THE SUNDAY BEE: OMAHA. AUGUST 13. 1922. Benson Society -Utiusn CorrespondentCall Wlul JJ70." Bankers Entertain. Members ( the hanking limit of he Hank of, Farmers and Mrrrtumt mil the ltnU of H trnre will entertain at a .nii-t Wednesday at Happy Hollow club, complimentary to i he IIdiikU and farpy County Country itatikeii' e ociation. Wive of the hanker will lie honor gurtu, Iht evening Mill be spent In dancing, Walther League Convention. At the tatt meeting of the Walther league of the Imnwnurl Lutheran church the dclriiatf tn the Nehraka iltttrirt fontition to be held Sep. lenihrf J and 4 at Columbus, Nrli., wer elected, J. C.ehrig, prei Vnl of the Wallher l.HKue tocia linn of Oin.,1,; Urv, K. MPpri, Kiehird I fjiver and Loni.e llerr inan will rrprenent the Itenann riety, Mut IS other Hen. on lMgtiere will attend. Wedding Invitationa. , Invitations are out announcing the v editing of Mi (ilariva Young, itaiiKhirr of Mr. and Mr. H. IC. Young, and Wilbur., L. IVartun, . Inch will take place in the near fit I'ire. Picnic and Swimming Party. Mr. George Remington and Mrt Flienrer entertained at a picnie and wiinniing parly Thursday at Carter I ale rluli, (iuctf included Mr. I. G. WaMmi and cm. Kichard and Waller; Mri. (". P. Md'heraon, Mr. I'.ert Ran and daughters, Marjorie and Dorothy; Mrs. P.. W. T)ean and children and Mm. Ruell WaUh, S. 8. Board Picnic. Members of the Methodirt Sun day Dchnol hoard picknicked Monday ivening at F.lmwood. Officer, teacher and friend were included in the party. Children'e Party. Mr. J. W. Welch entertained P.el- v Franrii, daughter of Mr. and Mri. A. W, Francis. Kulh and Margaret Heardslry and Gertrude Irene Welch at a parly Thursday at Happy Hol low club, Other giirU were Me dames A, N. Francis, K. A, Beard Icy and J. J. Merslion. Walther League Social. The Imiiianurl Lutheran church Walther league will entertain at an ice rream social Tueday evening, August 15, mi the church lawn. Home halted cake, ice cream, coffee and pop will he ervcd. The public it invited. I. W. B. Claai. Member of the L W. R. das of the Methodist Sunday chool were entertained Tuesday afieroon at the home of Mr. and Mr. A. N. Howe. A hiisine and social afternoon wa enjoved. Refreshment were served 'by the hostels. Sunday Dinner Cueiti. Mrs. K. I.iljenstolpe and daugh ters, the Misnes Margarite and, Katherine, were dinner guents Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mr. N. I UrCttrtv n( Omaha I Escape Serioui Injury. Mrs. Oscar Dagarman, sister of George McArdle, narrowly escaped serious injury in an auto accident Tuesday on West Podge alrcet. Mr. !))o:iriiian hart heen to visit Iter mother and was leaving- for her home when the steering1 wheel came off and the car ran into a ditch. Methodist Aid Meet. Member of the Methodist Aid socitey will meet Wednesday, Au gust 16, at the home of Mrs. R. A. Sherhondy, 2344 North Sixty-second street. The nominating- committee for, the fall eUction will be named at this meeting. Union Service. The Union church service will be held Sunday evening on the Presby terian church lawn. Rev. O. W. Ebright of the English Lutheran church will deliver the sermon. Bake Sale. The ladies of the imanuri Lu theran church will hold a hake sale at Giles Bros.' store Saturday, Au gust 19. Salads, baked beans and cakes, pics and candy will be on sale. Kings Daughters Entertain. The King's Daughters class of the Baptist Sunday school entertained at a social Thursday evening on the church lawn. Ice cream and cake were served. O. B. S. Kensington. Members of O. E. S. Kensington of the Narcissus chapter entertained at a kensington Tuesday evening' at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Curtis Bramble of Benson acres. Husbands of the members were guests of honor. Luncheon Guest. Mrs. K. Liljenstolpe was luncheon truest Monday at the home of Mrs. John Sundland of Omaha. Entertains at Dinner. - Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walstrom en tertained at dinner Wednesday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. John son and daughter, Ycrnelle, who have - recently returned from a month's visit in California. Birthday and Anniversary, Party. Mr. "'l Mr- R- Morton en-,, tcrtained at a party Sunday evening in honor of their third wedding an tiiversary and the birthday, of Mr. Morton. Twenty-five were present. The ntit of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Morton Oringdulph of Me i nlo. and Mr. and Mrs An- nv.Kjtr rAf. i drew Morton of Lincoln. Among The other guests were Messrs. and Metdani V. U. Pence. E. W. Dean and Umily and p. p.. Young. Jr , and Mrs. Mary Morton. Mix tiets M Govern and Mr. Albert Knudsen, Dinner Guest. Mm Edith Dahlstrom was aTue. dy dinner guest at the home of Mr. K. Liljrnttulpt and daughters. Entertains for Miss Young. A number of young ladies from the I'mon Pacific headquarter en If named it picnic supper Ihurs day evening it Llmwood park in honor of Mm Gladys Young, whose wedding will take place in the near future. Personals. Gorton Roth returned Tuesday from Washington, D, C. R. If. Maloney is home from va ration trip to P.stes park, Colorado. Mis Lizzie McMahon i visiting relative and friend In Blair, Neb. Mm pom a Roth returned home Monday from a visit at Plattsntouth. Mr, Carl A. Liljenstolpe left Sunday for her home in Scottiblufl. Mr. and Mrs. 5. MrKet and son left Saturday by into for Kansas City, Mo, Pail Crortt ha returned to his hmne'iii South Dakota for the har vest season. Mrs. R. If, Maloney and children are home from a five weeks' visit at Kearney, Neb, W. J. Welch was taken to St. Jo seph hospital where he underwent an operation Thursday, Mr. and Mr. Pred Nelson are home from a vacation trip through Colorado and Wyoming. Mrf. Austin Taylor will leave the latter part of the week for a vaca tion trip at Cheyenne, Wyo. Frank Weiss i in St. Katherine hospital where he underwent an an. pendicitis operation Saturday, Mrs. Gorton Rotb and daughter, Roma and Eunice, left Friday for a vimI with relative in Tekamali. Pred Ingrrsoll of Detroit visited the early part of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Palmer, Mis eKale Kelly of Blair visited Mis Lirzie McMahon -and Mrs. James Maney the eirfy part of the week. ' v Mr. and Mrs. J, W, Fitch are home from a visit -at Newman Grove, Spalding and other western parts of the stale. Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Sturtit and Mr, and Mrs. W.F. Reishaw and fam ily motored to Manila, la., and spent the week-end. H. C. Chenowith and Bertie Kotil crt are home from a trip to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Spirit Lake and Lake Okiboji, Mr. and Mr. O. Arthur Melcher and family are home from a three weeks' vacation at Beaver Dam lake, Cumberland, Wis. Miss Bernice Dunn arrived home Friday from Charleston, III. F.n roule home Mir Dunn visited Chi cago and the great lakes. Bert Simpson, who has been at the home of his sister, Mrs, J. L. Cor balcy, and Mr. Corbaley, has re turned to hit home in Florence. ' Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Robinson have purchased a new home on Ames ave nue, near Fontenclle park, and will move the early part of next week. Mrs. Bernard Able of Benson and daughter. Mrs. Herman Timmer man of Papillion, left the early part of the week for a visit ill Ogalalla, Neb. Rev. and Mrr, V. H- Van Horn are home from attending the Ne braska State assembly at Lincoln and visiting friends at Stromsburg, Neb. " Mr. E. E. Janke, who with Mrs. Janke has been visiting at the home offf Mrs. Janke's patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell left Wednes day for his home in Davenport, la. Mr L. E. Goodrich and daugh ter. Elbcrta, of I'erryville, Md., arc visiling at th home of Mrs. Good rich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sturtz." Mrs. Goodrich and daughter made stopovers in Lansing, Mich., and Chicago while enroute to Omaha. Crook Relief Corps. George Crook Woman's Relief corps will entertain at a kensington Friday at 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Martha Boquet 2605 Fort street. Custer Relief Corps. George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps will entertain at a sunshine party Tuesday at 2 p. m. a the home of Mrs. Stcphrn .Bowes, 903 South Thirty-third street. Harriett Jarrett to Wed AnVr.KTlNKMKNT. Hair Often Ruined By Carelen Waihing ciii. ph.... - lv if vim wnt M kl "' hair ImiWIiK ll t- "M nd r. it.t h4ilH- conUIn " "'"'n HiH.ll, Thu it tl- h !. Hi4t th hlr hmiK "mi. it. Th. ti turn. r . w VUUlfte.t . " H-tl" iwhuh 1. lli ml ii-4wte. nJ I. hur tMn thing ! ' ' r r thr-. ' irv4 In ( Um " , lint I 4lfi ln il th h4tf iiul I r' '"'' .ly r.iiUR III I. 'l W.h "' it ib li iV n m und ii. Ii .). t.ifer, wkl. h n ity. . ii 4imi. lint, '"'lutr fiin ht't .in- iiM "4 Bt II IKIM f l l. ! tt ,ir (.. 4 , 'h. ! , 'j! .rf l w V4 ' MfiliHl H'iut H .(. " fSIi' " l'i '"t . t m , l mh ft l t"l ' ' r f arms ' l Miitl4, CHANGE OF LIFE WOMAN'S TRIAL Proof That Lydia L Pinkljam'i Vegetable Compound is of Great Help at Thii Period Metropolis, Illinois. " I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable iv vriiLniuiiu aiii i a all it claims to le and has bene fited me wonder ',,11., I V., I kun m -X "0"lh." 'i!? ? iroupis which eoo lined ma to my bed and waa only sbl to b up pari "f th ttm,htn I waa aJviw-d by a friend. Mrs, Nmiih, to try ly-lia tl rmkham a vegetkbU Compound and Liver rUia. I waa s murn (wnented by th iiMcl Ihewnilivirwsthat I waa able tu be up and abuut in tu . I wsa at that hangf l.ifhn t ln Inking tha n4irirwa and I p4 ever that lima ftithut any trnubia. Now I am ha! and harty,da all my KHeork, whtfir trpmg, scrub king, and ckinf. a 1 t!Ur u to fi abusit huuM, an4 ran w'k t e thr mikra withtHit r'l" t-Hi tir4, I .aw if avrl f my wif-hbor tM ha hii4 fey ti rikM, 'Mr. .mm O i vra, V Im Tth St, ltr!ia, lluui Ym r diii t up t -tt r. ruliaru'i Vtgetabla CMivvk4 iniiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiui S53Sa,3iMsjBBBlaWBBas , ..I - . H'"": ' ! , .' : t , i . r'A, ' ! '-'4 The marriage of Miss Harriett Jarrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John If. Jarrett of Milford, to Dr. B. C Russum, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, D. Russum of this city, will take place Monday afternoon at the home of the brides parents, Kev. Cham bers officiating, in the presence of rrlatives and a few friends. Miss Florence Jarrett, aister of the bride, will be the bridesmaid and Eugene Russum, brother of the groom, will serve as best man. l'ollowinit the ceremony Dr. Rus sum and his bride will motor to Estes I'ark and other Colorado points. They will be at home in Omaha after September IS. Both Miss Jarrett and Dr. Rus sum are well known in Omaha. Xfiss Jarrett is a graduate of the Nicholas Srnn hospital nurses' training school and is president of the Alumnae as sociation. She took post-graduate work in diseases of children at the Mir had Reese hospital in Chicago and has been connected with the children's clinic of this city, the Uiilds Saving Institute and the local baby station. Dr. Russum is a graduate of Creightoii university and ( reighlon Medical college. lle took post graduate work at the University of I'aris and in New York and Chicago hospitals. He, is on the stall of St. Joseph and Douglas county hos pitals and the Crcighton, Medical college. Christ Child Society. A party was given at the Christ Child center on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Ella Caniglia's 11th birthday. At the close of an enjoy able afternoon the little folks were served with ice cream and rake. Miss Vera Dendinger, one of the workers at tlje center, has accepted a iVition in the public schools of St. l'aul, Minn., for the coming year. She will leave Omaha on Tuesday for a visit with her parents at Ilart ington, Neb. John Monlalbano and S. W. Mor gan were the winners in the pitch tournament staged by the Lightning Athletic club on Thursday evening. Several children enjoyed the out ing at JSrug park Friday afternoon. Mrs. F. C. Thomas assisted in car ing for the children. Miller Park Mothers' Picnic, Miller I'ark Mothers' circle will hold its annual picnic for members and their families Wednesday afjer noon and evening at Miller park. Mcjiibrrs and their guests are re quested to meet at the playgrounds at 3 p, m. A basket picnic supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. The circle will furnish ice rream and lem onade. . Daisy Camp. Daisy camp. Royal Neighbors of America, will meet for a kensington j rrinay trom in a. m iiimi p. in. at the home of Mrs. Thomas Dowd, 3023 Titus avenue, Grant Relief Corps. U, S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. in Me morial hall, court house. A full at tendance is desin-fl. CONANT HOTEL BUILDING First View W -o-- Autumn Millinery For Those Who Believe in Styles When They Are New These Early Fall Hats Are Available Presenting the most varied collection of early fall hata it has been our pleasure to show for many seasons. Here are. captivating hnts with a smart turn off tho face, or a clever orna ment placed at just the right angle, showing the art of a real designer. There are large, hata, too, of wonderfully lustroua Dnntia velvet, the pietura hat so much in vogue, Ih a word, hats for the nils, young woman and matron. Combining a world of value and style and always moderately priced. P ClieitnuK Chinese Jue, Gollen Glan Vowi, Flame, fj iSii'n, I'araJise, A'avy otn $7.50 to $18.50 Final Clearance of All Summer Hats Wt d not tarry aver Wa from one season to aM In er l.f In !! them n ! at this nhsrj if I fru. t r!y, I Monday Only , , , om one , j :t $100 'f$; T. L. Conibs & Mazer Company ' Since 1888 Omaha's Master Jewelers Announce Their First Week . in Their New Store . ' ' s at 305 South Sixteenth Street, Near Farnam fiplOR weeks we have been preparing for the occupancy of this bright new if store and our entire staff of able sales assistants are waiting to serve you ICuJl and show you through the most completely equipped and carefully stocked jewelry store to be found anywhere in the ,west. Our formal opening comes later. ' It would be strange indeed if we did not desire our first week in this store to be the BIG6EST week from any and every angle. We believe you must knov that in this particular instance a BIG week means more than dollars to us. It means the gratification of a dream an event that we can point to with pride at a later time. . We are going to make this the BIGGEST week in our business life if you will help us. We think you will, because you like to encourage progress, and addi tionally because we want you to visit us the first week and form the habit of coming. We will make it well worth your, while to do it. To Encourage and Insure a First Week Visit $2,000 $2,000 A wonderful diamond ring set In platinum, the center stona a re markably fine specimen of genuine bronze diamond, at An unusual creation of naturea pink diamond set In a gentleman's platinum ring A string of rara oriental pearls, as smooth aa a i0 OCA child's cheek jUS,a40U A bar pin of ' rare beauty, exquisite diamonds set in platinum by a hTnd" $2,250 An entirely original design of a real artist, A bar pin of platinum so interestingly set with diamonds and sapphires that one marvels at the creator's G1 OA A ingenuity Pl,aiVU A diamond sautoir watch of appeal ing charm, fitted with the best product of the d OCA watchmaker's art. . . V 1 1&DJ The most beautiful Sterling Silver tea set ever shown in this city. A special creation of the Wallaca factories, purchased by t7QA us for this occasion, ,, v A waiter to match the (tQOA above ...,P5U A water pitcher of the tQ C C same design A cigarette ease fit for the most critical, in heavy tl Q7 CA 14-karat olid gold P 1 0 .OV A vanity case for milady, the last word in the goldsmith's art, pro duced in heavy 1 1 Pft 14-karat gold , PiOU A wonderful Touchon watch, a real man's watch, $310 A ladies' white gold wrist watch of not ordinary shape, fitted with a full jeweled Elgin C-ft movement , PJVJ Men's cuff buttons, genuine platinum frorfti on 14-karat (in CA olid gold apl.OU An appealing chime clock, playing Ita song every quarter hour on sweet-toned bells A gentlemen'f 17-Jeweled watch, fully war ranted $49.50 iweled watch, $16.50 A wrist watch with full Jeweled movement, white t 1 5 C A gold filled case . , , . P 1 0 .31 Sterling Silver cuff buttons, for the pair P Some plated salt and ppppcrs, d 1 for the pair S Still some more of those cigarette cases w advertised flJO OC last week PO.OJ A really serviceable man's watch, 7-jeweled , dJC movement Of course the articles we have enumerated are but a few of the items taken at random from our immense stock. There are truly hundreds of other items of equal or greater value. Be assured that our desire for a visit from you is sincere and earnest and as a further evidence of this we, add the following: ' . t For the FIRST WEEK ONLY On every diamond, platinum or real pearl article In our nw store stork bntiKhl at today's rock-bottom market and priced low to win ymir buslnena, a utraight DUeouni of , , 10 On all similar jewelry from our former store a DU- taunt f , , , 10 On practically every watch or rlmk still remaining unsold, a DUenunl of ,,,,,, 20 On practical) every piece of sterling or plt,d silver lemninlng of the old stock, a DUcounl (.,,, 20 , On rvrry piece of guld or filled jrwelry In the hnuse, absolutely no exceptions, the wotvlrrivil DUtoynt ( 15 Did anyone ever offer such values as these before? We would not do it now were it not that we are determined on a 111(1 FIRST WKKK. As wo stated before, n M(i FIRST WF.KK means more than money to us. It U u real sentiment, n wUh, almost an obsession with us, and we are willing to pay you well to help us make this possible. T. L. Combs Mazer Company NEW LOCATION-305 South Sixte-nlh Slrect. Ne.r F.rnum !M