Clark. . state Mientt Out Hyer became the owner of new (jold hcrifl' Mar. surmounted by a note! spread I'lfwiiicn iu nun inc cnuri home yesterday afternoon by Sher The Har, in addition to notifying all concerned that the wearer it I. t :s k uncrin 01 rsenrasiu, na en Braved on its surface the eal of th state of Nebraska. ine presentation was made when Hyer and (Jus Millrr. superintend cut of the tar reformatory. Lin coin, called at Clark' ortice to cn deavor to nuke Fred Brown break mi verbal trike. . Fetter Makes Speech. W. A. Foster, chief deputy in the uougut county ahcrifl oltice. made il.n.t ....u : l : -i. l - ..t : i m 1 1 v i aiiiiii in wiiii ii lie ruiifiscvl Hyeri for his co-operation with law . . A' ' I cmorccuicni oiimais. "Especially do the officials in this office wish to have this Rift under stood to he a token of the excellent work done by Gus Myers in chasing Fred Brown across two states and finally ranturmcr him." Foster laid. IC Hvers merelv said "Thank vou." Then Hyer. Miller and Clark went to Fred Brown s cell. "How are you feeling today tirown.' Miller asked. "Better." he replied. Prefers Penitent;ary. "Would you rather go hack to Lincoln and wait for your trial at the .1 ..... 1 vt u.. penitentiary man iu siay iicrc: ers questioned. HV.. d. ...... :.t "Vhat seems to be the matter?" Miller asked. "The blood sems to be rushing to my head," he said. "I think I'll be v. ts uetter in a tew cays. r !'. i I mrt vaii at Plaits mouth once when you worked for . . . ?. . ii :ii tne lien rsiscuu company. Miner cominucu. "No. at Valley,;' Brown said. "Do you want me to take any word to your children?" Miller questioned. "No, they are too young to under stand," Brown replied. Box Car Jumps Track and Plnws TrirniiBri RiiilfHnfe Broken Bow, Neb., July 15.-(Spe- ciai.j ine j. n. Aieiviue mmuer company suffered damage to their building when a boxcar on a local treignt, switching in me . yaras segment of Colfax county and re ports to the state department the combined valuation for last year was $43,567,530 and this year $41,155,935, 5'i per cent. Preciilrnt Annointi Four Nebraska Postuimtfri washiiigion. July 15. iSpecu Telfaram.l .The followinv nol Sheriff Gus Hvers Given Gold Bad p D masters have been appointed in Ne for Brown Capture : JZn I Snyder, resigned; Gem, Lciiaii coun an iiHiiiiiiy, viff nuurii i.. Star, Surmounted ly a Gold Garrison, resigned; Huxley. Custer eountv. Mrs. lrma 1.. Smith vire Spread Eagle, Presented by Sheriff. Mike THB 8UNPAT -ee: OMAHA. JULY 16. 1922. 9 A county, Mrs. Jrma L. Smith, vice Hattie A. Lowry, deceased; Imhof, I tlfWIlmm nillllU mmtlnaas II A 1 1 a fiwi'iaam kwm'ij, itlUI a-'. VVUIt vice Lonnte McMurtry, declined. Deaths Hllhuf Van !. fm IV I thus Van AmA at hia hnm here Ha had b-n itl fur v rai fi) wim typnaia nvr. CnlUway Tha funarsl of Hay Oilmnra, who tlld at hla hom aaal of fallaway. waa h-lt hr. air. Otlrpora mini hra from tha aaa(ro part of tha alata a fw Mrs. Mmrim P. W-pd Ul.lAA 0 f . wJk ... . Ik III....., fx of rurnaa county, wa hurid hrt. Hha wm ntariy ? yaara oio at ma uma ni h-r daattt and the oldaat iltuB of lha ounty Miiaii. u.ia nmwm imii, Baflra Funar aervitaa for Wtlliam Ball, II. wara held hr. conducted by Ik... W I 11 . a W - rf T, (i, tUf-aitli t W a) lit Miutat raildani of lha county and had lived hara ior ii yaara. na waa oauva vi reun- eytvani. inrm r rv ar . n Writ Point Tha funaral of Mr a, Frad is. .i.ii.. a. i ... lk. vnutr - nr letisin stcinc tiuaisfivw. - eeeied waa II yaara of afa and an old- lima raaioani oi inia cuy, comma; nr Waal Point Mra. J. Huo. mothar of a, nuo ni ni9 viir mvw or Aiq nere ei me r ka ... S . U t Sa Stan Van . w i .....i... k. v Here uneei fwwn wm w f nitn ar, nprrrmr, time raaldant of Colfax county, dti-d at S.I. I 1- . A . .-..III. VT .riaa a nie p"nie in nvnuiriunTim, l linvarinar liinaaa. nia enter, .mre, ivnv of Bchuvlar. waa at hit a Me whan death eame. Ha waa a member of tha Nebraska lagiaiatura in aai, inq wu one mn auparlntandant of hlfh achool and later euperinipnaent o vsm p,i-. In '17 ha rcretved an appointment to a pneiunn in ini rinaion uianuinn Waahlnfton, D, C. Ha waa a civil war veteran a the Mth Ohio Infantry. Tha bedy waa burled In tha National came tary at nina;iofi run amnvuii, AMim Taiiand nflti Turnbull. horia buy er rftaitiant of thla o ty. d ad at tna i knantta 1 fitMnwlnsr a nrier ill UClli imaKOKi r. m u. W.B . atatli nf Rcntlantl and uni, lie wt p""'o ; haa nn relaUvea In thla eountry, aa far aa known, runarai aervicw were rm from tne oaoaea unaeriemna pmui., Interment waa mad in tha Grand laland cemeiery. nf.ii.a nAttaiirViAF i 1 e. former atudont at the Grand Ialand Bualneaa col- ai.j k . a, Vrnfia hnanft&l here after an extended lllneea. Tha re- mama, accompaniea vy m ""' taken 10 ma nnnie i here burial tooK place. nnrnie u"i' . Atitin Hltrhrock died flt trie i K- alalar M rfl T. f?. RrOWII. h.m following a lingeriiMf Ulnesa. e waa 7 veara of act. Surviving mm are iwo aiater. Mra. L. C. Brown, Grand lalana, if r f l aiai r r Tjinn. la. Ifll ana aire. i. w-.vk.-j. -- - ncrat lervicw were held from tha Gdde unri.rtHHIna parlon, Rev. Rica of tha ;.v..B..L, o.. ,.6 ... ...v . church. officiating. Burial jumped the track ana plOWCd along JooK piaCa In tha Grand Ialand oame ine soum siae ot ine omce uuiiuuig, try. tearincr out windows and doors and v i.i. badly damaging the roof. J. A. Mel- Colver P. Davl, 74. died at the home v.iie, wno was at a des 0Mhi .r jicar me urai wiuuuw, ncaiu '" trouble. Hll widow, tnree .onu aim warning just in time to escape. d.ui ht.ra .urviv him. The a I h.M frnm the rldenpa nf Mra. wyari. -( . n v 1 V '. ' ... i..-.i .h. i.,vli Tha re ouax county rroperiy ". u., for Value Shrinks j L-z reir Lent " Schuyler, Neb., July 15. (Spe- eial.l Harrv McNallv. eountv as- Mr!-..f 0"e,.fr?v ;c "p-T hoant raraA. piid .mn1Va4 1r.cfrHf n( SI!. i .' - .AnntUalnn nf AltmentB. Th a ar- I i-.rn.inf ftficomDan ed by a aon, were taken to Anselmo, wnere ouna-wiu place. n . a Tilu . . C-rat tnAlirit tne IMr. ana wra. ueorso a.- ... ----lou ef their little son. aged J"' wh .i..v a t the home loliowing brief lllneea. Funeral aervicea .wer,c?J: ducted from tne nome, Preabyterlan church officiating. Inter ment took place in the Orand Ieland cemetery. John C. Fmell. John C Fezzell. 77, a well known resi dent of Orand Island, died at hia home following an extended illness. Surviving him i an only daughter, Mary, who U bow bereft of both parent. Mra. Feazell having paaaed away four montha ago. The deceased waa for many years an em ploye of the Union Pacific here. Ha was ai.U a Civil war TCl.l.H. rui.c.a. -w were held from the BaptiBt church, Rev. nun omtuaunK. ' Jauriai iuuk pm 111 bii. Oraad Ialand cemtery. Mission Meeting at Tarkio Planned Cojifrmu'e to Bf Held Au gust 19 to 27 With Many Re fiown Mi.onarit I'n'sent. The dates for the Tarkio Miiou ary conference held annually at Tarkio, Mo., (or the latt II years have heen fixed (or Aueut 19 to 27, Dr. Mills J. Taylor o I'hiladelphia and Kred C. MacMillan of Ucs Moines, well-known coal operator and Christian worker, recently made a trip around the world vititing mn sions, especially those in l'Kypt,.tne uilan, Abyssinia and northwest India. Miss Mary J. Caniplicll, organizer for the W. C. T. U. in India: I nomas A. Lamhie, M. D., founder of a hospital at Sayo, Abyssinia; Dr. V. B. Anderson, for many years a missionary in the Punjab, India, and now corresponding secretary of the board of foreign missions of the I'nited I'resbyterian church, and. Dr. VV. W. White, president of the Bible Teachers' Training school in New York city and brother of J. Campbell White, will each deliver evening addresses. Dr, W. W. White will have charge of the Bible hour for adults and Mist Mary J. Campbell that for young people each day throughout the conference. Democratic Harmony Club Organized at Tecum sen Tccumseh, Neb., July IS. (Spe cial. )t-The Johnson County Dcmor cratic Harmony club has been or ganized. Officers have been chosen as follows: G. A. Dunlap, president; Dr. C. D. Barnes, secretary. The officers of the club announce the fol lowing ticket for club support at the Xucsday primary: For United States senator, Gilbert M. Hitchcock: for governor, Charles W. Bryan ; for lieu tenant governor, W. J. Nichols; for attorney general, Kenneth W. Mc Donald, for state treasurer, A. V. Johnson; for congressman, First dis trict, John n. Morehead. Fiirium of Cat County I to Replant Hailed Land I l'Uittnouth, Ntb., July IS (Spe- rial.) One hundred and tilty farmers of central Css county met at Murray to discuss methods to overcome tne dertruction wrought by Monday s wind and hail storm which swept a path four mile wide across Cats count v -and raucd dam. age estimated at $I,J50.000. l'resent at the meeting were County Ann cultural Agent L. R. Sninrs and Profersor Burr of the Nebraska 'Agricultural college, who is an ex pert on crop planting. The lateness of the season makes it a hard matter to find crops suitable for replanting, i'rofessor Burr explained the point of the different crops rugcested, in cludina- sweet corn. 90-day corn and katTir corn, sudan grass (or pasture and hay, and buckwheat. The idea that appealed most to the gathering was the sowing of millet for a croo of hay and pasture for their stock. In order to save time thoie replanting were urged to plant between the present rows and thus save the time ot repreparation of the land. This is the wort storm on record in Cass county since the great hail storm in irSaJ. Legion Posts of Furnaj County Meet at Cambridge Arapahoe, Neb., July IS. (Spe cial.) The annual convention of the American Legion posts of Furnas county, held in Cambridge, drew a large crowd trom ail over tne county, a i. ,.A 4 ill bucking broncho contast, baseball came and concerts by the Oxford, Arapahoe and Cambridge bands were features of the day. State Commander Ritchie was present. ADVKRTINKMENT, Eyes Strained If your eyes are work-strained or tired; If your vision la dim or blurred If It bothers you to read; if your eyea burn or Itrh or ache; If you wear glasses, get a bottle of Bon-Oplo tablets front your druggist, dissolve one In a fourtb of a glass of water and use from two to four limes a day to bathe tbe eyes. Bon Opt o has brought comfort and relief to thousands. Net: Deetate aar Bon-Opto trmtthfoe ty ststoi 10 aar eaila a waak'a tiaeia mtnj ioauacae. Mr Rose t.p. 60. a resident of Ansel- ' . . a l . s tin I m n ft n Til Business Activities - , Cafe to Open. Beatrtea, Neb. Theo Jackson of Falls Cty and Gus Karon of Beatrloe have rented the room In the Buchanan block, Kent Court street, where they will open an up-to-date cafe in about two weeks. The room la bow being remodeled and decorated. Business Men Organise. Syracuse, Neb. The business men of mt and formed an assoclstion for mutual protection and the sdvancement of the business Interests and civic Im provement of Syracuse. It will be known as the Syracuse Business Men's association and will meet the second and fourth Wed nesday evenings of each month regularly. The officers selected are:H. O. Hughes, president; W. N. Hunter. Secretary; Jamea Falrhead. treasurer. Tha association will ask for better ordinances governing Itine rant peddlers, solicitors and hawkers within the village, for the protection of their cltlsens and buainesa houses. Install New Equipment. Burohard The Burehafd Telephone company Is installing new equipment at Its offices. No interruption of service waa experienced during the remodeling. Buys Interest In Elevator. raw nn Cltv Bert Btchlson. auctioneer. has purchased half interest In the Paw nee Oraln company's elevator hera, and will assist Vern Howard, present operator, in conducting tbe plant. ' Buys Plattsmouth Store. Plattsmouth Frank Fanger, former Omaha young man. who has been here two years conducting a general store, purchased at receiver's sale the buildings, stock snd other real estate of the firm of E. G. Dovey & Son. oldest commercial establishment in Plattsmouth. The triple front buildings on Main street alone are considered worth the price paid for the entire property, $23,090. The former $40. 000 stock has been depleted through pre vious sales until its present Invoice value will not exceed $10,000, It is said. Mr. Fanger will Improve, tha property with tha addition of new, rnodern fronts. Weddings Morgan-Green. York Dr. Vincent Morgan and Miss Bess Green were married at St. Joseph church. Rev. Father Cullen officiating. Strong-Ssaita. Orand Island Tha marrlaga of Ktn. rtth W. Strong aad Mies Ceclle Ooldie Smith, both of Aurora. Ne., took place at the First Christian church in this city. Rev. Morton L. Rosa officiating. They will reside at Aurora, Bennetaon-atattMeMa. ' Orand Island Tha marriage of Miss Lillian Matthiesen and Harry Bennetaon, both ef thla city, took plaeo recently in tha presence of a few Immediate rela tives. After a few days at Lake Okoboli. la., ther will reside In thla rity. the groom being engaged la railroading here. Trout-Smith. Orand Island Miss LJIa Smith, Aurora, and Ralph Trout, Haraord. were united in marriage at the First Christisn church by Rev. Uvrton L. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Trout will reside at Harvard rOMTWAL ADVERTISEMENT, ADVERTISEMENT. Be Careful What You Wash Your Hair With Most soaps and prepared sham poos contain too much alkali, which Is very Injurious, as it dries the scalp And makes the hair brittle. ' The best -thing to use is Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap and beats anything else all to pieces. You can get Mulsified at any drug stfore, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Two or three teaspoonfuls of Mul sified in a cup or glass with a little warm water is all that is required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to handle. Besides, It loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Be sure your druggist gives you Mulsified. ADVERTISEMENT. For Sore Feet V Peterson's Ointment To the millions of users of Peter aon'a Ointment, Peterson says, "Don't fail to use it for sore, in flamed aching feet; it does the work over night." Best for piles, old sores, eczema, itching and pimply skin. Airdruzgists, 35c, 60c, $1.00, $2.50, $5.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. will supply you. rOI.TTICAI. ADVERTISEMENT Vote for SAM K. GREENLEAF for County Treasurer And Reduce) Your Taxes VOTE FOR: T.j.CRONIN riogiaeslea RaawMkaa far Lieutenant Governor ADVOCATES Repeal ot tha Kseh-Cuaaiiaa taw. Restoration 2-ceat Passenger ana tower ireiaat rates. Coast? aaacrrlasaa aC gaa, (treat car. V. and Douglas Coanty. Redaction la salaries paid state, county Officials. Coeuohaatas tax automobiles rased oa yearly Stricter sanculslea ef state beaks. Friarttr riant ta. ea-u a etas school land leases. War retahsias the primary system aatias; aeneous. aa asm agalaat aay Mastrial emrt ra taie three years ia Omaha. . Fare Law telephone In Omaha and city valuation. of nemi- Tairty- $1 to $2 Per Week Buys a Piano or Player These Bargains Mean Money in Your Pocket We have 200 splendid and unequaled bargains in used Pianos and Phonographs waiting for your selection. Our factory experts have overhauled each and every one and we absolutely guarantee that your dollars will do double duty this month in the purchase of a used Grand, Upright, Player Piano or Phonograph. These used in--itruments are oaes we have taken in trade on new ones or have been returned from rental. Terms as low as $1. per week will be made if desired. $148.00 Buy an excellent Wellington Upright, mahogany case, with stool and scarf. . Terms, $1.00 pe" week. $275.00 ill Buys 'a Hartford Player Piano. Complete with bench, scarf and $10.00 worth of rolls. SAVE MONEY, BUY YOUR PIANO, PLAYER OR PHONOGRAPH NOW. Emerson Sq. Grand $30.00 Mahogany Upright ....$68.00 Schubert Upright '.$98.00 Shoninger Upright ...$1X8.00 J. C. Fischer Upright, $122.00 Lagonda Upright $145.00 Willard Upright $175.00 Kimball Upright $198.00 Schiller Upright $218.00 Wearer Upright $220.00 Stager aV Sons Upright, $225.00 Schmoller & Mueller. .$250.00 Sohmer Upright $285.00 A. B. Chase Upright. .$350.00 Mansfield Player ....$175.00 Hartford Player $275.00 Arteshis Player $348.00 Aeolian Player $350.00 Schmoller & Mueller, $388.00 Solo Concert Player . .$425.00 PHONOGRAPHS Grafonola, Oak $17.50 Grafonola, Mah $21.00 Victrola, Oak $24.00 Portophone $30.00 Teletone, Oak $62.00 Schmoller & Mueller. . .$80.00 VictroJa, Oak $98.00 r"',s4iiven Away Absolutely tree So many prospective customers have asked us to extend the period of our FREE Radio Receiving Set Which Radio Receiving Set , we give with the purchase of every Piano, Player Piano or Phonograph, that we will continue the policy for a short time. COME IN NOW IF YOU WANT AN EFFI CIENT . AND FREE RADIO RECEIVING SET. It will be sent with your purchase to your home as soon as you place your order. Your purchase may also be the means of your receiv ing our GRAND PRIZE, A COMPLETE Radio Receiving Set, one which wvill rival that of the most exacting radio amateur in the covyitry. For every cash purchase of $5.00 or over, you will be given a number. The lucky number holder will receive the set on Labor Day. Come in this week and make your purchase. It is bargain week in our huge store. Remember we stock everything in music from a Mouth Harp to a Steinway Concert Grand. If You Live Outside of Omaha, Fill in the Coupon , . ,( I Name 7. , i a I Address , I am interested in receiving a FREE Radio Receiving Set and tht bargain I have marked with an "X." Please send me detailed ' information as to its appearance, tone, terms, etc. i I ' . ' , dmolkr&jl1cJ2rPtaito( i , s CASHV CREDIT 'MamsMMi I 413-15.17 South"l6th Stjl YEAR A HALF aa ' fc afcaafcmssBasaWaTI 5 Piece. Italian Renaissance Dining Suite Rich ltUn Oik Finish Here is a splendid value in a five-piece Dining Hoom Suite An exquisitely designed reprodAc tion built of fini'Rt materials. Table top is 45x60 inches and extends to full six feet. Ths sturdy chairs are upholstered in genuitie blut leather. High grade in every senbo of the word. Host chair may be had to match this auitc. Fivs icces, table and four chairs, Special for This Week "j J ' I Real Bargains in Other lj(ltftWl J Diiunff Room Hks& . w Jim II 1 $36i Solve Your Gas Range Problem Here Our experience with the Baker Una enables us to recommend them very highly to our patrons. AVe are in receipt at this tlmo, or an entire carload of thess quality gas ranges, and make a special Inducement in price for ion wee K b selling. Do not fill to Investi gate this bar gain. Only ... Very Special Queen Anne Mahogany Davenport Table V (f n AFullr 1 Ml I If Guaranteed Baker If III II II Gas Range If WW n v f We Defy You to Duplicate This! Bought specially for tomorrow's selling! Don't miss .i.: i n ifivfin innlipe p-xtra large size. Has UUBi 9 JLUiA - " ...... U . rounded comers, similar to cut; neatly trimmed wnn. ,carvings. A guaranteed genuine jo.uu , value; special while our supply lasts,' at :22H See the Sellers June Bride Cabinet Uoko Aip Suites You'll Surely Want at This Special Sale Price ... . 1 V.nnn a. A mm. ami Offering two patterns, both very attractive Sr at 29,00wbile they last, this week complete ; Display on Our Main Saks Floor $138H -Mahogany Finish Priscilla Sewing Cabinet Contains sliding", handy tray at ton Fine construction and finish. A $10 value. Hartman's price, ay BT i my $7.5U This Wrought Iron Bridge Lamp adiS!.hLWith htandsom. decorated, adjustable Parchment shade. Base wlredrICAs POlychrome- Completely illustrated, $12.50 .J :t KsTGrTTal 9x12 Royal Wiltons A quality rug finished with linen fringe. All colors in a splendid range of designs. Values ranj- C7Q CkK. Ing up to $100, special at V UaaU , 9x12 Seamless Velvets. Some attractive Oriental and Persian ei fecta. All perfect In every way. GfOA QC J42.50 values for this sale 27x54 Inch Size Washable Rag Rugs In mixed colora. Juat the thing for bedrooms QK for summer. Very special, at etJv fJUsfllC High Chair DUOFOLD SALE End Table II Rll ft fC! Just as shown, All finishes, in hidh grade &t la eften ad- II mMM. JiValViJ wlth new style Spanish Moleskin upholstery, vertised. A $13.59 Good Furniture is Td ffnh VZ ohiUVflSi I thp Gift Endurinir in oak, golden finish S72.60 vaiuea at- ,Ihat i me yiit Maunng in and only o QC I Service and Affection. , -A oe $o.7D I $5.95 - 1559.85 s$tt&rrf 4 Complete Kitchen Uutfit W, W WS01Y!& Sirfeij 1 MhMe Enamel Caalra-Bow flJO QK J vStC-tv iX5fEa A cBl . w 7 7a QCi?SQ A KMrhaai TaMa White enamel; aluminum lmvi Cjfl n,etaI' tP' A '10'4 BKS&CTfniu"y. $16.75 Jjl FMmfiTTTftbm fona;olesa Paul x9 feet. .1.- BO 7K I Jr3f?5Ssmfll. Handsome pattern , l