111 THE OMAHA BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922. Marked Financial and Industrial News of the Day Omaha Grain Om.ha, July 20. 1922. Price i of fram generally showed a better tone today. A large area in northern Saskatchewan ia aaid to be Dadiy in need of rain, while country offering! of (rain were light end the ahortage of freight can waa reported as Dccomina- aenoui at tome Minii Minneapolis eah wheat waa lc high er ana during tne session a better ex port demand for wheat developed ana prices advanced. Receipts of wheat at Omaha were 132 can, agaimt 183 cars last year; corn, 76 cars, against 48 can; other . cram lisht. Total ihipmenti were 173 can, as compared with 20J cara last vear There waa a better demand for wheat in the local market and pricei were unchanged to lc higher, the bulk of the No. Z hard winter going at ji.uj. mere was also a Eood de mand for corn and oati. corn being generally 'Ac higher and oats l-lc to 'Ac up. Rye was unchanged and bar ley nominally unchanged, and all samples were cleared up early. WHEAT. Ns. dark hard: 1 ear, SI. 14: 1 car (smutty), SMI; 1 ear (smutty). St. 10. . No. t dirk bard: 1 ear (smutty), SI. IS. No. 1 hard wlntar: 4 cara, 11.04; 4 car. S10IU. No. I hard winter! 1 ear (ST par cant dark), SMS; 1 ear (40 par cant dark), SI. 07: 1 ear. SLOSH: SO eara. SI OS; S eara, SI.04HI t ear (near dark, smutty). SI. IS: J ear: (old and raw), 11.44; 1 ear S7 par cant dark), tt.OStt; t ear (44 par eent dark), SI. 11; 1 ear (41 par cant dark), SI. 10; ear. St. 04. . No. S hard wlntar: 1 ear (old and ), SI. 04; 1 ear (41 par rant dark), 11.04: S cara. 11.04! S eara. SI. 04; 1 car Sino bill), 11.01; 1 ear, SI. OS. I No. 4 hard wlntar: T eara, SI. 04; t s eara, SLOSH; 1 ear (IS par cant mixture), S ol; 1 ear (smutty), SL4J; 1 car. 41.04 tt. No. 1 yalloir hard: t car, Sl.OItt; J Tears. SI 0. ! No. S yellow hard: S eara, (1.04. , No. S mixed: 1 ear, SL04. a No. S mixed: 1 car. 11.04. I CORN. No. S whltav 1 car (apaclat billing) ,SJ e; T ears, STo. . f No. 1 yellow: 4 ears. 4 Hie. No. S yallow: S care. SSVte. I No. 1 vellow; 1 ear. II lie. f No. S mixed: 1 car (special kllUna). 7'e; s eara, tie. J Sampls mixed: 1 ear (heating), S4e. J OATS i No. S white: S ears, IlUe: 1 ear, I5U. J vno. 4 white: 1 car (heating), SS!4o; t car. SSc. i Sample white: . 1 car, 13c; 1 car. l!o, I RTB. C No. t: 1 car. 76c j No. S: 1 ear. 74t,e. i BARLET. Ko aalea. ioMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. I Reoelpti "Wheat .Corn Wa Stye barley Shipments Wheat Corn -Oats Wye Barley -PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. iiS (Bushels.) r Receipt! Today. Wk. Ago. Tr. Ago. "Wheat 1.702.0(10 404.000 2.S74.OO0 'Corn 117.000 415.009 411,000 'Oate 410,000 453,000 407,000 Shipments i Wheat T74.000S 501,000 1.065.000 .Corn 1,187.000 1,164.041) 445,000 N4)ats 550,000 (03,000 301,000 - EXPORT CLEARANCES. ' Bushels Today. Tear Ago. -Wheat and flour ??. Corn 408.000 04,000 Oto 458,000 40.00S CHICAGO RECEIPTS. Week Tear Cerlote Today. Ag? Ago. Wheat 34 00 464 Corn 234 341 124 Oats 124 HO 130 KANSAS CITY RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlota Today. Ago. Ago Wheat 384 117 660 Corn 3 21 If Oats . - ST. LOUIS RECEIPTS. Week Tear Carlota Today. Ago. Ago Wheat 134 134 400 Corn 110 64 44 Oats 41 34 81 Northwestern wheat receipts. ; Week Tear Carlota Today. Ago. Ago Jlinneapoll 134 1M 160 Duluth 46 70 41 Tral Market. i.t Chicago. July 30. Arkansaa Elberta peaches appeared on the Chloago market -during the week ending yesterday. The -peach market held steady to firm, but vother leading vsgetablea and trulta showed ln appreciable decline, aaya the weekly ureport of the United States bureau of agricultural eeonomlce. - Virginia Irish potatoes declined SOe to 1 a barrel. , " The decline In cantaloupes continued, Nrith the supply plentiful and the demand moderate. The drop was from JSo to 76c Eastern mellow apples were 35e to S08 bushel lower. i- Watermelone declined because of the TJtenvy ahlpmenta received, 4,665 cara being -shipped In from southern points, i . Michigan celery was slow and weak un jeler pressure of a reported heavy crop 'cailfornla lettuce sold at 11.25 to 33.60 v crate. The market was slow and weak. ." Foreign Exchange Bate. New York, July 20. Foreign Exchange i1 Great Britain Demand. S4.45U: tablet,; IS4 4SH: 40-day ems on mmi I, France-Demand. .0440; cables. .0140. It Italy Demand. 0440;: eeblea 0400H. M Belgium Demand. .0743: cables, .0701 H. ft Germany Demand. .0020; cablea, If' Holland Demand. .3446; cables, .3800. Chicago Grain Live Stock Week Tear Today. Aro. Ago. .1.12 41 188 . 7 17 48 . 27 !0 17 .1 o a . .. ... l .44 " 7 " 164 . 84 63 30 . 35 18 14 . S . 1 2 Norway Demand, .1455. Sweden uemena. . Denmark Demand. .3168. Swttserland Demand. .1415. Spain Demand. .1565. Greece Demand. .0810. Poland Demand. .00114. Ciecho-Slovakia Demand. .023. Argentine Demand. .J51t. Brest! Demand. .1343. Montreal .4. Close. . 04tt . 12 .140 . . 33H .101 . 14 . ST 81.7 6c; futures. Chicago Stocks. ; The following quotations are furnished . t n . n m, Ttrvan: Armour ft Co. pfd I .Armour Leather Co. com.. ; .Armour Leather Co. pfd.. itlbby. McNeil Llbby J Montgomery-Ward Co Swift ft Co , ,wtft International I Union Carbide ft Carbon Co ! New Tork Metals. m j New Tork. July JO. Copper Steady , wlectrolytlc. epot, nd later 14c. ,) Tins Steady; epot, S1.75c; ('31 470. U Iron Steady; unchanged If Lead flulet: epot, 6.704)6 '6. tl Zinc Steady: East St. Louis spot and 'iaenrby. dellverey. 6.80c. ; , Antimony Spot, 6.0086. He U London Metala. ! London. July 30. Standard copper, apot, f,t 4a: futurea, 4J 10a; electrolytic, apot, i 470 10a: futures: I7t. j. Tin Spot. 4154 13s 4d: tutureg. S7. . ; t.. cM us 10.: futures. C24 Je 6d. Zino epot. 110 13s 4d: futures. 2 10s. i rUMia Produce. U Chlcaro. July 30. Butter Higher: oreamerv exSras. S4Hc: firsts. 30 HO i S3He; seconds. SOCSOc: aUndarda. 33c r. nr..k- rarelnta. 10.644 eaaes: i'fireta. 204lle; ordinary firata, 10HO 40c: miseellaneoue. 20!0Ho; storage packed extras. 12032Hc; atorago packed !rPMlUr-teady: fowls. It He; broilers, ! 3tV:ic; rcosters, nc. 1 ' tlm Tat IgMar. 1! New Tork. July 10. Money Call, flrm- ::t: high. 4H per com: ww, .t'.v i Zr r.nt: closing bid. 4H ' ;er cent; offend at 4 per eent: last loan, 4H per cent; call loans. againM accept- U Tlmo Uan-teady: 40 day. S per Mat: tS dua ISl DOT CtUl. BMW T.bills. 44J4H Vr cent. , t Mercantile Paper Frimo, 4S)4U I cent. i Kew Terk July 3. Cotton Spot. relet; zniadUag. It 40c 1 ' New TerkT J air 80. Coffee Bio. No. t. I J4e: xwtoW atky, Jul. t-ISc. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Osaaa Hoe) I asud B ire Chicaso. July 20, Prosnecta of a breakdown in transportation and a pig export busines4 in wbrat and coarse graina brought belter buying by cash interests and covering by speculators. Trices advanced after earlv break AH doted around the ton, sic to I'Ac higher, corn unchanged to lie high tr, oats lie lower to unchanged. The weakness of oats was in July, and rye He to l'c higher. Lard gained iC, to 17 tic Thrre was sufficient shortaae bv cash handlers and speculators to art- sorb the aellinu pressure by nit trad ers and resulted in a final bulge of 1 to J'ic. Mrcneth in tie lulv wheat at Liverpool with a net sain of ';(!, also a stronger spot titua lion abroad and a delayed movement irom the country, were factors which offset everything bearish. The bear; ish news was more favorable crop reports from the northwest Late reports showed the largest export ousmess in a lontr time. July wheat touched $I.2J, while September was 11.12 to .U'A. There were com plaints of dry weather in parts of western Canada and of disaDDointins yiems in the southwest with only iu per cent ot the Kansas croo mresnerj. Sotllag rreaeure Light, Selling nreeauro waa tieht evrnt tnr time early In the day. The Me com. minion housre absorbed the offerlnge on the break, reaulting In short covering toward the laat. Northweetern cash In tereet and millers were moderate aeller to hedge caeh purchasea In the Interior There was selling of July and buying of nrpiemoer uy me elevator lnieresia ana buying exalnit big eioort ealea at the aeabnard. Corn traders bought early on the big export buelneea of Wednesday, but get ting no outeldo helo. nrlcee declined half a cent, only to recover the lots and flnleh with small net gaina. Cash houses were good buyers and receipts were lighter, while export buying waa again heavy and the cash corn has paaeed Into atronger hands. The Iowa crop report oaya corn la tasaellng and earing with the plant a wrek to 10 daye late. New oate, tha first of the aeaeon, were en the market, a car coming from near Mendota. 111. It Inspected aample grade. tated 37 pounda. heating and aold at 33c, Cash markets were ttronger. There wit buying of December and telling of September at So to SV4e by raah handlera. elto fair buying by commlttlon bounce. ,'uly waa tho weakest with limited trad ing, but the entire fluctuation! wera only r In tha most active future. Rye waa bought by exporters and aold by nothweetern hedgere, but prlcea ad vanced and closed near the top. Pit Notes. Northwestern cropa developed fsvor ably. aya Van Duaen Harrington. Har vesting of South Dakota wheat probably will start thla week. Some field! in southern North Dakota show evidence of ripening C. E. Lewis ft Co.. Minneapolis, wires that samplea of new grain are very good. In two daya Chicago caah handlers have sold 1,000. 000 bushels of corn, mostly for export One house haa picked up 1,000. 000 bushele from a commission house who took It In on May delivery. A survey of wheat market proepect issued by the department of resesrch of the American Farm Bureau federation estimatea the surplus of the United Statea nrf r,n,il& ftt 485.000.000 bushels. The surplus, Including Argentina, Australia and India ia flgurea at lse.uuu.uuu ousncia, making a total of 671,000,000 bushele. Im ports or tne worm last year were 000,000 buahela. and If they are able to buy aa much as they needihls year, the total will bo around 725,000,000 bushels. Tk.t waum HrMi tha total in sight from exporting countries, which meana that tho world will conaume more than It pro ducea and must cut Into the normal carry over before tho end of the next year. Im port requirement! average approximately 4,000,000 buahela monthly or 6,000,000 bushels more than for the last 12 months. t h. HtinatH nf auroluses of export ing countriea and Importing requirements prove to do correct, so mat ii. necessary to deplete the normal reserves v... ik i!93 rifln, bm harvested, there should be a strong market during the first half or 1Z3. CHICAGO CLOSING PRICES. Bv IJDdike Grain Co. DO, 3457. July 20. Iteeeipie were: Official Mender... Official Tuesday..., titfinal WednMday r.eiiniate Thunder Cattle. , T.esi , ( III . 4 . 1" Heie. Bheep, til jot:) our die tnu eli. :s.:i4 Same a: last k. 81. lit Ke. dys I ! sa le li Hme. die. S ws ego I il Seme ds. r ago 31.144 I4.U1 14 434 44 4I.14 63 411 :iki t0! ,:! 14 tl ie.et4 ! S t( 34.604 4 1 31, IU S(.4i4 Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Clote. Tea. Wht. I July 1.1H4 MS 113 Sep. 1.11 H 11354 M0H 1.11 Dec. 113U 1.13 L13K 1.13 July .88 Sep. I .41 .13 .81 Dec. .84 .14 .835, JuTy I .63 .43 .42 Sep. I .44 .44 .6414 i .44 Dee. .41 .61 .61 JuVy ' .34 .34 .83 Sep. .35 .34 .35 Dee. '.if 33 .38 Lard July IMS 11.23 11.15 Sep. 11.20 11.3J 11-07 Ribs 1 I July 1985 10.S0 10.85 Sep. 10.80 10.00 10-80 1.12 113 1.11 1.12 1.10 1.12 1.11 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 '.84 .43 .83 .81 .S41 .84 .63 .43 .64 .64 .64 .44 .61 .61 .3! .84 .35 .36 .35 .38 .39 .38 11.52 11.32 10.80 10.90 111.05 11.17 110.85 10.80 City Grain. . r.i ii. . .Tuiv 20. Wheat- Cash, No. 2 hard. S1.084J1.M; No. 2 red, Sl.07Ot.08. . Corn NO. z wnue, ow. 41c. t Hay Unchanged. , Kansas City. Mo., July 20. Wheat- Close. July, S1.04; September, i.04',; December. S1.0f. Corn July. ttc; oeptemoer, utiv, December, 66 c. HinoeapoUi firoln. Minneapolis. July 20. Wheat Cash, Xo. 1 northern. Sl-4341.48; July, S1.48H; September, Sl.lSH; uecemoer. "corn No, S yellow, 68HtJ5c. Oats No. S white, 31032c. Barley 47 (9 68c. Rye No. 2. 7880c. Flax No. 1. S2.444ji3.67. St. Loula Grain. t Tnnls Mo.. July 20. Wheat Close, July. Sl.00; September, ll.OOVi. Corn July. 3?jc; aepieniiwr, Oats July, 17c; September. 37c. Minneapolis Flour. Minneapolis, Minn., July 20. Flour Unchanged. Bran 316.00 4 17.00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. July 20. Turpentine aleady; Sl.15 4J116; receipts, 767 bbls.; shipments. 1.687 bbls.; stock. 4.48S bbls. Rosin Firm: sales. 446 casks: receipts, t.015 casks; ahlpmenta, 850 casks; atock, '''QuoteB.' S4.75: D, 35.00: E, 35.15: F. O. H. S5.15: 1. 15.20; K. S5.45: M, S5-66; N. 35.80; WO, S6.46: WW. 37.00. ew Tork Dry Goods. New Tork. July 20. Cotton goods mar kets were atronger with pricea firm. Raw silk prices were ateady. Trading in Yoko hama waa heavy. The local market was aot so active. Burlaps were much atronger sr.d good inquiry coming from 8outh America. Thers were no changes in knit goods or wool gooda. City Produce. Kansas City. July SO. Eggs le lower; firsts. SOc Butter Unchanged. Poultry Hens, lo lower. 144)14e; broil ers, unchanged to So lower, 244 34c. Merer Tork Frodaee. New Tork, July 80 Butter Irregular; ersamery. higher than extras, S4037e; extras. S6c. Eggs Weak: fresh gsthered extra firsts. S54)2Sc: firsts. 12 0 24c. Cheese Barely steady. 34w Tork Poultry. New Tork. July 20. Poultry Live eteadier: broilers by express. 13t)24c; by feight, 24 0 33c; fowls. 24e. Dressed easy; westers chickens. 24044c. Flaxseed. Duluth. Minn.. July 20. Flaxseed July. I2.4S bid: September. 1144 bid; October. 12.31 bid. New Tork, J5y ItJ-Voreisa bar silver, 70c. JCazkaa dollars, SI lit ... , . necelptt end disposition of livestock at tha Union stotkrerUs. Omaha, Nb, for 34 hours, ending at 3 p. ni , July so, :i; lltftirTa CAKI.OT Cattle. Host. Kh'B. . n. r. ny ... 4o. Vtv, Hy Will on ferine R, R .. C, 4k N. W. Ky, seat., f. N W. Ky , wrst. C. HI. P , M O, Ky 14 I, R. V. eest 27 f. H a y , weet (a '.. K 1. l, east 4 Illinois t'ential My,. ...... S C. O. W. Ry S Total rwelnta 8J4 DIHPOSITION UK t'attle. Armour Co I. out t'udahy Hark Co 1.040 Hold rn k. Co , . 411 Morris Park. Co t.OIg Swift Co 1,614 J. W. Murphy Swarts a Co. , Lincoln Pa-k. Co II Wnaon Pack. Co 6 Hoffman Hroe Mayerowlrh a Vail .... 14 P. Ol)a 4 Omaha Pack. Co 14 So. Omaha Pack. Co.. II w. h. cneck 21 Iiennla a Francis 31 Kills Co a John Harvey m R. W, Hsnley 1 F. O. Kelloaa 17 F. P. Lewis i J. B. Root Co SI W. B. Van Sant A Co.. t Smiley Bros 71 Armour, Sioux Falls Corn State Serum Co Other buyers 434 Tola! 6,314 10.311 1.464 Cattle Rece ote were I 100 hssd Tha market waa rather slow and quite a ' wwr vn sverytning excepi prime yearllnga. Both Deckers end shinnln buyers stsrted out bidding fully 86a low. or than Wedneeday and a good share of tho trading waa on thla basis. Best year llngs sold up around 810.50 end best of tho heavy csttle around SIO.00 0 10.16. Cow stuff was also unsvenly lower, but tha mi run wao aieaay io strong on the lim ited offerlnge of stocks and feeders. Ouotattona on cattle: Choirs to Brims beef ateers, 810 16010.76; good to cholca oeer steers ss.ybujio.io: ra r lo vood beef ateera. IS.360S.75; common to fair beef ateera, 18.760.26; choice to prim yearnnga, .t iu.su; good to choice yearlings. 84.75010.46: good to cholca yearlings, 11.0000.76;- fair to good year lings. 68.6001.00; common to fair year llnga. S7.7608.6O; choice to prime heif ers. S8.6O0S.75; good to choice heifers. S7.7608.6O; fair to good heifers, 17.00 7.76; choice to prime rows, 87.4004.00; good to choice cows 46.2507.26; com mon to good cows. 84.7504.00: eood to choice feeders. 17.8508.50; fair to good feeders, S7.OO0T.75; common to fair feed eta, 16.0007.00; good to choice atorkers, 87.5008.25; fair to good stackers SC. 600 7.50: common to fair stockers. 45.6006.60: stock heifers. 14.6006.00; stork cows, 43.75 t.7; stock calveap I5.5oas.00: veal calves. 85 6000.50; atock bulls. 15.25 0.60; Dulls, stags, etc.. 64.5007.50. BEEF STEERS. 14 I 6 I i 44 S0 ' 6 ., I 41 I 0 ' 4 1 I 14 I 3 S I I t I ui " .n. l.CI 03 MM MM J.1TT .... it mi l.TH IMZ l.3 .... U .... e.ee t 4 ssea seta . sea .at. s t e i e 'a . e t s sets a a . e 431 .... Ill .... .... 3.115 Financial No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 14 SJO 8 60 17 728 6 78 27 829 0 00 20 788 0 15 6 1054 0 40 6 1885 t 75 6 1HS5 9 85 28 860 9 (0 30 453 10 10 4 1050 10 10 6 1016 10 15 60 919 10 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 18 826 9 50 49 928 10 10 TOWS. 9 925 6 00 6 11TB S 00 11 818 8 75 BULLS. 1 1290 4 66 1 800 60 CALVES. 1 420 8 00 2 180 S T5 2 200 4 00 1 220 4 50 Hogs: Receipts were 9.400 head. Trad ing today waa mostly at prices ruling from steady to 10c higher. Good light hogs generally ahowed the most advance on good competition from shippers. Light hogs sold mostly at 110.25010.40 with a top price ot 110.50. Medium weight butch ers moved at S9.9010.25 and strong weight butchers at S9.2609.76 with tho bulk of good hogs at S9.2510.40. Heavy grades were uneven, spots strong to high er with the bulk moving about steady at 37.7608.75. HOGS No. Av. 12. .429 66.. 311 70. .292 72. .253 44. .205 02. .189 Sh. Pr. 7 50 7 90 8 50 9 80 10 30 10 60 No. Av. 26.. 303 64. .311 71. .242 59. .237 74. .192 Sh. Pr. 7 85 g 00 25 10 00 10 40 Sheep and lambs. Receipts were 0.200 head. Trading was slow today at prices ruling about steady on the opening to spots 25c lower. Bulk of the offerings were western lambs with several lots of natives. Trading waa largely at 112.76 12.90. with choice lots quoted at 313.00. Feeders were in fair demand and moved generally steady, with best kinds quot ed at 112.50. Sheep were fully steady, strong weight ewes selling at 16.75 and handy weights at 37.2507.50. Quotations on sheep and lambs: ' Fat western lambs, Sll.00013.00; fat native lambs. S11.OO01S.OO: feeder lambs. 19.00 12.60; cull lambs, $6.00012.00; fst yearl(pgs, 19.00 011.75: fat wethers, S5.60 8.60; fat ewee. light, S6.6O07.6O; fat ewes, heavy, 44.0006.00. By FRANKLIN K. SPRACUE. Omaha Re Leased Wire New York, July 20. Prices on the stock market turned irregular, fol lowing early strength as profit-taking began to make ittclf manifest. The close was by no means weak, but most istues were down from their high point of the day. Temporarily, at least, there was a greater disposition to give heed to the course of events in the coal strike and the railroad strike. Both of these difficulties appeared in a fair May to be prolonged atruggles he tween the strikers and the companies, and while it is, of course, possible that a settlement may. take nlace auicklv the indications at the moment seem to be against this. It wss pjrhapa a aomewhat b'latsd realisation of the Influence which the two strikes are having on Industrial af faire which Induced the turning of poier profits Into actual rash assets. Hers tofore the msrket hss Ignored ths rela tion between Induetry and the strikes, but this overlooking of events waa baasd upon the theory that neither one of the difficulties would extend over a consid erable period. Now tho two strikes sre beginning to have aometblng of an inter locking nature, since ths railroads them selves hsve not any too great supply of coal on nana. Steel mocks Did Vp. Ths steel stocks were bid up In the early trading, but strength la this quar ter of the list waa to bo accounted for by the record of earnings for the aecond three monthe of the year. Both the Re publlo and Lackawanna reports have al ready come to band and they Have Indi cated to a marked degree the prosperity which the steel companlea have been en joying and which no doubt they will con tinue to enjoy provided there is an early settlement of labor troubles. One of the favorable factors In the day'a news bad to do witn a resumption ot dividends by the Calumet at Hecla Min ing Co. A dividend of 35 a ahsre wes declared, the flrat In mors than two yeara Several Af the smaller copper com. panlee have already reeumed dividends, and this msy be taken as evidence ot a decidedly better condition prevailing. The foreign exchanges were firm, alight recoveries being made in all of the moat important ra'.ea. New York Stocks Ranee of Prices of tho leading stocks furnished by Logan at Bryan, zis .raters Trust building: RAILROADS. Wed. High Low Close Close A S ft S F 101 101 101 101 Bait ft Ohio 65 66 69 64 Canadian Pac ....140 140 140 140 New Tork Cent 46 S6 96 964 Chea ft Ohio 69 69 69 69 Great North 81 81 81 81 111 Cent 107 107 107 107 K C 80 26 25 25 26 Lehigh Valley .... 64 64 64 66 Missouri Pac 22 22 22 22 N Y ft N H 31 30 30 31 North Pac 77 77 77 77 Chi & N W 77 76 76 77 Penn R R 44 44 44 44 Reading 74 74 74 76 C R I ft P 44 43 43 43 So Pae 40 89 89 90 So Railway 25 24 25 24 C M ft St P 28 28 27 28 Union Pacific ....143 143 142 142 STEELS. Amir. Car Fdry. 168 1768 Allls-Cnalmers American Loco. Bald. Loco Bethlehem Steel Colo. F. ft I. Crucible Amer. Steel Fdry. 38 Lackawanna Steel 78 74 Mid vale Steel 37 Press. Steel Car .. 81 Remlb H. & I. ... 76 Rail. Steel 8pgs. 107 106 107 108 Rloas.Srheffleld .. 49 'A 48 V, 49 48 U. S., Steel 102 101 101101 Vanadium 60 49 49 49 Otis Steel 12 12 12 II COPPERS. Anaconda 63 63 Amer. S. ft R. Co. . 62 61 Cerro De Patco ..37 37 22 22 30 29 61 61 168 164 56 64 54 66 ..117 116 117 117 ..121 118 119 120 . . 79T4 78 70 78 32 33 32 31 88 85 86 86 37 76 36 81 73 37 78 36 81 74 38 77 36 82 73 Chili Chi no Calu. ft Ariz. . Green Cananea Inspiration ... Kennecott Miami Nevada Con... Ray Con Seneca Utah Gen. Asphalt.. cosuen Cel. Feterol.... Island Oil .... Invincible Oil .. 41 .. 37 .. 30 .. 17 .. 16 !! 65 OILS. .. 73 . 44 .". " 13 41 36 30 17 16 12 63 61 37 22 30 61 'ii 36 30 17 16 65 65 T2 4,3 " 13 72 43 13 63 62 37 22 30 61 31 41 37 80 17 16 12 65 73 43 62 13 Mexican PeteroI...173 167 168 167 Chicago Livestock. Chicago, July 0. Cattle Receipts 10,000 head. Choice and prima cornfed beef ateers and butcher ahe stock fully steady; spots strong; in between grades, grassy stuff dreggy and uneven; steady to weak; spots lower; top beef steers, 418:85: bulk, 38.7610.25; ranners and bulls firm; veal calves steady; stockers unchanged; bulk butcher cows and heifers, 35.0007.25; bulk canners and cutters, 42.90 3.75; bologna bulla, 14.6004.60; bulk veal calves to packers. $9.0009.60. Hogs Receipts 29,000. Market closed steady to 6c higher than early on better grades: fully ateady with Wednesday's best time. Mixed and packing grades strong to 15e higher. Packing sows, $8.00 8.C0; too, $10.85: bulk, $8.45010.75; pigs, steady, $9.75010.25. Holdover liberal. Sheep Receipts 17,000. Market closed mostly 26c lower on western and native lambs. Top western, $13.60; top natives, $13.25 early; choice western late, $13.25: bulk natives, $12.60012.75; culls, 17.50 8.00; sheep ateady to weak; best light fat ewes. $7.50; heavies mostly $5.0005.50; best feeder lambs. $13.00. Kansas City livestock. Kansas City, July 2D. Cattle Receipts 3,000 head; market, beef ateers, steady to 15c lower; heavy kind, weakest; stock medium weight, $10.25; best heavy, $10.10; wintered greasers, $9.25; she stock and yearlings, steady to weak; few cows around $6.50; common and medium kind mostly $4.0005.00; common to g6od grass heifers, $5.2507.25; calves, steady to 25c lower; best vealers. $8.0008.50; other classes, about steady; bulk bologna bulls, $4.2604.60; most canners, $2.5002.75; fair ly good cutters, $3.60. Hoga Receipts, 4,000 head; market fairly active, steady to 5c higher; top, $10.40; shippers took about 1,200 head; bulk 160 to 200-pounders, $10.85010.40; 220 to 300-pounders, $9.85010.25; packer top. $10.35; bulk. $9.60010.35; stock pigs, steady; best, $10.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.000 head: market, native lamrs generally 25c lower; one-deck to dealers. $13.00; packer top, $12.85; most sorted lots, $12.25012.75: culls around $7.00; sheep, slow; spots, 25c lower; odd bunches light ewes, $7.25 O 7.50; moit fat lots, $6.2506.75. St. Joseph Livestock. St. Joseph. July 0. Hogs Receipts 6.000 heed: market, shippers buying a few 170 to 230-pound butchers at $10,300 10.40; looks steady to 50c higher than yeaterday's ahipper market. Packers bid ding steady. Packing sows lower. Cattle Receipts. 1.700 head; market, slow, most classes about stesdy; top weighty beeves, $4.75; top yearlings, eaay $9.26; nothing strictly choice here: bulk desirable beef steers. $8.7604.76; bulk de sirable beef cows. $6.00 0 6.00; bulk bolog na and beet bulls, $4.0006.00; stockers and- feeders, steady; calves, steady; top, $4.60. t . Sheep and Lambs--Recelpts, 1.000 head; market, fat lambs snd aheep. 25 to 60c lower; top native lambs, $12.76: bulk. $12.60011.76; cull lambs, steady at $7.00; top fall ewes. $6.60. Sloax City Ura Stork. Sioux City. Is.. July 20. Cattle 1,000 head: market elow ateady. $5c lower: fed ateers and yearllngs."S4.OO01O 5; warmed up steers and yearlings. $6.6004.00; grass cows and heifers. $4.0007.26; tat cows and heifers, $4.0008. 60s canners, $2,160 i.0; veala, 45.00011.00: feeders. $4,000 4.00: calvea. 14 0007.64; feeding cows and heifers. 43.00 Oi.16; stockers. $6.6007.60. Hogs Receipts. S.60S head; market steady; top. 610.SS; bulk of good hoga. $.00016.04; heavy mixed packing rrsd-e. $7.50 0 4.04: rough. Backers, S7.OO07.SO; stags. $40604,64) stead. . . , . . Middle States.. Pacific Oil.... Pan-American Phillips Pierce Oil .... Pure Oil Royal Dutch .. Sinclair OH 13 67 75 45 8 29 56 31 13 6 73 44 8 23 65 31 Standard Oil N J. 183 183 Texas Co 46 46 Union Oil 20 20 White Oil 8 8 MOTORS. 13 6? 74 45 8 28 65 31 183 45 13 57 73 45 7 28 65 31 183 46 20 20 8 8 Chandler General Motors . . Willys-Overland Plerce-Arrow . . . White Motor.... Studebaker 14 16 48 68 14 8 13 43 68 14 8 13 48 69 14 8 16 48 .138 136 137 138 RUBBER AND TIRES. 15 39 48 13 15 62 15 40 48 13 15 63 16 40 49 16 15 63 37 43 39 40 16 24. 46 37 43 39 Fisk 15 Goodrich 40 . Kelley-Sprlngfleld 60 Keystone Tire 15 Ajax 15 U. S. Rubber 63 INDUSTRIALS. Am. Beet Sugar.. 46 46 U A G. & W. I.... 38 Am. Inter. Corp... 44 American Sumatra 39 Amer. Telephone. .122 American Can.... 67 Central Leather... 42 Cuba Cane 16 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 24 Corn Products 106 106 105 105 Famous Players .. 82 82A 82 83 Gen. Electric 177 177 177 176 Gt. Northern Ore.. 40 39 39 40 Am., H. ft L pfd.. 71 U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 60 Int. Paper 53'jj Int. M. M., pfd 73 Am. Sugar Ret 80 Sears-Roebuck .... 81 Stromsburg 4S ToBacco Products.. 67 46 37 43 39 121 121 121 66 66 57 41 40 16 16 24 Ml 24 Worth. Pump. Wilson Co Western Union . . West'ee Electric. Am. Woolen 64 42 105 62 92 Am. Cotton Oil ... 27 Am. Agri, Chem... 39 Am. Linseed 34 Union Bag, pfd.... 62 Bosch Magneto ... 38 Brooklyn Rap. Tr. 26 Cont Can 71 Col a ft El 94 Col G ft El 94 Col Graph 4 United Drug 82 Nat Enamel 55 United Fruit 146 Lorillard Tob ....169 National Lead ....103 Phil Co Pullman 122 Punta Alegre Sugr 49 o forto Kico bug. 61 Retail 8torea St It 4 9 r . Va Car Chm 65 28 SO 103 105 103 70 71 71 .50 69 60 63 ' 53 53 72 73 72 79 79 80 80 80 81 46 46 47 66 57 67 63 63 65 42 42 42 104 105 103 62 62 61 1 91 -92 EOUS. 27 27 .... 39 39 39 14 34 34 62 62 62 38 38 .... 26 26 26 70 70 71 93 93 93 3 S3 S3 4 4 4 78 80 78 56 65 65 145 146 145 158 159 "59 102 102 102 38 122 122 122 49 49 49 61 61 62 65 65 65 28 28 28 2 29 .. Total sales, 727,700. Money . Marks . Francs . Sterling Close. . .04 . .0020 . .0838 .4.44 Wed. Close. .04 .0020 .0646 4.44 New York Bonds (The Bee is the only Omaha newspaper which publishes the of ficial clote of the New York Stock exchange bonds.) New Tork. July 10. United States war loans again dominated tha bond market, new high record being established by Liberty first 4s st $101.26. third 4s at 81 .7t and fourth 4 Ha at $101.24 These gains were tha more striking be cause of the Irregularity sad occasions! heaviness msnifested by severs! of the foreign Issues. Mexican government 6s fell 1 points and Cuban republic 4s lost 1 point with narrow changee. mostly lower. In the European dvialon. The one noteworthy exception was City ot Berne taT which gained 1 points. among rails eepeclal strength was dis played by New Tork Central debenture 4s, St. Louis ft Ban Francisco adiuttmeat 4s. Chesapeake ft Ohio convertible 4 We, St. Paul convertible 4 4a, Soul h is railway eSe and Missouri, Kansas Tessa fust 4Wt. i'hlle Copper 4s. (loadrh'h 4s. Mid vale Uteel 6a and I'nlled Htatee Nisei Ss re firm lo eireng with Armour 4s, Wilton convertible ss and several af the lurel tractions, Including Third Avenue sdjustments and Interberough Haploj 'IVansit refunding Is, Total sales tpar slue) (I4.1I.0U. Kaw Tork. July !0. Following are la day'a high, low and closing prlcee of bonds en ths New York stock eschsnie, and lbs total salea or each bond: V. a Boadt. Sales (In SI. 000) High Low Clote 414 Liberty I 100.94 100.40 100 44 IT Liberty 2d 4e ....100.40 104.14 100 44 144 Liberty 1st 4s ..101.14 100 14 100.04 1414 l.loerty Id 4S...I00 44 104.44 100 40 710 Liberty Sd 4 We ..100.10 100.40 100 41 1214 Liberty 4th 4S..10I I4 100.14 100 24 :0 Victory St 104.14 100.44 100 44 Foreign (iovernmeflt, Stats aft Manic! pat 14 Argentine 7a 100 100 ion S Chinese Govt Ry Ss 44 44 44 III 111 lit .. 44 14 44 ..104 104 104 .. 91 41 01 .. 44 14 44 V .. 44 84 44 ,.100 100 100 ..101 101 101 .. 71 71 71 ..111 111 ' 111 .. tl 10 fl 101 101 101 44 48 04 44 04 04 44 04 44 101 101 101 100 IH 77s 44 04 04 ..104 104 104 ..109 104 100 .101 101 101 .114 111 114 94 03 94 .103 103 103 .101 100 100 20 lierne 4a It Bordraus 4s .... II fhrlst'snle 4a . 11 Copenhagen Ss S Lyons s 4 Marseilles 6a ... !7 Rio de Janeiro Ss 10 San Paulo Ss .... 10 Toklo Ss 26 Zurich Ss 30 Kept Reins 7s .... 43 Iom Csn 4s IS IS Com Can Ss 11... 41 Dtrh K Ind 4s 47 04 Itch B Ind 4a SS 44 French Ren 4s . . 74 French Ren 7s ..100 104 I Japanees let 4s .. l i: S Japanese 4a 77 77 14 Belgium 7 104 104 104 s ifeigium sa ioi 100 joi 40 Denmark 4a 40 04 00 13 Netherlands 4s .... 47 04 07 1 Norway 4a 110 110 110 11 Sweden 4 108 101 101 10 Parls-Ly-Med- 4s .. 74 74 70 21 Rep Chile Ss 44. ...104 104 104 4 Rep Cuba 4s 44 I Rep Uruguay Ss 4 Queenelsnd 7s .. 34 Queenelsnd 4s .. 11 Swiss Con Sa ... IS K O B A I 4s II. .110 110 110 II K O B ft I Ss 10. .110 110 110 S K O B ft I 5S 17. .108 101 103 41 U S Braxll Sa 102 103 101 40 If S Mexico 6s .... 40 60 49 43 U S Mexico 4s .... 47 47 47 Railway and Miscellaneous. 10 Ajax Rubber 8s ..100 04 100 3 Am Ag Chm 7S..104 103 104 1 Am Cot Oil 6s 81 88 88 10 Am Smelt 6s '. 03 92 01 11 Am Sugar 6s 103 103 101 0 Am T ft T cv 6s. ...116 116 115 43 Am T ft T col tr Ss 99 49 99 11 Am Writ Pa 7s 86 86 86 11 Armour A Co 4s.. 91 91 01 61 A T ft 8 F gen 4s At Rf 6s 26 Bait A Ohio 6s... 200 Bait A Ohio cv 4s 86 84 84 6 Bell Tel Penn 7s.. 108 108 108 Beth St p m 6s.... 02 02 92 5 Braden Cop 6s.... 100 100 100 18 Bkln Ed gen 7s D..107 107 107 6 Bkln R T 7o ctf st 79 70 70 1 Cat O A EI 6s 97 07 47 1 Can North 6s 111 111 111 66 Can Pac d 4s 80 79 80 7 Cent Ga 6s 100 100 100 12 Cent Leath 6s 98 98 98 18 cent N Eng 4s 67 ee 7 39 Cent -Pac gtd 4s. 16 Cerro Pa3co 8s ... 175 Chea ft Ohio cv6s. 121 Ches A Ohio cv 4s 89 l c B & u rer bs A..im 1IC 4 E III 5s 83 8 C Gt West 4s 61 7 C M A St P cv 4s 70 21 C M A St P ref 4s 65 1 Chi A N W 7s 107 7 Chi Rys 5s 79 4 C R I A P gen 4s.. 84 -172 c R I A P rer 4s.. 83 35 Chi A West Ind 4s. 10 Chile Cop 7s 31 Chile Cop 6s 4 Colo Ind 6s 0 Col G A El 5s 13 Con Coal Md 6s... 76 Con Gas 7s 124 123 10 Cub Cn Bug d 8s.... 86 86 11 Cub Cn Sug d 7s.... 87 6 Cuba R R 7s A. .104 104 2 r."ub Am Sug 8s.... 106 106 2 D A R G imp 5s 80 4 Det Ed ref 6s 103 1 Det Utd Rys 4s.. 83 13 Dls Sec 5s 46 8 Dpnt Nem 7 108 107 107 7 Duquesne Lt 6s 103 103 103 62 Erie gen 4s 55 55 65 76 Erie pr lien 4s 66 65 65 13 Fisk Rub 8s 108 107 107 20 Fram I D 7s 98 07 98 6 Gen Elec d 5s 101 101 101 26 Goodyear T 8s 31. .101 101 101 10 Goodyear T 8s 41.. 116 115 110 2 Gnd Tnk Ry C 7s. .113 112 112 22 Gnd Tnk Ry C 6s. .103 103 103 44 Grt North 7s A. . . .110 110 110 22 Grt North 6s B..103 102 43 Hud A M ref 6s A.. 86 85 Hud A M adj in 6s. 64 64 . 90 .119 6 89 49 118 110 95 96 76 89 101 82 61 70 64 107 79 84 82 74 101 83 61 70 65 107 79 34 83 75 .105 105 105 93 78 96 89 92 78 96 89 88 80 102 83 46 02 78 06 89 123 86 87 104 106 80 10$ 83 40 80 11 12 69 96 87 80 89 01 100 79 11 12 67 96 86 80 89 102 86 64 101 89 01 100 80 11 12 68 06 86 80 89 29 III Cent 5s 101 101 6 III Cent ref 6s 89 89 5 111 St a 4S 91 z ind st 6s loo 5 Int Ag 5s 1 Int Met 4s I Int Met 4s ctf. 247 Int R T ref 6s... 1 Int M M sf 6s.... 29 Int Pa ref 6s B... 116 K C Ft S A M 4s. 6 K C So 6s 6 Kell Spring T 8s.. 108 108 108 20 Lacka St 6s 23.... 100 100 100 8 Lacka St 6s 60.... 89 89 89 20 L S A M S d 4s 31. . 03 93 03 20 Lehigh Valley 6s. ..103 103 108 11 Llg A My 6s 98 97 97 2 Lorillard 6s 98 98 98 1 L A N ref 6s 106 106. 106 48 Mkt St By con 5s 1 Marland Oil 88.. 6 Mex Pet 8s 1 Mich St Tel 1st 6s 2 Mid St cv 6s.... 4 M A St L ret 5s... 88 87 87 ..103 103 103 ..105 106 105 .. 99 99 99 89 89 89 46 46 46 M St P &SSM 6S.102 102 102 91 M K A T n p 1 6s A 84 83 84 179 M K A T n ad 5s A 67 67 67 67 M K A T 1st 4s.. 84 82 83 28 Mo Pac gen 4s 64 64 64 3 Mont Pow 5s A 97 97 97 2 Morris A Co 1st 4s 87 87 87 1 Nat Tube 5s 100 100 100 I1NTC col 7s 105 105 106 154 N T C d 6s 106 106 106 1INTC con 4s 85 85 85 12 N T Ed ref 6s..l0S 109 109 11 NT NH A H c ,6s 48 81 80 81 12 N T Rys rf 4s ct.. 37 37 37 4 N T Tel d 6s 49.. 106 106 104 11 N T Tel ref 6s 41.. 105 105 105 12 N T W A Bos 4s. 56 56 66 60 Nor & West cv 6s.. 111 110 111 1 Nor A West con 4s 93 93 93 19 North Pac pr lien 4s 90 90 90 8 Nor Pac gen 3s.. 63 63 63 2 N P-G N it 6S..103 103 103 10 Nor Sts P ref 5s A. 91 91 91 30 N W Bell Tel 7s.. 107 107 107 . 25 Or A Cal 1st 6s.. 100 100 100 8 O S L gtd 6s CUS..105 104 106 2 O S L ref 4s 92 92 92 ,47 Or-Wsh RR&N 4s.. 83 82 83 15 Pac G A El 6s 91 91 91 4 Pac T ft T 5s 97 97 97 4 Packard Motor 8s. .107 107 107 8 Pan Am PAT 7s. 101 101 101 12 Penn R R 6s....l09 109 109 130 Per.n R R gen 6s.. 102 102 102 10 Penn R R gen 4s. 03 93 93 6 Pere Man ref 5s.. 96 96 96 5 Peoria A East Inc 4s 35 36 36 16 P CC A St L 6s A.. 98 97 98 6 Pro A Ref 8s 102 102 102 1 Rep I A St col 6s.. 95 95 95 1 R G A W 1st 4s.. 80 80 80 15 R I A A L 4s... 82 81 82 19 St L I Mt A S ref 4s 88 88 88 8 St L A S F adj 6s. 80 80 80 61 St L A S F Inc 6s. 71 70 70 7StLASFpl4sA 73 73 73 9 t L ft S W 1st 4s.. 79 79 79 5 St P K C S L 4S. 82 82 82 10 S A A A P 1st 4s.. 76 75 76 123 Seaboard A L con 6s 64 63 63 65 Seaboard A L sdj 5s 28 27 28 48 Seaboard A 1 ref 4s 46 46 46 5 Sharon St Hp 8s A. 99 98 SO 29 Sinclair Oil cv Ts.l04 104 104 iclair Oil col 7s. 01 44 SO Tee cv 4s. 01 01 01 Pec ref 4s. OS 44 44 14 Slnrlair Oil ro II No IS So S Ss Pso rol tr 4s.. 44 44 44 44 Ko Ry gen 4t....Il 0 ll 41 He Ry eon Ss IT 04 4T J04 So Ry gn 4 44 44 SS is ss rrt me sg ,s. s ss ! s ptan on isi 4 7i. tog SI Third Ave sdj Ss.. 44 IS Tsb Prod 7s 104 6T I'n I'se 1st 4s.... 04 11 I'n Pse ev 4s 04 1 I'n Pae ref 4 44 1 Union Tnk Car 7s.."i 7 1'td Drug 4s.. T IT S Realty 4a. 4 V a Rub 7e. SI I' R Rub Is... 34 V 8 Steel sf Ss 101 144 40 40 104 104 04 44 04 41 44 44 . .ioi ia ioi ,.iioJ no us .. 44 44 44 ..14 101 10444 .. 01 40 00 .101 101 101 4 I'tsh P ft U 4s.... 00 to to 7t..l" 1st lot S Va-Cr Chm 4 Va Ry St.. S3 Wabash 1st Sa. S Wait Md 1st 4t S Weat Pao Sa... II West Un 4a 04 14 44 .. 04 44 II .. 44 44 44 ., 44 44 44 ..110 114 I0 S Wsellns Elen Ts.,,104 104 104 Wlrk-Spen St 7s.. 100 100 100 4 Wilson ft C sf 71.101 108 101 11 Wilton ft C iv is. 91 01 01 14 Pserhn-RIO 4s rtr... 05 41 44 40 Dam Csn Se SI wl. 04 04 44 44 F.mp OAF 11. . 4 04 44 62 Sinclair Crude 4s. 04 04 41 Total aalea of bonda today were 314.143,- 000 compared with $11,461,000 previous day and $11,161,000 a -year ago. N. Y. Curb Bonds New Tork. July 10. Transactions sn ths New Tork eurb bond market today war as follows: Doeneetlo Bonds. High. Low. Close. S Allied Pscksr Is . 43 41 41 S Allied Pecker Ss . 06 06 94 1 Am. Light ft T. 4s 104 104 104 S A. T. ft T. 4s, 'IS 100 100 100 1 A. T. ft T. 4s. '24 101 141 101 S Anac. Copper 4a 101 101 141 Anae. Cop. 7a. 'IS 101 101 101 S Ang. Am. Oil 7s 104 104 104 1 Armour ft Co. 7s 10S 101 Its S Beever Bd. Ss etf. TS TS T4 31 Bethl. Stel Ts. '33 104 104 104 15 Bethl. 8teel Ts. '34 101 161 101 1 Bkly. Un. Gas Ss ,104 104 104 104 Bkly! Un. Oat Ts.100 104 104 X Can. Nat. R. Ss . 00 00 00 4 Cent. Steel Ss ...104 106 105 14S Con. Gsa ot B. Tsl04 106 106 10 Cons. Tsxt. Ss .. 04 04 80 16 Cop. Ex. A. Ss, '23101 101 101 2 Cuban Tel. 7a 104 104 104 1 Cudahy 7 101 101 101 5 Deers ft Co. 7s .102 10$ 102 3 Emp. O. ft F. ts 101 101 101 . 10 Freeport Tex. 7s 134 130 13$ 3 Galena Slg. Oil 7a 106 105 106 1 Gen. Asphalt Ss 105 10S 106 i 16 Ooodr. Tiro Ts 101 101 103 3 Grand Trunk 4s 106 106 106 2 Oulf Oil 7s 104 104 104 7 Hood Rubber 7s. 04 II 44 S Humble Oil Ts ...100 100 100 3 Interb. R. T. Ts, '21 09 01 00 17 Interb. T. R. Is. '22 01 00 01 4 Kan. G. ft E. 4a . 45 05 20 Kennec. Cop. Ts 106 105 s Liacieae uaa va ..ioo ino . 3 L. McN, ft L. Ts 00 10 3 Llg.-Wlnch. Ts ..101 101 12 Magma Cop. 7s .108 108 108 4 Manitoba 7a 16 15 95 5 Morris ft Co. 7s 105 106 106 1 Nat. Leather 8a... 14 98 41 21 N. T., N. H.ftH. 7s 87 87 87 4 Phil. El. ts 103 103 103 4 Phil. El. 6s ..100 100 100 3 Ph. P. 7s WW 10$ 101 toy 10 Proc. ft G. 7s, '23 101 101 101 13 P. 8. C of N. J. Ts 102 102 102 1 Robert Galr Ts ..07 97 07 1 Sears Roeb. 7s, '22 101 101 101 11 Seara Roeb. Ts. '2$ 101 101 101 13 Shawsheen Ta ...104 102 102 9 Solvay ft CIs 8a 106 106 106 3 S. W. Bell Tel. 7s 102 102 102 0 St. O. N. T. 7s, '25 105 106 105 2 S. O. N. Y. 7s, '26 106 105 105 8 S. O, N. T. 7s. '28 106 106 106 6 S. O. N. Y. 7s. '29 107 106 107 4 S. O.N. Y. 7s, '30 107 107 107 10 S. O. N. T. 7s. '31 110 109 110 20 S. O. N. Y. 6s 109 100 100 12 Stew. Warner 8s 110 108 108 11 Sun Oil 7s 101 100 101 12 Swift ft Co. 7s. '25102 102 102 6 Swift ft 7s. '31 103 102 102 5 Texas Co. Ts .....101 101 101 11 U. Oil Cal. 6s ...101 101 101 1 U. R. of H. 7s 104 104 104 3 Vacuum Oil 7s .107 107 107 6 Valvorine 7s 99 .90 90 12 West. Electric 7s 108 109 108 1 Winchester 7s 102 102 102 Foreign Bonds. 2 Argentine Ts, '23 ..100 100 140 31 Can. Steam. Ts ..05 94 95 10 N. Y., N. H. Fr. Ts T4 T4 T4 1 Russian 6a ctfa . 15 15 16 19 Swiss "6 103 103 103 7 U. S. Brazil 78 85 84 84 30 U. S. Mexico 4s . 39 39 39 05 106 100 tt 101 Omaha Produce Fbralentd ky ths list sf Nebraska. tirtment er sgrleullurs, auras of sit aad marketing! tlVI POULTET, Whaleeals Wholesale Bering stlliaf Price i Price i SOItsJISIt I0I14MIII ,:s tt II II II Flrottert ..... Springe Hens, light... Hena, heavy. Cocks Duckl .11 .! .110 .170 .114 ,110 .110 .11 .IS .11 .11 PMSSBRD POl'LTRT. .110 .14 Broilers eprlegt Hena ... OrkS .. Uuckt .. No. 1... No. S... Crocks ,. EUOf. .140 0 .310 .ITS .11 .$40 .10 .It .It .21 .11 IT .11 ,it .140 .140 .310 .31 .17 .370 .30 U9 BUTTER. Creamery, prints Creamery, tub.... Country, common .74 But. fat, sts. pr.. .24 II AT AND STRAW. Prairie No. 1 upland. 111.10014 It; No. No. S upland. $14 0001110; No. S upland, St.4O0O.OO; No. I midland. Ill 60011 4o- No. 1 midland. II 000 I SO; Ko. I mid land. $7.0001.00: No. I lowland, $4,000 10 oo; no, I lowland. iT ooejtoo. Alfalfa No. 1. I13 00SII0A: standard 111.00011 10; No. :, $14.60011.10; No. S, II OOfj It. on, , Straw oat, SI. 0001.00; whttt. $7,000 lot. Wholesale prlcee of beef cuts sffecllvs July 17, sre se follows' No. 1 ribs, lie; No. t ribs. SOe; No. S ribs, 14a No. 1 loins. 14c; No. I loins. I6e: No. S. loins. ISr: No. 1 rounds. l$r: No. I rounds, ltc; No. S rounds, lis. No. I chucks, lie: no. i cnucks. ui; no. S chucks, lie: No. 1 Pittas. Sc; No. S pistes, Sc; NO. S plstss, 4c. FRUITS. Bananas; Par lb.. T0Te. Oranges: Site SIS and larger. $4.100 14.00; alas 160. $4.4000 00: slss 144. $7.3107.74; slss. $14. 44.0004.16. Lemons: Per hex. scoordlng to else, S7.SO0O.OO. Grapefruit: Per crate. 17.10. reaonea: oeorgie. s-oasicoi craies, $1.11; California. 14 boxes per crate. II 15. Apricots: 4-baaket cratee. It 4001 II. Plums: 4-baaket orates. $1.400 2 74. Cher ries: Homo grows. 14 qta. per esse. SI.40; 24 pts per esse, S3.I0; msrket bsskets. $1.40. Logsnberrtes; $4 qt. boxes. 44.000 4.11. Blackberrlea: 24 St. bosws. $1.16. Red Raspberries: 34 pt. boxes, $3.14, Ap ples Wlnesap. 11.1(01 II; Pippins. $3.40; New Transparent, $1.7601.01. New York Dried Fruits. Near Tork. July 20. Evaporated Ap- plee Quiet. j-rsnee w an ins. Aprlrols Nominal. Peaches Dull. Raisins Steady. BEE WANT AD RATES ISo per Una each day, 1 sr t days, lie per Una each day, S to S days. 10c per lias each day, T days or longtr. Theee rates spply to Ths Sunday Bos aa well as to Ths Morning snd Evening Bee. AH weekday advertisements sppear In both morning snd evening tdltlons st tho oas coat. The sbovs rates apply exclusively to Want Ads whlca sre commonly termed "public wants." snd do not Include sd- verttslng nr exploiting their business. THE BEE reeerves tho right to desig nate what constitutes a publlo went. Want Adt acctpted at ths following offices: MAIN OFFICE ..17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha 2400 N St. Council Bluffs IS Scott St Tslephone AT-lantlo 100S. Call for Want Ad Department. Aa ex perienced want ad taker will receive your ad snd a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or caah orders. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:45 aw m. Morning Edition S o. m. Sunday Edition S p. m. Saturday. THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES NEBRASKA FARM MORTGAGES to yield SV2 6 6ft Extmpt from Local Taxes United States Trust Co. AffUioted with The United States Nat'l Bank 1612 Farnam Strast New York & Richmond Gat 6, 1951 Operating in New York City Yield 620 Burns, Brinker & Co. 202 So. 17th Street OMAHA ISIDORE Sister- M.. aged 47. Thursday a. m.. following short illness. She is survived by two slstere. Mre. W. C. Spen cer, of New Tork. and Sister Mary Car melite, of Mercy convent, and one broth er. Dennis McQulre. of Ireland. Funeral service Saturday, July 22. 0 a. m., from Mount St. Marys convent chapel. Fourteenth and Castelar. Interment Sla ter's lot. Holy Sepuicher cemetery. Please omit flowers. STOI.L Kathrine P.. July 10, 1022, aged 41 years. Funeral aervlces will be held from Brailey dc Dorrance chapel, Saturday, July 22, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. y Deceased is survived by her husband, Ed ward J. Stoll: one brother, Edward Dor sey; two sisters, Mrs. Virginia T. Mead and -Mrs. Gertrude Gorman, all of Omaha. BROWN Emma Lauretta, at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown, 058 North 27th avenue, Wedneaday, July 1922, aged S years. Funeral aervlces from Grace United Evan gelical church, 27th and Camden, Friday, July 21, 1022, at 2 p. m. Interment For est Lawn cemetery. For information call Crosby-Moore, WE. 0047. RUPPEBT Robert, Wednesday. July 10. Funeral services Friday, July 21, "at 2:S0, from family residence, 2010 Martha. In terment Bohemian National cemetery. BURIAL VAULTS. AUTOMATIC sealing concrota burial vaults. Recommended snd for sals by sll leading undertakers. Wator- ' proof, no tteel to rust, no wood to de cay. Insist upon tho AUTOMATIC SEAL ING VAULT manufactured by Omaha Concrota Burial Vault Co.. 6210 N. 10th. Omaha. Tel. Kenwood 107T. CEMETERIES. Visit Forest Lawn A beautiful new section has recently been opened In Forest Lawn cemetery (north of city limits). It is but wis dom to select a lot before absolute necessity compels one to do to. Send for booklet. FOREST LAWN CEMETERT ASSOCIA TION. 720 Brandeis Thester Bids. FLORISTS LOST AND FOUND IF yeit bee fuuad tumoihing, look tarsus this column and tea if lbs eaaer has advertised bit lee. It t eurpiUlsg hew many people read this rteaailirsiloa sack oo Just out if ruriitaiiy, a.,iii.llme MIST Fasterrlar d.g"" n.ar I4i as Loatonwarla pis. tan eels, anno erltsj bie'k and tan oi-ota Nsme Pet Howard. Phone Black 44H,j'ounril muffs MST fair ehell run glaesee, helweee jam ssd Slat sireei, euih ele Fernet eireei. Howard fur leturn. 11. II. Vers, 1014 Farnam. LOST on sr about July II, ons largo ramet brooch. Liberal r.esrd for re turn of tame. WA, 4111, ilKIM'l.kJ Hoalan bull, wblio roller neer ly elrclea neck, screw tell. Name, " Ppud " Rraani Call JA. 1444. UMT ilold wnet watch, Sunday, Walnut 4411 F-l. Reward. MALE HELP WANTED ATTENTION sjAf.KHUKN Van, asnteil io carry our patented winter cap as a sideline. Only I samples and ewatih's. Liberal commission. Lean Wsllsie A a.m.. JI4-M: fcait UHb, St. Nw Vnrk C'jty. Bricklayers Wanted I'nlon Job. l per day, I hours wntk Will allow Iranapnrtaiion for ln-n that will etsy at les.t one month Muat be flrst-rtasa meihsnlra. Apply U'eMs Hroe. Cnnsiruition Co. st Juhn Slorrell plant. Ottumwa, Is. COt ilC WAN'TKb NlTlUT iImTVT! AP. HI.Y Ciller. HOTKI. FONTKN F.I.I. R. HAIlVfcHT HANDS WANTKti 204 har vest hands, good wage, repnrt In per son to Town Marshal, Yuma. I'olo. Mechanics Wanted, Experienced. Scott Motor Car Co., 3016 Harney St. Ha. 0010 MEN WANTED. FOR ORAVFL HAULING. Several excellent Jcba open. Men on this work now earning 121 to Sll per day. Muet be reliable and able to buy truck, paying part rash, balance from earnings Quick action Is nsceasary aa limit ed number only can be taken cars of. When replying give phone No. If possible. Addrees Box W-110. Omaha Bee. MEN To Qualify for positions In traffic and shipping dspartmants, railroad and Industrial, foreign and domeatlo ship ping: salaries excellent., witn unlimited chence for advancement: experience not absolutely neceesary, ir determination to learn. This is no employment agency, hut a real chance for men with ambition. Answer, giving preaent employment, age and telephone number: all Information atrlctly confidential.. Addraas W-141. Omaha Bee. COLORED lebor wanted for paving job, Apply Weetern Aaphait Paving Corpora tion, Independence, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED Wholesale travel er for eouthwestern Iowa, who haa had retail experience. Ths Strobber Piano Co., Cedar Rapids, la. SALESMEN WANTED Exclusive terri tory, liberal commission: should bavs Ford car. Box W-114. Omaha Bee. WANTED MARRIED MEN, NEAT APPEARING. AND GOOD TALKERS. WHO CAN FUR NISH REFERENCES TO QUALIFY FOR 1100 PER WEEK JOBS. 433 SECURITIES BUILDING. WANTED Mail clerk for lame Omaha hotel young man with some experience preferred; state particulars In first letter. Address Box W-115. Omaha Bee. WANTED man to buy truck and take over transfer business; unusually reasonable terms. DO. 441. Evo or Sun. HA. 4004. Week days. DO. 8441. FEMALE HELP WANTED Typist Wanted Typist wanted wha also known general office vfL Must be capable, neat, ce urate speedy worker. fttate experience and education. Large office, per manent position. Address Box W-142, Omaha Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Grain Bookkeeper Thoroughly experienced In all depts. of the business will be available for position Aug. 1. Minneapolis and Omaha raferences. p. O. Box 434, Minneapolis, Minn. MR. Employer or Mrs. Housewife. READ These Ads It Is impossible for these wortby people to talk with all of vou faco to face ao they have used this column as a means of notifying TOU that they want to work for TOU. STENOGRAPHER Man, some experi ence, desires position. Salary 118 week up. WA. 0991. WANT Job working around house for room snd board. Box W-11S, Omaha Bee. COLORED woman wants day work. WE. I. at). WHITE woman wants laundry work. KE. DAY work wanted. References. WE. 4004. DAY work wanted WE. 6044. i ATTRACTIONS WHETHER you're Interested in getting attractions or want to get placed, read and use thla classification. You'd be sur prised to learn how many concession and "free attraction" people take The Omaha Bee so tHey can keep in touch with tne various celebrations advertised. DOLLS, BALLOONS, RUBBER BALLS, NOVELTIES. Ask for catalogue. Globe Novelty Co.. KOfi Farnam St.. Omeha. Neb. THE "Melody Five" Jazx band. Joe Drake, WK. &37Z. 18Z3 IN. Z3d 8t. LEE LARMON fS SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM 8TREET. L. HENDERSON. HOT Farnam. JA. 1244. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. J A. 1104. FUNERAL DIRECTORS fillip A BATH A DAY THE HEW ROOD A0T0 rlATIC WATER HEATER Number 95 Built to supply enough Hot Watsr foi the average home at a price the average home-owner can pay. A small payment puts one in your home, balance monthly with gas bills. Continuous satisfactory performance is guaranteed by a WATER HEATER EXPERIENCE zteacliag over 25 years. Telephone Commercial Dept. Metropolitan Utilities Dial. GAS DEPARTUERT 1BOS Hawawtl Straw , DOagU F. J. STACK & CO., Successor to Stack a Falconer OMAHA'S BEST. IAMBULANCEf Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmere. Phono HA. 0244. Office 1411 Farnam. LARKIN BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 481 3 SO. Z4TH Hulse & Riepen, Funeral Directors. 1124 Cumfog. CROSBY-MOORE 'ipl. PERSONALS THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlns. Ws collect. Wo distribute. Phono DO. 413S snd our wagon will call Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1111-1114 Dodge St. MAGNETIC baths; Violet Ray treatment wnp massages. 14 8. nth, at. nil SULPHUR-batha, Swedlah massage, chl ropody. Evenings to S. SOS a 40th at. WOODWARD'S Message 1740 Leaven worth. Office I, tire., 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. ELECTRIC BATHS for nervouana Sill. WE. EXPERT MAS8AOE. ATLANTIC 0441. FISHER baths, massage. 180 Arthur Bldg. RENT vecoum cleaners 7Sc HA. 1071. MA88AGE. Emms Brott. 1717 Webster. MATERNITT HOME. 1011 Emmett. EXPERT massage. 110 No. 17th LOST AND FOUND LOST 8uttcaae, neer Valley, on Lincoln highway. Elsto Jaeggl. Columbus. Neb.; reward. LOST Gold wrlat watch bet. 14 and IS en LeaVw'th. REWARD. Call HA. 0114. ST RATED RM sow. C P. snd Crover. HA 444S. Wilson. 41d liOaTsSeM calf kaitoe, Caeae Kfi, S404, EDUCATIONAL DAY 8CHOOL NIQHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting; railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil aervlce and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 154S for large Illustrated catalog. Address Boyles College Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Men, ladles and boye to learn barber trade; big demand; wsgee while learning; atrlctly modern. Call or writs 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schoola. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dousiae 0&90. DO you want to increase your Income t Write the National Auto SchooL 1414 N. 20th St.. Omaha, for catalog. MDI.ER RASBKR COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Write for catalog. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 601 Karbacb Blk. J A. 1081. CLOTHING AND FURS DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. For sale, a few unclaimed, alt-wool "Dundee" eutts, cheap, alterations froe. Northwest Cor. 14th and Harney Sts. FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 1121. 100 N. 16th St. I. FelcTman. ARMT ahoea 12 10. 704 No. 14th. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LOOK ever our list of used cars. THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET. Mtc Farnam gt. AT. 7814. cKEE inspection and water tor all makes battery. Battery and Parte Co.. 1414 Farnam St.. AT. 4314. I'SED CARS. O. N. Bonncy Motor Co., IT, 6 4 Farnam, USED cara worth your money. The No braaka Oldsmobilo Co. 14th aud Howard Sta. AT. 1774. USED Ford parts at half price. Parte for all stsndsrd"lnaks cara Neb. Auto Parts. 1I4 Harney St. ASK about our t-day Auto Repslnt P-rv-Ice. PFEIFFER'S, : Leavenworth. USED radiators, all makes for sale. Green ouga Radiator Repair. 2411 Farnam. FOR SALE Ford with d-llvery box. S"0. BARGAIN. Call WE. IJ. USED Fords, all models. Co., 1114 Cnmlng. Lied Ford Car ONE good Maxwell touring for as Jo, chaap, AT. 144T. r UOU.T. aspect aato UUnatec. Ui sV ttta. 4 er otT