I Senate Leaders Hope for Vote on TariffBUlSoon ProipecU Bright for Action on , Measure Angart 17 or 19 , Democrat Propose Conrie to End Fight Waihinffton, Aug. 22,-rA unanl moui content agreement Thursday in the aenaie (or a final vote on the administration tariff bill on either August 17 or 19 wai hoped for by both republican and democratic lead en after a aeries of proposals, coun ter-propoiali and conferences on the subject. Objection by a single tenator would upset the carefully laid plans, but leaders on both sides said they knew of no senator who was unwill ing that there should be a speedy ending to a controversy that has en gaged the senate practically continue ounly since April 20, The first move lor an agreement for a final vote came from the demo cratic side, Senator Simmons of North Carolina, after a conference with other minority leaders, propos ing August 19 as the date. Action on this proposal was deferred at the request of the republicans, and after the senate adjourned majority and minority leaders went into confer ence. Just what transpired at this session is not altogether clear, but spokesmen for each side were agreed that Senator Simmons would renew his original proposition upon the convening jof the senate at noon Thursday and that the republicans would put forward a counter-proposal for a vote on August 17 Compromise Reported. Maiority leaders had a conference ' Tuesday night at ' which alternate dates, " August 15 and September 1, were agreed upon lor suggestions to minority leaders. When the bipar tisan conference was held late Wed nesday, August IS was put forward by the republicans as a substitute for the date proposed by the democrats. Some of those who came out of the conference before its breaking up saw August 1 naa oeen agreu upon . . . . ' . . tu . T rZ rVr, would be a final .vote on remaining iAmmittii atmnnmniH f A th hill flfl M...v...,.. August 11. This was approved by ine conicrencc, u was sam uj sumc . . . r r- . Ot tnose attending, jur. araimoni orooosed- that after that date debate should be limited to the tariff bill it- self, with the Ume equally divided fifur thai two mdM. Republican j r. , v" - eaders proposed that debate be con- fined strictly to the bill and amend- ments, beginning Thursday, but this liciay prcsumauiy win uc u:i the aenate noon , Would Limit Debate. I After August 11, under the agree- ment, individual amendments would , be discussed and acted upon. Those . pending at 11 a. m. on the date to be asrreed uoon for a final vote would be voted upon immediately without further discussion. he republicans sought in the bipartisan conference to have debate limited to 10 min- uies to eacn seiiaiur, dui inc ucmo- rrm nhirlt r.'.4hi' heintr done on account of the pending fights over) Some perBomv with causes to pre dusies on sugar and .hides'. !eI5t before the city council are rep- The conference apparently were agreed that, the unanimous consent M tint nnrate tn nn- man of the republican agricultural tariff bloc, from offering his oro- posed resolution or an investigation of the interest, if any, v of all, sena tors in tariff duties voted into the bill Such a resolution could, be in troduced, however, only by unani mous consent' and some republicans indicated that this probably would be difficult to obtain. Senator Good ing said he was working on his reso ition and hoped to have it ready not later than Friday. v The senate was in Session only four hours, adjourning out , of re spect to. Senator Crow of Pennsyl vania, but in that time it approved a number of rates in the pulp, paper and book schedule as revised down ward by the finance committee ma jority to practically the levels in the Special CMC 5f? Any Style tUIW Each Butteree. Teast or Bread, Be Ex. ' ALL SIX RESTAURANTS TODAY and TOMORROW Whirlwind of fan Against a background of youthful fem inine beauty, jazi dancing, and lavish settings and the great est comedy cart ever assembled. COMING SATURDAY . "HURRICANE'S GAL" rnMrinxhooda- Jar W an ia trarcajp F BRINGING UP NOTHetV MOTHER XOU .TO NT HI1 HOUME, AT TWO OCLOCK! . .-IK riT TXfDC A 11JJ WVSATAA W ttl 00 TWfcT- AN,r .Gums ts tv tvLt- NrLL Ttt8E Ave. Mtt t,a.M, 7- existing Uw At the request of ScM. tor Lodge of'Massachusetts, the ma irity leder' a vote,n h Proposal th f . d . f -. ... ' . a- per cent ad valorem, was de fee(j , w j , to . . , "P"?. Warned by Spirits,,', Have Mishap During Trip , Xhe w, oposed theJr tr j .lw'"? . . K aown ine Missouri river, dm Mr. ana Mr, A p. Smith, newlyVeds, started on the trip anvway At least Mrs Smith 8ays the spirits opposed it, and btmg a Sp,ritUalist, Mrs. Smith should know- Hence, whrfi. on of thfir row. boats, containing their provisions and clothes overturned, Mrs. Smith says he was not surprised. It happened near Plattsmouth. The Smiths returned to Omhas hv railroad. ; Thetrip down the river was to have been their honeymoon. , , Woman Spurns Lawyers , . .- ti n .1 lea tO t-ltV LOUnCll resented by lawyers; others present their own cases. . ; . MfS. Joe Mccnatl, :,354 NOrtn Twenty-sixth street, yesterday, ap Peared f before the city, council POard of equalization - to urge the opening of Twenty-sixth street, from bprague to bpaulding streets. "1 don't have to engage a lawyer ll STRAND STARTING SUNDAY The story of a woman who thought she could live without d' 3k ' 1 2rmz DOROTHY DALTON mimimmmiiimBaMm The World Called Him a Success And yet, deep down in his heart, he knew that he had failed and failed miserably. He had betrayed the trust of those who called him friend; his career was smirched and spotted with sin. .He had juggled the lives and destinies of others with no thought other than his own selfish gain and advancement. How this man found happiness and his own soul makes one of the greatest pictures that the silver-sheet has ever known picture that pulsates with the red blood of Life as it is lived today. "A Certain Rich Man" MOON Mtfceea ...15 I MOON CQ13DY Srenings -..20f PY FATHER , Ht ALUVt3 WANT OH TMfi want THIN4: " it in colors 1 IN THE SUNDAY BEE hb UftK I r as 'some others did here .this mora ing; I can discuss my own case," she A ..J .L. -1.J ' aim. nuu sue uiu. -. Youth Receives Pen Term for Stealing 65 Gents Harry Hannah, 18, was given from. three to live years in the state peni tentiary for stealing 65 cents from the home of Louis A. Kaufhold, July 23. He served 11 months in the Wy oming state penitentiary for the same offense, according o police records. TODAY GARETH HUGHES ii Edgar Franklin's Story, : "I CAN EXPLAIN" Hi eternal triangle fqpm a . langhable angle. ' , : love cJ Smmmiffm skem mm. A PICTURE SUPERB MILTON SILLS - , WANDA HAWLEY fu a e rr i r?. pt. Treaenta Three Dare Oslr ; STARTING TODAY William Allen White's . Powerful Starr ( American Life - THE OMAHA BEE: THURSDAY. AUGUST S, 1922 - , jl 'M'wli1 WMC 1 I I I I T WON'T II ).V fSSf . I KNOW lA$ A " HC WANTtO httl t jSV HOW UP WHILE ML L-' "flffeV TKtv J I TO MCCT M,M P 'THAT COP p V. , M tU It raavuM atavtee. te. jgTS MAKE-ME A CHILD AGAIN JUST FOR TONIGHT r VMOMCM VulkLW atfskic . HTCHT ttA-TMtR. SATCH. ANv A MtlOR. N TVIt Xb AHfe A. VoiatC-b rirrr- cu w ' ' Today and Tomorrow A SIX-ACT Bill which breaks tht Muon'a ncord for comedy, dais and amust attat qualities. - ' SATURDAY Another bill Just as ws hradlined by HAZEL GREEN net her JAZZ BAND TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Return Engagement The Photoplay Supreme All the Screen Can Give The Photoplay That Broke Omaha ' Records NO ADVANCE IN PRICES MC JIGQ AND MACCtK Pi fUU. rAcc or colon in twciundav ate tuirvl A. T ySV - VMAT5 When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome PRICES REDUCED We Chaa saa Praia Men's 1 Crt Two or Thrae-Piece Suits far "' We, par return chare es ea out-of-town expreas or parcel post ahipmeata. DRESHER BROS. Dytn, eitaam, HttHn, FerrKn, TaHrri, Rat CImiiki aaS CaM Steras far Fen. 2217 FARNAM ST. AT LANTIC N4I When You Need Help use ai -Be. Classified Want Ad Tirst National Picture Drawn for The Drawn for The I filLT UfiMC I'M 6SttM&TO WrravCHE- OCT A UTUC w TWLT K5t - BITY lwww amp rqjli AWC fOft TWE aS, BEE WANT AD RATES lie per line each day. I or I dart. Uo per line each day, 1 to f days. ISO per line each day, T days or lonier. Thta rates apply to The Sunday Bee as well asvto The Morning and Evening Bee. All Weekday advertisements appear In both morning and evening editions at the one coat. The above rates apply exclusively to Went Ads wblta are commonly termed "publle wanta," and do not Include ad vertising1 or exploiting their business, THE BEE reaerves the right to desig nate wbat constitutes a publlo wsnt Want Ads accepted at the following offices: MAIN OFFICE ..17th and Farnam Its. South Omaha 1401) N St, Council Bluffs 1 Scott St Telephone AT-lantto 1001. Call for Want Ad Department 'An ex perienced, want ad taker will receive your ad and a bill will be mailed later. Tbe ratea quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. . - CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11 : a. m. Morning Edition p. m. Sunday Edition f p. m. Saturday. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES LOWRIE Minerva, paased on at a local hoanltal Monday. July 11. 1I2Z. Mrs. low rle le eurvlved by one son, A. A. Lowrle of Omlha. Funeral services from Crosby-Moore Funeral tiome, 24th and Wirt Sts., Thurs day, August 3. mzz, at 10 a. m- inter ment Forest Lawn cemetery. ; CLAW Mrs. Jennie, age 70 years, died Tuesday at her home, 382 8. Z4th. Funeral Wednesday. 4 D. m.. from the real dence. Rev. C. F. Haller officiating. Burial at Monteiceuo, ill. CEMETERIES. ooooooooooooooooooo oooooo o o O VISIT FOREST LAWN. 0 O A beautiful new section has re- O O eently been opened In Font Lawn O O cemetery (north of city llmlte). It 0 O Is but wladom to select a lot be- O O fore absolute necessity compels one O O to ao ao. Hena tor nooKiei. a O FOREST LAWN CEMETERY O O ASSOCIATION. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00 OOOOOO "BURIAL VAULTS. vaults. Recommended and for sale by all leading unaenaitere. waierprooi, no to mat. no wood to decay. Insist upon the AUTOMATIC SEALING VAULT ... ... hi. n,h. fnnrtA RllFlal Vault Co.. 6210 N. 20th. Omaha. TeL Kenwood 1077. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack ft Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. riEf.CE A ajTTJTTT A XTrT7SERVICB ARROW 11UUU Villi V-iHA. 0014. Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 0266. - Office 2611 Farnam. Hulse & Rienen. , v Funeral Directors. 2224 Cumlngt LARKIN BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 4813 SO. 24TH CROSBY-MOORE hA7.Vrt FLORISTS ' T W T A DTUTiXT 1 1 4 Douglai XJiXiU JUXXViUVll Phone DO. (244 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. L. HENDERSON. Ii07 Farnam. JA. 1161. JOHN BATH. -1804 Farnam. J A. 1101. PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazine. We collect Wi distribute. Phone DO.' 4136 and our wagon will ealL Call and Inspect our new homa 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St RESPONSIBLE married couple would oc cupy owner's residence during vacancy; terms reasonable; references. Address W- 15. umana gee.. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment with massages. 614 S. 19th. AT. 8381. SULPHUR Bathe. 8wedish massage, eh! ropody. Evenlnga to . 20s S. 20th St RENT a new Hoover Suction Sweeper, 11.16 per day. Call AT. 4i. EXPERT MASSAGE. ATLANTIC 1640. FISHER baths, massage. 220 Arthur Bldg. EXPERT maaaage. 210 No. 17tb - LOST AND FOUND LOST Automobile crank she ft near 10th and Lake. Reward If returned to Sunder land Machinery and Supply Co., . 1004 Douglas 8t I20S REWARD for return diamond bow knot pin loot Omaha Country club July 24. No questions asked. Gertrude Stone, HA. 1017. COLLIE, female, lost; half grown; all brown with white chest; child's pet Suit able reward. Cell HA. 177. AMETHYST pin. post on Cuming, between 17th Ave. and 10th. Reward. HA. 1112. GLASSES lost: near 24tk and Ames. PLEASE call MA. 178HF3. Reward. WHEEL, wire, lost and tire also. Finder pleaae call J A. 177 for reward. COLLIE PUP Male, white, about ' months eld; reward. WA. Itli. Omaha Be by McManui (Crlkt l:t Omaha Bee by Sidney Smith (Coyjrright 121) atwM HELP WANTED MALE. AUTO painter, good place, . none In the county now. Can furnlah steam heat paint shop. For arrangement write to Carlson's Oarage, Dannebrog, Neb. BRICKLAYERS wanted. Orlewank Bros., L.a forte, ma. LINOTYPE operator wanted at enee; ex perienced. Monarch Printing Co., Council Bluffs. la. MAN wanted to take charge of plating department. Muit be familiar with park etixlng and Japanlng and no afraid to work. Monarch Telephone Mfg. Co., Fort Dodge, la. MEN WANTED. FOR GRAVEL HAULING. Several excellent Joba open. Men on this work now earning fli to S35 per day. Must be reliable and able to buy truck, paying part cash, balance from earning; Quick action la neceaaary as limit ed number only can be taken care of. When replying give phone No. if poaalble. Addresa Box W-110, Omaha Bee. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO PLUMBERS. . , v. FIrat-class for permanent jobs, out of town; open shop; $1.02 per hour; R. R. fare advanced. Apply Empire Construction Co., Room 211 Leflang Bldg., ltth and Capitol Ave. Open evenlnga. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO SALESMEN We can offer t salesmen restricted territory close to home; our concern is rated In the millions and well known for a generation and has the back ing of all banks and substantial business. , The resale and new business will net you commission large enough for perma nent Income. Your calls are confined to the heads of representative business firms only. The Rolling Stone will have no home with us ss the future opportunities-call for energy, ability and determination. . If you want a real good ground floor opportunity come In and get elsed up, I am, on from New York for a few days only. MR. GOODWIN, 1042 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O ' O O SALESMEN Wanted Experienced O O liveatock remedy salesmen. ' This O O ,1s a very unusual proposition O O with old established firm. De- O O pendable merchandise; unlimited O O opportunity for future develop- O O ment with state managers. Coun-vO a cil Bluffs Remedy company, 1806 O O W. Broadway Council Bluffs, la. O O : P OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POULTRY dressers wanted at once; ex- nerleneed: steadv work and good nay; on ly first-class men need apply. . H. M. Noack Sons, Arlington, Minn. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O WANTED COMPETENT . O O MILLWRIGHT FOREMAN, O O CAPABLE OF ORGANIZING AND O o. 'HANDLING MEN IN- PACKING O O HOUSE WORK. ' O O APPLY ; , O O GENERAL MASTER MECHANIC'S O O OFFICE, . O O v CUDAHY PACKING CO. O n OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O SALESMAN wanted. Manufacturer O O would like to hear from capable O O salesman who Is Interested In se- O O curing a last selling jine auto ac- o O ceaaorles to dealer and jobber trade. O O Can be handled exclusively or In corrO O nectlon with another accessory line. O O Weekly . commiaelon arrangement O O Unusual opportunity large earnings O O assured to a producer, uen us aooui u O yourself In letter to fh HyKon Mfg. O A ' AtllanM OhlA O 00000000000000000000000 KiT.TSSMir.N Wonderful opportunity, rep resenting tbe only 14 strand pure silk, dl- tn f.mllr bosierv distributor, uur able Silk Hosiery, 230 Market street, New. ark, N. J. - SALESMEN with car for estibllshed cof. fee route. Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha. SEVERAL more ex-aervlce men, easy work, good pay. unit eis narpacn nm, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O TERRAZZO WORKERS. For stesdy work out of town, open shop; must be flrat-class. Big lobs. Apply Smplrs Construction Com-, pany. Room 222, Leflang Bldg., lth and Capitol Are. Open eve nlnga OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O WANTED FOR PAVING JOB O O M U O VALLEY, NEB., FOR lU UAIB O O O O FINE GRADERS. ALSO CONCRETE O O GRADERS. O O , T . O O AFFL.T O n 404 Peters Trust Bldg. - O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FEMALE HELP WANTED COMPETENT whits woman wanted for general housework. Phono HA. till. LADT pressure on silk dresses. Good pay. Kanouse A Shoemaker Cleaner, 1701 Cum ing street JA 216. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Position ss chauffeur to Cali fornia by young ' man experienced in i.nHn Okirt. attend college. Refer ences exchanged. Douglaa Meaervey, Kear ney,. Neb. DAYWORK or dishwashing. WE. llll. DAY work for white woman. AT. 1411. IITUATIONI WANTED, chain iwoKKnnrra. . ika bwiaeaei will be anallable Aug 2. allaa-spelis sad Uanahe, rele. UAH, se sieagrsibie tad Mee aakea Selsiy IIH Hart. Walaal Ml. - ATTRACTIONS WAHTICU Caiw-l'ee S4 fs eld settlers pleaw, le be fceld August L Hit. at Western, Xefc Adersee U U lwia. eeerelsry. bUUJ, BALM" RUBMbU PAlOA MUVKLTIICA Ask for rataloftte. Uletw Nevslty O, rm at.( Itiwehs. Neb. t"h sl "JV I f y-r I e7, J a kaa. Jee Drake, A till, till H, H4 at. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCtlOOL-mOHT SCHOOL Cemulsie eeureae la aereuaieaey, Shine boekkeei'lsg. emplem.lrv. ebert heed and irpiwrlllag; railroad sad wireless lelegreper. dtll service and all English sad remraemsl brsacbes. Write, veil er ansae Jaekaoa 1441 far large illustrated catalog. Address Hori.KB I'ul.l.EUK ' Boylee Omaha. NeA. IU11 Imokkeeplnf, akerthaad, lypeerrlllat. etc., attend lbs Amerlrsa telisse el liuelneM llll. Omaba positions guaran terd: all our graduates srs la aosHlona. Telephone AT. llll er writ fir catalogue. WANTED Men, tadies and bora ta leera barber trade; big demand) wagea while learning: strictly modern Cali er write I4S Dodge St, Trt-CUy Barber Callage. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. S, . E. eor. Nineteenth and Douglas Its. Deuslss till. DO you want to Increeae your Income! Write the National Aulo aVhool, 1114 N. leth St., Omaha, for catalog. Day er evening eeselona DWOHAK BUSINESS COLLEGE. . Weed Bldg.. llth and Farnam. AT. till - MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. It a llth. Write for catalog ANNIE E. o largo W. voice and bum I Karbacb Bit J A. lilt. MUSIC LESSONS. CALL WA. 111. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILU. For sals, a few unclslmed. all-west "Dundee" suits, elttep, alterations free. Northwest Cor. llth snd Harney Sts FULL DRESS suits and Tuxsdoe for rant, J A. llll. 101 N. llth St L Feldmea. FUR, Choker, eeats made, clean. HA. 4104. ARMY ahoee, I MO. 701 No. llth. STORE ft OFFICE SUPPLIES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O O TTPEWRITER8. AND O ALL MAKES bought and sold, O rented and repslred. Solo agenta O for the CORONA Get our prices be- O fore yoa buy. Every machine O guaranteed.. O CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXC. O J A. 412. llll Farnam. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DESKS, typewriters snd other office equipment are frequently sold to the high est bidder at the Stephenson Auction, llll Capitol Ave. We buy. sell safes, mske desks, show eases, etc.: Omaha Fixture A Supply Ce S. W. Cor. llth and Douglas. JA. 1724. BURROUGHS adding machines 1100, fac tory guarantee. R. A. Flshsr. AT. llll. STORE fixtures to sell. 2414 Ames Ave. . GOOD THINGS TO EAT. WE SELDOM auction good things to eat. but we do sell everything used In a home. Stephenson. Auctioneer, 1601 Capitol Ave. APPLES for sale. 4111 N. 124. KB. 1741. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS articles of every de scription' are sold to the highest bidder at the Stephenson Auction, lttt Capitol Ave. sTXPERT sswlag machine repairing; MICHEL llth and Barney. DO. 1171. EVERYTHING in Radio supplies. Mall orders solicited, Omaha Sporting floods Co., laot Harney 'St OMAHA Athletlo Club membership. Make offer. Must bs sold quickly. DO. 46?2. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your used piano on a new player piano. Balance as low as tin psr xnonin. A. HOSPE CO. llll Douglas. 10-INCH reeorda, 2cj four for IL Shlaea Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTION. AUCTION. Big furniture sale In Dowd's Auction House, . - llth and Webster 8treete. Every Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- , day and Saturday at 1 p. m., and every Tuesday and Friday evenlnga, at- T p. m. Including pianoa, talk- . Ing machines, rugs, all sixes, and kinds, overstuffed parlor suites, dav enport and library tables. Very ex pensive American walnut and mahog any period dining room suites, beau tiful bedroom suites, Including Amer ican walnut, mahogany and old ivory, gas ranges, kitchen cabinets, garden hsae and hundreds of articles too nu merous to mention. JAMES U DOWD A CO. Auctioneers. If you have anything to sell call AT. 0166 or WA. 6213, : ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Retailed at wholesale prices, 171 buys the best. Phone Douglas 4423. j BEDS, complete, dresser, wsshstands, ruga and other articles to numerous to men tion. 1222 S. 13th, LOVELY electric washer, slso nice re frigerator. I2d and Pine streets. ' WA. 6417. BEFORE buying new furnishings, attend a Stephenson Auction at 1E0 Capitol Ave. BARGAIN, 116. High oven gas range, excellent condition. Call AT. 0182. WANT TO BUY ' DESKS. DESKS. DESKS. New desks, used desks bought, sold , snd traded. J. p. Reed. 1207 Farnam. AT. 1141 POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Hunting dogs, pups; purest bred Llewellyn setter pups. White with black spots and ticks. Write tor full de scription. Price 111 to (20 each. A. Bergt, Schuyler, Neb. . FOR SALE Good registered Airedale pups. Write for prices. Gene Alnswortn, R. R. No 2, Humphrey, Neb PEDIGREED Boston terrier puppies, best blood lines obtainatle. Ferno Foster, 1721 Ranch, Kearney, Neb. BUILDING MATERIAL. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O IDEAL READY ROOFING CO. O O - BETTER ROOFS FOR LESS O O MONEY. O O WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK O O OF BURRETS ROOFINGS; ALSO O O CEMENT, TAR, NAILS AND O O METAL PAINTS. VERY BEST 3- O O PLY ROOFINGS, 11.60 A ROLL. O O PUT ON YOUR OWN ROOHNO O O AND 8AVE HALF. FOR ESTI- 0 O MATES AND SAMPLES, CALL 0 O HARNEY 4(11. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - BUSINESS CHANCES BAKERY for pale, doing 161 cash busi ness a day. located In the beet town IB Colorado; population 2.000; mining, rail road and Irrigation development going on. Priced right Reason for selling have farming Interest. Address The Craig Bakery, t-raig. t-oio. pas-ic .ml confectionery, town ef 2,000. a...n.n, hnainesa. reasonable rent nt la good fireproof building, located on Blue Grass snd jeriersoo wisnwy. "p'. southern Iowa Wish to sell because of sickness In family. A. F. Adams, Osceola. Is. ' BARBER SHOP, I chairs; modern. elee trie equipped; I shops In town of 1,0001 doing a good paying business. ' Price g goo. Address T-Htl, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Bakery, 6,00l; terms. New equipment good location; wholesale and retail; 1101 day business. Lilly Bakery. Drumrlgnt. uki. MILLINERY store." I years established. Thriving western town, county seat terms te suit Box Y 117. The Oma ba Bee. BARBER shop for sale. Reeson, sick ness. John Carrie, Grand hotel, Coun cll Bluffs. Is. RESTAURANT and soft"lli-lnk narlor. lo- rated at ll( Leavenworth St. ONE-HALF Interest la a good paylai busia 2006 Cuming.