For the Live Boys of Omaha j For career, "YBoy$ at Work for the Summef There are over 200 "V" boys Ho have retular jobi the yur (round. Practically all these earn their own membership!, huy their own clothes and make their upending money. Hut anion thoe who have join (or the lummer, we have heard from the following: John and Donald Madectt are working on a berry farm near Omaha. Kutiell Hunter is with the School Supply company. Vernon Sandwall m employed at the Nebraska Clothing company kelling neckties and collar, Rushton Brothers are in the pop business at Twentieth and Spencer. Joe Whealy works in the check room at the "Y." ' John and David Waterman have several jobs, carrying papers, raising garden and caring for chickens. v Ralph Harris is at Camp Sheldon. Me went to camp with the Omaha hoys June 20 and was given a job for the summer at the camp. Harold Brown, who is with the Boy's division staff during the win ter, is working at Armours. Omaha "Y" Members Everyone Should Know Ronald Householder is interested in all boys' activities which have a character building advantage. He en joys outdoor sports and has developed skill in athletics. Ronald has just returned from Camp Sheldon for his first season. At camp he won several honors and the admiration of many leaders who said he was one of the best examples per sonifying the motto: "The Other Fel low First." His unselfish service .and untiring efforts to help everyone nave a good time won him many friends and popularity with his camp mates. He ii a member of All Saints church, a Boy Scout in a troop win ning many highest honors in scout craft, and has been an active member of the boys' division of the "Y" for over a year, v Ronald is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Householder, 11 South Fifty first street, and attends Dundee grade school. ' "Y" Members Away on Their Vacations Word has been received from many "Y" boys who are on their vacations or who have just returned. Robert Hartman is touring the lake region of Minnesota with his folks. They arc camping,, canoeing and enjoying a very pleas ant vacation trip. Robert Rigby returned this week from a motor trip through Colo . rado. Harvey Moss, Henrv Erion, Don ald Erion, Thomas Warfield, Wil liam Ure, jr:, and Archie Powell soent one and two periods at Camp Clifford. John Pattulto leaves during the week for California to be gojie dur ing August. Matt Wigton returned last week from Camp Sheldon, where he has been since June 20. After the Oma ha camp period. Matt stayed at Camp Sheldon for out-state .camps. "Y" Popular Place With Masonic Boys All boys of the Masonic home have memberships in the boys' divi sion of the Y. M. C. A. when they become 12 years of age. During the summer months they spend part of the time near their farm west .of O-naha. Their laboc ?.r interspersed with good times aur! outings. The boys had two pic.n.'rs last week. At the end of their day's work several times each week all come to the "Y" for a good swim in tlyv pobl. Boys fr"om the home who now have membership are Rolland Ahl, Larry Dolan, Clyde Dymond, Lyal Newby, Harry Harvey, Harry Rey nolds, Ewing Jenkins, Joe Savorelli, Duane Wright, William Lowder. These boys have been very regular in the use of their privileges during the last season, attending gym and swimming classes. They all were enrolled i,n the Saturday Noon Bible classes. All Set for Big Watermelon Feed The. boys' division will hbld its bi? annual watermelon feed August 17. Word has been received from E. E. Mickelwright. who is spending his vacation at Estes Park, Colo., that this year's watermelon feed will be the best and biggest.ever. On the new electric bulletin board is the colored poster on which are listed names of invited guests. There are many new members who came into the membership during the sum mer months. This party is designed especially for them, to get all of them acquainted, explain the winter sched ule and the general use of their mem bership privileges. Other guests will be those who have secured new mem bers during the summer. Boys Division Notes New members for the last week are as follows:' Elv.-ood ' Castle transferred from Grand Island. Neb to the Omaha association; Harold Day, Douglas Day. Earl Woodhalt, Harold Krelle, Charles Mathews. Howard Lnndgrec, Randall Stevens, Marion Burkhart, Randolph Moore, Henry Pederson, Fred Moores. W. Lee Brown, Emmett Spraktes, Tohn Williams, Lyal Quinby, Robert Keyt, John Page. Don Myers. The entire boys division is having a general cleanup, new coats of paint and plumbing put in first class or der for the coming season. It will take a month to complete the paint ing. Many members bring their friends to the "Y" with them this summer. The guest is entitled to same privileges as the member for the day. There have been several out-of-town "Y" boys from Lincoln, In- diaita, Rantas Cuy and nuny other oritum over the country. Hoys who are touring the country with their parents oncn top kr a mm! and hower. the Silent, Yet Polyglot Drama For All Sat ions the fir.t lime m hi. n.neit' 1 he ilent drama, Chubby Walter Hitri i to no tonuue and vet appear in blackface in 'The Ghut j univerval language. iir it speaks with Breaker." starring Wallace licid. 'the heart and to the heart; hence a'l T3 5 These are the WALLACE REID in "The Dictator" Supported by Lila Lee From the novel by Richard Harding Davit Directed by James Cruze Scenario by Walter Woods MARION DAVIES in The Young Diana" by Marie Corelli A Cosmopolitan Production THOMAS MEIGHAN "If You Believe It, It's So" by Perley Poore Sheehan Directed by Tom Forman Scenario by Waldemar Young in BETTY COMPSON in "The Bonded Woman" From the story "The Salving of John Somen" by John' Fleming Wilson Directed by Philip Rosen Adaptation by Albert Shelby LeVino MAY McAVOY in "The Top of New York" by Sonya Levien Scenario by Julia Crawford IversJ "THE LOVES OF PHARAOH" with Emil Jannings, Dagny Servaes, Harry Liedtke and Paul Wegener An Ernest Lubitsch Production GLORIA SWANSON in a Sam Wood Production , "Her Gilded Cage" Scenario by Elmer Harris and Percy Heath Based on the play by Anne Nichols A William deMille Production "NICE PEOPLE" with Wallace Reid, Bebe Daniels,' Conrad Nagel and Julia Faye From the play by Rachel Crothers Scenario by Clara Beranger THE SUNDAY DEE : luuiuu. uu) ui'drrttand ' The bet ter the picture, the more easily ;s it undrrt0od and by a greater variety of races and jteople. Yet, Strang M ) rhe maker of the pufire t-t.en find that they ntut peak many tongue, so that they may fdmmun'cate their desires and thoughts to the actors and other! em ployed in the filming. It is one of it i true, tii It it, the on W II II II FORTY-ONE great new Paramount Pictures will be released in the com ing six months beginning August 6th. Your theatre manager is booking youi photoplays now for the coming season. Make sure that he is preparing to show you these Paramount Pictures. It is for you that Paramount has worked out step by step, months in advance, this great program, gathered all the great geniuses of pro-duction-dramatists, stars, directors, art ists, technicians and supplied them with forty-one new Paramount Pictures you should ask your theatre manager to book: RODOLPH VALENTINO in "Blood and Sand" A Fred Niblo Production Supported by Lila Lee and Nita Nald! From the novel by Vicente Blaaco Ibanes and the play by Tom Cuihing Adaptation by June Mathis "THE VALLEY OF SILENT MEN" ' with Alma Rubens From the story by James Oliver Curwood Directed by Frank Borsage A Cosmopolitan Production "THE SIREN CALL" with Dorothy Dalton An Irvin V. Willat Production Supported by David Powell and Mitchell Lewis by J. E. Nash Adaptation by J. E. Nash and Philip Hum JACK HOLT in a Peter B. Kyne special "While Satan Sleeps" Adapted by Albert S. LeVino From the novel "The Parson of Panamint" Directed by Joseph Henabery CECIL B. De MILLE'S Production "Manslaughter" with THOMAS MEIGHAN Leatrice Joy and Lois Wilson From the novel by Alice Duer Miller Adaptation by Jeanie Macphersoa The HuaUton Theatrical Corporation prttente "THE MYSTERIES OF INDIA Directed by Joe May "PINK GODS" A Penrhyn Stanlaws Production by Cynthia Stockley with Bebe Daniels, James Kirkwood and Anna Q. Nilsson Adaptation by J. E. Nash and Sonya Levien "THE OLD HOMESTEAD", with Theodore Roberts Adapted from Denman Thompson's play by Perley Poore Sheehan and Frank Woods Scenario by Julien Josephion Directed by James Cruze book th.pklum. HeM brnkkig hk m& MmMMtiA pkMm mm).! OMAHA. JULY SO, 192-'. the many oaidoei ot the itrecu! 'woild, ! j An unuu.Jly interesting illutira-' lion oi this numm i to he found' ' n Cuy Bate Cost's present tilmmg j 'of hi second creen vehicle. "Omar,, I the Tentmaker." a Richard Walton 'fully production. Nigel de Hrulier, jwho play Niein in this colorful Iphotodrama, is French; although he Karlotf, Russian If it's a Paramount Picture it's the best "THE FACE IN THE FOG" By Jack Boyle A Cosmopolitan Production "BURNING SANDS" with Wanda. Hawley and Milton Sills A George Melford Production by Arthur WeigaU Adaptation by Olga Printtlau WALLACE REID and LILA LEE in "The Ghost Breaker" by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard Adaptation by Jack Cunningham Directed by Alfred Green "THE COWBOY"AND THE LADY" with Mary Miles Minter and Tom Moore Directed by Charles Maigne ' by Clyde Fitch A George Fitzmaurice Production "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" with Betty Compson and Bert Lytell Supported by Theodore Kosloff and W. J. Ferguson by Mary Johnston Scenario by Ouida Bergere THOMAS MEIGHAN in"The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" by Perley Poore Sheehan and Frank Condon Directed by Alfred Green "ON THE HIGH SEAS" with Dorothy Dalton and Jack Holt Supported by Mitchell Lewis by Edward Sheldon An Irvin V. Willat Production FAMOUS MAYERS LASKY CORP. ADOLPH ZUKOR, President ' NEW,.YORK .CITY speaks I'nglish ery tluently, lie is' helped by having the diitctoi ad vise him in his native tongue Ma-' tlaiue Rose l)ione, the shah's mother o( the story, has been in the I'nited States for six years, yet she speaks very little Kuglish and her native I'reuch it almost obligatory, Bortr j the piece ie being meuiani t cu-ans, ,ri, aicmhi, (jurkhaf and trench Canadian, Kruest Milliard, the screen's most debonair "vilyun," has completed wotk in "Divorce Coupons," Corinne ('rittiih's latest production (or Vita- the Imam Mowatiak, is ol birth. Many of the bits in graph, previously iullen Landis, m a every conceivableequipmenttoproduce the most magnificent and thrilling pictures! You are to be the deciding and endorsing factor in this audacious program of E very .Paramount Picture a Big Picture! Seize the opportunity in advance! Telephbne the theatre. Ask the man ager "When are these Paramount Pic tures coming?" Get the day and date of showing for .every one of the forty-one, and you are all set for the greatest shows of the greatest season in the history of entertainment' show in town RODOLPH VALENTINO in "The Young Rajah" Adapted from the play by Alethea Luce and the novel "Amos Judd" by John Ames Mitchell Adaptation by June Mathis Directed by Phillip E. Rosea ALICE BRADY in "Anna Ascends" by Harry Chapman Ford Directed by Joseph Henabery A William deMille Production "CLARENCE" By Booth Tarkington with Wallace Reid, Agnes Ayres, and May McAvoy Adaptation by Clara Beranger GLORIA SWANSON In a Sam Wood Production "The Impossible Mrs. Bellew" by David Lisle Adaptation by Percy Heath "ENEMIES OF WOMEN" by Vicente Blasco Ibanez Directed by Robert Vlgnola , A Cosmopolitan Production A George Melford Production Robert Louis Stevenson's "EBB TIDE" with Lila Lee and James Kirkwoou Cast includes George Fawcett and Raymond Hatton Adapted by Lorna Moon - "THE PRIDE OF PALOMAR" From the story by Peter B. Kyne Directed by Frank Borzage A Cosmopolitan Production ELSIE FERGUSoft in "Outcast" by Hubert Henry Davies A John Robertson Production, Adaptation by Josephine Lovett ft U poitravrd by Ar-1 trading man. who will he iciiiembei. eJ limn ln woik m a similar part in " I he Old Xet," it sern in rite lead ing iule in ' Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight." winch plays the first four i!.t of this week at the Rialto theater. The part of the mother Is very capably played by Virginia True Boaidman. titled "I.inda." the popular )Oung "SINGED WINGS" withBebe Daniels A Penrhyn Stanlaws Production by Katherine Kewlin Burt THOMAS MEIGHAN in George Ade's "Back Home and Broke" Directed by Alfred Green AGNES AYRES in "A Daughter of Luxury" Adaptation by Beulah Marie Diz Directed by Joseph Henabery A George Fitzmaurice Production "KICK IN" with Betty Compson and Bert Lytell By Willard Mack. Scenario by Ouida Bergere WALLACE REID in "Thirty Days" by A. E. Thomas and Clayton Hamilton Directed by James Cruze MARION DAVIES in "Little Old New York" by Rida Johnson Young Directed by Frank Borzage A Cosmopolitan Production RODOLPlTvALENTINO in "A Spanish Cavalier" Based on the play "Don Cesar DeBasan" By Adolph d'Ennery and P. F. P. Dumanier Scenario by June Mathis JACK HOLT in a Peter B. Kyne special "MAKING A MAN" Directed by Joseph Henabery Adaptation by Albert Shelby LeVino ALICE BRADY "Missing Millions" by Jack Boyle in A William deMille Production "NOTORIETY" with Bebe Daniels by Clxa Beranger