and dissolving the tuaar in it while hot. When raw cream it frozen, the flavoring it not formerly Mist Franc! Altavie of thii city. Mist Ann Murphy it tpending her vacation at Mackinac Inland, Mien. Mitt Edith Heat and brother, Ed win, arrived la.t week from Madison, Wi. Henry F. Davenport of Chicago is visiting his sitter, Mist Gertrude Dav enport. Mist Agnei Key of Burlingion, la., it (he guest of her cousin, Mist Ada Bithop. Mr. Pierce and children of Snel len, Neb., are guettt at the Elmer Poolittle home, M. H, Green arrived here Thurt day fropi Cretton, la., and will make hit home in thit city, Chester Dudley and Samuel Et nyre, jr., returned Sunday from a trio through Wyoming. Mrt. M. A, Tinley and daughter, Winifred, leave Monday for a 10 dayt vitit at Camp Dodge, la. Eldon Andenon and Harry Van Brunt attended the Mill county fair at Malvern, la,, on Wednesday. Mitt Mary Cameron left Wednct day for New York, after an extended visit here with Mrt. Wilford E. Mann, Mr. and Mrt. Oscar Kceline ar rived latt week from Loa Angelet, where they have been for teveral montht. Mr. and Mrt. John Calvin and Mrt. Galvin't mother, Mrt. Armttrong, left Thursday' for a three weeks' va cation to Lake Okoboji, Mrs. Jamet Mulqueen hat at her guettt her mother and titter, Mrt, Edward Fearon and Mist Lillian Fearon of Ocean Tark, Cal, Mr. and Mrt. Reed Flickinger and and Don Waller motored to Lake Okoboji Thuriday to spend the week end with Mrt, Waller and children, Mri. W. S. Cooper and daughter, Ruth, left Tuesday for California, where they will spend the winter. Mitt Cooper will take a special courie in kindergarten work. - aVVALLTl YfM Cstmpty Desserts so prominent, and the cream hat a troitn, snowy lasie, and It never per tetily tmnoift and velvety. Cheaper ice cretins art usually nude in this way, as they twell lo double their original bulk W do not get raw cream now a days, for the nmst part. It it pasteur izrd. as it Ihe milk, and you can make velvety errams without tome 01 tne laoorioiit niem.Mis prrscrineil Strawberry Ice Cream. . In sir-w berry time a pint of sieved and well chilled ttrawberrirt added to a pint of cream wilh tngar to lisle In taste ol necessity, since strawberries ry much in acidity- may be tioeii into delirioit ice cream. The cream must be kept well chilled, the strawberries brought to lh same temperature before the two are well blender), and the sugar per feetly dissolved in them. If smh a mixture It frozen with too much tall It will not be sun will and velvety. 1 1 is astonishing bow little talt it needed (or good woik after the materials are well chilled. If they stand with the ice and salt around them until of ire iream temperature through and through, the actual work may be done in short ordrr. , The Bisque Ice Creama. Instead of a sieved fruit, pow dered macaroons or powdered merin gues are added o a cream, usually when it is partly frozen, lo keep them trom dissolving, anrj they must not be loo thick in it. Even dry and crushed brown bread has been used to mix with cream for ice cream, Pulverized almonds, grated coroanut, and so forth, are added to rrcafn, or an ounce ol melted I min iate per quart of pure cream it used. The Custard Ice Cream. 'fhcre are any number of ice creams whiih contain but half cream. The oilier half may be a ejuitc simple cu'lard mixture, or milk stiffened with gilatiu, or Irish most, or even wilh tapioca or thit mixture may be as complex a that for the grand old faxhionrd Nesselrode pud dings. In effect, these are tutti frutti ice creams. The Mousses. The mousse may be all whipped cream wilh fillings and sweetening, or they generally have a foundation of tome sort, into which the whipped cream it folded. Ihit commonly conlaint gelatin or the moiitse it really a Bavarian i ream frozen, in a mixture of talt and ice without any turning of a rrank, ' The Ice. The ice are just sweetened and flavored water or a sirup frozen. If fluffincs is desired egg while beat en to a stiff froth are added, Cooked sugar givet a better effect in almost any preparation than does plain tugar, and an ice will never be watery when made of a good tyrup. Rich Frozen Custard. A cheap frozen cuitard it hardly worth while. It i better to use a frozen tapioca pudding instead, A cheap "ice cream pudding" it likely lo be thin and flavorles. If people,, who make such do not know how to freeze any mixture they are lika ly to get something coarse grained and even greasy. ( The following base for art ice cream.it one with which almost any body can tucceed: Whisk together five egg yolki and one cup of fine granulated or powdered sugar Until the mixture forms a perfectly smooth ribbon, falling in pretty narrow folds when the whisk it lifted. To this add tlowly, with constant whisking, two cups of hot milk, and cook until the mixture coats the spoon. The cook ing helps to give body to the whole, but it not absolutely essential. Flavor with vanilla and chill. Add a cup of cream and freeze. You may whip the cream first. Any number of vari ationt may be made by adding fruits, nuts, chocolate, powdered macaroons, ADVr.HTINEMKNT. How to Look and Feel Bright in Hot Weather Whan depressed by the hat and too want to frt.hsn up for th afternoon or evening, just bath the see in lotion msde by dissolving tn ounce, of pure powdered saxolit In half pint of witch hatel. You will find this more refresh ing than an hour's rest. As a wrinkle-remover the saxolit lotion Is remarkably successful. Its action Is al most msxlcsl. The deepest furrows, as well as the finest lines whether due to ate, Illness, ' weather or worry are Im mediately affected. Enlarged pores are reduced, flabby skin Is "drawn In," facial contour Is Improved wonderfully. The sim ple Ingredients of course can be had at any drugstore, and you need not hesltato to try the lotion,' as It will not harm any skin in the least. They are also recommended lor malnu trition, run-down condition, km of appe tite, indigestion, pimple, boils, ttimuhf ing growth in children. Ntfthujfm Yeast Co., ChVij?o, IIL hitkmt ml " VeeM fW" s4 "Magic Y Try a bold today llity'ra told by all druggist .TaMets I r i t.. a. r . r " ll II rapcr riac ior economy i it ' . . .'v.'W'.v tr i VMS K v n etc. For Ibis amount a rnp ef any fruit puree is sufficient. Hie custard iHrlf it a basic preparation which may be used at a same and h many coinbiiialifni svhicli are not to be frozen. l'rotcn Tapioca Cream, When an ineapentve froen pud ding is desired I lie frozen tapioca it more likely lo be a lucres than an inexpensive rustard, Compare pro portions with ili'ive above: Two rum, one rpiart of milk, four table m. u., ns cif uranulatrd lauioca, one run of siiK.ir, Wet up the tapioca with a l itis- of Die milk and let it stand a uliorl lime, Add the rest of the nuarl of milk, and nitf.ir. and stir and i ook over Ihe lire (or H) ni'iiutes. It may then be strained for perfect ion's take. Jus! before taking from the fire ttir in the yolks of two rugs, and after it cools a bit add a teaspoon of vanilla and full) in the tv.o tvt whites beaten until stiff and dry, I'ool and chill thoroughly before starting to freeze tins, Just one-ball cup of cream whipped will improve this urratly and a whole cup will make it nuile fine, When served without freezing, but well chilled in the re frigerator, it it avuch improved by folding whipped cream into if. Chocolate Mousse. Gelatin rather than any of the starchy things like tapioca and rice is more commonly used for the mousse base, unless eggs are plenti ful, and sometimes even then gelatin and egg are both used, but slight expense and a particular epialiiy (chewy) were being sought in mak ing the following chocolate mousse, i One ounce of chocolate, one-half cup of sugar, one-third cup of top milk from a quart bottle, two table spoons of cold water, one-fourth tea spoon of vanilla, tiny pinch of salt, one cup of cream whipped, one tea spoon of granulated gelatin. Melt the chocolate, add to it the sugar and the milk and bring to a boil, stirring constant ly to make the blend perfect. Let cook about a minute. Add to the mixture the gelatin which has been soaked in the cold water and stir and cool, add flavoring and salt, and mix. when it bat been well chilled, with the whipped cream. rack in brick mold, cover with buttered paper, put on tight cover $89,000 Stock of New Fall and Winter Wearables Offered at Less Than Uanufaeturer's 6osi ! Here is the sale that hat set the entire city into a buying fever No telling event has ever witnessed such crowds such enthusiastic buying It's the duty of every woman to get her full share of these amazing values. afis4nJrapi-liifis Dress! I h i rt s - H I i s cs - IMl&Mfis Lease and Fixtures Sold New owners Demand the Key September 2nd SELL! SELL! I SELL! II -All thoughts of coat and profits have been caat aiids. Jutt IS mors days to dispose of thit tiugo stock. A Positively Going -Out-of-Business Sale! Let Nothing Keep You Away From This Sale will pay yuu to come for miles around, supply your every garment need, Buy now as you have never bouiht before, Store Hours Ii30 to 6 0'Clok Every Day ?.JvV I Paper bat for style and economy cost exactly 28 cent and looks bke $2, Keep out ol Ihe rain, though, unleta you have an extra supply. and pack and let sltud from two hours to Jour; On Packing a Mousse. , The rule- (or the mixture of ice and talt for packing mousse is half as much be cream tail as finely crushed ice, but I have froren a small mold successfully wilh only about one fourth as muili salt as ire, and used but a small amount of ire at thatin fait, effected a real economy in be by pulling a bag of crushed he over the lop of the mold after sprinkling sail well over ihe rover, l-'or Instance, fur a small brick lake a Urge bread pan and till ll more than half full ol crushed icej sprinkle salt over this; crush in the mold, leaving a thin layer under, and put Ire around it and a little salt, sprinkle sail; put small bag of salt about the sie of the bread pan t-vrrj fold the whole into several thick nesset of newspaper, and leave for the required time usually two hour, A hrirlf iiiaM tnat l, ltn,4 ..:!. paper so that the mousse will be like a brick of ice cream. It It safest to use buttered paper always before putting on rover of mold. Allow just enough water to boil dry when boiling potatoes. AIVKTIKMICNr. FRECKLE-FACE Kuu ami Wind Hrlng Out t'gly Kpoia. now to jeemove- l-iaily. Here' a chnnce, Miss Freckle-fare, to try a rumtdy tor freeklaa with the (timrnntee of a, reliable concern that It will not cost you penny unloaa It removst the freckle; while If It does give you a rler compkaxlon the ea- penss is inning, Hlmnly set an ounre of Othlne double atrenifth from any druaalsl and a few applications should show you how easy It la to rid youraolf of ' no nomeiy freckles and act a beau tiful eomplnxlon. Itarely la more than one ounce needed for the worst case. B sure to k the druatlat tor the double st renal h othine, as this strenicth la aold under guarantee of money back If It falla to remove f reck lea. V1 t In the Most Gigantic Slaughter of Prices Ever Attempted in the City Flow er Vases That Are Made to Use lluii'l you always ire) a soil oi gratitude whrti you bud I that seem well suited to bob flowers f .Sum of Ihe prop! who design vases teem lo ovrrhiuk Ihe fart that vtset ai usually bought for the pur po.r of bold. i. g fluMcit. If they did in1 frgr this ihry would not so ollrn make use ol Ihr larel glass shape, inspired perhaps originally by the Illy blossom, but not well a ljnl'd to hold any mrt ol flowers, J he taper ing base gives very bllle spare (or ttems, awf when ins or other flowers with stout stems are put m 1 1st style of vase Ihe steins aie olieu so ron trailed as lo tut oil (leu supply of Mdier and l u them to wiilur, Almost all Japanese te of anli'jiie model aie ol serviceable thapf at well as grateful lines. 1 hose ol t bulging tidet Midi less breadth al ihe , mouth I Ha it in the middle are always useful, because they keep the flowers ' they contain (ruin spieadiug loo much. ' jirt that are straight dom base lo , t V I m ri i .v. : 1 ? A AVHIRLWIND for Drying Your Clothes Better We have recently installed a VOItCLONK to dry clothfnjr. This machine pasties about 25,000 cubic feet of Buper-heated, sanitary air through your clothing as it tumbles in the cylinder. "Dries better than sunshine." This is an added reason for satisfaction among patrons. of "the laundry with a prestige." Prices for Our Work: 5c 6c Wat Wash Dry Wash HA rney 0 7 8 4 Think of Owning Your New Fall Clothes at Less Than Cost! From thai matter stylo creators of America these wonderful stock have .been lelected und before the summer aeaion has ended we offer these beau tifut new fall and winter jarmenU at a mere frac lion of their worth. mouth ae the test seferiion tor many flostert llial giciw in spreading tpieva, You may hue a lotlrrtmn of oi ri.'iiiiii wares, bill yon mv m.fly fr lie I itvut ere ' ns.iue as ariual Auwer euiiiaiueit OisA I In.. o p,(ir,iy transparent gists. Heavy cul glass It usually l attrailit lrn tbe gUst that hot Ihe line and color nl the sinus wilh. in, ,S..nifiiitr s ii. -It n mi glass or glass ol dcln ele bbir, yrtl'ptr-, green or mauve tint Is aititttive, but you shouhl consider the color ol the thus -era before pulling ihem in vases of tinted gift, In spile iii a'l old (ahionei people may sty, washing bUnktit d.H-t uul improve them, ll tt economy In send Iheoi to ihe dry calier, whence they will if luin I k' lie, instead ol yellow and bard, as laundries tie apt lo liitlr Ihem PRICES REDUCED We (!. d free Mea t 1 Cf le aw three Pswe Mls lee ?l.i7V We r'l'if .l'i. ul-t l ea.ms ur rl putt stttinenit DRESMF.R BROS, ftfMI tMti, H 9 ', f f f ii4 IM 9 aje 1.1 f AH NAM (, AI iflO t i - r -hii' Vet 7c 8c S.mbFlat Air Dry CAMITARY eJrj'.I.aril JfTET VYMDn K W A L FT'"' w a Every Sale Must Be Final No C. O. D.'s No Approval No Refund No Eschanget, Buy only what you want as we cannot make adjustments later. Southeast Corner 16th and Douglas Watch for nig Signs SewstaaeaaMMaeaeaMSJsawejaMl ' hi. a tonic food s ii ana eassaaoais ISfflbrisiBfla4lsfA I'lrfrtrSi