9 LOST AND FOUND lOTlfei gter celt im Ml ear tll,Mel. right frewl ga.l. ealaree., ms fail CauarH Hntft A-MSt. vacatYon resorts. LASUS hi beautiful Hxmlm lake, Mr THA OMAHA CuUltit. KMAmi Wmi, aeedy leech, tlu nasaee. fta,st Muk baas fishing la lbs eie's. id a m terme, Tt pl.t and furtesr In formed. ru Berber I'lti. iJuiuih Mint. MALE HELP' WANTED Bricklayers Wanted VnleB Job, I vr dsy, hour, week. Wilt Mow IraUNttlllK, far will etay ! Imi ene month. Muet be ftrst-ela. roeehaalca. Apply . elj "roe. Construction Ce., At Jobs Horrell pl.ot. tturaa. la. HOUtR csnvser wealed by commercial photographer. Uood preposition lo mta net afraid 10 worn city. Mlddle-eged ma a preferred, flwin at'r p. m KB. lit. WAN i operate airing of penny vending tnaralae. In Omaha n4 council tuufra. Marhmee HI return Cull InvMtmoni la 19 weeks. Bee Hamilton. Fsitea dotal. MKN WANTED, roa URAVEL HACMNO. Several eacelleat Job. open. Mn a Ihla work now earning 2t ta 111 par day. Muat b reliable and aMa ta buy truck, paying part raih, belanre from earning. Quick action la nereeaary aa Until. 4 nomher enly can ba taken car of. Wkaa replying give phona No. If possible. Addrsss Box W-110. Omaha Bm. MEN want ad. Co. WA. Updike Lumbar Coal RKI.lABLK man la rapreaant manulactur. ar In Omaha and tba eurroundlng terrl Wry aa distributor.; only amall working capital Beceseary lo handla business For tntsrvlew call Mr. Evaas, Boom fit Peg lea aotal. SOLICIT eecounle for collacllon for local rallabla .gency. .City or country. Oood pay. Apply 111 Lefl.ng Bldf. BALKDMAN WANTED Cannad fruit ape clalty salesman. Bo W-148. t . WANTEP Man lo buy iruca ana over trensrer Business; unususiir i...'n 1,1 terme, DO. till. Evening or Bunday HA. 404. WmH daya. DO. 8841 WANTED Billing Clark i muat ba food at fleers,: five ago. references and "alary .seeded. Addraaa Boa 118. Omaha Bao. FEMALE HELP WANTED COMPTOMETER OPERATORS WANTED Wa hava calle for IB enperleneed comp. tnmatar operalora that' wa ara - unable ta fill. Wa naad 10 atudanla lo go through a alx waak"a couraa to fit them for Juat aurb poalllona. If you muat work, why not prepare ao that you will gat the moot far your time. Let ua tell you about It. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL, 4S-I Mlckel building. J A. IMS. The School That graduate Espcrta. WHITB girl or woman for general houaa work; muat be good cook; two In fam ily! amall houae: good.wagaa. WA. JJ7S after p. m. Mra. Jullua Kaffler, a2T N. 40lh atraat. . WANTED Five aalee ladlca, permanent rwaltlone. to write partleA Apply At 4114 8. 84th St. SITUATIONS WANTED . Grain Bookkeeper Thoroughly experienced In all dapla. of the bualnia will ba available for poaltlon Aug. 1. Mlnneapolla and Omaha referencaa. P. 6. Box 434, Mlnneapolla. Minn. MR. employer or Mra. Houiewlfe, BEAD J..' iiZ.ii i- immniikii for thea worthy peopla to talk with a J of you .face to face ao they .hava uaad thla column aa A meana of notifying YOU that they want to work tor iw. STENOOR APH ER Man, eoma experi ence, dralrca poaltlon. Salary W week up, wa. ot.' . TIRE repairman, two yeara' experience, want, work. At once. , Write Box No. ,7. Mead. Neb DAT work wanted.. Raf. WE. 004. , ATTRACTIONS WHETHER you're Intereated in getting attraction, or want to get Pieced, read and ute thla claaalflcatlon. Tou'd be aur "l,ed to lea?n howMny concaMloner, and "free attraction" peop a take The Omaha Bee ao they can keep In touch wltn the yarloua celcbretlona advertlaea. DOLtS. balloons", rubber balls, ... , , .NOVELTIES. ,, . Aak for catalogue, Olobe Novelty io.f 1208 ramam .mii-. Neb. WAITED: Conceaalona, free and paid at traction, for annual 'picnic. Ohlowa, NeD Auguiit 10. Addrcaa Picnic Cogam. THE "Melody Five" Jaxa band. Joe Drake, WE. S31J: HSJ N. aid 8t - EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIQHT SCHOOL Complete couraoa In accountancy, ma chine oookkoeptng. fcemptometry. ahort hand and typewriting; railroad nd wlreleaa telegraphy, civil aervlce and all Engll.h and commercial lmci Write, call of .phone Jaokaon iSi for lane llluetratad eaUlog. Addreaa , Boyles College " Boylea BWg Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men, ladlea and boyi vt wa , , . Km hi. itamind: wagaa while learning; atrleUy modern. Call or write 1463 Dodge bt, in-uitf Mtw Van Sant School of Bualneaa.. " Day and Bvenlng Schoola. ; II Osiaha National Bank Bldg. , . . Poualaa lilt DO you want to lncreeae yom-Incoroat Write the National futo Sohoal. MM N. JOth St., Omaha, for catalog. Day or evening aeaalone, , , DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE, . w , ui,- iBth anrf Farnam, AT. 741a. " vau ... unt .1, HARDER COLLEGE. . 11 S. 14th. Vfrlte for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, volce an piano. 101 Karbach Blk. JA. I'll. CLOTHING AND PURS ".'...iaa nnnr nu UTT.LA' For . few claimdr.ll-wool unde?- autta. cheap. Alteration, fraa. Northwest Cor. 16ttand Harney Bta. ONE YELLOW organdy dress, one glng ham; never havo been worn. WE 103. FULL DRESS aulta and Tuxedo, for rent JA. lll. 10 N. lth St. L Feldman. ARMY shoee. 1.0. TO No. Hth. ' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALS. LIGHT FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING, COMPLETELY OVERHAULED WITH NEW MOTOR BLOCK AND FLY WHEEL AND 8TARTER. LIGHTS, AND ALL IN GOOD CONDITION. MUST HAVE 1148.80 FOR QUICK SALE. PART CASH AND BALANCE ON NOTE TO RIGHT PARTY. LIBERTY BOND SAME AS CASH. . MR. BAILEY. 1662 FARNAM ST. BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. Model K-t. 11 model. New top, paint and tlrea. Perfect condi tion. Cheep. .1388. Cash or terme. 05 Farnam. DO. 187. SOME bargains In used Fords; prompt delivery or. ew Fords. ( . M'CAFTRET MOTOR CO.. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16th and Jackaon Sta. PP. 0 WE BUY and sell new and used care. CGOLDSTROM AUTO SALES CO., "r tl Marnev St. JA. 18. ',nnu U inU PRICE! D CAR. - (assenger Jordan touring 121 model. 0 cordtlree. Fin. condition, 11,100 caah. Call WA, 41. FORD sedaw body, wUl trade for touring Body. Harney . rr?TKI OVERHAULED. . MUST SELll MR. MORRIS. 101 FARNAM BT. CSED CARS O. K. Beast; Motor Co., 1664 Farnam. .RES Inspection and water for all makes battery. Battery and Parte Co 141 Famam S AT. ill. BUY A GUY U SMITH USED CAR. 24th and Faraaja Sta. f tone DO. lWS. rsKD rcird paru at half price. Parte for all atandard make) cara. Neb. Auto Parts. ltlt Harney St. LOOK over our list of used cam. . .. THE AUTOMOTIVB MARKET. ; 1060 Farnam St. AT. FOR SALE STUTS SPEEDSTER. CHEAP. -GOOD TIRES; WIRE WHEELS. market esee. - tsll MaxwelL fist clssa condition: a bar- gsia. Lee A, Weeks. U. S. marahal'a office. Day number DO. 8504. ASK about our t-day Auto Repaint Serv. Ice. PFEIFFER'S. 161 Leavenworth. USED radiator all makes, for aale. Greenough Radiator Repair. 101 Famam. USRD Fords, all inedela. Co.. ill Cuming- Used Ford Car ONE good Maxwell towrieg for aale, cheap. AT 1S7, UfJLLI. sstpcrt ante trtmaer. SU & Itta. TUU "MTXyfDC HOW M6H"t MUI. At OUT Ml Ml 6O0C TOTiyNt- 1 (vi vwtvt- Noy tot ova) t toi you' V80f . THAt (o jNOL OF MINI k VvAtovaj fivt mA rot tnACH w Ht 6Vrt. A fX)e,000i3 Toll t?vt im.t it A-t trrrutl jh 150,00011 AMD t .0,000: TOR. KSttUP - Yotfire NotGiviiniff deal unless you're watchino; the hundreds of opportunities to save and make money that are offered in the "Want". Ad columns of The Omaha Bee every day. Remember, too, they bring better results at lesser cost. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Real Truck Buys , . REPUBLIC -ton. rebuilt, new paint, ex preea body; good open cab; only fill. REPUBLIC 1-ton. A-I condition; aolld tlrea; Continental motor. Bargain, 1600. REO 14-ton. good body and cab: rebuilt and look, fine. Newly painted. 1360. STEWART m -ton. overhauled and re painted. Solid tlrea. Any type body. 1600. KISSEL lH-ton. mechanically good aa new. 1 In 1 farm body. New tlrea. 160. REPUBLIC 1-ton chaaala, thoroughly re built, Oood rubber. A real buy at I860. Andrew Murphy & Son, 14th and Jackaon. Term, If deatred. OUR NEW USED CAR POLICY. Drive any uaed car we have for ' one weak. If not atlsfled bring It back. ALL. MAKES ALL MODELS. Largest aale ever known going on alt thla week. Aak about our eaay payment plan. WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC.. 1662 Farnam Factory Branch. r Open Evening.. BUY an automobile. . The beat bargain. In used cars are offered In this column, Omaha Bee "Want" Ads are a clearing house for practically all makee of care. Most of them are in excellent condition and ca b put to any test.- - EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN, LIGHT t PASSBNOER TOURING WITH START-. ER, LIGHTS AND ALL IN FINE CON DITION. FIRST 1100 CASH BUYS THIS CAR: MR. GLASS. 2663 FARNAM 8T. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Auction v Auction Expensive and ataple furniture, fuga and furniture to be eold in ' Dowd s Auction House, 18th and Webster Sts. . Wedneaday at 1 p. m. Including overstuffed parlor aultea, ma hogany davenport tables, library tables, very expenalve American walnut and ma hogany period dining room aultea. beauti ful bedroom aultea, Including American walnut and mahogany Simmons bads, kitchen cabinets, linoleums, gas ranges, cooking utensils, drapes, linens, pictures and hundreds of articles too numeroua to mention. - . .. James L. Dowd & Co., Auctioneers, If you have anything to sell call Atlantic 06 or Walnut 213. Going, Going, Gone This Is the cry of the auctioneer as eager buyers snap up the bargains offered at the Stephsnson Auctions. Furniture and houaehold goods of all kinds from several nice Omeha homes and from storage, will be listed in these sales. We want to make a clean aweep of our salesroom this week and every thing on our floor la for aale, regardlesa of what your bid might be. Youj will find a varied assortment of fur niture, suitable for any room in your home, and suitable for any kind . of a home, .v.- . '.'.. Next Auction WEDNESDAY. JULY 26TH, 1 :S0 P. M. Then Friday and Saturday. FRANK B. STEPHENSON, Auct. Call AT. 6266 or WE. 4478 when you have houaehold goods for sale. EI.BCTRIC WASHING MACHINES Retailed at wholesale price,. 7S buys the best. Phone Douglas 4423. AUCTIONS ar. held dally and evening, at ... . 1 T .Oik ... TXT .K- ater street. Phona AT. 06 for details. STORE ft OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS AND -All MAKES bought, sold rented and repaired. Sole agent, for the CORONA. Get eur prices before you buy, Every machine euarantaed. . Central Typewriter Exc, JA. 4110. 111 Farnam. WI buy, sell aafea, make deeke. show cases, etc., umana .uiw. suppiy o., S. W. Cor. lltb and DobsIba JA. 2714. GUARANTEED typewriter. $10 and up. Midland Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE EXPERT sewing machine repairing. t Hth and Harney. ' ' DO. Wl. LADIES' beautiful rlamond ring, alao dia mond pin, very reaaonable. Box W-13S, Omaha Bee. ' - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TRADE your uaed piano on a new playar piano. Balance a. lew as iv par monm, A. HOSPE CO- 1612 Douglas. TiOWTHTNGS TTTEAT. IF you want to purchase fresh, whole some fruit, vegetables, bakery goods In fact, anything In the food 11ns wateh this classification daily. It wilt prove a lime and money saver for you. APPLES for sale, 11 a buaheL 61d street. KG. 3741. 4111 N. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT SCREENINGS. 11.6 per 109 lba. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. JA. 1141. BUSINESS CHANCES GARAGE stock of tools, machinery and autq accessor! ee of the Mangold garage, to be sold at public sale at Elkhorn, Neb., July I. 1911. The acceptance or rejection of bid, and the adjournment et sale at option of the trustee. Inquire of George IS. Mangold, Trustee. Bennington, Neb. - ' 1 ' Mr. Dunhan, Referee. GARAGE and battery business for sale; will Invoice 14.690; 11.100 per month bnai neea. 81.209 cash will buy. Wire R. Z. Ferd. 129 Cherokee. St Joseph. Mo. FOR SALE Cash aad caiTy meat market, fully equipped, doing good business. Cheap It taken at once. Addreaa Box 711, Grand Island. Neb. HOTEL aad furniture for eale; only hotel la live western Nebraska town. For par tteulara write W. H. Bryan. Stratten. Neb. FORD agency for eale; well located in central Iowa. For particular, addreaa T-l6. Omaha Bee. SOMETHING new in confectionery : first coma geta bargain, 10. 411 N. 26th St. it w colom THK IUNDAV l MAbt a vy VCWT BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Storage battery elation In county aeat town, 1,000, only exclusive battery atatlon handling nationally advar tiaed battery. Good reaaon for selling. Addreaa Y-llst, Omaha Bee. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION, tide, knife, box pleating, covered buttone, all atylea: hemstitch ing, buttonholes. Write Ideal Button A Pleating Co., lot Brown Block, Omaha, Neb. Telephone JA. lilt. NEB. PLEATING firSS: ad Buttons. 1104 Farnam, Id Floor. DO. 670. KODAK FINISHING. FILMS . DEVELOPED FREE. The Ensign Co., HOT Howard St CONTRACTORS. OARAGES built, any atyle and else, 1100 up. Concrete work. Mlcklln Lumbar aV Wrecking Co. Tet. WE. 6661, DENTISTS. DENTAL X-RAYS, 60 each, II a full eat (1 Securities Bldg., 16th and Farnam. DETECTIVES. RELIABLE Detective Ex. Bldg.. J A. 2060; Bureau, Railway night, KB. 1812. independent Detective Bureau, 804 Neville Blk. AT. 5601 ; night, WA. 4046; KB. 0466 JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all caaea. AT. 1180. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. Martin, Patent Attorney, 1711 Dodge, room 20. Alao Washington, D. C. 1 help Inventors ssll their patents. PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINO. Large or amall Job, short notice. Good work. CALL AT. 6590. PRINTING. EDDY Printing Co. Ill S. It St. Do. 4T. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN and fancy sewing; silk shirts apeclalty; work guaranteed. JA. 0736. FURRIERS. FURS rellned, cleaned. Kneeter Alaska Fur Co.. 202 So 15th St DO, 7SJ. TINNERS. SPOUTING SPOUTING Have your house spouted with guaranteed spouting, 17c per foot. WA. 3034, Dun dee Tin Shop. - " TREE TRIMMING. TREE trimming and epraylng, tree surgery our specialty, work done By experts, uati us for free advice In the cars of your trees. Home Landscape Service, 911 N. 24th St. DO. 6118. MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCEMENTS. diamonds wrc.pwrthtpr,vr. to buy back at small profit. . GROSS JEWELRY CO., Omaha, Neb., 402 N. 16th St. Telephone DO. 604. - OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half price or new beds. Pillows renovated and made up in new feather proof ticking. Old bed tlcljs washed. HOT Cuming. JA. 2467, DR. Louis N. Smernoft, diseases of women and children, sis N. net nr. t. is. PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded at the 6 Sherman & McConnell Drug stores. WANT TO BUY USED WARDROBE TRUNK wanted. Will pay ea,h. Mr. Webber. TY. jouo. ROOMS FOR RENT LOOKING for a roorn Possibly you have Just come to the city and are looking for a homelike place. Your recourse Is in the "Rooms" ads in this column. Look them through today. If you can't find what you want come to The Omaha Bee office and let ua aupply you with a furnished room directory, free of charge. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. Laree beautifully furnished rooms with all conveniences of a home or a hotel. Im maculately clean, five minutes' walk from heart of city: must bo seen to be appre ciated. Space in garage If desired. 80S S. 20th St. Phone JA. 0620. DESIRABLE accommodations for 1 or 2 business er professional men in attractive ly furnished bachelor quarters. Weat Farnam district. Ofhone HA. 4641 after 0 p. m., Saturday afternoon or Sunday NEAR car, two well-furnished sleeping rooms to ladles employed or married cou ple. Laundry, kitchen and home privileges, everything furnished. 438 Seward. HOTEL SANDFORD, Hth and Farnam. . HOTEL HENSHAW, 16th and Farnam. ' Special rates to permanent guests. NICELY furnished clean, cool rooms, first and second floor; light housekeeping aad eleeplng rooms. 406 North 19th Street FTJRN. rms. with prir. bath; warm, com fortable, cheerful; prlcea reaaonable, day or wk. Hotel Hamilton. AT. 4701. FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern, elec tric lights, water and telephone furnished. 3018 Webster St. Call HA. 2491. UNFURNISHED room tor light house keeping, close In. strictly modern, rea aonable rent. Call A I. 1160. CLEAN, small rooms, with closet. It; large room for two, 18. AT. 6020. 2201 Davenport atrset. - - NICELY turn, room; private home, con venient to board; modern. HA. 0900. TWO eleeplng rooms for rent; modern, cool, desirable. 1801 N. 19th street. NICE -cod room. 100 8. 30th Ave. Ref. i ere nee. """f' i"7,r am So 2 3rd. storage, in rear, ski bo. sjto. LARGE unlurn. rooms for bachelor... or I NICE, cool lovely furnished rooms. 26th I ar.d Cass Sts.. Greystone. AT. 7994- DOUGLAS ST., 4266 Pleaaant room foi 1 or gentlemen, private home. WA. 006. 1419 CALIFORNIA: nice cool room, mod ern, cloae in. Call AT. 1711. LARGE. COOL ROOMS AND -GARAGE. HA. 762. - NICELY tarnished front room, excellent hoard, for two. -301 jonea st. - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 1 AND 1-BOOM ante., furnished- or na- furnished; electrlo lights, a as and phone furnished; walking distance.. . souta 2th St., J A. 3161. NICELY furnished, clean, close in apart ment; pleasant aurroundings and mod erately priced to coeple. 920- North tet A TWO'front rooms. 14.60; one room. 12.60; everytmng rurntsnea. HA .sis. - HOUSES FOR RENT WILL share modern 0-r. homo with couple. Everything furnished. : Garage. KB. 27L , . - - ; THE OMAHA BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY. 26, 1922. LABOR VS. NWR Vt 10AFIN4- W moe umo veOrM von To LOOK V? TO N0U I HOUSES FOR RENT VERY nice 0-room house, newly decorated, bath and garage: now vat-ant. 136. 2021 Pierce nlree. A". 1101 SHERMAN AVbS., .w..., . . muueiii, ua uar; ff.rage; ,uu par .bivuiii. Seerge F. Jnnea, AT. 0036. FURNISHED HOUSES FIVE rooma, either vacant or nloely fur nished ; good Inside and out, '1717 North 44h. Call Eagle Shoe Repair; 111 Far nam.' APARTMENTS FOR RENT Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Thirty-four apartment buildings, 861 apartments, reinforced concrete. abso lutely . fireproof. . Murphy bed or bed room apartments, call us, ana we win take you out. drake Rental' agency. Fireproof Apartment,, JA. 1806, AT. 0701. Corner 17th and Howard Streets. 0-ROOM flat, third floor: all modern ex cept heat. 126. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 Ftrat Nat. Bank. JA. 4223. FOUR-ROOM apartment and bath In pri vate home with private entrance, screened porch and garage, gas, water and light, furnished. Adults only. 160 summer rate. 608 North 41st Sti Walnut 1204. Peters Trust Company, WHERE OMAHA RENTS. MODERN 6-room apt. with garage, 83 per month. 130 N. 33d St. Call Harney 0333 or Douglas 2680. MODERN and 7 rooma; low rent, closs In. G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. . NEW cool, modern, 3 and 6-room apt. Mur- pny Beds, steam neat, zzie D at. MODERN APT -4 rooms and bath, walk ing distance. 160. WA. 1888. FIVE-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT Lalrd. DO 6676. AT 7390. -24th and FURNISHED APARTMENTS. . ' HUNTER INN . -i . Home for the traveling man to leave hi. wife In comfort and aafety, AT. 0960. FINE 4-room apt., tile bath, halls and sleeping porcn. Apply zzoft jn. zsa. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment modern. 312m California St. BUSINESS PROPERTY RENT RETAIL STORES For Rent Desirable store rooms in shopping district. Also large floor area; exceptionally fine base ment sppe under World theater. World Realty Company, AT. 3492. World Theater Bldg. OFFICE and store room for rent, at Wilk inson Bldg. 12th and Farnam. Inquire of Janitor. MERCANTILE STORAGE ANP WARE- tiuuBE uu.. utn ana jones sr. LARGE corner store, 13th and Jackson. Apply 1201 Jackson. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY atvangco. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING. Household Goods and Pianos. 'i- Reduced Rates This Week to LOS ANGELES and 1 CHICAGO. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked room, for household good, and pianos, moving,, packing and shipping. BEKINS OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE. 800 South 10th. -DO. 4101.. ESTIMATES furnished on storage and moving. Contract, taken on job or hr. Globe Van ft Storage Co., J A. 0331. , AT. 0230. 620-14 North 10th St LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Farm Loans RtflSSr.ZXZS. Kloke Investment Co.. ,14 Om. Nafl Bk. FIRST mortgage loana made promptly on Omaha real estate, Shopen A Cp, Realtors. J A. 4221. 134 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 101 Om. Nat' Bk. Blag. Jackson Hit. BiiaMSn.tiBBiiBnari.iiaiianBiiBiiaiiBiiaiiaiiBnBii.ii.MaiiBiiaMaiiBiiBiigHSiiBiiBtiai'aitaiEBnanaiia'i.ii.ii.M.it.ii.iiBiiaiianBiiBii.iirj j We Have a Complete List 1 of Dundee Homes $4.500 Six rooms, semi-bungalow, all modern ; garage ; tree, and shrubbery. Just east of Elmwood Park. $6,SSO Brand new 5 -room bungalow, well built nicely arranged, tile bath; immediate possession. 11,000 cash. .. $7,000 50th and Davenport; 7 teams, semi-bungalow, with on. bedroom first floor. 12.600 cash. $8,000 BrAnd new, 6 roomt, two- story. Colonial, tile bath, fireplace; , large living room. $1,160 cash. $9,780 Six rooms and deeping porch, fireplace and built-in features, cor ner lot, one block from cartas. $12,500 $10$ Webster atreet $ good rooma; sun room, til. bath and tile ' shower. A very good home ia excel , . lent condition and well located. $18500 An excellent brick and stucco , home ; very desirable location with lot 76x128: has living room, , dining . room, kitchen and ana mem lot floor; S bedroom., enclosed sleeving ; ' porch and tile bath 2nd floor: 1 ' good rooms finished Ird floor; vapor heat - GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS . Membr 'Multiple) JA'ckaoa 2850 -tit:ihttiin)a,sittt CAPITAL iV BANAtU am fxticHt- tCA)9E NOV i6 Youirse LOANS ON REAL ESTATE WE have cask on hand to loan on Omaha resldeaoea. E. H. LOUOEB. INC. (1 Keellne Bldg. 1100 TO 110,009 loan, made promptly. F. D. WEAD and D. H. BOWMAN, 110 S. 11th Bt Weed Bldg. At 01(1. UN IMP. PROPERTY. NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. 046 OMAHA NAT Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS . Money to Loan $30 to $500 on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Less than legal rates, monthly pay ments. QUICK. QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA LOAN CO.. 606 Karbach Block. Tel. JA. 2295. Southeitat. corner 16th and Douglat Sta. BONDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES J. H. MITHEN paya most for LIBERTY BONDS. 921 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. ACREAGE FOR SALE A PP17 A (IV tracts, largs and small. AjIXCiJJIll Ea,y payments. Hast ings A Heyden. 1614 Harney St. AT. 0060. VACANT PROPERTY Dundee Lot Owner, Must Sell Located on 62d Avenue Just south of Dodge. East front, slse 66x136. Price 12,950 for quick sale. Best buy In this location. The Byron Reed Company DO. 0297. 1612 Farnam Street. $4,750 Dundee Lots $4,750 Corner, 100x132. Half block to Underwood avenue car, overlooking Happy Hollow. Paving taxee for street, and alley paid. Cash or terme. JOHN M. MACFARLAND, ATTY. at LAW 008-12 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone AT. 6868. 126 DOWN 16 MONTH ' Fine corner lot, facing south and eaat, sewer and water In street; near car, 1460. H. & MANVILLB. Realtor. AT. 2403 616 Peters Trust Bldg. DnlefnM T nts 1200 up Small pay- xvaioiun rnent down ; easy payi'ienta. I hone Stewart Ralston 10-W, WILL, build to your order on our beautl . ful lots In Edgswood; very easy terms. Atlantic 1540 V 1 NEBRASKA LANDS YOUR farm or ranch turned quickly Into cash. Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Cen tral City, Neb. M. A. Larson, Mgr.; A. W. Thompson, Auctioneer. 'ft FARMS, ranches, sale, exchange. Willi. Cadwell; Broken Bow, Neb. WANTED REAL ESTATE 'STRAIGHT 6-year loans, per cent AMOS GRANT CO., 201 8 18th, Arthur Bldg. , AT. 8380. GEO. T. PORTER aV CO. ' Real Eatete, Rentals Inaurance. 10 South 18th. AT. 111. NEW homes, completely financed.' Pay - Ilka rent C T. SPIER A CO., Realtors, : 804 Peter. Truet Bldg. DO. 4867. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., modern bous.s. 620 Ry. Excbg. Bldg. AT, 4960. f SHOLES.D.V.irT.mbr1. Multiple Listing Exchange. JA. 0040. , GOOD LISTINGS COME TO US. WE SELL THEM. HOME REALTY CO.. AT. 1111. WANT or T-room, well located, in Dun. dee, by the flrat: have oash. . Box 121. Omaha Bae. , LIST your home, for .ale with . ua. We have the customers. PAYNE INVEST -- MENT CO. TO SELL quick and buy right, see Fike A Pgice, 819 City Nat. Bank. JA. 2419. LIST your property with W. . Smith Co., 1110 Farnam 8t. Farnam LIST your property with R. D. Clark Co.. Securitlee Bldg. Willard C. Slabaugh, Realtor. J A. 2968. TO 8ELL Glover & Morel 1, AT. 3623. Equitable Truat Co. Realtor.. AT. 2146. $21,500 A new brick veneer house on Slst Avenue near Dodge Street; hot ' water heat tile bath: Ird floor fin ished ; garage and driveway. Owner going into a new bnsiness and will sacrifice for quick aale. - $23.750 201 California St!, 10 rooms, modern, with every convenience; hot r water heat with oil burner. Yon will ' admit this is a wonderful location; r large lot and a good house. Arrange for inapection. " $24,000 Solid brick house, tile roof:, breakfast room, sleeping' porch, sun ' room, finished 3rd floor; vapor heat; . 2-ear garage. Muat be sold; some on. will get a bargain. $27,800 Brick and stucco: ana of the newest and mast complete home, along 62nd St. Largs double corner; . if yon want something good, arrange to ace this. $33,000 Considered 'one of the most attractive homes in Happy Hollow Circle; rot 72x115; a wonderful lawn complete with .hrabbery and flowers. Pressed brick house with tile roof, . conveniently arranged and well fin- . ished. s 5 i i Luting Exchange) 18-20 City NatioBAl Drawn for OH I t0Nt KMOVJ- INK e&TTCR 909 A MAM TO (SUIT feO t)V iVUNrT m 601N6 mtUiUNt) ALOHfe lJ jMTVnTWH with who aw riovnmci tolah ExilT9E. f A Tot MAM Jv)f TO UAM. IT TO tOMUOtW yio vaiu Through rr'.- " NOHVir J UL BIT "0 OH TOXnVxi WIL tAlV. HtlR TO IT AT 0O O6NP1 KutM iflAk to, rvo-j - amp m ew oo on ViatAkBaSaa! BAv.AK.a.al A a ... a. . jb" 9MT WANTED REAL ESTATE HOMES for ssle, APT8. for rent W. J. Palmer Co., Real Eatate Management Specialist Keellne Bldg AT. 1910. List your home Buy your borne, BINDER & OTIS, Real Estate. Loan.. Rentals. JA. 161. Charles W. Young & Son Real Estate, Rental Inaurance, 101 City Nat Bk. AT. tt. To buy nr sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD Members Multiple Listing Ex. JA. 1420. Reed & Co., Real Estate and Insurance. 1107 Farnam St Phone AT. ltt. fJRTTFNTn Ke,ty Co- wl,h VJIY U tiWlU , tor result 1411 First Nat'l Bk. Blg. J A. 111. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE '. Sells. Rent Insures. 850 Peters Trust Bldg., JA. 0638. flPMQPVe'l Estate, Investments. VXVlVlOD I Let Us Sell Your Home. 1616 City National Bank. Douglas 61.16. Western Rsal Eatate Co J A. J007. NORTH SIDE PROPERTY $1,000 DOWN Do you want to live near Omaha university and In a first-class neighborhood? This Is a well con structed house with good size rooms on both' floors; plenty of bedrooms and a sleeping porch; full cemented basement; hot water heat; double garage. Let us show you this borne. Payne & Carnaby Co. "Your, Realtors." 018 Omaha Nat. Bldg. JA. 1016. Fontenelle Blvd. A cosy neat bungalow of 6 rooms and bath. Haa everything that goea towards .making a, real borne.- Price only 15,950; terms. J. L. Hiatt Company, 1338 First Nat. Bank. AT. 9900. VICTOR AVENUE. Six rooms on one floor; 3 finlehed In oak and 3 in enamel; just dec orated and painted 2 coats; al most as good as new; south front; paving .all paid; now vacant. About IM0 cash will do. balance to suit. , RASP BROS. . . 213 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721. Military Ave. and Seward j Lot 110x140, 8-room House, ail modern, large rooms, hot water ' heat. Fine Investment; suitable for undertaking business. For . price call AT. 3492. . 3336 CAMDEN Ave., rooms, modern with . half acre of fruit 11,000 cash, balanca monthly. 608 Bee Bldg. JA. 0100. Mortgaga Loans Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Wanted by , Missouri Pacific , Machinists and Machinists Helpers Boiler Makers and Helpers Blacksmiths and - Helpers Electricians and ? Helpers Sheet Metal Workers and Helpers Car Repairers Car Inspectors For St Louis, Kansas City, Sedalia, Omaha, Osawatomie, Coffey-' ville, Wichita, Little Rock, Texarkana, Monroe, McGehee, Alexandria, and other shops and roundhouses on the Missouri Pacific Railroad. Standard wages and worjeing conditions. Apply 217 South 14th Street, Omaha, Neb, The Be by Sidney Smith (Opytigbt ill).) rz A M6VL LOT A?K UT UA kari.iJ a wo'o oon oitV tTRuoftLlyiG-MUYlWi. J NORTH SIDE PROPERTY NEAR MILLER PARK $8250 Bungalow For $6900 Beautiful new Kellaatona bungalow and dandy Kellaatona garage to match, with aolld rerrieut driveway.- Bungalow has extra large roams throughout; large liv ing room with fireplace, bullt-la hook caaea. dandy 'bullt-la pastry and built-in breakfaat nook; dandy oak finish and floor.; only best material uaed; floored attic; Yull cement basement with eeal bin and floor drain. Owner leaving city, muat aell at once. If you want a bargain see it today. Terme, 11.000 caah, balance monthly. Shown by appointment D. E. BUCK & CO. 741 Omaha Nat. ,.A"M Evenings: B. J. Newlon. KB. 1141; . D. B. Buck. KB. 1114. D. B. BUCK CO. buy and .ell homes. SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY 3052 S. 34th Street Six-room bungalow located on -corner lot, paved etreete and paved alley. Exterior atucco. Oak f loora- and oak flnlah. Coat closet with mirror door. Bullt-ln fea tures, such as buffet kitchen cablneta, etc. Priced at $T,000. Can be bought on easy terms. Call and let us show this horn, to you. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, JA. 066. Ill Brands!. Th. Bldg. WEST SIDE PROPERTY 1300 CASH 11,660. Will put you in a 6-room bungalo In 10 day.. Oak floors and tinl.h. , Good .lot and paved atreet HOME REALTY CO.. AT. 1111. CATHEDRAL District New home, buy di rect from owner. Equity, cash, balance long time. The mo.t bullt-ln house in Omaha, 7 room. Mortared, with garage. Extra lot. -HA. 041A1.S V -- Waiter Dishwashers Yardmen ? $75 Per Month BcMtrd And Room Frew transportation. Bonn of $1 per day tor 30 eft)' lerric. John J. Grier , 1018 Harney- St. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimi Men Wanted by I Chicago. 1 Rock Island f & Pacific i Railway I I Machinists and Machin- 1 I ists' Helpers S Boilermakers and y g Helpers Blacksmiths and Helpers 5 Electricians and Helpers a Sheet Metal Workers and s Helpers . S S Car Repairers and Shop i S ' Laborers s s Apply to I Room 211 Leflang I f Bldg., 16th and Capitol Ave. IssWIUIslUiUlsUiUUIUIlUHUIIsllllllllli Mechanics The Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy Reilrosd is now employing men for its Shops, Roundhouses and Repair Tracks at the standard wage and overtime conditions laid down by the United States Rail road Labor Board. Boilaran altera MachioUt . BkacbtaHfee Electric anel Aeetyletva Weleera Pipe Fitter Working hours will be those necessary for maintenance of the service. Board and lodging, under ample protection, furnished. ' Young, active men desiring to go into railroad service will be given aa opportunity for training ia steady, desirable employment. Apply at once, First Floor, Barltegten Building, Tenth attd Farnam Streets, Omaha, Neb, . v. WEST SIDE PROPERTY ' "Leavenworth Heights , . f. Dead' haw bwagalew, airl.lly wed aaa,. Belli far a home KutU ia eeaaa e4 wiaiew aaat, awe sak Ha- i lab aad fluaro. well pluga. laiael lifhtiag fiaiu.ae, . eilia bediaema nk gaed (laaeia rail t,mt free, meat, flae draia, akaaer Baifc fruit t aad ewal lai. Daa4y laeaUaa. lag all paid - It at l will pleaae you. ft', only !. Terwia jl.l-e ia-0 H.Ian'. H a eaaatk. D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, T4I Omana Kail. DO K.alna. Buk IE !; K.wte KK Ilea. Edgewood Bungalows' W. are bow building eeveral atfty beagakawa la Ike buagalaw aeetlea f ihia beautiful atdiitoa ta eell far l.le la lt.!l. aa mm.Mi , larmc Kvary eae a kaap at the price. Per full InfarrMilea rail (Irani Wenaen, Sunday and .yen Inge, Walnut III. Benson & Carmichael 141 Paaloa Block. Allaatle UN. Only $7000 Twa.alery, aevea-reem heuee, Veat rarnam. Cleae to car line, an paved etreeli paving paid; walking dlelanra. Not A new heuaa, but la flret-rlaae condition, kaay term a. Walnut III!. Trade Your Lot la on A claeer t-raera Weat Faraam bungalow. Only t year, old, aura aubeiaallat big room., flntehed In eak and Ivory. Call SCHROEDER INVEITMISNT CO. . JA. IMI. BENSON PROPERTY DANDT t-room modtra bungalow; lot . 84slO; one-half blork from ear line, frice 11,11. f!. A. Orlmmsl. JA. 11. i , DUNDEE PROPERTY Dundee Colonial Living roam an the south with large sun room , to the rear. French door,, flrepleo., eta. - On. of the most attractive kitchen, yon were ever In.. Four, corner bedrooms. Including lleep Ing poreh. ' Interior finish ef dark eak, whit. . Mimal In haa roams aad kitchen. decorated throughout Window, and doors are weather stripped. Hot water heat laundry .trays. One-car garage, George & Company,'. REALTORS AT. 1014. ' Member. Multiple Listing Kachaago, (-ROOBI KJNDEB HOME. A rut home. tl.1T. 81.100 cash, bal anca eaay. Like new; ha. large living room, fireplace. Built-in BooBeasea, ounei, bltaka. -klna. I mamm htdMABII! hath 1 ha. baa. tub, tile floor; oak floor, through. ; out: full cemented aaeemeni. Call ve., AT. 4T. ' tl.600 Trms. l-.ty, frame: garage; to Dundee; oak trim. naiistB. a-i: s,. 5ft0ffiRlV NETHAWAT Bill, and tradas. KK. 140. 11ISIillll1llllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllliri.Hj Certain employe, of thla Company, V.vjis. HMlined ta accent tha Da. elsion ef the United Bute. Kan-:-? . road Labor Board, and being en- f ,V gaged in a strik. at all point on 'S It. Una of Railway where It em- ' ptoye tha following e la, lee of Labor j . and thi. Company being required to st, replace them. ... ... . . . a , WANTBD BY Chicago, St. Paul, " i Minneapolis MRiaha V MACHINISTS baii rat, i IrPB, BLACKSMITHS , . r ; m SHEET METAL WORKERS COACH CARPENTERS I ' CAR REPAIRERS, ' ELECTRICIANS WELDERS At wages authorised by United State. Labor Board. Apply at Bear cat shop, repair yard or divliion superintendent' office.' -. - . Free Transportation .llilillMillulilllilllllilllillill!ll"l!Hlinlirn;Hiuii. On Account of the mechanical craft em ployes havinf gone on a strike the ' . i Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. will employ in the shops, roundhouses and car de partment at D e n r, Trinidad and Cheyenne men suitable ; for - such service. Board and lodging free under ample protection. Ideal climate and working conditions. Wire or write " H. W. RIDGWAY, , Supt. Motive Power, Denver, Colo. 4 v i . Coach Builder Upholsterer Bra Mew Mar Car Repairer Helper. Apprentlcea 4. rv 'i i t VI ft ft , 1ST. '. Il f-tft 1 "f(R n - i v n ( !T. : A?. -it ,-,1 ; k r; vrl t-w v, -